package net.minecraft.server; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; // CraftBukkit start import; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer; // CraftBukkit end public class MinecraftServer implements ICommandListener, Runnable { public static Logger a = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); public static HashMap b = new HashMap(); public NetworkListenThread c; public PropertyManager d; public WorldServer e; public ServerConfigurationManager f; private boolean o = true; public boolean g = false; int h = 0; public String i; public int j; private List p = new ArrayList(); private List q = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); public EntityTracker k; public boolean l; public boolean m; public boolean n; public MinecraftServer() { new ThreadSleepForever(this); // CraftBukkit start this.options = options; } public CraftServer server; public OptionSet options; private boolean d() throws UnknownHostException { // CraftBukkit end -- added throws UnknownHostException ThreadCommandReader threadcommandreader = new ThreadCommandReader(this); threadcommandreader.setDaemon(true); threadcommandreader.start(); ConsoleLogManager.a();"Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.2_01"); if (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024L / 1024L < 512L) { a.warning("**** NOT ENOUGH RAM!"); a.warning("To start the server with more ram, launch it as \"java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar\""); }"Loading properties"); this.d = new PropertyManager(new File("")); String s = this.d.a("server-ip", ""); this.l = this.d.a("online-mode", true); this.m = this.d.a("spawn-animals", true); this.n = this.d.a("pvp", true); InetAddress inetaddress = null; if (s.length() > 0) { inetaddress = InetAddress.getByName(s); } int i = this.d.a("server-port", 25565);"Starting Minecraft server on " + (s.length() == 0 ? "*" : s) + ":" + i); try { this.c = new NetworkListenThread(this, inetaddress, i); // CraftBukkit: Be more generic; IOException -> Throwable } catch (Throwable ioexception) { a.warning("**** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!"); a.log(Level.WARNING, "The exception was: " + ioexception.toString()); a.warning("Perhaps a server is already running on that port?"); return false; } if (!this.l) { a.warning("**** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!"); a.warning("The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware."); a.warning("While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose."); a.warning("To change this, set \"online-mode\" to \"true\" in the server.settings file."); } this.f = new ServerConfigurationManager(this); this.k = new EntityTracker(this); String s1 = this.d.a("level-name", "world");"Preparing level \"" + s1 + "\""); this.c(s1);"Done! For help, type \"help\" or \"?\""); return true; } private void c(String s) {"Preparing start region"); this.e = new WorldServer(this, new File("."), s, this.d.a("hellworld", false) ? -1 : 0); this.e.a(new WorldManager(this)); this.e.k = this.d.a("spawn-monsters", true) ? 1 : 0; this.e.a(this.d.a("spawn-monsters", true), this.m); this.f.a(this.e); short short1 = 196; long i = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = -short1; j <= short1 && this.o; j += 16) { for (int k = -short1; k <= short1 && this.o; k += 16) { long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (l < i) { i = l; } if (l > i + 1000L) { int i1 = (short1 * 2 + 1) * (short1 * 2 + 1); int j1 = (j + short1) * (short1 * 2 + 1) + k + 1; this.a("Preparing spawn area", j1 * 100 / i1); i = l; } this.e.A.d(this.e.spawnX + j >> 4, this.e.spawnZ + k >> 4); while (this.e.d() && this.o) { ; } } } this.e(); } private void a(String s, int i) { this.i = s; this.j = i; + ": " + i + "%"); } private void e() { this.i = null; this.j = 0; server.loadPlugins(); // CraftBukkit } private void f() {"Saving chunks"); this.e.a(true, (IProgressUpdate) null); } private void g() {"Stopping server"); if (this.f != null) { this.f.d(); } if (this.e != null) { this.f(); } } public void a() { this.o = false; } public void run() { try { if (this.d()) { long i = System.currentTimeMillis(); long j = 0L; while (this.o) { long k = System.currentTimeMillis(); long l = k - i; if (l > 2000L) { a.warning("Can\'t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?"); l = 2000L; } if (l < 0L) { a.warning("Time ran backwards! Did the system time change?"); l = 0L; } j += l; i = k; while (j > 50L) { j -= 50L; this.h(); } Thread.sleep(1L); } } else { while (this.o) { this.b(); try { Thread.sleep(10L); } catch (InterruptedException interruptedexception) { interruptedexception.