/* Copyright 2013 MultiMC Contributors * * Authors: Andrew Okin * Peterix * Orochimarufan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "osutils.h" #include "userutils.h" #include "pathutils.h" #include "gui/settingsdialog.h" #include "gui/newinstancedialog.h" #include "gui/logindialog.h" #include "gui/taskdialog.h" #include "gui/browserdialog.h" #include "gui/aboutdialog.h" #include "gui/versionselectdialog.h" #include "gui/lwjglselectdialog.h" #include "gui/consolewindow.h" #include "gui/legacymodeditdialog.h" #include "gui/instancesettings.h" #include "kcategorizedview.h" #include "kcategorydrawer.h" #include "instancelist.h" #include "appsettings.h" #include "version.h" #include "logintask.h" #include "gameupdatetask.h" #include "instance.h" #include "instanceloader.h" #include "minecraftprocess.h" #include "instancemodel.h" #include "instancedelegate.h" #include "minecraftversionlist.h" #include "lwjglversionlist.h" // Opens the given file in the default application. // TODO: Move this somewhere. void openFileInDefaultProgram ( QString filename ); void openDirInDefaultProgram ( QString dirpath, bool ensureExists = false ); MainWindow::MainWindow ( QWidget *parent ) : QMainWindow ( parent ), ui ( new Ui::MainWindow ), instList ( globalSettings->get ( "InstanceDir" ).toString() ) { ui->setupUi ( this ); // Set active instance to null. m_activeInst = NULL; // Create the widget view = new KCategorizedView ( ui->centralWidget ); drawer = new KCategoryDrawer ( view ); /* QPalette pal = view->palette(); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Base, QBrush(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/backgrounds/kitteh")))); view->setPalette(pal); */ // view->setStyleSheet( // "QListView\ // {\ // background-image: url(:/backgrounds/kitteh);\ // background-attachment: fixed;\ // background-clip: padding;\ // background-position: top right;\ // background-repeat: none;\ // background-color:palette(base);\ // }"); view->setSelectionMode ( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection ); //view->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); view->setCategoryDrawer ( drawer ); view->setCollapsibleBlocks ( true ); view->setViewMode ( QListView::IconMode ); view->setFlow ( QListView::LeftToRight ); view->setWordWrap(true); view->setMouseTracking ( true ); view->viewport()->setAttribute ( Qt::WA_Hover ); auto delegate = new ListViewDelegate(); view->setItemDelegate(delegate); view->setSpacing(10); view->setUniformItemWidths(true); model = new InstanceModel ( instList,this ); proxymodel = new InstanceProxyModel ( this ); proxymodel->setSortRole ( KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::CategorySortRole ); proxymodel->setFilterRole ( KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::CategorySortRole ); //proxymodel->setDynamicSortFilter ( true ); proxymodel->setSourceModel ( model ); proxymodel->sort ( 0 ); view->setFrameShape ( QFrame::NoFrame ); ui->horizontalLayout->addWidget ( view ); setWindowTitle ( QString ( "MultiMC %1" ).arg ( Version::current.toString() ) ); // TODO: Make this work with the new settings system. // restoreGeometry(settings->getConfig().value("MainWindowGeometry", saveGeometry()).toByteArray()); // restoreState(settings->getConfig().value("MainWindowState", saveState()).toByteArray()); view->setModel ( proxymodel ); connect(view, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(instanceActivated(const QModelIndex &))); connect(view, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(instanceChanged(const QModelIndex &))); // Load the instances. instList.loadList(); // just a test /* instList.at(0)->setGroup("TEST GROUP"); instList.at(0)->setName("TEST ITEM"); */ if (!MinecraftVersionList::getMainList().isLoaded()) { m_versionLoadTask = MinecraftVersionList::getMainList().getLoadTask(); startTask(m_versionLoadTask); } if (!LWJGLVersionList::get().isLoaded()) { LWJGLVersionList::get().loadList(); } } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; delete proxymodel; delete model; delete drawer; } void MainWindow::instanceActivated ( QModelIndex index ) { if(!index.isValid()) return; Instance * inst = (Instance *) index.data(InstanceModel::InstancePointerRole).value(); doLogin(); } void MainWindow::on_actionAddInstance_triggered() { if (!MinecraftVersionList::getMainList().isLoaded() && m_versionLoadTask && m_versionLoadTask->isRunning()) { QEventLoop waitLoop; waitLoop.connect(m_versionLoadTask, SIGNAL(ended()), SLOT(quit())); waitLoop.exec(); } NewInstanceDialog *newInstDlg = new NewInstanceDialog ( this ); if (!newInstDlg->exec()) return; Instance *newInstance = NULL; QString instDirName = DirNameFromString(newInstDlg->instName()); QString instDir = PathCombine(globalSettings->get("InstanceDir").toString(), instDirName); auto &loader = InstanceLoader::get(); auto error = loader.createInstance(newInstance, instDir); QString errorMsg = QString("Failed to create instance %1: ").arg(instDirName); switch (error) { case InstanceLoader::NoCreateError: newInstance->setName(newInstDlg->instName()); newInstance->setIntendedVersion(newInstDlg->selectedVersion()->descriptor()); instList.add(InstancePtr(newInstance)); return; case InstanceLoader::InstExists: errorMsg += "An instance with the given directory name already exists."; QMessageBox::warning(this, "Error", errorMsg); break; case InstanceLoader::CantCreateDir: errorMsg += "Failed to create the instance directory."; QMessageBox::warning(this, "Error", errorMsg); break; default: errorMsg += QString("Unknown instance loader error %1").arg(error); QMessageBox::warning(this, "Error", errorMsg); break; } } void MainWindow::on_actionChangeInstGroup_triggered() { Instance* inst = selectedInstance(); if(inst) { bool ok = false; QString name ( inst->group() ); QInputDialog dlg(this); dlg.result(); name = QInputDialog::getText ( this, tr ( "Group name" ), tr ( "Enter a new group name." ), QLineEdit::Normal, name, &ok ); if(ok) inst->setGroup(name); } } void MainWindow::on_actionViewInstanceFolder_triggered() { QString str = globalSettings->get ( "InstanceDir" ).toString(); openDirInDefaultProgram ( str ); } void MainWindow::on_actionRefresh_triggered() { instList.loadList(); } void MainWindow::on_actionViewCentralModsFolder_triggered() { openDirInDefaultProgram ( globalSettings->get ( "CentralModsDir" ).toString() , true); } void MainWindow::on_actionCheckUpdate_triggered() { } void MainWindow::on_actionSettings_triggered() { SettingsDialog dialog ( this ); dialog.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_actionReportBug_triggered() { //QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("http://bugs.forkk.net/")); openWebPage ( QUrl ( "http://bugs.forkk.net/" ) ); } void MainWindow::on_actionNews_triggered() { //QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("http://news.forkk.net/")); openWebPage ( QUrl ( "http://news.forkk.net/" ) ); } void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered() { AboutDialog dialog ( this ); dialog.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_mainToolBar_visibilityChanged ( bool ) { // Don't allow hiding the main toolbar. // This is the only way I could find to prevent it... :/ ui->mainToolBar->setVisible ( true ); } void MainWindow::on_actionDeleteInstance_triggered() { Instance* inst = selectedInstance(); if (inst) { int response = QMessageBox::question(this, "CAREFUL", QString("This is permanent! Are you sure?\nAbout to delete: ") + inst->name()); if (response == QMessageBox::Yes) { QDir(inst->rootDir()).removeRecursively(); instList.loadList(); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionRenameInstance_triggered() { Instance* inst = selectedInstance(); if(inst) { bool ok = false; QString name ( inst->name() ); name = QInputDialog::getText ( this, tr ( "Instance name" ), tr ( "Enter a new instance name." ), QLineEdit::Normal, name, &ok ); if (name.length() > 0) { if(ok && name.length() && name.length() <= 25) inst->setName(name); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionViewSelectedInstFolder_triggered() { Instance* inst = selectedInstance(); if(inst) { QString str = inst->rootDir(); openDirInDefaultProgram ( QDir(str).absolutePath() ); } } void MainWindow::on_actionEditInstMods_triggered() { //TODO: Needs to do current ModEditDialog too Instance* inst = selectedInstance(); if (inst) { LegacyModEditDialog dialog ( this, inst ); dialog.exec(); } } void MainWindow::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *event ) { // Save the window state and geometry. // TODO: Make this work with the new settings system. // settings->getConfig().setValue("MainWindowGeometry", saveGeometry()); // settings->getConfig().setValue("MainWindowState", saveState()); QMainWindow::closeEvent ( event ); } void MainWindow::on_instanceView_customContextMenuRequested ( const QPoint &pos ) { QMenu *instContextMenu = new QMenu ( "Instance", this ); // Add the actions from the toolbar to the context menu. instContextMenu->addActions ( ui->instanceToolBar->actions() ); instContextMenu->exec ( view->mapToGlobal ( pos ) ); } Instance* MainWindow::selectedInstance() { QAbstractItemView * iv = view; auto smodel = iv->selectionModel(); QModelIndex mindex; if(smodel->hasSelection()) { auto rows = smodel->selectedRows(); mindex = rows.at(0); } if(mindex.isValid()) { return (Instance *) mindex.data(InstanceModel::InstancePointerRole).value(); } else return nullptr; } void MainWindow::on_actionLaunchInstance_triggered() { Instance* inst = selectedInstance(); if(inst) { doLogin(); } } void MainWindow::doLogin(const