path: root/src/gui/main.cpp
diff options
authorMichal Kubecek <>2015-04-13 09:21:39 +0200
committerMichal Kubecek <>2015-04-13 09:21:39 +0200
commite2bc6f4153813cc570ae814c8ddb74628009b488 (patch)
treea40b171be1d859c2232ccc94f758010f9ae54d3c /src/gui/main.cpp
initial checkin
Check in contents of upstream 1.4.2 tarball, exclude generated files.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 1201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/main.cpp b/src/gui/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36242f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+#include "twinkle_config.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_KDE
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qtranslator.h>
+#include <qmime.h>
+#include <qprogressdialog.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+#include "mphoneform.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "address_book.h"
+#include "address_finder.h"
+#include "call_history.h"
+#include "cmd_socket.h"
+#include "events.h"
+#include "listener.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "sender.h"
+#include "transaction_mgr.h"
+#include "twinkleapplication.h"
+#include "user.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "phone.h"
+#include "gui.h"
+#include "qt_translator.h"
+#include "command_args.h"
+#include "sockets/connection_table.h"
+#include "sockets/interfaces.h"
+#include "sockets/socket.h"
+#include "threads/thread.h"
+#include "utils/mime_database.h"
+#include "audits/memman.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace utils;
+// Class to initialize the random generator before objects of
+// other classes are created. Initializing just from the main function
+// is too late.
+class t_init_rand {
+ t_init_rand();
+t_init_rand::t_init_rand() { srand(time(NULL)); }
+// Initialize random generator
+t_init_rand init_rand;
+// Language translator for the core of Twinkle
+t_translator *translator = NULL;
+// Indicates if application is ending (because user pressed Quit)
+bool end_app;
+// Memory manager for memory leak tracing
+t_memman *memman;
+// IP address on which the phone is running
+string user_host;
+// Local host name
+string local_hostname;
+// SIP UDP socket for sending and receiving signaling
+t_socket_udp *sip_socket;
+// SIP TCP socket for sending and receiving signaling
+t_socket_tcp *sip_socket_tcp;
+// SIP connection table for connection oriented transport
+t_connection_table *connection_table;
+// Event queue that is handled by the transaction manager thread
+// The following threads write to this queue
+// - UDP listener
+// - transaction layer
+// - timekeeper
+t_event_queue *evq_trans_mgr;
+// Event queue that is handled by the UDP sender thread
+// The following threads write to this queue:
+// - phone UAS
+// - phone UAC
+// - transaction manager
+t_event_queue *evq_sender;
+// Event queue that is handled by the transaction layer thread
+// The following threads write to this queue
+// - transaction manager
+// - timekeeper
+t_event_queue *evq_trans_layer;
+// Event queue that is handled by the phone timekeeper thread
+// The following threads write into this queue
+// - phone UAS
+// - phone UAC
+// - transaction manager
+t_event_queue *evq_timekeeper;
+// The timekeeper
+t_timekeeper *timekeeper;
+// The transaction manager
+t_transaction_mgr *transaction_mgr;
+// The phone
+t_phone *phone;
+// User interface
+t_userintf *ui;
+// Log file
+t_log *log_file;
+// System config
+t_sys_settings *sys_config;
+// Call history
+t_call_history *call_history;
+// Local address book
+t_address_book *ab_local;
+// Mime database
+t_mime_database *mime_database;
+/** Command arguments. */
+t_command_args g_cmd_args;
+// Thread id of main thread
+pthread_t thread_id_main;
+// Indicates if LinuxThreads or NPTL is active.
+bool threading_is_LinuxThreads;
+ * Parse arguments passed to application
+ * @param argc [in] Number of arguments
+ * @param argv [in] Array of arguments
+ * @param cli_mode [out] Indicates if Twinkle must run in CLI mode.
+ * @param override_lock_file [out] Indicates if an existing lock file must be overriden.
+ * @param config_files [out] User profiles passed on the command line.
+ * @param remain_argc [out] The number of arguments not parsed by this function.
+ * @param remain_argv [out] The arguments not parsed by this function.
+ * remain_argv[0] == argv[0]
+ */
+void parse_main_args(int argc, char **argv, bool &cli_mode, bool &override_lock_file,
+ list<string> &config_files, int &remain_argc, char **&remain_argv)
+ cli_mode = false;
+ override_lock_file = false;
+ config_files.clear();
+ // Initialize the remaining arguments with the first argument (application name)
+ // from the original arguments.
