#include "ForgeInstaller.h" #include "OneSixVersion.h" #include "OneSixLibrary.h" #include "net/HttpMetaCache.h" #include <quazip.h> #include <quazipfile.h> #include <pathutils.h> #include <QStringList> #include "MultiMC.h" ForgeInstaller::ForgeInstaller(QString filename, QString universal_url) { QSharedPointer<OneSixVersion> newVersion; m_universal_url = universal_url; QuaZip zip(filename); if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip)) return; QuaZipFile file(&zip); // read the install profile if (!zip.setCurrentFile("install_profile.json")) return; QJsonParseError jsonError; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return; QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll(), &jsonError); file.close(); if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) return; if (!jsonDoc.isObject()) return; QJsonObject root = jsonDoc.object(); auto installVal = root.value("install"); auto versionInfoVal = root.value("versionInfo"); if (!installVal.isObject() || !versionInfoVal.isObject()) return; // read the forge version info { newVersion = OneSixVersion::fromJson(versionInfoVal.toObject()); if (!newVersion) return; } QJsonObject installObj = installVal.toObject(); QString libraryName = installObj.value("path").toString(); internalPath = installObj.value("filePath").toString(); // where do we put the library? decode the mojang path OneSixLibrary lib(libraryName); lib.finalize(); auto cacheentry = MMC->metacache()->resolveEntry("libraries", lib.storagePath()); finalPath = "libraries/" + lib.storagePath(); if (!ensureFilePathExists(finalPath)) return; if (!zip.setCurrentFile(internalPath)) return; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return; { QByteArray data = file.readAll(); // extract file QSaveFile extraction(finalPath); if (!extraction.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return; if (extraction.write(data) != data.size()) return; if (!extraction.commit()) return; QCryptographicHash md5sum(QCryptographicHash::Md5); md5sum.addData(data); cacheentry->stale = false; cacheentry->md5sum = md5sum.result().toHex().constData(); MMC->metacache()->updateEntry(cacheentry); } file.close(); m_forge_version = newVersion; realVersionId = m_forge_version->id = installObj.value("minecraft").toString(); } bool ForgeInstaller::apply(QSharedPointer<OneSixVersion> to) { if (!m_forge_version) return false; to->externalUpdateStart(); int sliding_insert_window = 0; { // for each library in the version we are adding (except for the blacklisted) QSet<QString> blacklist{"lwjgl", "lwjgl_util", "lwjgl-platform"}; for (auto lib : m_forge_version->libraries) { QString libName = lib->name(); // if this is the actual forge lib, set an absolute url for the download if (libName.contains("minecraftforge")) { lib->setAbsoluteUrl(m_universal_url); } if (blacklist.contains(libName)) continue; // find an entry that matches this one bool found = false; for (auto tolib : to->libraries) { if (tolib->name() != libName) continue; found = true; // replace lib tolib = lib; break; } if (!found) { // add lib to->libraries.insert(sliding_insert_window, lib); sliding_insert_window++; } } to->mainClass = m_forge_version->mainClass; to->minecraftArguments = m_forge_version->minecraftArguments; to->processArguments = m_forge_version->processArguments; } to->externalUpdateFinish(); return to->toOriginalFile(); }