path: root/memory/replace/dmd/test/test_dmd.js
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2018-05-23 16:31:42 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2018-05-23 16:31:42 +0200
commitfcd7ee3c886c435f178230b13d0b0cb0c9c40c53 (patch)
treeabfa8d9a272d739ffe2d92bfcf57d9fd5f7e5157 /memory/replace/dmd/test/test_dmd.js
parent612459488e5810335c493c467c239c40787cc1d3 (diff)
Remove the Dark Matter Detector (DMD) Memeory debugger component.
This resolves #376.
Diffstat (limited to 'memory/replace/dmd/test/test_dmd.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/memory/replace/dmd/test/test_dmd.js b/memory/replace/dmd/test/test_dmd.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d4b90dd..000000000
--- a/memory/replace/dmd/test/test_dmd.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-*/
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components
-// The xpcshell test harness sets PYTHON so we can read it here.
-var gEnv = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment);
-var gPythonName = gEnv.get("PYTHON");
-// If we're testing locally, the executable file is in "CurProcD". Otherwise,
-// it is in another location that we have to find.
-function getExecutable(aFilename) {
- let file = FileUtils.getFile("CurProcD", [aFilename]);
- if (!file.exists()) {
- file = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", []);
- while (file.path.includes("xpcshell")) {
- file = file.parent;
- }
- file.append("bin");
- file.append(aFilename);
- }
- return file;
-var gIsWindows = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime).OS === "WINNT";
-var gDmdTestFile = getExecutable("SmokeDMD" + (gIsWindows ? ".exe" : ""));
-var gDmdScriptFile = getExecutable("");
-var gScanTestFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", [""]);
-function readFile(aFile) {
- let fstream = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
- let cstream = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIConverterInputStream);
- fstream.init(aFile, -1, 0, 0);
- cstream.init(fstream, "UTF-8", 0, 0);
- let data = "";
- let str = {};
- let read = 0;
- do {
- // Read as much as we can and put it in str.value.
- read = cstream.readString(0xffffffff, str);
- data += str.value;
- } while (read != 0);
- cstream.close(); // this closes fstream
- return data.replace(/\r/g, ""); // normalize line endings
-function runProcess(aExeFile, aArgs) {
- let process = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIProcess);
- process.init(aExeFile);
-* blocking = */true, aArgs, aArgs.length);
- return process.exitValue;
-function test(aPrefix, aArgs) {
- // DMD writes the JSON files to CurWorkD, so we do likewise here with
- // |actualFile| for consistency. It is removed once we've finished.
- let expectedFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", [aPrefix + "-expected.txt"]);
- let actualFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", [aPrefix + "-actual.txt"]);
- // Run on the JSON file, producing |actualFile|.
- let args = [
- gDmdScriptFile.path,
- "--filter-stacks-for-testing",
- "-o", actualFile.path
- ].concat(aArgs);
- runProcess(new FileUtils.File(gPythonName), args);
- // Compare |expectedFile| with |actualFile|. We produce nice diffs with
- // /usr/bin/diff on systems that have it (Mac and Linux). Otherwise (Windows)
- // we do a string compare of the file contents and then print them both if
- // they don't match.
- let success;
- try {
- let rv = runProcess(new FileUtils.File("/usr/bin/diff"),
- ["-u", expectedFile.path, actualFile.path]);
- success = rv == 0;
- } catch (e) {
- let expectedData = readFile(expectedFile);
- let actualData = readFile(actualFile);
- success = expectedData === actualData;
- if (!success) {
- expectedData = expectedData.split("\n");
- actualData = actualData.split("\n");
- for (let i = 0; i < expectedData.length; i++) {
- print("EXPECTED:" + expectedData[i]);
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < actualData.length; i++) {
- print(" ACTUAL:" + actualData[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- ok(success, aPrefix);
- actualFile.remove(true);
-// Run on the JSON file and see if it succeeds.
