path: root/addon-sdk/source/test/test-sequence.js
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authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-10 02:51:36 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-10 02:51:36 -0500
commit37d5300335d81cecbecc99812747a657588c63eb (patch)
tree765efa3b6a56bb715d9813a8697473e120436278 /addon-sdk/source/test/test-sequence.js
parentb2bdac20c02b12f2057b9ef70b0a946113a00e00 (diff)
parent4fb11cd5966461bccc3ed1599b808237be6b0de9 (diff)
Merge branch 'ext-work'
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/test/test-sequence.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1245 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/test/test-sequence.js b/addon-sdk/source/test/test-sequence.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 90a12edd1..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/test/test-sequence.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1245 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-var { seq, iterate, filter, map, reductions, reduce, count,
- isEmpty, every, isEvery, some, take, takeWhile, drop,
- dropWhile, concat, first, rest, nth, last, dropLast,
- distinct, remove, mapcat, fromEnumerator, string,
- object, pairs, keys, values, each, names, symbols
- } = require("sdk/util/sequence");
-const boom = () => { throw new Error("Boom!"); };
-const broken = seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- throw new Error("Boom!");
-exports["test seq"] = assert => {
- let xs = seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- });
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(null)], [], "seq of null is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(void(0))], [], "seq of void is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...xs], [1, 2, 3], "seq of 1 2 3");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(xs)], [1, 2, 3], "seq of seq is seq");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq([])], [], "seq of emtpy array is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq([1])], [1], "seq of lonly array is single element");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq([1, 2, 3])], [1, 2, 3], "seq of array is it's elements");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq("")], [], "seq of emtpy string is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq("o")], ["o"], "seq of char is single char seq");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq("hello")], ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"],
- "seq of string are chars");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(new Set())], [], "seq of emtpy set is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(new Set([1]))], [1], "seq of lonely set is single");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(new Set([1, 2, 3]))], [1, 2, 3], "seq of lonely set is single");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(new Map())], [], "seq of emtpy map is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(new Map([[1, 2]]))], [[1, 2]], "seq single mapping is that mapping");
- assert.deepEqual([...seq(new Map([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]))],
- [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]],
- "seq of map is key value mappings");
- [function(){}, 1, /foo/, true].forEach(x => {
- assert.throws(() => seq(x), "Type is not seq-able");
- });
- assert.throws(() => [...broken],
- /Boom/,
- "broken sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test seq casting"] = assert => {
- const xs = seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; });
- const ys = seq(function*() { yield 1; });
- const zs = seq(function*() {});
- const kvs = seq(function*() { yield ["a", 1]; yield ["b", 2]; });
- const kv = seq(function*() { yield ["a", 1]; });
- assert.deepEqual([...xs], [1, 2, 3], "cast to array");
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [1], "cast to of one element");
- assert.deepEqual([...zs], [], "cast empty array");
- assert.deepEqual(string(...xs), "123", "cast to string");
- assert.deepEqual(string(...ys), "1", "cast to char");
- assert.deepEqual(string(...zs), "", "cast to empty string");
- assert.deepEqual(new Set(xs), new Set([1, 2, 3]),
- "cast to set of items");
- assert.deepEqual(new Set(ys), new Set([1]),
- "cast to set of one item");
- assert.deepEqual(new Set(zs), new Set(),
- "cast to set of one item");
- assert.deepEqual(new Map(kvs), new Map([["a", 1], ["b", 2]]),
- "cast to map");
- assert.deepEqual(new Map(kv), new Map([["a", 1]]),
- "cast to single mapping");
- assert.deepEqual(new Map(zs), new Map(),
- "cast to empty map");
- assert.deepEqual(object(...kvs), {a: 1, b: 2},
- "cast to object");
- assert.deepEqual(object(...kv), {a: 1},
