#!/usr/bin/env python # $URL: http://pypng.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/code/iccp.py $ # $Rev: 182 $ # iccp # # International Color Consortium Profile # # Tools for manipulating ICC profiles. # # An ICC profile can be extracted from a PNG image (iCCP chunk). # # # Non-standard ICCP tags. # # Apple use some (widespread but) non-standard tags. These can be # displayed in Apple's ColorSync Utility. # - 'vcgt' (Video Card Gamma Tag). Table to load into video # card LUT to apply gamma. # - 'ndin' Apple display native information. # - 'dscm' Apple multi-localized description strings. # - 'mmod' Apple display make and model information. # # References # # [ICC 2001] ICC Specification ICC.1:2001-04 (Profile version 2.4.0) # [ICC 2004] ICC Specification ICC.1:2004-10 (Profile version import struct import png class FormatError(Exception): pass class Profile: """An International Color Consortium Profile (ICC Profile).""" def __init__(self): self.rawtagtable = None self.rawtagdict = {} self.d = dict() def fromFile(self, inp, name=''): # See [ICC 2004] profile = inp.read(128) if len(profile) < 128: raise FormatError("ICC Profile is too short.") size, = struct.unpack('>L', profile[:4]) profile += inp.read(d['size'] - len(profile)) return self.fromString(profile, name) def fromString(self, profile, name=''): self.d = dict() d = self.d if len(profile) < 128: raise FormatError("ICC Profile is too short.") d.update( zip(['size', 'preferredCMM', 'version', 'profileclass', 'colourspace', 'pcs'], struct.unpack('>L4sL4s4s4s', profile[:24]))) if len(profile) < d['size']: warnings.warn( 'Profile size declared to be %d, but only got %d bytes' % (d['size'], len(profile))) d['version'] = '%08x' % d['version'] d['created'] = readICCdatetime(profile[24:36]) d.update( zip(['acsp', 'platform', 'flag', 'manufacturer', 'model'], struct.unpack('>4s4s3L', profile[36:56]))) if d['acsp'] != 'acsp': warnings.warn('acsp field not present (not an ICC Profile?).') d['deviceattributes'] = profile[56:64] d['intent'], = struct.unpack('>L', profile[64:68]) d['pcsilluminant'] = readICCXYZNumber(profile[68:80]) d['creator'] = profile[80:84] d['id'] = profile[84:100] ntags, = struct.unpack('>L', profile[128:132]) d['ntags'] = ntags fmt = '4s2L' * ntags # tag table tt = struct.unpack('>' + fmt, profile[132:132+12*ntags]) tt = group(tt, 3) # Could (should) detect 2 or more tags having the same sig. But # we don't. Two or more tags with the same sig is illegal per # the ICC spec. # Convert (sig,offset,size) triples into (sig,value) pairs. rawtag = map(lambda x: (x[0], profile[x[1]:x[1]+x[2]]), tt) self.rawtagtable = rawtag self.rawtagdict = dict(rawtag) tag = dict() # Interpret the tags whose types we know about for sig, v in rawtag: if sig in tag: warnings.warn("Duplicate tag %r found. Ignoring." % sig) continue v = ICCdecode(v) if v is not None: tag[sig] = v self.tag = tag return self def greyInput(self): """Adjust ``self.d`` dictionary for greyscale input device. ``profileclass`` is 'scnr', ``colourspace`` is 'GRAY', ``pcs`` is 'XYZ '. """ self.d.update(dict(profileclass='scnr', colourspace='GRAY', pcs='XYZ ')) return self def maybeAddDefaults(self): if self.rawtagdict: return self._addTags( cprt='Copyright unknown.', desc='created by $URL: http://pypng.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/code/iccp.py $ $Rev: 182 $', wtpt=D50(), ) def addTags(self, **k): self.maybeAddDefaults() self._addTags(**k) def _addTags(self, **k): """Helper for :meth:`addTags`.""" for tag, thing in k.items(): if not isinstance(thing, (tuple, list)): thing = (thing,) typetag = defaulttagtype[tag] self.rawtagdict[tag] = encode(typetag, *thing) return self def write(self, out): """Write ICC Profile to the file.""" if not self.rawtagtable: self.rawtagtable = self.rawtagdict.items() tags = tagblock(self.rawtagtable) self.writeHeader(out, 128 + len(tags)) out.write(tags) out.flush() return self def writeHeader(self, out, size=999): """Add default values to the instance's `d` dictionary, then write a header out onto the file stream. The size of the profile must be specified using the `size` argument. """ def defaultkey(d, key, value): """Add ``[key]==value`` to the dictionary `d`, but only if it does not have that key already. """ if key in d: return d[key] = value z = '\x00' * 4 defaults = dict(preferredCMM=z, version='02000000', profileclass=z, colourspace=z, pcs='XYZ ', created=writeICCdatetime(), acsp='acsp', platform=z, flag=0, manufacturer=z, model=0, deviceattributes=0, intent=0, pcsilluminant=encodefuns()['XYZ'](*D50()), creator=z, ) for k,v in defaults.items(): defaultkey(self.d, k, v) hl = map(self.d.