/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _SYS_SETTINGS_H #define _SYS_SETTINGS_H #include #include #include #include "parser/sip_message.h" #include "sockets/url.h" #include "threads/mutex.h" #include "twinkle_config.h" using namespace std; /** @name General system settings */ //@{ /** User directory, relative to the home directory ($HOME) */ #define DIR_USER ".twinkle" /** Home directory */ #define DIR_HOME (getenv("HOME")) /** Directory for storing temporary files, relative to @ref DIR_USER */ #define DIR_TMPFILE "tmp" /** Device file for DSP */ #define DEV_DSP "/dev/dsp" /** Device prefixes in settings file */ #define PFX_OSS "oss:" #define PFX_ALSA "alsa:" /** ALSA default device */ #define DEV_ALSA_DFLT "alsa:default" /** Device string for other device */ #define DEV_OTHER "other device" /** File with SIP providers for the wizard */ #define FILE_PROVIDERS "providers.csv" /** File with CLI command history */ #define FILE_CLI_HISTORY "twinkle.history" //@} /** Audio device */ class t_audio_device { public: enum t_audio_device_type { OSS, ALSA } type; string device; // eg. /dev/dsp, /dev/dsp1 for OSS or hw:0,0 for ALSA string sym_link; // real device if the device is a symbolic link string name; // name of the sound card // Get a one-line description string get_description(void) const; // Get string to be written in settings file string get_settings_value(void) const; }; /** Window geometry */ struct t_win_geometry { int x; /**< x-coordinate of top left corner */ int y; /**< y-coordinate of top left corner */ int width; /**< Window width */ int height; /**< Window height */ /** Constructor */ t_win_geometry(); /** Constructor */ t_win_geometry(int x_, int y_, int width_, int height_); /** * Construct a geometry from an encoded string. * If the string cannot be parsed, all values are set to zero. * @param value [in] Encoded string "x,y,widht,height" */ t_win_geometry(const string &value); /** * Encode geometry into a string. * @return Encoded geometry "x,y,width,height" */ string encode(void) const; }; /** System settings */ class t_sys_settings { private: // Mutex to avoid sync concurrent access mutable t_recursive_mutex mtx_sys; /** File descriptor of lock file */ int fd_lock_file; // Share directory for files applicable to all users string dir_share; // Full file name for config file string filename; /** The SIP port that is currently used */ unsigned short active_sip_port; // Sound devices t_audio_device dev_ringtone; t_audio_device dev_speaker; t_audio_device dev_mic; // Indicates if audio devices should be validated before // usage. bool validate_audio_dev; int alsa_play_period_size; int alsa_capture_period_size; int oss_fragment_size; // Log file settings unsigned short log_max_size; // in MB bool log_show_sip; bool log_show_stun; bool log_show_memory; bool log_show_debug; /** @name GUI settings */ //@{ bool gui_use_systray; bool gui_hide_on_close; /** Show main window on incoming call after a few seconds */ bool gui_auto_show_incoming; int gui_auto_show_timeout; bool gui_show_call_osd; /** Command to start an internet browser */ string gui_browser_cmd; //@} // Address book settings bool ab_show_sip_only; bool ab_lookup_name; bool ab_override_display; bool ab_lookup_photo; // Call history settings int ch_max_size; // #calls // Service settings // Call waiting allows an incoming call if one line is busy. bool call_waiting; // Indicates if both lines should be hung up when ending a // 3-way conference call. // If false, then only the active line will be hung up. bool hangup_both_3way; // Startup settings list start_user_profiles; bool start_hidden; /** The full path name of the shared mime database */ string mime_shared_database; /** @name Network settings */ //@{ /** Port for sending and receiving SIP messages. This is the value * written in the system settings file. This value can differ from * active_sip_port value if the user changed the system * settings while Twinkle is running. */ unsigned short config_sip_port; /** SIP UDP port overridden by the command options. */ unsigned short override_sip_port; /** Port for RTP. * rtp_port is the base port for RTP streams. Each phone line * uses has its own RTP port number. * line x has RTP port = rtp_port + x * 2 and * RTCP port = rtp_port + x * 2 + 1 * Where x starts at 0 * * NOTE: for call transfer scenario, line 2 (3rd line) is used * which is not a line that is visible to the user. The user * only sees 2 lines for its use. By having a dedicated port * for line 2, the RTP stream for a referred call uses another * port than the RTP stream for an original call, preventing * the RTP streams for these calls to become mixed. * * NOTE: during a call transfer, line 2 will be swapped with another * line, so the ports swap accordingly. */ unsigned short rtp_port; /** RTP port overridden by the command options. */ unsigned short override_rtp_port; /** Maximum size of a SIP message received over UDP. */ unsigned short sip_max_udp_size; /** Maximum size of a SIP message received over TCP. */ unsigned long sip_max_tcp_size; //@} // Ring tone settings bool play_ringtone; string ringtone_file; bool play_ringback; string ringback_file; // Persistent storage for user interface state // The profile