+ remain_argv = (char**)malloc(argc * sizeof(char*));
+ remain_argv[0] = argv[0];
+ remain_argc = 1;
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) {
+ // Help
+ cout << "Usage: twinkle [options]\n\n";
+ cout << "Options:\n";
+ cout << " -c";
+ cout << "\t\tRun in command line interface (CLI) mode\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --share <dir>";
+ cout << "\tSet the share directory.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " -f <profile>";
+ cout << "\tStartup with a specific profile. You will not be requested\n";
+ cout << "\t\tto choose a profile at startup. The profiles that you created\n";
+ cout << "\t\tare the .cfg files in your .twinkle directory.\n";
+ cout << "\t\tYou may specify multiple profiles separated by spaces.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --force";
+ cout << "\tIf a lock file is detected at startup, then override it\n";
+ cout << "\t\tand startup.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+#if 0
+ cout << " -i <IP addr>";
+ cout << "\tIf you have multiple IP addresses on your computer,\n";
+ cout << "\t\tthen you can supply the IP address to use here.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --sip-port <port>\n";
+ cout << "\t\tPort for SIP signalling.\n";
+ cout << "\t\tThis port overrides the port from the system settings.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --rtp-port <port>\n";
+ cout << "\t\tPort for RTP.\n";
+ cout << "\t\tThis port overrides the port from the system settings.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+#if 0
+ cout << " --nic <NIC>";
+ cout << "\tIf you have multiple NICs on your computer,\n";
+ cout << "\t\tthen you can supply the NIC name to use here (e.g. eth0).\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --call <address>\n";
+ cout << "\t\tInstruct Twinkle to call the address.\n";
+ cout << "\t\tWhen Twinkle is already running, this will instruct the running\n";
+ cout << "\t\tprocess to call the address.\n";
+ cout << "\t\tThe address may be a full or partial SIP URI. A partial SIP URI\n";
+ cout << "\t\twill be completed with the information from the user profile.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "\t\tA subject may be passed by appending '?subject=<subject>'\n";
+ cout << "\t\tto the address.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "\t\tExamples:\n";
+ cout << "\t\ttwinkle --call 123456\n";
+ cout << "\t\ttwinkle --call\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --cmd <cli command>\n";
+ cout << "\t\tInstruct Twinkle to execute the CLI command. You can run\n";
+ cout << "\t\tall commands from the command line interface mode.\n";
+ cout << "\t\tWhen Twinkle is already running, this will instruct the running\n";
+ cout << "\t\tprocess to execute the CLI command.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "\t\tExamples:\n";
+ cout << "\t\ttwinkle --cmd answer\n";
+ cout << "\t\ttwinkle --cmd mute\n";
+ cout << "\t\ttwinkle --cmd 'transfer 12345'\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --immediate";
+ cout << "\tThis option can be used in conjunction with --call or --cmd\n";
+ cout << "\t\tIt indicates the the command or call is to be performed\n";
+ cout << "\t\timmediately without asking the user for any confirmation.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --set-profile <profile>\n";
+ cout << "\t\tMake <profile> the active profile.\n";
+ cout << "\t\tWhen using this option in conjuction with --call and --cmd,\n";
+ cout << "\t\tthen the profile is activated before executing --call or \n";
+ cout << "\t\t--cmd.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --show";
+ cout << "\t\tInstruct a running instance of Twinkle to show the main window\n";
+ cout << "\t\tand take focus.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --hide";
+ cout << "\t\tInstruct a running instance of Twinkle to hide in the sytem tray.\n";
+ cout << "\t\tIf no system tray is used, then Twinkle will minimize.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --help-cli [cli command]\n";
+ cout << "\t\tWithout a cli command this option lists all available CLI\n";
+ cout << "\t\tcommands. With a CLI command this option prints help on\n";
+ cout << "\t\tthe CLI command.\n";
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " --version";
+ cout << "\tGet version information.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) {
+ // Get version
+ QString s = sys_config->about(false).c_str();
+ cout << s;
+ exit(0);
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) {
+ // CLI mode
+ cli_mode = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--share") == 0) {
+ if (i < argc - 1 && argv[i+1][0] != '-') {
+ i++;
+ sys_config->set_dir_share(argv[i]);
+ } else {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "Directory missing for option '-share'.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0) {
