path: root/devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-html.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-html.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-html.js')
1 files changed, 822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-html.js b/devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-html.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4967c3e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-html.js
@@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
+/*jshint curly:true, eqeqeq:true, laxbreak:true, noempty:false */
+ The MIT License (MIT)
+ Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Einar Lielmanis and contributors.
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+ (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+ including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+ publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+ and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ Style HTML
+ Written by Nochum Sossonko, (
+ Based on code initially developed by: Einar Lielmanis, <>
+ Usage:
+ style_html(html_source);
+ style_html(html_source, options);
+ The options are:
+ indent_inner_html (default false) — indent <head> and <body> sections,
+ indent_size (default 4) — indentation size,
+ indent_char (default space) — character to indent with,
+ wrap_line_length (default 250) - maximum amount of characters per line (0 = disable)
+ brace_style (default "collapse") - "collapse" | "expand" | "end-expand"
+ put braces on the same line as control statements (default), or put braces on own line (Allman / ANSI style), or just put end braces on own line.
+ unformatted (defaults to inline tags) - list of tags, that shouldn't be reformatted
+ indent_scripts (default normal) - "keep"|"separate"|"normal"
+ preserve_newlines (default true) - whether existing line breaks before elements should be preserved
+ Only works before elements, not inside tags or for text.
+ max_preserve_newlines (default unlimited) - maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk
+ indent_handlebars (default false) - format and indent {{#foo}} and {{/foo}}
+ e.g.
+ style_html(html_source, {
+ 'indent_inner_html': false,
+ 'indent_size': 2,
+ 'indent_char': ' ',
+ 'wrap_line_length': 78,
+ 'brace_style': 'expand',
+ 'unformatted': ['a', 'sub', 'sup', 'b', 'i', 'u'],
+ 'preserve_newlines': true,
+ 'max_preserve_newlines': 5,
+ 'indent_handlebars': false
+ });
+(function() {
+ function trim(s) {
+ return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
+ }
+ function ltrim(s) {
+ return s.replace(/^\s+/g, '');
+ }
+ function style_html(html_source, options, js_beautify, css_beautify) {
+ //Wrapper function to invoke all the necessary constructors and deal with the output.
+ var multi_parser,
+ indent_inner_html,
+ indent_size,
+ indent_character,
+ wrap_line_length,
+ brace_style,
+ unformatted,
+ preserve_newlines,
+ max_preserve_newlines,
+ indent_handlebars;
+ options = options || {};
+ // backwards compatibility to 1.3.4
+ if ((options.wrap_line_length === undefined || parseInt(options.wrap_line_length, 10) === 0) &&
+ (options.max_char !== undefined && parseInt(options.max_char, 10) !== 0)) {
+ options.wrap_line_length = options.max_char;
+ }
+ indent_inner_html = (options.indent_inner_html === undefined) ? false : options.indent_inner_html;
+ indent_size = (options.indent_size === undefined) ? 4 : parseInt(options.indent_size, 10);
+ indent_character = (options.indent_char === undefined) ? ' ' : options.indent_char;
+ brace_style = (options.brace_style === undefined) ? 'collapse' : options.brace_style;
+ wrap_line_length = parseInt(options.wrap_line_length, 10) === 0 ? 32786 : parseInt(options.wrap_line_length || 250, 10);
+ unformatted = options.unformatted || ['a', 'span', 'bdo', 'em', 'strong', 'dfn', 'code', 'samp', 'kbd', 'var', 'cite', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'q', 'sub', 'sup', 'tt', 'i', 'b', 'big', 'small', 'u', 's', 'strike', 'font', 'ins', 'del', 'pre', 'address', 'dt', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'];
+ preserve_newlines = (options.preserve_newlines === undefined) ? true : options.preserve_newlines;
+ max_preserve_newlines = preserve_newlines ?