that was last used before Twinkle was terminated. string last_used_profile; // Call information for redial last call function t_url redial_url; string redial_display; string redial_subject; string redial_profile; // profile used to make the call bool redial_hide_user; // Did the user request hiding? // History of latest dialed addresses list dial_history; /** @name GUI view settings */ //@{ bool show_display; bool compact_line_status; bool show_buddy_list; //@} /** @name Settings to restore a previous user interface session after system shutdown */ //@{ /** ID of previous session */ string ui_session_id; /** Active user profiles */ list ui_session_active_profiles; /** Geometry of main window */ t_win_geometry ui_session_main_geometry; /** Flag to indicate if the main window is hidden. */ bool ui_session_main_hidden; /** Window state of main window. */ unsigned int ui_session_main_state; //@} // One time warnings bool warn_hide_user; // Warn use that provider may not support hiding. public: /** Constructor */ t_sys_settings(); /** @name Getters */ //@{ t_audio_device get_dev_ringtone(void) const; t_audio_device get_dev_speaker(void) const; t_audio_device get_dev_mic(void) const; bool get_validate_audio_dev(void) const; int get_alsa_play_period_size(void) const; int get_alsa_capture_period_size(void) const; int get_oss_fragment_size(void) const; unsigned short get_log_max_size(void) const; bool get_log_show_sip(void) const; bool get_log_show_stun(void) const; bool get_log_show_memory(void) const; bool get_log_show_debug(void) const; bool get_gui_use_systray(void) const; bool get_gui_hide_on_close(void) const; bool get_gui_auto_show_incoming(void) const; int get_gui_auto_show_timeout(void) const; string get_gui_browser_cmd(void) const; bool get_gui_show_call_osd() const; bool get_ab_show_sip_only(void) const; bool get_ab_lookup_name(void) const; bool get_ab_override_display(void) const; bool get_ab_lookup_photo(void) const; int get_ch_max_size(void) const; bool get_call_waiting(void) const; bool get_hangup_both_3way(void) const; list get_start_user_profiles(void) const; bool get_start_hidden(void) const; unsigned short get_config_sip_port(void) const; unsigned short get_rtp_port(void) const; unsigned short get_sip_max_udp_size(void) const; unsigned long get_sip_max_tcp_size(void) const; bool get_play_ringtone(void) const; string get_ringtone_file(void) const; bool get_play_ringback(void) const; string get_ringback_file(void) const; string get_last_used_profile(void) const; t_url get_redial_url(void) const; string get_redial_display(void) const; string get_redial_subject(void) const; string get_redial_profile(void) const; bool get_redial_hide_user(void) const; list get_dial_history(void) const; bool get_show_display(void) const; bool get_compact_line_status(void) const; bool get_show_buddy_list(void) const; string get_ui_session_id(void) const; list get_ui_session_active_profiles(void) const; t_win_geometry get_ui_session_main_geometry(void) const; bool get_ui_session_main_hidden(void) const; unsigned int get_ui_session_main_state(void) const; bool get_warn_hide_user(void) const; string get_mime_shared_database(void) const; //@} /** @name Setters */ //@{ void set_dev_ringtone(const t_audio_device &dev); void set_dev_speaker(const t_audio_device &dev); void set_dev_mic(const t_audio_device &dev); void set_validate_audio_dev(bool b); void set_alsa_play_period_size(int size); void set_alsa_capture_period_size(int size); void set_oss_fragment_size(int size); void set_log_max_size(unsigned short size); void set_log_show_sip(bool b); void set_log_show_stun(bool b); void set_log_show_memory(bool b); void set_log_show_debug(bool b); void set_gui_use_systray(bool b); void set_gui_hide_on_close(bool b); void set_gui_auto_show_incoming(bool b); void set_gui_auto_show_timeout(int timeout); void set_gui_browser_cmd(const string &s); void set_gui_show_call_osd(bool b); void set_ab_show_sip_only(bool b); void set_ab_lookup_name(bool b); void set_ab_override_display(bool b); void set_ab_lookup_photo(bool b); void set_ch_max_size(int size); void set_call_waiting(bool b); void set_hangup_both_3way(bool b); void set_start_user_profiles(const list &profiles); void set_start_hidden(bool b); void set_config_sip_port(unsigned short port); void set_override_sip_port(unsigned short port); void set_rtp_port(unsigned short port); void set_override_rtp_port(unsigned short port); void set_sip_max_udp_size(unsigned short size); void set_sip_max_tcp_size(unsigned long size); void set_play_ringtone(bool b); void set_ringtone_file(const string &file); void set_play_ringback(bool b); void set_ringback_file(const string &file); void set_last_used_profile(const string &profile); void set_redial_url(const t_url &url); void set_redial_display(const string &display); void set_redial_subject(const string &subject); void set_redial_profile(const string &profile); void set_redial_hide_user(bool b); void set_dial_history(const list &history); void set_show_display(bool b); void set_compact_line_status(bool b); void set_show_buddy_list(bool b); void set_ui_session_id(const string &id); void set_ui_session_active_profiles(const list &profiles); void set_ui_session_main_geometry(const