path: root/dom/tests/browser/browser_bug396843.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /dom/tests/browser/browser_bug396843.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/tests/browser/browser_bug396843.js')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/tests/browser/browser_bug396843.js b/dom/tests/browser/browser_bug396843.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84d7e3b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/tests/browser/browser_bug396843.js
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+/** Test for Bug 396843 **/
+function testInDocument(doc, documentID) {
+ var allNodes = [];
+ var XMLNodes = [];
+ // HTML
+ function HTML_TAG(name) {
+ allNodes.push(doc.createElement(name));
+ }
+ /* List copy/pasted from nsHTMLTagList.h */
+ HTML_TAG("a", "Anchor")
+ HTML_TAG("abbr", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("acronym", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("address", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("applet", "SharedObject")
+ HTML_TAG("area", "Area")
+ HTML_TAG("b", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("base", "Shared")
+ HTML_TAG("basefont", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("bdo", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("bgsound", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("big", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("blockquote", "Shared")
+ HTML_TAG("body", "Body")
+ HTML_TAG("br", "BR")
+ HTML_TAG("button", "Button")
+ HTML_TAG("canvas", "Canvas")
+ HTML_TAG("caption", "TableCaption")
+ HTML_TAG("center", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("cite", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("code", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("col", "TableCol")
+ HTML_TAG("colgroup", "TableCol")
+ HTML_TAG("dd", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("del", "Mod")
+ HTML_TAG("dfn", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("dir", "Shared")
+ HTML_TAG("div", "Div")
+ HTML_TAG("dl", "SharedList")
+ HTML_TAG("dt", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("em", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("embed", "SharedObject")
+ HTML_TAG("fieldset", "FieldSet")
+ HTML_TAG("font", "Font")
+ HTML_TAG("form", "Form")
+ HTML_TAG("frame", "Frame")
+ HTML_TAG("frameset", "FrameSet")
+ HTML_TAG("h1", "Heading")
+ HTML_TAG("h2", "Heading")
+ HTML_TAG("h3", "Heading")
+ HTML_TAG("h4", "Heading")
+ HTML_TAG("h5", "Heading")
+ HTML_TAG("h6", "Heading")
+ HTML_TAG("head", "Head")
+ HTML_TAG("hr", "HR")
+ HTML_TAG("html", "Html")
+ HTML_TAG("i", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("iframe", "IFrame")
+ HTML_TAG("image", "")
+ HTML_TAG("img", "Image")
+ HTML_TAG("input", "Input")
+ HTML_TAG("ins", "Mod")
+ HTML_TAG("isindex", "Unknown")
+ HTML_TAG("kbd", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("keygen", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("label", "Label")
+ HTML_TAG("legend", "Legend")
+ HTML_TAG("li", "LI")
+ HTML_TAG("link", "Link")
+ HTML_TAG("listing", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("map", "Map")
+ HTML_TAG("marquee", "Div")
+ HTML_TAG("menu", "Shared")
+ HTML_TAG("meta", "Meta")
+ HTML_TAG("multicol", "Unknown")
+ HTML_TAG("nobr", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("noembed", "Div")
+ HTML_TAG("noframes", "Div")
+ HTML_TAG("noscript", "Div")
+ HTML_TAG("object", "Object")
+ HTML_TAG("ol", "SharedList")
+ HTML_TAG("optgroup", "OptGroup")
+ HTML_TAG("option", "Option")
+ HTML_TAG("p", "Paragraph")
+ HTML_TAG("param", "Shared")
+ HTML_TAG("plaintext", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("pre", "Pre")
+ HTML_TAG("q", "Shared")
+ HTML_TAG("s", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("samp", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("script", "Script")
+ HTML_TAG("select", "Select")
+ HTML_TAG("small", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("spacer", "Unknown")
+ HTML_TAG("span", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("strike", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("strong", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("style", "Style")
+ HTML_TAG("sub", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("sup", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("table", "Table")
+ HTML_TAG("tbody", "TableSection")
+ HTML_TAG("td", "TableCell")
+ HTML_TAG("textarea", "TextArea")
+ HTML_TAG("tfoot", "TableSection")
+ HTML_TAG("th", "TableCell")
+ HTML_TAG("thead", "TableSection")
+ HTML_TAG("template", "Template")
+ HTML_TAG("title", "Title")
+ HTML_TAG("tr", "TableRow")
+ HTML_TAG("tt", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("u", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("ul", "SharedList")
+ HTML_TAG("var", "Span")
+ HTML_TAG("wbr", "Shared")
+ HTML_TAG("xmp", "Span")
+ function SVG_TAG(name) {
+ allNodes.push(doc.createElementNS("", name));
+ }
+ // List sorta stolen from SVG element factory.