-function scanTest(aJsonFilePath, aExtraArgs) {
- let args = [
- gScanTestFile.path,
- aJsonFilePath,
- ].concat(aExtraArgs);
- return runProcess(new FileUtils.File(gPythonName), args) == 0;
-function run_test() {
- let jsonFile, jsonFile2;
- // These tests do complete end-to-end testing of DMD, i.e. both the C++ code
- // that generates the JSON output, and the script that post-processes that
- // output.
- //
- // Run these synchronously, because test() updates the complete*.json files
- // in-place (to fix stacks) when it runs, and that's not safe to do
- // asynchronously.
- gEnv.set(gEnv.get("DMD_PRELOAD_VAR"), gEnv.get("DMD_PRELOAD_VALUE"));
- runProcess(gDmdTestFile, []);
- function test2(aTestName, aMode) {
- let name = "complete-" + aTestName + "-" + aMode;
- jsonFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", [name + ".json"]);
- test(name, [jsonFile.path]);
- jsonFile.remove(true);
- }
- // Please keep this in sync with RunTests() in SmokeDMD.cpp.
- test2("empty", "live");
- test2("empty", "dark-matter");
- test2("empty", "cumulative");
- test2("full1", "live");
- test2("full1", "dark-matter");
- test2("full2", "dark-matter");
- test2("full2", "cumulative");
- test2("partial", "live");
- // Heap scan testing.
- jsonFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", ["basic-scan.json"]);
- ok(scanTest(jsonFile.path), "Basic scan test");
- let is64Bit = Components.classes[";1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULRuntime).is64Bit;
- let basicScanFileName = "basic-scan-" + (is64Bit ? "64" : "32");
- test(basicScanFileName, ["--clamp-contents", jsonFile.path]);
- ok(scanTest(jsonFile.path, ["--clamp-contents"]), "Scan with address clamping");
- // Run the generic test a second time to ensure that the first time produced
- // valid JSON output. "--clamp-contents" is passed in so we don't have to have
- // more variants of the files.
- test(basicScanFileName, ["--clamp-contents", jsonFile.path]);
- jsonFile.remove(true);
- // These tests only test the post-processing script. They use hand-written
- // JSON files as input. Ideally the JSON files would contain comments
- // explaining how they work, but JSON doesn't allow comments, so I've put
- // explanations here.
- // This just tests that stack traces of various lengths are truncated
- // appropriately. The number of records in the output is different for each
- // of the tested values.
- jsonFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", ["script-max-frames.json"]);
- test("script-max-frames-8",
- ["--max-frames=8", jsonFile.path]);
- test("script-max-frames-3",
- ["--max-frames=3", "--no-fix-stacks", jsonFile.path]);
- test("script-max-frames-1",
- ["--max-frames=1", jsonFile.path]);
- // This file has three records that are shown in a different order for each
- // of the different sort values. It also tests the handling of gzipped JSON
- // files.
- jsonFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", ["script-sort-by.json.gz"]);
- test("script-sort-by-usable",
- ["--sort-by=usable", jsonFile.path]);
- test("script-sort-by-req",
- ["--sort-by=req", "--no-fix-stacks", jsonFile.path]);
- test("script-sort-by-slop",
- ["--sort-by=slop", jsonFile.path]);
- test("script-sort-by-num-blocks",
- ["--sort-by=num-blocks", jsonFile.path]);
- // This file has several real stack traces taken from Firefox execution, each
- // of which tests a different allocator function (or functions).
- jsonFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", ["script-ignore-alloc-fns.json"]);
- test("script-ignore-alloc-fns",
- ["--ignore-alloc-fns", jsonFile.path]);
- // This tests "live"-mode diffs.
- jsonFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", ["script-diff-live1.json"]);
- jsonFile2 = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", ["script-diff-live2.json"]);
- test("script-diff-live",
- [jsonFile.path, jsonFile2.path]);
- // This tests "dark-matter"-mode diffs.
- jsonFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", ["script-diff-dark-matter1.json"]);
- jsonFile2 = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", ["script-diff-dark-matter2.json"]);
- test("script-diff-dark-matter",
- [jsonFile.path, jsonFile2.path]);