+ (isNaN(parseInt(options.max_preserve_newlines, 10)) ? 32786 : parseInt(options.max_preserve_newlines, 10))
+ : 0;
+ indent_handlebars = (options.indent_handlebars === undefined) ? false : options.indent_handlebars;
+ function Parser() {
+ this.pos = 0; //Parser position
+ this.token = '';
+ this.current_mode = 'CONTENT'; //reflects the current Parser mode: TAG/CONTENT
+ this.tags = { //An object to hold tags, their position, and their parent-tags, initiated with default values
+ parent: 'parent1',
+ parentcount: 1,
+ parent1: ''
+ };
+ this.tag_type = '';
+ this.token_text = this.last_token = this.last_text = this.token_type = '';
+ this.newlines = 0;
+ this.indent_content = indent_inner_html;
+ this.Utils = { //Uilities made available to the various functions
+ whitespace: "\n\r\t ".split(''),
+ single_token: 'br,input,link,meta,!doctype,basefont,base,area,hr,wbr,param,img,isindex,?xml,embed,?php,?,?='.split(','), //all the single tags for HTML
+ extra_liners: 'head,body,/html'.split(','), //for tags that need a line of whitespace before them
+ in_array: function(what, arr) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ if (what === arr[i]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ this.traverse_whitespace = function() {
+ var input_char = '';
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(input_char, this.Utils.whitespace)) {
+ this.newlines = 0;
+ while (this.Utils.in_array(input_char, this.Utils.whitespace)) {
+ if (preserve_newlines && input_char === '\n' && this.newlines <= max_preserve_newlines) {
+ this.newlines += 1;
+ }
+ this.pos++;
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ this.get_content = function() { //function to capture regular content between tags
+ var input_char = '',
+ content = [],
+ space = false; //if a space is needed
+ while (this.input.charAt(this.pos) !== '<') {
+ if (this.pos >= this.input.length) {
+ return content.length ? content.join('') : ['', 'TK_EOF'];
+ }
+ if (this.traverse_whitespace()) {
+ if (content.length) {
+ space = true;
+ }
+ continue; //don't want to insert unnecessary space
+ }
+ if (indent_handlebars) {
+ // Handlebars parsing is complicated.
+ // {{#foo}} and {{/foo}} are formatted tags.
+ // {{something}} should get treated as content, except:
+ // {{else}} specifically behaves like {{#if}} and {{/if}}
+ var peek3 = this.input.substr(this.pos, 3);
+ if (peek3 === '{{#' || peek3 === '{{/') {
+ // These are tags and not content.
+ break;
+ } else if (this.input.substr(this.pos, 2) === '{{') {
+ if (this.get_tag(true) === '{{else}}') {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ this.pos++;
+ if (space) {
+ if (this.line_char_count >= this.wrap_line_length) { //insert a line when the wrap_line_length is reached
+ this.print_newline(false, content);
+ this.print_indentation(content);
+ } else {
+ this.line_char_count++;
+ content.push(' ');
+ }
+ space = false;
+ }
+ this.line_char_count++;
+ content.push(input_char); //letter at-a-time (or string) inserted to an array
+ }
+ return content.length ? content.join('') : '';
+ };
+ this.get_contents_to = function(name) { //get the full content of a script or style to pass to js_beautify
+ if (this.pos === this.input.length) {
+ return ['', 'TK_EOF'];
+ }
+ var input_char = '';
+ var content = '';
+ var reg_match = new RegExp('</' + name + '\\s*>', 'igm');
+ reg_match.lastIndex = this.pos;
+ var reg_array = reg_match.exec(this.input);
+ var end_script = reg_array ? reg_array.index : this.input.length; //absolute end of script
+ if (this.pos < end_script) { //get everything in between the script tags
+ content = this.input.substring(this.pos, end_script);
+ this.pos = end_script;
+ }
+ return content;
+ };
+ this.record_tag = function(tag) { //function to record a tag and its parent in this.tags Object
+ if (this.tags[tag + 'count']) { //check for the existence of this tag type
+ this.tags[tag + 'count']++;
+ this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']] = this.indent_level; //and record the present indent level
+ } else { //otherwise initialize this tag type
+ this.tags[tag + 'count'] = 1;
+ this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']] = this.indent_level; //and record the present indent level
+ }
+ this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count'] + 'parent'] = this.tags.parent; //set the parent (i.e. in the case of a div this.tags.div1parent)
+ this.tags.parent = tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']; //and make this the current parent (i.e. in the case of a div 'div1')
+ };
+ this.retrieve_tag = function(tag) { //function to retrieve the opening tag to the corresponding closer
+ if (this.tags[tag + 'count']) { //if the openener is not in the Object we ignore it
+ var temp_parent = this.tags.parent; //check to see if it's a closable tag.
