path: root/caps/nsIPrincipal.idl
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /caps/nsIPrincipal.idl
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'caps/nsIPrincipal.idl')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/caps/nsIPrincipal.idl b/caps/nsIPrincipal.idl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d278decdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caps/nsIPrincipal.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* Defines the abstract interface for a principal. */
+#include "nsISerializable.idl"
+struct JSPrincipals;
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+interface nsIURI;
+interface nsIContentSecurityPolicy;
+interface nsIDOMDocument;
+[ptr] native JSContext(JSContext);
+[ptr] native JSPrincipals(JSPrincipals);
+[ptr] native PrincipalArray(nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> >);
+[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(3da7b133-f1a0-4de9-a2bc-5c49014c1077)]
+interface nsIPrincipal : nsISerializable
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the other principal is equivalent to this principal.
+ * Principals are considered equal if they are the same principal, or
+ * they have the same origin.
+ */
+ boolean equals(in nsIPrincipal other);
+ /**
+ * Like equals, but takes document.domain changes into account.
+ */
+ boolean equalsConsideringDomain(in nsIPrincipal other);
+ %{C++
+ inline bool Equals(nsIPrincipal* aOther) {
+ bool equal = false;
+ return NS_SUCCEEDED(Equals(aOther, &equal)) && equal;
+ }
+ inline bool EqualsConsideringDomain(nsIPrincipal* aOther) {
+ bool equal = false;
+ return NS_SUCCEEDED(EqualsConsideringDomain(aOther, &equal)) && equal;
+ }
+ %}
+ /**
+ * Returns a hash value for the principal.
+ */
+ [noscript] readonly attribute unsigned long hashValue;
+ /**
+ * The codebase URI to which this principal pertains. This is
+ * generally the document URI.
+ */
+ readonly attribute nsIURI URI;
+ /**
+ * The domain URI to which this principal pertains.
+ * This is null unless script successfully sets document.domain to our URI
+ * or a superdomain of our URI.
+ * Setting this has no effect on the URI.
+ * See
+ */
+ [noscript] attribute nsIURI domain;
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the other principal is equal to or weaker than this
+ * principal. Principals are equal if they are the same object or they
+ * have the same origin.
+ *
+ * Thus a principal always subsumes itself.
+ *
+ * The system principal subsumes itself and all other principals.
+ *
+ * A null principal (corresponding to an unknown, hence assumed minimally
+ * privileged, security context) is not equal to any other principal
+ * (including other null principals), and therefore does not subsume
+ * anything but itself.
+ */
+ boolean subsumes(in nsIPrincipal other);
+ /**
+ * Same as the previous method, subsumes(), but takes document.domain into
+ * account.
+ */
+ boolean subsumesConsideringDomain(in nsIPrincipal other);
+ %{C++
+ inline bool Subsumes(nsIPrincipal* aOther) {
+ bool subsumes = false;
+ return NS_SUCCEEDED(Subsumes(aOther, &subsumes)) && subsumes;
+ }
+ inline bool SubsumesConsideringDomain(nsIPrincipal* aOther) {
+ bool subsumes = false;
+ return NS_SUCCEEDED(SubsumesConsideringDomain(aOther, &subsumes)) && subsumes;
+ }
+ %}
+ /**
+ * Checks whether this principal is allowed to load the network resource
+ * located at the given URI under the same-origin policy. This means that
+ * codebase principals are only allowed to load resources from the same
+ * domain, the system principal is allowed to load anything, and null
+ * principals can only load URIs where they are the principal. This is
+ * changed by the optional flag allowIfInheritsPrincipal (which defaults to
+ * false) which allows URIs that inherit their loader's principal.
+ *
+ * If the load is allowed this function does nothing. If the load is not
+ * allowed the function throws NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Other policies might override this, such as the Access-Control
+ * specification.
+ * NOTE: The 'domain' attribute has no effect on the behaviour of this
+ * function.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param uri The URI about to be loaded.
+ * @param report If true, will report a warning to the console service
+ * if the load is not allowed.
+ * @param allowIfInheritsPrincipal If true, the load is allowed if the
+ * loadee inherits the principal of the
+ * loader.
+ * @throws NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI if the load is not allowed.
+ */
+ void checkMayLoad(in nsIURI uri, in boolean report,
+ in boolean allowIfInheritsPrincipal);
+ /**
+ * A Content Security Policy associated with this principal.