- "cast to single pair");
- assert.deepEqual(object(...zs), {},
- "cast to empty object");
-exports["test pairs"] = assert => {
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs(null)], [], "pairs on null is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs(void(0))], [], "pairs on void is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs({})], [], "empty sequence");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs({a: 1})], [["a", 1]], "single pair");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})].sort(),
- [["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]],
- "creates pairs");
- let items = [];
- for (let [key, value] of pairs({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}))
- items.push([key, value]);
- assert.deepEqual(items.sort(),
- [["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]],
- "for of works on pairs");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs([])], [], "pairs on empty array is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs([1])], [[0, 1]], "pairs on array is [index, element]");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs([1, 2, 3])],
- [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]],
- "for arrays it pair of [index, element]");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs("")], [], "pairs on empty string is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs("a")], [[0, "a"]], "pairs on char is [0, char]");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs("hello")],
- [[0, "h"], [1, "e"], [2, "l"], [3, "l"], [4, "o"]],
- "for strings it's pair of [index, char]");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs(new Map())],
- [],
- "pairs on empty map is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs(new Map([[1, 3]]))],
- [[1, 3]],
- "pairs on single mapping single mapping");
- assert.deepEqual([...pairs(new Map([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))],
- [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
- "pairs on map returs key vaule pairs");
- assert.throws(() => pairs(new Set()),
- "can't pair set");
- assert.throws(() => pairs(4),
- "can't pair number");
- assert.throws(() => pairs(true),
- "can't pair boolean");
-exports["test keys"] = assert => {
- assert.deepEqual([...keys(null)], [], "keys on null is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys(void(0))], [], "keys on void is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys({})], [], "empty sequence");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys({a: 1})], ["a"], "single key");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})].sort(),
- ["a", "b", "c"],
- "all keys");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys(Object.create({}, {
- a: {value: 1, enumerable: true},
- b: {value: 2, enumerable: false},
- c: {value: 3, enumerable: false}
- }))].sort(),
- ["a"],
- "only enumerable keys");
- let items = [];
- for (let key of keys({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}))
- items.push(key);
- assert.deepEqual(items.sort(),
- ["a", "b", "c"],
- "for of works on keys");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys([])], [], "keys on empty array is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys([1])], [0], "keys on array is indexes");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys([1, 2, 3])],
- [0, 1, 2],
- "keys on arrays returns indexes");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys("")], [], "keys on empty string is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys("a")], [0], "keys on char is 0");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys("hello")],
- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
- "keys on strings is char indexes");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys(new Map())],
- [],
- "keys on empty map is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys(new Map([[1, 3]]))],
- [1],
- "keys on single mapping single mapping is single key");
- assert.deepEqual([...keys(new Map([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))],
- [1, 3],
- "keys on map is keys from map");
- assert.throws(() => keys(new Set()),
- "can't keys set");
- assert.throws(() => keys(4),
- "can't keys number");
- assert.throws(() => keys(true),
- "can't keys boolean");
-exports["test names"] = assert => {
- assert.deepEqual([...names(null)], [], "names on null is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...names(void(0))], [], "names on void is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...names({})], [], "empty sequence");
- assert.deepEqual([...names({a: 1})], ["a"], "single key");
- assert.deepEqual([...names({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})].sort(),
- ["a", "b", "c"],
- "all keys");
- assert.deepEqual([...names(Object.create({}, {
