# (c) 2018 SpigotMC Pty. Ltd. Advancement f ()Ljava/util/Map; getCriteria Advancement h ()LMinecraftKey; getName AdvancementDataPlayer a (LAdvancement;Ljava/lang/String;)Z grantCriteria AdvancementDataPlayer b (LAdvancement;)LAdvancementProgress; getProgress AdvancementDataPlayer b (LAdvancement;Ljava/lang/String;)Z revokeCritera AdvancementDataPlayer f data AdvancementDataPlayer j player AdvancementDataWorld d DESERIALIZER AdvancementDataWorld e REGISTRY AdvancementFrameType a TASK AdvancementFrameType b CHALLENGE AdvancementFrameType c GOAL AdvancementProgress a ()Z isDone AdvancementProgress c (Ljava/lang/String;)LCriterionProgress; getCriterionProgress AdvancementProgress e ()Ljava/lang/Iterable; getRemainingCriteria AdvancementProgress f ()Ljava/lang/Iterable; getAwardedCriteria Advancements b advancements ArgumentAnchor$Anchor a FEET ArgumentAnchor$Anchor b EYES AttributeInstance a ()LIAttribute; getAttribute AttributeInstance a (D)V setValue AttributeInstance e ()D getValue AttributeMapServer b ()Ljava/util/Set; getAttributes AxisAlignedBB c (DDD)LAxisAlignedBB; grow AxisAlignedBB h (D)LAxisAlignedBB; shrink BaseBlockPosition e ZERO BaseBlockPosition f (DDD)D distanceSquared BaseBlockPosition o ()I getX BaseBlockPosition p ()I getY BaseBlockPosition q ()I getZ BiomeBase a (ILBiomeBase;)LBiomeBase; getBiome BiomeBase a (LEnumCreatureType;)Ljava/util/List; getMobs BiomeBase aL REGISTRY_ID BiomeBase b (I)LBiomeBase; getBiome BiomeBase i ()F getHumidity BiomeBase m ()F getTemperature BiomeBase$EnumTemperature a OCEAN BiomeBase$EnumTemperature b COLD BiomeBase$EnumTemperature c MEDIUM BiomeBase$EnumTemperature d WARM BiomeBase$Geography a NONE BiomeBase$Geography b TAIGA BiomeBase$Geography c EXTREME_HILLS BiomeBase$Geography d JUNGLE BiomeBase$Geography e MESA BiomeBase$Geography f PLAINS BiomeBase$Geography g SAVANNA BiomeBase$Geography h ICY BiomeBase$Geography i THEEND BiomeBase$Geography j BEACH BiomeBase$Geography k FOREST BiomeBase$Geography l OCEAN BiomeBase$Geography m DESERT BiomeBase$Geography n RIVER BiomeBase$Geography o SWAMP BiomeBase$Geography p MUSHROOM BiomeBase$Geography q NETHER BiomeBase$Precipitation a NONE BiomeBase$Precipitation b RAIN BiomeBase$Precipitation c SNOW Block a (I)LBlock; getById Block a (LBlockActionContext;)LIBlockData; getPlacedState Block a (LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;)V postBreak Block a (LIBlockData;ILWorld;LBlockPosition;Ljava/util/Random;)I getDropCount Block a (LIBlockData;LEntityHuman;LIBlockAccess;LBlockPosition;)F getDamage Block a (LIBlockData;LEnumDirection;LIBlockData;LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;LBlockPosition;)LIBlockData; updateState Block a (LIBlockData;LIWorldReader;LBlockPosition;)Z canPlace Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;FI)V dropNaturally Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;I)LIMaterial; getDropType Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LBlock;LBlockPosition;)V doPhysics Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntityHuman;)V attack Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntityHuman;LEnumHand;LEnumDirection;FFF)Z interact Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;)V onPlace Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;Z)V remove Block a (LItem;)LBlock; asBlock Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;I)V dropExperience Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntity;)V stepOn Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntity;F)V fallOn Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LExplosion;)V wasExploded Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;LEntityLiving;LItemStack;)V postPlace Block a (Ljava/lang/String;)LBlock; getByName Block b (I)LIBlockData; getByCombinedId Block b frictionFactor Block c blockData Block e REGISTRY Block f REGISTRY_ID Block g ()Z isTileEntity Block h (LIBlockData;)Z isPowerSource Block h strength Block i (LIBlockData;)LEnumPistonReaction; getPushReaction Block i durability Block k (LIBlockData;)I getCombinedId Block k stepSound Block l material Block n blockStateList Block o ()LBlockStateList; getStates Block o (LIBlockData;)Z isOccluding Block p ()LIBlockData; getBlockData Block q name Block r ()LSoundEffectType; getStepSound Block r (LIBlockData;)Z isTicking Block u (LIBlockData;)Z isComplexRedstone Block$EnumRandomOffset a NONE Block$EnumRandomOffset b XZ Block$EnumRandomOffset c XYZ BlockAnvil a FACING BlockAttachable D FACE BlockBanner a ROTATION BlockBed a PART BlockBed b OCCUPIED BlockBed p color BlockBrewingStand a HAS_BOTTLE BlockButtonAbstract a POWERED BlockCactus a AGE BlockCake a BITES BlockCarpet b color BlockCauldron a LEVEL BlockChest a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;Z)LITileInventory; getInventory BlockChest a FACING BlockChorusFlower a AGE BlockCobbleWall u UP BlockCocoa a AGE BlockCrops b AGE BlockCrops c (I)LIBlockData; setAge BlockDaylightDetector a POWER BlockDiodeAbstract x (LIBlockData;)Z isDiode BlockDirectional a FACING BlockDispenser a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V dispense BlockDispenser a FACING BlockDispenser b TRIGGERED BlockDispenser c REGISTRY BlockDoor a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;Z)V setDoor BlockDoor a FACING BlockDoor b OPEN BlockDoor c HINGE BlockDoor p POWERED BlockDoor q HALF BlockEnderChest a FACING BlockEnderPortalFrame a FACING BlockEnderPortalFrame b EYE BlockFacingHorizontal E FACING BlockFalling b instaFall BlockFenceGate a OPEN BlockFenceGate b POWERED BlockFenceGate c IN_WALL BlockFire a AGE BlockFire b NORTH BlockFire c EAST BlockFire p SOUTH BlockFire q WEST BlockFire r UPPER BlockFire t flameChances BlockFloorSign c ROTATION BlockFluids a (LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;)V fizz BlockFluids a LEVEL BlockFurnace a FACING BlockFurnace b LIT BlockHopper a FACING BlockHopper b ENABLED BlockJukeBox a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V dropRecord BlockJukeBox a HAS_RECORD BlockLadder a FACING BlockLeaves a DISTANCE BlockLeaves b PERSISTENT BlockLever a POWERED BlockMinecartDetector c SHAPE BlockMinecartDetector p POWERED BlockMinecartTrack c SHAPE BlockNetherWart a AGE BlockNote a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V play BlockNote a INSTRUMENT BlockNote b POWERED BlockNote c NOTE BlockPiston b EXTENDED BlockPiston u sticky BlockPistonExtension b TYPE BlockPistonExtension c SHORT BlockPortal a AXIS BlockPortal$Shape e ()V createPortal BlockPortal$Shape f position BlockPortal$Shape g height BlockPortal$Shape h width BlockPosition a ()LBlockPosition; up BlockPosition a (J)LBlockPosition; fromLong BlockPosition a (LEnumDirection;)LBlockPosition; shift BlockPosition a (LEnumDirection;I)LBlockPosition; shift BlockPosition a ZERO BlockPosition b ()LBlockPosition; down BlockPosition b (I)LBlockPosition; up BlockPosition c ()LBlockPosition; north BlockPosition c (I)LBlockPosition; down BlockPosition d ()LBlockPosition; south BlockPosition d (I)LBlockPosition; north BlockPosition e ()LBlockPosition; west BlockPosition e (I)LBlockPosition; south BlockPosition f ()LBlockPosition; east BlockPosition f (I)LBlockPosition; west BlockPosition g ()J asLong BlockPosition g (I)LBlockPosition; east BlockPoweredRail c SHAPE BlockPoweredRail p POWERED BlockPressurePlateAbstract j (LIBlockData;)I getPower BlockPressurePlateBinary p POWERED BlockPressurePlateBinary$EnumMobType a EVERYTHING BlockPressurePlateBinary$EnumMobType b MOBS BlockPressurePlateWeighted p POWER BlockPressurePlateWeighted q weight BlockPropertyAttachPosition a FLOOR BlockPropertyAttachPosition b WALL BlockPropertyAttachPosition c CEILING BlockPropertyBedPart a HEAD BlockPropertyBedPart b FOOT BlockPropertyChestType a SINGLE BlockPropertyChestType b LEFT BlockPropertyChestType c RIGHT BlockPropertyComparatorMode a COMPARE BlockPropertyComparatorMode b SUBTRACT BlockPropertyDoorHinge a LEFT BlockPropertyDoorHinge b RIGHT BlockPropertyDoubleBlockHalf a UPPER BlockPropertyDoubleBlockHalf b LOWER BlockPropertyHalf a TOP BlockPropertyHalf b BOTTOM BlockPropertyInstrument a HARP BlockPropertyInstrument b BASEDRUM BlockPropertyInstrument c SNARE BlockPropertyInstrument d HAT BlockPropertyInstrument e BASS BlockPropertyInstrument f FLUTE BlockPropertyInstrument g BELL BlockPropertyInstrument h GUITAR BlockPropertyInstrument i CHIME BlockPropertyInstrument j XYLOPHONE BlockPropertyPistonType a DEFAULT BlockPropertyPistonType b STICKY BlockPropertyRedstoneSide a UP BlockPropertyRedstoneSide b SIDE BlockPropertyRedstoneSide c NONE BlockPropertySlabType a TOP BlockPropertySlabType b BOTTOM BlockPropertySlabType c DOUBLE BlockPropertyStairsShape a STRAIGHT BlockPropertyStairsShape b INNER_LEFT BlockPropertyStairsShape c INNER_RIGHT BlockPropertyStairsShape d OUTER_LEFT BlockPropertyStairsShape e OUTER_RIGHT BlockPropertyStructureMode a SAVE BlockPropertyStructureMode b LOAD BlockPropertyStructureMode c CORNER BlockPropertyStructureMode d DATA BlockPropertyTrackPosition a NORTH_SOUTH BlockPropertyTrackPosition b EAST_WEST BlockPropertyTrackPosition c ASCENDING_EAST BlockPropertyTrackPosition d ASCENDING_WEST BlockPropertyTrackPosition e ASCENDING_NORTH BlockPropertyTrackPosition f ASCENDING_SOUTH BlockPropertyTrackPosition g SOUTH_EAST BlockPropertyTrackPosition h SOUTH_WEST BlockPropertyTrackPosition i NORTH_WEST BlockPropertyTrackPosition j NORTH_EAST BlockRedstoneComparator a MODE BlockRedstoneOre a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V playEffect BlockRedstoneOre b (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V interact BlockRedstoneTorch a LIT BlockRedstoneWire a (LIBlockAccess;LBlockPosition;I)I getPower BlockRedstoneWire a NORTH BlockRedstoneWire b EAST BlockRedstoneWire c SOUTH BlockRedstoneWire p WEST BlockRedstoneWire q POWER BlockReed a AGE BlockRepeater a LOCKED BlockRepeater p DELAY BlockRotatable a AXIS BlockSapling a (LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;Ljava/util/Random;)V grow BlockSapling a STAGE BlockShulkerBox b color BlockSkull$Type a SKELETON BlockSkull$Type b WITHER_SKELETON BlockSkull$Type c PLAYER BlockSkull$Type d ZOMBIE BlockSkull$Type e CREEPER BlockSkull$Type f DRAGON BlockSnow a LAYERS BlockSoil a MOISTURE BlockStainedGlass a color BlockStainedGlassPane u color BlockStairs a FACING BlockStairs b HALF BlockStairs c SHAPE BlockStateBoolean a (Ljava/lang/String;)LBlockStateBoolean; of BlockStateDirection a (Ljava/lang/String;)LBlockStateDirection; of BlockStateEnum a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)LBlockStateEnum; of BlockStateEnum a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;[Ljava/lang/Enum;)LBlockStateEnum; of BlockStateInteger a (Ljava/lang/String;II)LBlockStateInteger; of BlockStateList b ()LIBlockDataHolder; getBlockData BlockStateList c ()Ljava/lang/Object; getBlock BlockStem a AGE BlockStem c blockFruit BlockTall a NORTH BlockTall b EAST BlockTall c SOUTH BlockTall p WEST BlockTallPlant a HALF BlockTrapdoor a OPEN BlockTrapdoor b HALF BlockTripwire a POWERED BlockTripwire b ATTACHED BlockTripwire c DISARMED BlockTripwire p NORTH BlockTripwire q EAST BlockTripwire r SOUTH BlockTripwire s WEST BlockTripwireHook a FACING BlockTripwireHook b POWERED BlockTripwireHook c ATTACHED BlockVine a (LEnumDirection;)LBlockStateBoolean; getDirection BlockVine a UP BlockVine b NORTH BlockVine c EAST BlockVine p SOUTH BlockVine q WEST BlockWallSign c FACING Blocks A WATER Blocks B BUBBLE_COLUMN Blocks C LAVA Blocks D SAND Blocks E RED_SAND Blocks F GRAVEL Blocks G GOLD_ORE Blocks H IRON_ORE Blocks I COAL_ORE Blocks J OAK_LOG Blocks K SPRUCE_LOG Blocks L BIRCH_LOG Blocks M JUNGLE_LOG Blocks N ACACIA_LOG Blocks O DARK_OAK_LOG Blocks P STRIPPED_OAK_LOG Blocks Q STRIPPED_SPRUCE_LOG Blocks R STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG Blocks S STRIPPED_JUNGLE_LOG Blocks T STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG Blocks U STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_LOG Blocks V OAK_WOOD Blocks W SPRUCE_WOOD Blocks X BIRCH_WOOD Blocks Y JUNGLE_WOOD Blocks Z ACACIA_WOOD Blocks a (Ljava/lang/String;)LBlock; get Blocks a AIR Blocks aA LIGHT_BLUE_BED Blocks aB YELLOW_BED Blocks aC LIME_BED Blocks aD PINK_BED Blocks aE GRAY_BED Blocks aF LIGHT_GRAY_BED Blocks aG CYAN_BED Blocks aH PURPLE_BED Blocks aI BLUE_BED Blocks aJ BROWN_BED Blocks aK GREEN_BED Blocks aL RED_BED Blocks aM BLACK_BED Blocks aN POWERED_RAIL Blocks aO DETECTOR_RAIL Blocks aP STICKY_PISTON Blocks aQ COBWEB Blocks aR GRASS Blocks aS FERN Blocks aT DEAD_BUSH Blocks aU SEAGRASS Blocks aV TALL_SEAGRASS Blocks aW PISTON Blocks aX PISTON_HEAD Blocks aY WHITE_WOOL Blocks aZ ORANGE_WOOL Blocks aa DARK_OAK_WOOD Blocks ab STRIPPED_OAK_WOOD Blocks ac STRIPPED_SPRUCE_WOOD Blocks ad STRIPPED_BIRCH_WOOD Blocks ae STRIPPED_JUNGLE_WOOD Blocks af STRIPPED_ACACIA_WOOD Blocks ag STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_WOOD Blocks ah OAK_LEAVES Blocks ai SPRUCE_LEAVES Blocks aj BIRCH_LEAVES Blocks ak JUNGLE_LEAVES Blocks al ACACIA_LEAVES Blocks am DARK_OAK_LEAVES Blocks an SPONGE Blocks ao WET_SPONGE Blocks ap GLASS Blocks aq LAPIS_ORE Blocks ar LAPIS_BLOCK Blocks as DISPENSER Blocks at SANDSTONE Blocks au CHISELED_SANDSTONE Blocks av CUT_SANDSTONE Blocks aw NOTE_BLOCK Blocks ax WHITE_BED Blocks ay ORANGE_BED Blocks az MAGENTA_BED Blocks b STONE Blocks bA RED_MUSHROOM Blocks bB GOLD_BLOCK Blocks bC IRON_BLOCK Blocks bD OAK_SLAB Blocks bE SPRUCE_SLAB Blocks bF BIRCH_SLAB Blocks bG JUNGLE_SLAB Blocks bH ACACIA_SLAB Blocks bI DARK_OAK_SLAB Blocks bJ STONE_SLAB Blocks bK SANDSTONE_SLAB Blocks bL PETRIFIED_OAK_SLAB Blocks bM COBBLESTONE_SLAB Blocks bN BRICK_SLAB Blocks bO STONE_BRICK_SLAB Blocks bP NETHER_BRICK_SLAB Blocks bQ QUARTZ_SLAB Blocks bR RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB Blocks bS PURPUR_SLAB Blocks bT PRISMARINE_SLAB Blocks bU PRISMARINE_BRICK_SLAB Blocks bV DARK_PRISMARINE_SLAB Blocks bW SMOOTH_STONE Blocks bX SMOOTH_SANDSTONE Blocks bY SMOOTH_QUARTZ Blocks bZ SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE Blocks ba MAGENTA_WOOL Blocks bb LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL Blocks bc YELLOW_WOOL Blocks bd LIME_WOOL Blocks be PINK_WOOL Blocks bf GRAY_WOOL Blocks bg LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL Blocks bh CYAN_WOOL Blocks bi PURPLE_WOOL Blocks bj BLUE_WOOL Blocks bk BROWN_WOOL Blocks bl GREEN_WOOL Blocks bm RED_WOOL Blocks bn BLACK_WOOL Blocks bo MOVING_PISTON Blocks bp DANDELION Blocks bq POPPY Blocks br BLUE_ORCHID Blocks bs ALLIUM Blocks bt AZURE_BLUET Blocks bu RED_TULIP Blocks bv ORANGE_TULIP Blocks bw WHITE_TULIP Blocks bx PINK_TULIP Blocks by OXEYE_DAISY Blocks bz BROWN_MUSHROOM Blocks c GRANITE Blocks cA RAIL Blocks cB COBBLESTONE_STAIRS Blocks cC WALL_SIGN Blocks cD LEVER Blocks cE STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks cF IRON_DOOR Blocks cG OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks cH SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks cI BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks cJ JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks cK ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks cL DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks cM REDSTONE_ORE Blocks cN REDSTONE_TORCH Blocks cO REDSTONE_WALL_TORCH Blocks cP STONE_BUTTON Blocks cQ SNOW Blocks cR ICE Blocks cS SNOW_BLOCK Blocks cT CACTUS Blocks cU CLAY Blocks cV SUGAR_CANE Blocks cW JUKEBOX Blocks cX OAK_FENCE Blocks cY SPRUCE_FENCE Blocks cZ BIRCH_FENCE Blocks ca BRICKS Blocks cb TNT Blocks cc BOOKSHELF Blocks cd MOSSY_COBBLESTONE Blocks ce OBSIDIAN Blocks cf TORCH Blocks cg WALL_TORCH Blocks ch FIRE Blocks ci SPAWNER Blocks cj OAK_STAIRS Blocks ck CHEST Blocks cl REDSTONE_WIRE Blocks cm DIAMOND_ORE Blocks cn DIAMOND_BLOCK Blocks co CRAFTING_TABLE Blocks cp WHEAT Blocks cq FARMLAND Blocks cr FURNACE Blocks cs SIGN Blocks ct OAK_DOOR Blocks cu SPRUCE_DOOR Blocks cv BIRCH_DOOR Blocks cw JUNGLE_DOOR Blocks cx ACACIA_DOOR Blocks cy DARK_OAK_DOOR Blocks cz LADDER Blocks d POLISHED_GRANITE Blocks dA CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS Blocks dB CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS Blocks dC BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK Blocks dD RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK Blocks dE MUSHROOM_STEM Blocks dF IRON_BARS Blocks dG GLASS_PANE Blocks dH MELON Blocks dI ATTACHED_PUMPKIN_STEM Blocks dJ ATTACHED_MELON_STEM Blocks dK PUMPKIN_STEM Blocks dL MELON_STEM Blocks dM VINE Blocks dN OAK_FENCE_GATE Blocks dO SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE Blocks dP BIRCH_FENCE_GATE Blocks dQ JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE Blocks dR DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE Blocks dS ACACIA_FENCE_GATE Blocks dT BRICK_STAIRS Blocks dU STONE_BRICK_STAIRS Blocks dV MYCELIUM Blocks dW LILY_PAD Blocks dX NETHER_BRICKS Blocks dY NETHER_BRICK_FENCE Blocks dZ NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS Blocks da JUNGLE_FENCE Blocks db DARK_OAK_FENCE Blocks dc ACACIA_FENCE Blocks dd PUMPKIN Blocks de NETHERRACK Blocks df SOUL_SAND Blocks dg GLOWSTONE Blocks dh NETHER_PORTAL Blocks di CARVED_PUMPKIN Blocks dj JACK_O_LANTERN Blocks dk CAKE Blocks dl REPEATER Blocks dm OAK_TRAPDOOR Blocks dn SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR Blocks do BIRCH_TRAPDOOR Blocks dp JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR Blocks dq ACACIA_TRAPDOOR Blocks dr DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR Blocks ds INFESTED_STONE Blocks dt INFESTED_COBBLESTONE Blocks du INFESTED_STONE_BRICKS Blocks dv INFESTED_MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS Blocks dw INFESTED_CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS Blocks dx INFESTED_CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS Blocks dy STONE_BRICKS Blocks dz MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS Blocks e DIORITE Blocks eA POTTED_ALLIUM Blocks eB POTTED_AZURE_BLUET Blocks eC POTTED_RED_TULIP Blocks eD POTTED_ORANGE_TULIP Blocks eE POTTED_WHITE_TULIP Blocks eF POTTED_PINK_TULIP Blocks eG POTTED_OXEYE_DAISY Blocks eH POTTED_DANDELION Blocks eI POTTED_OAK_SAPLING Blocks eJ POTTED_SPRUCE_SAPLING Blocks eK POTTED_BIRCH_SAPLING Blocks eL POTTED_JUNGLE_SAPLING Blocks eM POTTED_ACACIA_SAPLING Blocks eN POTTED_DARK_OAK_SAPLING Blocks eO POTTED_RED_MUSHROOM Blocks eP POTTED_BROWN_MUSHROOM Blocks eQ POTTED_DEAD_BUSH Blocks eR POTTED_FERN Blocks eS POTTED_CACTUS Blocks eT CARROTS Blocks eU POTATOES Blocks eV OAK_BUTTON Blocks eW SPRUCE_BUTTON Blocks eX BIRCH_BUTTON Blocks eY JUNGLE_BUTTON Blocks eZ ACACIA_BUTTON Blocks ea NETHER_WART Blocks eb ENCHANTING_TABLE Blocks ec BREWING_STAND Blocks ed CAULDRON Blocks ee END_PORTAL Blocks ef END_PORTAL_FRAME Blocks eg END_STONE Blocks eh DRAGON_EGG Blocks ei REDSTONE_LAMP Blocks ej COCOA Blocks ek SANDSTONE_STAIRS Blocks el EMERALD_ORE Blocks em ENDER_CHEST Blocks en TRIPWIRE_HOOK Blocks eo TRIPWIRE Blocks ep EMERALD_BLOCK Blocks eq SPRUCE_STAIRS Blocks er BIRCH_STAIRS Blocks es JUNGLE_STAIRS Blocks et COMMAND_BLOCK Blocks eu BEACON Blocks ev COBBLESTONE_WALL Blocks ew MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_WALL Blocks ex FLOWER_POT Blocks ey POTTED_POPPY Blocks ez POTTED_BLUE_ORCHID Blocks f POLISHED_DIORITE Blocks fA CHISELED_QUARTZ_BLOCK Blocks fB QUARTZ_STAIRS Blocks fC ACTIVATOR_RAIL Blocks fD DROPPER Blocks fE WHITE_TERRACOTTA Blocks fF ORANGE_TERRACOTTA Blocks fG MAGENTA_TERRACOTTA Blocks fH LIGHT_BLUE_TERRACOTTA Blocks fI YELLOW_TERRACOTTA Blocks fJ LIME_TERRACOTTA Blocks fK PINK_TERRACOTTA Blocks fL GRAY_TERRACOTTA Blocks fM LIGHT_GRAY_TERRACOTTA Blocks fN CYAN_TERRACOTTA Blocks fO PURPLE_TERRACOTTA Blocks fP BLUE_TERRACOTTA Blocks fQ BROWN_TERRACOTTA Blocks fR GREEN_TERRACOTTA Blocks fS RED_TERRACOTTA Blocks fT BLACK_TERRACOTTA Blocks fU BARRIER Blocks fV IRON_TRAPDOOR Blocks fW HAY_BLOCK Blocks fX WHITE_CARPET Blocks fY ORANGE_CARPET Blocks fZ MAGENTA_CARPET Blocks fa DARK_OAK_BUTTON Blocks fb SKELETON_WALL_SKULL Blocks fc SKELETON_SKULL Blocks fd WITHER_SKELETON_WALL_SKULL Blocks fe WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL Blocks ff ZOMBIE_WALL_HEAD Blocks fg ZOMBIE_HEAD Blocks fh PLAYER_WALL_HEAD Blocks fi PLAYER_HEAD Blocks fj CREEPER_WALL_HEAD Blocks fk CREEPER_HEAD Blocks fl DRAGON_WALL_HEAD Blocks fm DRAGON_HEAD Blocks fn ANVIL Blocks fo CHIPPED_ANVIL Blocks fp DAMAGED_ANVIL Blocks fq TRAPPED_CHEST Blocks fr LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks fs HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE Blocks ft COMPARATOR Blocks fu DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR Blocks fv REDSTONE_BLOCK Blocks fw NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE Blocks fx HOPPER Blocks fy QUARTZ_BLOCK Blocks fz QUARTZ_PILLAR Blocks g ANDESITE Blocks gA WHITE_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gB ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gC MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gD LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gE YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gF LIME_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gG PINK_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gH GRAY_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gI LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gJ CYAN_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gK PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gL BLUE_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gM BROWN_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gN GREEN_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gO RED_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gP BLACK_STAINED_GLASS Blocks gQ WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gR ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gS MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gT LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gU YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gV LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gW PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gX GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gY LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks gZ CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks ga LIGHT_BLUE_CARPET