+ SVG_TAG("a")
+ SVG_TAG("polyline")
+ SVG_TAG("polygon")
+ SVG_TAG("circle")
+ SVG_TAG("ellipse")
+ SVG_TAG("line")
+ SVG_TAG("rect")
+ SVG_TAG("svg")
+ SVG_TAG("g")
+ SVG_TAG("foreignObject")
+ SVG_TAG("path")
+ SVG_TAG("text")
+ SVG_TAG("tspan")
+ SVG_TAG("image")
+ SVG_TAG("style")
+ SVG_TAG("linearGradient")
+ SVG_TAG("metadata")
+ SVG_TAG("radialGradient")
+ SVG_TAG("stop")
+ SVG_TAG("defs")
+ SVG_TAG("desc")
+ SVG_TAG("script")
+ SVG_TAG("use")
+ SVG_TAG("symbol")
+ SVG_TAG("marker")
+ SVG_TAG("title")
+ SVG_TAG("clipPath")
+ SVG_TAG("textPath")
+ SVG_TAG("filter")
+ SVG_TAG("feBlend")
+ SVG_TAG("feColorMatrix")
+ SVG_TAG("feComponentTransfer")
+ SVG_TAG("feComposite")
+ SVG_TAG("feFuncR")
+ SVG_TAG("feFuncG")
+ SVG_TAG("feFuncB")
+ SVG_TAG("feFuncA")
+ SVG_TAG("feGaussianBlur")
+ SVG_TAG("feMerge")
+ SVG_TAG("feMergeNode")
+ SVG_TAG("feMorphology")
+ SVG_TAG("feOffset")
+ SVG_TAG("feFlood")
+ SVG_TAG("feTile")
+ SVG_TAG("feTurbulence")
+ SVG_TAG("feConvolveMatrix")
+ SVG_TAG("feDistantLight")
+ SVG_TAG("fePointLight")
+ SVG_TAG("feSpotLight")
+ SVG_TAG("feDiffuseLighting")
+ SVG_TAG("feSpecularLighting")
+ SVG_TAG("feDisplacementMap")
+ SVG_TAG("feImage")
+ SVG_TAG("pattern")
+ SVG_TAG("mask")
+ SVG_TAG("svgSwitch")
+ // Toss in some other namespaced stuff too, for good measure
+ // XUL stuff might not be creatable in content documents
+ try {
+ allNodes.push(doc.createElementNS(
+ "",
+ "window"));
+ } catch (e) {}
+ allNodes.push(doc.createElementNS("",
+ "math"));
+ allNodes.push(doc.createElementNS("",
+ "testname"));
+ allNodes.push(doc.createElementNS("bogus.namespace", "testname"));
+ var XMLDoc = doc.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
+ // And non-elements
+ allNodes.push(doc.createTextNode("some text"));
+ allNodes.push(doc.createComment("some text"));
+ allNodes.push(doc.createDocumentFragment());
+ XMLNodes.push(XMLDoc.createCDATASection("some text"));
+ XMLNodes.push(XMLDoc.createProcessingInstruction("PI", "data"));
+ function runTestUnwrapped() {
+ if (!("wrappedJSObject" in doc)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ok(doc.wrappedJSObject.nodePrincipal === undefined,
+ "Must not have document principal for " + documentID);
+ ok(doc.wrappedJSObject.baseURIObject === undefined,
+ "Must not have document base URI for " + documentID);
+ ok(doc.wrappedJSObject.documentURIObject === undefined,
+ "Must not have document URI for " + documentID);
+ for (var i = 0; i < allNodes.length; ++i) {
+ ok(allNodes[i].wrappedJSObject.nodePrincipal === undefined,
+ "Unexpected principal appears for " + allNodes[i].nodeName +
+ " in " + documentID);
+ ok(allNodes[i].wrappedJSObject.baseURIObject === undefined,
+ "Unexpected base URI appears for " + allNodes[i].nodeName +
+ " in " + documentID);
+ }
+ }
+ function runTestProps() {
+ isnot(doc.nodePrincipal, null,
+ "Must have document principal in " + documentID);
+ is(doc.nodePrincipal instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIPrincipal,
+ true, "document principal must be a principal in " + documentID);
+ isnot(doc.baseURIObject, null,
+ "Must have document base URI in" + documentID);
+ is(doc.baseURIObject instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIURI,
+ true, "document base URI must be a URI in " + documentID);
+ isnot(doc.documentURIObject, null,
+ "Must have document URI " + documentID);
+ is(doc.documentURIObject instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIURI,
+ true, "document URI must be a URI in " + documentID);
+ is(doc.documentURIObject.spec, doc.documentURI,
+ "document URI must be the right URI in " + documentID);
+ for (var i = 0; i < allNodes.length; ++i) {
+ is(allNodes[i].nodePrincipal, doc.nodePrincipal,
+ "Unexpected principal for " + allNodes[i].nodeName +
+ " in " + documentID);
+ is(allNodes[i].baseURIObject, doc.baseURIObject,
+ "Unexpected base URI for " + allNodes[i].nodeName +
+ " in " + documentID);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < XMLNodes.length; ++i) {
+ is(XMLNodes[i].nodePrincipal, doc.nodePrincipal,
+ "Unexpected principal for " + XMLNodes[i].nodeName +
+ " in " + documentID);
+ is(XMLNodes[i].baseURIObject.spec, "about:blank",
+ "Unexpected base URI for " + XMLNodes[i].nodeName +
+ " in " + documentID);
+ }
+ }
+ runTestUnwrapped();
+ runTestProps();
+ runTestUnwrapped();
+add_task(function* test1() {
+ testInDocument(document, "browser window");
+function* newTabTest(location) {
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: location },
+ function* (browser) {
+ yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, { location, testInDocument_: testInDocument.toSource() },
+ function* ({ location, testInDocument_ }) {
+ let testInDocument = eval(`(() => (${testInDocument_}))()`);
+ testInDocument(content.document, location);
+ });
+ });
+add_task(function* test2() {
+ yield newTabTest("about:blank");
+add_task(function* test3() {
+ yield newTabTest("about:config");