package net.minecraft.server; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; // CraftBukkit start import jline.console.ConsoleReader; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import org.bukkit.World.Environment; import org.bukkit.event.server.RemoteServerCommandEvent; import; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent; // CraftBukkit end public abstract class MinecraftServer implements Runnable, IMojangStatistics, ICommandListener { public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private static MinecraftServer l = null; public Convertable convertable; // CraftBukkit - private final -> public private final MojangStatisticsGenerator n = new MojangStatisticsGenerator("server", this); public File universe; // CraftBukkit - private final -> public private final List p = new ArrayList(); private final ICommandHandler q; public final MethodProfiler methodProfiler = new MethodProfiler(); private String serverIp; private int s = -1; // public WorldServer[] worldServer; // CraftBukkit - removed! private ServerConfigurationManagerAbstract t; private boolean isRunning = true; private boolean isStopped = false; private int ticks = 0; public String d; public int e; private boolean onlineMode; private boolean spawnAnimals; private boolean spawnNPCs; private boolean pvpMode; private boolean allowFlight; private String motd; private int D; private long E; private long F; private long G; private long H; public final long[] f = new long[100]; public final long[] g = new long[100]; public final long[] h = new long[100]; public final long[] i = new long[100]; public final long[] j = new long[100]; public long[][] k; private KeyPair I; private String J; private String K; private boolean demoMode; private boolean N; private boolean O; private String P = ""; private boolean Q = false; private long R; private String S; private boolean T; // CraftBukkit start public List worlds = new ArrayList(); public org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer server; public OptionSet options; public org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender console; public org.bukkit.command.RemoteConsoleCommandSender remoteConsole; public ConsoleReader reader; public static int currentTick; public final Thread primaryThread; public java.util.Queue chatQueue = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue(); // CraftBukkit end public MinecraftServer(OptionSet options) { // CraftBukkit - signature file -> OptionSet l = this; // this.universe = file1; // CraftBukkit this.q = new CommandDispatcher(); // this.convertable = new WorldLoaderServer(server.getWorldContainer()); // CraftBukkit - moved to DedicatedServer.init // CraftBukkit start this.options = options; try { this.reader = new ConsoleReader(, System.out); this.reader.setExpandEvents(false); // Avoid parsing exceptions for uncommonly used event designators } catch (Exception e) { try { // Try again with jline disabled for Windows users without C++ 2008 Redistributable System.setProperty("jline.terminal", "jline.UnsupportedTerminal"); System.setProperty("user.language", "en"); org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main.useJline = false; this.reader = new ConsoleReader(, System.out); this.reader.setExpandEvents(false); } catch ( ex) { Logger.getLogger(MinecraftServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.ServerShutdownThread(this)); primaryThread = new ThreadServerApplication(this, "Server thread"); // Moved from main } public abstract PropertyManager getPropertyManager(); // protected -> public // CraftBukkit end protected abstract boolean init() throws; // CraftBukkit - throws UnknownHostException protected void c(String s) { if (this.getConvertable().isConvertable(s)) {"Converting map!"); this.d("menu.convertingLevel"); this.getConvertable().convert(s, new ConvertProgressUpdater(this)); } } protected synchronized void d(String s) { this.S = s; } protected void a(String s, String s1, long i, WorldType worldtype) { this.c(s); this.d("menu.loadingLevel"); // CraftBukkit - removed world and ticktime arrays IDataManager idatamanager = this.convertable.a(s, true); WorldData worlddata = idatamanager.getWorldData(); // CraftBukkit start - removed worldsettings int worldCount = 3; for (int j = 0; j < worldCount; ++j) { WorldServer world; int dimension = 0; if (j == 1) { if (this.getAllowNether()) { dimension = -1; } else { continue; } } if (j == 2) { // don't do this in, do it in bukkit.yml if (this.server.getAllowEnd()) { dimension = 1; } else { continue; } } String worldType = Environment.getEnvironment(dimension).toString().toLowerCase(); String name = (dimension == 0) ? s : s + "_" + worldType; org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator gen = this.server.getGenerator(name); WorldSettings worldsettings = new WorldSettings(i, this.getGamemode(), this.getGenerateStructures(), false, worldtype); if (j == 0) { if (this.L()) { // Strip out DEMO? // CraftBukkit world = new DemoWorldServer(this, new ServerNBTManager(server.getWorldContainer(), s1, true), s1, dimension, this.methodProfiler); } else { // CraftBukkit world = new WorldServer(this, new ServerNBTManager(server.getWorldContainer(), s1, true), s1, dimension, worldsettings, this.methodProfiler, org.bukkit.World.Environment.getEnvironment(dimension), gen); } } else { String dim = "DIM" + dimension; File newWorld = new File(new File(name), dim); File oldWorld = new File(new File(s), dim); if ((!newWorld.isDirectory()) && (oldWorld.isDirectory())) {"---- Migration of old " + worldType + " folder required ----");"Unfortunately due to the way that Minecraft implemented multiworld support in 1.6, Bukkit requires that you move your " + worldType + " folder to a new location in order to operate correctly.");"We will move this folder for you, but it will mean that you need to move it back should you wish to stop using Bukkit in the future.");"Attempting to move " + oldWorld + " to " + newWorld + "..."); if (newWorld.exists()) { log.severe("A file or folder already exists at " + newWorld + "!");"---- Migration of old " + worldType + " folder failed ----"); } else if (newWorld.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { if (oldWorld.renameTo(newWorld)) {"Success! To restore " + worldType + " in the future, simply move " + newWorld + " to " + oldWorld);"---- Migration of old " + worldType + " folder complete ----"); } else { log.severe("Could not move folder " + oldWorld + " to " + newWorld + "!");"---- Migration of old " + worldType + " folder failed ----"); } } else { log.severe("Could not create path for " + newWorld + "!");"---- Migration of old " + worldType + " folder failed ----"); } } this.c(name); // CraftBukkit world = new SecondaryWorldServer(this, new ServerNBTManager(server.getWorldContainer(), name, true), name, dimension, worldsettings, this.worlds.get(0), this.methodProfiler, org.bukkit.World.Environment.getEnvironment(dimension), gen); } if (gen != null) { world.getWorld().getPopulators().addAll(gen.getDefaultPopulators(world.getWorld())); } this.server.getPluginManager().callEvent(new; world.addIWorldAccess(new WorldManager(this, world)); if (!this.H()) { world.getWorldData().setGameType(this.getGamemode()); } this.worlds.add(world); this.t.setPlayerFileData(this.worlds.toArray(new WorldServer[this.worlds.size()])); // CraftBukkit end } this.c(this.getDifficulty()); this.d(); } protected void d() { short short1 = 196; long i = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.d("menu.generatingTerrain"); // CraftBukkit start for (int j = 0; j < this.worlds.size(); ++j) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worlds.get(j);"Preparing start region for level " + j + " (Seed: " + worldserver.getSeed() + ")"); if (!worldserver.getWorld().getKeepSpawnInMemory()) { continue; } // CraftBukkit end ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = worldserver.getSpawn(); for (int k = -short1; k <= short1 && this.isRunning(); k += 16) { for (int l = -short1; l <= short1 && this.isRunning(); l += 16) { long i1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (i1 < i) { i = i1; } if (i1 > i + 1000L) { int j1 = (short1 * 2 + 1) * (short1 * 2 + 1); int k1 = (k + short1) * (short1 * 2 + 1) + l + 1; this.a_("Preparing spawn area", k1 * 100 / j1); i = i1; } worldserver.chunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(chunkcoordinates.x + k >> 4, chunkcoordinates.z + l >> 4); while (worldserver.updateLights() && this.isRunning()) { ; } } } } // CraftBukkit start for (World world : this.worlds) { this.server.getPluginManager().callEvent(new; } // CraftBukkit