+ if (i < argc - 1 && argv[i+1][0] != '-') {
+ while (i < argc -1 && argv[i+1][0] != '-') {
+ i++;
+ // Config file name
+ QString config_file = argv[i];
+ if (!config_file.endsWith(USER_FILE_EXT))
+ {
+ config_file += USER_FILE_EXT;
+ }
+ config_files.push_back(config_file.ascii());
+ }
+ } else {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "Config file name missing for option '-f'.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--force") == 0) {
+ override_lock_file = true;
+#if 0
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0) {
+ if (i < argc - 1) {
+ i++;
+ // IP address
+ user_host = argv[i];
+ if (!exists_interface(user_host)) {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "There is no interface with IP address ";
+ cout << user_host << endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "IP address missing for option '-i'.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--sip-port") == 0) {
+ if (i < argc - 1) {
+ i++;
+ g_cmd_args.override_sip_port = atoi(argv[i]);
+ } else {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "Port missing for option '--sip-port'\n";
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--rtp-port") == 0) {
+ if (i < argc - 1) {
+ i++;
+ g_cmd_args.override_rtp_port = atoi(argv[i]);
+ } else {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "Port missing for option '--rtp-port'\n";
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--call") == 0) {
+ if (i < argc - 1) {
+ i++;
+ // SIP URI
+ g_cmd_args.callto_destination = argv[i];
+ if (g_cmd_args.callto_destination.isEmpty()) {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "--call argument may not be empty.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "SIP URI missing for option '--call'.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--cmd") == 0) {
+ if (i < argc - 1) {
+ i++;
+ // CLI command
+ g_cmd_args.cli_command = argv[i];
+ if (g_cmd_args.cli_command.isEmpty()) {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "--cmd argument may not be empty.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "CLI command missing for option '--cmd'.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--immediate") == 0) {
+ // Immediate mode
+ g_cmd_args.cmd_immediate_mode = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--set-profile") == 0) {
+ if (i < argc - 1) {
+ i++;
+ // Set profile
+ g_cmd_args.cmd_set_profile = argv[i];
+ } else {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "Profile missing for option '--set-profile'.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--show") == 0) {
+ // Show main window
+ g_cmd_args.cmd_show = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--hide") == 0) {
+ // Hide main window
+ g_cmd_args.cmd_hide = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help-cli") == 0) {
+ string cmd_help("help ");
+ if (i < argc -1) {
+ i++;
+ // Help CLI
+ cmd_help += argv[i];
+ }
+ t_phone p;
+ t_userintf u(&p);
+ u.exec_command(cmd_help);
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ // Unknown argument. Assume that it is an Qt/KDE argument.
+ remain_argv[remain_argc++] = argv[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!g_cmd_args.callto_destination.isEmpty() && !g_cmd_args.cli_command.isEmpty()) {
+ cout << argv[0] << ": ";
+ cout << "--call and --cmd cannot be used at the same time.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ return;
+bool open_sip_socket(bool cli_mode) {
+ QString sock_type;
+ // Open socket for SIP signaling
+ try {
+ sock_type = "UDP";
+ sip_socket = new t_socket_udp(sys_config->get_sip_port(true));
+ MEMMAN_NEW(sip_socket);
+ if (sip_socket->enable_icmp()) {
+ log_file->write_report("ICMP processing enabled.", "::main");
+ } else {
+ log_file->write_report("ICMP processing disabled.", "::main");
+ }
+ sock_type = "TCP";
+ sip_socket_tcp = new t_socket_tcp(sys_config->get_sip_port());
+ MEMMAN_NEW(sip_socket_tcp);
+ } catch (int err) {
+ string msg;
+ if (cli_mode) {
+ msg = QString("Failed to create a %1 socket (SIP) on port %2")
+ .arg(sock_type)
+ .arg(sys_config->get_sip_port()).ascii();
+ } else {
+ msg = qApp->translate("GUI", "Failed to create a %1 socket (SIP) on port %2")
+ .arg(sock_type)
+ .arg(sys_config->get_sip_port()).ascii();
+ }
+ msg += "\n";
+ msg += get_error_str(err);
+ log_file->write_report(msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL);
+ ui->cb_show_msg(msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+QApplication *create_user_interface(bool cli_mode, int argc, char **argv, QTranslator *qtranslator) {
+ QApplication *qa = NULL;
+ if (cli_mode) {
+ // CLI mode
+ ui = new t_userintf(phone);
+ } else {
+ // GUI mode
+#ifdef HAVE_KDE
+ // Store the defualt mime source factory for the embedded icons.
