path: root/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
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authorThinkofdeath <>2014-11-26 08:32:16 +1100
committermd_5 <>2014-11-28 17:16:30 +1100
commit24557bc2b37deb6a0edf497d547471832457b1dd (patch)
treec560572889a3b0b34964a0cddb35dc87fda3c914 /src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
parenta4805dbd77da057cc1ea0bf344379bc6e53ca1f6 (diff)
Update to Minecraft 1.8
For more information please see
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ec03bbe..00000000
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-package net.minecraft.server;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-// CraftBukkit start
-import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory;
-import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason;
-// CraftBukkit end
-public class MobEffectList {
- public static final MobEffectList[] byId = new MobEffectList[32];
- public static final MobEffectList b = null;
- public static final MobEffectList FASTER_MOVEMENT = (new MobEffectList(1, false, 8171462)).b("potion.moveSpeed").b(0, 0).a(GenericAttributes.d, "91AEAA56-376B-4498-935B-2F7F68070635", 0.20000000298023224D, 2);
- public static final MobEffectList SLOWER_MOVEMENT = (new MobEffectList(2, true, 5926017)).b("potion.moveSlowdown").b(1, 0).a(GenericAttributes.d, "7107DE5E-7CE8-4030-940E-514C1F160890", -0.15000000596046448D, 2);
- public static final MobEffectList FASTER_DIG = (new MobEffectList(3, false, 14270531)).b("potion.digSpeed").b(2, 0).a(1.5D);
- public static final MobEffectList SLOWER_DIG = (new MobEffectList(4, true, 4866583)).b("potion.digSlowDown").b(3, 0);
- public static final MobEffectList INCREASE_DAMAGE = (new MobEffectAttackDamage(5, false, 9643043)).b("potion.damageBoost").b(4, 0).a(GenericAttributes.e, "648D7064-6A60-4F59-8ABE-C2C23A6DD7A9", 3.0D, 2);
- public static final MobEffectList HEAL = (new InstantMobEffect(6, false, 16262179)).b("potion.heal");
- public static final MobEffectList HARM = (new InstantMobEffect(7, true, 4393481)).b("potion.harm");
- public static final MobEffectList JUMP = (new MobEffectList(8, false, 7889559)).b("potion.jump").b(2, 1);
- public static final MobEffectList CONFUSION = (new MobEffectList(9, true, 5578058)).b("potion.confusion").b(3, 1).a(0.25D);
- public static final MobEffectList REGENERATION = (new MobEffectList(10, false, 13458603)).b("potion.regeneration").b(7, 0).a(0.25D);
- public static final MobEffectList RESISTANCE = (new MobEffectList(11, false, 10044730)).b("potion.resistance").b(6, 1);
- public static final MobEffectList FIRE_RESISTANCE = (new MobEffectList(12, false, 14981690)).b("potion.fireResistance").b(7, 1);
- public static final MobEffectList WATER_BREATHING = (new MobEffectList(13, false, 3035801)).b("potion.waterBreathing").b(0, 2);
- public static final MobEffectList INVISIBILITY = (new MobEffectList(14, false, 8356754)).b("potion.invisibility").b(0, 1);
- public static final MobEffectList BLINDNESS = (new MobEffectList(15, true, 2039587)).b("potion.blindness").b(5, 1).a(0.25D);
- public static final MobEffectList NIGHT_VISION = (new MobEffectList(16, false, 2039713)).b("potion.nightVision").b(4, 1);
- public static final MobEffectList HUNGER = (new MobEffectList(17, true, 5797459)).b("potion.hunger").b(1, 1);
- public static final MobEffectList WEAKNESS = (new MobEffectAttackDamage(18, true, 4738376)).b("potion.weakness").b(5, 0).a(GenericAttributes.e, "22653B89-116E-49DC-9B6B-9971489B5BE5", 2.0D, 0);
- public static final MobEffectList POISON = (new MobEffectList(19, true, 5149489)).b("potion.poison").b(6, 0).a(0.25D);
- public static final MobEffectList WITHER = (new MobEffectList(20, true, 3484199)).b("potion.wither").b(1, 2).a(0.25D);
- public static final MobEffectList HEALTH_BOOST = (new MobEffectHealthBoost(21, false, 16284963)).b("potion.healthBoost").b(2, 2).a(GenericAttributes.maxHealth, "5D6F0BA2-1186-46AC-B896-C61C5CEE99CC", 4.0D, 0);
- public static final MobEffectList ABSORPTION = (new MobEffectAbsorption(22, false, 2445989)).b("potion.absorption").b(2, 2);
- public static final MobEffectList SATURATION = (new InstantMobEffect(23, false, 16262179)).b("potion.saturation");
- public static final MobEffectList z = null;
- public static final MobEffectList A = null;
- public static final MobEffectList B = null;
- public static final MobEffectList C = null;
- public static final MobEffectList D = null;
- public static final MobEffectList E = null;
- public static final MobEffectList F = null;
- public static final MobEffectList G = null;
- public final int id;
- private final Map I = Maps.newHashMap();
- private final boolean J;
- private final int K;
- private String L = "";
- private int M = -1;
- private double N;
- private boolean O;
- protected MobEffectList(int i, boolean flag, int j) {
- = i;
- byId[i] = this;
- this.J = flag;
- if (flag) {
- this.N = 0.5D;
- } else {
- this.N = 1.0D;
- }
