package net.minecraft.server; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import; // CraftBukkit public class NetworkManager implements INetworkManager { public static AtomicInteger a = new AtomicInteger(); public static AtomicInteger b = new AtomicInteger(); private Object h = new Object(); public Socket socket; // CraftBukkit - private -> public private final SocketAddress j; private volatile DataInputStream input; private volatile DataOutputStream output; private volatile boolean m = true; private volatile boolean n = false; private java.util.Queue inboundQueue = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue(); // CraftBukkit - Concurrent linked queue private List highPriorityQueue = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); private List lowPriorityQueue = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); private NetHandler packetListener; private boolean s = false; private Thread t; private Thread u; private String v = ""; private Object[] w; private int x = 0; private int y = 0; public static int[] c = new int[256]; public static int[] d = new int[256]; public int e = 0; boolean f = false; boolean g = false; private SecretKey z = null; private PrivateKey A = null; private int lowPriorityQueueDelay = 50; public NetworkManager(Socket socket, String s, NetHandler nethandler, PrivateKey privatekey) { this.A = privatekey; this.socket = socket; this.j = socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(); this.packetListener = nethandler; try { socket.setSoTimeout(30000); socket.setTrafficClass(24); // CraftBukkit start - initialize these in try-catch this.input = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); this.output = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream(), 5120)); } catch (IOException socketexception) { // CraftBukkit end System.err.println(socketexception.getMessage()); } /* CraftBukkit start - moved up this.input = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); this.output = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream(), 5120)); // CraftBukkit end */ this.u = new NetworkReaderThread(this, s + " read thread"); this.t = new NetworkWriterThread(this, s + " write thread"); this.u.start(); this.t.start(); } public void a(NetHandler nethandler) { this.packetListener = nethandler; } public void queue(Packet packet) { if (!this.s) { Object object = this.h; synchronized (this.h) { this.y += packet.a() + 1; if (packet.lowPriority) { this.lowPriorityQueue.add(packet); } else { this.highPriorityQueue.add(packet); } } } } private boolean h() { boolean flag = false; try { Packet packet; int i; int[] aint; if (this.e == 0 || System.currentTimeMillis() - ((Packet) this.highPriorityQueue.get(0)).timestamp >= (long) this.e) { packet = this.a(false); if (packet != null) { Packet.a(packet, this.output); if (packet instanceof Packet252KeyResponse && !this.g) { if (!this.packetListener.a()) { this.z = ((Packet252KeyResponse) packet).d(); } this.k(); } aint = d; i = packet.k(); aint[i] += packet.a() + 1; flag = true; } } // CraftBukkit - don't allow low priority packet to be sent unless it was placed in the queue before the first packet on the high priority queue TODO: is this still right? if ((flag || this.lowPriorityQueueDelay-- <= 0) && !this.lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && (this.highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() || ((Packet) this.highPriorityQueue.get(0)).timestamp > ((Packet) this.lowPriorityQueue.get(0)).timestamp)) { packet = this.a(true); if (packet != null) { Packet.a(packet, this.output); aint = d; i = packet.k(); aint[i] += packet.a() + 1; this.lowPriorityQueueDelay = 0; flag = true; } } return flag; } catch (Exception exception) { if (!this.n) { this.a(exception); } return false; } } private Packet a(boolean flag) { Packet packet = null; List list = flag ? this.lowPriorityQueue : this.highPriorityQueue; Object object = this.h; synchronized (this.h) { while (!list.isEmpty() && packet == null) { packet = (Packet) list.remove(0); this.y -= packet.a() + 1; if (this.a(packet, flag)) { packet = null; } } return packet; } } private boolean a(Packet packet, boolean flag) { if (!packet.e()) { return false; } else { List list = flag ? this.lowPriorityQueue : this.highPriorityQueue; Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); Packet packet1; do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return false; } packet1 = (Packet); } while (packet1.k() != packet.k()); return packet.a(packet1); } } public void a() { if (this.u != null) { this.u.interrupt(); } if (this.t != null) { this.t.interrupt(); } } private boolean i() { boolean flag = false; try { Packet packet = Packet.a(this.input, this.packetListener.a()); if (packet != null) { if (packet instanceof Packet252KeyResponse && !this.f) { if (this.packetListener.a()) { this.z = ((Packet252KeyResponse) packet).a(this.A); } this.j(); } int[] aint = c; int i = packet.k(); aint[i] += packet.a() + 1; if (!this.s) { if (packet.a_() && this.packetListener.b()) { this.x = 0; packet.handle(this.packetListener); } else { this.inboundQueue.add(packet); } } flag = true; } else { this.a("disconnect.endOfStream", new Object[0]); } return flag; } catch (Exception exception) { if (!this.n) { this.a(exception); } return false; } } private void a(Exception exception) { // exception.printStackTrace(); // CraftBukkit - Remove console spam this.a("disconnect.genericReason", new Object[] { "Internal exception: " + exception.toString()}); } public void a(String s, Object... aobject) { if (this.m) { this.n = true; this.v = s; this.w = aobject; this.m = false; (new NetworkMasterThread(this)).start(); try { this.input.close(); this.input = null; this.output.close(); this.output = null; this.socket.close(); this.socket = null; } catch (Throwable throwable) { ; } } } public void b() { if (this.y > 2097152) { this.a("disconnect.overflow", new Object[0]); } if (this.inboundQueue.isEmpty()) { if (this.x++ == 1200) { this.a("disconnect.timeout", new Object[0]); } } else { this.x = 0; } int i = 1000; while (!this.inboundQueue.isEmpty() && i-- >= 0) { Packet packet = (Packet) this.inboundQueue.poll(); // CraftBukkit - remove -> poll packet.handle(this.packetListener); } this.a(); if (this.n && this.inboundQueue.isEmpty()) { this.packetListener.a(this.v, this.w); } } public SocketAddress getSocketAddress() { return this.j; } public void d() { if (!this.s) { this.a(); this.s = true; this.u.interrupt(); (new NetworkMonitorThread(this)).start(); } } private void j() throws IOException { // CraftBukkit - throws IOException this.f = true; this.input = new DataInputStream(MinecraftEncryption.a(this.z, this.socket.getInputStream())); } private void k() throws IOException { // CraftBukkit - throws IOException this.output.flush(); this.g = true; this.output = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(MinecraftEncryption.a(this.z, this.socket.getOutputStream()), 5120)); } public int e() { return this.lowPriorityQueue.size(); } public Socket getSocket() { return this.socket; } static boolean a(NetworkManager networkmanager) { return networkmanager.m; } static boolean b(NetworkManager networkmanager) { return networkmanager.s; } static boolean c(NetworkManager networkmanager) { return networkmanager.i(); } static boolean d(NetworkManager networkmanager) { return networkmanager.h(); } static DataOutputStream e(NetworkManager networkmanager) { return networkmanager.output; } static boolean f(NetworkManager networkmanager) { return networkmanager.n; } static void a(NetworkManager networkmanager, Exception exception) { networkmanager.a(exception); } static Thread g(NetworkManager networkmanager) { return networkmanager.u; } static Thread h(NetworkManager networkmanager) { return networkmanager.t; } }