/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "connection.h" #include #include #include "connection_table.h" #include "log.h" #include "sys_settings.h" #include "util.h" #include "audits/memman.h" #include "parser/parse_ctrl.h" extern t_connection_table *connection_table; using namespace std; t_connection::t_connection(t_socket *socket) : socket_(socket), sip_msg_(NULL), pos_send_buf_(0), idle_time_(0), can_reuse_(true) {} t_connection::~t_connection() { MEMMAN_DELETE(socket_); delete socket_; } t_socket *t_connection::get_socket(void) { return socket_; } t_connection::size_type t_connection::data_size(void) const { return read_buf_.size(); } void t_connection::read(bool &connection_closed) { connection_closed = false; char buf[READ_BLOCK_SIZE]; ssize_t nread = socket_->recv(buf, READ_BLOCK_SIZE); if (nread > 0) { read_buf_.append(buf, buf + nread); } else { connection_closed = true; } idle_time_ = 0; } void t_connection::write(void) { if (send_buf_.empty()) return; ssize_t nwrite = send_buf_.size() - pos_send_buf_; if ((ssize_t)WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE < nwrite) nwrite = WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE; ssize_t nwritten = socket_->send(send_buf_.c_str() + pos_send_buf_, nwrite); pos_send_buf_ += nwritten; if (pos_send_buf_ >= send_buf_.size()) { // All data written send_buf_.clear(); pos_send_buf_ = 0; } } ssize_t t_connection::send(const char *data, int data_size) { ssize_t bytes_sent = socket_->send(data, data_size); idle_time_ = 0; return bytes_sent; } void t_connection::async_send(const char *data, int data_size) { send_buf_ += string(data, data_size); connection_table->restart_write_select(); } t_sip_message *t_connection::get_sip_msg(string &raw_headers, string &raw_body, bool &error, bool &msg_too_large) { string log_msg; raw_headers.clear(); raw_body.clear(); error = false; msg_too_large = false; if (!sip_msg_) { // RFC 3261 7.5 // Ignore CRLF preceding the start-line of a SIP message while (read_buf_.size() >= 2 && read_buf_.substr(0, 2) == string(CRLF)) { remove_data(2); } // A complete list of headers has not been read yet, try // to find the boundary between headers and body. string seperator = string(CRLF) + string(CRLF); string::size_type pos_body = read_buf_.find(seperator); if (pos_body == string::npos) { // Still no complete list of headers. if (read_buf_.size() > sys_config->get_sip_max_tcp_size()) { log_file->write_report("Message too large", "t_connection::get_sip_msg", LOG_SIP, LOG_WARNING); error = true; } return NULL; } pos_body += seperator.size(); // Parse SIP headers raw_sip_headers_ = read_buf_.substr(0, pos_body); list parse_errors; try { sip_msg_ = t_parser::parse(raw_sip_headers_, parse_errors); } catch (int) { // Discard malformed SIP messages. log_msg = "Invalid SIP message.\n"; log_msg += "Fatal parse error in headers.\n\n"; log_msg += to_printable(raw_sip_headers_); log_file->write_report(log_msg, "t_connection::get_sip_msg", LOG_SIP, LOG_DEBUG); error = true; return NULL; } // Log non-fatal parse errors. if (!parse_errors.empty()) { log_msg = "Parse errors:\n"; log_msg += "\n"; for (list::iterator i = parse_errors.begin(); i != parse_errors.end(); i++) { log_msg += *i; log_msg += "\n"; } log_msg += "\n"; log_file->write_report(log_msg, "t_connection::get_sip_msg", LOG_SIP, LOG_DEBUG); } get_remote_address(sip_msg_->src_ip_port.ipaddr, sip_msg_->src_ip_port.port); sip_msg_->src_ip_port.transport = "tcp"; // Remove the processed headers from the read buffer. remove_data(pos_body); } // RFC 3261 18.4 // The Content-Length header field MUST be used with stream oriented transports. if (!sip_msg_->hdr_content_length.is_populated()) { // The transaction layer will send an error response. log_file->write_report("Content-Length header is missing.", "t_connection::get_sip_msg", LOG_SIP, LOG_WARNING); } else { if (read_buf_.size() < sip_msg_->hdr_content_length.length) { // No full body read yet. if (read_buf_.size() + raw_sip_headers_.size() <= sys_config->get_sip_max_tcp_size()) { return NULL; } else { log_file->write_report("Message too large", "t_connection::get_sip_msg", LOG_SIP, LOG_WARNING); msg_too_large = true; } } else { if (sip_msg_->hdr_content_length.length > 0) { raw_body = read_buf_.substr(0, sip_msg_->hdr_content_length.length); remove_data(sip_msg_->hdr_content_length.length); } } } // Return data to caller. Clear internally cached data. t_sip_message *msg = sip_msg_; sip_msg_ = NULL; raw_headers = raw_sip_headers_; raw_sip_headers_.clear(); return msg; } string t_connection::get_data(size_t nbytes) const { size_t nread = min(nbytes, read_buf_.size()); return read_buf_.substr(0, nread); } void t_connection::remove_data(size_t nbytes) { if (nbytes == 0) return; if (nbytes >= read_buf_.size()) { read_buf_.clear(); } else { read_buf_.erase(0, nbytes); } } void t_connection::get_remote_address(unsigned long &remote_addr, unsigned short &remote_port) { remote_addr = 0; remote_port = 0; try { t_socket_tcp *tcp_socket = dynamic_cast(socket_); if (tcp_socket) { tcp_socket->get_remote_address(remote_addr, remote_port); } else { log_file->write_report("Socket is not connection oriented.", "t_connection::get_sip_msg", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); } } catch (int err) { string errmsg = get_error_str(err); string log_msg = "Cannot get remote address: "; log_msg += errmsg; log_file->write_report(log_msg, "t_connection::get_sip_msg", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); } } unsigned long t_connection::increment_idle_time(unsigned long interval) { idle_time_ += interval; return idle_time_; } unsigned long t_connection::get_idle_time(void) const { return idle_time_; } bool t_connection::has_data_to_send(void) const { return !send_buf_.empty(); } void t_connection::set_reuse(bool reuse) { can_reuse_ = reuse; } bool t_connection::may_reuse(void) const { return can_reuse_; } void t_connection::add_registered_uri(const t_url &uri) { // Add the URI if it is not in the set. if (find(registered_uri_set_.begin(), registered_uri_set_.end(), uri) == registered_uri_set_.end()) { registered_uri_set_.push_back(uri); } } void t_connection::remove_registered_uri(const t_url &uri) { registered_uri_set_.remove(uri); } void t_connection::update_registered_uri_set(const t_request *req) { assert(req->method == REGISTER); if (req->is_registration_request()) { add_registered_uri(req->hdr_to.uri); } else if (req->is_de_registration_request()) { remove_registered_uri(req->hdr_to.uri); } } const list &t_connection::get_registered_uri_set(void) const { return registered_uri_set_; } bool t_connection::has_registered_uri(void) const { return !registered_uri_set_.empty(); }