end this.i(); } public abstract boolean getGenerateStructures(); public abstract EnumGamemode getGamemode(); public abstract int getDifficulty(); public abstract boolean isHardcore(); protected void a_(String s, int i) { this.d = s; this.e = i; + ": " + i + "%"); } protected void i() { this.d = null; this.e = 0; this.server.enablePlugins(org.bukkit.plugin.PluginLoadOrder.POSTWORLD); // CraftBukkit } protected void saveChunks(boolean flag) throws ExceptionWorldConflict { // CraftBukkit - added throws if (!this.O) { // CraftBukkit start for (int j = 0; j < this.worlds.size(); ++j) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worlds.get(j); if (worldserver != null) { if (!flag) {"Saving chunks for level \'" + worldserver.getWorldData().getName() + "\'/" + worldserver.worldProvider); }, (IProgressUpdate) null); worldserver.saveLevel(); WorldSaveEvent event = new WorldSaveEvent(worldserver.getWorld()); this.server.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); } } if (!this.worlds.get(0).savingDisabled) { this.getServerConfigurationManager().savePlayers(); } // CraftBukkit end } } public void stop() throws ExceptionWorldConflict { // CraftBukkit - added throws if (!this.O) {"Stopping server"); // CraftBukkit start if (this.server != null) { this.server.disablePlugins(); } // CraftBukkit end if ( != null) {; } if (this.t != null) {"Saving players"); this.t.savePlayers(); this.t.r(); }"Saving worlds"); this.saveChunks(false); /* CraftBukkit start - handled in saveChunks WorldServer[] aworldserver = this.worldServer; int i = aworldserver.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { WorldServer worldserver = aworldserver[j]; worldserver.saveLevel(); } // CraftBukkit end */ if (this.n != null && this.n.d()) { this.n.e(); } } } public String getServerIp() { return this.serverIp; } public void e(String s) { this.serverIp = s; } public boolean isRunning() { return this.isRunning; } public void safeShutdown() { this.isRunning = false; } public void run() { try { if (this.init()) { long i = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (long j = 0L; this.isRunning; this.Q = true) { long k = System.currentTimeMillis(); long l = k - i; if (l > 2000L && i - this.R >= 15000L) { if (this.server.getWarnOnOverload()) // CraftBukkit - Added option to suppress warning messages log.warning("Can\'t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?"); l = 2000L; this.R = i; } if (l < 0L) { log.warning("Time ran backwards! Did the system time change?"); l = 0L; } j += l; i = k; if (this.worlds.get(0).everyoneDeeplySleeping()) { // CraftBukkit this.p(); j = 0L; } else { while (j > 50L) { MinecraftServer.currentTick = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 50); // CraftBukkit j -= 50L; this.p(); } } Thread.sleep(1L); } } else { this.a((CrashReport) null); } } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Encountered an unexpected exception " + throwable.getClass().getSimpleName(), throwable); CrashReport crashreport = null; if (throwable instanceof ReportedException) { crashreport = this.b(((ReportedException) throwable).a()); } else { crashreport = this.b(new CrashReport("Exception in server tick loop", throwable)); } File file1 = new File(new File(this.n(), "crash-reports"), "crash-" + (new SimpleDateFormat("")).format(new Date()) + "-server.txt"); if (crashreport.a(file1)) { log.severe("This crash report has been saved to: " + file1.getAbsolutePath()); } else { log.severe("We were unable to save this crash report to disk."); } this.a(crashreport); } finally { try { this.stop(); this.isStopped = true; } catch (Throwable throwable1) { throwable1.printStackTrace(); } finally { // CraftBukkit start - restore terminal to original settings try { this.reader.getTerminal().restore(); } catch (Exception e) { } // CraftBukkit end this.o(); } } } protected File n() { return new File("."); } protected void a(CrashReport crashreport) {} protected void o() {} protected void p() throws ExceptionWorldConflict { // CraftBukkit - added throws long i = System.nanoTime(); AxisAlignedBB.a().a(); Vec3D.a().a(); ++this.ticks; if (this.T) { this.T = false; // this.methodProfiler.a = true; // CraftBukkit - not in production code // this.methodProfiler.a(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code } // this.methodProfiler.a("root"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code this.q(); if (this.ticks % 900 == 0) { // this.methodProfiler.a("save"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code this.t.savePlayers(); this.saveChunks(true); // this.methodProfiler.b(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code } // this.methodProfiler.a("tallying"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code this.j[this.ticks % 100] = System.nanoTime() - i; this.f[this.ticks % 100] = Packet.p - this.E; this.E = Packet.p; this.g[this.ticks % 100] = Packet.q - this.F; this.F = Packet.q; this.h[this.ticks % 100] = Packet.n - this.G; this.G = Packet.n; this.i[this.ticks % 100] = Packet.o - this.H; this.H = Packet.o; // this.methodProfiler.b(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code // this.methodProfiler.a("snooper"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code if (!this.n.d() && this.ticks > 100) { this.n.a(); } if (this.ticks % 6000 == 0) { this.n.b(); } // this.methodProfiler.b(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code // this.methodProfiler.b(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code } public void q() { // this.methodProfiler.a("levels"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code // CraftBukkit start - only send timeupdates to the people in that world this.server.getScheduler().mainThreadHeartbeat(this.ticks); // Fix for old plugins still using deprecated event while (!chatQueue.isEmpty()) { PlayerChatEvent event = chatQueue.remove(); org.bukkit.Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { continue; } String message = String.format(event.getFormat(), event.getPlayer().getDisplayName(), event.getMessage()); console.sendMessage(message); if (((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.LazyPlayerSet) event.getRecipients()).isLazy()) { for (Object player : getServerConfigurationManager().players) { ((EntityPlayer) player).sendMessage(message); } } else { for (org.bukkit.entity.Player player : event.getRecipients()) { player.sendMessage(message); } } } // Send timeupdates to everyone, it will get the right time from the world the player is in. if (this.ticks % 20 == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.getServerConfigurationManager().players.size(); ++i) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) this.getServerConfigurationManager().players.get(i); entityplayer.netServerHandler.sendPacket(new Packet4UpdateTime(entityplayer.getPlayerTime())); // Add support for per player time } } for (int i = 0; i < this.worlds.size(); ++i) { long j = System.nanoTime(); // if (i == 0 || this.getAllowNether()) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worlds.get(i); /* Drop global timeupdates this.b.a(worldserver.getWorldData().j()); if (this.ticks % 20 == 0) { this.b.a("timeSync"); this.t.a(new Packet4UpdateTime(worldserver.getTime()), worldserver.worldProvider.dimension); this.b.b(); } // CraftBukkit end */ // this.methodProfiler.a("tick"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code worldserver.doTick(); // this.methodProfiler.c("lights"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code while (true) { if (!worldserver.updateLights()) { // this.methodProfiler.b(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code if (true || !worldserver.players.isEmpty()) { // CraftBukkit - this prevents entity cleanup, other issue on servers with no players worldserver.tickEntities(); } // this.methodProfiler.a("tracker"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code worldserver.getTracker().updatePlayers(); // this.methodProfiler.b(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code // this.methodProfiler.b(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code break; } } // } // CraftBukkit // this.k[i][this.ticks % 100] = System.nanoTime() - j; // CraftBukkit } // this.methodProfiler.c("connection"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code; // this.methodProfiler.c("players"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code this.t.tick(); // this.methodProfiler.c("tickables"); // CraftBukkit - not in production code Iterator iterator = this.p.