+ // This is created by Qt. The KApplication constructor seems to destroy
+ // this default.
+ QMimeSourceFactory *factory_qt = QMimeSourceFactory::takeDefaultFactory();
+ // Initialize the KApplication
+ KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "twinkle", PRODUCT_NAME, "Soft phone",
+ qa = new t_twinkle_application();
+ // Store the KDE mime source factory
+ QMimeSourceFactory *factory_kde = QMimeSourceFactory::takeDefaultFactory();
+ // Make the Qt factory the default to make the embedded icons work.
+ QMimeSourceFactory::setDefaultFactory(factory_qt);
+ // Add the KDE factory
+ QMimeSourceFactory::addFactory(factory_kde);
+ int tmp = argc;
+ qa = new t_twinkle_application(tmp, argv);
+ QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8"));
+ QTextCodec::setCodecForTr(QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8"));
+ // Install Qt translator
+ // Do not report to memman as the translator will be deleted
+ // automatically when the QApplication is deleted.
+ qtranslator = new QTranslator(0);
+ qtranslator->load(QString("twinkle_") + QTextCodec::locale(),
+ QString(sys_config->get_dir_lang().c_str()));
+ qa->installTranslator(qtranslator);
+ // Create translator for translation of strings from the core
+ translator = new t_qt_translator(qa);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(translator);
+ ui = new t_gui(phone);
+ }
+ return qa;
+int main( int argc, char ** argv )
+ string error_msg;
+ bool cli_mode;
+ bool override_lock_file;
+ list<string> config_files;
+ // Initialize globals
+ end_app = false;
+ // Determine threading implementation
+ threading_is_LinuxThreads = t_thread::is_LinuxThreads();
+ QApplication *qa = NULL;
+ QTranslator *qtranslator = NULL;
+ // Store id of main thread
+ thread_id_main = t_thread::self();
+ memman = new t_memman();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(memman);
+ connection_table = new t_connection_table();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(connection_table);
+ evq_trans_mgr = new t_event_queue();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(evq_trans_mgr);
+ evq_sender = new t_event_queue();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(evq_sender);
+ evq_trans_layer = new t_event_queue();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(evq_trans_layer);
+ evq_timekeeper = new t_event_queue();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(evq_timekeeper);
+ timekeeper = new t_timekeeper();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(timekeeper);
+ transaction_mgr = new t_transaction_mgr();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(transaction_mgr);
+ phone = new t_phone();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(phone);
+ // Create system configuration object
+ sys_config = new t_sys_settings();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(sys_config);
+ // Parse command line arguments
+ int remain_argc = 0;
+ char **remain_argv = NULL;
+ parse_main_args(argc, argv, cli_mode, override_lock_file, config_files, remain_argc, remain_argv);
+ sys_config->set_override_sip_port(g_cmd_args.override_sip_port);
+ sys_config->set_override_rtp_port(g_cmd_args.override_rtp_port);
+ // Checking the environment and creating the lock is done at
+ // this early stage to improve performance of the --call parameter.
+ // Creation of the QApplication object for the GUI is slow.
+ // However for errors, the user interface must be created to give
+ // either a message box or text formatted error.
+ // Check requirements on environment
+ // If check fails, then display error after user interface has been
+ // created.
+ string env_error_msg;
+ bool env_check_ok = sys_config->check_environment(env_error_msg);
+ // Create a lock file to guarantee that the application runs only once.
+ bool already_running;
+ bool lock_created = false;
+ string lock_error_msg;
+ if (env_check_ok &&
+ !(lock_created = sys_config->create_lock_file(false, lock_error_msg, already_running)))
+ {
+ bool must_exit = false;
+ // Show the main window of the running Twinkle process.
+ if (already_running && g_cmd_args.cmd_show) {
+ cmdsocket::cmd_show();
+ must_exit = true;
+ }
+ // Hide the main window of the running Twinkle process.
