diff options
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/application/MultiMC.cpp b/application/MultiMC.cpp
index af59d93c..95cf57b9 100644
--- a/application/MultiMC.cpp
+++ b/application/MultiMC.cpp
@@ -202,11 +202,10 @@ MultiMC::MultiMC(int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv)
m_peerInstance->sendMessage(m_instanceIdToLaunch, 2000);
- quit();
+ m_status = MultiMC::Succeeded;
- // in test mode, root path is the same as the binary path.
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
QDir foo(FS::PathCombine(binPath, ".."));
m_rootPath = foo.absolutePath();
@@ -255,63 +254,17 @@ MultiMC::MultiMC(int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv)
m_translationChecker.reset(new TranslationDownloader());
- // load icons
- // load themes
- // and instances
- auto InstDirSetting = m_settings->getSetting("InstanceDir");
- // instance path: check for problems with '!' in instance path and warn the user in the log
- // and rememer that we have to show him a dialog when the gui starts (if it does so)
- QString instDir = m_settings->get("InstanceDir").toString();
- qDebug() << "Instance path : " << instDir;
- if (FS::checkProblemticPathJava(QDir(instDir)))
- {
- qWarning()
- << "Your instance path contains \'!\' and this is known to cause java problems";
- }
- m_instances.reset(new InstanceList(m_settings, InstDirSetting->get().toString(), this));
- m_instanceFolder = new FolderInstanceProvider(m_settings, instDir);
- connect(InstDirSetting.get(), &Setting::SettingChanged, m_instanceFolder, &FolderInstanceProvider::on_InstFolderChanged);
- m_instances->addInstanceProvider(m_instanceFolder);
- m_instances->addInstanceProvider(new FTBInstanceProvider(m_settings));
- qDebug() << "Loading Instances...";
- m_instances->loadList(true);
- // and accounts
- m_accounts.reset(new MojangAccountList(this));
- qDebug() << "Loading accounts...";
- m_accounts->setListFilePath("accounts.json", true);
- m_accounts->loadList();
- // init the http meta cache
- ENV.initHttpMetaCache();
- // create the global network manager
- ENV.m_qnam.reset(new QNetworkAccessManager(this));
- // init proxy settings
- {
- QString proxyTypeStr = settings()->get("ProxyType").toString();
- QString addr = settings()->get("ProxyAddr").toString();
- int port = settings()->get("ProxyPort").value<qint16>();
- QString user = settings()->get("ProxyUser").toString();
- QString pass = settings()->get("ProxyPass").toString();
- ENV.updateProxySettings(proxyTypeStr, addr, port, user, pass);
- }
- initSSL();
+ initInstances();
+ initAccounts();
+ initNetwork();
//FIXME: what to do with these?
- m_profilers.insert("jprofiler",
- std::shared_ptr<BaseProfilerFactory>(new JProfilerFactory()));
- m_profilers.insert("jvisualvm",
- std::shared_ptr<BaseProfilerFactory>(new JVisualVMFactory()));
+ m_profilers.insert("jprofiler", std::shared_ptr<BaseProfilerFactory>(new JProfilerFactory()));
+ m_profilers.insert("jvisualvm", std::shared_ptr<BaseProfilerFactory>(new JVisualVMFactory()));
for (auto profiler : m_profilers.values())
@@ -330,6 +283,7 @@ MultiMC::MultiMC(int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv)
auto inst = instances()->getInstanceById(m_instanceIdToLaunch);
@@ -384,8 +338,24 @@ void MultiMC::messageReceived(const QString& message)
#include "CertWorkaround.h"
-void MultiMC::initSSL()
+void MultiMC::initNetwork()
+ // init the http meta cache
+ ENV.initHttpMetaCache();
+ // create the global network manager
+ ENV.m_qnam.reset(new QNetworkAccessManager(this));
+ // init proxy settings
+ {
+ QString proxyTypeStr = settings()->get("ProxyType").toString();
+ QString addr = settings()->get("ProxyAddr").toString();
+ int port = settings()->get("ProxyPort").value<qint16>();
+ QString user = settings()->get("ProxyUser").toString();
+ QString pass = settings()->get("ProxyPass").toString();
+ ENV.updateProxySettings(proxyTypeStr, addr, port, user, pass);
+ }
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
@@ -446,15 +416,6 @@ void MultiMC::initIcons()
-static void moveFile(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName)
- QFile::remove(newName);
- QFile::copy(oldName, newName);
- QFile::remove(oldName);
void appDebugOutput(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg)
const char *levels = "DWCF";
@@ -475,6 +436,13 @@ void appDebugOutput(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QSt
+static void moveFile(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName)
+ QFile::remove(newName);
+ QFile::copy(oldName, newName);
+ QFile::remove(oldName);
void MultiMC::initLogger()
static const QString logBase = "MultiMC-%0.log";
@@ -490,6 +458,35 @@ void MultiMC::initLogger()
logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate);
+void MultiMC::initInstances()
+ auto InstDirSetting = m_settings->getSetting("InstanceDir");
+ // instance path: check for problems with '!' in instance path and warn the user in the log
+ // and rememer that we have to show him a dialog when the gui starts (if it does so)
+ QString instDir = m_settings->get("InstanceDir").toString();
+ qDebug() << "Instance path : " << instDir;
+ if (FS::checkProblemticPathJava(QDir(instDir)))
+ {
+ qWarning() << "Your instance path contains \'!\' and this is known to cause java problems";
+ }
+ m_instances.reset(new InstanceList(m_settings, InstDirSetting->get().toString(), this));
+ m_instanceFolder = new FolderInstanceProvider(m_settings, instDir);
+ connect(InstDirSetting.get(), &Setting::SettingChanged, m_instanceFolder, &FolderInstanceProvider::on_InstFolderChanged);
+ m_instances->addInstanceProvider(m_instanceFolder);
+ m_instances->addInstanceProvider(new FTBInstanceProvider(m_settings));
+ qDebug() << "Loading Instances...";
+ m_instances->loadList(true);
+void MultiMC::initAccounts()
+ // and accounts
+ m_accounts.reset(new MojangAccountList(this));
+ qDebug() << "Loading accounts...";
+ m_accounts->setListFilePath("accounts.json", true);
+ m_accounts->loadList();
void MultiMC::initGlobalSettings()
m_settings.reset(new INISettingsObject("multimc.cfg", this));
diff --git a/application/MultiMC.h b/application/MultiMC.h
index 663da1a1..bb4b544a 100644
--- a/application/MultiMC.h
+++ b/application/MultiMC.h
@@ -160,7 +160,9 @@ private:
void initThemes();
void initGlobalSettings();
void initTranslations();
- void initSSL();
+ void initNetwork();
+ void initInstances();
+ void initAccounts();
QDateTime startTime;