__getitem__, ['preferredCMM', 'version', 'profileclass', 'colourspace', 'pcs', 'created', 'acsp', 'platform', 'flag', 'manufacturer', 'model', 'deviceattributes', 'intent', 'pcsilluminant', 'creator']) # Convert to struct.pack input hl[1] = int(hl[1], 16) out.write(struct.pack('>L4sL4s4s4s12s4s4sL4sLQL12s4s', size, *hl)) out.write('\x00' * 44) return self def encodefuns(): """Returns a dictionary mapping ICC type signature sig to encoding function. Each function returns a string comprising the content of the encoded value. To form the full value, the type sig and the 4 zero bytes should be prefixed (8 bytes). """ def desc(ascii): """Return textDescription type [ICC 2001] 6.5.17. The ASCII part is filled in with the string `ascii`, the Unicode and ScriptCode parts are empty.""" ascii += '\x00' l = len(ascii) return struct.pack('>L%ds2LHB67s' % l, l, ascii, 0, 0, 0, 0, '') def text(ascii): """Return textType [ICC 2001] 6.5.18.""" return ascii + '\x00' def curv(f=None, n=256): """Return a curveType, [ICC 2001] 6.5.3. If no arguments are supplied then a TRC for a linear response is generated (no entries). If an argument is supplied and it is a number (for *f* to be a number it means that ``float(f)==f``) then a TRC for that gamma value is generated. Otherwise `f` is assumed to be a function that maps [0.0, 1.0] to [0.0, 1.0]; an `n` element table is generated for it. """ if f is None: return struct.pack('>L', 0) try: if float(f) == f: return struct.pack('>LH', 1, int(round(f*2**8))) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass assert n >= 2 table = [] M = float(n-1) for i in range(n): x = i/M table.append(int(round(f(x) * 65535))) return struct.pack('>L%dH' % n, n, *table) def XYZ(*l): return struct.pack('>3l', *map(fs15f16, l)) return locals() # Tag type defaults. # Most tags can only have one or a few tag types. # When encoding, we associate a default tag type with each tag so that # the encoding is implicit. defaulttagtype=dict( A2B0='mft1', A2B1='mft1', A2B2='mft1', bXYZ='XYZ', bTRC='curv', B2A0='mft1', B2A1='mft1', B2A2='mft1', calt='dtim', targ='text', chad='sf32', chrm='chrm', cprt='desc', crdi='crdi', dmnd='desc', dmdd='desc', devs='', gamt='mft1', kTRC='curv', gXYZ='XYZ', gTRC='curv', lumi='XYZ', meas='', bkpt='XYZ', wtpt='XYZ', ncol='', ncl2='', resp='', pre0='mft1', pre1='mft1', pre2='mft1', desc='desc', pseq='', psd0='data', psd1='data', psd2='data', psd3='data', ps2s='data', ps2i='data', rXYZ='XYZ', rTRC='curv', scrd='desc', scrn='', tech='sig', bfd='', vued='desc', view='view', ) def encode(tsig, *l): """Encode a Python value as an ICC type. `tsig` is the type signature to (the first 4 bytes of the encoded value, see [ICC 2004] section 10. """ fun = encodefuns() if tsig not in fun: raise "No encoder for type %r." % tsig v = fun[tsig](*l) # Padd tsig out with spaces. tsig = (tsig + ' ')[:4] return tsig + '\x00'*4 + v def tagblock(tag): """`tag` should be a list of (*signature*, *element*) pairs, where *signature* (the key) is a length 4 string, and *element* is the content of the tag element (another string). The entire tag block (consisting of first a table and then the element data) is constructed and returned as a string. """ n = len(tag) tablelen = 12*n # Build the tag table in two parts. A list of 12-byte tags, and a # string of element data. Offset is the offset from the start of # the profile to the start of the element data (so the offset for # the next element is this offset plus the length of the element # string so far). offset = 128 + tablelen + 4 # The table. As a string. table = '' # The element data element = '' for k,v in tag: table += struct.pack('>4s2L', k, offset + len(element), len(v)) element += v return struct.pack('>L', n) + table + element def iccp(out, inp): profile = Profile().fromString(*profileFromPNG(inp)) print >>out, profile.d print >>out, map(lambda x: x[0], profile.rawtagtable) print >>out, profile.tag def profileFromPNG(inp): """Extract profile from PNG file. Return (*profile*, *name*) pair.""" r = png.Reader(file=inp) _,chunk = r.chunk('iCCP') i = chunk.index('\x00') name = chunk[:i] compression = chunk[i+1] assert compression == chr(0) profile = chunk[i+2:].decode('zlib') return profile, name def