+ if (already_running && g_cmd_args.cmd_hide) {
+ cmdsocket::cmd_hide();
+ must_exit = true;
+ }
+ // Activate a profile in the running Twinkle process.
+ if (already_running && !g_cmd_args.cmd_set_profile.isEmpty()) {
+ cmdsocket::cmd_cli(string("user ") + g_cmd_args.cmd_set_profile.ascii(), true);
+ // Do not exit now as this option may be used in conjuction
+ // with --call or --cmd
+ must_exit = true;
+ }
+ // If Twinkle is running already and the --call parameter
+ // is present, then send the call destination to the running
+ // Twinkle process.
+ if (already_running && !g_cmd_args.callto_destination.isEmpty()) {
+ cmdsocket::cmd_call(g_cmd_args.callto_destination.ascii(),
+ g_cmd_args.cmd_immediate_mode);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ // If the --cmd parameter is present, send the cli command
+ // to the running Twinkle process
+ if (already_running && !g_cmd_args.cli_command.isEmpty()) {
+ cmdsocket::cmd_cli(g_cmd_args.cli_command.ascii(),
+ g_cmd_args.cmd_immediate_mode);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ // Exit if an instruction for a running instance was given.
+ if (must_exit) {
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Read system configuration
+ bool sys_config_read = sys_config->read_config(error_msg);
+ qa = create_user_interface(cli_mode, remain_argc, remain_argv, qtranslator);
+ if (!sys_config_read) {
+ ui->cb_show_msg(error_msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ user_host = AUTO_IP4_ADDRESS;
+ local_hostname = get_local_hostname();
+ if (!env_check_ok) {
+ // Environment is not good
+ // Call the check_environment once more to get proper translation
+ // of the error message. The previous check was done before
+ // the QApplication was created.
+ (void)sys_config->check_environment(env_error_msg);
+ ui->cb_show_msg(env_error_msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Show error if lock file could not be created
+ if (!lock_created) {
+ string msg;
+ // Call create lock file once more to get proper translation of
+ // error message.
+ if (!sys_config->create_lock_file(false, msg, already_running)) {
+ if (already_running) {
+ if (!cli_mode) {
+ msg += "\n\n";
+ msg += qApp->translate("GUI",
+ "Override lock file and start anyway?").ascii();
+ }
+ if (override_lock_file || ui->cb_ask_msg(msg, MSG_WARNING)) {
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ if (!sys_config->create_lock_file(true, msg,
+ already_running))
+ {
+ ui->cb_show_msg(msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ui->cb_show_msg(msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // If for some obscure reason the lock file could be
+ // created this time, then continue.
+ }
+ // Create log file
+ log_file = new t_log();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(log_file);
+ // Write threading implementation to log file. May be useful for debugging.
+ if (threading_is_LinuxThreads) {
+ log_file->write_report("Threading implementation is LinuxThreads.",
+ "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_INFO);
+ } else {
+ log_file->write_report("Threading implementation is NPTL.",
+ "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_INFO);
+ }
+ // Check if the previous Twinkle session was stopped by a system
+ // shutdow and now gets restored.
