SettingsDialog 0 0 526 701 0 0 Settings :/icons/toolbar/settings:/icons/toolbar/settings true QTabWidget::Rounded 0 General Language (needs restart): true Sorting Mode By last launched sortingModeGroup By name sortingModeGroup Update Settings Use development builds? Check for updates when MultiMC starts? FTB false 0 0 28 16777215 Qt::TabFocus ... Launcher: false Track FTB instances true 0 0 28 16777215 ... Files: Folders Instances: ... Mods: ... LWJGL: ... Icons: ... External Editors (leave empty for system default) JSON Editor: ... Qt::Vertical 20 40 Minecraft Window Size Start Minecraft maximized? Window height: Window width: 854 65536 1 854 480 65536 480 Console Settings Show console while the game is running? Automatically close console when the game quits? Qt::Vertical 20 40 Java Memory 512 65536 128 1024 Minimum memory allocation: Maximum memory allocation: 256 65536 128 256 PermGen: 64 999999999 8 64 Java Settings 0 0 Java path: 0 0 Auto-detect... 0 0 Test 0 0 JVM arguments: 0 0 28 16777215 ... Custom Commands Post-exit command: Pre-launch command: 0 0 Pre-launch command runs before the instance launches and post-exit command runs after it exits. Both will be run in MultiMC's working directory with INST_ID, INST_DIR, and INST_NAME as environment variables. Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox sortLastLaunchedBtn sortByNameBtn devBuildsCheckBox autoUpdateCheckBox instDirTextBox modsDirTextBox lwjglDirTextBox instDirBrowseBtn modsDirBrowseBtn lwjglDirBrowseBtn maximizedCheckBox windowWidthSpinBox windowHeightSpinBox showConsoleCheck autoCloseConsoleCheck minMemSpinBox maxMemSpinBox permGenSpinBox javaPathTextBox jvmArgsTextBox preLaunchCmdTextBox postExitCmdTextBox buttonBox accepted() SettingsDialog accept() 257 410 157 274 buttonBox rejected() SettingsDialog reject() 325 410 286 274