QString& errorMsg) { if (!selectedInstance()) return; LoginDialog* loginDlg = new LoginDialog(this, errorMsg); if (loginDlg->exec()) { UserInfo uInfo(loginDlg->getUsername(), loginDlg->getPassword()); TaskDialog* tDialog = new TaskDialog(this); LoginTask* loginTask = new LoginTask(uInfo, tDialog); connect(loginTask, SIGNAL(loginComplete(LoginResponse)), SLOT(onLoginComplete(LoginResponse)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(loginTask, SIGNAL(loginFailed(QString)), SLOT(doLogin(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); m_activeInst = selectedInstance(); tDialog->exec(loginTask); } } void MainWindow::onLoginComplete(LoginResponse response) { Q_ASSERT_X(m_activeInst != NULL, "onLoginComplete", "no active instance is set"); if (!m_activeInst->shouldUpdate()) { launchInstance(m_activeInst, response); } else { TaskDialog *tDialog = new TaskDialog(this); GameUpdateTask *updateTask = new GameUpdateTask(response, m_activeInst); connect(updateTask, SIGNAL(gameUpdateComplete(LoginResponse)), SLOT(onGameUpdateComplete(LoginResponse))); connect(updateTask, SIGNAL(gameUpdateError(QString)), SLOT(onGameUpdateError(QString))); tDialog->exec(updateTask); } } void MainWindow::onGameUpdateComplete(LoginResponse response) { launchInstance(response); } void MainWindow::onGameUpdateError(QString error) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Error downloading instance", error); } void MainWindow::launchInstance(LoginResponse response) { Q_ASSERT_X(m_activeInst != NULL, "onLoginComplete", "no active instance is set"); launchInstance(m_activeInst, response); } void MainWindow::launchInstance(QString instID, LoginResponse response) { Instance *instance = instList.getInstanceById(instID).data(); Q_ASSERT_X(instance != NULL, "launchInstance", "instance ID does not correspond to a valid instance"); launchInstance(instance, response); } void MainWindow::launchInstance(Instance *instance, LoginResponse response) { Q_ASSERT_X(instance != NULL, "launchInstance", "instance is NULL"); console = new ConsoleWindow(); proc = new MinecraftProcess(instance, response.username(), response.sessionID()); console->show(); //connect(proc, SIGNAL(ended()), SLOT(onTerminated())); connect(proc, SIGNAL(log(QString, MessageLevel::Enum)), console, SLOT(write(QString, MessageLevel::Enum))); proc->launch(); } void MainWindow::taskStart(Task *task) { // Nothing to do here yet. } void MainWindow::taskEnd(Task *task) { if (task == m_versionLoadTask) m_versionLoadTask = NULL; delete task; } void MainWindow::startTask(Task *task) { connect(task, SIGNAL(started(Task*)), SLOT(taskStart(Task*))); connect(task, SIGNAL(ended(Task*)), SLOT(taskEnd(Task*))); task->startTask(); } // Create A Desktop Shortcut void MainWindow::on_actionMakeDesktopShortcut_triggered() { QString name ( "Test" ); name = QInputDialog::getText ( this, tr ( "MultiMC Shortcut" ), tr ( "Enter a Shortcut Name." ), QLineEdit::Normal, name ); Util::createShortCut ( Util::getDesktopDir(), QApplication::instance()->applicationFilePath(), QStringList() << "-dl" << QDir::currentPath() << "test", name, "application-x-octet-stream" ); QMessageBox::warning ( this, "Not useful", "A Dummy Shortcut was created. it will not do anything productive" ); } // BrowserDialog void MainWindow::openWebPage ( QUrl url ) { BrowserDialog *browser = new BrowserDialog ( this ); browser->load ( url ); browser->exec(); } void openDirInDefaultProgram ( QString path, bool ensureExists ) { QDir parentPath; QDir dir( path ); if(!dir.exists()) { parentPath.mkpath(dir.absolutePath()); } QDesktopServices::openUrl ( "file:///" + dir.absolutePath() ); } void openFileInDefaultProgram ( QString filename ) { QDesktopServices::openUrl ( "file:///" + QFileInfo ( filename ).absolutePath() ); } void MainWindow::on_actionChangeInstMCVersion_triggered() { if (view->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().count() < 1) return; Instance *inst = selectedInstance(); VersionSelectDialog *vselect = new VersionSelectDialog(inst->versionList(), this); if (vselect->exec() && vselect->selectedVersion()) { inst->setIntendedVersion(vselect->selectedVersion()->descriptor()); } } void MainWindow::on_actionChangeInstLWJGLVersion_triggered() { Instance *inst = selectedInstance(); if (!inst) return; LWJGLSelectDialog *lselect = new LWJGLSelectDialog(this); if (lselect->exec()) { } } void MainWindow::on_actionInstanceSettings_triggered() { if (view->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().count() < 1) return; Instance *inst = selectedInstance(); SettingsObject *s; s = &inst->settings(); InstanceSettings settings(s, this); settings.setWindowTitle(QString("Instance settings")); settings.exec(); } void MainWindow::instanceChanged(QModelIndex idx) { ui->instanceToolBar->setEnabled(idx.isValid()); }