+ while (temp_parent) { //till we reach '' (the initial value);
+ if (tag + this.tags[tag + 'count'] === temp_parent) { //if this is it use it
+ break;
+ }
+ temp_parent = this.tags[temp_parent + 'parent']; //otherwise keep on climbing up the DOM Tree
+ }
+ if (temp_parent) { //if we caught something
+ this.indent_level = this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']]; //set the indent_level accordingly
+ this.tags.parent = this.tags[temp_parent + 'parent']; //and set the current parent
+ }
+ delete this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count'] + 'parent']; //delete the closed tags parent reference...
+ delete this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']]; //...and the tag itself
+ if (this.tags[tag + 'count'] === 1) {
+ delete this.tags[tag + 'count'];
+ } else {
+ this.tags[tag + 'count']--;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.indent_to_tag = function(tag) {
+ // Match the indentation level to the last use of this tag, but don't remove it.
+ if (!this.tags[tag + 'count']) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var temp_parent = this.tags.parent;
+ while (temp_parent) {
+ if (tag + this.tags[tag + 'count'] === temp_parent) {
+ break;
+ }
+ temp_parent = this.tags[temp_parent + 'parent'];
+ }
+ if (temp_parent) {
+ this.indent_level = this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']];
+ }
+ };
+ this.get_tag = function(peek) { //function to get a full tag and parse its type
+ var input_char = '',
+ content = [],
+ comment = '',
+ space = false,
+ tag_start, tag_end,
+ tag_start_char,
+ orig_pos = this.pos,
+ orig_line_char_count = this.line_char_count;
+ peek = peek !== undefined ? peek : false;
+ do {
+ if (this.pos >= this.input.length) {
+ if (peek) {
+ this.pos = orig_pos;
+ this.line_char_count = orig_line_char_count;
+ }
+ return content.length ? content.join('') : ['', 'TK_EOF'];
+ }
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ this.pos++;
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(input_char, this.Utils.whitespace)) { //don't want to insert unnecessary space
+ space = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (input_char === "'" || input_char === '"') {
+ input_char += this.get_unformatted(input_char);
+ space = true;
+ }
+ if (input_char === '=') { //no space before =
+ space = false;
+ }
+ if (content.length && content[content.length - 1] !== '=' && input_char !== '>' && space) {
+ //no space after = or before >
+ if (this.line_char_count >= this.wrap_line_length) {
+ this.print_newline(false, content);
+ this.print_indentation(content);
+ } else {
+ content.push(' ');
+ this.line_char_count++;
+ }
+ space = false;
+ }
+ if (indent_handlebars && tag_start_char === '<') {
+ // When inside an angle-bracket tag, put spaces around
+ // handlebars not inside of strings.
+ if ((input_char + this.input.charAt(this.pos)) === '{{') {
+ input_char += this.get_unformatted('}}');
+ if (content.length && content[content.length - 1] !== ' ' && content[content.length - 1] !== '<') {
+ input_char = ' ' + input_char;
+ }
+ space = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (input_char === '<' && !tag_start_char) {
+ tag_start = this.pos - 1;
+ tag_start_char = '<';
+ }
+ if (indent_handlebars && !tag_start_char) {
+ if (content.length >= 2 && content[content.length - 1] === '{' && content[content.length - 2] == '{') {
+ if (input_char === '#' || input_char === '/') {
+ tag_start = this.pos - 3;
+ } else {
+ tag_start = this.pos - 2;
+ }
+ tag_start_char = '{';
+ }
+ }
+ this.line_char_count++;
+ content.push(input_char); //inserts character at-a-time (or string)
+ if (content[1] && content[1] === '!') { //if we're in a comment, do something special
+ // We treat all comments as literals, even more than preformatted tags
+ // we just look for the appropriate close tag
+ content = [this.get_comment(tag_start)];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (indent_handlebars && tag_start_char === '{' && content.length > 2 && content[content.length - 2] === '}' && content[content.length - 1] === '}') {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (input_char !== '>');
+ var tag_complete = content.join('');
+ var tag_index;
+ var tag_offset;
+ if (tag_complete.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { //if there's whitespace, thats where the tag name ends