- a: {value: 1, enumerable: true},
- b: {value: 2, enumerable: false},
- c: {value: 3, enumerable: false}
- }))].sort(),
- ["a", "b", "c"],
- "all enumerable & non-enumerable keys");
- assert.throws(() => names([1, 2, 3]),
- "can't names array");
- assert.throws(() => names(""),
- "can't names string");
- assert.throws(() => names(new Map()),
- "can't names map");
- assert.throws(() => names(new Set()),
- "can't names set");
- assert.throws(() => names(4),
- "can't names number");
- assert.throws(() => names(true),
- "can't names boolean");
-exports["test symbols"] = assert => {
- assert.deepEqual([...symbols(null)], [], "symbols on null is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...symbols(void(0))], [], "symbols on void is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...symbols({})], [], "symbols on empty is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...symbols({a: 1})], [], "symbols is empty if not owned");
- const b = Symbol("b");
- assert.deepEqual([...symbols({a: 1, [b]: 2, c: 3})].sort(),
- [b],
- "only symbols");
- assert.deepEqual([...symbols(Object.create({}, {
- a: {value: 1, enumerable: true},
- [b]: {value: 2, enumerable: false},
- c: {value: 3, enumerable: false}
- }))].sort(),
- [b],
- "includes non-enumerable symbols");
- assert.throws(() => symbols([1, 2, 3]),
- "can't symbols array");
- assert.throws(() => symbols(""),
- "can't symbols string");
- assert.throws(() => symbols(new Map()),
- "can't symbols map");
- assert.throws(() => symbols(new Set()),
- "can't symbols set");
- assert.throws(() => symbols(4),
- "can't symbols number");
- assert.throws(() => symbols(true),
- "can't symbols boolean");
-exports["test values"] = assert => {
- assert.deepEqual([...values({})], [], "empty sequence");
- assert.deepEqual([...values({a: 1})], [1], "single value");
- assert.deepEqual([...values({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})].sort(),
- [1, 2, 3],
- "all values");
- let items = [];
- for (let value of values({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}))
- items.push(value);
- assert.deepEqual(items.sort(),
- [1, 2, 3],
- "for of works on values");
- assert.deepEqual([...values([])], [], "values on empty array is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...values([1])], [1], "values on array elements");
- assert.deepEqual([...values([1, 2, 3])],
- [1, 2, 3],
- "values on arrays returns elements");
- assert.deepEqual([...values("")], [], "values on empty string is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...values("a")], ["a"], "values on char is char");
- assert.deepEqual([...values("hello")],
- ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"],
- "values on strings is chars");
- assert.deepEqual([...values(new Map())],
- [],
- "values on empty map is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...values(new Map([[1, 3]]))],
- [3],
- "keys on single mapping single mapping is single key");
- assert.deepEqual([...values(new Map([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))],
- [2, 4],
- "values on map is values from map");
- assert.deepEqual([...values(new Set())], [], "values on empty set is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...values(new Set([1]))], [1], "values on set is it's items");
- assert.deepEqual([...values(new Set([1, 2, 3]))],
- [1, 2, 3],
- "values on set is it's items");
- assert.throws(() => values(4),
- "can't values number");
- assert.throws(() => values(true),
- "can't values boolean");
-exports["test fromEnumerator"] = assert => {
- const { Cc, Ci } = require("chrome");
- const { enumerateObservers,
- addObserver,
- removeObserver } = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
- const topic = "sec:" + Math.random().toString(32).substr(2);
- const [a, b, c] = [{wrappedJSObject: {}},
- {wrappedJSObject: {}},
- {wrappedJSObject: {}}];
- const unwrap = x => x.wrappedJSObject;
- [a, b, c].forEach(x => addObserver(x, topic, false));
- const xs = fromEnumerator(() => enumerateObservers(topic));
- const ys = map(unwrap, xs);
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [a, b, c].map(unwrap),
- "all observers are there");
- removeObserver(b, topic);
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [a, c].map(unwrap),
- "b was removed");
- removeObserver(a, topic);
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [c].map(unwrap),
- "a was removed");
- removeObserver(c, topic);
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [],
- "c was removed, now empty");
- addObserver(a, topic, false);
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [a].map(unwrap),
- "a was added");
- removeObserver(a, topic);
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [].map(unwrap),
- "a was removed, now empty");