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { IUpdatePlayerListBox iupdateplayerlistbox = (IUpdatePlayerListBox); iupdateplayerlistbox.a(); } // this.methodProfiler.b(); // CraftBukkit - not in production code } public boolean getAllowNether() { return true; } public void a(IUpdatePlayerListBox iupdateplayerlistbox) { this.p.add(iupdateplayerlistbox); } public static void main(final OptionSet options) { // CraftBukkit - replaces main(String[] astring) StatisticList.a(); try { /* CraftBukkit start - replace everything boolean flag = false; String s = null; String s1 = "."; String s2 = null; boolean flag1 = false; boolean flag2 = false; int i = -1; for (int j = 0; j < astring.length; ++j) { String s3 = astring[j]; String s4 = j == astring.length - 1 ? null : astring[j + 1]; boolean flag3 = false; if (!s3.equals("nogui") && !s3.equals("--nogui")) { if (s3.equals("--port") && s4 != null) { flag3 = true; try { i = Integer.parseInt(s4); } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { ; } } else if (s3.equals("--singleplayer") && s4 != null) { flag3 = true; s = s4; } else if (s3.equals("--universe") && s4 != null) { flag3 = true; s1 = s4; } else if (s3.equals("--world") && s4 != null) { flag3 = true; s2 = s4; } else if (s3.equals("--demo")) { flag1 = true; } else if (s3.equals("--bonusChest")) { flag2 = true; } } else { flag = false; } if (flag3) { ++j; } } // */ DedicatedServer dedicatedserver = new DedicatedServer(options); if (options.has("port")) { int port = (Integer) options.valueOf("port"); if (port > 0) { dedicatedserver.setPort(port); } } if (options.has("universe")) { dedicatedserver.universe = (File) options.valueOf("universe"); } if (options.has("world")) { dedicatedserver.m((String) options.valueOf("world")); } /* if (s != null) { dedicatedserver.l(s); } if (s2 != null) { dedicatedserver.m(s2); } if (i >= 0) { dedicatedserver.setPort(i); } if (flag1) { dedicatedserver.b(true); } if (flag2) { dedicatedserver.c(true); } if (flag) { dedicatedserver.aj(); } */ dedicatedserver.primaryThread.start(); // Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ThreadShutdown(dedicatedserver)); // CraftBukkit end } catch (Exception exception) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to start the minecraft server", exception); } } public void s() { // (new ThreadServerApplication(this, "Server thread")).start(); // CraftBukkit - prevent abuse } public File f(String s) { return new File(this.n(), s); } public void info(String s) {; } public void warning(String s) { log.warning(s); } public WorldServer getWorldServer(int i) { // CraftBukkit start for (WorldServer world : this.worlds) { if (world.dimension == i) { return world; } } return this.worlds.get(0); // CraftBukkit end } public String t() { return this.serverIp; } public int u() { return this.s; } public String v() { return this.motd; } public String getVersion() { return "1.3.1"; } public int x() { return this.t.getPlayerCount(); } public int y() { return this.t.getMaxPlayers(); } public String[] getPlayers() { return this.t.d(); } public String getPlugins() { // CraftBukkit start - whole method StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin[] plugins = server.getPluginManager().getPlugins(); result.append(server.getName()); result.append(" on Bukkit "); result.append(server.getBukkitVersion()); if (plugins.length > 0 && this.server.getQueryPlugins()) { result.append(": "); for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { result.append("; "); } result.append(plugins[i].getDescription().getName()); result.append(" "); result.append(plugins[i].getDescription().getVersion().replaceAll(";", ",")); } } return result.toString(); // CraftBukkit end } public String i(String s) { RemoteControlCommandListener.instance.b(); // CraftBukkit start RemoteServerCommandEvent event = new RemoteServerCommandEvent(this.remoteConsole, s); this.server.