path: root/dom/svg/SVGContentUtils.h
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /dom/svg/SVGContentUtils.h
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/svg/SVGContentUtils.h')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/svg/SVGContentUtils.h b/dom/svg/SVGContentUtils.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..373adf9f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/svg/SVGContentUtils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// include math.h to pick up definition of M_ maths defines e.g. M_PI
+#include <math.h>
+#include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" // for StrokeOptions
+#include "mozilla/gfx/Matrix.h"
+#include "mozilla/RangedPtr.h"
+#include "nsError.h"
+#include "nsStringFwd.h"
+#include "gfx2DGlue.h"
+class nsIContent;
+class nsIDocument;
+class nsIFrame;
+class nsStyleContext;
+class nsStyleCoord;
+class nsSVGElement;
+namespace mozilla {
+class nsSVGAnimatedTransformList;
+class SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio;
+class SVGContextPaint;
+class SVGPreserveAspectRatio;
+namespace dom {
+class Element;
+class SVGSVGElement;
+} // namespace dom
+namespace gfx {
+class Matrix;
+} // namespace gfx
+} // namespace mozilla
+ * SVGTransformTypes controls the transforms that PrependLocalTransformsTo
+ * applies.
+ *
+ * If aWhich is eAllTransforms, then all the transforms from the coordinate
+ * space established by this element for its children to the coordinate
+ * space established by this element's parent element for this element, are
+ * included.
+ *
+ * If aWhich is eUserSpaceToParent, then only the transforms from this
+ * element's userspace to the coordinate space established by its parent is
+ * included. This includes any transforms introduced by the 'transform'
+ * attribute, transform animations and animateMotion, but not any offsets
+ * due to e.g. 'x'/'y' attributes, or any transform due to a 'viewBox'
+ * attribute. (SVG userspace is defined to be the coordinate space in which
+ * coordinates on an element apply.)
+ *
+ * If aWhich is eChildToUserSpace, then only the transforms from the
+ * coordinate space established by this element for its childre to this
+ * elements userspace are included. This includes any offsets due to e.g.
+ * 'x'/'y' attributes, and any transform due to a 'viewBox' attribute, but
+ * does not include any transforms due to the 'transform' attribute.
+ */
+enum SVGTransformTypes {
+ eAllTransforms,
+ eUserSpaceToParent,
+ eChildToUserSpace
+inline bool
+IsSVGWhitespace(char aChar)
+ return aChar == '\x20' || aChar == '\x9' ||
+ aChar == '\xD' || aChar == '\xA';
+inline bool
+IsSVGWhitespace(char16_t aChar)
+ return aChar == char16_t('\x20') || aChar == char16_t('\x9') ||
+ aChar == char16_t('\xD') || aChar == char16_t('\xA');
+ * Functions generally used by SVG Content classes. Functions here
+ * should not generally depend on layout methods/classes e.g. nsSVGUtils
+ */
+class SVGContentUtils
+ typedef mozilla::gfx::Float Float;
+ typedef mozilla::gfx::Matrix Matrix;
+ typedef mozilla::gfx::Rect Rect;
+ typedef mozilla::gfx::StrokeOptions StrokeOptions;
+ typedef mozilla::SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio;
+ typedef mozilla::SVGPreserveAspectRatio SVGPreserveAspectRatio;
+ /*
+ * Get the outer SVG element of an nsIContent
+ */
+ static mozilla::dom::SVGSVGElement *GetOuterSVGElement(nsSVGElement *aSVGElement);
+ /**
+ * Activates the animation element aContent as a result of navigation to the
+ * fragment identifier that identifies aContent. aContent must be an instance
+ * of nsSVGAnimationElement.
+ *
+ * This is just a shim to allow nsSVGAnimationElement::ActivateByHyperlink to
+ * be called from layout/base without adding to that directory's include paths.
+ */
+ static void ActivateByHyperlink(nsIContent *aContent);
+ /**
+ * Moz2D's StrokeOptions requires someone else to own its mDashPattern
+ * buffer, which is a pain when you want to initialize a StrokeOptions object
+ * in a helper function and pass it out. This sub-class owns the mDashPattern
+ * buffer so that consumers of such a helper function don't need to worry
+ * about creating it, passing it in, or deleting it. (An added benefit is
+ * that in the typical case when stroke-dasharray is short it will avoid
+ * allocating.)
+ */
+ struct AutoStrokeOptions : public StrokeOptions {
+ AutoStrokeOptions()
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mDashLength == 0, "InitDashPattern() depends on this");
+ }
+ ~AutoStrokeOptions() {
+ if (mDashPattern && mDashPattern != mSmallArray) {
+ delete [] mDashPattern;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the buffer to store the stroke-dasharray, assuming out-of-memory
+ * does not occur. The buffer's address is assigned to mDashPattern and
+ * returned to the caller as a non-const pointer (so that the caller can
+ * initialize the values in the buffer, since mDashPattern is const).