+ tag_index = tag_complete.indexOf(' ');
+ } else if (tag_complete[0] === '{') {
+ tag_index = tag_complete.indexOf('}');
+ } else { //otherwise go with the tag ending
+ tag_index = tag_complete.indexOf('>');
+ }
+ if (tag_complete[0] === '<' || !indent_handlebars) {
+ tag_offset = 1;
+ } else {
+ tag_offset = tag_complete[2] === '#' ? 3 : 2;
+ }
+ var tag_check = tag_complete.substring(tag_offset, tag_index).toLowerCase();
+ if (tag_complete.charAt(tag_complete.length - 2) === '/' ||
+ this.Utils.in_array(tag_check, this.Utils.single_token)) { //if this tag name is a single tag type (either in the list or has a closing /)
+ if (!peek) {
+ this.tag_type = 'SINGLE';
+ }
+ } else if (indent_handlebars && tag_complete[0] === '{' && tag_check === 'else') {
+ if (!peek) {
+ this.indent_to_tag('if');
+ this.tag_type = 'HANDLEBARS_ELSE';
+ this.indent_content = true;
+ this.traverse_whitespace();
+ }
+ } else if (tag_check === 'script' &&
+ ('type') === -1 ||
+ ('type') > -1 &&
+\b(text|application)\/(x-)?(javascript|ecmascript|jscript|livescript)/) > -1))) {
+ if (!peek) {
+ this.record_tag(tag_check);
+ this.tag_type = 'SCRIPT';
+ }
+ } else if (tag_check === 'style' &&
+ ('type') === -1 ||
+ ('type') > -1 &&'text/css') > -1))) {
+ if (!peek) {
+ this.record_tag(tag_check);
+ this.tag_type = 'STYLE';
+ }
+ } else if (this.is_unformatted(tag_check, unformatted)) { // do not reformat the "unformatted" tags
+ comment = this.get_unformatted('</' + tag_check + '>', tag_complete); //...delegate to get_unformatted function
+ content.push(comment);
+ // Preserve collapsed whitespace either before or after this tag.
+ if (tag_start > 0 && this.Utils.in_array(this.input.charAt(tag_start - 1), this.Utils.whitespace)) {
+ content.splice(0, 0, this.input.charAt(tag_start - 1));
+ }
+ tag_end = this.pos - 1;
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(this.input.charAt(tag_end + 1), this.Utils.whitespace)) {
+ content.push(this.input.charAt(tag_end + 1));
+ }
+ this.tag_type = 'SINGLE';
+ } else if (tag_check.charAt(0) === '!') { //peek for <! comment
+ // for comments content is already correct.
+ if (!peek) {
+ this.tag_type = 'SINGLE';
+ this.traverse_whitespace();
+ }
+ } else if (!peek) {
+ if (tag_check.charAt(0) === '/') { //this tag is a double tag so check for tag-ending
+ this.retrieve_tag(tag_check.substring(1)); //remove it and all ancestors
+ this.tag_type = 'END';
+ this.traverse_whitespace();
+ } else { //otherwise it's a start-tag
+ this.record_tag(tag_check); //push it on the tag stack
+ if (tag_check.toLowerCase() !== 'html') {
+ this.indent_content = true;
+ }
+ this.tag_type = 'START';
+ // Allow preserving of newlines after a start tag
+ this.traverse_whitespace();
+ }
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(tag_check, this.Utils.extra_liners)) { //check if this double needs an extra line
+ this.print_newline(false, this.output);
+ if (this.output.length && this.output[this.output.length - 2] !== '\n') {
+ this.print_newline(true, this.output);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (peek) {
+ this.pos = orig_pos;
+ this.line_char_count = orig_line_char_count;
+ }
+ return content.join(''); //returns fully formatted tag
+ };
+ this.get_comment = function(start_pos) { //function to return comment content in its entirety
+ // this is will have very poor perf, but will work for now.
+ var comment = '',
+ delimiter = '>',
+ matched = false;
+ this.pos = start_pos;
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ this.pos++;
+ while (this.pos <= this.input.length) {
+ comment += input_char;
+ // only need to check for the delimiter if the last chars match
+ if (comment[comment.length - 1] === delimiter[delimiter.length - 1] &&
+ comment.indexOf(delimiter) !== -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // only need to search for custom delimiter for the first few characters
+ if (!matched && comment.length < 10) {
+ if (comment.indexOf('<![if') === 0) { //peek for <![if conditional comment
+ delimiter = '<![endif]>';
+ matched = true;
+ } else if (comment.indexOf('<![cdata[') === 0) { //if it's a <[cdata[ comment...
+ delimiter = ']]>';
+ matched = true;
+ } else if (comment.indexOf('<![') === 0) { // some other ![ comment? ...
+ delimiter = ']>';
+ matched = true;
+ } else if (comment.indexOf('<!--') === 0) { // <!-- comment ...