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); ServerCommand servercommand = new ServerCommand(event.getCommand(), RemoteControlCommandListener.instance); // this.q.a(RemoteControlCommandListener.instance, s); this.server.dispatchServerCommand(this.remoteConsole, servercommand); // CraftBukkit // CraftBukkit end return RemoteControlCommandListener.instance.c(); } public boolean isDebugging() { return this.getPropertyManager().getBoolean("debug", false); // CraftBukkit - don't hardcode } public void j(String s) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, s); } public void k(String s) { if (this.isDebugging()) { log.log(Level.INFO, s); } } public String getServerModName() { return "craftbukkit"; // CraftBukkit - cb > vanilla! } public CrashReport b(CrashReport crashreport) { crashreport.a("Is Modded", (Callable) (new CrashReportModded(this))); crashreport.a("Profiler Position", (Callable) (new CrashReportProfilerPosition(this))); if (this.t != null) { crashreport.a("Player Count", (Callable) (new CrashReportPlayerCount(this))); } // CraftBukkit start if (this.worlds != null) { for (int j = 0; j < this.worlds.size(); ++j) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worlds.get(j); // CraftBukkit end if (worldserver != null) { worldserver.a(crashreport); } } } return crashreport; } public List a(ICommandListener icommandlistener, String s) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); if (s.startsWith("/")) { s = s.substring(1); boolean flag = !s.contains(" "); List list = this.q.b(icommandlistener, s); if (list != null) { Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s1 = (String); if (flag) { arraylist.add("/" + s1); } else { arraylist.add(s1); } } } return arraylist; } else { String[] astring = s.split(" ", -1); String s2 = astring[astring.length - 1]; String[] astring1 = this.t.d(); int i = astring1.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { String s3 = astring1[j]; if (CommandAbstract.a(s2, s3)) { arraylist.add(s3); } } return arraylist; } } public static MinecraftServer getServer() { return l; } public String getName() { return "Server"; } public void sendMessage(String s) {; } public boolean b(String s) { return true; } public String a(String s, Object... aobject) { return LocaleLanguage.a().a(s, aobject); } public ICommandHandler getCommandHandler() { return this.q; } public KeyPair E() { return this.I; } public int F() { return this.s; } public void setPort(int i) { this.s = i; } public String G() { return this.J; } public void l(String s) { this.J = s; } public boolean H() { return this.J != null; } public String I() { return this.K; } public void m(String s) { this.K = s; } public void a(KeyPair keypair) { this.I = keypair; } public void c(int i) { // CraftBukkit start for (int j = 0; j < this.worlds.size(); ++j) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worlds.get(j); // CraftBukkit end if (worldserver != null) { if (worldserver.getWorldData().isHardcore()) { worldserver.difficulty = 3; worldserver.setSpawnFlags(true, true); } else if (this.H()) { worldserver.difficulty = i; worldserver.setSpawnFlags(worldserver.difficulty > 0, true); } else { worldserver.difficulty = i; worldserver.setSpawnFlags(this.getSpawnMonsters(), this.spawnAnimals); } } } } protected boolean getSpawnMonsters() { return true; } public boolean L() { return this.demoMode; } public void b(boolean flag) { this.demoMode = flag; } public void c(boolean flag) { this.N = flag; } public Convertable getConvertable() { return this.convertable; } public void O() { this.O = true; this.getConvertable().d(); // CraftBukkit start - This needs review, what does it do? (it's new) for (int i = 0; i < this.worlds.size(); ++i) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worlds.get(i); // CraftBukkit end if (worldserver != null) { worldserver.saveLevel(); } } this.getConvertable().e(this.worlds.get(0).getDataManager().g()); this.safeShutdown(); } public String getTexturePack() { return this.P; } public void setTexturePack(String s) { this.P = s; } public void a(MojangStatisticsGenerator mojangstatisticsgenerator) { mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("whitelist_enabled", Boolean.valueOf(false)); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("whitelist_count", Integer.valueOf(0)); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("players_current", Integer.valueOf(this.x())); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("players_max", Integer.valueOf(this.y())); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("players_seen", Integer.valueOf(this.t.getSeenPlayers().length)); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("uses_auth", Boolean.valueOf(this.onlineMode)); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("gui_state", ? "enabled" : "disabled"); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("avg_tick_ms", Integer.valueOf((int) (MathHelper.a(this.j) * 