Blocks gb YELLOW_CARPET Blocks gc LIME_CARPET Blocks gd PINK_CARPET Blocks ge GRAY_CARPET Blocks gf LIGHT_GRAY_CARPET Blocks gg CYAN_CARPET Blocks gh PURPLE_CARPET Blocks gi BLUE_CARPET Blocks gj BROWN_CARPET Blocks gk GREEN_CARPET Blocks gl RED_CARPET Blocks gm BLACK_CARPET Blocks gn TERRACOTTA Blocks go COAL_BLOCK Blocks gp PACKED_ICE Blocks gq BLUE_ICE Blocks gr ACACIA_STAIRS Blocks gs DARK_OAK_STAIRS Blocks gt SLIME_BLOCK Blocks gu SUNFLOWER Blocks gv LILAC Blocks gw ROSE_BUSH Blocks gx PEONY Blocks gy TALL_GRASS Blocks gz LARGE_FERN Blocks h POLISHED_ANDESITE Blocks hA GREEN_BANNER Blocks hB RED_BANNER Blocks hC BLACK_BANNER Blocks hD WHITE_WALL_BANNER Blocks hE ORANGE_WALL_BANNER Blocks hF MAGENTA_WALL_BANNER Blocks hG LIGHT_BLUE_WALL_BANNER Blocks hH YELLOW_WALL_BANNER Blocks hI LIME_WALL_BANNER Blocks hJ PINK_WALL_BANNER Blocks hK GRAY_WALL_BANNER Blocks hL LIGHT_GRAY_WALL_BANNER Blocks hM CYAN_WALL_BANNER Blocks hN PURPLE_WALL_BANNER Blocks hO BLUE_WALL_BANNER Blocks hP BROWN_WALL_BANNER Blocks hQ GREEN_WALL_BANNER Blocks hR RED_WALL_BANNER Blocks hS BLACK_WALL_BANNER Blocks hT RED_SANDSTONE Blocks hU CHISELED_RED_SANDSTONE Blocks hV CUT_RED_SANDSTONE Blocks hW RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS Blocks hX END_ROD Blocks hY CHORUS_PLANT Blocks hZ CHORUS_FLOWER Blocks ha PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks hb BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks hc BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks hd GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks he RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks hf BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Blocks hg PRISMARINE Blocks hh PRISMARINE_BRICKS Blocks hi DARK_PRISMARINE Blocks hj PRISMARINE_STAIRS Blocks hk PRISMARINE_BRICK_STAIRS Blocks hl DARK_PRISMARINE_STAIRS Blocks hm SEA_LANTERN Blocks hn WHITE_BANNER Blocks ho ORANGE_BANNER Blocks hp MAGENTA_BANNER Blocks hq LIGHT_BLUE_BANNER Blocks hr YELLOW_BANNER Blocks hs LIME_BANNER Blocks ht PINK_BANNER Blocks hu GRAY_BANNER Blocks hv LIGHT_GRAY_BANNER Blocks hw CYAN_BANNER Blocks hx PURPLE_BANNER Blocks hy BLUE_BANNER Blocks hz BROWN_BANNER Blocks i GRASS_BLOCK Blocks iA CYAN_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iB PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iC BLUE_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iD BROWN_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iE GREEN_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iF RED_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iG BLACK_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iH WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iI ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iJ MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iK LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iL YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iM LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iN PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iO GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iP LIGHT_GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iQ CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iR PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iS BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iT BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iU GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iV RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iW BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA Blocks iX WHITE_CONCRETE Blocks iY ORANGE_CONCRETE Blocks iZ MAGENTA_CONCRETE Blocks ia PURPUR_BLOCK Blocks ib PURPUR_PILLAR Blocks ic PURPUR_STAIRS Blocks id END_STONE_BRICKS Blocks ie BEETROOTS Blocks if GRASS_PATH Blocks ig END_GATEWAY Blocks ih REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK Blocks ii CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK Blocks ij FROSTED_ICE Blocks ik MAGMA_BLOCK Blocks il NETHER_WART_BLOCK Blocks im RED_NETHER_BRICKS Blocks in BONE_BLOCK Blocks io STRUCTURE_VOID Blocks ip OBSERVER Blocks iq SHULKER_BOX Blocks ir WHITE_SHULKER_BOX Blocks is ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX Blocks it MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iu LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iv YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iw LIME_SHULKER_BOX Blocks ix PINK_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iy GRAY_SHULKER_BOX Blocks iz LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX Blocks j DIRT Blocks jA GREEN_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jB RED_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jC BLACK_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jD KELP_PLANT Blocks jE KELP Blocks jF DRIED_KELP_BLOCK Blocks jG TURTLE_EGG Blocks jH VOID_AIR Blocks jI CAVE_AIR Blocks jJ DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jK DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jL DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jM DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jN DEAD_HORN_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jO TUBE_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jP BRAIN_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jQ BUBBLE_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jR FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jS HORN_CORAL_BLOCK Blocks jT TUBE_CORAL Blocks jU BRAIN_CORAL Blocks jV BUBBLE_CORAL Blocks jW FIRE_CORAL Blocks jX HORN_CORAL Blocks jY TUBE_CORAL_FAN Blocks jZ BRAIN_CORAL_FAN Blocks ja LIGHT_BLUE_CONCRETE Blocks jb YELLOW_CONCRETE Blocks jc LIME_CONCRETE Blocks jd PINK_CONCRETE Blocks je GRAY_CONCRETE Blocks jf LIGHT_GRAY_CONCRETE Blocks jg CYAN_CONCRETE Blocks jh PURPLE_CONCRETE Blocks ji BLUE_CONCRETE Blocks jj BROWN_CONCRETE Blocks jk GREEN_CONCRETE Blocks jl RED_CONCRETE Blocks jm BLACK_CONCRETE Blocks jn WHITE_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jo ORANGE_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jp MAGENTA_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jq LIGHT_BLUE_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jr YELLOW_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks js LIME_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jt PINK_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks ju GRAY_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jv LIGHT_GRAY_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jw CYAN_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jx PURPLE_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jy BLUE_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks jz BROWN_CONCRETE_POWDER Blocks k COARSE_DIRT Blocks ka BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN Blocks kb FIRE_CORAL_FAN Blocks kc HORN_CORAL_FAN Blocks kd SEA_PICKLE Blocks ke CONDUIT Blocks kf STRUCTURE_BLOCK Blocks l PODZOL Blocks m COBBLESTONE Blocks n OAK_PLANKS Blocks o SPRUCE_PLANKS Blocks p BIRCH_PLANKS Blocks q JUNGLE_PLANKS Blocks r ACACIA_PLANKS Blocks s DARK_OAK_PLANKS Blocks t OAK_SAPLING Blocks u SPRUCE_SAPLING Blocks v BIRCH_SAPLING Blocks w JUNGLE_SAPLING Blocks x ACACIA_SAPLING Blocks y DARK_OAK_SAPLING Blocks z BEDROCK BossBattle a title BossBattle c color BossBattle d style BossBattle k ()F getProgress BossBattle$BarColor a PINK BossBattle$BarColor b BLUE BossBattle$BarColor c RED BossBattle$BarColor d GREEN BossBattle$BarColor e YELLOW BossBattle$BarColor f PURPLE BossBattle$BarColor g WHITE BossBattle$BarStyle a PROGRESS BossBattle$BarStyle b NOTCHED_6 BossBattle$BarStyle c NOTCHED_10 BossBattle$BarStyle d NOTCHED_12 BossBattle$BarStyle e NOTCHED_20 BossBattleServer a (F)V setProgress BossBattleServer a (LEntityPlayer;)V addPlayer BossBattleServer a (LPacketPlayOutBoss$Action;)V sendUpdate BossBattleServer a (Z)LBossBattle; setDarkenSky BossBattleServer b (LEntityPlayer;)V removePlayer BossBattleServer b (Z)LBossBattle; setPlayMusic BossBattleServer c (Z)LBossBattle; setCreateFog BossBattleServer d (Z)V setVisible BossBattleServer h ()Ljava/util/Collection; getPlayers BossBattleServer j visible CancelledPacketHandleException a INSTANCE ChatClickable$EnumClickAction a OPEN_URL ChatClickable$EnumClickAction b OPEN_FILE ChatClickable$EnumClickAction c RUN_COMMAND ChatClickable$EnumClickAction d SUGGEST_COMMAND ChatClickable$EnumClickAction e CHANGE_PAGE ChatComponentUtils a (LCommandListenerWrapper;LIChatBaseComponent;LEntity;)LIChatBaseComponent; filterForDisplay ChatHoverable$EnumHoverAction a SHOW_TEXT ChatHoverable$EnumHoverAction b SHOW_ITEM ChatHoverable$EnumHoverAction c SHOW_ENTITY ChatMessageType a CHAT ChatMessageType b SYSTEM ChatMessageType c GAME_INFO ChatModifier a ()LEnumChatFormat; getColor ChatModifier a (LChatClickable;)LChatModifier; setChatClickable ChatModifier a (LChatHoverable;)LChatModifier; setChatHoverable ChatModifier a (LChatModifier;)LChatModifier; setChatModifier ChatModifier a (LEnumChatFormat;)LChatModifier; setColor ChatModifier a (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setBold ChatModifier a (Ljava/lang/String;)LChatModifier; setInsertion ChatModifier b ()Z isBold ChatModifier b (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setItalic ChatModifier c ()Z isItalic ChatModifier c (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setStrikethrough ChatModifier d ()Z isStrikethrough ChatModifier d (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setUnderline ChatModifier e ()Z isUnderlined ChatModifier e (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setRandom ChatModifier f ()Z isRandom ChatModifier m ()LChatModifier; clone ChestLock b ()Ljava/lang/String; getKey Chunk B ()Ljava/util/Map; getTileEntities Chunk C ()[LEntitySlice; getEntitySlices Chunk a (III)LIBlockData; getBlockData Chunk a (LEnumSkyBlock;LBlockPosition;)I getBrightness Chunk b locX Chunk c locZ Chunk f sections Chunk i (LBlockPosition;)LBiomeBase; getBiome Chunk k world Chunk l heightMap Chunk o ()V initLighting Chunk o tileEntities Chunk p ()V addEntities Chunk p entitySlices Chunk q ()V removeEntities Chunk r ()V markDirty Chunk s ()Z isEmpty Chunk u ()Z isReady Chunk x lastSaved Chunk z ()LWorld; getWorld Chunk$EnumTileEntityState a IMMEDIATE Chunk$EnumTileEntityState b QUEUED Chunk$EnumTileEntityState c CHECK ChunkConverter$Type a BLACKLIST ChunkConverter$Type b DEFAULT ChunkConverter$Type c CHEST ChunkConverter$Type d LEAVES ChunkConverter$Type e STEM_BLOCK ChunkConverterPalette$Direction a DOWN ChunkConverterPalette$Direction b UP ChunkConverterPalette$Direction c NORTH ChunkConverterPalette$Direction d SOUTH ChunkConverterPalette$Direction e WEST ChunkConverterPalette$Direction f EAST ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$Axis a X ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$Axis b Y ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$Axis c Z ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$AxisDirection a POSITIVE ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$AxisDirection b NEGATIVE ChunkCoordIntPair a x ChunkCoordIntPair b z ChunkGenerator a ()LGeneratorSettings; getSettings ChunkGenerator a (LBiomeBase;LStructureGenerator;)Z canSpawnStructure ChunkGenerator a (LEnumCreatureType;LBlockPosition;)Ljava/util/List; getMobsFor ChunkGenerator a (LIChunkAccess;)V createChunk ChunkGenerator a (LRegionLimitedWorldAccess;)V addDecorations ChunkGenerator a (LRegionLimitedWorldAccess;LWorldGenStage$Features;)V addFeatures ChunkGenerator a (LStructureGenerator;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; getStructureStartCache ChunkGenerator a (LWorld;Ljava/lang/String;LBlockPosition;I)LBlockPosition; findNearestMapFeature ChunkGenerator b ()LWorldChunkManager; getWorldChunkManager ChunkGenerator b (LBiomeBase;LStructureGenerator;)LWorldGenFeatureConfiguration; getFeatureConfiguration ChunkGenerator b (LRegionLimitedWorldAccess;)V addMobs ChunkGenerator b (LStructureGenerator;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; getStructureCache ChunkGenerator c ()J getSeed ChunkGenerator d ()I getSpawnHeight ChunkProviderServer a (LChunk;)V unload ChunkProviderServer b (II)LChunk; getOrLoadChunkAt ChunkProviderServer b (LChunk;)V saveChunkNOP ChunkProviderServer b (LIChunkAccess;)V saveChunk ChunkProviderServer b unloadQueue ChunkProviderServer c chunkGenerator ChunkProviderServer d chunkLoader ChunkProviderServer e (II)Z isLoaded ChunkProviderServer e chunks ChunkProviderServer g (II)LChunk; loadChunkAt ChunkProviderServer h (II)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture; generateChunk ChunkProviderServer h world ChunkRegionLoader a (LChunk;LWorld;LNBTTagCompound;)V saveBody ChunkRegionLoader a (LNBTTagCompound;LChunk;)V loadEntities ChunkSection a (III)LIBlockData; getType ChunkSection a (IIILIBlockData;)V setType ChunkSection a GLOBAL_PALETTE ChunkSection b yPos ChunkSection c ()Z shouldTick ChunkSection c nonEmptyBlockCount ChunkSection d tickingBlockCount ChunkSection e ()I getYPosition ChunkSection f ()V recalcBlockCounts ChunkSection f blockIds ChunkSection g ()LDataPaletteBlock; getBlocks ChunkSection g emittedLight ChunkSection h ()LNibbleArray; getEmittedLightArray ChunkSection h skyLight ChunkSection i ()LNibbleArray; getSkyLightArray ChunkStatus a EMPTY ChunkStatus b BASE ChunkStatus c CARVED ChunkStatus d LIQUID_CARVED ChunkStatus e DECORATED ChunkStatus f LIGHTED ChunkStatus g MOBS_SPAWNED ChunkStatus h FINALIZED ChunkStatus i FULLCHUNK ChunkStatus j POSTPROCESSED ChunkStatus$Type a PROTOCHUNK ChunkStatus$Type b LEVELCHUNK CombatTracker a (LDamageSource;FF)V trackDamage CombatTracker b ()LIChatBaseComponent; getDeathMessage CommandAdvancement$Action a GRANT CommandAdvancement$Action b REVOKE CommandAdvancement$Filter a ONLY CommandAdvancement$Filter b THROUGH CommandAdvancement$Filter c FROM CommandAdvancement$Filter d UNTIL CommandAdvancement$Filter e EVERYTHING CommandBlockListenerAbstract a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setCommand CommandBlockListenerAbstract b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setName CommandBlockListenerAbstract h ()LCommandListenerWrapper; getWrapper CommandBlockListenerAbstract k ()Ljava/lang/String; getCommand CommandBlockListenerAbstract l ()LIChatBaseComponent; getName CommandClone$Mode a FORCE CommandClone$Mode b MOVE CommandClone$Mode c NORMAL CommandFill$Mode a REPLACE CommandFill$Mode b OUTLINE CommandFill$Mode c HOLLOW CommandFill$Mode d DESTROY CommandListenerWrapper a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V sendFailureMessage CommandListenerWrapper a (LIChatBaseComponent;Z)V sendMessage CommandListenerWrapper b ()LIChatBaseComponent; getScoreboardDisplayName CommandListenerWrapper b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V sendAdminMessage CommandListenerWrapper c ()Ljava/lang/String; getName CommandListenerWrapper c base CommandListenerWrapper d ()LVec3D; getPosition CommandListenerWrapper e ()LWorldServer; getWorld CommandListenerWrapper j ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; getServer CommandSetBlock$Mode a REPLACE CommandSetBlock$Mode b OUTLINE CommandSetBlock$Mode c HOLLOW CommandSetBlock$Mode d DESTROY CommandXp$Unit a POINTS CommandXp$Unit b LEVELS Container a (I)LSlot; getSlot Container a (ILItemStack;)V setItem Container a (LEntityHuman;)Z canUse Container a (LICrafting;)V addSlotListener Container a (LIInventory;I)LSlot; getSlot Container b (LEntityHuman;I)LItemStack; shiftClick Container b items Container c slots Container d windowId Container e listeners Container f dragType ContainerAnvil a levelCost ContainerAnvil l renameText ContainerBeacon a beacon ContainerBrewingStand a brewingStand ContainerChest a container ContainerDispenser a items ContainerEnchantTable a enchantSlots ContainerEnchantTable g costs ContainerEnchantTable j world ContainerEnchantTable k position ContainerFurnace a furnace ContainerHopper a hopper ContainerMerchant a merchant ContainerPlayer a craftInventory ContainerPlayer f resultInventory ContainerPlayer j owner ContainerWorkbench a craftInventory ContainerWorkbench f resultInventory ControllerMove$Operation a WAIT ControllerMove$Operation b MOVE_TO ControllerMove$Operation c STRAFE ControllerMove$Operation d JUMPING Convertable a (Ljava/lang/String;LIProgressUpdate;)Z convert Convertable b (Ljava/lang/String;)Z isConvertable CraftingManager a (LIInventory;LWorld;)LItemStack; craft CraftingManager d recipes CriterionProgress d ()Ljava/util/Date; getDate DamageSource a (LEntityArrow;LEntity;)LDamageSource; arrow DamageSource a (LEntityFireball;LEntity;)LDamageSource; fireball DamageSource a (LEntityHuman;)LDamageSource; playerAttack DamageSource a (LEntityLiving;)LDamageSource; mobAttack DamageSource a (LExplosion;)LDamageSource; explosion DamageSource a FIRE DamageSource b (LEntity;LEntity;)LDamageSource; projectile DamageSource b LIGHTNING DamageSource c (LEntityLiving;)LIChatBaseComponent; getLocalizedDeathMessage DamageSource c BURN DamageSource d ()Z isExplosion DamageSource d LAVA DamageSource e HOT_FLOOR DamageSource f ()Z ignoresArmor DamageSource f STUCK DamageSource g ()F getExhaustionCost DamageSource g CRAMMING DamageSource h ()Z ignoresInvulnerability DamageSource h DROWN DamageSource i ()Z isStarvation DamageSource i STARVE DamageSource j CACTUS DamageSource k ()LEntity; getEntity DamageSource k FALL DamageSource l ()LDamageSource; setIgnoreArmor DamageSource l FLY_INTO_WALL DamageSource m OUT_OF_WORLD DamageSource n GENERIC DamageSource o ()LDamageSource; setExplosion DamageSource o MAGIC DamageSource p WITHER DamageSource q ANVIL DamageSource r FALLING_BLOCK DamageSource s DRAGON_BREATH DamageSource t ()Z isMagic DamageSource t FIREWORKS DamageSource u ()LDamageSource; setMagic DamageSource u DRYOUT DamageSource v translationIndex DataConverterMaterialId a ID_MAPPING DataConverterSpawnEgg a ID_MAPPING DataConverterTypes k ITEM_STACK DataConverterTypes o ENTITY DataPaletteBlock a (IIILjava/lang/Object;)V setBlock DataPaletteBlock a (ILjava/lang/Object;)V setBlockIndex DataWatcher a (LDataWatcherObject;)Ljava/lang/Object; get DataWatcher a (LDataWatcherObject;Ljava/lang/Object;)V register DataWatcher b (LDataWatcherObject;Ljava/lang/Object;)V set DataWatcher c (LDataWatcherObject;Ljava/lang/Object;)V registerObject DedicatedPlayerList b ()LDedicatedServer; getServer DedicatedServer a (Ljava/lang/String;LCommandListenerWrapper;)V issueCommand DedicatedServer h LOGGER DedicatedServer j serverCommandQueue DedicatedServer l remoteControlCommandListener DedicatedServer n propertyManager DedicatedServer p generateStructures DimensionManager a ()I getDimensionID DimensionManager a OVERWORLD DimensionManager b NETHER DimensionManager c THE_END DispenseBehaviorProjectile b ()F getPower DragonControllerManager a (LDragonControllerPhase;)V setControllerPhase DragonControllerManager b enderDragon DragonControllerManager c dragonControllers DragonControllerManager d currentDragonController DragonControllerPhase a (I)LDragonControllerPhase; getById Enchantment a ()I getMaxLevel Enchantment a (LItemStack;)Z canEnchant Enchantment b ()Z isTreasure Enchantment b enchantments Enchantment c itemTarget Enchantment e ()I getStartLevel Enchantment$Rarity a COMMON Enchantment$Rarity b UNCOMMON Enchantment$Rarity c RARE Enchantment$Rarity d VERY_RARE EnchantmentManager a (LEnchantment;LItemStack;)I getEnchantmentLevel EnchantmentManager c (LEntityLiving;)I getFireAspectEnchantmentLevel EnchantmentManager d (LEntityLiving;)I getOxygenEnchantmentLevel EnchantmentManager e (LItemStack;)Z shouldNotDrop EnchantmentManager f (LEntityLiving;)I getDigSpeedEnchantmentLevel EnchantmentProtection$DamageType a ALL EnchantmentProtection$DamageType b FIRE EnchantmentProtection$DamageType c FALL EnchantmentProtection$DamageType d EXPLOSION EnchantmentProtection$DamageType e PROJECTILE EnchantmentSlotType a (LItem;)Z canEnchant EnchantmentSlotType a ALL EnchantmentSlotType b ARMOR EnchantmentSlotType c ARMOR_FEET EnchantmentSlotType d ARMOR_LEGS EnchantmentSlotType e ARMOR_CHEST EnchantmentSlotType f ARMOR_HEAD EnchantmentSlotType g WEAPON EnchantmentSlotType h DIGGER EnchantmentSlotType i FISHING_ROD EnchantmentSlotType j TRIDENT EnchantmentSlotType k BREAKABLE EnchantmentSlotType l BOW EnchantmentSlotType m WEARABLE Enchantments A LUCK Enchantments B LURE Enchantments a PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL Enchantments b PROTECTION_FIRE Enchantments c PROTECTION_FALL Enchantments d PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS Enchantments e PROTECTION_PROJECTILE Enchantments f OXYGEN Enchantments g WATER_WORKER Enchantments h THORNS Enchantments i DEPTH_STRIDER Enchantments l DAMAGE_ALL Enchantments m DAMAGE_UNDEAD Enchantments n DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS Enchantments o KNOCKBACK Enchantments p FIRE_ASPECT Enchantments q LOOT_BONUS_MOBS Enchantments s DIG_SPEED Enchantments t SILK_TOUCH Enchantments u DURABILITY Enchantments v LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS Enchantments w ARROW_DAMAGE Enchantments x ARROW_KNOCKBACK Enchantments y ARROW_FIRE Enchantments z ARROW_INFINITE EnderDragonBattle$LoadState a UNKNOWN EnderDragonBattle$LoadState b NOT_LOADED EnderDragonBattle$LoadState c LOADED Entity A onGround Entity A_ ()LEnumPistonReaction; getPushReaction Entity B positionChanged Entity E velocityChanged Entity G dead Entity H width Entity I length Entity M fallDistance Entity O ()LIChatBaseComponent; getScoreboardDisplayName Entity O_ ()Z hasCustomName Entity Q ()I getId Entity R ()Ljava/util/Set; getScoreboardTags Entity R noclip Entity R_ ()V tick Entity S ()V killEntity Entity S_ ()V stopRiding Entity T ()LDataWatcher; getDataWatcher Entity T random Entity U ticksLived Entity V ()V die Entity V inWater Entity Y ()V burnFromLava Entity Y noDamageTicks Entity Z ()V extinguish Entity Z justCreated Entity a (DDD)V enderTeleportTo Entity a (DDDFF)V setLocation Entity a (FF)V setSize Entity a (LBlockPosition;FF)V setPositionRotation Entity a (LCrashReportSystemDetails;)V appendEntityCrashDetails Entity a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity Entity a (LEntityLightning;)V onLightningStrike Entity a (LEnumItemSlot;LItemStack;)V setEquipment Entity a (LEnumMoveType;DDD)V move Entity a (LWorld;)V spawnIn Entity a (Ljava/lang/String;)Z addScoreboardTag