+ delimiter = '-->';
+ matched = true;
+ }
+ }
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ this.pos++;
+ }
+ return comment;
+ };
+ this.get_unformatted = function(delimiter, orig_tag) { //function to return unformatted content in its entirety
+ if (orig_tag && orig_tag.toLowerCase().indexOf(delimiter) !== -1) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var input_char = '';
+ var content = '';
+ var min_index = 0;
+ var space = true;
+ do {
+ if (this.pos >= this.input.length) {
+ return content;
+ }
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ this.pos++;
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(input_char, this.Utils.whitespace)) {
+ if (!space) {
+ this.line_char_count--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (input_char === '\n' || input_char === '\r') {
+ content += '\n';
+ /* Don't change tab indention for unformatted blocks. If using code for html editing, this will greatly affect <pre> tags if they are specified in the 'unformatted array'
+ for (var i=0; i<this.indent_level; i++) {
+ content += this.indent_string;
+ }
+ space = false; //...and make sure other indentation is erased
+ */
+ this.line_char_count = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ content += input_char;
+ this.line_char_count++;
+ space = true;
+ if (indent_handlebars && input_char === '{' && content.length && content[content.length - 2] === '{') {
+ // Handlebars expressions in strings should also be unformatted.
+ content += this.get_unformatted('}}');
+ // These expressions are opaque. Ignore delimiters found in them.
+ min_index = content.length;
+ }
+ } while (content.toLowerCase().indexOf(delimiter, min_index) === -1);
+ return content;
+ };
+ this.get_token = function() { //initial handler for token-retrieval
+ var token;
+ if (this.last_token === 'TK_TAG_SCRIPT' || this.last_token === 'TK_TAG_STYLE') { //check if we need to format javascript
+ var type = this.last_token.substr(7);
+ token = this.get_contents_to(type);
+ if (typeof token !== 'string') {
+ return token;
+ }
+ return [token, 'TK_' + type];
+ }
+ if (this.current_mode === 'CONTENT') {
+ token = this.get_content();
+ if (typeof token !== 'string') {
+ return token;
+ } else {
+ return [token, 'TK_CONTENT'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.current_mode === 'TAG') {
+ token = this.get_tag();
+ if (typeof token !== 'string') {
+ return token;
+ } else {
+ var tag_name_type = 'TK_TAG_' + this.tag_type;
+ return [token, tag_name_type];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.get_full_indent = function(level) {
+ level = this.indent_level + level || 0;
+ if (level < 1) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return Array(level + 1).join(this.indent_string);
+ };
+ this.is_unformatted = function(tag_check, unformatted) {
+ //is this an HTML5 block-level link?
+ if (!this.Utils.in_array(tag_check, unformatted)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (tag_check.toLowerCase() !== 'a' || !this.Utils.in_array('a', unformatted)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ //at this point we have an tag; is its first child something we want to remain
+ //unformatted?
+ var next_tag = this.get_tag(true /* peek. */ );
+ // test next_tag to see if it is just html tag (no external content)
+ var tag = (next_tag || "").match(/^\s*<\s*\/?([a-z]*)\s*[^>]*>\s*$/);
+ // if next_tag comes back but is not an isolated tag, then
+ // let's treat the 'a' tag as having content
+ // and respect the unformatted option
+ if (!tag || this.Utils.in_array(tag, unformatted)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ this.printer = function(js_source, indent_character, indent_size, wrap_line_length, brace_style) { //handles input/output and some other printing functions
+ this.input = js_source || ''; //gets the input for the Parser
+ this.output = [];
+ this.indent_character = indent_character;
+ this.indent_string = '';
+ this.indent_size = indent_size;
+ this.brace_style = brace_style;
+ this.indent_level = 0;
+ this.wrap_line_length = wrap_line_length;
+ this.line_char_count = 0; //count to see if wrap_line_length was exceeded
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.indent_size; i++) {
+ this.indent_string += this.indent_character;
+ }
+ this.print_newline = function(force, arr) {
+ this.line_char_count = 0;
+ if (!arr || !arr.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (force || (arr[arr.length - 1] !== '\n')) { //we might want the extra line
+ arr.push('\n');
+ }
+ };
+ this.print_indentation = function(arr) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.indent_level; i++) {
+ arr.push(this.indent_string);
+ this.line_char_count += this.indent_string.length;
+ }
+ };
+ this.print_token = function(text) {