-exports["test filter"] = assert => {
- const isOdd = x => x % 2;
- const odds = seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 3; yield 5; });
- const evens = seq(function*() { yield 2; yield 4; yield 6; });
- const mixed = seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- yield 4;
- });
- assert.deepEqual([...filter(isOdd, mixed)], [1, 3],
- "filtered odds");
- assert.deepEqual([...filter(isOdd, odds)], [1, 3, 5],
- "kept all");
- assert.deepEqual([...filter(isOdd, evens)], [],
- "kept none");
- let xs = filter(boom, mixed);
- assert.throws(() => [...xs], /Boom/, "errors propagate");
- assert.throws(() => [...filter(isOdd, broken)], /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test filter array"] = assert => {
- let isOdd = x => x % 2;
- let xs = filter(isOdd, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
- let ys = filter(isOdd, [1, 3, 5]);
- let zs = filter(isOdd, [2, 4, 6]);
- assert.deepEqual([...xs], [1, 3], "filteres odds");
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [1, 3, 5], "kept all");
- assert.deepEqual([...zs], [], "kept none");
- assert.ok(!Array.isArray(xs));
-exports["test filter set"] = assert => {
- let isOdd = x => x % 2;
- let xs = filter(isOdd, new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]));
- let ys = filter(isOdd, new Set([1, 3, 5]));
- let zs = filter(isOdd, new Set([2, 4, 6]));
- assert.deepEqual([...xs], [1, 3], "filteres odds");
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [1, 3, 5], "kept all");
- assert.deepEqual([...zs], [], "kept none");
-exports["test filter string"] = assert => {
- let isUpperCase = x => x.toUpperCase() === x;
- let xs = filter(isUpperCase, "aBcDe");
- let ys = filter(isUpperCase, "ABC");
- let zs = filter(isUpperCase, "abcd");
- assert.deepEqual([...xs], ["B", "D"], "filteres odds");
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], ["A", "B", "C"], "kept all");
- assert.deepEqual([...zs], [], "kept none");
-exports["test filter lazy"] = assert => {
- const x = 1;
- let y = 2;
- const xy = seq(function*() { yield x; yield y; });
- const isOdd = x => x % 2;
- const actual = filter(isOdd, xy);
- assert.deepEqual([...actual], [1], "only one odd number");
- y = 3;
- assert.deepEqual([...actual], [1, 3], "filter is lazy");
-exports["test filter non sequences"] = assert => {
- const False = _ => false;
- assert.throws(() => [...filter(False, 1)],
- "can't iterate number");
- assert.throws(() => [...filter(False, {a: 1, b:2})],
- "can't iterate object");
-exports["test map"] = assert => {
- let inc = x => x + 1;
- let xs = seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; });
- let ys = map(inc, xs);
- assert.deepEqual([...ys], [2, 3, 4], "incremented each item");
- assert.deepEqual([, null)], [], "mapping null is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([, void(0))], [], "mapping void is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([, new Set([1, 2, 3]))], [2, 3, 4], "maps set items");
-exports["test map two inputs"] = assert => {
- let sum = (x, y) => x + y;
- let xs = seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; });
- let ys = seq(function*() { yield 4; yield 5; yield 6; });
- let zs = map(sum, xs, ys);
- assert.deepEqual([...zs], [5, 7, 9], "summed numbers");
-exports["test map diff sized inputs"] = assert => {
- let sum = (x, y) => x + y;
- let xs = seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; });
- let ys = seq(function*() { yield 4; yield 5; yield 6; yield 7; yield 8; });
- let zs = map(sum, xs, ys);
- assert.deepEqual([...zs], [5, 7, 9], "summed numbers");
- assert.deepEqual([, ys, xs)], [5, 7, 9],
- "index of exhasting input is irrelevant");
-exports["test map multi"] = assert => {
- let sum = (x, y, z, w) => x + y + z + w;
- let xs = seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; yield 4; });
- let ys = seq(function*() { yield 4; yield 5; yield 6; yield 7; yield 8; });
- let zs = seq(function*() { yield 10; yield 11; yield 12; });
- let ws = seq(function*() { yield 0; yield 20; yield 40; yield 60; });
- let actual = map(sum, xs, ys, zs, ws);
- assert.deepEqual([...actual], [15, 38, 61], "summed numbers");
-exports["test map errors"] = assert => {
- assert.deepEqual([, [])], [],
- "won't throw if empty");
- const xs = map(boom, [1, 2, 4]);
- assert.throws(() => [...xs], /Boom/, "propagates errors");
- assert.throws(() => [ => x, broken)], /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test reductions"] = assert => {
- let sum = (...xs) => xs.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
- assert.deepEqual([...reductions(sum, [1, 1, 1, 1])],
- [1, 2, 3, 4],
- "works with arrays");
- assert.deepEqual([...reductions(sum, 5, [1, 1, 1, 1])],
- [5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
