path: root/api/logic/net/Download.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'api/logic/net/Download.cpp')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/api/logic/net/Download.cpp b/api/logic/net/Download.cpp
index 631d3076..fc634e3d 100644
--- a/api/logic/net/Download.cpp
+++ b/api/logic/net/Download.cpp
@@ -28,271 +28,271 @@ namespace Net {
- m_status = Job_NotStarted;
+ m_status = Job_NotStarted;
Download::Ptr Download::makeCached(QUrl url, MetaEntryPtr entry, Options options)
- Download * dl = new Download();
- dl->m_url = url;
- dl->m_options = options;
- auto md5Node = new ChecksumValidator(QCryptographicHash::Md5);
- auto cachedNode = new MetaCacheSink(entry, md5Node);
- dl->m_sink.reset(cachedNode);
- dl->m_target_path = entry->getFullPath();
- return std::shared_ptr<Download>(dl);
+ Download * dl = new Download();
+ dl->m_url = url;
+ dl->m_options = options;
+ auto md5Node = new ChecksumValidator(QCryptographicHash::Md5);
+ auto cachedNode = new MetaCacheSink(entry, md5Node);
+ dl->m_sink.reset(cachedNode);
+ dl->m_target_path = entry->getFullPath();
+ return std::shared_ptr<Download>(dl);
Download::Ptr Download::makeByteArray(QUrl url, QByteArray *output, Options options)
- Download * dl = new Download();
- dl->m_url = url;
- dl->m_options = options;
- dl->m_sink.reset(new ByteArraySink(output));
- return std::shared_ptr<Download>(dl);
+ Download * dl = new Download();
+ dl->m_url = url;
+ dl->m_options = options;
+ dl->m_sink.reset(new ByteArraySink(output));
+ return std::shared_ptr<Download>(dl);
Download::Ptr Download::makeFile(QUrl url, QString path, Options options)
- Download * dl = new Download();
- dl->m_url = url;
- dl->m_options = options;
- dl->m_sink.reset(new FileSink(path));
- return std::shared_ptr<Download>(dl);
+ Download * dl = new Download();
+ dl->m_url = url;
+ dl->m_options = options;
+ dl->m_sink.reset(new FileSink(path));
+ return std::shared_ptr<Download>(dl);
void Download::addValidator(Validator * v)
- m_sink->addValidator(v);
+ m_sink->addValidator(v);
void Download::start()
- if(m_status == Job_Aborted)
- {
- qWarning() << "Attempt to start an aborted Download:" << m_url.toString();
- emit aborted(m_index_within_job);
- return;
- }
- QNetworkRequest request(m_url);
- m_status = m_sink->init(request);
- switch(m_status)
- {
- case Job_Finished:
- emit succeeded(m_index_within_job);
- qDebug() << "Download cache hit " << m_url.toString();
- return;
- case Job_InProgress:
- qDebug() << "Downloading " << m_url.toString();
- break;
- case Job_Failed_Proceed: // this is meaningless in this context. We do need a sink.
- case Job_NotStarted:
- case Job_Failed:
- emit failed(m_index_within_job);
- return;
- case Job_Aborted:
- return;
- }
+ if(m_status == Job_Aborted)
+ {
+ qWarning() << "Attempt to start an aborted Download:" << m_url.toString();
+ emit aborted(m_index_within_job);
+ return;
+ }
+ QNetworkRequest request(m_url);
+ m_status = m_sink->init(request);
+ switch(m_status)
+ {
+ case Job_Finished:
+ emit succeeded(m_index_within_job);
+ qDebug() << "Download cache hit " << m_url.toString();
+ return;
+ case Job_InProgress:
+ qDebug() << "Downloading " << m_url.toString();
+ break;
+ case Job_Failed_Proceed: // this is meaningless in this context. We do need a sink.
