package net.minecraft.server; import; // CraftBukkit public class PortalCreator { private final World a; private final int b; private final int c; private final int d; private int e = 0; private ChunkCoordinates f; private int g; private int h; java.util.Collection blocks; // CraftBukkit - add field public PortalCreator(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l) { this.a = world; this.b = l; this.d = BlockPortal.a[l][0]; this.c = BlockPortal.a[l][1]; for (int i1 = j; j > i1 - 21 && j > 0 && this.a(world.getType(i, j - 1, k)); --j) { ; } int j1 = this.a(i, j, k, this.d) - 1; if (j1 >= 0) { this.f = new ChunkCoordinates(i + j1 * Direction.a[this.d], j, k + j1 * Direction.b[this.d]); this.h = this.a(this.f.x, this.f.y, this.f.z, this.c); if (this.h < 2 || this.h > 21) { this.f = null; this.h = 0; } } if (this.f != null) { this.g = this.a(); } } protected int a(int i, int j, int k, int l) { int i1 = Direction.a[l]; int j1 = Direction.b[l]; int k1; Block block; for (k1 = 0; k1 < 22; ++k1) { block = this.a.getType(i + i1 * k1, j, k + j1 * k1); if (!this.a(block)) { break; } Block block1 = this.a.getType(i + i1 * k1, j - 1, k + j1 * k1); if (block1 != Blocks.OBSIDIAN) { break; } } block = this.a.getType(i + i1 * k1, j, k + j1 * k1); return block == Blocks.OBSIDIAN ? k1 : 0; } protected int a() { this.blocks = new java.util.HashSet(); // CraftBukkit org.bukkit.World bworld = this.a.getWorld(); int i; int j; int k; int l; label56: for (this.g = 0; this.g < 21; ++this.g) { i = this.f.y + this.g; for (j = 0; j < this.h; ++j) { k = this.f.x + j * Direction.a[BlockPortal.a[this.b][1]]; l = this.f.z + j * Direction.b[BlockPortal.a[this.b][1]]; Block block = this.a.getType(k, i, l); if (!this.a(block)) { break label56; } if (block == Blocks.PORTAL) { ++this.e; } if (j == 0) { block = this.a.getType(k + Direction.a[BlockPortal.a[this.b][0]], i, l + Direction.b[BlockPortal.a[this.b][0]]); if (block != Blocks.OBSIDIAN) { break label56; // CraftBukkit start - add the block to our list } else { blocks.add(bworld.getBlockAt(k + Direction.a[BlockPortal.a[this.b][0]], i, l + Direction.b[BlockPortal.a[this.b][0]])); // CraftBukkit end } } else if (j == this.h - 1) { block = this.a.getType(k + Direction.a[BlockPortal.a[this.b][1]], i, l + Direction.b[BlockPortal.a[this.b][1]]); if (block != Blocks.OBSIDIAN) { break label56; // CraftBukkit start - add the block to our list } else { blocks.add(bworld.getBlockAt(k + Direction.a[BlockPortal.a[this.b][1]], i, l + Direction.b[BlockPortal.a[this.b][1]])); // CraftBukkit end } } } } for (i = 0; i < this.h; ++i) { j = this.f.x + i * Direction.a[BlockPortal.a[this.b][1]]; k = this.f.y + this.g; l = this.f.z + i * Direction.b[BlockPortal.a[this.b][1]]; if (this.a.getType(j, k, l) != Blocks.OBSIDIAN) { this.g = 0; break; } } if (this.g <= 21 && this.g >= 3) { return this.g; } else { this.f = null; this.h = 0; this.g = 0; return 0; } } protected boolean a(Block block) { return block.material == Material.AIR || block == Blocks.FIRE || block == Blocks.PORTAL; } public boolean b() { return this.f != null && this.h >= 2 && this.h <= 21 && this.g >= 3 && this.g <= 21; } // CraftBukkit start - return boolean public boolean c() { org.bukkit.World bworld = this.a.getWorld(); // Copy below for loop for (int i = 0; i < this.h; ++i) { int j = this.f.x + Direction.a[this.c] * i; int k = this.f.z + Direction.b[this.c] * i; for (int l = 0; l < this.g; ++l) { int i1 = this.f.y + l; bworld.getBlockAt(j, i1, k); } } PortalCreateEvent event = new PortalCreateEvent(blocks, bworld, PortalCreateEvent.CreateReason.FIRE); this.a.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return false; } // CraftBukkit end for (int i = 0; i < this.h; ++i) { int j = this.f.x + Direction.a[this.c] * i; int k = this.f.z + Direction.b[this.c] * i; for (int l = 0; l < this.g; ++l) { int i1 = this.f.y + l; this.a.setTypeAndData(j, i1, k, Blocks.PORTAL, this.b, 2); } } return true; // CraftBukkit } static int a(PortalCreator portalcreator) { return portalcreator.e; } static int b(PortalCreator portalcreator) { return portalcreator.h; } static int c(PortalCreator portalcreator) { return portalcreator.g; } }