1.0E-6D))); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("avg_sent_packet_count", Integer.valueOf((int) MathHelper.a(this.f))); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("avg_sent_packet_size", Integer.valueOf((int) MathHelper.a(this.g))); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("avg_rec_packet_count", Integer.valueOf((int) MathHelper.a(this.h))); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("avg_rec_packet_size", Integer.valueOf((int) MathHelper.a(this.i))); int i = 0; // CraftBukkit start for (int j = 0; j < this.worlds.size(); ++j) { // if (this.worldServer[j] != null) { WorldServer worldserver = this.worlds.get(j); // CraftBukkit end WorldData worlddata = worldserver.getWorldData(); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("world[" + i + "][dimension]", Integer.valueOf(worldserver.worldProvider.dimension)); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("world[" + i + "][mode]", worlddata.getGameType()); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("world[" + i + "][difficulty]", Integer.valueOf(worldserver.difficulty)); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("world[" + i + "][hardcore]", Boolean.valueOf(worlddata.isHardcore())); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("world[" + i + "][generator_name]", worlddata.getType().name()); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("world[" + i + "][generator_version]", Integer.valueOf(worlddata.getType().getVersion())); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("world[" + i + "][height]", Integer.valueOf(this.D)); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("world[" + i + "][chunks_loaded]", Integer.valueOf(worldserver.F().getLoadedChunks())); ++i; // } // CraftBukkit } mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("worlds", Integer.valueOf(i)); } public void b(MojangStatisticsGenerator mojangstatisticsgenerator) { mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("singleplayer", Boolean.valueOf(this.H())); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("server_brand", this.getServerModName()); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("gui_supported", GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() ? "headless" : "supported"); mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("dedicated", Boolean.valueOf(this.S())); } public boolean getSnooperEnabled() { return true; } public int R() { return 16; } public abstract boolean S(); public boolean getOnlineMode() { return this.onlineMode; } public void setOnlineMode(boolean flag) { this.onlineMode = flag; } public boolean getSpawnAnimals() { return this.spawnAnimals; } public void setSpawnAnimals(boolean flag) { this.spawnAnimals = flag; } public boolean getSpawnNPCs() { return this.spawnNPCs; } public void setSpawnNPCs(boolean flag) { this.spawnNPCs = flag; } public boolean getPvP() { return this.pvpMode; } public void setPvP(boolean flag) { this.pvpMode = flag; } public boolean getAllowFlight() { return this.allowFlight; } public void setAllowFlight(boolean flag) { this.allowFlight = flag; } public String getMotd() { return this.motd; } public void setMotd(String s) { this.motd = s; } public int getMaxBuildHeight() { return this.D; } public void d(int i) { this.D = i; } public boolean isStopped() { return this.isStopped; } public ServerConfigurationManagerAbstract getServerConfigurationManager() { return this.t; } public void a(ServerConfigurationManagerAbstract serverconfigurationmanagerabstract) { this.t = serverconfigurationmanagerabstract; } public void a(EnumGamemode enumgamemode) { // CraftBukkit start for (int i = 0; i < this.worlds.size(); ++i) { getServer().worlds.get(i).getWorldData().setGameType(enumgamemode); // CraftBukkit end } } public abstract ServerConnection ac(); public boolean ae() { return false; } public abstract String a(EnumGamemode enumgamemode, boolean flag); public int af() { return this.ticks; } public void ag() { this.T = true; } public static ServerConfigurationManagerAbstract a(MinecraftServer minecraftserver) { return minecraftserver.t; } }