#include "BuildConfig.h" #include Config BuildConfig; Config::Config() { // Version information VERSION_MAJOR = @MultiMC_VERSION_MAJOR@; VERSION_MINOR = @MultiMC_VERSION_MINOR@; VERSION_HOTFIX = @MultiMC_VERSION_HOTFIX@; VERSION_BUILD = @MultiMC_VERSION_BUILD@; BUILD_PLATFORM = "@MultiMC_BUILD_PLATFORM@"; CHANLIST_URL = "@MultiMC_CHANLIST_URL@"; NOTIFICATION_URL = "@MultiMC_NOTIFICATION_URL@"; FULL_VERSION_STR = "@MultiMC_VERSION_MAJOR@.@MultiMC_VERSION_MINOR@.@MultiMC_VERSION_BUILD@"; GIT_COMMIT = "@MultiMC_GIT_COMMIT@"; GIT_REFSPEC = "@MultiMC_GIT_REFSPEC@"; if(GIT_REFSPEC.startsWith("refs/heads/") && !CHANLIST_URL.isEmpty() && VERSION_BUILD >= 0) { VERSION_CHANNEL = GIT_REFSPEC; VERSION_CHANNEL.remove("refs/heads/"); UPDATER_ENABLED = true; } else { VERSION_CHANNEL = QObject::tr("custom"); } VERSION_STR = "@MultiMC_VERSION_STRING@"; NEWS_RSS_URL = "@MultiMC_NEWS_RSS_URL@"; PASTE_EE_KEY = "@MultiMC_PASTE_EE_API_KEY@"; } QString Config::printableVersionString() const { QString vstr = QString("%1.%2").arg(QString::number(VERSION_MAJOR), QString::number(VERSION_MINOR)); // if this is a hotfix release, append that if (VERSION_HOTFIX > 0) { vstr += "." + QString::number(VERSION_HOTFIX); } // If the build is not a main release, append the channel if(VERSION_CHANNEL != "stable") { vstr += "-" + VERSION_CHANNEL; } // if a build number is set, also add it to the end if(VERSION_BUILD >= 0) { vstr += "-" + QString::number(VERSION_BUILD); } return vstr; }