+ if (qa && qa->isSessionRestored()) {
+ QString msg = "Restore session: " + qa->sessionId();
+ log_file->write_report(msg.ascii(), "::main");
+ if (sys_config->get_ui_session_id() == qa->sessionId().ascii()) {
+ config_files = sys_config->get_ui_session_active_profiles();
+ // Note: the GUI state is restore in t_gui::run()
+ } else {
+ log_file->write_header("::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING);
+ log_file->write_raw("Cannot restore session.\n");
+ log_file->write_raw("Stored session id: ");
+ log_file->write_raw(sys_config->get_ui_session_id());
+ log_file->write_endl();
+ log_file->write_footer();
+ }
+ }
+ // Get default values from system configuration
+ if (config_files.empty()) {
+ list<string> start_user_profiles = sys_config->get_start_user_profiles();
+ for (list<string>::iterator i = start_user_profiles.begin();
+ i != start_user_profiles.end(); i++)
+ {
+ QString config_file = (*i).c_str();
+ config_file += USER_FILE_EXT;
+ config_files.push_back(config_file.ascii());
+ }
+ }
+ bool profile_selected = false;
+ while(!profile_selected) {
+ // Select user profile
+ if (config_files.empty()) {
+ if (!ui->select_user_config(config_files)) {
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ for (list<string>::iterator i = config_files.begin();
+ i != config_files.end(); i++)
+ {
+ t_user user_config;
+ // Read user configuration
+ if (user_config.read_config(*i, error_msg)) {
+ t_user *dup_user;
+ if (phone->add_phone_user(
+ user_config, &dup_user))
+ {
+ profile_selected = true;
+ } else {
+ if (cli_mode) {
+ error_msg = QString("The following profiles are both for user %1").arg(user_config.get_name().c_str()).ascii();
+ } else {
+ error_msg = qApp->translate("GUI", "The following profiles are both for user %1").arg(user_config.get_name().c_str()).ascii();
+ }
+ error_msg += ":\n\n";
+ error_msg += user_config.get_profile_name();
+ error_msg += "\n";
+ error_msg += dup_user->get_profile_name();
+ error_msg += "\n\n";
+ if (cli_mode) {
+ error_msg += QString("You can only run multiple profiles for different users.").ascii();
+ error_msg += "\n";
+ error_msg += QString("If these are users for different domains, then enable the following option in your user profile (SIP protocol):");
+ error_msg += "\n";
+ error_msg += QString("Use domain name to create a unique contact header");
+ } else {
+ error_msg += qApp->translate("GUI", "You can only run multiple profiles for different users.").ascii();
+ error_msg += "\n";
+ error_msg += qApp->translate("GUI", "If these are users for different domains, then enable the following option in your user profile (SIP protocol)");
+ error_msg += ":\n";
+ error_msg += qApp->translate("GUI", "Use domain name to create a unique contact header");
+ }
+ ui->cb_show_msg(error_msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ profile_selected = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ui->cb_show_msg(error_msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ profile_selected = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (profile_selected && !open_sip_socket(cli_mode)) {
+ // Opening SIP socket failed. Let user pick a user profile
+ // again, so he can make changes in settings to fix the error.
+ profile_selected = false;
+ }
+ // In CLI mode the user cannot select another profile.
+ if (!profile_selected) {
+ if (cli_mode) {
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ config_files.clear();
+ }
+ // Initialize RTP port settings.
+ phone->init_rtp_ports();
+ // Create call history
+ call_history = new t_call_history();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(call_history);
+ // Read call history
+ if (!call_history->load(error_msg)) {
+ log_file->write_report(error_msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING);
+ }
+ // Create local address book
+ ab_local = new t_address_book();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(ab_local);
+ // Read local address book
+ if (!ab_local->load(error_msg)) {
+ log_file->write_report(error_msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING);
+ ui->cb_show_msg(error_msg, MSG_WARNING);
+ }
+ // Preload the address finder (KABC is only available in GUI mode)
+ if (!cli_mode) {
+ t_address_finder::preload();
+ }
+ // Create mime database
+ mime_database = new t_mime_database();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(mime_database);
+ if (!mime_database->load(error_msg)) {
+ log_file->write_report(error_msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING);
+ }
+ // Discover NAT type if STUN is enabled
+ list<t_user *> user_list = phone->ref_users();
+ ui->cb_nat_discovery_progress_start(user_list.size());
+ list<string> msg_list;
+ int progressStep = 0;
+ for (list<t_user *>::iterator i = user_list.begin(); i != user_list.end(); i++) {
+ ui->cb_nat_discovery_progress_step(progressStep);
+ if (ui->cb_nat_discovery_cancelled()) {
+ log_file->write_report("User aborted NAT discovery.", "::main");
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (!phone->stun_discover_nat(*i, error_msg)) {
+ msg_list.push_back(error_msg);
+ }
+ progressStep++;
+ }
+ ui->cb_nat_discovery_finished();
+ for (list<string>::iterator i = msg_list.begin();
+ i != msg_list.end(); i++)
+ {
+ ui->cb_show_msg(*i, MSG_WARNING);
+ }
+ // Open socket for external commands from the command line
+ string cmd_sock_name = sys_config->get_dir_user();
+ cmd_sock_name += '/';
+ cmd_sock_name += CMD_SOCKNAME;
+ t_socket_local *sock_cmd = NULL;
+ try {
+ // The local socket may still exist if Twinkle got killed
+ // previously, so remove it if it is still there.