iccpout(out, inp): """Extract ICC Profile from PNG file `inp` and write it to the file `out`.""" out.write(profileFromPNG(inp)[0]) def fs15f16(x): """Convert float to ICC s15Fixed16Number (as a Python ``int``).""" return int(round(x * 2**16)) def D50(): """Return D50 illuminant as an (X,Y,Z) triple.""" # See [ICC 2001] A.1 return (0.9642, 1.0000, 0.8249) def writeICCdatetime(t=None): """`t` should be a gmtime tuple (as returned from ``time.gmtime()``). If not supplied, the current time will be used. Return an ICC dateTimeNumber in a 12 byte string. """ import time if t is None: t = time.gmtime() return struct.pack('>6H', *t[:6]) def readICCdatetime(s): """Convert from 12 byte ICC representation of dateTimeNumber to ISO8601 string. See [ICC 2004] 5.1.1""" return '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ' % struct.unpack('>6H', s) def readICCXYZNumber(s): """Convert from 12 byte ICC representation of XYZNumber to (x,y,z) triple of floats. See [ICC 2004] 5.1.11""" return s15f16l(s) def s15f16l(s): """Convert sequence of ICC s15Fixed16 to list of float.""" # Note: As long as float has at least 32 bits of mantissa, all # values are preserved. n = len(s)//4 t = struct.unpack('>%dl' % n, s) return map((2**-16).__mul__, t) # Several types and their byte encodings are defined by [ICC 2004] # section 10. When encoded, a value begins with a 4 byte type # signature. We use the same 4 byte type signature in the names of the # Python functions that decode the type into a Pythonic representation. def ICCdecode(s): """Take an ICC encoded tag, and dispatch on its type signature (first 4 bytes) to decode it into a Python value. Pair (*sig*, *value*) is returned, where *sig* is a 4 byte string, and *value* is some Python value determined by the content and type. """ sig = s[0:4].strip() f=dict(text=RDtext, XYZ=RDXYZ, curv=RDcurv, vcgt=RDvcgt, sf32=RDsf32, ) if sig not in f: return None return (sig, f[sig](s)) def RDXYZ(s): """Convert ICC XYZType to rank 1 array of trimulus values.""" # See [ICC 2001] 6.5.26 assert s[0:4] == 'XYZ ' return readICCXYZNumber(s[8:]) def RDsf32(s): """Convert ICC s15Fixed16ArrayType to list of float.""" # See [ICC 2004] 10.18 assert s[0:4] == 'sf32' return s15f16l(s[8:]) def RDmluc(s): """Convert ICC multiLocalizedUnicodeType. This types encodes several strings together with a language/country code for each string. A list of (*lc*, *string*) pairs is returned where *lc* is the 4 byte language/country code, and *string* is the string corresponding to that code. It seems unlikely that the same language/country code will appear more than once with different strings, but the ICC standard does not prohibit it.""" # See [ICC 2004] 10.13 assert s[0:4] == 'mluc' n,sz = struct.unpack('>2L', s[8:16]) assert sz == 12 record = [] for i in range(n): lc,l,o = struct.unpack('4s2L', s[16+12*n:28+12*n]) record.append(lc, s[o:o+l]) # How are strings encoded? return record def RDtext(s): """Convert ICC textType to Python string.""" # Note: type not specified or used in [ICC 2004], only in older # [ICC 2001]. # See [ICC 2001] 6.5.18 assert s[0:4] == 'text' return s[8:-1] def RDcurv(s): """Convert ICC curveType.""" # See [ICC 2001] 6.5.3 assert s[0:4] == 'curv' count, = struct.unpack('>L', s[8:12]) if count == 0: return dict(gamma=1) table = struct.unpack('>%dH' % count, s[12:]) if count == 1: return dict(gamma=table[0]*2**-8) return table def RDvcgt(s): """Convert Apple CMVideoCardGammaType.""" # See # http://developer.apple.com/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/ColorSync_Manager/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/c/tdef/CMVideoCardGammaType assert s[0:4] == 'vcgt' tagtype, = struct.unpack('>L', s[8:12]) if tagtype != 0: return s[8:] if tagtype == 0: # Table. channels,count,size = struct.unpack('>3H', s[12:18]) if size == 1: fmt = 'B' elif size == 2: fmt = 'H' else: return s[8:] l = len(s[18:])//size t = struct.unpack('>%d%s' % (l, fmt), s[18:]) t = group(t, count) return size, t return s[8:] def group(s, n): # See # http://www.python.org/doc/2.6/library/functions.html#zip return zip(*[iter(s)]*n) def main(argv=None): import sys from getopt import getopt if argv is None: argv = sys.argv argv = argv[1:] opt,arg = getopt(argv, 'o:') if len(arg) > 0: inp = open(arg[0], 'rb') else: inp = sys.stdin for o,v in opt: if o == '-o': f = open(v, 'wb') return iccpout(f, inp) return iccp(sys.stdout, inp) if __name__ == '__main__': main()