path: root/mailnews/imap/src/nsAutoSyncManager.h
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authorMatt A. Tobin <>2019-11-03 00:17:46 -0400
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2019-11-03 00:17:46 -0400
commit302bf1b523012e11b60425d6eee1221ebc2724eb (patch)
treeb191a895f8716efcbe42f454f37597a545a6f421 /mailnews/imap/src/nsAutoSyncManager.h
parent21b3f6247403c06f85e1f45d219f87549862198f (diff)
Issue #1258 - Part 1: Import mailnews, ldap, and mork from comm-esr52.9.1
Diffstat (limited to 'mailnews/imap/src/nsAutoSyncManager.h')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mailnews/imap/src/nsAutoSyncManager.h b/mailnews/imap/src/nsAutoSyncManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b98b7b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailnews/imap/src/nsAutoSyncManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef nsAutoSyncManager_h__
+#define nsAutoSyncManager_h__
+#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
+#include "nsStringGlue.h"
+#include "nsCOMArray.h"
+#include "nsIObserver.h"
+#include "nsIUrlListener.h"
+#include "nsITimer.h"
+#include "nsTObserverArray.h"
+#include "nsIAutoSyncManager.h"
+#include "nsIAutoSyncMsgStrategy.h"
+#include "nsIAutoSyncFolderStrategy.h"
+#include "prtime.h"
+class nsImapMailFolder;
+class nsIMsgDBHdr;
+class nsIIdleService;
+class nsIMsgFolder;
+/* Auto-Sync
+ *
+ * Background:
+ * it works only with offline imap folders. "autosync_offline_stores" pref
+ * enables/disables auto-sync mechanism. Note that setting "autosync_offline_stores"
+ * to false, or setting folder to not-offline doesn't stop synchronization
+ * process for already queued folders.
+ *
+ * Auto-Sync policy:
+ * o It kicks in during system idle time, and tries to download as much messages
+ * as possible based on given folder and message prioritization strategies/rules.
+ * Default folder prioritization strategy dictates to sort the folders based on the
+ * following order: INBOX > DRAFTS > SUBFOLDERS > TRASH.
+ * Similarly, default message prioritization strategy dictates to download the most
+ * recent and smallest message first. Also, by sorting the messages by size in the
+ * queue, it tries to maximize the number of messages downloaded.
+ * o It downloads the messages in groups. Default groups size is defined by |kDefaultGroupSize|.
+ * o It downloads the messages larger than the group size one-by-one.
+ * o If new messages arrive when not idle, it downloads the messages that do fit into
+ * |kFirstGroupSizeLimit| size limit immediately, without waiting for idle time, unless there is
+ * a sibling (a folder owned by the same imap server) in stDownloadInProgress state in the q
+ * o If new messages arrive when idle, it downloads all the messages without any restriction.
+ * o If new messages arrive into a folder while auto-sync is downloading other messages of the
+ * same folder, it simply puts the new messages into the folder's download queue, and
+ * re-prioritize the messages. That behavior makes sure that the high priority
+ * (defined by the message strategy) get downloaded first always.
+ * o If new messages arrive into a folder while auto-sync is downloading messages of a lower
+ * priority folder, auto-sync switches the folders in the queue and starts downloading the
+ * messages of the higher priority folder next time it downloads a message group.
+ * o Currently there is no way to stop/pause/cancel a message download. The smallest
+ * granularity is the message group size.
+ * o Auto-Sync manager periodically (kAutoSyncFreq) checks folder for existing messages
+ * w/o bodies. It persists the last time the folder is checked in the local database of the
+ * folder. We call this process 'Discovery'. This process is asynchronous and processes
+ * |kNumberOfHeadersToProcess| number of headers at each cycle. Since it works on local data,
+ * it doesn't consume lots of system resources, it does its job fast.
+ * o Discovery is necessary especially when the user makes a transition from not-offline
+ * to offline mode.
+ * o Update frequency is defined by nsMsgIncomingServer::BiffMinutes.