+ unlink(cmd_sock_name.c_str());
+ sock_cmd = new t_socket_local();
+ MEMMAN_NEW(sock_cmd);
+ sock_cmd->bind(cmd_sock_name);
+ sock_cmd->listen(5);
+ string log_msg = "Created local socket: ";
+ log_msg += cmd_sock_name;
+ log_file->write_report(log_msg, "::main");
+ }
+ catch (int e) {
+ if (sock_cmd) {
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(sock_cmd);
+ delete sock_cmd;
+ sock_cmd = NULL;
+ }
+ string log_msg = "Failed to create local socket: ";
+ log_msg += cmd_sock_name;
+ log_msg += "\n";
+ log_msg += get_error_str(e);
+ log_msg += "\n";
+ log_file->write_report(log_msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING);
+ }
+ // Dedicated thread will catch SIGALRM, SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGCHLD signals,
+ // therefore all threads must block these signals. Block now, then all
+ // created threads will inherit the signal mask.
+ // In LinuxThreads the sigwait does not work very well, so
+ // in LinuxThreads a signal handler is used instead.
+ if (!threading_is_LinuxThreads) {
+ sigset_t sigset;
+ sigemptyset(&sigset);
+ sigaddset(&sigset, SIGALRM);
+ sigaddset(&sigset, SIGINT);
+ sigaddset(&sigset, SIGTERM);
+ sigaddset(&sigset, SIGCHLD);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL);
+ } else {
+ if (!phone->set_sighandler()) {
+ string msg = "Failed to register signal handler.";
+ log_file->write_report(msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL);
+ ui->cb_show_msg(msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Ignore SIGPIPE so read from broken sockets will not cause
+ // the process to terminate.
+ (void)signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
+ // Create threads
+ t_thread *thr_sender;
+ t_thread *thr_tcp_sender;
+ t_thread *thr_listen_udp;
+ t_thread *thr_listen_data_tcp;
+ t_thread *thr_listen_conn_tcp;
+ t_thread *thr_conn_timeout_handler;
+ t_thread *thr_timekeeper;
+ t_thread *thr_alarm_catcher = NULL;
+ t_thread *thr_sig_catcher = NULL;
+ t_thread *thr_trans_mgr;
+ t_thread *thr_phone_uas;
+ t_thread *thr_listen_cmd = NULL;
+ try {
+ // SIP sender thread
+ thr_sender = new t_thread(sender_loop, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_sender);
+ // SIP TCP sender thread
+ thr_tcp_sender = new t_thread(tcp_sender_loop, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_tcp_sender);
+ // UDP listener thread
+ thr_listen_udp = new t_thread(listen_udp, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_listen_udp);
+ // TCP data listener thread
+ thr_listen_data_tcp = new t_thread(listen_for_data_tcp, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_listen_data_tcp);
+ // TCP connection listener thread
+ thr_listen_conn_tcp = new t_thread(listen_for_conn_requests_tcp, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_listen_conn_tcp);
+ // Connection timeout handler thread
+ thr_conn_timeout_handler = new t_thread(connection_timeout_main, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_conn_timeout_handler);
+ // Timekeeper thread
+ thr_timekeeper = new t_thread(timekeeper_main, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_timekeeper);
+ if (!threading_is_LinuxThreads) {
+ // Alarm catcher thread
+ thr_alarm_catcher = new t_thread(timekeeper_sigwait, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_alarm_catcher);
+ // Signal catcher thread
+ thr_sig_catcher = new t_thread(phone_sigwait, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_sig_catcher);
+ }
+ // Transaction manager thread
+ thr_trans_mgr = new t_thread(transaction_mgr_main, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_trans_mgr);
+ // Phone thread (UAS)
+ thr_phone_uas = new t_thread(phone_uas_main, NULL);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_phone_uas);
+ // External command listener thread
+ if (sock_cmd) {
+ thr_listen_cmd = new t_thread(cmdsocket::listen_cmd, sock_cmd);
+ MEMMAN_NEW(thr_listen_cmd);
+ }
+ } catch (int) {
+ string msg = "Failed to create threads.";
+ log_file->write_report(msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL);
+ ui->cb_show_msg(msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Validate sound devices
+ if (!sys_config->exec_audio_validation(true, true, true, error_msg)) {
+ ui->cb_show_msg(error_msg, MSG_WARNING);
+ }
+ // Start UI event loop (CLI/QApplication/KApplication)
+ try {
+ ui->run();
+ } catch (string e) {
+ string msg = "Exception: ";
+ msg += e;
+ log_file->write_report(msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL);
+ ui->cb_show_msg(msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ exit(1);
+ } catch (...) {
+ string msg = "Unknown exception";
+ log_file->write_report(msg, "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL);
+ ui->cb_show_msg(msg, MSG_CRITICAL);
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Application is ending
+ end_app = true;
+ // Terminate threads
+ // Kill the threads getting receiving input from the outside world first,
+ // so no new inputs come in during termination.