+ */
+ Float* InitDashPattern(size_t aDashCount) {
+ if (aDashCount <= MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(mSmallArray)) {
+ mDashPattern = mSmallArray;
+ return mSmallArray;
+ }
+ Float* nonConstArray = new (mozilla::fallible) Float[aDashCount];
+ mDashPattern = nonConstArray;
+ return nonConstArray;
+ }
+ void DiscardDashPattern() {
+ if (mDashPattern && mDashPattern != mSmallArray) {
+ delete [] mDashPattern;
+ }
+ mDashLength = 0;
+ mDashPattern = nullptr;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Most dasharrays will fit in this and save us allocating
+ Float mSmallArray[16];
+ };
+ enum StrokeOptionFlags {
+ eAllStrokeOptions,
+ eIgnoreStrokeDashing
+ };
+ /**
+ * Note: the linecap style returned in aStrokeOptions is not valid when
+ * ShapeTypeHasNoCorners(aElement) == true && aFlags == eIgnoreStrokeDashing,
+ * since when aElement has no corners the rendered linecap style depends on
+ * whether or not the stroke is dashed.
+ */
+ static void GetStrokeOptions(AutoStrokeOptions* aStrokeOptions,
+ nsSVGElement* aElement,
+ nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
+ mozilla::SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint,
+ StrokeOptionFlags aFlags = eAllStrokeOptions);
+ /**
+ * Returns the current computed value of the CSS property 'stroke-width' for
+ * the given element. aStyleContext may be provided as an optimization.
+ * aContextPaint is also optional.
+ *
+ * Note that this function does NOT take account of the value of the 'stroke'
+ * and 'stroke-opacity' properties to, say, return zero if they are "none" or
+ * "0", respectively.
+ */
+ static Float GetStrokeWidth(nsSVGElement* aElement,
+ nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
+ mozilla::SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint);
+ /*
+ * Get the number of CSS px (user units) per em (i.e. the em-height in user
+ * units) for an nsIContent
+ *
+ * XXX document the conditions under which these may fail, and what they
+ * return in those cases.
+ */
+ static float GetFontSize(mozilla::dom::Element *aElement);
+ static float GetFontSize(nsIFrame *aFrame);
+ static float GetFontSize(nsStyleContext *aStyleContext);
+ /*
+ * Get the number of CSS px (user units) per ex (i.e. the x-height in user
+ * units) for an nsIContent
+ *
+ * XXX document the conditions under which these may fail, and what they
+ * return in those cases.
+ */
+ static float GetFontXHeight(mozilla::dom::Element *aElement);
+ static float GetFontXHeight(nsIFrame *aFrame);
+ static float GetFontXHeight(nsStyleContext *aStyleContext);
+ /*
+ * Report a localized error message to the error console.
+ */
+ static nsresult ReportToConsole(nsIDocument* doc,
+ const char* aWarning,
+ const char16_t **aParams,
+ uint32_t aParamsLength);
+ static Matrix GetCTM(nsSVGElement *aElement, bool aScreenCTM);
+ /**
+ * Gets the tight bounds-space stroke bounds of the non-scaling-stroked rect
+ * aRect.
+ * @param aToBoundsSpace transforms from source space to the space aBounds
+ * should be computed in. Must be rectilinear.
+ * @param aToNonScalingStrokeSpace transforms from source
+ * space to the space in which non-scaling stroke should be applied.
+ * Must be rectilinear.
+ */
+ static void
+ RectilinearGetStrokeBounds(const Rect& aRect,
+ const Matrix& aToBoundsSpace,
+ const Matrix& aToNonScalingStrokeSpace,
+ float aStrokeWidth,
+ Rect* aBounds);
+ /**
+ * Check if this is one of the SVG elements that SVG 1.1 Full says
+ * establishes a viewport: svg, symbol, image or foreignObject.
