/* Copyright 2013-2015 MultiMC Contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <QObject>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QSet>

#include "settings/SettingsObject.h"

#include "settings/INIFile.h"
#include "BaseVersionList.h"
#include "auth/MojangAccount.h"

class QDir;
class Task;
class BaseProcess;
class BaseInstance;

// pointer for lazy people
typedef std::shared_ptr<BaseInstance> InstancePtr;

 * \brief Base class for instances.
 * This class implements many functions that are common between instances and
 * provides a standard interface for all instances.
 * To create a new instance type, create a new class inheriting from this class
 * and implement the pure virtual functions.
class BaseInstance : public QObject, public std::enable_shared_from_this<BaseInstance>
	/// no-touchy!
	BaseInstance(SettingsObjectPtr globalSettings, SettingsObjectPtr settings, const QString &rootDir);

	/// virtual destructor to make sure the destruction is COMPLETE
	virtual ~BaseInstance() {};

	virtual void copy(const QDir &newDir) {}

	virtual void init() = 0;

	/// nuke thoroughly - deletes the instance contents, notifies the list/model which is
	/// responsible of cleaning up the husk
	void nuke();

	/// The instance's ID. The ID SHALL be determined by MMC internally. The ID IS guaranteed to
	/// be unique.
	virtual QString id() const;

	void setRunning(bool running);
	bool isRunning() const;

	/// get the type of this instance
	QString instanceType() const;

	/// Path to the instance's root directory.
	QString instanceRoot() const;

	QString name() const;
	void setName(QString val);

	/// Value used for instance window titles
	QString windowTitle() const;

	QString iconKey() const;
	void setIconKey(QString val);

	QString notes() const;
	void setNotes(QString val);

	QString group() const;
	void setGroupInitial(QString val);
	void setGroupPost(QString val);

	virtual QStringList extraArguments() const;

	virtual QString intendedVersionId() const = 0;
	virtual bool setIntendedVersionId(QString version) = 0;

	 * The instance's current version.
	 * This value represents the instance's current version. If this value is
	 * different from the intendedVersion, the instance should be updated.
	 * \warning Don't change this value unless you know what you're doing.
	virtual QString currentVersionId() const = 0;

	 * Whether or not 'the game' should be downloaded when the instance is launched.
	virtual bool shouldUpdate() const = 0;
	virtual void setShouldUpdate(bool val) = 0;

	/// Traits. Normally inside the version, depends on instance implementation.
	virtual QSet <QString> traits() = 0;

	 * Gets the time that the instance was last launched.
	 * Stored in milliseconds since epoch.
	qint64 lastLaunch() const;
	/// Sets the last launched time to 'val' milliseconds since epoch
	void setLastLaunch(qint64 val = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch());

	InstancePtr getSharedPtr();

	 * \brief Gets a pointer to this instance's version list.
	 * \return A pointer to the available version list for this instance.
	virtual std::shared_ptr<BaseVersionList> versionList() const = 0;

	 * \brief Gets this instance's settings object.
	 * This settings object stores instance-specific settings.
	 * \return A pointer to this instance's settings object.
	virtual SettingsObjectPtr settings() const;

	/// returns a valid update task
	virtual std::shared_ptr<Task> doUpdate() = 0;

	/// returns a valid process, ready for launch with the given account.
	virtual BaseProcess *prepareForLaunch(AuthSessionPtr account) = 0;

	/// do any necessary cleanups after the instance finishes. also runs before
	/// 'prepareForLaunch'
	virtual void cleanupAfterRun() = 0;

	virtual QString getStatusbarDescription() = 0;

	/// FIXME: this really should be elsewhere...
	virtual QString instanceConfigFolder() const = 0;

	enum InstanceFlag
		VersionBrokenFlag = 0x01,
		UpdateAvailable = 0x02
	Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(InstanceFlags, InstanceFlag);
	InstanceFlags flags() const;
	void setFlags(const InstanceFlags &flags);
	void setFlag(const InstanceFlag flag);
	void unsetFlag(const InstanceFlag flag);

	bool canLaunch() const;

	virtual bool reload();

	 * \brief Signal emitted when properties relevant to the instance view change
	void propertiesChanged(BaseInstance *inst);
	 * \brief Signal emitted when groups are affected in any way
	void groupChanged();
	 * \brief The instance just got nuked. Hurray!
	void nuked(BaseInstance *inst);

	void flagsChanged();

protected slots:
	void iconUpdated(QString key);

	QString m_rootDir;
	QString m_group;
	SettingsObjectPtr m_settings;
	InstanceFlags m_flags;
	bool m_isRunning = false;