+ if (thr_listen_cmd) {
+ thr_listen_cmd->cancel();
+ thr_listen_cmd->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_listen_cmd stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ }
+ thr_listen_udp->cancel();
+ thr_listen_udp->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_listen_udp stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ thr_listen_conn_tcp->cancel();
+ thr_listen_conn_tcp->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_listen_conn_tcp stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ connection_table->cancel_select();
+ thr_listen_data_tcp->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_listen_data_tcp stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ thr_conn_timeout_handler->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_conn_timeout_handler stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ thr_tcp_sender->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_tcp_sender stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ evq_trans_layer->push_quit();
+ thr_phone_uas->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_phone_uas stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ evq_trans_mgr->push_quit();
+ thr_trans_mgr->join();
+ if (!threading_is_LinuxThreads) {
+ try {
+ thr_sig_catcher->cancel();
+ } catch (int) {
+ // Thread terminated already by itself
+ }
+ thr_sig_catcher->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_sig_catcher stopped.", "::main",
+ thr_alarm_catcher->cancel();
+ thr_alarm_catcher->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_alarm_catcher stopped.", "::main",
+ }
+ evq_timekeeper->push_quit();
+ thr_timekeeper->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_timekeeper stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ evq_sender->push_quit();
+ thr_sender->join();
+ log_file->write_report("thr_sender stopped.", "::main", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
+ sys_config->remove_all_tmp_files();
+ if (thr_listen_cmd) {
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_listen_cmd);
+ delete thr_listen_cmd;
+ }
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_phone_uas);
+ delete thr_phone_uas;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_trans_mgr);
+ delete thr_trans_mgr;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_timekeeper);
+ delete thr_timekeeper;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_conn_timeout_handler);
+ delete thr_conn_timeout_handler;
+ if (!threading_is_LinuxThreads) {
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_sig_catcher);
+ delete thr_sig_catcher;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_alarm_catcher);
+ delete thr_alarm_catcher;
+ }
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_listen_udp);
+ delete thr_listen_udp;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_sender);
+ delete thr_sender;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_tcp_sender);
+ delete thr_tcp_sender;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_listen_data_tcp);
+ delete thr_listen_data_tcp;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(thr_listen_conn_tcp);
+ delete thr_listen_conn_tcp;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(mime_database);
+ delete mime_database;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(ab_local);
+ delete ab_local;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(call_history);
+ delete call_history;
+ call_history = NULL;
+ delete ui;
+ ui = NULL;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(connection_table);
+ delete connection_table;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(sip_socket_tcp);
+ delete sip_socket_tcp;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(sip_socket);
+ delete sip_socket;
+ if (sock_cmd) {
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(sock_cmd);
+ delete sock_cmd;
+ unlink(cmd_sock_name.c_str());
+ }
+ delete phone;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(transaction_mgr);
+ delete transaction_mgr;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(timekeeper);
+ delete timekeeper;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(evq_trans_mgr);
+ delete evq_trans_mgr;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(evq_sender);
+ delete evq_sender;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(evq_trans_layer);
+ delete evq_trans_layer;
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(evq_timekeeper);
+ delete evq_timekeeper;
+ if (translator) {
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(translator);
+ delete translator;
+ translator = NULL;
+ }
+ if (qtranslator) {
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(qtranslator);
+ delete(qtranslator);
+ }
+ if (qa) {
+ delete qa;
+ }
+ // Report memory leaks
+ // Report deletion of log_file and sys_config already to get a correct
+ // report.
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(sys_config);
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(log_file);
+ MEMMAN_DELETE(memman);
+ delete log_file;
+ delete memman;
+ sys_config->delete_lock_file();
+ delete sys_config;