/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_KDE #include #include #include #include #include #else #include "utils/mime_database.h" //Added by qt3to4: #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif using namespace utils; /** Maximum width for an inline image */ #define MAX_WIDTH_IMG_INLINE 400 /** Maximum height for an inline image */ #define MAX_HEIGHT_IMG_INLINE 400 #define IMG_SCALE_FACTOR(width, height) (std::min( float(MAX_WIDTH_IMG_INLINE) / (width), float(MAX_HEIGHT_IMG_INLINE) / (height) ) ) void MessageForm::init() { setWFlags(getWFlags() | Qt::WDestructiveClose); _getAddressForm = 0; _remotePartyComplete = false; // Add label to display size of typed message _msgSizeLabel = new QLabel(this); statusBar()->addWidget(_msgSizeLabel); showMessageSize(); // Set toolbutton icons for disabled options. setDisabledIcon(addressToolButton, "kontact_contacts-disabled.png"); attachmentPopupMenu = new Q3PopupMenu(this); MEMMAN_NEW(attachmentPopupMenu); connect(attachmentPopupMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(attachmentPopupActivated(int))); _serviceMap = NULL; _saveAsDialog = NULL; _isComposingLabel = NULL; // When the user edits the message, the composition indication // will be set to active. connect(msgLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(setLocalComposingIndicationActive())); } void MessageForm::destroy() { if (_getAddressForm) { MEMMAN_DELETE(_getAddressForm); delete _getAddressForm; } MEMMAN_DELETE(attachmentPopupMenu); delete attachmentPopupMenu; #ifdef HAVE_KDE vector *serviceMap = (vector *)_serviceMap; if (serviceMap) { MEMMAN_DELETE(serviceMap); delete serviceMap; } #endif if (_saveAsDialog) { MEMMAN_DELETE(_saveAsDialog); delete _saveAsDialog; } if (_isComposingLabel) { MEMMAN_DELETE(_isComposingLabel); delete _isComposingLabel; } } void MessageForm::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { MEMMAN_DELETE(this); // destructive close Q3MainWindow::closeEvent(e); } void MessageForm::show() { if (toLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { sendFileAction->setEnabled(false); toLineEdit->setFocus(); } else { // Once a message session has been created, the // source and destination cannot be changed anymore. fromComboBox->setEnabled(false); toLineEdit->setEnabled(false); addressToolButton->setEnabled(false); sendFileAction->setEnabled(true); msgLineEdit->setFocus(); } Q3MainWindow::show(); } void MessageForm::selectUserConfig(t_user *user_config) { for (int i = 0; i < fromComboBox->count(); i++) { if (fromComboBox->text(i) == user_config->get_profile_name().c_str()) { fromComboBox->setCurrentItem(i); break; } } } void MessageForm::showAddressBook() { if (!_getAddressForm) { _getAddressForm = new GetAddressForm( this, "select address", true); MEMMAN_NEW(_getAddressForm); } connect(_getAddressForm, SIGNAL(address(const QString &)), this, SLOT(selectedAddress(const QString &))); _getAddressForm->show(); } void MessageForm::selectedAddress(const QString &address) { toLineEdit->setText(address); } /** * Check if there is a valid sender and receiver. If so, then set the sender * and receiver addresses in the message session object. */ bool MessageForm::updateMessageSession() { string display, dest_str; t_user *from_user = phone->ref_user_profile( fromComboBox->currentText().ascii()); if (!from_user) { // The user profile is not active anymore fromComboBox->setFocus(); return false; } ui->expand_destination(from_user, toLineEdit->text().stripWhiteSpace().ascii(), display, dest_str); t_url dest(dest_str); if (!dest.is_valid()) { toLineEdit->setFocus(); toLineEdit->selectAll(); return false; } _msgSession->set_user(from_user); _msgSession->set_remote_party(t_display_url(dest, display)); setRemotePartyCaption(); return true; } /** * Determine if a message can be sent, i.e. there is a valid sender and * receiver. If a message can be sent, then lock the sender and receiver. * @return True if message can be sent, false otherwise. */ bool MessageForm::prepareSendMessage() { if (toLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { // No recipient selected. return false; } if (toLineEdit->isEnabled()) { if (!updateMessageSession()) { // No valid sender and receiver. return false; } // Once a message session has been created, the // source and destination cannot be changed