- "array with initial");
- assert.deepEqual([...reductions(sum, seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- }))],
- [1, 3, 6],
- "works with sequences");
- assert.deepEqual([...reductions(sum, 10, seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- }))],
- [10, 11, 13, 16],
- "works with sequences");
- assert.deepEqual([...reductions(sum, [])], [0],
- "invokes accumulator with no args");
- assert.throws(() => [...reductions(boom, 1, [1])],
- /Boom/,
- "arg errors errors propagate");
- assert.throws(() => [...reductions(sum, 1, broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test reduce"] = assert => {
- let sum = (...xs) => xs.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
- assert.deepEqual(reduce(sum, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
- 15,
- "works with arrays");
- assert.deepEqual(reduce(sum, seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- })),
- 6,
- "works with sequences");
- assert.deepEqual(reduce(sum, 10, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
- 25,
- "works with array & initial");
- assert.deepEqual(reduce(sum, 5, seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- })),
- 11,
- "works with sequences & initial");
- assert.deepEqual(reduce(sum, []), 0, "reduce with no args");
- assert.deepEqual(reduce(sum, "a", []), "a", "reduce with initial");
- assert.deepEqual(reduce(sum, 1, [1]), 2, "reduce with single & initial");
- assert.throws(() => [...reduce(boom, 1, [1])],
- /Boom/,
- "arg errors errors propagate");
- assert.throws(() => [...reduce(sum, 1, broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test each"] = assert => {
- const collect = xs => {
- let result = [];
- each((...etc) => result.push(...etc), xs);
- return result;
- };
- assert.deepEqual(collect(null), [], "each ignores null");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(void(0)), [], "each ignores void");
- assert.deepEqual(collect([]), [], "each ignores empty");
- assert.deepEqual(collect([1]), [1], "each works on single item arrays");
- assert.deepEqual(collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- "works with arrays");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- })),
- [1, 2, 3],
- "works with sequences");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(""), [], "ignores empty strings");
- assert.deepEqual(collect("a"), ["a"], "works on chars");
- assert.deepEqual(collect("hello"), ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"],
- "works on strings");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(new Set()), [], "ignores empty sets");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(new Set(["a"])), ["a"],
- "works on single item sets");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(new Set([1, 2, 3])), [1, 2, 3],
- "works on muti item tests");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(new Map()), [], "ignores empty maps");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(new Map([["a", 1]])), [["a", 1]],
- "works on single mapping maps");
- assert.deepEqual(collect(new Map([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])),
- [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]],
- "works on muti mapping maps");
- assert.throws(() => collect({}), "objects arn't supported");
- assert.throws(() => collect(1), "numbers arn't supported");
- assert.throws(() => collect(true), "booleas arn't supported");
-exports["test count"] = assert => {
- assert.equal(count(null), 0, "null counts to 0");
- assert.equal(count(), 0, "undefined counts to 0");
- assert.equal(count([]), 0, "empty array");
- assert.equal(count([1, 2, 3]), 3, "non-empty array");
- assert.equal(count(""), 0, "empty string");
- assert.equal(count("hello"), 5, "non-empty string");
- assert.equal(count(new Map()), 0, "empty map");
- assert.equal(count(new Map([[1, 2], [2, 3]])), 2, "non-empty map");
- assert.equal(count(new Set()), 0, "empty set");
- assert.equal(count(new Set([1, 2, 3, 4])), 4, "non-empty set");
- assert.equal(count(seq(function*() {})), 0, "empty sequence");
- assert.equal(count(seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; })), 2,
- "non-empty sequence");
- assert.throws(() => count(broken),
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test isEmpty"] = assert => {
- assert.equal(isEmpty(null), true, "null is empty");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(), true, "undefined is empty");
- assert.equal(isEmpty([]), true, "array is array");
- assert.equal(isEmpty([1, 2, 3]), false, "array isn't empty");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(""), true, "string is empty");