+ case Job_NotStarted:
+ case Job_Failed:
+ emit failed(m_index_within_job);
+ return;
+ case Job_Aborted:
+ return;
+ }
- request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader, "MultiMC/5.0");
+ request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader, "MultiMC/5.0");
- QNetworkReply *rep = ENV.qnam().get(request);
+ QNetworkReply *rep = ENV.qnam().get(request);
- m_reply.reset(rep);
- connect(rep, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
- connect(rep, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(downloadFinished()));
- connect(rep, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), SLOT(downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
- connect(rep, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &Download::sslErrors);
- connect(rep, &QNetworkReply::readyRead, this, &Download::downloadReadyRead);
+ m_reply.reset(rep);
+ connect(rep, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
+ connect(rep, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(downloadFinished()));
+ connect(rep, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), SLOT(downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
+ connect(rep, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &Download::sslErrors);
+ connect(rep, &QNetworkReply::readyRead, this, &Download::downloadReadyRead);
void Download::downloadProgress(qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal)
- m_total_progress = bytesTotal;
- m_progress = bytesReceived;
- emit netActionProgress(m_index_within_job, bytesReceived, bytesTotal);
+ m_total_progress = bytesTotal;
+ m_progress = bytesReceived;
+ emit netActionProgress(m_index_within_job, bytesReceived, bytesTotal);
void Download::downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error)
- if(error == QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError)
- {
- qCritical() << "Aborted " << m_url.toString();
- m_status = Job_Aborted;
- }
- else
- {
- if(m_options & Option::AcceptLocalFiles)
- {
- if(m_sink->hasLocalData())
- {
- m_status = Job_Failed_Proceed;
- return;
- }
- }
- // error happened during download.
- qCritical() << "Failed " << m_url.toString() << " with reason " << error;
- m_status = Job_Failed;
- }
+ if(error == QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError)
+ {
+ qCritical() << "Aborted " << m_url.toString();
+ m_status = Job_Aborted;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(m_options & Option::AcceptLocalFiles)
+ {
+ if(m_sink->hasLocalData())
+ {
+ m_status = Job_Failed_Proceed;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // error happened during download.
+ qCritical() << "Failed " << m_url.toString() << " with reason " << error;
+ m_status = Job_Failed;
+ }
void Download::sslErrors(const QList<QSslError> & errors)
- int i = 1;
- for (auto error : errors)
- {
- qCritical() << "Download" << m_url.toString() << "SSL Error #" << i << " : " << error.errorString();
- auto cert = error.certificate();
- qCritical() << "Certificate in question:\n" << cert.toText();
- i++;
- }
+ int i = 1;
+ for (auto error : errors)
+ {
+ qCritical() << "Download" << m_url.toString() << "SSL Error #" << i << " : " << error.errorString();
+ auto cert = error.certificate();
+ qCritical() << "Certificate in question:\n" << cert.toText();
+ i++;
+ }
bool Download::handleRedirect()
- QUrl redirect = m_reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader).toUrl();
- if(!redirect.isValid())
- {
- if(!m_reply->hasRawHeader("Location"))
- {
- // no redirect -> it's fine to continue
- return false;
- }
- // there is a Location header, but it's not correct. we need to apply some workarounds...
- QByteArray redirectBA = m_reply->rawHeader("Location");
- if(redirectBA.size() == 0)
- {
- // empty, yet present redirect header? WTF?
- return false;
- }
- QString redirectStr = QString::fromUtf8(redirectBA);
+ QUrl redirect = m_reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader).toUrl();
+ if(!redirect.isValid())
+ {
+ if(!m_reply->hasRawHeader("Location"))
+ {
+ // no redirect -> it's fine to continue
+ return false;
+ }
+ // there is a Location header, but it's not correct. we need to apply some workarounds...
+ QByteArray redirectBA = m_reply->rawHeader("Location");
+ if(redirectBA.size() == 0)
+ {
+ // empty, yet present redirect header? WTF?
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString redirectStr = QString::fromUtf8(redirectBA);
- /*
- * IF the URL begins with //, we need to insert the URL scheme.
- * See:
- */
- if(redirectStr.startsWith("//"))
- {
- redirectStr = m_reply->url().scheme() + ":" + redirectStr;
- }
+ /*
+ * IF the URL begins with //, we need to insert the URL scheme.
+ * See:
+ */
+ if(redirectStr.startsWith("//"))
+ {
+ redirectStr = m_reply->url().scheme() + ":" + redirectStr;
+ }
- /*
- * Next, make sure the URL is parsed in tolerant mode. Qt doesn't parse the location header in tolerant mode, which causes issues.
- * FIXME: report Qt bug for this
- */
- redirect = QUrl(redirectStr, QUrl::TolerantMode);
- if(!redirect.isValid())
- {
- qWarning() << "Failed to parse redirect URL:" << redirectStr;
- downloadError(QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure);
- return false;
- }
- qDebug() << "Fixed location header:" << redirect;
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug() << "Location header:" << redirect;
- }
+ /*
+ * Next, make sure the URL is parsed in tolerant mode. Qt doesn't parse the location header in tolerant mode, which causes issues.
