#include "Library.h" #include "MinecraftInstance.h" #include #include #include #include #include void Library::getApplicableFiles(OpSys system, QStringList& jar, QStringList& native, QStringList& native32, QStringList& native64, const QString &overridePath) const { bool local = isLocal(); auto actualPath = [&](QString relPath) { QFileInfo out(FS::PathCombine(storagePrefix(), relPath)); if(local && !overridePath.isEmpty()) { QString fileName = out.fileName(); return QFileInfo(FS::PathCombine(overridePath, fileName)).absoluteFilePath(); } return out.absoluteFilePath(); }; QString raw_storage = storageSuffix(system); if(isNative()) { if (raw_storage.contains("${arch}")) { auto nat32Storage = raw_storage; nat32Storage.replace("${arch}", "32"); auto nat64Storage = raw_storage; nat64Storage.replace("${arch}", "64"); native32 += actualPath(nat32Storage); native64 += actualPath(nat64Storage); } else { native += actualPath(raw_storage); } } else { jar += actualPath(raw_storage); } } QList< std::shared_ptr< NetAction > > Library::getDownloads(OpSys system, class HttpMetaCache* cache, QStringList& failedFiles, const QString & overridePath) const { QList out; bool isAlwaysStale = (hint() == "always-stale"); bool local = isLocal(); bool isForge = (hint() == "forge-pack-xz"); auto add_download = [&](QString storage, QString url, QString sha1) { auto entry = cache->resolveEntry("libraries", storage); if(isAlwaysStale) { entry->setStale(true); } if (!entry->isStale()) return true; if(local) { if(!overridePath.isEmpty()) { QString fileName; int position = storage.lastIndexOf('/'); if(position == -1) { fileName = storage; } else { fileName = storage.mid(position); } auto fullPath = FS::PathCombine(overridePath, fileName); QFileInfo fileinfo(fullPath); if(fileinfo.exists()) { return true; } } QFileInfo fileinfo(entry->getFullPath()); if(!fileinfo.exists()) { failedFiles.append(entry->getFullPath()); return false; } return true; } Net::Download::Options options; if(isAlwaysStale) { options |= Net::Download::Option::AcceptLocalFiles; } if (isForge) { qDebug() << "XzDownload for:" << rawName() << "storage:" << storage << "url:" << url; out.append(ForgeXzDownload::make(url, storage, entry)); } else { if(sha1.size()) { auto rawSha1 = QByteArray::fromHex(sha1.toLatin1()); auto dl = Net::Download::makeCached(url, entry, options); dl->addValidator(new Net::ChecksumValidator(QCryptographicHash::Sha1, rawSha1)); qDebug() << "Checksummed Download for:" << rawName() << "storage:" << storage << "url:" << url; out.append(dl); } else { out.append(Net::Download::makeCached(url, entry, options)); qDebug() << "Download for:" << rawName() << "storage:" << storage << "url:" << url; } } return true; }; QString raw_storage = storageSuffix(system); if(m_mojangDownloads) { if(isNative()) { if(m_nativeClassifiers.contains(system)) { auto nativeClassifier = m_nativeClassifiers[system]; if(nativeClassifier.contains("${arch}")) { auto nat32Classifier = nativeClassifier; nat32Classifier.replace("${arch}", "32"); auto nat64Classifier = nativeClassifier; nat64Classifier.replace("${arch}", "64"); auto nat32info = m_mojangDownloads->getDownloadInfo(nat32Classifier); if(nat32info) { auto cooked_storage = raw_storage; cooked_storage.replace("${arch}", "32"); add_download(cooked_storage, nat32info->url, nat32info->sha1); } auto nat64info = m_mojangDownloads->getDownloadInfo(nat64Classifier); if(nat64info) { auto cooked_storage = raw_storage; cooked_storage.replace("${arch}", "64"); add_download(cooked_storage, nat64info->url, nat64info->sha1); } } else { auto info = m_mojangDownloads->getDownloadInfo(nativeClassifier); if(info) { add_download(raw_storage, info->url, info->sha1); } } } else { qDebug() << "Ignoring native library" << m_name << "because it has no classifier for current OS"; } } else { if(m_mojangDownloads->artifact) { auto artifact = m_mojangDownloads->artifact; add_download(raw_storage, artifact->url, artifact->sha1); } else { qDebug() << "Ignoring java library" << m_name << "because it has no artifact"; } } } else { auto raw_dl = [&](){ if (!m_absoluteURL.isEmpty()) { return m_absoluteURL; } if (m_repositoryURL.isEmpty()) { return URLConstants::LIBRARY_BASE + raw_storage; } if(m_repositoryURL.endsWith('/')) { return m_repositoryURL + raw_storage; } else { return m_repositoryURL + QChar('/') + raw_storage; } }(); if (raw_storage.contains("${arch}")) { QString cooked_storage = raw_storage; QString cooked_dl = raw_dl; add_download(cooked_storage.replace("${arch}", "32"), cooked_dl.replace("${arch}", "32"), QString()); cooked_storage = raw_storage; cooked_dl = raw_dl; add_download(cooked_storage.replace("${arch}", "64"), cooked_dl.replace("${arch}", "64"), QString()); } else { add_download(raw_storage, raw_dl, QString()); } } return out; } bool Library::isActive() const { bool result = true; if (m_rules.empty()) { result = true; } else { RuleAction ruleResult = Disallow; for (auto rule : m_rules) { RuleAction temp = rule->apply(this); if (temp != Defer) ruleResult = temp; } result = result && (ruleResult == Allow); } if (isNative()) { result = result && m_nativeClassifiers.contains(currentSystem); } return result; } bool Library::isLocal() const { return m_hint == "local"; } void Library::setStoragePrefix(QString prefix) { m_storagePrefix = prefix; } QString Library::defaultStoragePrefix() { return "libraries/"; } QString Library::storagePrefix() const { if(m_storagePrefix.isEmpty()) { return defaultStoragePrefix(); } return m_storagePrefix; } QString Library::filename(OpSys system) const { if(!m_filename.isEmpty()) { return m_filename; } // non-native? use only the gradle specifier if (!isNative()) { return m_name.getFileName(); } // otherwise native, override classifiers. Mojang HACK! GradleSpecifier nativeSpec = m_name; if (m_nativeClassifiers.contains(system)) { nativeSpec.setClassifier(m_nativeClassifiers[system]); } else { nativeSpec.setClassifier("INVALID"); } return nativeSpec.getFileName(); } QString Library::displayName(OpSys system) const { if(!m_displayname.isEmpty()) return m_displayname; return filename(system); } QString Library::storageSuffix(OpSys system) const { // non-native? use only the gradle specifier if (!isNative()) { return m_name.toPath(m_filename); } // otherwise native, override classifiers. Mojang HACK! GradleSpecifier nativeSpec = m_name; if (m_nativeClassifiers.contains(system)) { nativeSpec.setClassifier(m_nativeClassifiers[system]); } else { nativeSpec.setClassifier("INVALID"); } return nativeSpec.toPath(m_filename); }