path: root/logic/lists/IconList.cpp
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authorPetr Mrázek <>2013-09-07 04:00:58 +0200
committerPetr Mrázek <>2013-09-07 04:00:58 +0200
commit6892c11e9f287dcfb1e698f8f46233a01fb7abb6 (patch)
treeee94607e92bcf39faef7f35842499fafbb2e270f /logic/lists/IconList.cpp
parent3f30055afe757637ae865b2adc7cf021edd9b8b5 (diff)
Move a good chunk of the singleton objects into a new QApplication subclass.
Diffstat (limited to 'logic/lists/IconList.cpp')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/logic/lists/IconList.cpp b/logic/lists/IconList.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6988d02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logic/lists/IconList.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#include "IconList.h"
+#include <pathutils.h>
+#include <QMap>
+#include <QEventLoop>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QMimeData>
+#include <QUrl>
+#define MAX_SIZE 1024
+struct entry
+ QString key;
+ QString name;
+ QIcon icon;
+ bool is_builtin;
+ QString filename;
+class Private : public QObject
+ QMap<QString, int> index;
+ QVector<entry> icons;
+ Private()
+ {
+ }
+IconList::IconList() : QAbstractListModel(), d(new Private())
+ QDir instance_icons(":/icons/instances/");
+ auto file_info_list = instance_icons.entryInfoList(QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
+ for(auto file_info: file_info_list)
+ {
+ QString key = file_info.baseName();
+ addIcon(key, key, file_info.absoluteFilePath(), true);
+ }
+ // FIXME: get from settings
+ ensureFolderPathExists("icons");
+ QDir user_icons("icons");
+ file_info_list = user_icons.entryInfoList(QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
+ for(auto file_info: file_info_list)
+ {
+ QString filename = file_info.absoluteFilePath();
+ QString key = file_info.baseName();
+ addIcon(key, key, filename);
+ }
+ delete d;
+ d = nullptr;
+QStringList IconList::mimeTypes() const
+ QStringList types;
+ types << "text/uri-list";
+ return types;
+Qt::DropActions IconList::supportedDropActions() const
+ return Qt::CopyAction;
+bool IconList::dropMimeData ( const QMimeData* data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent )
+ if (action == Qt::IgnoreAction)
+ return true;
+ // check if the action is supported
+ if (!data || !(action & supportedDropActions()))
+ return false;
+ // files dropped from outside?
+ if(data->hasUrls())
+ {
+ /*
+ bool was_watching = is_watching;
+ if(was_watching)
+ stopWatching();
+ */
+ auto urls = data->urls();
+ QStringList iconFiles;
+ for(auto url: urls)
+ {
+ // only local files may be dropped...
+ if(!url.isLocalFile())
+ continue;
+ iconFiles += url.toLocalFile();
+ }
+ installIcons(iconFiles);
+ /*
+ if(was_watching)
+ startWatching();
+ */
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+Qt::ItemFlags IconList::flags ( const QModelIndex& index ) const
+ Qt::ItemFlags defaultFlags = QAbstractListModel::flags ( index );
+ if (index.isValid())
+ return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags;
+ else
+ return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags;
+QVariant IconList::data ( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
+ if(!index.isValid())
+ return QVariant();
+ int row = index.row();
+ if(row < 0 || row >= d->icons.size())
+ return QVariant();
+ switch(role)
+ {
+ case Qt::DecorationRole:
+ return d->icons[row].icon;
+ case Qt::DisplayRole:
+ return d->icons[row].name;
+ case Qt::UserRole:
+ return d->icons[row].key;
+ default:
+ return QVariant();
+ }
+int IconList::rowCount ( const QModelIndex& parent ) const
+ return d->icons.size();
+void IconList::installIcons ( QStringList iconFiles )
+ for(QString file: iconFiles)
+ {
+ QFileInfo fileinfo(file);
+ if(!fileinfo.isReadable() || !fileinfo.isFile())
+ continue;
+ QString target = PathCombine("icons", fileinfo.fileName());
+ QString suffix = fileinfo.suffix();
+ if(suffix != "jpeg" && suffix != "png" && suffix != "jpg")
+ continue;
+ if(!QFile::copy(file, target))
+ continue;
+ QString key = fileinfo.baseName();
+ addIcon(key, key, target);
+ }
+bool IconList::deleteIcon ( QString key )
+ int iconIdx = getIconIndex(key);
+ if(iconIdx == -1)
+ return false;
+ auto & iconEntry = d->icons[iconIdx];
+ if(iconEntry.is_builtin)
+ return false;
+ if(QFile::remove(iconEntry.filename))
+ {
+ beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), iconIdx, iconIdx);
+ d->icons.remove(iconIdx);
+ reindex();
+ endRemoveRows();
+ }
+ return true;
+bool IconList::addIcon ( QString key, QString name, QString path, bool is_builtin )
+ auto iter = d->index.find(key);
+ if(iter != d->index.end())
+ {
+ if(d->icons[*iter].is_builtin)
+ return false;
+ QIcon icon(path);
+ if(icon.isNull())
+ return false;
+ auto & oldOne = d->icons[*iter];
+ if(!QFile::remove(oldOne.filename))
+ return false;
+ // replace the icon
+ oldOne = {key, name, icon, is_builtin, path};
+ dataChanged(index(*iter),index(*iter));
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QIcon icon(path);
+ if(icon.isNull()) return false;
+ // add a new icon
+ beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), d->icons.size(),d->icons.size());
+ d->icons.push_back({key, name, icon, is_builtin, path});
+ d->index[key] = d->icons.size() - 1;
+ endInsertRows();
+ return true;
+ }
+void IconList::reindex()
+ d->index.clear();
+ int i = 0;
+ for(auto& iter: d->icons)
+ {
+ d->index[iter.key] = i;
+ i++;
+ }
+QIcon IconList::getIcon ( QString key )
+ int icon_index = getIconIndex(key);
+ if(icon_index != -1)
+ return d->icons[icon_index].icon;
+ // Fallback for icons that don't exist.
+ icon_index = getIconIndex("infinity");
+ if(icon_index != -1)
+ return d->icons[icon_index].icon;
+ return QIcon();
+int IconList::getIconIndex ( QString key )
+ if(key == "default")
+ key = "infinity";
+ auto iter = d->index.find(key);
+ if(iter != d->index.end())
+ return *iter;
+ return -1;
+#include "IconList.moc" \ No newline at end of file