+ * FIXME: report Qt bug for this
+ */
+ redirect = QUrl(redirectStr, QUrl::TolerantMode);
+ if(!redirect.isValid())
+ {
+ qWarning() << "Failed to parse redirect URL:" << redirectStr;
+ downloadError(QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure);
+ return false;
+ }
+ qDebug() << "Fixed location header:" << redirect;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Location header:" << redirect;
+ }
- m_url = QUrl(redirect.toString());
- qDebug() << "Following redirect to " << m_url.toString();
- start();
- return true;
+ m_url = QUrl(redirect.toString());
+ qDebug() << "Following redirect to " << m_url.toString();
+ start();
+ return true;
void Download::downloadFinished()
- // handle HTTP redirection first
- if(handleRedirect())
- {
- qDebug() << "Download redirected:" << m_url.toString();
- return;
- }
+ // handle HTTP redirection first
+ if(handleRedirect())
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Download redirected:" << m_url.toString();
+ return;
+ }
- // if the download failed before this point ...
- if (m_status == Job_Failed_Proceed)
- {
- qDebug() << "Download failed but we are allowed to proceed:" << m_url.toString();
- m_sink->abort();
- m_reply.reset();
- emit succeeded(m_index_within_job);
- return;
- }
- else if (m_status == Job_Failed)
- {
- qDebug() << "Download failed in previous step:" << m_url.toString();
- m_sink->abort();
- m_reply.reset();
- emit failed(m_index_within_job);
- return;
- }
- else if(m_status == Job_Aborted)
- {
- qDebug() << "Download aborted in previous step:" << m_url.toString();
- m_sink->abort();
- m_reply.reset();
- emit aborted(m_index_within_job);
- return;
- }
+ // if the download failed before this point ...
+ if (m_status == Job_Failed_Proceed)
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Download failed but we are allowed to proceed:" << m_url.toString();
+ m_sink->abort();
+ m_reply.reset();
+ emit succeeded(m_index_within_job);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (m_status == Job_Failed)
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Download failed in previous step:" << m_url.toString();
+ m_sink->abort();
+ m_reply.reset();
+ emit failed(m_index_within_job);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(m_status == Job_Aborted)
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Download aborted in previous step:" << m_url.toString();
+ m_sink->abort();
+ m_reply.reset();
+ emit aborted(m_index_within_job);
+ return;
+ }
- // make sure we got all the remaining data, if any
- auto data = m_reply->readAll();
- if(data.size())
- {
- qDebug() << "Writing extra" << data.size() << "bytes to" << m_target_path;
- m_status = m_sink->write(data);
- }
+ // make sure we got all the remaining data, if any
+ auto data = m_reply->readAll();
+ if(data.size())
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Writing extra" << data.size() << "bytes to" << m_target_path;
+ m_status = m_sink->write(data);
+ }
- // otherwise, finalize the whole graph
- m_status = m_sink->finalize(*m_reply.get());
- if (m_status != Job_Finished)
- {
- qDebug() << "Download failed to finalize:" << m_url.toString();
- m_sink->abort();
- m_reply.reset();
- emit failed(m_index_within_job);
- return;
- }
- m_reply.reset();
- qDebug() << "Download succeeded:" << m_url.toString();
- emit succeeded(m_index_within_job);
+ // otherwise, finalize the whole graph
+ m_status = m_sink->finalize(*m_reply.get());
+ if (m_status != Job_Finished)
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Download failed to finalize:" << m_url.toString();
+ m_sink->abort();
+ m_reply.reset();
+ emit failed(m_index_within_job);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_reply.reset();
+ qDebug() << "Download succeeded:" << m_url.toString();
+ emit succeeded(m_index_within_job);
void Download::downloadReadyRead()
- if(m_status == Job_InProgress)
- {
- auto data = m_reply->readAll();
- m_status = m_sink->write(data);
- if(m_status == Job_Failed)
- {
- qCritical() << "Failed to process response chunk for " << m_target_path;
- }
- // qDebug() << "Download" << m_url.toString() << "gained" << data.size() << "bytes";
- }
- else
- {
- qCritical() << "Cannot write to " << m_target_path << ", illegal status" << m_status;
- }
+ if(m_status == Job_InProgress)
+ {
+ auto data = m_reply->readAll();
+ m_status = m_sink->write(data);
+ if(m_status == Job_Failed)
+ {
+ qCritical() << "Failed to process response chunk for " << m_target_path;
+ }
+ // qDebug() << "Download" << m_url.toString() << "gained" << data.size() << "bytes";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qCritical() << "Cannot write to " << m_target_path << ", illegal status" << m_status;
+ }
bool Net::Download::abort()
- if(m_reply)
- {
- m_reply->abort();
- }
- else
- {
- m_status = Job_Aborted;
- }
- return true;
+ if(m_reply)
+ {
+ m_reply->abort();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_status = Job_Aborted;
+ }
+ return true;
bool Net::Download::canAbort()
- return true;
+ return true;