- assert.equal(isEmpty("hello"), false, "non-empty string");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(new Map()), true, "empty map");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(new Map([[1, 2], [2, 3]])), false, "non-empty map");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(new Set()), true, "empty set");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(new Set([1, 2, 3, 4])), false , "non-empty set");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(seq(function*() {})), true, "empty sequence");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; })), false,
- "non-empty sequence");
- assert.equal(isEmpty(broken), false, "hasn't reached error");
-exports["test isEvery"] = assert => {
- let isOdd = x => x % 2;
- let isTrue = x => x === true;
- let isFalse = x => x === false;
- assert.equal(isEvery(isOdd, seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 3;
- yield 5;
- })), true, "all are odds");
- assert.equal(isEvery(isOdd, seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- })), false, "contains even");
- assert.equal(isEvery(isTrue, seq(function*() {})), true, "true if empty");
- assert.equal(isEvery(isFalse, seq(function*() {})), true, "true if empty");
- assert.equal(isEvery(isTrue, null), true, "true for null");
- assert.equal(isEvery(isTrue, undefined), true, "true for undefined");
- assert.throws(() => isEvery(boom, [1, 2]),
- /Boom/,
- "arg errors errors propagate");
- assert.throws(() => isEvery(x => true, broken),
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
- assert.equal(isEvery(x => false, broken), false,
- "hasn't reached error");
-exports["test some"] = assert => {
- let isOdd = x => x % 2;
- let isTrue = x => x === true;
- let isFalse = x => x === false;
- assert.equal(some(isOdd, seq(function*() {
- yield 2;
- yield 4;
- yield 6;
- })), null, "all are even");
- assert.equal(some(isOdd, seq(function*() {
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- yield 4;
- })), true, "contains odd");
- assert.equal(some(isTrue, seq(function*() {})), null,
- "null if empty")
- assert.equal(some(isFalse, seq(function*() {})), null,
- "null if empty")
- assert.equal(some(isTrue, null), null, "null for null");
- assert.equal(some(isTrue, undefined), null, "null for undefined");
- assert.throws(() => some(boom, [1, 2]),
- /Boom/,
- "arg errors errors propagate");
- assert.throws(() => some(x => false, broken),
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
- assert.equal(some(x => true, broken), true,
- "hasn't reached error");
-exports["test take"] = assert => {
- let xs = seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- yield 4;
- yield 5;
- yield 6;
- });
- assert.deepEqual([...take(3, xs)], [1, 2, 3], "took 3 items");
- assert.deepEqual([...take(3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])], [1, 2, 3],
- "took 3 from array");
- let ys = seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; });
- assert.deepEqual([...take(3, ys)], [1, 2], "takes at max n");
- assert.deepEqual([...take(3, [1, 2])], [1, 2],
- "takes at max n from arary");
- let empty = seq(function*() {});
- assert.deepEqual([...take(5, empty)], [], "nothing to take");
- assert.throws(() => [...take(3, broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
- assert.deepEqual([...take(1, broken)], [1],
- "hasn't reached error");
-exports["test iterate"] = assert => {
- let inc = x => x + 1;
- let nums = iterate(inc, 0);
- assert.deepEqual([...take(5, nums)], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "took 5");
- assert.deepEqual([...take(10, nums)], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "took 10");
- let xs = iterate(x => x * 3, 2);
- assert.deepEqual([...take(4, xs)], [2, 6, 18, 54], "took 4");
- assert.throws(() => [...iterate(boom, 0)],
- /Boom/,
- "function exceptions propagate");
-exports["test takeWhile"] = assert => {
- let isNegative = x => x < 0;
- let xs = seq(function*() {
- yield -2;
- yield -1;
- yield 0;
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- });
- assert.deepEqual([...takeWhile(isNegative, xs)], [-2, -1],
- "took until 0");
- let ys = seq(function*() {});
- assert.deepEqual([...takeWhile(isNegative, ys)], [],
- "took none");
- let zs = seq(function*() {
- yield 0;
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- });
- assert.deepEqual([...takeWhile(isNegative, zs)], [],
- "took none");
- assert.throws(() => [...takeWhile(boom, zs)],
- /Boom/,
- "function errors errors propagate");
- assert.throws(() => [...takeWhile(x => true, broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
- assert.deepEqual([...takeWhile(x => false, broken)],
- [],
- "hasn't reached error");
-exports["test drop"] = assert => {
- let testDrop = xs => {
- assert.deepEqual([...drop(2, xs)],
- [3, 4],
- "dropped two elements");
- assert.deepEqual([...drop(1, xs)],
- [2, 3, 4],
- "dropped one");