+ if (text || text !== '') {
+ if (this.output.length && this.output[this.output.length - 1] === '\n') {
+ this.print_indentation(this.output);
+ text = ltrim(text);
+ }
+ }
+ this.print_token_raw(text);
+ };
+ this.print_token_raw = function(text) {
+ if (text && text !== '') {
+ if (text.length > 1 && text[text.length - 1] === '\n') {
+ // unformatted tags can grab newlines as their last character
+ this.output.push(text.slice(0, -1));
+ this.print_newline(false, this.output);
+ } else {
+ this.output.push(text);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var n = 0; n < this.newlines; n++) {
+ this.print_newline(n > 0, this.output);
+ }
+ this.newlines = 0;
+ };
+ this.indent = function() {
+ this.indent_level++;
+ };
+ this.unindent = function() {
+ if (this.indent_level > 0) {
+ this.indent_level--;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ return this;
+ }
+ /*_____________________--------------------_____________________*/
+ multi_parser = new Parser(); //wrapping functions Parser
+ multi_parser.printer(html_source, indent_character, indent_size, wrap_line_length, brace_style); //initialize starting values
+ while (true) {
+ var t = multi_parser.get_token();
+ multi_parser.token_text = t[0];
+ multi_parser.token_type = t[1];
+ if (multi_parser.token_type === 'TK_EOF') {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (multi_parser.token_type) {
+ case 'TK_TAG_START':
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ if (multi_parser.indent_content) {
+ multi_parser.indent();
+ multi_parser.indent_content = false;
+ }
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_TAG_STYLE':
+ case 'TK_TAG_SCRIPT':
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_TAG_END':
+ //Print new line only if the tag has no content and has child
+ if (multi_parser.last_token === 'TK_CONTENT' && multi_parser.last_text === '') {
+ var tag_name = multi_parser.token_text.match(/\w+/)[0];
+ var tag_extracted_from_last_output = null;
+ if (multi_parser.output.length) {
+ tag_extracted_from_last_output = multi_parser.output[multi_parser.output.length - 1].match(/(?:<|{{#)\s*(\w+)/);
+ }
+ if (tag_extracted_from_last_output === null ||
+ tag_extracted_from_last_output[1] !== tag_name) {
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ }
+ }
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_TAG_SINGLE':
+ // Don't add a newline before elements that should remain unformatted.
+ var tag_check = multi_parser.token_text.match(/^\s*<([a-z]+)/i);
+ if (!tag_check || !multi_parser.Utils.in_array(tag_check[1], unformatted)) {
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ }
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ if (multi_parser.indent_content) {
+ multi_parser.indent();
+ multi_parser.indent_content = false;
+ }
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_CONTENT':
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'TAG';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_STYLE':
+ case 'TK_SCRIPT':
+ if (multi_parser.token_text !== '') {
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ var text = multi_parser.token_text,
+ _beautifier,
+ script_indent_level = 1;
+ if (multi_parser.token_type === 'TK_SCRIPT') {
+ _beautifier = typeof js_beautify === 'function' && js_beautify;
+ } else if (multi_parser.token_type === 'TK_STYLE') {
+ _beautifier = typeof css_beautify === 'function' && css_beautify;
+ }
+ if (options.indent_scripts === "keep") {
+ script_indent_level = 0;
+ } else if (options.indent_scripts === "separate") {
+ script_indent_level = -multi_parser.indent_level;
+ }
+ var indentation = multi_parser.get_full_indent(script_indent_level);
+ if (_beautifier) {
+ // call the Beautifier if avaliable
+ text = _beautifier(text.replace(/^\s*/, indentation), options);
+ } else {
+ // simply indent the string otherwise
+ var white = text.match(/^\s*/)[0];
+ var _level = white.match(/[^\n\r]*$/)[0].split(multi_parser.indent_string).length - 1;
+ var reindent = multi_parser.get_full_indent(script_indent_level - _level);
+ text = text.replace(/^\s*/, indentation)
+ .replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, '\n' + reindent)
+ .replace(/\s+$/, '');
+ }
+ if (text) {
+ multi_parser.print_token_raw(indentation + trim(text));
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ }
+ }
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'TAG';
+ break;
+ }
+ multi_parser.last_token = multi_parser.token_type;
+ multi_parser.last_text = multi_parser.token_text;
+ }
+ return multi_parser.output.join('');
+ }
+ var beautify = require('devtools/shared/jsbeautify/beautify');
+ exports.htmlBeautify = function(html_source, options) {
+ return style_html(html_source, options, beautify.js, beautify.css);
+ };