+ */
+ static bool EstablishesViewport(nsIContent *aContent);
+ static nsSVGElement*
+ GetNearestViewportElement(nsIContent *aContent);
+ /* enum for specifying coordinate direction for ObjectSpace/UserSpace */
+ enum ctxDirection { X, Y, XY };
+ /**
+ * Computes sqrt((aWidth^2 + aHeight^2)/2);
+ */
+ static double ComputeNormalizedHypotenuse(double aWidth, double aHeight);
+ /* Returns the angle halfway between the two specified angles */
+ static float
+ AngleBisect(float a1, float a2);
+ /* Generate a viewbox to viewport tranformation matrix */
+ static Matrix
+ GetViewBoxTransform(float aViewportWidth, float aViewportHeight,
+ float aViewboxX, float aViewboxY,
+ float aViewboxWidth, float aViewboxHeight,
+ const SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio &aPreserveAspectRatio);
+ static Matrix
+ GetViewBoxTransform(float aViewportWidth, float aViewportHeight,
+ float aViewboxX, float aViewboxY,
+ float aViewboxWidth, float aViewboxHeight,
+ const SVGPreserveAspectRatio &aPreserveAspectRatio);
+ static mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t>
+ GetStartRangedPtr(const nsAString& aString);
+ static mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t>
+ GetEndRangedPtr(const nsAString& aString);
+ /**
+ * True if 'aCh' is a decimal digit.
+ */
+ static inline bool IsDigit(char16_t aCh)
+ {
+ return aCh >= '0' && aCh <= '9';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assuming that 'aCh' is a decimal digit, return its numeric value.
+ */
+ static inline uint32_t DecimalDigitValue(char16_t aCh)
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsDigit(aCh), "Digit expected");
+ return aCh - '0';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses the sign (+ or -) of a number and moves aIter to the next
+ * character if a sign is found.
+ * @param aSignMultiplier [outparam] -1 if the sign is negative otherwise 1
+ * @return false if we hit the end of the string (i.e. if aIter is initially
+ * at aEnd, or if we reach aEnd right after the sign character).
+ */
+ static inline bool
+ ParseOptionalSign(mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t>& aIter,
+ const mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t>& aEnd,
+ int32_t& aSignMultiplier)
+ {
+ if (aIter == aEnd) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ aSignMultiplier = *aIter == '-' ? -1 : 1;
+ mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t> iter(aIter);
+ if (*iter == '-' || *iter == '+') {
+ ++iter;
+ if (iter == aEnd) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ aIter = iter;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse a number of the form:
+ * number ::= integer ([Ee] integer)? | [+-]? [0-9]* "." [0-9]+ ([Ee] integer)?
+ * Parsing fails if the number cannot be represented by a floatType.
+ * If parsing succeeds, aIter is updated so that it points to the character
+ * after the end of the number, otherwise it is left unchanged
+ */
+ template<class floatType>
+ static bool
+ ParseNumber(mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t>& aIter,
+ const mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t>& aEnd,
+ floatType& aValue);
+ /**
+ * Parse a number of the form:
+ * number ::= integer ([Ee] integer)? | [+-]? [0-9]* "." [0-9]+ ([Ee] integer)?
+ * Parsing fails if there is anything left over after the number,
+ * or the number cannot be represented by a floatType.
+ */
+ template<class floatType>
+ static bool
+ ParseNumber(const nsAString& aString, floatType& aValue);
+ /**
+ * Parse an integer of the form:
+ * integer ::= [+-]? [0-9]+
+ * The returned number is clamped to an int32_t if outside that range.
+ * If parsing succeeds, aIter is updated so that it points to the character
+ * after the end of the number, otherwise it is left unchanged
+ */
+ static bool ParseInteger(mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t>& aIter,
+ const mozilla::RangedPtr<const char16_t>& aEnd,
+ int32_t& aValue);
+ /**
+ * Parse an integer of the form:
+ * integer ::= [+-]? [0-9]+
+ * The returned number is clamped to an int32_t if outside that range.
+ * Parsing fails if there is anything left over after the number.
+ */
+ static bool ParseInteger(const nsAString& aString, int32_t& aValue);
+ /**
+ * Converts an nsStyleCoord into a userspace value. Handles units
+ * Factor (straight userspace), Coord (dimensioned), and Percent (of
+ * aContent's SVG viewport)
+ */
+ static float CoordToFloat(nsSVGElement *aContent,
+ const nsStyleCoord &aCoord);
+ /**
+ * Parse the SVG path string
+ * Returns a path
+ * string formatted as an SVG path
+ */
+ static already_AddRefed<mozilla::gfx::Path>
+ GetPath(const nsAString& aPathString);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if aContent is one of the elements whose stroke is guaranteed
+ * to have no corners: circle or ellipse
+ */
+ static bool ShapeTypeHasNoCorners(const nsIContent* aContent);
+ /**
+ * Prepends an element's local transforms to the transform matrix.
+ * This is a helper for nsSVGElement::PrependLocalTransformsTo.
+ * Any callers probably really want to call that method instead of this one.
+ */
+ static gfxMatrix PrependLocalTransformsTo(
+ const gfxMatrix &aMatrix,
+ SVGTransformTypes aWhich,
+ const Matrix* aAnimateMotionTransform,
+ const mozilla::nsSVGAnimatedTransformList* aTransforms);