#pragma once #include enum JobStatus { Job_NotStarted, Job_InProgress, Job_Finished, Job_Failed }; class JobList; class Job : public QObject { Q_OBJECT protected: explicit Job(): QObject(0){}; public: virtual ~Job() {}; signals: void finish(); void fail(); void progress(qint64 current, qint64 total); public slots: virtual void start() = 0; }; typedef QSharedPointer JobPtr; /** * A list of jobs, to be processed one by one. */ class JobList : public QObject { friend class JobListQueue; Q_OBJECT public: JobList() : QObject(0) { m_status = Job_NotStarted; current_job_idx = 0; } JobStatus getStatus() { return m_status; } void add(JobPtr dlable) { if(m_status == Job_NotStarted) m_jobs.append(dlable); //else there's a bug. TODO: catch the bugs } JobPtr getFirstJob() { if(m_jobs.size()) return m_jobs[0]; else return JobPtr(); } void start() { current_job_idx = 0; auto job = m_jobs[current_job_idx]; connect(job.data(), SIGNAL(progress(qint64,qint64)), SLOT(currentJobProgress(qint64,qint64))); connect(job.data(), SIGNAL(finish()), SLOT(currentJobFinished())); connect(job.data(), SIGNAL(fail()), SLOT(currentJobFailed())); job->start(); emit started(); } private slots: void currentJobFinished() { if(current_job_idx == m_jobs.size() - 1) { m_status = Job_Finished; emit finished(); } else { current_job_idx++; auto job = m_jobs[current_job_idx]; connect(job.data(), SIGNAL(progress(qint64,qint64)), SLOT(currentJobProgress(qint64,qint64))); connect(job.data(), SIGNAL(finish()), SLOT(currentJobFinished())); connect(job.data(), SIGNAL(fail()), SLOT(currentJobFailed())); job->start(); } } void currentJobFailed() { m_status = Job_Failed; emit failed(); } void currentJobProgress(qint64 current, qint64 total) { if(!total) return; int total_jobs = m_jobs.size(); if(!total_jobs) return; float job_chunk = 1000.0 / float(total_jobs); float cur = current; float tot = total; float last_chunk = (cur / tot) * job_chunk; float list_total = job_chunk * current_job_idx + last_chunk; emit progress(qint64(list_total), 1000LL); } private: QVector m_jobs; /// The overall status of this job list JobStatus m_status; int current_job_idx; signals: void progress(qint64 current, qint64 total); void started(); void finished(); void failed(); }; typedef QSharedPointer JobListPtr; /** * A queue of job lists! The job lists fail or finish as units. */ class JobListQueue : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: JobListQueue(QObject *p = 0): QObject(p), currentIndex(0), is_running(false){} void enqueue(JobListPtr job) { jobs.enqueue(job); // finish or fail, we should catch that and start the next one connect(job.data(),SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(startNextJob())); connect(job.data(),SIGNAL(failed()), SLOT(startNextJob())); if(!is_running) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(startNextJob())); } } private slots: void startNextJob() { if (jobs.isEmpty()) { currentJobList.clear(); currentIndex = 0; is_running = false; emit finishedAllJobs(); return; } currentJobList = jobs.dequeue(); is_running = true; currentIndex = 0; currentJobList->start(); } signals: void finishedAllJobs(); private: JobListPtr currentJobList; QQueue jobs; unsigned currentIndex; bool is_running; };