Entity aB ()Z isInteractable Entity aC ()Z isCollidable Entity aC fireTicks Entity aE ()Ljava/lang/String; getSaveID Entity aF ()Z isAlive Entity aG ()Z inBlock Entity aI invulnerable Entity aL ()V ejectPassengers Entity aT ()Ljava/lang/Iterable; getArmorItems Entity aV ()Z isBurning Entity aW ()Z isPassenger Entity aX ()Z isVehicle Entity aZ ()Z isSneaking Entity aa fireProof Entity ab datawatcher Entity ac ()V recalcPosition Entity ad inChunk Entity ag ()V checkBlockCollisions Entity ai ()Z isSilent Entity aj ()Z isNoGravity Entity ak ()Z playStepSound Entity al impulse Entity am ()Z isFireProof Entity am portalCooldown Entity an ()Z isInWater Entity ap dimension Entity at uniqueID Entity av glowing Entity aw passengers Entity ay boundingBox Entity b (DDD)V setPosition Entity b (DDDFF)V setPositionRotation Entity b (FF)V setYawPitch Entity b (IZ)V setFlag Entity b (LDamageSource;)Z isInvulnerable Entity b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName Entity b (Ljava/lang/String;)Z removeScoreboardTag Entity bA ()LEnumDirection; getDirection Entity bD ()LAxisAlignedBB; getBoundingBox Entity bF ()F getHeadHeight Entity bH ()LBlockPosition; getChunkCoordinates Entity bJ ()LWorld; getWorld Entity bS ()LEntity; getRootVehicle Entity bU ()LEntity; getVehicle Entity bW ()I getMaxFireTicks Entity bX ()LCommandListenerWrapper; getCommandListener Entity ba ()Z isSprinting Entity bd ()Z isInvisible Entity bg ()I getAirTicks Entity bj ()F getHeadRotation Entity bp ()LVec3D; getPortalOffset Entity bq ()LEnumDirection; getPortalDirection Entity br ()Z isIgnoreBlockTrigger Entity bt ()Ljava/util/UUID; getUniqueID Entity bv ()Ljava/lang/String; getName Entity by ()Z getCustomNameVisible Entity c (Z)V setSilent Entity d (Z)V setNoGravity Entity e (LNBTTagCompound;)LNBTTagCompound; save Entity e (Z)V setSneaking Entity f (Z)V setSprinting Entity f entityCount Entity g (I)V setOnFire Entity h (I)V burn Entity h id Entity i (I)Z getFlag Entity i (LEntity;)V collide Entity i (Z)V setInvisible Entity j (F)V setHeadRotation Entity j (I)V setAirTicks Entity l (Z)V setInvulnerable Entity l attachedToPlayer Entity m (LEntity;)Z startRiding Entity m (Z)V setCustomNameVisible Entity m world Entity n lastX Entity o lastY Entity p lastZ Entity q locX Entity r locY Entity s locZ Entity t motX Entity u motY Entity v motZ Entity w yaw Entity x pitch Entity y lastYaw Entity z lastPitch EntityAgeable a (I)V setAge EntityAgeable a (IZ)V setAge EntityAgeable a (LEntityAgeable;)LEntityAgeable; createChild EntityAgeable b_ (I)V setAgeRaw EntityAgeable i ()I getAge EntityAnimal H ()Z isTypeNotPersistent EntityAnimal a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity EntityAnimal a (LEntityAnimal;)Z mate EntityAnimal b (LEntityHuman;)I getExpValue EntityAnimal dE ()LEntityPlayer; getBreedCause EntityAnimal dF ()Z isInLove EntityAnimal dG ()V resetLove EntityAreaEffectCloud a (F)V setRadius EntityAreaEffectCloud a (I)V setColor EntityAreaEffectCloud a (LEntityLiving;)V setSource EntityAreaEffectCloud a (LParticleParam;)V setParticle EntityAreaEffectCloud aA durationOnUse EntityAreaEffectCloud aB radiusOnUse EntityAreaEffectCloud aC radiusPerTick EntityAreaEffectCloud ax waitTime EntityAreaEffectCloud ay reapplicationDelay EntityAreaEffectCloud az hasColor EntityAreaEffectCloud b (F)V setRadiusOnUse EntityAreaEffectCloud b (I)V setDuration EntityAreaEffectCloud c (F)V setRadiusPerTick EntityAreaEffectCloud e (I)V setWaitTime EntityAreaEffectCloud f ()F getRadius EntityAreaEffectCloud f potionRegistry EntityAreaEffectCloud g effects EntityAreaEffectCloud i ()I getColor EntityAreaEffectCloud k ()LParticleParam; getParticle EntityAreaEffectCloud m ()I getDuration EntityAreaEffectCloud t ()LEntityLiving; getSource EntityArmorStand a (LVector3f;)V setHeadPose EntityArmorStand b (LVector3f;)V setBodyPose EntityArmorStand bJ headPose EntityArmorStand bK bodyPose EntityArmorStand bL leftArmPose EntityArmorStand bM rightArmPose EntityArmorStand bN leftLegPose EntityArmorStand bO rightLegPose EntityArmorStand c (LVector3f;)V setLeftArmPose EntityArmorStand d (LVector3f;)V setRightArmPose EntityArmorStand e (LVector3f;)V setLeftLegPose EntityArmorStand f (LVector3f;)V setRightLegPose EntityArmorStand l ()Z isSmall EntityArmorStand n ()Z hasArms EntityArmorStand o ()Z hasBasePlate EntityArmorStand p ()Z isMarker EntityArmorStand p (Z)V setSmall EntityArmorStand q (Z)V setArms EntityArmorStand r (Z)V setBasePlate EntityArmorStand s (Z)V setMarker EntityArrow a (I)V setKnockbackStrength EntityArrow a (Z)V setCritical EntityArrow a inGround EntityArrow aB damage EntityArrow aC knockbackStrength EntityArrow aw tileY EntityArrow ax tileZ EntityArrow az despawnCounter EntityArrow c (D)V setDamage EntityArrow c fromPlayer EntityArrow d shake EntityArrow e shooter EntityArrow h tileX EntityArrow k ()LItemStack; getItemStack EntityArrow l ()D getDamage EntityArrow n ()Z isCritical EntityArrow$PickupStatus a DISALLOWED EntityArrow$PickupStatus b ALLOWED EntityArrow$PickupStatus c CREATIVE_ONLY EntityBat a (Z)V setAsleep EntityBat l ()Z isAsleep EntityBoat a (F)V setDamage EntityBoat a (LEntityBoat$EnumBoatType;)V setType EntityBoat p ()LEntityBoat$EnumBoatType; getType EntityBoat$EnumBoatType a OAK EntityBoat$EnumBoatType b SPRUCE EntityBoat$EnumBoatType c BIRCH EntityBoat$EnumBoatType d JUNGLE EntityBoat$EnumBoatType e ACACIA EntityBoat$EnumBoatType f DARK_OAK EntityBoat$EnumStatus a IN_WATER EntityBoat$EnumStatus b UNDER_WATER EntityBoat$EnumStatus c UNDER_FLOWING_WATER EntityBoat$EnumStatus d ON_LAND EntityBoat$EnumStatus e IN_AIR EntityChicken dy ()Z isChickenJockey EntityComplexPart a owner EntityCow a (LEntityAgeable;)LEntityAgeable; createChild EntityCreeper bD fuseTicks EntityCreeper bE maxFuseTicks EntityCreeper bF explosionRadius EntityCreeper dA ()Z isIgnited EntityCreeper dC ()Z canCauseHeadDrop EntityCreeper dD ()V setCausedHeadDrop EntityCreeper l ()Z isPowered EntityDamageSource c (LEntityLiving;)LIChatBaseComponent; getLocalizedDeathMessage EntityDamageSource k ()LEntity; getEntity EntityDamageSourceIndirect x owner EntityEnderCrystal a (LBlockPosition;)V setBeamTarget EntityEnderCrystal a (Z)V setShowingBottom EntityEnderCrystal f ()LBlockPosition; getBeamTarget EntityEnderCrystal i ()Z isShowingBottom EntityEnderDragon a PHASE EntityEnderDragon bC children EntityEnderDragon bP currentEnderCrystal EntityEnderDragon dr ()LDragonControllerManager; getDragonControllerManager EntityEnderDragon e (LDamageSource;F)Z dealDamage EntityEnderSignal a targetX EntityEnderSignal b targetY EntityEnderSignal c targetZ EntityEnderSignal d despawnTimer EntityEnderSignal e shouldDropItem EntityEnderman b (LIBlockData;)V setCarried EntityEnderman dA ()LIBlockData; getCarried EntityEnderman$PathfinderGoalEndermanPickupBlock a enderman EntityEvokerFangs f ()LEntityLiving; getOwner EntityExperienceOrb a (I)I getOrbValue EntityExperienceOrb e value EntityExperienceOrb f targetPlayer EntityExperienceOrb g targetTime EntityFallingBlock a ticksLived EntityFallingBlock aw fallHurtAmount EntityFallingBlock b dropItem EntityFallingBlock c tileEntityData EntityFallingBlock e block EntityFallingBlock g hurtEntities EntityFallingBlock h fallHurtMax EntityFallingBlock k ()LIBlockData; getBlock EntityFireball a shooter EntityFireball b dirX EntityFireball c dirY EntityFireball d dirZ EntityFireworks a FIREWORK_ITEM EntityFireworks c ticksFlown EntityFireworks d expectedLifespan EntityFishingHook a hooked EntityFishingHook c isInGround EntityFishingHook e owner EntityFishingHook$HookState a FLYING EntityFishingHook$HookState b HOOKED_IN_ENTITY EntityFishingHook$HookState c BOBBING EntityGhast dr ()I getPower EntityGhast$PathfinderGoalGhastAttackTarget b ghast EntityGuardian bE goalRandomStroll EntityHanging a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity EntityHanging a (LEnumDirection;)V setDirection EntityHanging b blockPosition EntityHanging c direction EntityHanging f ()V updateBoundingBox EntityHanging i ()Z survives EntityHanging k ()I getWidth EntityHanging l ()I getHeight EntityHanging n ()LBlockPosition; getBlockPosition EntityHorse dy ()I getVariant EntityHorse t (I)V setVariant EntityHorseAbstract b (Ljava/util/UUID;)V setOwnerUUID EntityHorseAbstract bC attributeJumpStrength EntityHorseAbstract bH inventoryChest EntityHorseAbstract bJ jumpPower EntityHorseAbstract bS canSlide EntityHorseAbstract dJ ()Z isTamed EntityHorseAbstract dK ()Ljava/util/UUID; getOwnerUUID EntityHorseAbstract dP ()Z hasReproduced EntityHorseAbstract dQ ()I getTemper EntityHorseAbstract dR ()V loadChest EntityHorseAbstract dT ()D getJumpStrength EntityHorseAbstract dW ()I getMaxDomestication EntityHorseAbstract r (I)V setTemper EntityHorseAbstract u (Z)V setTamed EntityHorseAbstract z (Z)V setStanding EntityHorseChestedAbstract dz ()Z isCarryingChest EntityHorseChestedAbstract t (Z)V setCarryingChest EntityHuman a (F)V applyExhaustion EntityHuman a (LEntityHorseAbstract;LIInventory;)V openHorseInventory EntityHuman a (LIBlockAccess;LBlockPosition;Z)LBlockPosition; getBed EntityHuman a (LIInventory;)V openContainer EntityHuman a (LIMerchant;)V openTrade EntityHuman a (LITileEntityContainer;)V openTileEntity EntityHuman a (LItemStack;I)V enchantDone EntityHuman a (LItemStack;Z)LEntityItem; drop EntityHuman a (LTileEntitySign;)V openSign EntityHuman b (LBlockPosition;Z)V setRespawnPosition EntityHuman bB inventory EntityHuman bC enderChest EntityHuman bD defaultContainer EntityHuman bE activeContainer EntityHuman bF foodData EntityHuman bQ sleeping EntityHuman bR bedPosition EntityHuman bV abilities EntityHuman bW expLevel EntityHuman bX expTotal EntityHuman bY exp EntityHuman c (I)V levelDown EntityHuman c (LIBlockData;)Z hasBlock EntityHuman c (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/UUID; getOfflineUUID EntityHuman c sleepTicks EntityHuman cb hookedFish EntityHuman dA ()LScoreboard; getScoreboard EntityHuman dD ()LNBTTagCompound; getShoulderEntityLeft EntityHuman dE ()LNBTTagCompound; getShoulderEntityRight EntityHuman dH ()LItemCooldown; getCooldownTracker EntityHuman dJ ()Z isCreativeAndOp EntityHuman dh ()I getScore EntityHuman dn ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; getProfile EntityHuman dp ()Z isDeeplySleeping EntityHuman dr ()LBlockPosition; getBed EntityHuman ds ()Z isRespawnForced EntityHuman du ()I getExpToLevel EntityHuman dv ()LFoodMetaData; getFoodData EntityHuman dy ()LInventoryEnderChest; getEnderChest EntityHuman dz ()V releaseShoulderEntities EntityHuman e (I)V giveExp EntityHuman f (LEntity;)V attack EntityHuman h (LNBTTagCompound;)V setShoulderEntityLeft EntityHuman i (LNBTTagCompound;)V setShoulderEntityRight EntityHuman k (DDD)V checkMovement EntityHuman k (LNBTTagCompound;)V spawnEntityFromShoulder EntityHuman q (I)V setScore EntityHuman r ()V updateAbilities EntityHuman r (I)V addScore EntityHuman t ()Z isSpectator EntityHuman w_ ()V closeInventory EntityHuman$EnumBedResult a OK EntityHuman$EnumBedResult b NOT_POSSIBLE_HERE EntityHuman$EnumBedResult c NOT_POSSIBLE_NOW EntityHuman$EnumBedResult d TOO_FAR_AWAY EntityHuman$EnumBedResult e OTHER_PROBLEM EntityHuman$EnumBedResult f NOT_SAFE EntityHuman$EnumChatVisibility a FULL EntityHuman$EnumChatVisibility b SYSTEM EntityHuman$EnumChatVisibility c HIDDEN EntityIllagerWizard a (LEntityIllagerWizard$Spell;)V setSpell EntityIllagerWizard dB ()LEntityIllagerWizard$Spell; getSpell EntityIllagerWizard$Spell a NONE EntityIllagerWizard$Spell b SUMMON_VEX EntityIllagerWizard$Spell c FANGS EntityIllagerWizard$Spell d WOLOLO EntityIllagerWizard$Spell e DISAPPEAR EntityIllagerWizard$Spell f BLINDNESS EntityInsentient B ()V doSpawnEffect EntityInsentient F ()LItem; getLoot EntityInsentient H ()Z isTypeNotPersistent EntityInsentient J ()V mobTick EntityInsentient N ()Z canSpawn EntityInsentient a (LDifficultyDamageScaler;LGroupDataEntity;LNBTTagCompound;)LGroupDataEntity; prepare EntityInsentient a (ZZ)V unleash EntityInsentient b (LEntity;Z)V setLeashHolder EntityInsentient b (LEntityHuman;)I getExpValue EntityInsentient b (ZI)V dropDeathLoot EntityInsentient bA dropChanceHand EntityInsentient bB dropChanceArmor EntityInsentient bF canPickUpLoot EntityInsentient bG persistent EntityInsentient bL leashHolder EntityInsentient bx navigation EntityInsentient by goalSelector EntityInsentient bz targetSelector EntityInsentient c goalTarget EntityInsentient dk ()Z isPersistent EntityInsentient dm ()Z isLeashed EntityInsentient dn ()LEntity; getLeashHolder EntityInsentient do ()Z isNoAI EntityInsentient dp ()Z isLeftHanded EntityInsentient e (LEntityLiving;)V setGoalTarget EntityInsentient f lookController EntityInsentient g moveController EntityInsentient p ()LControllerLook; getControllerLook EntityInsentient q (Z)V setNoAI EntityInsentient r ()LControllerMove; getControllerMove EntityInsentient s ()LControllerJump; getControllerJump EntityInsentient t ()LNavigationAbstract; getNavigation EntityInsentient u ()LEntitySenses; getEntitySenses EntityInsentient v ()LEntityLiving; getGoalTarget EntityIronGolem dA ()Z isPlayerCreated EntityIronGolem s (Z)V setPlayerCreated EntityItem b (LItemStack;)V setItemStack EntityItem c age EntityItem d pickupDelay EntityItem i ()LItemStack; getItemStack EntityItemFrame a (I)V setRotation EntityItemFrame a (IZ)V setRotation EntityItemFrame a (LItemStack;Z)V setItem EntityItemFrame b (LItemStack;)V setItem EntityItemFrame o ()LItemStack; getItem EntityItemFrame p ()I getRotation EntityLargeFireball e yield EntityLightning b lifeTicks EntityLiving D (LEntity;)Z hasLineOfSight EntityLiving a (LDamageSource;)V die EntityLiving a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity EntityLiving a (LEntity;I)V receive EntityLiving a (LEnumItemSlot;LItemStack;)V setSlot EntityLiving a (LIAttribute;)LAttributeInstance; getAttributeInstance EntityLiving a (LMobEffectList;)Z hasEffect EntityLiving a (ZI)V dropEquipment EntityLiving aB hurtTicks EntityLiving aE deathTicks EntityLiving aL maxNoDamageTicks EntityLiving aV killer EntityLiving aW lastDamageByPlayerTime EntityLiving aY ticksFarFromPlayer EntityLiving b (LDamageSource;F)F applyArmorModifier EntityLiving b (LEntityHuman;)I getExpValue EntityLiving b (LEnumItemSlot;)LItemStack; getEquipment EntityLiving b (LMobEffectList;)LMobEffect; getEffect EntityLiving b (ZI)V dropDeathLoot EntityLiving bA effects EntityLiving bD updateEffects EntityLiving bE lastDamager EntityLiving bF hurtTimestamp EntityLiving bY ()V initAttributes EntityLiving bf lastDamage EntityLiving bt activeItem EntityLiving by attributeMap EntityLiving bz combatTracker EntityLiving c (F)V heal EntityLiving c (LDamageSource;F)F applyMagicModifier EntityLiving c (LMobEffect;)Z addEffect EntityLiving cA ()LItemStack; getItemInMainHand EntityLiving cB ()LItemStack; getItemInOffHand EntityLiving cE ()Z isFrozen EntityLiving cK ()Z isSleeping EntityLiving cL ()V doTick EntityLiving cP ()F getAbsorptionHearts EntityLiving cR ()LEnumMainHand; getMainHand EntityLiving cS ()Z isHandRaised EntityLiving cY ()V clearActiveItem EntityLiving cb ()Z isDropExperience EntityLiving cc ()Z alwaysGivesExp EntityLiving cd ()Ljava/util/Random; getRandom EntityLiving ce ()LEntityLiving; getLastDamager EntityLiving cj ()V tickPotionEffects EntityLiving cl ()Z removeAllEffects EntityLiving cm ()Ljava/util/Collection; getEffects EntityLiving cp ()F getHealth EntityLiving cs ()I getArmorStrength EntityLiving ct ()LCombatTracker; getCombatTracker EntityLiving cv ()F getMaxHealth EntityLiving cw ()I getArrowCount EntityLiving cy ()LAttributeMapBase; getAttributeMap EntityLiving cz ()LEnumMonsterType; getMonsterType EntityLiving d (LDamageSource;F)V damageEntity0 EntityLiving d (LMobEffectList;)Z removeEffect EntityLiving da ()Z isBlocking EntityLiving f ()V exitCombat EntityLiving f (LDamageSource;)Z applyBlockingModifier EntityLiving f HEALTH EntityLiving l (F)V setHealth EntityLiving m (F)V damageArmor EntityLiving n (F)V damageShield EntityLiving o (I)V setArrowCount EntityLiving q (F)V setAbsorptionHearts EntityLiving v_ ()V enterCombat EntityLiving y_ ()Z isBaby EntityLlama eg ()I getStrength EntityLlama eh ()I getVariant EntityLlama t (I)V setVariant EntityLlama u (I)V setStrength EntityLlamaSpit a shooter EntityMinecartAbstract A ()I getDisplayBlockOffset EntityMinecartAbstract a (F)V setDamage EntityMinecartAbstract b (LIBlockData;)V setDisplayBlock EntityMinecartAbstract m (I)V setDisplayBlockOffset EntityMinecartAbstract s ()F getDamage EntityMinecartAbstract t ()I getType EntityMinecartAbstract x ()LIBlockData; getDisplayBlock EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType a RIDEABLE EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType b CHEST EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType c FURNACE EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType d TNT EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType e SPAWNER EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType f HOPPER EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType g COMMAND_BLOCK EntityMinecartCommandBlock a COMMAND EntityMinecartCommandBlock f ()LCommandBlockListenerAbstract; getCommandBlock EntityMinecartContainer a items EntityMinecartHopper D ()Z isEnabled EntityMinecartHopper n (I)V setCooldown EntityMinecartHopper o (Z)V setEnabled EntityMonster a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity EntityOcelot dH ()I getCatType EntityOcelot q (I)V setCatType EntityOwnable C_ ()Ljava/util/UUID; getOwnerUUID EntityOwnable D_ ()LEntity; getOwner EntityPainting d art EntityParrot dI ()I getVariant EntityParrot q (I)V setVariant EntityPhantom a (I)V setSize EntityPhantom dr ()I getSize EntityPhantom$AttackPhase a CIRCLE EntityPhantom$AttackPhase b SWOOP EntityPig dy ()Z hasSaddle EntityPig s (Z)V setSaddle EntityPigZombie bC angerLevel EntityPigZombie bD soundDelay EntityPigZombie bE hurtBy EntityPlayer A ()LServerStatisticManager; getStatisticManager EntityPlayer D ()LEntity; getSpecatorTarget EntityPlayer G ()LIChatBaseComponent; getPlayerListName EntityPlayer L ()LAdvancementDataPlayer; getAdvancementData EntityPlayer a (LContainer;)V updateInventory EntityPlayer a (LEntityPlayer;Z)V copyFrom EntityPlayer a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V setResourcePack EntityPlayer a playerConnection EntityPlayer b server EntityPlayer c playerInteractManager EntityPlayer cE containerCounter EntityPlayer ce locale EntityPlayer cf removeQueue EntityPlayer co lastHealthSent EntityPlayer cr lastSentExp EntityPlayer cs invulnerableTicks EntityPlayer cx worldChangeInvuln EntityPlayer dK ()Z canPvP EntityPlayer dL ()V nextContainerCounter EntityPlayer e (LEntity;)V setSpectatorTarget EntityPlayer g ping EntityPlayer h viewingCredits EntityPlayer i ()V playerTick EntityPlayer l ()V broadcastCarriedItem EntityPlayer p ()V triggerHealthUpdate EntityPlayer s ()LWorldServer; getWorldServer EntityPlayer u_ ()V syncInventory EntityPlayer x ()LEntityHuman$EnumChatVisibility; getChatFlags EntityPlayer z ()V resetIdleTimer EntityPositionTypes$Surface a ON_GROUND EntityPositionTypes$Surface b IN_WATER EntityPotion b (LItemStack;)V setItem EntityPotion k ()LItemStack; getItem EntityPotion m ()Z isLingering EntityProjectile a inGround EntityProjectile b shake EntityProjectile c shooter EntityProjectile e blockX EntityProjectile f blockY EntityProjectile g blockZ EntityProjectile h shooterId EntityProjectile i ()LEntityLiving; getShooter EntityPufferFish b (I)V setPuffState EntityPufferFish dD ()I getPuffState EntityRabbit dA ()I getRabbitType EntityRabbit q (I)V setRabbitType EntitySheep b (LEnumColor;)V setColor EntitySheep bD container EntitySheep dy ()LEnumColor; getColor EntitySheep dz ()Z isSheared EntitySheep s (Z)V setSheared EntityShulker bC COLOR EntityShulkerBullet a shooter EntityShulkerBullet b target EntitySilverfish$PathfinderGoalSilverfishWakeOthers a silverfish EntitySlime F ()LItem; getLoot EntitySlime a (IZ)V setSize EntitySlime dx ()I getSize EntitySnowman a (Z)V setHasPumpkin EntitySnowman l ()Z hasPumpkin EntitySpectralArrow f duration EntitySpider bF ()F getHeadHeight EntityTNTPrimed a (I)V setFuseTicks EntityTNTPrimed a FUSE_TICKS EntityTNTPrimed b source EntityTNTPrimed f ()LEntityLiving; getSource EntityTNTPrimed k ()I getFuseTicks EntityTNTPrimed l ()V explode EntityTameableAnimal b (Ljava/util/UUID;)V setOwnerUUID EntityTameableAnimal bE goalSit EntityTameableAnimal dA ()Z isSitting EntityTameableAnimal dB ()LEntityLiving; getOwner EntityTameableAnimal dC ()LPathfinderGoalSit; getGoalSit EntityTameableAnimal dy ()Z isTamed EntityTameableAnimal t (Z)V setTamed EntityTameableAnimal u (Z)V setSitting EntityTippedArrow aw hasColor EntityTippedArrow c (I)V setColor EntityTippedArrow g potionRegistry EntityTippedArrow h effects EntityTippedArrow q ()I getColor EntityTracker a ()V updatePlayers EntityTracker a (LEntity;)V track EntityTracker a (LEntity;II)V addEntity EntityTracker a (LEntity;IIZ)V addEntity EntityTracker b (LEntity;)V untrackEntity EntityTracker b (LEntity;LPacket;)V sendPacketToEntity EntityTracker b (LEntityPlayer;)V untrackPlayer EntityTracker b world EntityTracker d trackedEntities EntityTrackerEntry a (LPacket;)V broadcast EntityTrackerEntry a (Ljava/util/List;)V track EntityTrackerEntry b (LEntityPlayer;)V updatePlayer EntityTrackerEntry b (LPacket;)V broadcastIncludingSelf EntityTrackerEntry b (Ljava/util/List;)V scanPlayers EntityTrackerEntry d (LEntityPlayer;)V clear EntityTrackerEntry d tracker EntityTrackerEntry h xLoc EntityTrackerEntry i yLoc EntityTrackerEntry j zLoc EntityTrackerEntry k yRot EntityTrackerEntry l xRot EntityTrackerEntry m headYaw EntityTrackerEntry t isMoving EntityTrackerEntry z trackedPlayers EntityTropicalFish b (I)V setVariant EntityTropicalFish dD ()I getVariant EntityTypes A FIREWORK_ROCKET EntityTypes B GHAST EntityTypes C GIANT EntityTypes D GUARDIAN EntityTypes E HORSE EntityTypes F HUSK EntityTypes G ILLUSIONER EntityTypes H ITEM EntityTypes I ITEM_FRAME EntityTypes J FIREBALL EntityTypes K LEASH_KNOT EntityTypes L LLAMA EntityTypes M LLAMA_SPIT EntityTypes N MAGMA_CUBE EntityTypes O MINECART EntityTypes P CHEST_MINECART EntityTypes Q COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART EntityTypes R FURNACE_MINECART EntityTypes S HOPPER_MINECART EntityTypes T SPAWNER_MINECART EntityTypes U TNT_MINECART EntityTypes V MULE EntityTypes