+ * Use this function to query the associated CSP with this principal.
+ * Please *only* use this function to *set* a CSP when you know exactly what you are doing.
+ * Most likely you want to call ensureCSP instead of setCSP.
+ */
+ [noscript] attribute nsIContentSecurityPolicy csp;
+ /*
+ * Use this function to query a CSP associated with this principal.
+ * If no CSP is associated with this principal then one is created
+ * internally and setRequestContext is called on the CSP using aDocument.
+ *
+ * Please note if aDocument is null, then setRequestContext on the
+ * CSP object is called using the current principal.
+ */
+ [noscript] nsIContentSecurityPolicy ensureCSP(in nsIDOMDocument aDocument);
+ /**
+ * A speculative Content Security Policy associated with this
+ * principal. Set during speculative loading (preloading) and
+ * used *only* for preloads.
+ *
+ * If you want to query the CSP associated with that principal,
+ * then this is *not* what you want. Instead query 'csp'.
+ */
+ [noscript] readonly attribute nsIContentSecurityPolicy preloadCsp;
+ /*
+ * Use this function to query a speculative CSP associated with this
+ * principal. If no speculative CSP is associated with this principal
+ * then one is created internally and setRequestContext is called on
+ * the CSP using aDocument.
+ *
+ * Please note if aDocument is null, then setRequestContext on the
+ * speculative CSP object is called using the current principal.
+ */
+ [noscript] nsIContentSecurityPolicy ensurePreloadCSP(in nsIDOMDocument aDocument);
+ /**
+ * The CSP of the principal in JSON notation.
+ * Note, that the CSP itself is not exposed to JS, but script
+ * should be able to obtain a JSON representation of the CSP.
+ */
+ readonly attribute AString cspJSON;
+ /**
+ * A dictionary of the non-default origin attributes associated with this
+ * nsIPrincipal.
+ *
+ * Attributes are tokens that are taken into account when determining whether
+ * two principals are same-origin - if any attributes differ, the principals
+ * are cross-origin, even if the scheme, host, and port are the same.
+ * Attributes should also be considered for all security and bucketing decisions,
+ * even those which make non-standard comparisons (like cookies, which ignore
+ * scheme, or quotas, which ignore subdomains).
+ *
+ * If you're looking for an easy-to-use canonical stringification of the origin
+ * attributes, see |originSuffix| below.
+ */
+ [implicit_jscontext]
+ readonly attribute jsval originAttributes;
+ /**
+ * A canonical representation of the origin for this principal. This
+ * consists of a base string (which, for codebase principals, is of the
+ * format scheme://host:port), concatenated with |originAttributes| (see
+ * below).
+ *
+ * We maintain the invariant that principalA.equals(principalB) if and only
+ * if principalA.origin == principalB.origin.
+ */
+ readonly attribute ACString origin;
+ /**
+ * The base part of |origin| without the concatenation with |originSuffix|.
+ * This doesn't have the important invariants described above with |origin|,
+ * and as such should only be used for legacy situations.
+ */
+ readonly attribute ACString originNoSuffix;
+ /**
+ * A string of the form !key1=value1&key2=value2, where each pair represents
+ * an attribute with a non-default value. If all attributes have default
+ * values, this is the empty string.
+ *
+ * The value of .originSuffix is automatically serialized into .origin, so any
+ * consumers using that are automatically origin-attribute-aware. Consumers with
+ * special requirements must inspect and compare .originSuffix manually.
+ */
+ readonly attribute AUTF8String originSuffix;
+ /**
+ * The base domain of the codebase URI to which this principal pertains
+ * (generally the document URI), handling null principals and
+ * non-hierarchical schemes correctly.
+ */
+ readonly attribute ACString baseDomain;
+ const short APP_STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED = 0;
+ const short APP_STATUS_INSTALLED = 1;
+ const short APP_STATUS_PRIVILEGED = 2;
+ const short APP_STATUS_CERTIFIED = 3;
+ /**
+ * Gets the principal's app status, which indicates whether the principal
+ * corresponds to "app code", and if it does, how privileged that code is.
+ * This method returns one of the APP_STATUS constants above.