+ *
+ * Error Handling:
+ * o if the user moves/deletes/filters all messages of a folder already queued, auto-sync
+ * deals with that situation by skipping the folder in question, and continuing with the
+ * next in chain.
+ * o If the message size is zero, auto-sync ignores the message.
+ * o If the download of the message group fails for some reason, auto-sync tries to
+ * download the same group |kGroupRetryCount| times. If it still fails, continues with the
+ * next group of messages.
+ *
+ * Download Model:
+ * Parallel model should be used with the imap servers that do not have any "max number of sessions
+ * per IP" limit, and when the bandwidth is significantly large.
+ *
+ * How it really works:
+ * The AutoSyncManager gets an idle notification. First it processes any
+ * folders in the discovery queue (which means it schedules message download
+ * for any messages it previously determined it should download). Then it sets
+ * a timer, and in the timer callback, it processes the update q, by calling
+ * InitiateAutoSync on the first folder in the update q.
+ */
+ * Default strategy implementation to prioritize messages in the download queue.
+ */
+class nsDefaultAutoSyncMsgStrategy final : public nsIAutoSyncMsgStrategy
+ static const uint32_t kFirstPassMessageSize = 60U*1024U; // 60K
+ public:
+ nsDefaultAutoSyncMsgStrategy();
+ private:
+ ~nsDefaultAutoSyncMsgStrategy();
+ * Default strategy implementation to prioritize folders in the download queue.
+ */
+class nsDefaultAutoSyncFolderStrategy final : public nsIAutoSyncFolderStrategy
+ public:
+ nsDefaultAutoSyncFolderStrategy();
+ private:
+ ~nsDefaultAutoSyncFolderStrategy();
+// see the end of the page for auto-sync internals
+ * Manages background message download operations for offline imap folders.
+ */
+class nsAutoSyncManager final : public nsIObserver,
+ public nsIUrlListener,
+ public nsIAutoSyncManager
+ static const PRTime kAutoSyncFreq = 60UL * (PR_USEC_PER_SEC * 60UL); // 1hr
+ static const uint32_t kDefaultUpdateInterval = 10UL; // 10min
+ static const int32_t kTimerIntervalInMs = 400;
+ static const uint32_t kNumberOfHeadersToProcess = 250U;
+ // enforced size of the first group that will be downloaded before idle time
+ static const uint32_t kFirstGroupSizeLimit = 60U*1024U /* 60K */;
+ static const int32_t kIdleTimeInSec = 10;
+ static const uint32_t kGroupRetryCount = 3;
+ enum IdleState { systemIdle, appIdle, notIdle };
+ enum UpdateState { initiated, completed };
+ public:
+ nsAutoSyncManager();
+ private:
+ ~nsAutoSyncManager();
+ void SetIdleState(IdleState st);
+ IdleState GetIdleState() const;
+ nsresult StartIdleProcessing();
+ nsresult AutoUpdateFolders();
+ void ScheduleFolderForOfflineDownload(nsIAutoSyncState *aAutoSyncStateObj);
+ nsresult DownloadMessagesForOffline(nsIAutoSyncState *aAutoSyncStateObj, uint32_t aSizeLimit = 0);
+ nsresult HandleDownloadErrorFor(nsIAutoSyncState *aAutoSyncStateObj, const nsresult error);
+ // Helper methods for priority Q operations
+ static
+ void ChainFoldersInQ(const nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> &aQueue,
+ nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> &aChainedQ);
+ static
+ nsIAutoSyncState* SearchQForSibling(const nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> &aQueue,
+ nsIAutoSyncState *aAutoSyncStateObj, int32_t aStartIdx, int32_t *aIndex = nullptr);
+ static
+ bool DoesQContainAnySiblingOf(const nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> &aQueue,
+ nsIAutoSyncState *aAutoSyncStateObj, const int32_t aState,
+ int32_t *aIndex = nullptr);
+ static
+ nsIAutoSyncState* GetNextSibling(const nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> &aQueue,
+ nsIAutoSyncState *aAutoSyncStateObj, int32_t *aIndex = nullptr);
+ static
+ nsIAutoSyncState* GetHighestPrioSibling(const nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> &aQueue,
+ nsIAutoSyncState *aAutoSyncStateObj, int32_t *aIndex = nullptr);
+ /// timer to process existing keys and updates
+ void InitTimer();
+ static void TimerCallback(nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure);
+ void StopTimer();
+ void StartTimerIfNeeded();
+ /// pref helpers
+ uint32_t GetUpdateIntervalFor(nsIAutoSyncState *aAutoSyncStateObj);
+ protected:
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAutoSyncMsgStrategy> mMsgStrategyImpl;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAutoSyncFolderStrategy> mFolderStrategyImpl;
+ // contains the folders that will be downloaded on background
+ nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> mPriorityQ;
+ // contains the folders that will be examined for existing headers and
+ // adds the headers we don't have offline into the autosyncState
+ // object's download queue.
+ nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> mDiscoveryQ;
+ // contains the folders that will be checked for new messages with STATUS,
+ // and if there are any, we'll call UpdateFolder on them.
+ nsCOMArray<nsIAutoSyncState> mUpdateQ;
+ // this is the update state for the current folder.
+ UpdateState mUpdateState;
+ // This is set if auto sync has been completely paused.
+ bool mPaused;
+ // This is set if we've finished startup and should start
+ // paying attention to idle notifications.
+ bool mStartupDone;
+ private:
+ uint32_t mGroupSize;
+ IdleState mIdleState;
+ int32_t mDownloadModel;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIIdleService> mIdleService;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mTimer;
+ nsTObserverArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIAutoSyncMgrListener> > mListeners;
+How queues inter-relate:
+nsAutoSyncState has an internal priority queue to store messages waiting to be
+downloaded. nsAutoSyncMsgStrategy object determines the order in this queue,
+nsAutoSyncManager uses this queue to manage downloads. Two events cause a
+change in this queue:
+1) nsImapMailFolder::HeaderFetchCompleted: is triggered when TB notices that
+there are pending messages on the server -- via IDLE command from the server,
+via explicit select from the user, or via automatic Update during idle time. If
+it turns out that there are pending messages on the server, it adds them into
+nsAutoSyncState's download queue.
+2) nsAutoSyncState::ProcessExistingHeaders: is triggered for every imap folder
+every hour or so (see kAutoSyncFreq). nsAutoSyncManager uses an internal queue called Discovery
+queue to keep track of this task. The purpose of ProcessExistingHeaders()
+method is to check existing headers of a given folder in batches and discover
+the messages without bodies, in asynchronous fashion. This process is
+sequential, one and only one folder at any given time, very similar to
+indexing. Again, if it turns out that the folder in hand has messages w/o
+bodies, ProcessExistingHeaders adds them into nsAutoSyncState's download queue.
+Any change in nsAutoSyncState's download queue, notifies nsAutoSyncManager and
+nsAutoSyncManager puts the requesting nsAutoSyncState into its internal
+priority queue (called mPriorityQ) -- if the folder is not already there.
+nsAutoSyncFolderStrategy object determines the order in this queue. This queue
+is processed in two modes: chained and parallel.
+i) Chained: One folder per imap server any given time. Folders owned by
+different imap servers are simultaneous.
+ii) Parallel: All folders at the same time, using all cached-connections -
+a.k.a 'Folders gone wild' mode.
+The order the folders are added into the mPriorityQ doesn't matter since every
+time a batch completed for an imap server, nsAutoSyncManager adjusts the order.
+So, lets say that updating a sub-folder starts downloading message immediately,
+when an higher priority folder is added into the queue, nsAutoSyncManager
+switches to this higher priority folder instead of processing the next group of
+messages of the lower priority one. Setting group size too high might delay
+this switch at worst.
+And finally, Update queue helps nsAutoSyncManager to keep track of folders
+waiting to be updated. With the latest change, we update one and only one
+folder at any given time. Default frequency of updating is 10 min (kDefaultUpdateInterval).
+We add folders into the update queue during idle time, if they are not in mPriorityQ already.