W MOOSHROOM EntityTypes X OCELOT EntityTypes Y PAINTING EntityTypes Z PARROT EntityTypes a (LEntityTypes;)LMinecraftKey; getName EntityTypes a REGISTRY EntityTypes aA POTION EntityTypes aB VEX EntityTypes aC VILLAGER EntityTypes aD IRON_GOLEM EntityTypes aE VINDICATOR EntityTypes aF WITCH EntityTypes aG WITHER EntityTypes aH WITHER_SKELETON EntityTypes aI WITHER_SKULL EntityTypes aJ WOLF EntityTypes aK ZOMBIE EntityTypes aL ZOMBIE_HORSE EntityTypes aM ZOMBIE_VILLAGER EntityTypes aN PHANTOM EntityTypes aO LIGHTNING_BOLT EntityTypes aP PLAYER EntityTypes aQ FISHING_BOBBER EntityTypes aR TRIDENT EntityTypes aa PIG EntityTypes ab PUFFERFISH EntityTypes ac ZOMBIE_PIGMAN EntityTypes ad POLAR_BEAR EntityTypes ae TNT EntityTypes af RABBIT EntityTypes ag SALMON EntityTypes ah SHEEP EntityTypes ai SHULKER EntityTypes aj SHULKER_BULLET EntityTypes ak SILVERFISH EntityTypes al SKELETON EntityTypes am SKELETON_HORSE EntityTypes an SLIME EntityTypes ao SMALL_FIREBALL EntityTypes ap SNOW_GOLEM EntityTypes aq SNOWBALL EntityTypes ar SPECTRAL_ARROW EntityTypes as SPIDER EntityTypes at SQUID EntityTypes au STRAY EntityTypes av TROPICAL_FISH EntityTypes aw TURTLE EntityTypes ax EGG EntityTypes ay ENDER_PEARL EntityTypes az EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE EntityTypes b AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD EntityTypes c ARMOR_STAND EntityTypes d ARROW EntityTypes e BAT EntityTypes f BLAZE EntityTypes g BOAT EntityTypes h CAVE_SPIDER EntityTypes i CHICKEN EntityTypes j COD EntityTypes k COW EntityTypes l CREEPER EntityTypes m DONKEY EntityTypes n DOLPHIN EntityTypes o DRAGON_FIREBALL EntityTypes p DROWNED EntityTypes q ELDER_GUARDIAN EntityTypes r END_CRYSTAL EntityTypes s ENDER_DRAGON EntityTypes t ENDERMAN EntityTypes u ENDERMITE EntityTypes v EVOKER_FANGS EntityTypes w EVOKER EntityTypes x EXPERIENCE_ORB EntityTypes y EYE_OF_ENDER EntityTypes z FALLING_BLOCK EntityVillager bE profession EntityVillager bH village EntityVillager bI tradingPlayer EntityVillager bJ trades EntityVillager bN riches EntityVillager bP careerId EntityVillager bT inventory EntityVillager dK ()V populateTrades EntityVillager dy ()I getProfession EntityVillager dz ()Z isInLove EntityVillager e (I)V setProfession EntityWitherSkull a (Z)V setCharged EntityWitherSkull l ()Z isCharged EntityWolf a (LEnumColor;)V setCollarColor EntityWolf bG DATA_HEALTH EntityWolf dJ ()Z isAngry EntityWolf dK ()LEnumColor; getCollarColor EntityWolf v (Z)V setAngry EntityZombie a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity EntityZombie u (Z)V setBaby EntityZombieVillager a (I)V setProfession EntityZombieVillager bC conversionTime EntityZombieVillager dF ()I getProfession EntityZombieVillager dI ()Z isConverting EnumAnimation a NONE EnumAnimation b EAT EnumAnimation c DRINK EnumAnimation d BLOCK EnumAnimation e BOW EnumAnimation f SPEAR EnumArmorMaterial a LEATHER EnumArmorMaterial b CHAIN EnumArmorMaterial c IRON EnumArmorMaterial d GOLD EnumArmorMaterial e DIAMOND EnumArmorMaterial f TURTLE EnumAxisCycle a NONE EnumAxisCycle b FORWARD EnumAxisCycle c BACKWARD EnumBannerPatternType A HALF_VERTICAL EnumBannerPatternType B HALF_HORIZONTAL EnumBannerPatternType C HALF_VERTICAL_MIRROR EnumBannerPatternType D HALF_HORIZONTAL_MIRROR EnumBannerPatternType E BORDER EnumBannerPatternType F CURLY_BORDER EnumBannerPatternType G CREEPER EnumBannerPatternType H GRADIENT EnumBannerPatternType I GRADIENT_UP EnumBannerPatternType J BRICKS EnumBannerPatternType K SKULL EnumBannerPatternType L FLOWER EnumBannerPatternType M MOJANG EnumBannerPatternType a BASE EnumBannerPatternType b SQUARE_BOTTOM_LEFT EnumBannerPatternType c SQUARE_BOTTOM_RIGHT EnumBannerPatternType d SQUARE_TOP_LEFT EnumBannerPatternType e SQUARE_TOP_RIGHT EnumBannerPatternType f STRIPE_BOTTOM EnumBannerPatternType g STRIPE_TOP EnumBannerPatternType h STRIPE_LEFT EnumBannerPatternType i STRIPE_RIGHT EnumBannerPatternType j STRIPE_CENTER EnumBannerPatternType k STRIPE_MIDDLE EnumBannerPatternType l STRIPE_DOWNRIGHT EnumBannerPatternType m STRIPE_DOWNLEFT EnumBannerPatternType n STRIPE_SMALL EnumBannerPatternType o CROSS EnumBannerPatternType p STRAIGHT_CROSS EnumBannerPatternType q TRIANGLE_BOTTOM EnumBannerPatternType r TRIANGLE_TOP EnumBannerPatternType s TRIANGLES_BOTTOM EnumBannerPatternType t TRIANGLES_TOP EnumBannerPatternType u DIAGONAL_LEFT EnumBannerPatternType v DIAGONAL_RIGHT EnumBannerPatternType w DIAGONAL_LEFT_MIRROR EnumBannerPatternType x DIAGONAL_RIGHT_MIRROR EnumBannerPatternType y CIRCLE_MIDDLE EnumBannerPatternType z RHOMBUS_MIDDLE EnumBlockFaceShape a SOLID EnumBlockFaceShape b BOWL EnumBlockFaceShape c CENTER_SMALL EnumBlockFaceShape d MIDDLE_POLE_THIN EnumBlockFaceShape e CENTER EnumBlockFaceShape f MIDDLE_POLE EnumBlockFaceShape g CENTER_BIG EnumBlockFaceShape h MIDDLE_POLE_THICK EnumBlockFaceShape i UNDEFINED EnumBlockMirror a NONE EnumBlockMirror b LEFT_RIGHT EnumBlockMirror c FRONT_BACK EnumBlockRotation a NONE EnumBlockRotation b CLOCKWISE_90 EnumBlockRotation c CLOCKWISE_180 EnumBlockRotation d COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90 EnumChatFormat a BLACK EnumChatFormat b DARK_BLUE EnumChatFormat c ()Z isFormat EnumChatFormat c DARK_GREEN EnumChatFormat d DARK_AQUA EnumChatFormat e DARK_RED EnumChatFormat f DARK_PURPLE EnumChatFormat g GOLD EnumChatFormat h GRAY EnumChatFormat i DARK_GRAY EnumChatFormat j BLUE EnumChatFormat k GREEN EnumChatFormat l AQUA EnumChatFormat m RED EnumChatFormat n LIGHT_PURPLE EnumChatFormat o YELLOW EnumChatFormat p WHITE EnumChatFormat q OBFUSCATED EnumChatFormat r BOLD EnumChatFormat s STRIKETHROUGH EnumChatFormat t UNDERLINE EnumChatFormat u ITALIC EnumChatFormat v RESET EnumChatFormat z character EnumColor a ()I getColorIndex EnumColor a (I)LEnumColor; fromColorIndex EnumColor a WHITE EnumColor b ORANGE EnumColor c MAGENTA EnumColor d LIGHT_BLUE EnumColor e YELLOW EnumColor f LIME EnumColor g PINK EnumColor h GRAY EnumColor i LIGHT_GRAY EnumColor j CYAN EnumColor k PURPLE EnumColor l BLUE EnumColor m BROWN EnumColor n GREEN EnumColor o RED EnumColor p BLACK EnumCreatureType a MONSTER EnumCreatureType b CREATURE EnumCreatureType c AMBIENT EnumCreatureType d WATER_CREATURE EnumDifficulty a (I)LEnumDifficulty; getById EnumDifficulty a PEACEFUL EnumDifficulty b EASY EnumDifficulty c NORMAL EnumDifficulty d HARD EnumDirection a (D)LEnumDirection; fromAngle EnumDirection a (I)LEnumDirection; fromType1 EnumDirection a DOWN EnumDirection b ()I get2DRotationValue EnumDirection b (I)LEnumDirection; fromType2 EnumDirection b UP EnumDirection c NORTH EnumDirection d ()LEnumDirection; opposite EnumDirection d SOUTH EnumDirection e WEST EnumDirection f EAST EnumDirection g ()I getAdjacentX EnumDirection h ()I getAdjacentY EnumDirection i ()I getAdjacentZ EnumDirection$EnumAxis a X EnumDirection$EnumAxis b Y EnumDirection$EnumAxis c Z EnumDirection$EnumAxisDirection a POSITIVE EnumDirection$EnumAxisDirection b NEGATIVE EnumDirection$EnumDirectionLimit a HORIZONTAL EnumDirection$EnumDirectionLimit b VERTICAL EnumDirection8 a NORTH EnumDirection8 b NORTH_EAST EnumDirection8 c EAST EnumDirection8 d SOUTH_EAST EnumDirection8 e SOUTH EnumDirection8 f SOUTH_WEST EnumDirection8 g WEST EnumDirection8 h NORTH_WEST EnumDragonRespawn a START EnumDragonRespawn b PREPARING_TO_SUMMON_PILLARS EnumDragonRespawn c SUMMONING_PILLARS EnumDragonRespawn d SUMMONING_DRAGON EnumDragonRespawn e END EnumGamemode a ()I getId EnumGamemode a (I)LEnumGamemode; getById EnumGamemode a NOT_SET EnumGamemode b SURVIVAL EnumGamemode c CREATIVE EnumGamemode d ADVENTURE EnumGamemode e ()Z isCreative EnumGamemode e SPECTATOR EnumHand a MAIN_HAND EnumHand b OFF_HAND EnumHorseArmor a NONE EnumHorseArmor b IRON EnumHorseArmor c GOLD EnumHorseArmor d DIAMOND EnumInteractionResult a SUCCESS EnumInteractionResult b PASS EnumInteractionResult c FAIL EnumItemRarity a COMMON EnumItemRarity b UNCOMMON EnumItemRarity c RARE EnumItemRarity d EPIC EnumItemSlot a MAINHAND EnumItemSlot b OFFHAND EnumItemSlot c FEET EnumItemSlot d LEGS EnumItemSlot e CHEST EnumItemSlot f HEAD EnumItemSlot$Function a HAND EnumItemSlot$Function b ARMOR EnumMainHand a LEFT EnumMainHand b RIGHT EnumMonsterType a UNDEFINED EnumMonsterType b UNDEAD EnumMonsterType c ARTHROPOD EnumMonsterType d ILLAGER EnumMoveType a SELF EnumMoveType b PLAYER EnumMoveType c PISTON EnumMoveType d SHULKER_BOX EnumMoveType e SHULKER EnumPistonReaction a NORMAL EnumPistonReaction b DESTROY EnumPistonReaction c BLOCK EnumPistonReaction d IGNORE EnumPistonReaction e PUSH_ONLY EnumProtocol a HANDSHAKING EnumProtocol b PLAY EnumProtocol c STATUS EnumProtocol d LOGIN EnumProtocolDirection a SERVERBOUND EnumProtocolDirection b CLIENTBOUND EnumRenderType a INVISIBLE EnumRenderType b ENTITYBLOCK_ANIMATED EnumRenderType c MODEL EnumResourcePackType a CLIENT_RESOURCES EnumResourcePackType b SERVER_DATA EnumResourcePackVersion a TOO_OLD EnumResourcePackVersion b TOO_NEW EnumResourcePackVersion c COMPATIBLE EnumSkyBlock a SKY EnumSkyBlock b BLOCK EnumToolMaterial a WOOD EnumToolMaterial b STONE EnumToolMaterial c IRON EnumToolMaterial d DIAMOND EnumToolMaterial e GOLD EnumWorldBorderState a GROWING EnumWorldBorderState b SHRINKING EnumWorldBorderState c STATIONARY ExpirableListEntry c ()Ljava/util/Date; getExpires ExpirableListEntry d ()Ljava/lang/String; getReason Explosion d ()LEntityLiving; getSource Explosion d world Explosion e ()V clearBlocks Explosion e posX Explosion f ()Ljava/util/List; getBlocks Explosion f posY Explosion g posZ Explosion h source Explosion i size Explosion k blocks FluidCollisionOption a NEVER FluidCollisionOption b SOURCE_ONLY FluidCollisionOption c ALWAYS FluidTypeFlowing a FALLING FluidTypeFlowing b LEVEL FoodMetaData a ()I getFoodLevel FoodMetaData a (IF)V eat FoodMetaData a foodLevel FoodMetaData b saturationLevel FoodMetaData c exhaustionLevel FoodMetaData d foodTickTimer FoodMetaData e ()F getSaturationLevel FurnaceRecipe a key FurnaceRecipe b group FurnaceRecipe c ingredient FurnaceRecipe d result FurnaceRecipe e experience FurnaceRecipe f cookingTime GameProfileBanList a (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z isBanned GameProfileSerializer a (LNBTTagCompound;)Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; deserialize GameProfileSerializer a (LNBTTagCompound;Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)LNBTTagCompound; serialize GameRules a (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; get GameRules a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)V set GameRules b ()Ljava/util/TreeMap; getGameRules GameRules b (Ljava/lang/String;)Z getBoolean GameRules f (Ljava/lang/String;)LGameRules$GameRuleValue; get GameRules$EnumGameRuleType a ANY_VALUE GameRules$EnumGameRuleType b BOOLEAN_VALUE GameRules$EnumGameRuleType c NUMERICAL_VALUE GenLayerCleaner a INSTANCE GenLayerDeepOcean a INSTANCE GenLayerDesert a INSTANCE GenLayerIcePlains a INSTANCE GenLayerIsland a INSTANCE GenLayerMushroomIsland a INSTANCE GenLayerMushroomShore a INSTANCE GenLayerOcean a INSTANCE GenLayerOceanEdge a INSTANCE GenLayerPlains a INSTANCE GenLayerRegionHills a INSTANCE GenLayerRiver a INSTANCE GenLayerRiverMix a INSTANCE GenLayerSmooth a INSTANCE GenLayerSpecial$Special1 a INSTANCE GenLayerSpecial$Special2 a INSTANCE GenLayerSpecial$Special3 a INSTANCE GenLayerTopSoil a INSTANCE GenLayerZoom a NORMAL GenLayerZoom b FUZZY GenLayerZoomVoronoi a INSTANCE GeneratorAccess G ()LIChunkProvider; getChunkProvider GeneratorAccess a (LBlockPosition;LBlock;)V update GeneratorAccess a (LParticleParam;DDDDDD)V addParticle GeneratorAccess ah ()LEnumDifficulty; getDifficulty GeneratorAccess f ()LWorld; getMinecraftWorld GeneratorAccess g ()LWorldData; getWorldData GeneratorAccess h (LBlockPosition;)LDifficultyDamageScaler; getDamageScaler GeneratorAccess j ()J getSeed GeneratorAccess n ()LBlockPosition; getSpawn GeneratorAccess r_ ()LIDataManager; getDataManager GenericAttributes a maxHealth GenericAttributes b FOLLOW_RANGE GenericAttributes d MOVEMENT_SPEED GenericAttributes f ATTACK_DAMAGE HeightMap$Type a WORLD_SURFACE_WG HeightMap$Type b OCEAN_FLOOR_WG HeightMap$Type c LIGHT_BLOCKING HeightMap$Type d MOTION_BLOCKING HeightMap$Type e MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES HeightMap$Type f OCEAN_FLOOR HeightMap$Type g WORLD_SURFACE HeightMap$Use a WORLDGEN HeightMap$Use b LIVE_WORLD IAsyncTaskHandler a (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFuture; postToMainThread IAsyncTaskHandler ax ()Z isMainThread IAttribute a ()Ljava/lang/String; getName IAttribute b ()D getDefault IBlockAccess a_ (LBlockPosition;)LIBlockData; getType IBlockAccess f (LBlockPosition;)LTileEntity; getTileEntity IBlockData a (LEntityHuman;LIBlockAccess;LBlockPosition;)F getDamage IBlockData a (LEnumDirection;LIBlockData;LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;LBlockPosition;)LIBlockData; updateState IBlockData a (LIWorldReader;LBlockPosition;)Z canPlace IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;FI)V dropNaturally IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LBlock;LBlockPosition;)V doPhysics IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntityHuman;)V attack IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntityHuman;LEnumHand;LEnumDirection;FFF)Z interact IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;)V onPlace IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;Z)V remove IBlockData c ()LBlock; getBlock IBlockData d ()LMaterial; getMaterial IBlockData f ()Z isAir IBlockData l ()Z isOccluding IBlockData m ()Z isPowerSource IBlockData n ()Z isComplexRedstone IBlockData o ()LEnumPistonReaction; getPushReaction IBlockDataHolder a (LIBlockState;Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/lang/Object; set IBlockDataHolder c (LIBlockState;)Ljava/lang/Comparable; get IChatBaseComponent a (LChatModifier;)LIChatBaseComponent; setChatModifier IChatBaseComponent a (LIChatBaseComponent;)LIChatBaseComponent; addSibling IChatBaseComponent b ()LChatModifier; getChatModifier IChatBaseComponent d ()Ljava/lang/String; getText IChunkAccess a (J)V setLastSaved IChunkAccess c ()[LChunkSection; getSections IChunkAccess d ()LChunkCoordIntPair; getPos IChunkAccess g ()[LBiomeBase; getBiomeIndex IChunkLoader a (II)Z chunkExists IChunkLoader a (LWorld;LIChunkAccess;)V saveChunk IChunkProvider a (II)LChunk; getLoadedChunkAt IChunkProvider c (II)LChunk; getChunkAt IChunkProvider d ()Z unloadChunks IChunkProvider f ()Ljava/lang/String; getName IChunkProvider g ()LChunkGenerator; getChunkGenerator ICommandListener a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V sendMessage ICompletionProvider c (I)Z hasPermission ICrafting a (LContainer;II)V setContainerData ICrafting a (LContainer;LIInventory;)V setContainerData IDataManager a (LWorldData;)V saveWorldData IDataManager a (LWorldData;LNBTTagCompound;)V saveWorldData IDataManager a (LWorldProvider;)LIChunkLoader; createChunkLoader IDataManager a (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/File; getDataFile IDataManager b ()Ljava/io/File; getDirectory IDataManager c ()V checkSession IDataManager d ()LWorldData; getWorldData IDataManager e ()LIPlayerFileData; getPlayerFileData IDispenseBehavior NOOP NONE IDragonController i ()LDragonControllerPhase; getControllerPhase IHopper F ()LWorld; getWorld IInventory T_ ()I getSize IInventory a (I)LItemStack; getItem IInventory a (II)LItemStack; splitStack IInventory a (ILItemStack;)V setItem IInventory b (I)LItemStack; splitWithoutUpdate IInventory b (II)V setProperty IInventory b (LEntityHuman;)V startOpen IInventory c (I)I getProperty IInventory c (LEntityHuman;)V closeContainer IInventory f ()I getMaxStackSize IInventory g ()V update IInventory m ()V clear IMaterial h ()LItem; getItem IMerchant M_ ()LEntityHuman; getTrader IMerchant O ()LIChatBaseComponent; getScoreboardDisplayName IMerchant a_ (LEntityHuman;)V setTradingPlayer IMerchant b_ (LEntityHuman;)LMerchantRecipeList; getOffers IMerchant c ()LWorld; getWorld IMerchant d ()LBlockPosition; getPosition IMinecraftServer C ()[Ljava/lang/String; getPlayers IMinecraftServer E ()Z isDebugging IMinecraftServer a_ (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; executeRemoteCommand IMinecraftServer d (Ljava/lang/String;)V info IMinecraftServer e (Ljava/lang/String;)V warning IMinecraftServer n ()Ljava/lang/String; getPlugins IMinecraftServer z ()Ljava/lang/String; getVersion IMojangStatistics R ()Z getSnooperEnabled INamable m ()Ljava/lang/String; getName INamableTileEntity N_ ()LIChatBaseComponent; getDisplayName INamableTileEntity O ()LIChatBaseComponent; getScoreboardDisplayName INamableTileEntity O_ ()Z hasCustomName INamableTileEntity e ()LIChatBaseComponent; getCustomName IPlayerFileData a (LEntityHuman;)V save IPlayerFileData b (LEntityHuman;)LNBTTagCompound; load IPlayerFileData f ()[Ljava/lang/String; getSeenPlayers IPosition a ()D getX IPosition b ()D getY IPosition c ()D getZ IProjectile c (DDDFF)V shoot IRecipe a (LIInventory;)LItemStack; craftItem IRecipe b ()LMinecraftKey; getKey IScoreboardCriteria a criteria IScoreboardCriteria c ()Ljava/lang/String; getName IScoreboardCriteria d ()Z isReadOnly IScoreboardCriteria$EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay a INTEGER IScoreboardCriteria$EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay b HEARTS ISource h ()LWorld; getWorld ISourceBlock d ()LBlockPosition; getBlockPosition ISourceBlock g ()LTileEntity; getTileEntity ITileEntityContainer a (LPlayerInventory;LEntityHuman;)LContainer; createContainer ITileEntityContainer l ()Ljava/lang/String; getContainerName ITileInventory V_ ()Z isLocked ITileInventory a (LChestLock;)V setLock ITileInventory j ()LChestLock; getLock IWorldInventory a (ILItemStack;LEnumDirection;)Z canPlaceItemThroughFace IWorldInventory a (LEnumDirection;)[I getSlotsForFace IWorldInventory b (ILItemStack;LEnumDirection;)Z canTakeItemThroughFace IWorldReader C (LBlockPosition;)I getLightLevel IWorldReader D (LBlockPosition;)Z isLoaded IWorldReader a (IIIIIIZ)Z isAreaLoaded IWorldReader a (IIZ)Z isChunkLoaded IWorldReader a (LBlockPosition;I)I getLightLevel IWorldReader a (LBlockPosition;IZ)Z areChunksLoaded IWorldReader a (LBlockPosition;LBlockPosition;Z)Z areChunksLoadedBetween IWorldReader a (LEntity;D)LEntityHuman; findNearbyPlayer IWorldReader a (LEntity;LAxisAlignedBB;)Ljava/util/List; getEntities IWorldReader a (LEnumSkyBlock;LBlockPosition;)I getBrightness IWorldReader a (LHeightMap$Type;LBlockPosition;)LBlockPosition; getHighestBlockYAt IWorldReader b (LBlockPosition;LBlockPosition;)Z areChunksLoadedBetween IWorldReader c (LAxisAlignedBB;)Z containsLiquid IWorldReader c (LBlockPosition;)Z isEmpty IWorldReader d ()LWorldBorder; getWorldBorder IWorldReader d (LBlockPosition;)LBiomeBase; getBiome IWorldReader d (LEntity;LAxisAlignedBB;)Z getCubes IWorldReader e (LBlockPosition;I)Z areChunksLoaded IWorldReader k ()I getSeaLevel IWorldWriter a (LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;I)Z setTypeAndData IWorldWriter a (LBlockPosition;Z)Z setAir IWorldWriter a (LEntity;)Z addEntity IWorldWriter g (LBlockPosition;)Z setAir IntHashMap a (I)Ljava/lang/Object; get InventoryClickType a PICKUP InventoryClickType b QUICK_MOVE InventoryClickType c SWAP InventoryClickType d CLONE InventoryClickType e THROW InventoryClickType f QUICK_CRAFT InventoryClickType g PICKUP_ALL InventoryCraftResult a items InventoryCrafting a items InventoryCrafting d container InventoryLargeChest b left InventoryLargeChest c right InventoryMerchant a merchant InventoryMerchant b itemsInSlots InventoryMerchant c player InventoryMerchant d recipe InventoryMerchant e selectedIndex InventoryMerchant j ()LMerchantRecipe; getRecipe InventorySubcontainer c items InventorySubcontainer f ()I getMaxStackSize InventorySubcontainer g ()V update InventoryUtils a (LWorld;DDDLIInventory;)V dropInventory InventoryUtils a (LWorld;DDDLItemStack;)V dropItem InventoryUtils a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIInventory;)V dropInventory InventoryUtils a (LWorld;LEntity;LIInventory;)V dropEntity IpBanList a (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)Z isBanned IpBanList b (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)LIpBanEntry; get Item a ()Ljava/lang/String; getName Item a (LBlock;)LItem; getItemOf Item a (LIBlockData;)Z canDestroySpecialBlock Item a (LItem;)I getId Item a (LItemStack;LIBlockData;)F getDestroySpeed Item b (I)LItem; getById Item f REGISTRY Item i ()I getMaxStackSize Item j ()I getMaxDurability Item k ()Z usesDurability Item m maxStackSize Item n durability Item o craftingResult Item p name ItemActionContext a ()LBlockPosition; getClickPosition ItemActionContext g ()Z isSneaking ItemActionContext i ()LItemStack; getItemStack ItemActionContext j ()LEntityHuman; getEntity ItemActionContext k ()LWorld; getWorld ItemActionContext l ()LEnumDirection; getClickedFace ItemBlock d ()LBlock; getBlock ItemBlockWallable a wallBlock ItemCooldown a cooldowns ItemCooldown b currentTick ItemCooldown$Info c endTick ItemFireworks$EffectType a SMALL_BALL ItemFireworks$EffectType b LARGE_BALL ItemFireworks$EffectType c STAR ItemFireworks$EffectType d CREEPER ItemFireworks$EffectType e BURST ItemFish$EnumFish a COD ItemFish$EnumFish b SALMON ItemFish$EnumFish c TROPICAL_FISH ItemFish$EnumFish d PUFFERFISH ItemFood e (LItemStack;)I getNutrition ItemFood f (LItemStack;)F getSaturationModifier ItemStack C ()I getCount ItemStack a ()Z isEmpty ItemStack a (I)LItemStack; cloneAndSubtract ItemStack a (ILEntityLiving;)V damage ItemStack a (ILjava/util/Random;LEntityPlayer;)Z isDamaged ItemStack a (LEnchantment;I)V addEnchantment ItemStack a (LItemActionContext;)LEnumInteractionResult; placeItem ItemStack a (LItemStack;)Z doMaterialsMatch ItemStack a (LItemStack;LItemStack;)Z equals ItemStack b ()LItem; getItem ItemStack b (I)V setDamage ItemStack b (LItemStack;LItemStack;)Z matches ItemStack b (LNBTTagCompound;)LNBTTagCompound; save ItemStack c ()I getMaxStackSize ItemStack c (I)V setRepairCost ItemStack c (LNBTTagCompound;)V setTag ItemStack d ()Z isStackable ItemStack d count ItemStack e (I)V setCount ItemStack f (I)V add ItemStack f item ItemStack g ()I getDamage ItemStack g (I)V subtract ItemStack g tag ItemStack i ()LItemStack; cloneItemStack ItemStack m ()Z hasTag ItemStack n ()LNBTTagCompound; getTag ItemStack o ()LNBTTagCompound; getOrCreateTag