#include "OneSixVersionFormat.h" #include #include "minecraft/ParseUtils.h" #include #include #include using namespace Json; static void readString(const QJsonObject &root, const QString &key, QString &variable) { if (root.contains(key)) { variable = requireString(root.value(key)); } } LibraryPtr OneSixVersionFormat::libraryFromJson(const QJsonObject &libObj, const QString &filename) { LibraryPtr out = MojangVersionFormat::libraryFromJson(libObj, filename); readString(libObj, "MMC-hint", out->m_hint); readString(libObj, "MMC-absulute_url", out->m_absolute_url); readString(libObj, "MMC-absoluteUrl", out->m_absolute_url); return out; } QJsonObject OneSixVersionFormat::libraryToJson(Library *library) { QJsonObject libRoot = MojangVersionFormat::libraryToJson(library); if (library->m_absolute_url.size()) libRoot.insert("MMC-absoluteUrl", library->m_absolute_url); if (library->m_hint.size()) libRoot.insert("MMC-hint", library->m_hint); return libRoot; } VersionFilePtr OneSixVersionFormat::versionFileFromJson(const QJsonDocument &doc, const QString &filename, const bool requireOrder) { VersionFilePtr out(new VersionFile()); if (doc.isEmpty() || doc.isNull()) { throw JSONValidationError(filename + " is empty or null"); } if (!doc.isObject()) { throw JSONValidationError(filename + " is not an object"); } QJsonObject root = doc.object(); if (requireOrder) { if (root.contains("order")) { out->order = requireInteger(root.value("order")); } else { // FIXME: evaluate if we don't want to throw exceptions here instead qCritical() << filename << "doesn't contain an order field"; } } out->name = root.value("name").toString(); out->fileId = root.value("fileId").toString(); out->version = root.value("version").toString(); out->mcVersion = root.value("mcVersion").toString(); out->filename = filename; MojangVersionFormat::readVersionProperties(root, out.get()); // added for legacy Minecraft window embedding, TODO: remove readString(root, "appletClass", out->appletClass); if (root.contains("+tweakers")) { for (auto tweakerVal : requireArray(root.value("+tweakers"))) { out->addTweakers.append(requireString(tweakerVal)); } } if (root.contains("+traits")) { for (auto tweakerVal : requireArray(root.value("+traits"))) { out->traits.insert(requireString(tweakerVal)); } } if (root.contains("+jarMods")) { for (auto libVal : requireArray(root.value("+jarMods"))) { QJsonObject libObj = requireObject(libVal); // parse the jarmod auto lib = OneSixVersionFormat::jarModFromJson(libObj, filename, out->name); if(lib->originalName.isEmpty()) { auto fixed = out->name; fixed.remove(" (jar mod)"); lib->originalName = out->name; } // and add to jar mods out->jarMods.append(lib); } } auto readLibs = [&](const char * which) { for (auto libVal : requireArray(root.value(which))) { QJsonObject libObj = requireObject(libVal); // parse the library auto lib = libraryFromJson(libObj, filename); out->libraries.append(lib); } }; bool hasPlusLibs = root.contains("+libraries"); bool hasLibs = root.contains("libraries"); if (hasPlusLibs && hasLibs) { out->addProblem(PROBLEM_WARNING, QObject::tr("Version file has both '+libraries' and 'libraries'. This is no longer supported.")); readLibs("libraries"); readLibs("+libraries"); } else if (hasLibs) { readLibs("libraries"); } else if(hasPlusLibs) { readLibs("+libraries"); } /* removed features that shouldn't be used */ if (root.contains("tweakers")) { out->addProblem(PROBLEM_ERROR, QObject::tr("Version file contains unsupported element 'tweakers'")); } if (root.contains("-libraries")) { out->addProblem(PROBLEM_ERROR, QObject::tr("Version file contains unsupported element '-libraries'")); } if (root.contains("-tweakers")) { out->addProblem(PROBLEM_ERROR, QObject::tr("Version file contains unsupported element '-tweakers'")); } if (root.contains("-minecraftArguments")) { out->addProblem(PROBLEM_ERROR, QObject::tr("Version file contains unsupported element '-minecraftArguments'")); } if (root.contains("+minecraftArguments")) { out->addProblem(PROBLEM_ERROR, QObject::tr("Version file contains unsupported element '+minecraftArguments'")); } return out; } QJsonDocument OneSixVersionFormat::versionFileToJson(const VersionFilePtr &patch, bool saveOrder) { QJsonObject root; if (saveOrder) { root.insert("order", patch->order); } writeString(root, "name", patch->name); writeString(root, "fileId", patch->fileId); writeString(root, "version", patch->version); writeString(root, "mcVersion", patch->mcVersion); MojangVersionFormat::writeVersionProperties(patch.get(), root); writeString(root, "appletClass", patch->appletClass); writeStringList(root, "+tweakers", patch->addTweakers); writeStringList(root, "+traits", patch->traits.toList()); if (!patch->libraries.isEmpty()) { QJsonArray array; for (auto value: patch->libraries) { array.append(OneSixVersionFormat::libraryToJson(value.get())); } root.insert("libraries", array); } if (!patch->jarMods.isEmpty()) { QJsonArray array; for (auto value: patch->jarMods) { array.append(OneSixVersionFormat::jarModtoJson(value.get())); } root.insert("+jarMods", array); } // write the contents to a json document. { QJsonDocument out; out.setObject(root); return out; } } JarmodPtr OneSixVersionFormat::jarModFromJson(const QJsonObject &libObj, const QString &filename, const QString &originalName) { JarmodPtr out(new Jarmod()); if (!libObj.contains("name")) { throw JSONValidationError(filename + "contains a jarmod that doesn't have a 'name' field"); } out->name = libObj.value("name").toString(); out->originalName = libObj.value("originalName").toString(); return out; } QJsonObject OneSixVersionFormat::jarModtoJson(Jarmod *jarmod) { QJsonObject out; writeString(out, "name", jarmod->name); if(!jarmod->originalName.isEmpty()) { writeString(out, "originalName", jarmod->originalName); } return out; }