#include "Group.h" #include #include #include #include "GroupView.h" Group::Group(const QString &text, GroupView *view) : view(view), text(text), collapsed(false) { } Group::Group(const Group *other) : view(other->view), text(other->text), collapsed(other->collapsed) { } void Group::update() { firstItemIndex = firstItem().row(); rowHeights = QVector(numRows()); for (int i = 0; i < numRows(); ++i) { rowHeights[i] = view->categoryRowHeight( view->model()->index(i * view->itemsPerRow() + firstItemIndex, 0)); } } Group::HitResults Group::hitScan(const QPoint &pos) const { Group::HitResults results = Group::NoHit; int y_start = verticalPosition(); int body_start = y_start + headerHeight(); int body_end = body_start + contentHeight() + 5; // FIXME: wtf is this 5? int y = pos.y(); // int x = pos.x(); if (y < y_start) { results = Group::NoHit; } else if (y < body_start) { results = Group::HeaderHit; int collapseSize = headerHeight() - 4; // the icon QRect iconRect = QRect(view->m_leftMargin + 2, 2 + y_start, collapseSize, collapseSize); if (iconRect.contains(pos)) { results |= Group::CheckboxHit; } } else if (y < body_end) { results |= Group::BodyHit; } return results; } void Group::drawHeader(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const int y) { QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = option; painter->save(); static const int margin = 2; static const int spacing = 10; int height = headerHeight(); int text_height = height - 2 * margin; // set the text colors QPalette::ColorGroup cg = QPalette::Normal; painter->setPen(opt.palette.color(cg, QPalette::Text)); // set up geometry QRect iconRect = QRect(view->m_leftMargin + margin, y + margin, text_height - 1, text_height - 1); QRect iconSubrect = iconRect.adjusted(margin, margin, -margin, -margin); QRect smallRect = iconSubrect.adjusted(margin, margin, -margin, -margin); int midX = iconSubrect.center().x(); int midY = iconSubrect.center().y(); // checkboxy thingy { painter->drawRect(iconSubrect); painter->setBrush(opt.palette.text()); painter->drawRect(smallRect.x(), midY, smallRect.width(), 2); if(collapsed) { painter->drawRect(midX, smallRect.y(), 2, smallRect.height()); } } int x_left = iconRect.right(); if(text.length()) { // the text int text_width = painter->fontMetrics().width(text); QRect textRect = QRect(x_left + spacing, y + margin, text_width, text_height); x_left = textRect.right(); view->style()->drawItemText(painter, textRect, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, opt.palette, true, text); } // the line painter->drawLine(x_left + spacing, midY + 1, view->contentWidth() - view->m_rightMargin, midY + 1); painter->restore(); } int Group::totalHeight() const { return headerHeight() + 5 + contentHeight(); // FIXME: wtf is that '5'? } int Group::headerHeight() const { int raw = view->viewport()->fontMetrics().height() + 4; // add english. maybe. depends on font height. if(raw % 2 == 0) raw++; return std::min( raw , 25 ); } int Group::contentHeight() const { if (collapsed) { return 0; } int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rowHeights.size(); ++i) { result += rowHeights[i]; } return result; } int Group::numRows() const { return qMax(1, qCeil((qreal)numItems() / (qreal)view->itemsPerRow())); } int Group::verticalPosition() const { int res = 0; const QList cats = view->m_groups; for (int i = 0; i < cats.size(); ++i) { if (cats.at(i) == this) { break; } res += cats.at(i)->totalHeight() + view->m_categoryMargin; } return res; } QList Group::items() const { QList indices; for (int i = 0; i < view->model()->rowCount(); ++i) { const QModelIndex index = view->model()->index(i, 0); if (index.data(GroupViewRoles::GroupRole).toString() == text) { indices.append(index); } } return indices; } int Group::numItems() const { return items().size(); } QModelIndex Group::firstItem() const { QList indices = items(); return indices.isEmpty() ? QModelIndex() : indices.first(); } QModelIndex Group::lastItem() const { QList indices = items(); return indices.isEmpty() ? QModelIndex() : indices.last(); }