anymore. fromComboBox->setEnabled(false); toLineEdit->setEnabled(false); addressToolButton->setEnabled(false); } return true; } /** Send a text message */ void MessageForm::sendMessage() { if (msgLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { // Nothing to send return; } if (!prepareSendMessage()) { return; } _msgSession->send_msg(msgLineEdit->text().ascii(), im::TXT_PLAIN); } /** * Send a file. * @param filename [in] Name of file to send. * @param subject [in] Subject to set in the message. */ void MessageForm::sendFile(const QString &filename, const QString &subject) { if (!prepareSendMessage()) { return; } t_media media("application/octet-stream"); #ifdef HAVE_KDE // Get mime type for the attachment KMimeType::Ptr pMime = KMimeType::findByURL(filename); media = t_media(pMime->name().ascii()); #else string mime_type = mime_database->get_mimetype(filename.ascii()); if (!mime_type.empty()) { media = t_media(mime_type); } #endif _msgSession->send_file(filename.ascii(), media, subject.ascii()); } /** * Add a message to the converstation broswer. * @param msg [in] The message to add. * @param name [in] The name of the sender of the message. */ void MessageForm::addMessage(const im::t_msg &msg, const QString &name) { QString s = ""; // Timestamp and name of sender if (msg.direction == im::MSG_DIR_IN) s += ""; s += time2str(msg.timestamp, "%H:%M:%S ").c_str(); s += Q3StyleSheet::escape(name); if (msg.direction == im::MSG_DIR_IN) s += ""; s += ""; // Subject if (!msg.subject.empty()) { s += "
"; s += ""; s += "Subject: "; s += ""; s += msg.subject.c_str(); } // Text message if (!msg.message.empty()) { s += "
"; if (msg.format == im::TXT_HTML) { s += msg.message.c_str(); } else { s += Q3StyleSheet::escape(msg.message.c_str()); } } // Attachment if (msg.has_attachment) { s += "
"; s += ""; bool show_attachment_inline = false; bool scale_image = false; int scaled_width = 0, scaled_height = 0; if (msg.attachment_media.type == "image") { // Show image inline if possible QPixmap image (msg.attachment_filename.c_str()); if (!image.isNull()) { show_attachment_inline = true; if (image.width() > MAX_WIDTH_IMG_INLINE && image.height() > MAX_HEIGHT_IMG_INLINE) { // Shrink image scaled_width = int(image.width() * IMG_SCALE_FACTOR(image.width(), image.height())); scaled_height = int(image.height() * IMG_SCALE_FACTOR(image.width(), image.height())); scale_image = true; } } } s += ""; s+= "
"; s += msg.attachment_save_as_name.c_str(); s += "
"; if (scale_image) { s += "
"; s += ""; s += tr("image size is scaled down in preview"); s += ""; } // Store the association between the tempory file name of the // save attachment and the suggested save-as file name. When // the user clicks on the attachment, only the temporary file name // is available. Through this association the suggested file name // can be retrieved. _filenameMap[msg.attachment_filename] = msg.attachment_save_as_name; } conversationBrowser->append(s); } void MessageForm::displayError(const QString &errorMsg) { QString s = ""; s += ""; s += tr("Delivery failure").ascii(); s += ": "; s += Q3StyleSheet::escape(errorMsg); s += ""; conversationBrowser->append(s); } void MessageForm::displayDeliveryNotification(const QString ¬ification) { QString s = ""; s += ""; s += tr("Delivery notification").ascii(); s += ": "; s += Q3StyleSheet::escape(notification); s += ""; conversationBrowser->append(s); } void MessageForm::setRemotePartyCaption(void) { if (!_msgSession) return; t_user *user = _msgSession->get_user(); t_display_url remote_party = _msgSession->get_remote_party(); setCaption(ui->format_sip_address(user, remote_party.display, remote_party.url).c_str()); } void MessageForm::showAttachmentPopupMenu(const QString &attachment) { #ifdef HAVE_KDE vector *serviceMap = (vector *)_serviceMap; if (serviceMap) { MEMMAN_DELETE(serviceMap); delete serviceMap; } serviceMap = new vector; MEMMAN_NEW(serviceMap); _serviceMap = (void *)serviceMap; #endif int id = 0; // Identity of popup menu item // Store attachment. When the user selects an attachment we still // know which attachment was clicked. clickedAttachment = attachment; attachmentPopupMenu->clear(); QIcon saveIcon(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("save_as.png")); attachmentPopupMenu->insertItem(saveIcon, "Save as...", id++); #ifdef HAVE_KDE // Get mime type for the attachment KMimeType::Ptr pMime = KMimeType::findByURL(attachment); // Get applications that can open the mime type KServiceTypeProfile::OfferList services = KServiceTypeProfile::offers( pMime->name(), "Application"); KServiceTypeProfile::OfferList::ConstIterator it; for (it = services.begin(); it != services.end(); ++it) { KService::Ptr service = (*it).service(); serviceMap->push_back(service); QString menuText = tr("Open with %1...").arg(service->name()); QPixmap pixmap = service->pixmap(KIcon::Small); QIcon iconSet; iconSet.setPixmap(pixmap, QIcon::Small); attachmentPopupMenu->insertItem(iconSet, menuText, id++); } QIcon openIcon(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("fileopen.png")); attachmentPopupMenu->insertItem(openIcon, tr("Open with..."), id++); #endif attachmentPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos()); } void MessageForm::attachmentPopupActivated(int id) { #ifdef HAVE_KDE vector *serviceMap = (vector *)_serviceMap; assert(serviceMap); #endif if (id == 0) { #ifdef HAVE_KDE KFileDialog *d = new KFileDialog(QString::null, QString::null, this, 0, true); MEMMAN_NEW(d); d->setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Saving); connect(d, SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, SLOT(saveAttachment())); #else Q3FileDialog *d = new Q3FileDialog(QString::null, QString::null, this, 0, true); MEMMAN_NEW(d); d->setMode(Q3FileDialog::AnyFile); connect(d, SIGNAL(fileSelected(const QString &)), this, SLOT(saveAttachment())); #endif d->setSelection(_filenameMap[clickedAttachment.ascii()].c_str()); d->setCaption(tr("Save attachment as...")); if (_saveAsDialog) { MEMMAN_DELETE(_saveAsDialog); delete _saveAsDialog; } _saveAsDialog = d; d->show(); #ifdef HAVE_KDE } else if (id > serviceMap->size()) { KURL::List urls; urls << clickedAttachment; KRun::displayOpenWithDialog(urls, false); } else { KURL::List urls; urls << clickedAttachment; KRun::run(*serviceMap->at(id-1), urls); #endif } } void MessageForm::saveAttachment() { #ifdef HAVE_KDE KFileDialog *d = dynamic_cast(_saveAsDialog); #else Q3FileDialog *d = dynamic_cast(_saveAsDialog); #endif QString filename = d->selectedFile(); if (QFile::exists(filename)) { bool overwrite = ((t_gui *)ui)->cb_ask_msg(this, tr("File already exists. Do you want to overwrite this file?").ascii(), MSG_WARNING); if (!overwrite) return; } if (!filecopy(clickedAttachment.ascii(), filename.ascii())) { ((t_gui *)ui)->cb_show_msg(this, tr("Failed to save attachment.").ascii(), MSG_CRITICAL); } } /** Choose a file to send */ void MessageForm::chooseFileToSend() { // Indicate that a message is being composed. setLocalComposingIndicationActive(); SendFileForm *form = new SendFileForm(); MEMMAN_NEW(form); // Form will auto destruct itself on close. connect(form, SIGNAL(selected(const QString &, const QString &)), this, SLOT(sendFile(const QString &, const QString &))); form->show(); } /** * Show an is-composing indication in the status bar. * @param name [in] The name of the sender of the message. */ void MessageForm::setComposingIndication(const QString &name) { if (!_isComposingLabel) { _isComposingLabel = new QLabel(NULL); MEMMAN_NEW(_isComposingLabel); _isComposingLabel->setText(tr("%1 is typing a message.").arg(name)); _isComposingLabel->setFrameStyle(Q3Frame::NoFrame | Q3Frame::Plain); statusBar()->addWidget(_isComposingLabel); } } /** Clear an is-composing indication from the status bar. */ void MessageForm::clearComposingIndication() { if (_isComposingLabel) { statusBar()->removeWidget(_isComposingLabel); statusBar()->clear(); MEMMAN_DELETE(_isComposingLabel); delete _isComposingLabel; _isComposingLabel = NULL; } } /** Set the local composition indication to active. */ void MessageForm::setLocalComposingIndicationActive() { _msgSession->set_local_composing_state(im::COMPOSING_STATE_ACTIVE); } void MessageForm::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { switch (e->key()) { case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: if (sendPushButton->isEnabled()) { sendPushButton->animateClick(); } break; default: e->ignore(); } } void MessageForm::toAddressChanged(const QString &address) { sendFileAction->setEnabled(!address.isEmpty()); } /** Show the size of the typed message */ void MessageForm::showMessageSize() { uint len = msgLineEdit->text().length(); QString s(tr("Size")); s += ": "; s += QString().setNum(len); _msgSizeLabel->setText(s); }