- assert.deepEqual([...drop(0, xs)],
- [1, 2, 3, 4],
- "dropped 0");
- assert.deepEqual([...drop(-2, xs)],
- [1, 2, 3, 4],
- "dropped 0 on negative `n`");
- assert.deepEqual([...drop(5, xs)],
- [],
- "dropped all items");
- };
- testDrop([1, 2, 3, 4]);
- testDrop(seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- yield 4;
- }));
- assert.throws(() => [...drop(1, broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test dropWhile"] = assert => {
- let isNegative = x => x < 0;
- let True = _ => true;
- let False = _ => false;
- let test = xs => {
- assert.deepEqual([...dropWhile(isNegative, xs)],
- [0, 1, 2],
- "dropped negative");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropWhile(True, xs)],
- [],
- "drop all");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropWhile(False, xs)],
- [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2],
- "keep all");
- };
- test([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]);
- test(seq(function*() {
- yield -2;
- yield -1;
- yield 0;
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- }));
- assert.throws(() => [...dropWhile(boom, [1, 2, 3])],
- /Boom/,
- "function errors errors propagate");
- assert.throws(() => [...dropWhile(x => true, broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test concat"] = assert => {
- let test = (a, b, c, d) => {
- assert.deepEqual([...concat()],
- [],
- "nothing to concat");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(a)],
- [1, 2, 3],
- "concat with nothing returns same as first");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(a, b)],
- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- "concat items from both");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(a, b, a)],
- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3],
- "concat itself");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(c)],
- [],
- "concat of empty is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(a, c)],
- [1, 2, 3],
- "concat with empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(c, c, c)],
- [],
- "concat of empties is empty");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(c, b)],
- [4, 5],
- "empty can be in front");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(d)],
- [7],
- "concat singular");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(d, d)],
- [7, 7],
- "concat singulars");
- assert.deepEqual([...concat(a, a, b, c, d, c, d, d)],
- [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 7],
- "many concats");
- let ab = concat(a, b);
- let abcd = concat(ab, concat(c, d));
- let cdabcd = concat(c, d, abcd);
- assert.deepEqual([...cdabcd],
- [7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7],
- "nested concats");
- };
- test([1, 2, 3],
- [4, 5],
- [],
- [7]);
- test(seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; }),
- seq(function*() { yield 4; yield 5; }),
- seq(function*() { }),
- seq(function*() { yield 7; }));
- assert.throws(() => [...concat(broken, [1, 2, 3])],
- /Boom/,
- "function errors errors propagate");
-exports["test first"] = assert => {
- let test = (xs, empty) => {
- assert.equal(first(xs), 1, "returns first");
- assert.equal(first(empty), null, "returns null empty");
- };
- test("1234", "");
- test([1, 2, 3], []);
- test([1, 2, 3], null);
- test([1, 2, 3], undefined);
- test(seq(function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; }),
- seq(function*() { }));
- assert.equal(first(broken), 1, "did not reached error");
-exports["test rest"] = assert => {
- let test = (xs, x, nil) => {
- assert.deepEqual([], ["b", "c"],
- "rest items");
- assert.deepEqual([], [],
- "empty when singular");
- assert.deepEqual([], [],
- "empty when empty");
- };
- test("abc", "a", "");
- test(["a", "b", "c"], ["d"], []);
- test(seq(function*() { yield "a"; yield "b"; yield "c"; }),
- seq(function*() { yield "d"; }),
- seq(function*() {}));
- test(["a", "b", "c"], ["d"], null);
- test(["a", "b", "c"], ["d"], undefined);
- assert.throws(() => [],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test nth"] = assert => {
- let notFound = {};
- let test = xs => {
- assert.equal(nth(xs, 0), "h", "first");
- assert.equal(nth(xs, 1), "e", "second");
- assert.equal(nth(xs, 5), void(0), "out of bound");
- assert.equal(nth(xs, 5, notFound), notFound, "out of bound");
- assert.equal(nth(xs, -1), void(0), "out of bound");
- assert.equal(nth(xs, -1, notFound), notFound, "out of bound");
- assert.equal(nth(xs, 4), "o", "5th");
- };
- let testEmpty = xs => {
- assert.equal(nth(xs, 0), void(0), "no first in empty");
- assert.equal(nth(xs, 5), void(0), "no 5th in empty");
- assert.equal(nth(xs, 0, notFound), notFound, "notFound on out of bound");
- };
- test("hello");
- test(["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]);
