BuddyForm BuddyForm 0 0 484 154 Twinkle - Buddy unnamed layout12 unnamed spacer25 Vertical Expanding 20 47 addressToolButton TabFocus kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. phoneTextLabel &Phone: phoneLineEdit nameLineEdit Name of your buddy. subscribeCheckBox &Show availability Alt+S true Check this option if you want to see the availability of your buddy. This will only work if your provider offers a presence agent. nameTextLabel &Name: nameLineEdit phoneLineEdit SIP address your buddy. spacer14 Vertical Expanding 20 16 layout54 unnamed spacer13 Horizontal Expanding 131 20 okPushButton &OK Alt+O true cancelPushButton &Cancel Alt+C okPushButton clicked() BuddyForm validate() cancelPushButton clicked() BuddyForm reject() addressToolButton clicked() BuddyForm showAddressBook() nameLineEdit phoneLineEdit subscribeCheckBox addressToolButton okPushButton cancelPushButton presence/buddy.h user.h qlistview.h getaddressform.h gui.h sockets/url.h buddylistview.h audits/memman.h buddyform.ui.h GetAddressForm *getAddressForm; t_user *user_config; bool edit_mode; t_buddy_list *buddy_list; t_buddy *edit_buddy; QListViewItem *profileItem; showNew( t_buddy_list & _buddy_list, QListViewItem * _profileItem ) showEdit( t_buddy & buddy ) validate() showAddressBook() selectedAddress( const QString & name, const QString & phone ) init() destroy()