+ *
+ * Note that a principal may have
+ *
+ * appId != nsIScriptSecurityManager::NO_APP_ID &&
+ * appId != nsIScriptSecurityManager::UNKNOWN_APP_ID
+ *
+ * and still have appStatus == APP_STATUS_NOT_INSTALLED. That's because
+ * appId identifies the app that contains this principal, but a window
+ * might be contained in an app and not be running code that the app has
+ * vouched for. For example, the window might be inside an <iframe
+ * mozbrowser>, or the window's origin might not match the app's origin.
+ *
+ * If you're doing a check to determine "does this principal correspond to
+ * app code?", you must check appStatus; checking appId != NO_APP_ID is not
+ * sufficient.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute unsigned short appStatus;
+ /**
+ * Gets the id of the app this principal is inside. If this principal is
+ * not inside an app, returns nsIScriptSecurityManager::NO_APP_ID.
+ *
+ * Note that this principal does not necessarily have the permissions of
+ * the app identified by appId. For example, this principal might
+ * correspond to an iframe whose origin differs from that of the app frame
+ * containing it. In this case, the iframe will have the appId of its
+ * containing app frame, but the iframe must not run with the app's
+ * permissions.
+ *
+ * Similarly, this principal might correspond to an <iframe mozbrowser>
+ * inside an app frame; in this case, the content inside the iframe should
+ * not have any of the app's permissions, even if the iframe is at the same
+ * origin as the app.
+ *
+ * If you're doing a security check based on appId, you must check
+ * appStatus as well.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute unsigned long appId;
+ /**
+ * Gets the ID of the add-on this principal belongs to.
+ */
+ readonly attribute AString addonId;
+ /**
+ * Gets the id of the user context this principal is inside. If this
+ * principal is inside the default userContext, this returns
+ * nsIScriptSecurityManager::DEFAULT_USER_CONTEXT_ID.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute unsigned long userContextId;
+ /**
+ * Gets the id of the private browsing state of the context containing
+ * this principal. If the principal has a private browsing value of 0, it
+ * is not in private browsing.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute unsigned long privateBrowsingId;
+ /**
+ * Returns true iff the principal is inside an isolated mozbrowser element.
+ * <iframe mozbrowser mozapp> and <xul:browser> are not considered to be
+ * mozbrowser elements. <iframe mozbrowser noisolation> does not count as
+ * isolated since isolation is disabled. Isolation can only be disabled if
+ * the containing document is chrome.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute boolean isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this principal has an unknown appId. This shouldn't
+ * generally be used. We only expose it due to not providing the correct
+ * appId everywhere where we construct principals.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute boolean unknownAppId;
+ /**
+ * Returns true iff this is a null principal (corresponding to an
+ * unknown, hence assumed minimally privileged, security context).
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute boolean isNullPrincipal;
+ /**
+ * Returns true iff this principal corresponds to a codebase origin.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute boolean isCodebasePrincipal;
+ /**
+ * Returns true iff this is an expanded principal.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute boolean isExpandedPrincipal;
+ /**
+ * Returns true iff this is the system principal.
+ */
+ [infallible] readonly attribute boolean isSystemPrincipal;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this principal's origin is recognized as being on the
+ * whitelist of sites that can use the CSS Unprefixing Service.
+ *
+ * (This interface provides a trivial implementation, just returning false;
+ * subclasses can implement something more complex as-needed.)
+ */
+ [noscript,notxpcom,nostdcall] bool IsOnCSSUnprefixingWhitelist();
+ * If nsSystemPrincipal is too risky to use, but we want a principal to access
+ * more than one origin, nsExpandedPrincipals letting us define an array of
+ * principals it subsumes. So script with an nsExpandedPrincipals will gain
+ * same origin access when at least one of its principals it contains gained
+ * sameorigin acccess. An nsExpandedPrincipal will be subsumed by the system
+ * principal, and by another nsExpandedPrincipal that has all its principals.
+ * It is added for jetpack content-scripts to let them interact with the
+ * content and a well defined set of other domains, without the risk of
+ * leaking out a system principal to the content. See: Bug 734891
+ */
+interface nsIExpandedPrincipal : nsISupports
+ /**
+ * An array of principals that the expanded principal subsumes.
+ * Note: this list is not reference counted, it is shared, so
+ * should not be changed and should only be used ephemerally.
+ */
+ [noscript] readonly attribute PrincipalArray whiteList;