- this.K = j;
- org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType.registerPotionEffectType(new org.bukkit.craftbukkit.potion.CraftPotionEffectType(this)); // CraftBukkit
- }
- protected MobEffectList b(int i, int j) {
- this.M = i + j * 8;
- return this;
- }
- public int getId() {
- return;
- }
- public void tick(EntityLiving entityliving, int i) {
- if ( == {
- if (entityliving.getHealth() < entityliving.getMaxHealth()) {
- entityliving.heal(1.0F, RegainReason.MAGIC_REGEN); // CraftBukkit
- }
- } else if ( == {
- if (entityliving.getHealth() > 1.0F) {
- entityliving.damageEntity(CraftEventFactory.POISON, 1.0F); // CraftBukkit - DamageSource.MAGIC -> CraftEventFactory.POISON
- }
- } else if ( == {
- entityliving.damageEntity(DamageSource.WITHER, 1.0F);
- } else if ( == && entityliving instanceof EntityHuman) {
- ((EntityHuman) entityliving).applyExhaustion(0.025F * (float) (i + 1));
- } else if ( == && entityliving instanceof EntityHuman) {
- if (! {
- // CraftBukkit start
- EntityHuman entityhuman = (EntityHuman) entityliving;
- int oldFoodLevel = entityhuman.getFoodData().foodLevel;
- org.bukkit.event.entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent event = CraftEventFactory.callFoodLevelChangeEvent(entityhuman, i + 1 + oldFoodLevel);
- if (!event.isCancelled()) {
- entityhuman.getFoodData().eat(event.getFoodLevel() - oldFoodLevel, 1.0F);
- }
- ((EntityPlayer) entityhuman).playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutUpdateHealth(((EntityPlayer) entityhuman).getBukkitEntity().getScaledHealth(), entityhuman.getFoodData().foodLevel, entityhuman.getFoodData().saturationLevel));
- // CraftBukkit end
- }
- } else if (( != || entityliving.aR()) && ( != || !entityliving.aR())) {
- if ( == && !entityliving.aR() || == && entityliving.aR()) {
- entityliving.damageEntity(DamageSource.MAGIC, (float) (6 << i));
- }
- } else {
- entityliving.heal((float) Math.max(4 << i, 0), RegainReason.MAGIC); // CraftBukkit
- }
- }
- public void applyInstantEffect(EntityLiving entityliving, EntityLiving entityliving1, int i, double d0) {
- // CraftBukkit start - Delegate; we need EntityPotion
- applyInstantEffect(entityliving, entityliving1, i, d0, null);
- }
- public void applyInstantEffect(EntityLiving entityliving, EntityLiving entityliving1, int i, double d0, EntityPotion potion) {
- // CraftBukkit end
- int j;
- if (( != || entityliving1.aR()) && ( != || !entityliving1.aR())) {
- if ( == && !entityliving1.aR() || == && entityliving1.aR()) {
- j = (int) (d0 * (double) (6 << i) + 0.5D);
- if (entityliving == null) {
- entityliving1.damageEntity(DamageSource.MAGIC, (float) j);
- } else {
- // CraftBukkit - The "damager" needs to be the potion
- entityliving1.damageEntity(DamageSource.b(potion != null ? potion : entityliving1, entityliving), (float) j);
- }
- }
- } else {
- j = (int) (d0 * (double) (4 << i) + 0.5D);
- entityliving1.heal((float) j, RegainReason.MAGIC); // CraftBukkit
- }
- }
- public boolean isInstant() {
- return false;
- }
- public boolean a(int i, int j) {
- int k;
- if ( == {
- k = 50 >> j;
- return k > 0 ? i % k == 0 : true;
- } else if ( == {
- k = 25 >> j;
- return k > 0 ? i % k == 0 : true;
- } else if ( == {
- k = 40 >> j;
- return k > 0 ? i % k == 0 : true;
- } else {
- return ==;
- }
- }
- public MobEffectList b(String s) {
- this.L = s;
- return this;
- }
- public String a() {
- return this.L;
- }
- protected MobEffectList a(double d0) {
- this.N = d0;
- return this;
- }
- public double getDurationModifier() {
- return this.N;
- }
- public boolean i() {
- return this.O;
- }
- public int j() {
- return this.K;
- }
- public MobEffectList a(IAttribute iattribute, String s, double d0, int i) {
- AttributeModifier attributemodifier = new AttributeModifier(UUID.fromString(s), this.a(), d0, i);
- this.I.put(iattribute, attributemodifier);
- return this;
- }
- public void a(EntityLiving entityliving, AttributeMapBase attributemapbase, int i) {
- Iterator iterator = this.I.entrySet().iterator();
- while (iterator.hasNext()) {
- Entry entry = (Entry);
- AttributeInstance attributeinstance = attributemapbase.a((IAttribute) entry.getKey());
- if (attributeinstance != null) {
- attributeinstance.b((AttributeModifier) entry.getValue());
- }
- }
- }
- public void b(EntityLiving entityliving, AttributeMapBase attributemapbase, int i) {
- Iterator iterator = this.I.entrySet().iterator();
- while (iterator.hasNext()) {
- Entry entry = (Entry);
- AttributeInstance attributeinstance = attributemapbase.a((IAttribute) entry.getKey());
- if (attributeinstance != null) {
- AttributeModifier attributemodifier = (AttributeModifier) entry.getValue();
- attributeinstance.b(attributemodifier);
- attributeinstance.a(new AttributeModifier(attributemodifier.a(), this.a() + " " + i, this.a(i, attributemodifier), attributemodifier.c()));
- }
- }
- }
- public double a(int i, AttributeModifier attributemodifier) {
- return attributemodifier.d() * (double) (i + 1);
- }