t_win_geometry &geometry); void set_ui_session_main_hidden(bool hidden); void set_ui_session_main_state(unsigned int state); void set_warn_hide_user(bool b); void set_mime_shared_database(const string &filename); //@} /** * Get "about" text. * @param html [in] Indicates if "about" text must be in HTML format. * @return The "about" text" */ string about(bool html) const; /** * Get produce release date. * @return product release date in locale format */ string get_product_date(void) const; /** * Get a string of options that are built, e.g. ALSA, KDE * @return The string of options. */ string get_options_built(void) const; /** * Check if the environment of the machine satisfies all requirements. * @param error_msg [out] User readable error message when false is returned. * @return true if all requirements are met. * @return false, otherwise and error_msg contains an appropriate * error message to show the user. */ bool check_environment(string &error_msg) const; /** * Set the share directory * @param dir [in] Absolute path of the share directory. */ void set_dir_share(const string &dir); /** * Get the share directory. * @return Absolute path of the directory with shared files. */ string get_dir_share(void) const; /** * Get the directory containing language translation files. * @return Absolute path of the language directory. */ string get_dir_lang(void) const; /** * Get the user directory. * @return Absolute path of the user directory. */ string get_dir_user(void) const; /** * Get the CLI command history file. * @return Full pathname of the history file. */ string get_history_file(void) const; /** * Get the temporary file directory. * @return The full pathname of the temporary file directory. */ string get_dir_tmpfile(void) const; /** * Check if a file is located in the temporary file directory. * @return true if the file is in the temporary file directory, false otherwise. */ bool is_tmpfile(const string &filename) const; /** * Save data to a temporary file. * @param data [in] Data to save. * @param file_extension [in] Extension (glob) for file name. * @param filename [out] File name of save file, relative to the tmp directory. * @param error_msg [out] If saving failed, then this parameter contains an * error message. * @return true if saving succeeded, false otherwise. */ bool save_tmp_file(const string &data, const string &file_extension, string &filename, string &error_msg); /** * Save the body of a SIP message to a temporary file. * @param sip_msg [in] The SIP message from which the body must be saved. * @param suggested_file_extension [in] File extension (glob) for file name to save * if an extension cannot be determined from a filename supplied as * in the Content-Disposition header. * @param tmpname [out] The name of the saved file. * @param save_as_name [out] Suggested file name for user for saving. * @param error_msg [out] Error message when saving failed. * @return true if saving succeeded, false otherwise. */ bool save_sip_body(const t_sip_message &sip_msg, const string &suggested_file_extension, string &tmpname, string &save_as_name, string &error_msg); /** Remove all files from the temporary file directory */ void remove_all_tmp_files(void) const; /** @name Lock file operations */ /** * Create a lock file if it does not exist yet and take a file lock on it. * @param shared_lock [in] Indicates if the file lock must be shared or exclusive. * A shared lock is needed when the users forces multiple Twinkle processes * to run. * @param error_msg [out] Error message if the operation fails. * @param already_running [out] If the operation fails, this flag indicates Twinkle * is already running. * @return True if the file is locked succesfully. * @return False if the file could not be locked. */ bool create_lock_file(bool shared_lock, string &error_msg, bool &already_running); /** Unlock the lock file. */ void delete_lock_file(void); // Read and parse a config file into the t_sys_settings object. // Returns false if it fails. error_msg is an error message that can // be give to the user. bool read_config(string &error_msg); // Write the settings into a config file bool write_config(string &error_msg); // Get all OSS devices list get_oss_devices(bool playback) const; #ifdef HAVE_LIBASOUND // Get all ALSA devices list get_alsa_devices(bool playback) const; #endif // Get all audio devices list get_audio_devices(bool playback) const; // Check if two OSS devices are equal bool equal_audio_dev(const t_audio_device &dev1, const t_audio_device &dev2) const; static t_audio_device audio_device(string device = ""); // Check validate the audio devices flagged as true. // If audio validation is turned off then always true is returned. bool exec_audio_validation(bool ringtone, bool speaker, bool mic, string &error_msg) const; // Get the active value of the SIP UDP port // Once the SIP UDP port is retrieved from the system settings, it // is stored as the active port. A next call to get_sip_port // returns the active port, even when the SIP UDP port in the settings // has changed. // If force_active == true, then always the SIP UDP port is returned // and made active unsigned short get_sip_port(bool force_active = false); }; extern t_sys_settings *sys_config; #endif