RedirectForm RedirectForm 0 0 588 190 5 5 0 0 Twinkle - Redirect unnamed redirectGroupBox Redirect incoming call to unnamed contact3LineEdit You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. contact3TextLabel &3rd choice destination: contact3LineEdit contact2TextLabel &2nd choice destination: contact2LineEdit contact2LineEdit You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. contact1LineEdit You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. contact1TextLabel &1st choice destination: contact1LineEdit address1ToolButton TabFocus F10 kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. address3ToolButton TabFocus F12 kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. address2ToolButton TabFocus F11 kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. spacer14 Vertical Expanding 20 16 layout15 unnamed spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 361 20 okPushButton &OK true cancelPushButton &Cancel cancelPushButton clicked() RedirectForm reject() okPushButton clicked() RedirectForm validate() address1ToolButton clicked() RedirectForm showAddressBook1() address2ToolButton clicked() RedirectForm showAddressBook2() address3ToolButton clicked() RedirectForm showAddressBook3() contact1LineEdit contact2LineEdit contact3LineEdit address1ToolButton address2ToolButton address3ToolButton okPushButton cancelPushButton gui.h audits/memman.h list sockets/url.h getaddressform.h user.h redirectform.ui.h GetAddressForm *getAddressForm; int nrAddressBook; t_user *user_config; destinations(const list<t_display_url> &) show( t_user * user, const list<string> & contacts ) validate() showAddressBook() showAddressBook1() showAddressBook2() showAddressBook3() selectedAddress( const QString & address ) init() destroy()