/* Copyright 2015-2017 MultiMC Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "WonkoFormat.h" #include "WonkoFormatV1.h" #include "wonko/WonkoIndex.h" #include "wonko/WonkoVersion.h" #include "wonko/WonkoVersionList.h" static int formatVersion(const QJsonObject &obj) { if (!obj.contains("formatVersion")) { throw WonkoParseException(QObject::tr("Missing required field: 'formatVersion'")); } if (!obj.value("formatVersion").isDouble()) { throw WonkoParseException(QObject::tr("Required field has invalid type: 'formatVersion'")); } return obj.value("formatVersion").toInt(); } void WonkoFormat::parseIndex(const QJsonObject &obj, WonkoIndex *ptr) { const int version = formatVersion(obj); switch (version) { case 1: ptr->merge(WonkoFormatV1().parseIndexInternal(obj)); break; default: throw WonkoParseException(QObject::tr("Unknown formatVersion: %1").arg(version)); } } void WonkoFormat::parseVersion(const QJsonObject &obj, WonkoVersion *ptr) { const int version = formatVersion(obj); switch (version) { case 1: ptr->merge(WonkoFormatV1().parseVersionInternal(obj)); break; default: throw WonkoParseException(QObject::tr("Unknown formatVersion: %1").arg(version)); } } void WonkoFormat::parseVersionList(const QJsonObject &obj, WonkoVersionList *ptr) { const int version = formatVersion(obj); switch (version) { case 10: ptr->merge(WonkoFormatV1().parseVersionListInternal(obj)); break; default: throw WonkoParseException(QObject::tr("Unknown formatVersion: %1").arg(version)); } } QJsonObject WonkoFormat::serializeIndex(const WonkoIndex *ptr) { return WonkoFormatV1().serializeIndexInternal(ptr); } QJsonObject WonkoFormat::serializeVersion(const WonkoVersion *ptr) { return WonkoFormatV1().serializeVersionInternal(ptr); } QJsonObject WonkoFormat::serializeVersionList(const WonkoVersionList *ptr) { return WonkoFormatV1().serializeVersionListInternal(ptr); }