package net.minecraft.server; import; import java.util.Random; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class NetLoginHandler extends NetHandler { public static Logger a = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private static Random d = new Random(); public NetworkManager b; public boolean c = false; private MinecraftServer e; private int f = 0; private String g = null; private Packet1Login h = null; private String i = ""; public NetLoginHandler(MinecraftServer minecraftserver, Socket socket, String s) { this.e = minecraftserver; this.b = new NetworkManager(socket, s, this); this.b.d = 0; } public void a() { if (this.h != null) { this.b(this.h); this.h = null; } if (this.f++ == 600) { this.a("Took too long to log in"); } else { this.b.a(); } } public void a(String s) { try {"Disconnecting " + this.b() + ": " + s); this.b.a((Packet) (new Packet255KickDisconnect(s))); this.b.c(); this.c = true; } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } public void a(Packet2Handshake packet2handshake) { if (this.e.l) { this.i = Long.toHexString(d.nextLong()); this.b.a((Packet) (new Packet2Handshake(this.i))); } else { this.b.a((Packet) (new Packet2Handshake("-"))); } } public void a(Packet1Login packet1login) { this.g = packet1login.b; if (packet1login.a != 9) { if (packet1login.a > 9) { this.a("Outdated server!"); } else { this.a("Outdated client!"); } } else { if (!this.e.l) { this.b(packet1login); } else { (new ThreadLoginVerifier(this, packet1login)).start(); } } } public void b(Packet1Login packet1login) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = this.e.f.a(this, packet1login.b, packet1login.c); if (entityplayer != null) { + " logged in with entity id " +; NetServerHandler netserverhandler = new NetServerHandler(this.e, this.b, entityplayer); // CraftBukkit start ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates =; netserverhandler.b((Packet) (new Packet1Login("", "",,, (byte); netserverhandler.b((Packet) (new Packet6SpawnPosition(chunkcoordinates.a, chunkcoordinates.b, chunkcoordinates.c))); this.e.f.a((Packet) (new Packet3Chat("\u00A7e" + + " joined the game."))); this.e.f.a(entityplayer); netserverhandler.a(entityplayer.locX, entityplayer.locY, entityplayer.locZ, entityplayer.yaw, entityplayer.pitch); this.e.c.a(netserverhandler); netserverhandler.b((Packet) (new Packet4UpdateTime(; // CraftBukkit end entityplayer.l(); } this.c = true; } public void a(String s, Object[] aobject) { + " lost connection"); this.c = true; } public void a(Packet packet) { this.a("Protocol error"); } public String b() { return this.g != null ? this.g + " [" + this.b.b().toString() + "]" : this.b.b().toString(); } static String a(NetLoginHandler netloginhandler) { return netloginhandler.i; } static Packet1Login a(NetLoginHandler netloginhandler, Packet1Login packet1login) { return netloginhandler.h = packet1login; } }