- test(seq(function*() {
- yield "h";
- yield "e";
- yield "l";
- yield "l";
- yield "o";
- }));
- testEmpty(null);
- testEmpty(undefined);
- testEmpty([]);
- testEmpty("");
- testEmpty(seq(function*() {}));
- assert.throws(() => nth(broken, 1),
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
- assert.equal(nth(broken, 0), 1, "have not reached error");
-exports["test last"] = assert => {
- assert.equal(last(null), null, "no last in null");
- assert.equal(last(void(0)), null, "no last in undefined");
- assert.equal(last([]), null, "no last in []");
- assert.equal(last(""), null, "no last in ''");
- assert.equal(last(seq(function*() { })), null, "no last in empty");
- assert.equal(last("hello"), "o", "last from string");
- assert.equal(last([1, 2, 3]), 3, "last from array");
- assert.equal(last([1]), 1, "last from singular");
- assert.equal(last(seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- })), 3, "last from sequence");
- assert.throws(() => last(broken),
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test dropLast"] = assert => {
- let test = xs => {
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(xs)],
- [1, 2, 3, 4],
- "dropped last");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(0, xs)],
- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- "dropped none on 0");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(-3, xs)],
- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- "drop none on negative");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(3, xs)],
- [1, 2],
- "dropped given number");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(5, xs)],
- [],
- "dropped all");
- };
- let testEmpty = xs => {
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(xs)],
- [],
- "nothing to drop");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(0, xs)],
- [],
- "dropped none on 0");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(-3, xs)],
- [],
- "drop none on negative");
- assert.deepEqual([...dropLast(3, xs)],
- [],
- "nothing to drop");
- };
- test([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
- test(seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- yield 4;
- yield 5;
- }));
- testEmpty([]);
- testEmpty("");
- testEmpty(seq(function*() {}));
- assert.throws(() => [...dropLast(broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test distinct"] = assert => {
- let test = (xs, message) => {
- assert.deepEqual([...distinct(xs)],
- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- message);
- };
- test([1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5], "works with arrays");
- test(seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 1;
- yield 3;
- yield 1;
- yield 4;
- yield 1;
- yield 5;
- }), "works with sequences");
- test(new Set([1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5]),
- "works with sets");
- test(seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 2;
- yield 2;
- yield 1;
- yield 3;
- yield 1;
- yield 4;
- yield 4;
- yield 4;
- yield 1;
- yield 5;
- }), "works with multiple repeatitions");
- test([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "work with distinct arrays");
- test(seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield 2;
- yield 3;
- yield 4;
- yield 5;
- }), "works with distinct seqs");
-exports["test remove"] = assert => {
- let isPositive = x => x > 0;
- let test = xs => {
- assert.deepEqual([...remove(isPositive, xs)],
- [-2, -1, 0],
- "removed positives");
- };
- test([1, -2, 2, -1, 3, 7, 0]);
- test(seq(function*() {
- yield 1;
- yield -2;
- yield 2;
- yield -1;
- yield 3;
- yield 7;
- yield 0;
- }));
- assert.throws(() => [...distinct(broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");
-exports["test mapcat"] = assert => {
- let upto = n => seq(function* () {
- let index = 0;
- while (index < n) {
- yield index;
- index = index + 1;
- }
- });
- assert.deepEqual([...mapcat(upto, [1, 2, 3, 4])],
- [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3],
- "expands given sequence");
- assert.deepEqual([...mapcat(upto, [0, 1, 2, 0])],
- [0, 0, 1],
- "expands given sequence");
- assert.deepEqual([...mapcat(upto, [0, 0, 0])],
- [],
- "expands given sequence");
- assert.deepEqual([...mapcat(upto, [])],
- [],
- "nothing to expand");
- assert.deepEqual([...mapcat(upto, null)],
- [],
- "nothing to expand");
- assert.deepEqual([...mapcat(upto, void(0))],
- [],
- "nothing to expand");
- let xs = seq(function*() {
- yield 0;
- yield 1;
- yield 0;
- yield 2;
- yield 0;
- });
- assert.deepEqual([...mapcat(upto, xs)],
- [0, 0, 1],
- "expands given sequence");
- assert.throws(() => [...mapcat(boom, xs)],
- /Boom/,
- "function errors errors propagate");
- assert.throws(() => [...mapcat(upto, broken)],
- /Boom/,
- "sequence errors propagate");