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); a.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected exception", exception); while (this.o) { this.b(); try { Thread.sleep(10L); } catch (InterruptedException interruptedexception1) { interruptedexception1.printStackTrace(); } } } finally { try { this.g(); this.g = true; } finally { System.exit(0); } } } private void h() { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = b.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); int i = ((Integer) b.get(s)).intValue(); if (i > 0) { b.put(s, Integer.valueOf(i - 1)); } else { arraylist.add(s); } } int j; for (j = 0; j < arraylist.size(); ++j) { b.remove(arraylist.get(j)); } AxisAlignedBB.a(); Vec3D.a(); ++this.h; if (this.h % 20 == 0) { this.f.a((Packet) (new Packet4UpdateTime(this.e.e))); } this.e.f(); while (this.e.d()) { ; } this.e.c(); this.c.a(); this.f.b(); this.k.a(); for (j = 0; j < this.p.size(); ++j) { ((IUpdatePlayerListBox) this.p.get(j)).a(); } try { this.b(); } catch (Exception exception) { a.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected exception while parsing console command", exception); } } public void a(String s, ICommandListener icommandlistener) { this.q.add(new ServerCommand(s, icommandlistener)); } public void b() { while (this.q.size() > 0) { ServerCommand servercommand = (ServerCommand) this.q.remove(0); String s = servercommand.a; ICommandListener icommandlistener = servercommand.b; String s1 = icommandlistener.c(); if (!s.toLowerCase().startsWith("help") && !s.toLowerCase().startsWith("?")) { if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("list")) { icommandlistener.b("Connected players: " + this.f.c()); } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("stop")) { this.a(s1, "Stopping the server.."); this.o = false; } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("save-all")) { this.a(s1, "Forcing save.."); this.e.a(true, (IProgressUpdate) null); this.a(s1, "Save complete."); } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("save-off")) { this.a(s1, "Disabling level saving.."); this.e.C = true; } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("save-on")) { this.a(s1, "Enabling level saving.."); this.e.C = false; } else { String s2; if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("op ")) { s2 = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim(); this.f.e(s2); this.a(s1, "Opping " + s2); this.f.a(s2, "§eYou are now op!"); } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("deop ")) { s2 = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim(); this.f.f(s2); this.f.a(s2, "§eYou are no longer op!"); this.a(s1, "De-opping " + s2); } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("ban-ip ")) { s2 = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim(); this.f.c(s2); this.a(s1, "Banning ip " + s2); } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("pardon-ip ")) { s2 = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim(); this.f.d(s2); this.a(s1, "Pardoning ip " + s2); } else { EntityPlayer entityplayer; if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("ban ")) { s2 = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim(); this.f.a(s2); this.a(s1, "Banning " + s2); entityplayer = this.f.h(s2); if (entityplayer != null) { entityplayer.a.a("Banned by admin"); } } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("pardon ")) { s2 = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim(); this.f.b(s2); this.a(s1, "Pardoning " + s2); } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("kick ")) { s2 = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim(); entityplayer = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.f.b.size(); ++i) { EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = (EntityPlayer) this.f.b.get(i); if ( { entityplayer = entityplayer1; } } if (entityplayer != null) { entityplayer.a.a("Kicked by admin"); this.a(s1, "Kicking " +; } else { icommandlistener.b("Can\'t find user " + s2 + ". No kick."); } } else { String[] astring; EntityPlayer