JavaPage 0 0 545 760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tab 1 Memory The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use. MB 128 65536 128 1024 Minimum memory allocation: Maximum memory allocation: The amount of memory Minecraft is started with. MB 128 65536 128 256 PermGen: The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes. MB 64 999999999 8 64 Java Runtime 0 0 Java path: 0 0 28 16777215 ... 0 0 JVM arguments: 0 0 Auto-detect... 0 0 Test Custom Commands Post-exit command: Pre-launch command: Wrapper command: 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>Pre-launch command runs before the instance launches and post-exit command runs after it exits. Both will be run in MultiMC's working directory with INST_ID, INST_DIR, and INST_NAME as environment variables.</p><p>Wrapper command allows running java using an extra wrapper program (like 'optirun' on Linux)</p></body></html> Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true minMemSpinBox maxMemSpinBox permGenSpinBox javaBrowseBtn javaPathTextBox jvmArgsTextBox javaDetectBtn javaTestBtn preLaunchCmdTextBox wrapperCmdTextBox postExitCmdTextBox tabWidget