ItemStack p ()LNBTTagList; getEnchantments ItemStack q ()LIChatBaseComponent; getName ItemStack s ()Z hasName ItemStack v ()Z canEnchant ItemStack w ()Z hasEnchantments ItemStack z ()I getRepairCost ItemWorldMap a (LItemStack;LWorld;)LWorldMap; getSavedMap Items A DIAMOND_PICKAXE Items B DIAMOND_AXE Items C STICK Items D BOWL Items E MUSHROOM_STEW Items F GOLDEN_SWORD Items G GOLDEN_SHOVEL Items H GOLDEN_PICKAXE Items I GOLDEN_AXE Items J STRING Items K FEATHER Items L GUNPOWDER Items M WOODEN_HOE Items N STONE_HOE Items O IRON_HOE Items P DIAMOND_HOE Items Q GOLDEN_HOE Items R WHEAT_SEEDS Items S WHEAT Items T BREAD Items U LEATHER_HELMET Items V LEATHER_CHESTPLATE Items W LEATHER_LEGGINGS Items X LEATHER_BOOTS Items Y CHAINMAIL_HELMET Items Z CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE Items a (Ljava/lang/String;)LItem; get Items a AIR Items aA SADDLE Items aB REDSTONE Items aC SNOWBALL Items aD OAK_BOAT Items aE SPRUCE_BOAT Items aF BIRCH_BOAT Items aG JUNGLE_BOAT Items aH ACACIA_BOAT Items aI DARK_OAK_BOAT Items aJ LEATHER Items aK MILK_BUCKET Items aL PUFFERFISH_BUCKET Items aM SALMON_BUCKET Items aN COD_BUCKET Items aO TROPICAL_FISH_BUCKET Items aP BRICK Items aQ CLAY_BALL Items aR PAPER Items aS BOOK Items aT SLIME_BALL Items aU CHEST_MINECART Items aV FURNACE_MINECART Items aW EGG Items aX COMPASS Items aY FISHING_ROD Items aZ CLOCK Items aa CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS Items ab CHAINMAIL_BOOTS Items ac IRON_HELMET Items ad IRON_CHESTPLATE Items ae IRON_LEGGINGS Items af IRON_BOOTS Items ag DIAMOND_HELMET Items ah DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE Items ai DIAMOND_LEGGINGS Items aj DIAMOND_BOOTS Items ak GOLDEN_HELMET Items al GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE Items am GOLDEN_LEGGINGS Items an GOLDEN_BOOTS Items ao TURTLE_HELMET Items ap FLINT Items aq PORKCHOP Items ar COOKED_PORKCHOP Items as PAINTING Items at GOLDEN_APPLE Items au ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE Items av SIGN Items aw BUCKET Items ax WATER_BUCKET Items ay LAVA_BUCKET Items az MINECART Items b IRON_SHOVEL Items bA ORANGE_BED Items bB MAGENTA_BED Items bC LIGHT_BLUE_BED Items bD YELLOW_BED Items bE LIME_BED Items bF PINK_BED Items bG GRAY_BED Items bH LIGHT_GRAY_BED Items bI CYAN_BED Items bJ PURPLE_BED Items bK BLUE_BED Items bL BROWN_BED Items bM GREEN_BED Items bN RED_BED Items bO BLACK_BED Items bP COOKIE Items bQ FILLED_MAP Items bR SHEARS Items bS MELON_SLICE Items bT DRIED_KELP Items bU PUMPKIN_SEEDS Items bV MELON_SEEDS Items bW BEEF Items bX COOKED_BEEF Items bY CHICKEN Items bZ COOKED_CHICKEN Items ba GLOWSTONE_DUST Items bb COD Items bc SALMON Items bd TROPICAL_FISH Items be PUFFERFISH Items bf COOKED_COD Items bg COOKED_SALMON Items bh BONE_MEAL Items bi ORANGE_DYE Items bj MAGENTA_DYE Items bk LIGHT_BLUE_DYE Items bl DANDELION_YELLOW Items bm LIME_DYE Items bn PINK_DYE Items bo GRAY_DYE Items bp LIGHT_GRAY_DYE Items bq CYAN_DYE Items br PURPLE_DYE Items bs LAPIS_LAZULI Items bt COCOA_BEANS Items bu CACTUS_GREEN Items bv ROSE_RED Items bw INK_SAC Items bx BONE Items by SUGAR Items bz WHITE_BED Items c IRON_PICKAXE Items cA CAVE_SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG Items cB CHICKEN_SPAWN_EGG Items cC COD_SPAWN_EGG Items cD COW_SPAWN_EGG Items cE CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG Items cF DOLPHIN_SPAWN_EGG Items cG DONKEY_SPAWN_EGG Items cH ELDER_GUARDIAN_SPAWN_EGG Items cI ENDERMAN_SPAWN_EGG Items cJ ENDERMITE_SPAWN_EGG Items cK EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG Items cL GHAST_SPAWN_EGG Items cM GUARDIAN_SPAWN_EGG Items cN HORSE_SPAWN_EGG Items cO HUSK_SPAWN_EGG Items cP LLAMA_SPAWN_EGG Items cQ MAGMA_CUBE_SPAWN_EGG Items cR MOOSHROOM_SPAWN_EGG Items cS MULE_SPAWN_EGG Items cT OCELOT_SPAWN_EGG Items cU PARROT_SPAWN_EGG Items cV PIG_SPAWN_EGG Items cW PHANTOM_SPAWN_EGG Items cX POLAR_BEAR_SPAWN_EGG Items cY PUFFERFISH_SPAWN_EGG Items cZ RABBIT_SPAWN_EGG Items ca MUTTON Items cb COOKED_MUTTON Items cc RABBIT Items cd COOKED_RABBIT Items ce RABBIT_STEW Items cf RABBIT_FOOT Items cg RABBIT_HIDE Items ch ROTTEN_FLESH Items ci ENDER_PEARL Items cj BLAZE_ROD Items ck GHAST_TEAR Items cl GOLD_NUGGET Items cm NETHER_WART Items cn POTION Items co SPLASH_POTION Items cp LINGERING_POTION Items cq GLASS_BOTTLE Items cr DRAGON_BREATH Items cs SPIDER_EYE Items ct FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE Items cu BLAZE_POWDER Items cv MAGMA_CREAM Items cw ENDER_EYE Items cx GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE Items cy BAT_SPAWN_EGG Items cz BLAZE_SPAWN_EGG Items d IRON_AXE Items dA EMERALD Items dB ITEM_FRAME Items dC CARROT Items dD POTATO Items dE BAKED_POTATO Items dF POISONOUS_POTATO Items dG MAP Items dH GOLDEN_CARROT Items dI SKELETON_SKULL Items dJ WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL Items dK PLAYER_HEAD Items dL CREEPER_HEAD Items dM ZOMBIE_HEAD Items dN DRAGON_HEAD Items dO CARROT_ON_A_STICK Items dP NETHER_STAR Items dQ PUMPKIN_PIE Items dR FIREWORK_ROCKET Items dS FIREWORK_STAR Items dT ENCHANTED_BOOK Items dU NETHER_BRICK Items dV QUARTZ Items dW TNT_MINECART Items dX HOPPER_MINECART Items dY ARMOR_STAND Items dZ IRON_HORSE_ARMOR Items da SALMON_SPAWN_EGG Items db SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG Items dc SHULKER_SPAWN_EGG Items dd SILVERFISH_SPAWN_EGG Items de SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG Items df SKELETON_HORSE_SPAWN_EGG Items dg SLIME_SPAWN_EGG Items dh SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG Items di SQUID_SPAWN_EGG Items dj STRAY_SPAWN_EGG Items dk TROPICAL_FISH_SPAWN_EGG Items dl TURTLE_SPAWN_EGG Items dm VEX_SPAWN_EGG Items dn VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG Items do VINDICATOR_SPAWN_EGG Items dp WITCH_SPAWN_EGG Items dq WITHER_SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG Items dr WOLF_SPAWN_EGG Items ds ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG Items dt ZOMBIE_HORSE_SPAWN_EGG Items du ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_SPAWN_EGG Items dv ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG Items dw EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE Items dx FIRE_CHARGE Items dy WRITABLE_BOOK Items dz WRITTEN_BOOK Items e FLINT_AND_STEEL Items eA GRAY_BANNER Items eB LIGHT_GRAY_BANNER Items eC CYAN_BANNER Items eD PURPLE_BANNER Items eE BLUE_BANNER Items eF BROWN_BANNER Items eG GREEN_BANNER Items eH RED_BANNER Items eI BLACK_BANNER Items eJ END_CRYSTAL Items eK SHIELD Items eL ELYTRA Items eM CHORUS_FRUIT Items eN POPPED_CHORUS_FRUIT Items eO BEETROOT_SEEDS Items eP BEETROOT Items eQ BEETROOT_SOUP Items eR TOTEM_OF_UNDYING Items eS SHULKER_SHELL Items eT IRON_NUGGET Items eU KNOWLEDGE_BOOK Items eV SCUTE Items eW DEBUG_STICK Items eX TRIDENT Items eY PHANTOM_MEMBRANE Items eZ NAUTILUS_SHELL Items ea GOLDEN_HORSE_ARMOR Items eb DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR Items ec LEAD Items ed NAME_TAG Items ee COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART Items ef MUSIC_DISC_13 Items eg MUSIC_DISC_CAT Items eh MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS Items ei MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP Items ej MUSIC_DISC_FAR Items ek MUSIC_DISC_MALL Items el MUSIC_DISC_MELLOHI Items em MUSIC_DISC_STAL Items en MUSIC_DISC_STRAD Items eo MUSIC_DISC_WARD Items ep MUSIC_DISC_11 Items eq MUSIC_DISC_WAIT Items er PRISMARINE_SHARD Items es PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS Items et WHITE_BANNER Items eu ORANGE_BANNER Items ev MAGENTA_BANNER Items ew LIGHT_BLUE_BANNER Items ex YELLOW_BANNER Items ey LIME_BANNER Items ez PINK_BANNER Items f APPLE Items fa HEART_OF_THE_SEA Items g BOW Items h ARROW Items i SPECTRAL_ARROW Items j TIPPED_ARROW Items k COAL Items l CHARCOAL Items m DIAMOND Items n IRON_INGOT Items o GOLD_INGOT Items p IRON_SWORD Items q WOODEN_SWORD Items r WOODEN_SHOVEL Items s WOODEN_PICKAXE Items t WOODEN_AXE Items u STONE_SWORD Items v STONE_SHOVEL Items w STONE_PICKAXE Items x STONE_AXE Items y DIAMOND_SWORD Items z DIAMOND_SHOVEL JsonList a ()[Ljava/lang/String; getEntries JsonList a (LJsonListEntry;)V add JsonList b ()Z isEnabled JsonList b (Ljava/lang/Object;)LJsonListEntry; get JsonList c (Ljava/lang/Object;)V remove JsonList d ()Z isEmpty JsonList f ()V save JsonList g ()V load JsonListEntry f ()Z hasExpired JsonListEntry g ()Ljava/lang/Object; getKey LayerIsland a INSTANCE LoginListener a networkManager LoginListener b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V disconnect LoginListener d random LoginListener f server LoginListener k loginKey LoginListener$EnumProtocolState a HELLO LoginListener$EnumProtocolState b KEY LoginListener$EnumProtocolState c AUTHENTICATING LoginListener$EnumProtocolState d NEGOTIATING LoginListener$EnumProtocolState e READY_TO_ACCEPT LoginListener$EnumProtocolState f DELAY_ACCEPT LoginListener$EnumProtocolState g ACCEPTED LootTableInfo$EntityTarget a THIS LootTableInfo$EntityTarget b KILLER LootTableInfo$EntityTarget c KILLER_PLAYER MapIcon a ()B getType MapIcon a type MapIcon b x MapIcon c ()B getX MapIcon c y MapIcon d ()B getY MapIcon d rotation MapIcon e ()B getRotation MapIcon$Type A RED_X MapIcon$Type a PLAYER MapIcon$Type b FRAME MapIcon$Type c RED_MARKER MapIcon$Type d BLUE_MARKER MapIcon$Type e TARGET_X MapIcon$Type f TARGET_POINT MapIcon$Type g PLAYER_OFF_MAP MapIcon$Type h PLAYER_OFF_LIMITS MapIcon$Type i MANSION MapIcon$Type j MONUMENT MapIcon$Type k BANNER_WHITE MapIcon$Type l BANNER_ORANGE MapIcon$Type m BANNER_MAGENTA MapIcon$Type n BANNER_LIGHT_BLUE MapIcon$Type o BANNER_YELLOW MapIcon$Type p BANNER_LIME MapIcon$Type q BANNER_PINK MapIcon$Type r BANNER_GRAY MapIcon$Type s BANNER_LIGHT_GRAY MapIcon$Type t BANNER_CYAN MapIcon$Type u BANNER_PURPLE MapIcon$Type v BANNER_BLUE MapIcon$Type w BANNER_BROWN MapIcon$Type x BANNER_GREEN MapIcon$Type y BANNER_RED MapIcon$Type z BANNER_BLACK Material A SHATTERABLE Material B ICE Material C CACTUS Material D STONE Material E ORE Material F SNOW_BLOCK Material G HEAVY Material H BANNER Material I PISTON Material J CORAL Material K PUMPKIN Material L DRAGON_EGG Material M CAKE Material Q canBurn Material a ()Z isLiquid Material a AIR Material b ()Z isBuildable Material c ()Z isSolid Material c PORTAL Material d ()Z isBurnable Material d WOOL Material e ()Z isReplaceable Material e PLANT Material g ()Z isAlwaysDestroyable Material g REPLACEABLE_PLANT Material h ()LEnumPistonReaction; getPushReaction Material i WATER Material k LAVA Material l PACKED_ICE Material m FIRE Material n ORIENTABLE Material o WEB Material p BUILDABLE_GLASS Material q CLAY Material r EARTH Material s GRASS Material t SNOW_LAYER Material u SAND Material v SPONGE Material w WOOD Material x CLOTH Material y TNT Material z LEAVES MaterialMapColor ab rgb MathHelper a (D)F sqrt MathHelper a (F)F sin MathHelper a (III)I clamp MathHelper a (Ljava/util/Random;II)I nextInt MathHelper b (F)F cos MathHelper c (D)I floor MerchantRecipe a ()LItemStack; getBuyItem1 MerchantRecipe a buyingItem1 MerchantRecipe b ()LItemStack; getBuyItem2 MerchantRecipe b buyingItem2 MerchantRecipe c ()Z hasSecondItem MerchantRecipe c sellingItem MerchantRecipe d ()LItemStack; getBuyItem3 MerchantRecipe d uses MerchantRecipe e maxUses MerchantRecipe f rewardExp MerchantRecipe g ()V increaseUses MinecraftEncryption a (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/security/Key;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher; a MinecraftEncryption a (ILjava/security/Key;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher; a MinecraftEncryption a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey;)[B a MinecraftEncryption a (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;[B)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey; a MinecraftKey a ()Ljava/lang/String; getKey MobEffect a ()LMobEffectList; getMobEffect MobEffect a (LEntityLiving;)Z tick MobEffect b ()I getDuration MobEffect c ()I getAmplifier MobEffect c duration MobEffect d ()Z isAmbient MobEffect d amplification MobEffect e ()Z isShowParticles MobEffect e splash MobEffect f ambient MobEffectList a ()Z isInstant MobEffectList a (I)LMobEffectList; fromId MobEffectList a (LEntity;LEntity;LEntityLiving;ID)V applyInstantEffect MobEffectList a (LEntityLiving;I)V tick MobEffectList a (LMobEffectList;)I getId MobEffectList a (Ljava/lang/String;)LMobEffectList; getByName MobEffectList b REGISTRY MobEffectList g durationModifier MobEffectList i ()I getColor MobEffects A UNLUCK MobEffects B SLOW_FALLING MobEffects C CONDUIT_POWER MobEffects D DOLPHINS_GRACE MobEffects a FASTER_MOVEMENT MobEffects b SLOWER_MOVEMENT MobEffects c FASTER_DIG MobEffects d SLOWER_DIG MobEffects e INCREASE_DAMAGE MobEffects f HEAL MobEffects g HARM MobEffects h JUMP MobEffects i CONFUSION MobEffects j REGENERATION MobEffects k RESISTANCE MobEffects l FIRE_RESISTANCE MobEffects m WATER_BREATHING MobEffects n INVISIBILITY MobEffects o BLINDNESS MobEffects p NIGHT_VISION MobEffects q HUNGER MobEffects r WEAKNESS MobEffects s POISON MobEffects t WITHER MobEffects u HEALTH_BOOST MobEffects v ABSORBTION MobEffects w SATURATION MobEffects x GLOWING MobEffects y LEVITATION MobEffects z LUCK MobSpawnerAbstract a (LEntityTypes;)V setMobName MobSpawnerAbstract b spawnDelay MobSpawnerAbstract c mobs MobSpawnerAbstract d spawnData MobSpawnerAbstract g ()LMinecraftKey; getMobName MobSpawnerAbstract g minSpawnDelay MobSpawnerAbstract h maxSpawnDelay MobSpawnerAbstract i spawnCount MobSpawnerAbstract k maxNearbyEntities MobSpawnerAbstract l requiredPlayerRange MobSpawnerAbstract m spawnRange MojangsonParser a (Ljava/lang/String;)LNBTTagCompound; parse MovingObjectPosition a type MovingObjectPosition b direction MovingObjectPosition c pos MovingObjectPosition d entity MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType a MISS MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType b BLOCK MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType c ENTITY NBTBase a ()B getTypeId NBTBase a (B)LNBTBase; createTag NBTBase a (Ljava/io/DataInput;ILNBTReadLimiter;)V load NBTBase a (Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V write NBTBase b ()LNBTBase; clone NBTBase isEmpty ()Z isEmpty NBTList b (ILNBTBase;)LNBTBase; set NBTList d (I)LNBTBase; get NBTNumber h ()D asDouble NBTTagByte f data NBTTagByteArray f data NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;B)V setByte NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;D)V setDouble NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;F)V setFloat NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;J)V setLong NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;LNBTBase;)V set NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V setString NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;S)V setShort NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V setBoolean NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V setByteArray NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;[I)V setIntArray NBTTagCompound b (Ljava/lang/String;I)V setInt NBTTagCompound c ()Ljava/util/Set; getKeys NBTTagCompound c (Ljava/lang/String;)LNBTBase; get NBTTagCompound c (Ljava/lang/String;I)Z hasKeyOfType NBTTagCompound d (Ljava/lang/String;I)LNBTTagList; getList NBTTagCompound e (Ljava/lang/String;)Z hasKey NBTTagCompound f ()LNBTTagCompound; clone NBTTagCompound f (Ljava/lang/String;)B getByte NBTTagCompound g (Ljava/lang/String;)S getShort NBTTagCompound h (Ljava/lang/String;)I getInt NBTTagCompound h map NBTTagCompound i (Ljava/lang/String;)J getLong NBTTagCompound j (Ljava/lang/String;)F getFloat NBTTagCompound k (Ljava/lang/String;)D getDouble NBTTagCompound l (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; getString NBTTagCompound m (Ljava/lang/String;)[B getByteArray NBTTagCompound n (Ljava/lang/String;)[I getIntArray NBTTagCompound p (Ljava/lang/String;)LNBTTagCompound; getCompound NBTTagCompound q (Ljava/lang/String;)Z getBoolean NBTTagCompound r (Ljava/lang/String;)V remove NBTTagDouble f data NBTTagFloat f data NBTTagInt f data NBTTagIntArray f data NBTTagList a (I)LNBTBase; remove NBTTagList a (LNBTBase;)Z add NBTTagList e (I)LNBTTagCompound; getCompound NBTTagList g list NBTTagList h type NBTTagList m (I)Ljava/lang/String; getString NBTTagList size ()I size NBTTagLong f data NBTTagShort f data NBTTagString f data NetworkManager a (I)V setCompressionLevel NetworkManager a (LEnumProtocol;)V setProtocol NetworkManager a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V close NetworkManager a (LPacket;)V sendPacket NetworkManager a (LPacket;Lio/netty/util/concurrent/GenericFutureListener;)V sendPacket NetworkManager a (LPacketListener;)V setPacketListener NetworkManager b ()Ljava/net/SocketAddress; getSocketAddress NetworkManager c ()Z isLocal NetworkManager g ()Z isConnected NetworkManager k ()V stopReading NetworkManager k channel NetworkManager l ()V handleDisconnection NibbleArray a ()[B asBytes PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol b hostname PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol c port PacketLoginInEncryptionBegin a (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey; a PacketPlayInAbilities c ()Z isFlying PacketPlayInAdvancements$Status a OPENED_TAB PacketPlayInAdvancements$Status b CLOSED_SCREEN PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType a START_DESTROY_BLOCK PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType b ABORT_DESTROY_BLOCK PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType c STOP_DESTROY_BLOCK PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType d DROP_ALL_ITEMS PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType e DROP_ITEM PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType f RELEASE_USE_ITEM PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType g SWAP_HELD_ITEMS PacketPlayInClientCommand$EnumClientCommand a PERFORM_RESPAWN PacketPlayInClientCommand$EnumClientCommand b REQUEST_STATS PacketPlayInCloseWindow a id PacketPlayInCustomPayload b tag PacketPlayInCustomPayload c data PacketPlayInEntityAction b animation PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction a START_SNEAKING PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction b STOP_SNEAKING PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction c STOP_SLEEPING PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction d START_SPRINTING PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction e STOP_SPRINTING PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction f START_RIDING_JUMP PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction g STOP_RIDING_JUMP PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction h OPEN_INVENTORY PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction i START_FALL_FLYING PacketPlayInFlying a x PacketPlayInFlying b y PacketPlayInFlying c z PacketPlayInFlying d yaw PacketPlayInFlying e pitch PacketPlayInFlying g hasPos PacketPlayInFlying h hasLook PacketPlayInHeldItemSlot a itemInHandIndex PacketPlayInRecipeDisplayed$Status a SHOWN PacketPlayInRecipeDisplayed$Status b SETTINGS PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus a status PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus$EnumResourcePackStatus a SUCCESSFULLY_LOADED PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus$EnumResourcePackStatus b DECLINED PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus$EnumResourcePackStatus c FAILED_DOWNLOAD PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus$EnumResourcePackStatus d ACCEPTED PacketPlayInSetCreativeSlot a slot PacketPlayInSetCreativeSlot c ()LItemStack; getItemStack PacketPlayInSettings g ()LEnumMainHand; getMainHand PacketPlayInUseEntity b action PacketPlayInUseEntity$EnumEntityUseAction a INTERACT PacketPlayInUseEntity$EnumEntityUseAction b ATTACK PacketPlayInUseEntity$EnumEntityUseAction c INTERACT_AT PacketPlayInVehicleMove b ()D getX PacketPlayInVehicleMove c ()D getY PacketPlayInVehicleMove d ()D getZ PacketPlayInVehicleMove e ()F getYaw PacketPlayInVehicleMove f ()F getPitch PacketPlayInWindowClick b slot PacketPlayInWindowClick c button PacketPlayInWindowClick e item PacketPlayInWindowClick f shift PacketPlayOutBlockChange b block PacketPlayOutBoss$Action a ADD PacketPlayOutBoss$Action b REMOVE PacketPlayOutBoss$Action c UPDATE_PCT PacketPlayOutBoss$Action d UPDATE_NAME PacketPlayOutBoss$Action e UPDATE_STYLE PacketPlayOutBoss$Action f UPDATE_PROPERTIES PacketPlayOutCombatEvent$EnumCombatEventType a ENTER_COMBAT PacketPlayOutCombatEvent$EnumCombatEventType b END_COMBAT PacketPlayOutCombatEvent$EnumCombatEventType c ENTITY_DIED PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction a ADD_PLAYER PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction b UPDATE_GAME_MODE PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction c UPDATE_LATENCY PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction d UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAME PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction e REMOVE_PLAYER PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags a X PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags b Y PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags c Z PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags d Y_ROT PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags e X_ROT PacketPlayOutRecipes$Action a INIT PacketPlayOutRecipes$Action b ADD PacketPlayOutRecipes$Action c REMOVE PacketPlayOutSpawnPosition a position PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction a TITLE PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction b SUBTITLE PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction c ACTIONBAR PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction d TIMES PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction e CLEAR PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction f RESET PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction a SET_SIZE PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction b LERP_SIZE PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction c SET_CENTER PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction d INITIALIZE PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction e SET_WARNING_TIME PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction f SET_WARNING_BLOCKS PacketStatusListener b minecraftServer PacketStatusListener c networkManager Particle a REGISTRY PathMode a LAND PathMode b WATER PathMode c AIR PathType a BLOCKED PathType b OPEN PathType c WALKABLE PathType d TRAPDOOR PathType e FENCE PathType f LAVA PathType g WATER PathType h WATER_BORDER PathType i RAIL PathType j DANGER_FIRE PathType k DAMAGE_FIRE PathType l DANGER_CACTUS PathType m DAMAGE_CACTUS PathType n DANGER_OTHER PathType o DAMAGE_OTHER PathType p DOOR_OPEN PathType q DOOR_WOOD_CLOSED PathType r DOOR_IRON_CLOSED PathType s BREACH PathfinderGoalBoat a GO_TO_BOAT PathfinderGoalBoat b GO_IN_BOAT_DIRECTION PathfinderGoalBreed a animal PathfinderGoalBreed c partner PathfinderGoalRandomStroll b (I)V setTimeBetweenMovement PathfinderGoalSit a (Z)V setSitting PathfinderGoalSit a entity PathfinderGoalSit b willSit PathfinderGoalTame a entity PathfinderGoalTempt h target PersistentBase a id PersistentBase e ()Ljava/lang/String; getId PersistentCollection a (Ljava/util/function/Function;Ljava/lang/String;)LPersistentBase; get PersistentVillage a ()V tick PersistentVillage a (LBlockPosition;I)LVillage; getClosestVillage PersistentVillage a world PersistentVillage b ()Ljava/util/List; getVillages PersistentVillage d villages PersistentVillage e time PistonExtendsChecker c ()Ljava/util/List; getMovedBlocks PistonExtendsChecker d ()Ljava/util/List; getBrokenBlocks PlayerAbilities a isInvulnerable PlayerAbilities b isFlying PlayerAbilities c canFly PlayerAbilities d canInstantlyBuild PlayerAbilities e mayBuild PlayerAbilities f flySpeed PlayerAbilities g walkSpeed PlayerChunk b playerChunkMap PlayerChunk c (LEntityPlayer;)V sendChunk PlayerChunk d location PlayerChunk e dirtyBlocks PlayerChunk f chunk PlayerChunk g dirtyCount PlayerChunk j done PlayerChunkMap a ()LWorldServer; getWorld PlayerChunkMap a (LBlockPosition;)V flagDirty PlayerChunkMap a (LEntityPlayer;)V addPlayer PlayerChunkMap b (I)I getFurthestViewableBlock PlayerChunkMap b (II)LPlayerChunk; getChunk PlayerChunkMap b (LEntityPlayer;)V removePlayer PlayerChunkMap c ()V flush PlayerChunkMap c (LEntityPlayer;)V movePlayer PlayerChunkMap c world PlayerChunkMap d managedPlayers PlayerConnection F receivedMovePackets PlayerConnection G processedMovePackets PlayerConnection a (LPacket;)V sendPacket PlayerConnection a networkManager PlayerConnection b ()V syncPosition PlayerConnection b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V disconnect PlayerConnection b player PlayerConnection c (Ljava/lang/String;)V handleCommand PlayerConnection c LOGGER PlayerConnection d minecraftServer PlayerConnection i chatThrottle PlayerConnection y teleportPos PlayerConnection z teleportAwait PlayerConnectionUtils a (LPacket;LPacketListener;LIAsyncTaskHandler;)V ensureMainThread PlayerInteractManager a (LEnumGamemode;)V setGameMode PlayerInteractManager a world PlayerInteractManager b ()LEnumGamemode; PlayerInteractManager b ()LEnumGamemode; getGameMode PlayerInteractManager b (LBlockPosition;)Z breakBlock PlayerInteractManager b player PlayerInteractManager c gamemode PlayerInteractManager d ()Z isCreative PlayerInteractManager e lastDigTick PlayerInteractManager g currentTick PlayerInventory a items PlayerInventory b armor PlayerInventory c extraSlots PlayerInventory d (LItemStack;)I firstPartial PlayerInventory d itemInHandIndex PlayerInventory e (LItemStack;)Z pickup PlayerInventory e player PlayerInventory g (LItemStack;)V setCarried PlayerInventory g carried PlayerInventory i ()LItemStack; getItemInHand PlayerInventory j ()I getHotbarSize PlayerInventory k ()I getFirstEmptySlotIndex PlayerInventory s ()LItemStack; getCarried PlayerList a ()V reloadWhitelist PlayerList a (LEntity;ILWorldServer;LWorldServer;)V changeWorld PlayerList a (LEntityHuman;)LServerStatisticManager; getStatisticManager PlayerList a (LEntityHuman;DDDDILPacket;)V sendPacketNearby PlayerList a (LEntityPlayer;IZ)LEntityPlayer; moveToWorld PlayerList a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V sendMessage PlayerList a (LIChatBaseComponent;Z)V sendMessage PlayerList a (LPacket;)V sendAll PlayerList a (LScoreboardServer;LEntityPlayer;)V sendScoreboard PlayerList a (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V addOp PlayerList a (Ljava/lang/String;)LEntityPlayer; getPlayer PlayerList a (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)LIChatBaseComponent; attemptLogin PlayerList a (Z)V setHasWhitelist PlayerList a ([LWorldServer;)V setPlayerFileData PlayerList b (LEntityPlayer;)V savePlayerFile PlayerList b (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V removeOp PlayerList c ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; getServer PlayerList c (LEntityPlayer;)V onPlayerJoin PlayerList e ()V tick PlayerList e (LEntityPlayer;)V disconnect PlayerList e (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z isWhitelisted PlayerList e maxPlayers PlayerList g (LEntityPlayer;)V updateClient PlayerList g (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)LEntityPlayer; processLogin PlayerList h ()LGameProfileBanList; getProfileBans PlayerList h (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z isOp PlayerList h server PlayerList i ()LIpBanList; getIPBans PlayerList i players PlayerList j ()V savePlayers PlayerList k ()LWhiteList; getWhitelist PlayerList l ()[Ljava/lang/String; getWhitelisted PlayerList m ()LOpList; getOPs PlayerList m operators PlayerList n whitelist PlayerList o ()I getPlayerCount PlayerList p ()I getMaxPlayers PlayerList q ()[Ljava/lang/String; getSeenPlayers PlayerList q playerFileData PlayerList r ()Z getHasWhitelist PlayerList r hasWhitelist PlayerList w ()V reload PortalTravelAgent b world PotionUtil a (LItemStack;)Ljava/util/List; getEffects Potions a EMPTY PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;I)I getInt PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;J)J getLong PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V setProperty PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; getString PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z getBoolean PropertyManager b ()V savePropertiesFile PropertyManager b properties PropertyManager c file RecipeItemStack d choices RecipeItemStack f ()V buildChoices RegionFile e (II)I getOffset RegionFileCache f (Ljava/io/File;II)Z chunkExists RegistryBlockID a (I)Ljava/lang/Object; fromId RegistryBlockID a (Ljava/lang/Object;)I getId RegistryID a (I)Ljava/lang/Object; fromId RegistryID a (Ljava/lang/Object;)I getId RegistryMaterials a (I)Ljava/lang/Object; getId RegistryMaterials c (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; get RegistrySimple c ()Ljava/util/Set; keySet RegistrySimple c (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; get RemoteControlCommandListener d ()V clearMessages RemoteControlCommandListener e ()Ljava/lang/String; getMessages RemoteStatusListener$RemoteStatusChallenge b time RemoteStatusListener$RemoteStatusChallenge c token RemoteStatusListener$RemoteStatusChallenge d identity ResourcePackLoader$Position a TOP ResourcePackLoader$Position b BOTTOM ResourcePackSourceFolder b file Scoreboard a (I)LScoreboardObjective; getObjectiveForSlot Scoreboard a (ILScoreboardObjective;)V setDisplaySlot Scoreboard a (LIScoreboardCriteria;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V getObjectivesForCriteria Scoreboard a (LScoreboardObjective;)V handleObjectiveAdded Scoreboard a (LScoreboardScore;)V handleScoreChanged Scoreboard a (LScoreboardTeam;)V handleTeamAdded Scoreboard a (Ljava/lang/String;)V handlePlayerRemoved Scoreboard a (Ljava/lang/String;LIScoreboardCriteria;Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardObjective; registerObjective Scoreboard a (Ljava/lang/String;LScoreboardTeam;)Z addPlayerToTeam Scoreboard a objectivesByName Scoreboard b (I)Ljava/lang/String; getSlotName Scoreboard b (LScoreboardObjective;)V handleObjectiveChanged Scoreboard b (LScoreboardTeam;)V handleTeamChanged Scoreboard b (Ljava/lang/String;LScoreboardTeam;)V removePlayerFromTeam Scoreboard b objectivesByCriteria Scoreboard c ()Ljava/util/Collection; getObjectives Scoreboard c (LScoreboardObjective;)V handleObjectiveRemoved Scoreboard c (LScoreboardTeam;)V handleTeamRemoved Scoreboard c (Ljava/lang/String;LScoreboardObjective;)LScoreboardScore; getPlayerScoreForObjective Scoreboard c playerScores Scoreboard d (LScoreboardTeam;)V removeTeam Scoreboard d (Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardObjective; getObjective Scoreboard d (Ljava/lang/String;LScoreboardObjective;)V resetPlayerScores Scoreboard d displaySlots Scoreboard e ()Ljava/util/Collection; getPlayers Scoreboard e (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Map; getPlayerObjectives Scoreboard e teamsByName Scoreboard f (Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardTeam; getTeam Scoreboard f teamsByPlayer Scoreboard g ()Ljava/util/Collection; getTeams Scoreboard g (Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardTeam; createTeam Scoreboard h (Ljava/lang/String;)Z removePlayerFromTeam Scoreboard i (LScoreboardObjective;)Ljava/util/Collection; getScoresForObjective Scoreboard i (Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardTeam; getPlayerTeam Scoreboard j (LScoreboardObjective;)V unregisterObjective Scoreboard j (Ljava/lang/String;)I getSlotForName ScoreboardObjective a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setDisplayName ScoreboardObjective b ()Ljava/lang/String; getName ScoreboardObjective c ()LIScoreboardCriteria; getCriteria ScoreboardObjective d ()Ljava/lang/String; getDisplayName ScoreboardObjective d displayName ScoreboardScore a ()V incrementScore ScoreboardScore a (I)V addScore ScoreboardScore b ()I getScore ScoreboardScore c (I)V setScore ScoreboardScore d ()LScoreboardObjective; getObjective ScoreboardScore d playerName ScoreboardScore e ()Ljava/lang/String; getPlayerName ScoreboardScore e score ScoreboardServer d (LScoreboardObjective;)Ljava/util/List; getScoreboardScorePacketsForObjective ScoreboardServer$Action a CHANGE ScoreboardServer$Action b REMOVE ScoreboardTeam a (LEnumChatFormat;)V setColor ScoreboardTeam a (LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility;)V setNameTagVisibility ScoreboardTeam a (LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush;)V setCollisionRule ScoreboardTeam a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setDisplayName ScoreboardTeam a (Z)V setAllowFriendlyFire ScoreboardTeam b (LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility;)V setDeathMessageVisibility ScoreboardTeam b (Z)V setCanSeeFriendlyInvisibles ScoreboardTeam c ()Ljava/lang/String; getDisplayName ScoreboardTeam i ()Z canSeeFriendlyInvisibles ScoreboardTeam j ()LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility; getNameTagVisibility ScoreboardTeam m ()I packOptionData ScoreboardTeamBase a (LScoreboardTeamBase;)Z isAlly ScoreboardTeamBase b ()Ljava/lang/String; getName ScoreboardTeamBase c (LIChatBaseComponent;)LIChatBaseComponent; getFormattedName ScoreboardTeamBase g ()Ljava/util/Collection; getPlayerNameSet ScoreboardTeamBase h ()Z allowFriendlyFire ScoreboardTeamBase k ()LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility; getDeathMessageVisibility ScoreboardTeamBase l ()LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush; getCollisionRule ScoreboardTeamBase n ()LEnumChatFormat; getColor ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility a ALWAYS ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility b NEVER ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility c HIDE_FOR_OTHER_TEAMS ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility d HIDE_FOR_OWN_TEAM ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush a ALWAYS ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush b NEVER ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush c PUSH_OTHER_TEAMS ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush d PUSH_OWN_TEAM ServerCommand a command ServerCommand b source ServerPing a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setMOTD ServerPing a (LServerPing$ServerData;)V setServerInfo ServerPing a (LServerPing$ServerPingPlayerSample;)V setPlayerSample ServerPing a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setFavicon ServerPing c ()LServerPing$ServerData; getServerData ServerPing$ServerData b ()I getProtocolVersion ShapeDetector$ShapeDetectorCollection b ()LEnumDirection; getFacing ShapeDetectorBlock d ()LBlockPosition; getPosition ShapedRecipes a width ShapedRecipes b height ShapedRecipes c items ShapedRecipes d result ShapelessRecipes c result ShapelessRecipes d ingredients SharedConstants a (C)Z isAllowedChatCharacter SharedConstants c allowedCharacters Slot a ()I getMaxStackSize Slot a (LEntityHuman;)Z isAllowed Slot a (LItemStack;)Z isAllowed Slot a index Slot b (LItemStack;)I getMaxStackSize Slot d ()LItemStack; getItem Slot d (LItemStack;)V set Slot d inventory Slot e ()Z hasItem Slot e rawSlotIndex SoundCategory a MASTER SoundCategory b MUSIC SoundCategory c RECORDS SoundCategory d WEATHER SoundCategory e BLOCKS SoundCategory f HOSTILE SoundCategory g NEUTRAL SoundCategory h PLAYERS SoundCategory i AMBIENT SoundCategory j VOICE SoundEffects A ENTITY_ARMOR_STAND_PLACE SoundEffects B ENTITY_ARROW_HIT SoundEffects C ENTITY_ARROW_HIT_PLAYER SoundEffects D ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT SoundEffects E ITEM_AXE_STRIP SoundEffects F ENTITY_BAT_AMBIENT SoundEffects G ENTITY_BAT_DEATH SoundEffects H ENTITY_BAT_HURT SoundEffects I ENTITY_BAT_LOOP SoundEffects J ENTITY_BAT_TAKEOFF SoundEffects K BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE SoundEffects L BLOCK_BEACON_AMBIENT SoundEffects M BLOCK_BEACON_DEACTIVATE SoundEffects N BLOCK_BEACON_POWER_SELECT SoundEffects O ENTITY_BLAZE_AMBIENT SoundEffects P ENTITY_BLAZE_BURN SoundEffects Q ENTITY_BLAZE_DEATH SoundEffects R ENTITY_BLAZE_HURT SoundEffects S ENTITY_BLAZE_SHOOT SoundEffects T ENTITY_BOAT_PADDLE_LAND SoundEffects U ENTITY_BOAT_PADDLE_WATER SoundEffects V ENTITY_FISHING_BOBBER_RETRIEVE SoundEffects W ENTITY_FISHING_BOBBER_SPLASH SoundEffects X ENTITY_FISHING_BOBBER_THROW SoundEffects Y ITEM_BOTTLE_EMPTY SoundEffects Z ITEM_BOTTLE_FILL SoundEffects a AMBIENT_CAVE SoundEffects aA ENTITY_CHICKEN_STEP SoundEffects aB BLOCK_CHORUS_FLOWER_DEATH SoundEffects aC BLOCK_CHORUS_FLOWER_GROW SoundEffects aD ITEM_CHORUS_FRUIT_TELEPORT SoundEffects aE BLOCK_WOOL_BREAK SoundEffects aF BLOCK_WOOL_FALL SoundEffects aG BLOCK_WOOL_HIT SoundEffects aH BLOCK_WOOL_PLACE SoundEffects aI BLOCK_WOOL_STEP SoundEffects aJ ENTITY_COD_AMBIENT SoundEffects aK ENTITY_COD_DEATH SoundEffects aL ENTITY_COD_FLOP SoundEffects aM ENTITY_COD_HURT SoundEffects aN BLOCK_COMPARATOR_CLICK SoundEffects aO BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE SoundEffects aP BLOCK_CONDUIT_AMBIENT SoundEffects aQ BLOCK_CONDUIT_AMBIENT_SHORT SoundEffects aR BLOCK_CONDUIT_ATTACK_TARGET SoundEffects aS BLOCK_CONDUIT_DEACTIVATE SoundEffects aT ENTITY_COW_AMBIENT SoundEffects aU ENTITY_COW_DEATH SoundEffects aV ENTITY_COW_HURT SoundEffects aW ENTITY_COW_MILK SoundEffects aX ENTITY_COW_STEP SoundEffects aY ENTITY_CREEPER_DEATH SoundEffects aZ ENTITY_CREEPER_HURT SoundEffects aa ITEM_BOTTLE_FILL_DRAGONBREATH SoundEffects ab BLOCK_BREWING_STAND_BREW SoundEffects ac BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_BUBBLE_POP SoundEffects ad BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_UPWARDS_AMBIENT SoundEffects ae BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_UPWARDS_INSIDE SoundEffects af BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_WHIRLPOOL_AMBIENT SoundEffects ag BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_WHIRLPOOL_INSIDE SoundEffects ah ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY SoundEffects ai ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY_FISH SoundEffects aj ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY_LAVA SoundEffects ak ITEM_BUCKET_FILL SoundEffects al ITEM_BUCKET_FILL_FISH SoundEffects am ITEM_BUCKET_FILL_LAVA SoundEffects an ENTITY_CAT_AMBIENT SoundEffects ao ENTITY_CAT_DEATH SoundEffects ap ENTITY_CAT_HISS SoundEffects aq ENTITY_CAT_HURT SoundEffects ar ENTITY_CAT_PURR SoundEffects as ENTITY_CAT_PURREOW SoundEffects at BLOCK_CHEST_CLOSE SoundEffects au BLOCK_CHEST_LOCKED SoundEffects av BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN SoundEffects aw ENTITY_CHICKEN_AMBIENT SoundEffects ax ENTITY_CHICKEN_DEATH SoundEffects ay ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG SoundEffects az ENTITY_CHICKEN_HURT SoundEffects b AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_ENTER SoundEffects bA ENTITY_DROWNED_STEP SoundEffects bB ENTITY_DROWNED_SWIM SoundEffects bC ENTITY_EGG_THROW SoundEffects bD ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT SoundEffects bE ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT_LAND SoundEffects bF ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE SoundEffects bG ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_DEATH SoundEffects bH ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_DEATH_LAND SoundEffects bI ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_FLOP SoundEffects bJ ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_HURT SoundEffects bK ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_HURT_LAND SoundEffects bL ITEM_ELYTRA_FLYING SoundEffects bM BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE SoundEffects bN BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST_CLOSE SoundEffects bO BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST_OPEN SoundEffects bP ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_AMBIENT SoundEffects bQ ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_DEATH SoundEffects bR ENTITY_DRAGON_FIREBALL_EXPLODE SoundEffects bS ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_FLAP SoundEffects bT ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_GROWL SoundEffects bU ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_HURT SoundEffects bV ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_SHOOT SoundEffects bW ENTITY_ENDER_EYE_DEATH SoundEffects bX ENTITY_ENDER_EYE_LAUNCH SoundEffects bY ENTITY_ENDERMAN_AMBIENT SoundEffects bZ ENTITY_ENDERMAN_DEATH SoundEffects ba ENTITY_CREEPER_PRIMED SoundEffects bb BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE SoundEffects bc BLOCK_DISPENSER_FAIL SoundEffects bd BLOCK_DISPENSER_LAUNCH SoundEffects be ENTITY_DOLPHIN_AMBIENT SoundEffects bf ENTITY_DOLPHIN_AMBIENT_WATER SoundEffects bg ENTITY_DOLPHIN_ATTACK SoundEffects bh ENTITY_DOLPHIN_DEATH SoundEffects bi ENTITY_DOLPHIN_EAT SoundEffects bj ENTITY_DOLPHIN_HURT SoundEffects bk ENTITY_DOLPHIN_JUMP SoundEffects bl ENTITY_DOLPHIN_PLAY SoundEffects bm ENTITY_DOLPHIN_SPLASH SoundEffects bn ENTITY_DOLPHIN_SWIM SoundEffects bo ENTITY_DONKEY_AMBIENT SoundEffects bp ENTITY_DONKEY_ANGRY SoundEffects bq ENTITY_DONKEY_CHEST SoundEffects br ENTITY_DONKEY_DEATH SoundEffects bs ENTITY_DONKEY_HURT SoundEffects bt ENTITY_DROWNED_AMBIENT SoundEffects bu ENTITY_DROWNED_AMBIENT_WATER SoundEffects bv ENTITY_DROWNED_DEATH SoundEffects bw ENTITY_DROWNED_DEATH_WATER SoundEffects bx ENTITY_DROWNED_HURT SoundEffects by ENTITY_DROWNED_HURT_WATER SoundEffects bz ENTITY_DROWNED_SHOOT SoundEffects c AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_EXIT SoundEffects cA ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST_FAR SoundEffects cB ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LARGE_BLAST SoundEffects cC ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LARGE_BLAST_FAR SoundEffects cD ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LAUNCH SoundEffects cE ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_SHOOT SoundEffects cF ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_TWINKLE SoundEffects cG ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_TWINKLE_FAR SoundEffects cH BLOCK_FIRE_AMBIENT SoundEffects cI BLOCK_FIRE_EXTINGUISH SoundEffects cJ ENTITY_FISH_SWIM SoundEffects cK ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE SoundEffects cL BLOCK_FURNACE_FIRE_CRACKLE SoundEffects cM ENTITY_GENERIC_BIG_FALL SoundEffects cN ENTITY_GENERIC_BURN SoundEffects cO ENTITY_GENERIC_DEATH SoundEffects cP ENTITY_GENERIC_DRINK SoundEffects cQ ENTITY_GENERIC_EAT SoundEffects cR ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE SoundEffects cS ENTITY_GENERIC_EXTINGUISH_FIRE SoundEffects cT ENTITY_GENERIC_HURT SoundEffects cU ENTITY_GENERIC_SMALL_FALL SoundEffects cV ENTITY_GENERIC_SPLASH SoundEffects cW ENTITY_GENERIC_SWIM SoundEffects cX ENTITY_GHAST_AMBIENT SoundEffects cY ENTITY_GHAST_DEATH SoundEffects cZ ENTITY_GHAST_HURT SoundEffects ca ENTITY_ENDERMAN_HURT SoundEffects cb ENTITY_ENDERMAN_SCREAM SoundEffects cc ENTITY_ENDERMAN_STARE SoundEffects cd ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT SoundEffects ce ENTITY_ENDERMITE_AMBIENT SoundEffects cf ENTITY_ENDERMITE_DEATH SoundEffects cg ENTITY_ENDERMITE_HURT SoundEffects ch ENTITY_ENDERMITE_STEP SoundEffects ci ENTITY_ENDER_PEARL_THROW SoundEffects cj BLOCK_END_GATEWAY_SPAWN SoundEffects ck BLOCK_END_PORTAL_FRAME_FILL SoundEffects cl BLOCK_END_PORTAL_SPAWN SoundEffects cm ENTITY_EVOKER_AMBIENT SoundEffects cn ENTITY_EVOKER_CAST_SPELL SoundEffects co ENTITY_EVOKER_DEATH SoundEffects cp ENTITY_EVOKER_FANGS_ATTACK SoundEffects cq ENTITY_EVOKER_HURT SoundEffects cr ENTITY_EVOKER_PREPARE_ATTACK SoundEffects cs ENTITY_EVOKER_PREPARE_SUMMON SoundEffects ct ENTITY_EVOKER_PREPARE_WOLOLO SoundEffects cu ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE_THROW SoundEffects cv ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP SoundEffects cw BLOCK_FENCE_GATE_CLOSE SoundEffects cx BLOCK_FENCE_GATE_OPEN SoundEffects cy ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE SoundEffects cz ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST SoundEffects d AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_LOOP SoundEffects dA BLOCK_GRAVEL_PLACE SoundEffects dB BLOCK_GRAVEL_STEP SoundEffects dC ENTITY_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT SoundEffects dD ENTITY_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT_LAND SoundEffects dE ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK SoundEffects dF