entityplayer2; if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("tp ")) { astring = s.split(" "); if (astring.length == 3) { entityplayer = this.f.h(astring[1]); entityplayer2 = this.f.h(astring[2]); if (entityplayer == null) { icommandlistener.b("Can\'t find user " + astring[1] + ". No tp."); } else if (entityplayer2 == null) { icommandlistener.b("Can\'t find user " + astring[2] + ". No tp."); } else { entityplayer.a.a(entityplayer2.locX, entityplayer2.locY, entityplayer2.locZ, entityplayer2.yaw, entityplayer2.pitch); this.a(s1, "Teleporting " + astring[1] + " to " + astring[2] + "."); } } else { icommandlistener.b("Syntax error, please provice a source and a target."); } } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("give ")) { astring = s.split(" "); if (astring.length != 3 && astring.length != 4) { return; } String s3 = astring[1]; entityplayer2 = this.f.h(s3); if (entityplayer2 != null) { try { int j = Integer.parseInt(astring[2]); if (Item.byId[j] != null) { this.a(s1, "Giving " + + " some " + j); int k = 1; if (astring.length > 3) { k = this.b(astring[3], 1); } if (k < 1) { k = 1; } if (k > 64) { k = 64; } entityplayer2.b(new ItemStack(j, k, 0)); } else { icommandlistener.b("There\'s no item with id " + j); } } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { icommandlistener.b("There\'s no item with id " + astring[2]); } } else { icommandlistener.b("Can\'t find user " + s3); } } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("say ")) { s = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim();"[" + s1 + "] " + s); this.f.a((Packet) (new Packet3Chat("§d[Server] " + s))); } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith("tell ")) { astring = s.split(" "); if (astring.length >= 3) { s = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim(); s = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim();"[" + s1 + "->" + astring[1] + "] " + s); s = "§7" + s1 + " whispers " + s;; if (!this.f.a(astring[1], (Packet) (new Packet3Chat(s)))) { icommandlistener.b("There\'s no player by that name online."); } } } else {"Unknown console command. Type \"help\" for help."); } } } } } else { icommandlistener.b("To run the server without a gui, start it like this:"); icommandlistener.b(" java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui"); icommandlistener.b("Console commands:"); icommandlistener.b(" help or ? shows this message"); icommandlistener.b(" kick removes a player from the server"); icommandlistener.b(" ban bans a player from the server"); icommandlistener.b(" pardon pardons a banned player so that they can connect again"); icommandlistener.b(" ban-ip bans an IP address from the server"); icommandlistener.b(" pardon-ip pardons a banned IP address so that they can connect again"); icommandlistener.b(" op turns a player into an op"); icommandlistener.b(" deop removes op status from a player"); icommandlistener.b(" tp moves one player to the same location as another player"); icommandlistener.b(" give [num] gives a player a resource"); icommandlistener.b(" tell sends a private message to a player"); icommandlistener.b(" stop gracefully stops the server"); icommandlistener.b(" save-all forces a server-wide level save"); icommandlistener.b(" save-off disables terrain saving (useful for backup scripts)"); icommandlistener.b(" save-on re-enables terrain saving"); icommandlistener.b(" list lists all currently connected players"); icommandlistener.b(" say broadcasts a message to all players"); } } } private void a(String s, String s1) { String s2 = s + ": " + s1; this.f.i("§7(" + s2 + ")");; } private int b(String s, int i) { try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { return i; } } public void a(IUpdatePlayerListBox iupdateplayerlistbox) { this.p.add(iupdateplayerlistbox); } // Craftbukkit start - replaces main(String args[]) public static void main(final OptionSet options) { try { MinecraftServer minecraftserver = new MinecraftServer(); // CraftBukkit - remove gui (new ThreadServerApplication("Server thread", minecraftserver)).start(); } catch (Exception exception) { a.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to start the minecraft server", exception); } } public File a(String s) { return new File(s); } public void b(String s) {; } public String c() { return "CONSOLE"; } public static boolean a(MinecraftServer minecraftserver) { return minecraftserver.o; } }