ENTITY_GUARDIAN_DEATH SoundEffects dG ENTITY_GUARDIAN_DEATH_LAND SoundEffects dH ENTITY_GUARDIAN_FLOP SoundEffects dI ENTITY_GUARDIAN_HURT SoundEffects dJ ENTITY_GUARDIAN_HURT_LAND SoundEffects dK ITEM_HOE_TILL SoundEffects dL ENTITY_HORSE_AMBIENT SoundEffects dM ENTITY_HORSE_ANGRY SoundEffects dN ENTITY_HORSE_ARMOR SoundEffects dO ENTITY_HORSE_BREATHE SoundEffects dP ENTITY_HORSE_DEATH SoundEffects dQ ENTITY_HORSE_EAT SoundEffects dR ENTITY_HORSE_GALLOP SoundEffects dS ENTITY_HORSE_HURT SoundEffects dT ENTITY_HORSE_JUMP SoundEffects dU ENTITY_HORSE_LAND SoundEffects dV ENTITY_HORSE_SADDLE SoundEffects dW ENTITY_HORSE_STEP SoundEffects dX ENTITY_HORSE_STEP_WOOD SoundEffects dY ENTITY_HOSTILE_BIG_FALL SoundEffects dZ ENTITY_HOSTILE_DEATH SoundEffects da ENTITY_GHAST_SCREAM SoundEffects db ENTITY_GHAST_SHOOT SoundEffects dc ENTITY_GHAST_WARN SoundEffects dd BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK SoundEffects de BLOCK_GLASS_FALL SoundEffects df BLOCK_GLASS_HIT SoundEffects dg BLOCK_GLASS_PLACE SoundEffects dh BLOCK_GLASS_STEP SoundEffects di BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK SoundEffects dj BLOCK_GRASS_FALL SoundEffects dk BLOCK_GRASS_HIT SoundEffects dl BLOCK_GRASS_PLACE SoundEffects dm BLOCK_GRASS_STEP SoundEffects dn BLOCK_WET_GRASS_BREAK SoundEffects do BLOCK_WET_GRASS_FALL SoundEffects dp BLOCK_WET_GRASS_HIT SoundEffects dq BLOCK_WET_GRASS_PLACE SoundEffects dr BLOCK_WET_GRASS_STEP SoundEffects ds BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_BREAK SoundEffects dt BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_FALL SoundEffects du BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_HIT SoundEffects dv BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_PLACE SoundEffects dw BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_STEP SoundEffects dx BLOCK_GRAVEL_BREAK SoundEffects dy BLOCK_GRAVEL_FALL SoundEffects dz BLOCK_GRAVEL_HIT SoundEffects e AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_LOOP_ADDITIONS SoundEffects eA ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_PLACE SoundEffects eB ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_REMOVE_ITEM SoundEffects eC ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_ROTATE_ITEM SoundEffects eD ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK SoundEffects eE ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP SoundEffects eF BLOCK_LADDER_BREAK SoundEffects eG BLOCK_LADDER_FALL SoundEffects eH BLOCK_LADDER_HIT SoundEffects eI BLOCK_LADDER_PLACE SoundEffects eJ BLOCK_LADDER_STEP SoundEffects eK BLOCK_LAVA_AMBIENT SoundEffects eL BLOCK_LAVA_EXTINGUISH SoundEffects eM BLOCK_LAVA_POP SoundEffects eN ENTITY_LEASH_KNOT_BREAK SoundEffects eO ENTITY_LEASH_KNOT_PLACE SoundEffects eP BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK SoundEffects eQ ENTITY_LIGHTNING_BOLT_IMPACT SoundEffects eR ENTITY_LIGHTNING_BOLT_THUNDER SoundEffects eS ENTITY_LINGERING_POTION_THROW SoundEffects eT ENTITY_LLAMA_AMBIENT SoundEffects eU ENTITY_LLAMA_ANGRY SoundEffects eV ENTITY_LLAMA_CHEST SoundEffects eW ENTITY_LLAMA_DEATH SoundEffects eX ENTITY_LLAMA_EAT SoundEffects eY ENTITY_LLAMA_HURT SoundEffects eZ ENTITY_LLAMA_SPIT SoundEffects ea ENTITY_HOSTILE_HURT SoundEffects eb ENTITY_HOSTILE_SMALL_FALL SoundEffects ec ENTITY_HOSTILE_SPLASH SoundEffects ed ENTITY_HOSTILE_SWIM SoundEffects ee ENTITY_HUSK_AMBIENT SoundEffects ef ENTITY_HUSK_CONVERTED_TO_ZOMBIE SoundEffects eg ENTITY_HUSK_DEATH SoundEffects eh ENTITY_HUSK_HURT SoundEffects ei ENTITY_HUSK_STEP SoundEffects ej ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_AMBIENT SoundEffects ek ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_CAST_SPELL SoundEffects el ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_DEATH SoundEffects em ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_HURT SoundEffects en ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_MIRROR_MOVE SoundEffects eo ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_PREPARE_BLINDNESS SoundEffects ep ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_PREPARE_MIRROR SoundEffects eq BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_CLOSE SoundEffects er BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_OPEN SoundEffects es ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_ATTACK SoundEffects et ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_DEATH SoundEffects eu ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_HURT SoundEffects ev ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_STEP SoundEffects ew BLOCK_IRON_TRAPDOOR_CLOSE SoundEffects ex BLOCK_IRON_TRAPDOOR_OPEN SoundEffects ey ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_ADD_ITEM SoundEffects ez ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_BREAK SoundEffects f AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_LOOP_ADDITIONS_RARE SoundEffects fA MUSIC_NETHER SoundEffects fB MUSIC_UNDER_WATER SoundEffects fC BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASEDRUM SoundEffects fD BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS SoundEffects fE BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BELL SoundEffects fF BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_CHIME SoundEffects fG BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_FLUTE SoundEffects fH BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_GUITAR SoundEffects fI BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP SoundEffects fJ BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HAT SoundEffects fK BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING SoundEffects fL BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_SNARE SoundEffects fM BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_XYLOPHONE SoundEffects fN ENTITY_PAINTING_BREAK SoundEffects fO ENTITY_PAINTING_PLACE SoundEffects fP ENTITY_PARROT_AMBIENT SoundEffects fQ ENTITY_PARROT_DEATH SoundEffects fR ENTITY_PARROT_EAT SoundEffects fS ENTITY_PARROT_FLY SoundEffects fT ENTITY_PARROT_HURT SoundEffects fU ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_BLAZE SoundEffects fV ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_CREEPER SoundEffects fW ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_DROWNED SoundEffects fX ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ELDER_GUARDIAN SoundEffects fY ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ENDER_DRAGON SoundEffects fZ ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ENDERMAN SoundEffects fa ENTITY_LLAMA_STEP SoundEffects fb ENTITY_LLAMA_SWAG SoundEffects fc ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_DEATH SoundEffects fd ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_HURT SoundEffects fe ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_JUMP SoundEffects ff ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_SQUISH SoundEffects fg BLOCK_METAL_BREAK SoundEffects fh BLOCK_METAL_FALL SoundEffects fi BLOCK_METAL_HIT SoundEffects fj BLOCK_METAL_PLACE SoundEffects fk BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_OFF SoundEffects fl BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON SoundEffects fm BLOCK_METAL_STEP SoundEffects fn ENTITY_MINECART_INSIDE SoundEffects fo ENTITY_MINECART_RIDING SoundEffects fp ENTITY_MOOSHROOM_SHEAR SoundEffects fq ENTITY_MULE_AMBIENT SoundEffects fr ENTITY_MULE_CHEST SoundEffects fs ENTITY_MULE_DEATH SoundEffects ft ENTITY_MULE_HURT SoundEffects fu MUSIC_CREATIVE SoundEffects fv MUSIC_CREDITS SoundEffects fw MUSIC_DRAGON SoundEffects fx MUSIC_END SoundEffects fy MUSIC_GAME SoundEffects fz MUSIC_MENU SoundEffects g AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_LOOP_ADDITIONS_ULTRA_RARE SoundEffects gA ENTITY_PHANTOM_DEATH SoundEffects gB ENTITY_PHANTOM_FLAP SoundEffects gC ENTITY_PHANTOM_HURT SoundEffects gD ENTITY_PHANTOM_SWOOP SoundEffects gE ENTITY_PIG_AMBIENT SoundEffects gF ENTITY_PIG_DEATH SoundEffects gG ENTITY_PIG_HURT SoundEffects gH ENTITY_PIG_SADDLE SoundEffects gI ENTITY_PIG_STEP SoundEffects gJ BLOCK_PISTON_CONTRACT SoundEffects gK BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND SoundEffects gL ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_CRIT SoundEffects gM ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_KNOCKBACK SoundEffects gN ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_NODAMAGE SoundEffects gO ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_STRONG SoundEffects gP ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_SWEEP SoundEffects gQ ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_WEAK SoundEffects gR ENTITY_PLAYER_BIG_FALL SoundEffects gS ENTITY_PLAYER_BREATH SoundEffects gT ENTITY_PLAYER_BURP SoundEffects gU ENTITY_PLAYER_DEATH SoundEffects gV ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT SoundEffects gW ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_DROWN SoundEffects gX ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE SoundEffects gY ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP SoundEffects gZ ENTITY_PLAYER_SMALL_FALL SoundEffects ga ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ENDERMITE SoundEffects gb ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_EVOKER SoundEffects gc ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_GHAST SoundEffects gd ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_HUSK SoundEffects ge ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ILLUSIONER SoundEffects gf ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_MAGMA_CUBE SoundEffects gg ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_PHANTOM SoundEffects gh ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_POLAR_BEAR SoundEffects gi ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SHULKER SoundEffects gj ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SILVERFISH SoundEffects gk ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SKELETON SoundEffects gl ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SLIME SoundEffects gm ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SPIDER SoundEffects gn ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_STRAY SoundEffects go ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_VEX SoundEffects gp ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_VINDICATOR SoundEffects gq ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_WITCH SoundEffects gr ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_WITHER SoundEffects gs ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_WITHER_SKELETON SoundEffects gt ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_WOLF SoundEffects gu ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ZOMBIE SoundEffects gv ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN SoundEffects gw ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER SoundEffects gx ENTITY_PARROT_STEP SoundEffects gy ENTITY_PHANTOM_AMBIENT SoundEffects gz ENTITY_PHANTOM_BITE SoundEffects h BLOCK_ANVIL_BREAK SoundEffects hA MUSIC_DISC_13 SoundEffects hB MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS SoundEffects hC MUSIC_DISC_CAT SoundEffects hD MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP SoundEffects hE MUSIC_DISC_FAR SoundEffects hF MUSIC_DISC_MALL SoundEffects hG MUSIC_DISC_MELLOHI SoundEffects hH MUSIC_DISC_STAL SoundEffects hI MUSIC_DISC_STRAD SoundEffects hJ MUSIC_DISC_WAIT SoundEffects hK MUSIC_DISC_WARD SoundEffects hL BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT SoundEffects hM ENTITY_SALMON_AMBIENT SoundEffects hN ENTITY_SALMON_DEATH SoundEffects hO ENTITY_SALMON_FLOP SoundEffects hP ENTITY_SALMON_HURT SoundEffects hQ BLOCK_SAND_BREAK SoundEffects hR BLOCK_SAND_FALL SoundEffects hS BLOCK_SAND_HIT SoundEffects hT BLOCK_SAND_PLACE SoundEffects hU BLOCK_SAND_STEP SoundEffects hV ENTITY_SHEEP_AMBIENT SoundEffects hW ENTITY_SHEEP_DEATH SoundEffects hX ENTITY_SHEEP_HURT SoundEffects hY ENTITY_SHEEP_SHEAR SoundEffects hZ ENTITY_SHEEP_STEP SoundEffects ha ENTITY_PLAYER_SPLASH SoundEffects hb ENTITY_PLAYER_SPLASH_HIGH_SPEED SoundEffects hc ENTITY_PLAYER_SWIM SoundEffects hd ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_AMBIENT SoundEffects he ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_AMBIENT_BABY SoundEffects hf ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_DEATH SoundEffects hg ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_HURT SoundEffects hh ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_STEP SoundEffects hi ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_WARNING SoundEffects hj BLOCK_PORTAL_AMBIENT SoundEffects hk BLOCK_PORTAL_TRAVEL SoundEffects hl BLOCK_PORTAL_TRIGGER SoundEffects hm ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_AMBIENT SoundEffects hn ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_BLOW_OUT SoundEffects ho ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_BLOW_UP SoundEffects hp ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_DEATH SoundEffects hq ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_FLOP SoundEffects hr ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_HURT SoundEffects hs ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_STING SoundEffects ht BLOCK_PUMPKIN_CARVE SoundEffects hu ENTITY_RABBIT_AMBIENT SoundEffects hv ENTITY_RABBIT_ATTACK SoundEffects hw ENTITY_RABBIT_DEATH SoundEffects hx ENTITY_RABBIT_HURT SoundEffects hy ENTITY_RABBIT_JUMP SoundEffects hz MUSIC_DISC_11 SoundEffects i BLOCK_ANVIL_DESTROY SoundEffects iA ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_GALLOP_WATER SoundEffects iB ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_JUMP_WATER SoundEffects iC ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_STEP_WATER SoundEffects iD ENTITY_SKELETON_HURT SoundEffects iE ENTITY_SKELETON_SHOOT SoundEffects iF ENTITY_SKELETON_STEP SoundEffects iG ENTITY_SLIME_ATTACK SoundEffects iH ENTITY_SLIME_DEATH SoundEffects iI ENTITY_SLIME_HURT SoundEffects iJ ENTITY_SLIME_JUMP SoundEffects iK ENTITY_SLIME_SQUISH SoundEffects iL BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_BREAK SoundEffects iM BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_FALL SoundEffects iN BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_HIT SoundEffects iO BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_PLACE SoundEffects iP BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_STEP SoundEffects iQ ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_DEATH_SMALL SoundEffects iR ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_HURT_SMALL SoundEffects iS ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_SQUISH_SMALL SoundEffects iT ENTITY_SLIME_DEATH_SMALL SoundEffects iU ENTITY_SLIME_HURT_SMALL SoundEffects iV ENTITY_SLIME_JUMP_SMALL SoundEffects iW ENTITY_SLIME_SQUISH_SMALL SoundEffects iX ENTITY_SNOWBALL_THROW SoundEffects iY BLOCK_SNOW_BREAK SoundEffects iZ BLOCK_SNOW_FALL SoundEffects ia ITEM_SHIELD_BLOCK SoundEffects ib ITEM_SHIELD_BREAK SoundEffects ic ITEM_SHOVEL_FLATTEN SoundEffects id ENTITY_SHULKER_AMBIENT SoundEffects ie BLOCK_SHULKER_BOX_CLOSE SoundEffects if BLOCK_SHULKER_BOX_OPEN SoundEffects ig ENTITY_SHULKER_BULLET_HIT SoundEffects ih ENTITY_SHULKER_BULLET_HURT SoundEffects ii ENTITY_SHULKER_CLOSE SoundEffects ij ENTITY_SHULKER_DEATH SoundEffects ik ENTITY_SHULKER_HURT SoundEffects il ENTITY_SHULKER_HURT_CLOSED SoundEffects im ENTITY_SHULKER_OPEN SoundEffects in ENTITY_SHULKER_SHOOT SoundEffects io ENTITY_SHULKER_TELEPORT SoundEffects ip ENTITY_SILVERFISH_AMBIENT SoundEffects iq ENTITY_SILVERFISH_DEATH SoundEffects ir ENTITY_SILVERFISH_HURT SoundEffects is ENTITY_SILVERFISH_STEP SoundEffects it ENTITY_SKELETON_AMBIENT SoundEffects iu ENTITY_SKELETON_DEATH SoundEffects iv ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_AMBIENT SoundEffects iw ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_DEATH SoundEffects ix ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_HURT SoundEffects iy ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_SWIM SoundEffects iz ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_AMBIENT_WATER SoundEffects j BLOCK_ANVIL_FALL SoundEffects jA ENTITY_STRAY_AMBIENT SoundEffects jB ENTITY_STRAY_DEATH SoundEffects jC ENTITY_STRAY_HURT SoundEffects jD ENTITY_STRAY_STEP SoundEffects jE ENCHANT_THORNS_HIT SoundEffects jF ENTITY_TNT_PRIMED SoundEffects jG ITEM_TOTEM_USE SoundEffects jH ITEM_TRIDENT_HIT SoundEffects jI ITEM_TRIDENT_HIT_GROUND SoundEffects jJ ITEM_TRIDENT_RETURN SoundEffects jK ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_1 SoundEffects jL ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_2 SoundEffects jM ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_3 SoundEffects jN ITEM_TRIDENT_THROW SoundEffects jO ITEM_TRIDENT_THUNDER SoundEffects jP BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_ATTACH SoundEffects jQ BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_CLICK_OFF SoundEffects jR BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_CLICK_ON SoundEffects jS BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_DETACH SoundEffects jT ENTITY_TROPICAL_FISH_AMBIENT SoundEffects jU ENTITY_TROPICAL_FISH_DEATH SoundEffects jV ENTITY_TROPICAL_FISH_FLOP SoundEffects jW ENTITY_TROPICAL_FISH_HURT SoundEffects jX ENTITY_TURTLE_AMBIENT_LAND SoundEffects jY ENTITY_TURTLE_DEATH SoundEffects jZ ENTITY_TURTLE_DEATH_BABY SoundEffects ja ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_AMBIENT SoundEffects jb ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_DEATH SoundEffects jc ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_HURT SoundEffects jd ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_SHOOT SoundEffects je BLOCK_SNOW_HIT SoundEffects jf BLOCK_SNOW_PLACE SoundEffects jg BLOCK_SNOW_STEP SoundEffects jh ENTITY_SPIDER_AMBIENT SoundEffects ji ENTITY_SPIDER_DEATH SoundEffects jj ENTITY_SPIDER_HURT SoundEffects jk ENTITY_SPIDER_STEP SoundEffects jl ENTITY_SPLASH_POTION_BREAK SoundEffects jm ENTITY_SPLASH_POTION_THROW SoundEffects jn ENTITY_SQUID_AMBIENT SoundEffects jo ENTITY_SQUID_DEATH SoundEffects jp ENTITY_SQUID_HURT SoundEffects jq ENTITY_SQUID_SQUIRT SoundEffects jr BLOCK_STONE_BREAK SoundEffects js BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON_CLICK_OFF SoundEffects jt BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON_CLICK_ON SoundEffects ju BLOCK_STONE_FALL SoundEffects jv BLOCK_STONE_HIT SoundEffects jw BLOCK_STONE_PLACE SoundEffects jx BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_OFF SoundEffects jy BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON SoundEffects jz BLOCK_STONE_STEP SoundEffects k BLOCK_ANVIL_HIT SoundEffects kA BLOCK_LILY_PAD_PLACE SoundEffects kB BLOCK_WATER_AMBIENT SoundEffects kC WEATHER_RAIN SoundEffects kD WEATHER_RAIN_ABOVE SoundEffects kE ENTITY_WITCH_AMBIENT SoundEffects kF ENTITY_WITCH_DEATH SoundEffects kG ENTITY_WITCH_DRINK SoundEffects kH ENTITY_WITCH_HURT SoundEffects kI ENTITY_WITCH_THROW SoundEffects kJ ENTITY_WITHER_AMBIENT SoundEffects kK ENTITY_WITHER_BREAK_BLOCK SoundEffects kL ENTITY_WITHER_DEATH SoundEffects kM ENTITY_WITHER_HURT SoundEffects kN ENTITY_WITHER_SHOOT SoundEffects kO ENTITY_WITHER_SKELETON_AMBIENT SoundEffects kP ENTITY_WITHER_SKELETON_DEATH SoundEffects kQ ENTITY_WITHER_SKELETON_HURT SoundEffects kR ENTITY_WITHER_SKELETON_STEP SoundEffects kS ENTITY_WITHER_SPAWN SoundEffects kT ENTITY_WOLF_AMBIENT SoundEffects kU ENTITY_WOLF_DEATH SoundEffects kV ENTITY_WOLF_GROWL SoundEffects kW ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL SoundEffects kX ENTITY_WOLF_HURT SoundEffects kY ENTITY_WOLF_PANT SoundEffects kZ ENTITY_WOLF_SHAKE SoundEffects ka ENTITY_TURTLE_EGG_BREAK SoundEffects kb ENTITY_TURTLE_EGG_CRACK SoundEffects kc ENTITY_TURTLE_EGG_HATCH SoundEffects kd ENTITY_TURTLE_HURT SoundEffects ke ENTITY_TURTLE_HURT_BABY SoundEffects kf ENTITY_TURTLE_LAY_EGG SoundEffects kg ENTITY_TURTLE_SHAMBLE SoundEffects kh ENTITY_TURTLE_SHAMBLE_BABY SoundEffects ki ENTITY_TURTLE_SWIM SoundEffects kj UI_BUTTON_CLICK SoundEffects kk UI_TOAST_CHALLENGE_COMPLETE SoundEffects kl UI_TOAST_IN SoundEffects km UI_TOAST_OUT SoundEffects kn ENTITY_VEX_AMBIENT SoundEffects ko ENTITY_VEX_CHARGE SoundEffects kp ENTITY_VEX_DEATH SoundEffects kq ENTITY_VEX_HURT SoundEffects kr ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT SoundEffects ks ENTITY_VILLAGER_DEATH SoundEffects kt ENTITY_VILLAGER_HURT SoundEffects ku ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO SoundEffects kv ENTITY_VILLAGER_TRADE SoundEffects kw ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES SoundEffects kx ENTITY_VINDICATOR_AMBIENT SoundEffects ky ENTITY_VINDICATOR_DEATH SoundEffects kz ENTITY_VINDICATOR_HURT SoundEffects l BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND SoundEffects lA ENTITY_ZOMBIE_INFECT SoundEffects lB ENTITY_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_AMBIENT SoundEffects lC ENTITY_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_ANGRY SoundEffects lD ENTITY_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_DEATH SoundEffects lE ENTITY_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_HURT SoundEffects lF ENTITY_ZOMBIE_STEP SoundEffects lG ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_AMBIENT SoundEffects lH ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED SoundEffects lI ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE SoundEffects lJ ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_DEATH SoundEffects lK ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_HURT SoundEffects lL ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_STEP SoundEffects la ENTITY_WOLF_STEP SoundEffects lb ENTITY_WOLF_WHINE SoundEffects lc BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR_CLOSE SoundEffects ld BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR_OPEN SoundEffects le BLOCK_WOODEN_TRAPDOOR_CLOSE SoundEffects lf BLOCK_WOODEN_TRAPDOOR_OPEN SoundEffects lg BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK SoundEffects lh BLOCK_WOODEN_BUTTON_CLICK_OFF SoundEffects li BLOCK_WOODEN_BUTTON_CLICK_ON SoundEffects lj BLOCK_WOOD_FALL SoundEffects lk BLOCK_WOOD_HIT SoundEffects ll BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE SoundEffects lm BLOCK_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_OFF SoundEffects ln BLOCK_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON SoundEffects lo BLOCK_WOOD_STEP SoundEffects lp ENTITY_ZOMBIE_AMBIENT SoundEffects lq ENTITY_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_WOODEN_DOOR SoundEffects lr ENTITY_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_IRON_DOOR SoundEffects ls ENTITY_ZOMBIE_BREAK_WOODEN_DOOR SoundEffects lt ENTITY_ZOMBIE_CONVERTED_TO_DROWNED SoundEffects lu ENTITY_ZOMBIE_DEATH SoundEffects lv ENTITY_ZOMBIE_DESTROY_EGG SoundEffects lw ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HORSE_AMBIENT SoundEffects lx ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HORSE_DEATH SoundEffects ly ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HORSE_HURT SoundEffects lz ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HURT SoundEffects m BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE SoundEffects n BLOCK_ANVIL_STEP SoundEffects o BLOCK_ANVIL_USE SoundEffects p ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_CHAIN SoundEffects q ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND SoundEffects r ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_ELYTRA SoundEffects s ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_GENERIC SoundEffects t ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_GOLD SoundEffects u ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_IRON SoundEffects v ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_LEATHER SoundEffects w ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_TURTLE SoundEffects x ENTITY_ARMOR_STAND_BREAK SoundEffects y ENTITY_ARMOR_STAND_FALL SoundEffects z ENTITY_ARMOR_STAND_HIT SpawnerCreature a (LWorld;II)LBlockPosition; getRandomPosition StatisticList A HORSE_ONE_CM StatisticList B AVIATE_ONE_CM StatisticList C SWIM_ONE_CM StatisticList D JUMP StatisticList E DROP StatisticList F DAMAGE_DEALT StatisticList G DAMAGE_TAKEN StatisticList H DEATHS StatisticList I MOB_KILLS StatisticList J ANIMALS_BRED StatisticList K PLAYER_KILLS StatisticList L FISH_CAUGHT StatisticList M TALKED_TO_VILLAGER StatisticList N TRADED_WITH_VILLAGER StatisticList O EAT_CAKE_SLICE StatisticList P FILL_CAULDRON StatisticList Q USE_CAULDRON StatisticList R CLEAN_ARMOR StatisticList S CLEAN_BANNER StatisticList T INTERACT_WITH_BREWINGSTAND StatisticList U INTERACT_WITH_BEACON StatisticList V INSPECT_DROPPER StatisticList W INSPECT_HOPPER StatisticList X INSPECT_DISPENSER StatisticList Y PLAY_NOTEBLOCK StatisticList Z TUNE_NOTEBLOCK StatisticList a REGISTRY StatisticList aa POT_FLOWER StatisticList ab TRIGGER_TRAPPED_CHEST StatisticList ac OPEN_ENDERCHEST StatisticList ad ENCHANT_ITEM StatisticList ae PLAY_RECORD StatisticList af INTERACT_WITH_FURNACE StatisticList ag INTERACT_WITH_CRAFTING_TABLE StatisticList ah OPEN_CHEST StatisticList ai SLEEP_IN_BED StatisticList aj OPEN_SHULKER_BOX StatisticList ak REGISTRY_CUSTOM StatisticList b BLOCK_MINED StatisticList c ITEM_CRAFTED StatisticList d ITEM_USED StatisticList e ITEM_BROKEN StatisticList f ITEM_PICKED_UP StatisticList g ITEM_DROPPED StatisticList h ENTITY_KILLED StatisticList i ENTITY_KILLED_BY StatisticList j CUSTOM StatisticList k LEAVE_GAME StatisticList l PLAY_ONE_MINUTE StatisticList m TIME_SINCE_DEATH StatisticList o SNEAK_TIME StatisticList p WALK_ONE_CM StatisticList q CROUCH_ONE_CM StatisticList r SPRINT_ONE_CM StatisticList s WALK_ON_WATER_ONE_CM StatisticList t FALL_ONE_CM StatisticList u CLIMB_ONE_CM StatisticList v FLY_ONE_CM StatisticList w WALK_UNDER_WATER_ONE_CM StatisticList x MINECART_ONE_CM StatisticList y BOAT_ONE_CM StatisticList z PIG_ONE_CM StatisticManager a (LEntityHuman;LStatistic;I)V setStatistic StatisticManager a (LStatistic;)I getStatisticValue StructureGenerator a (LWorld;LChunkGenerator;LBlockPosition;I)LBlockPosition; getNearestGeneratedFeature SystemUtils$OS a LINUX SystemUtils$OS b SOLARIS SystemUtils$OS c WINDOWS SystemUtils$OS d OSX SystemUtils$OS e UNKNOWN Tag a (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z isTagged TextureType a SOLID TextureType b CUTOUT_MIPPED TextureType c CUTOUT TextureType d TRANSLUCENT TickListPriority a EXTREMELY_HIGH TickListPriority b VERY_HIGH TickListPriority c HIGH TickListPriority d NORMAL TickListPriority e LOW TickListPriority f VERY_LOW TickListPriority g EXTREMELY_LOW TickListServer d nextTickListHash TickListServer e nextTickList TileEntity A ()V invalidateBlockCache TileEntity B ()Z isFilteredNBT TileEntity F ()LWorld; getWorld TileEntity Y_ ()LPacketPlayOutTileEntityData; getUpdatePacket TileEntity a (LBlockPosition;)V setPosition TileEntity a (LNBTTagCompound;)LNBTTagCompound; save TileEntity a (LWorld;)V setWorld TileEntity b (LNBTTagCompound;)V load TileEntity c (LNBTTagCompound;)LTileEntity; create TileEntity c_ world TileEntity d_ position TileEntity g ()V update TileEntity v ()LBlockPosition; getPosition TileEntity w ()LIBlockData; getBlock TileEntityBanner e color TileEntityBanner f patterns TileEntityBeacon a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName TileEntityBeacon k levels TileEntityBeacon l primaryEffect TileEntityBeacon m secondaryEffect TileEntityBeacon n inventorySlot TileEntityBed a color TileEntityBrewingStand a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName TileEntityBrewingStand g items TileEntityBrewingStand h brewTime TileEntityBrewingStand l fuelLevel TileEntityChest j items TileEntityCommand c ()LCommandBlockListenerAbstract; getCommandBlock TileEntityCommand$Type a SEQUENCE TileEntityCommand$Type b AUTO TileEntityCommand$Type c REDSTONE TileEntityDispenser a (LItemStack;)I addItem TileEntityDispenser e items TileEntityDispenser l ()Ljava/lang/String; getContainerName TileEntityEnchantTable a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName TileEntityEndGateway g exitPortal TileEntityEndGateway h exactTeleport TileEntityFurnace a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName TileEntityFurnace a (LItemStack;)Z isFuel TileEntityFurnace b (LIRecipe;)Z canBurn TileEntityFurnace b (LItemStack;)I fuelTime TileEntityFurnace c (LIRecipe;)V burn TileEntityFurnace g items TileEntityFurnace h burnTime TileEntityFurnace i ticksForCurrentFuel TileEntityFurnace j cookTime TileEntityFurnace k cookTimeTotal TileEntityFurnace r ()Z isBurning TileEntityHopper a (LIInventory;LIInventory;LItemStack;LEnumDirection;)LItemStack; addItem TileEntityHopper d (I)V setCooldown TileEntityHopper e items TileEntityJukeBox a (LItemStack;)V setRecord TileEntityJukeBox c ()LItemStack; getRecord TileEntityLootable a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName TileEntityMobSpawner c ()LMobSpawnerAbstract; getSpawner TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase a CLOSED TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase b OPENING TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase c OPENED TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase d CLOSING TileEntitySign a lines TileEntitySign f isEditable TileEntitySkull a (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V setGameProfile TileEntitySkull c ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; getGameProfile TileEntitySkull d ()Z shouldDrop TileEntitySkull g drop TileEntityStructure a (LBlockPropertyStructureMode;)V setUsageMode TileEntityStructure a (LEntityLiving;)V setAuthor TileEntityStructure a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setStructureName TileEntityStructure a structureName TileEntityStructure c ()Ljava/lang/String; getStructureName TileEntityStructure e author TileEntityStructure f metadata TileEntityStructure g relativePosition TileEntityStructure h size TileEntityStructure i mirror TileEntityStructure j rotation TileEntityStructure k ()LBlockPropertyStructureMode; getUsageMode TileEntityStructure k usageMode TileEntityStructure l ignoreEntities TileEntityStructure m powered TileEntityStructure n showAir TileEntityStructure o showBoundingBox TileEntityStructure p integrity TileEntityStructure q seed TileEntityStructure$UpdateType a UPDATE_DATA TileEntityStructure$UpdateType b SAVE_AREA TileEntityStructure$UpdateType c LOAD_AREA TileEntityStructure$UpdateType d SCAN_AREA TileEntityTypes z CONDUIT UserCache a (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; getProfile Vec3D b (DDD)LVec3D; add Vec3D b x Vec3D c y Vec3D d z Vec3D g (LVec3D;)D distanceSquared Vector3f a x Vector3f b ()F getX Vector3f b y Vector3f c ()F getY Vector3f c z Vector3f d ()F getZ WeightedRandomEnchant b enchantment WeightedRandomEnchant c level WhiteList a (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z isWhitelisted World A villages World B methodProfiler World C isClientSide World D allowMonsters World E allowAnimals World F ()LScoreboard; getScoreboard World T ()V checkSession World U ()J getTime World V ()J getDayTime World W ()LGameRules; getGameRules World Y ()Z isRaining World Z ()I getHeight World a (DDDD)Z isPlayerNearby World a (I)LEntity; getEntity World a (LBlockPosition;LBlock;II)V playBlockAction World a (LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;)Z setTypeUpdate World a (LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;LIBlockData;I)V notify World a (LBlockPosition;LTileEntity;)V setTileEntity World a (LEntity;B)V broadcastEntityEffect World a (LEntity;DDDFZ)LExplosion; explode World a (LEntity;DDDFZZ)LExplosion; createExplosion World a (LEntity;LAxisAlignedBB;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List; getEntities World a (LEntity;LDamageSource;DDDFZZ)LExplosion; createExplosion World a (LEntity;Z)V entityJoinedWorld World a (LEntityHuman;LBlockPosition;LEnumDirection;)Z douseFire World a (LIWorldAccess;)V addIWorldAccess World a (LVec3D;LVec3D;)LMovingObjectPosition; rayTrace World a (LVec3D;LVec3D;LFluidCollisionOption;)LMovingObjectPosition; rayTrace World a (LVec3D;LVec3D;LFluidCollisionOption;ZZ)LMovingObjectPosition; rayTrace World a (ZZ)V setSpawnFlags World b (ILBlockPosition;I)V triggerEffect World b (J)V setDayTime World b (LBlockPosition;LBlock;)V applyPhysics World b (LBlockPosition;LEnumDirection;)Z isBlockFacePowered World c (LBlockPosition;LBlock;)V updateAdjacentComparators World c (LBlockPosition;LEnumDirection;)I getBlockFacePower World d (II)LChunk; getChunkAt World d (LEntity;)Z strikeLightning World d tileEntityListUnload World e (LEntity;)V kill World f (LEntity;)V removeEntity World f entityList World g (LBlockPosition;)Z setAir World h tileEntityList World i tileEntityListTick World i_ ()V doTick World j (LBlockPosition;)Z isValidLocation World j players World k_ ()V everyoneSleeping World l (LBlockPosition;)LChunk; getChunkAtWorldCoords World l entitiesById World o_ ()V tickEntities World s (LBlockPosition;)I getBlockPower World s random World t (LBlockPosition;)Z isBlockIndirectlyPowered World t worldProvider World w (LBlockPosition;)Z isRainingAt World w chunkProvider World x dataManager World y ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; getMinecraftServer World y worldData World z worldMaps WorldBorder a ()LEnumWorldBorderState; getState WorldBorder a (D)V setSize WorldBorder a (DDJ)V transitionSizeBetween WorldBorder a (LChunkCoordIntPair;)Z isInBounds WorldBorder b (D)V setDamageBuffer WorldBorder b (I)V setWarningTime WorldBorder c (D)V setDamageAmount WorldBorder c (DD)V setCenter WorldBorder c (I)V setWarningDistance WorldBorder f ()D getCenterX WorldBorder g ()D getCenterZ WorldBorder h ()D getSize WorldBorder m ()D getDamageBuffer WorldBorder n ()D getDamageAmount WorldBorder p ()I getWarningTime WorldBorder q ()I getWarningDistance WorldChunkManager a (IIII)[LBiomeBase; getBiomes WorldChunkManager a (LBlockPosition;LBiomeBase;)LBiomeBase; getBiome WorldChunkManager b (IIII)[LBiomeBase; getBiomeBlock WorldData A ()LNBTTagCompound; getGeneratorOptions WorldData a ()J getSeed WorldData a (J)V setTime WorldData a (LBlockPosition;)V setSpawn WorldData a (LEnumDifficulty;)V setDifficulty WorldData a (LEnumGamemode;)V setGameType WorldData a (Z)V setThundering WorldData b (J)V setDayTime WorldData b (Z)V setStorm WorldData e ()J getTime WorldData e (I)V setThunderDuration WorldData f ()J getDayTime WorldData f (I)V setWeatherDuration WorldData j ()Ljava/lang/String; getName WorldData m ()Z isThundering WorldData n ()I getThunderDuration WorldData o ()Z hasStorm WorldData p ()I getWeatherDuration WorldData q ()LEnumGamemode; getGameType WorldData r ()Z shouldGenerateMapFeatures WorldData s ()Z isHardcore WorldData t ()LWorldType; getType WorldData t levelName WorldData x ()LEnumDifficulty; getDifficulty WorldData y ()Z isDifficultyLocked WorldGenFeatureOceanRuin$Temperature a WARM WorldGenFeatureOceanRuin$Temperature b COLD WorldGenMineshaft$Type a NORMAL WorldGenMineshaft$Type b MESA WorldGenStage$Decoration a RAW_GENERATION WorldGenStage$Decoration b LOCAL_MODIFICATIONS WorldGenStage$Decoration c UNDERGROUND_STRUCTURES WorldGenStage$Decoration d SURFACE_STRUCTURES WorldGenStage$Decoration e UNDERGROUND_ORES WorldGenStage$Decoration f UNDERGROUND_DECORATION WorldGenStage$Decoration g VEGETAL_DECORATION WorldGenStage$Decoration h TOP_LAYER_MODIFICATION WorldGenStage$Features a AIR WorldGenStage$Features b LIQUID WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType a OPENING WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType b WOOD_DOOR WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType c GRATES WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType d IRON_DOOR WorldGenVillagePieces$Material a OAK WorldGenVillagePieces$Material b SANDSTONE WorldGenVillagePieces$Material c ACACIA WorldGenVillagePieces$Material d SPRUCE WorldGenerator a (LGeneratorAccess;LChunkGenerator;Ljava/util/Random;LBlockPosition;LWorldGenFeatureConfiguration;)Z generate WorldManager b world WorldMap a (II)V flagDirty WorldMap a centerX WorldMap b centerZ WorldMap c map WorldMap d track WorldMap e unlimitedTracking WorldMap f scale WorldMap g colors WorldMap i decorations WorldMap$WorldMapHumanTracker a trackee WorldMap$WorldMapHumanTracker c worldMap WorldNBTStorage c baseDir WorldNBTStorage d playerDir WorldNBTStorage e dataDir WorldNBTStorage f sessionId WorldProvider f ()Z isNether WorldProvider j ()LWorldBorder; getWorldBorder WorldProvider n ()LChunkGenerator; getChunkGenerator WorldProvider q ()LDimensionManager; getDimensionManager WorldServer A ()LPlayerChunkMap; getPlayerChunkMap WorldServer B ()LPortalTravelAgent; getTravelAgent WorldServer G server WorldServer H tracker WorldServer I manager WorldServer J entitiesByUUID WorldServer L emptyTime WorldServer M portalTravelAgent WorldServer N spawnerCreature WorldServer O nextTickListBlock WorldServer P nextTickListFluid WorldServer a (Ljava/util/UUID;)LEntity; getEntity WorldServer a (ZLIProgressUpdate;)V save WorldServer aj ()Z getSpawnNPCs WorldServer ak ()Z getSpawnAnimals WorldServer b savingDisabled WorldServer c siegeManager WorldServer i ()Z everyoneDeeplySleeping WorldServer s ()LBlockPosition; getDimensionSpawn WorldServer t ()V flushSave WorldServer u ()LChunkProviderServer; getChunkProviderServer WorldServer z ()LEntityTracker; getTracker WorldSettings a (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)LWorldSettings; setGeneratorSettings WorldType a ()Ljava/lang/String; name WorldType a (Ljava/lang/String;)LWorldType; getType WorldType a types WorldType b NORMAL WorldType c FLAT WorldType d ()I getVersion WorldType d LARGE_BIOMES WorldType e AMPLIFIED WorldType f CUSTOMIZED WorldType h DEBUG_ALL_BLOCK_STATES WorldType i NORMAL_1_1 WorldType k name WorldType l version net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer A spawnAnimals net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer B spawnNPCs net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer C ()[Ljava/lang/String; getPlayers net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer C pvpMode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer D allowFlight net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer E ()Z isDebugging net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer E motd net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer L demoMode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer M ()Z getSpawnMonsters net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer O ()LConvertable; getConvertable net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer P ()Ljava/lang/String; getResourcePack net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer Q ()Ljava/lang/String; getResourcePackHash net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer R ()Z getSnooperEnabled net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer T ()Z getOnlineMode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer V ()Z getSpawnAnimals net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer W ()Z getSpawnNPCs net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer Y ()Z getPVP net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer Z ()Z getAllowFlight net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer Z serverThread net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer a (I)LWorldServer; getWorldServer net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer a (LEnumGamemode;)V setGamemode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer a (Z)V saveChunks net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aC ()LAdvancementDataWorld; getAdvancementData net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aE ()V reload net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aF ()LIReloadableResourceManager; getResourceManager net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aG ()LResourcePackRepository; getResourcePackRepository net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aK ()LCommandDispatcher; getCommandDispatcher net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aL ()LCommandListenerWrapper; getServerCommandListener net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aM ()LCraftingManager; getCraftingManager net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aN ()LTagRegistry; getTagRegistry net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aO ()LScoreboardServer; getScoreboard net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aU ()Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; getLogger net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer a_ (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V setResourcePack net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aa ()Z getEnableCommandBlock net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ab ()Ljava/lang/String; getMotd net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ac ()I getMaxBuildHeight net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ad ()Z isStopped net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ad resourcePackRepository net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ae ()LPlayerList; getPlayerList net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ae resourcePackFolder net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer af commandDispatcher net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ag ()LServerConnection; getServerConnection net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer an ()I getSpawnProtection net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ao ()Z getForceGamemode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aq ()I getIdleTimeout net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer as ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfileRepository; getGameProfileRepository net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer at ()LUserCache; getUserCache net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer au ()LServerPing; getServerPing net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer b (I)V setPort net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer b methodProfiler net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer c worldServer net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer d ()Z init net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer d (I)V setIdleTimeout net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer d (Ljava/lang/String;)V info net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer d (Z)V setOnlineMode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer e (Ljava/lang/String;)V warning net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer f (Z)V setSpawnAnimals net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer g ()Z getGenerateStructures net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer g (Z)V setSpawnNPCs net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer h ()LEnumGamemode; getGamemode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer h (Z)V setPVP net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer h LOGGER net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer h_ ()V stop net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer i ()LEnumDifficulty; getDifficulty net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer i (Ljava/lang/String;)V setWorld net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer i (Z)V setAllowFlight net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer i convertable net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer j ()Z isHardcore net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer j (Z)V setForceGamemode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer k (Ljava/lang/String;)V setMotd net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer k universe net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer o ()Ljava/lang/String; getServerIp net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer p ()Z isRunning net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer p dataConverterManager net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer q ()V safeShutdown net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer q serverIp net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer t isRunning net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer u isStopped net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer v ticks net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer x ()Z getAllowNether net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer y onlineMode net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer z ()Ljava/lang/String; getVersion