From a5effc614208d06202688a775f25d7b820b36d47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: md_5 Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:00:00 +1000 Subject: Update to Minecraft 1.13-pre7 --- mappings/bukkit-1.13-pre7-members.csrg | 4639 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 4639 insertions(+) create mode 100644 mappings/bukkit-1.13-pre7-members.csrg (limited to 'mappings/bukkit-1.13-pre7-members.csrg') diff --git a/mappings/bukkit-1.13-pre7-members.csrg b/mappings/bukkit-1.13-pre7-members.csrg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8b6b73 --- /dev/null +++ b/mappings/bukkit-1.13-pre7-members.csrg @@ -0,0 +1,4639 @@ +# (c) 2018 SpigotMC Pty. Ltd. +Advancement f ()Ljava/util/Map; getCriteria +Advancement h ()LMinecraftKey; getName +AdvancementDataPlayer a (LAdvancement;Ljava/lang/String;)Z grantCriteria +AdvancementDataPlayer b (LAdvancement;)LAdvancementProgress; getProgress +AdvancementDataPlayer b (LAdvancement;Ljava/lang/String;)Z revokeCritera +AdvancementDataPlayer f data +AdvancementDataPlayer j player +AdvancementDataWorld d DESERIALIZER +AdvancementDataWorld e REGISTRY +AdvancementFrameType a TASK +AdvancementFrameType b CHALLENGE +AdvancementFrameType c GOAL +AdvancementProgress a ()Z isDone +AdvancementProgress c (Ljava/lang/String;)LCriterionProgress; getCriterionProgress +AdvancementProgress e ()Ljava/lang/Iterable; getRemainingCriteria +AdvancementProgress f ()Ljava/lang/Iterable; getAwardedCriteria +Advancements b advancements +ArgumentAnchor$Anchor a FEET +ArgumentAnchor$Anchor b EYES +AttributeInstance a ()LIAttribute; getAttribute +AttributeInstance a (D)V setValue +AttributeInstance e ()D getValue +AttributeMapServer b ()Ljava/util/Set; getAttributes +AxisAlignedBB c (DDD)LAxisAlignedBB; grow +AxisAlignedBB h (D)LAxisAlignedBB; shrink +BaseBlockPosition e ZERO +BaseBlockPosition f (DDD)D distanceSquared +BaseBlockPosition o ()I getX +BaseBlockPosition p ()I getY +BaseBlockPosition q ()I getZ +BiomeBase a (ILBiomeBase;)LBiomeBase; getBiome +BiomeBase a (LEnumCreatureType;)Ljava/util/List; getMobs +BiomeBase aL REGISTRY_ID +BiomeBase b (I)LBiomeBase; getBiome +BiomeBase i ()F getHumidity +BiomeBase m ()F getTemperature +BiomeBase$EnumTemperature a OCEAN +BiomeBase$EnumTemperature b COLD +BiomeBase$EnumTemperature c MEDIUM +BiomeBase$EnumTemperature d WARM +BiomeBase$Geography a NONE +BiomeBase$Geography b TAIGA +BiomeBase$Geography c EXTREME_HILLS +BiomeBase$Geography d JUNGLE +BiomeBase$Geography e MESA +BiomeBase$Geography f PLAINS +BiomeBase$Geography g SAVANNA +BiomeBase$Geography h ICY +BiomeBase$Geography i THEEND +BiomeBase$Geography j BEACH +BiomeBase$Geography k FOREST +BiomeBase$Geography l OCEAN +BiomeBase$Geography m DESERT +BiomeBase$Geography n RIVER +BiomeBase$Geography o SWAMP +BiomeBase$Geography p MUSHROOM +BiomeBase$Geography q NETHER +BiomeBase$Precipitation a NONE +BiomeBase$Precipitation b RAIN +BiomeBase$Precipitation c SNOW +Block a (I)LBlock; getById +Block a (LBlockActionContext;)LIBlockData; getPlacedState +Block a (LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;)V postBreak +Block a (LIBlockData;ILWorld;LBlockPosition;Ljava/util/Random;)I getDropCount +Block a (LIBlockData;LEntityHuman;LIBlockAccess;LBlockPosition;)F getDamage +Block a (LIBlockData;LEnumDirection;LIBlockData;LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;LBlockPosition;)LIBlockData; updateState +Block a (LIBlockData;LIWorldReader;LBlockPosition;)Z canPlace +Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;FI)V dropNaturally +Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;I)LIMaterial; getDropType +Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LBlock;LBlockPosition;)V doPhysics +Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntityHuman;)V attack +Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntityHuman;LEnumHand;LEnumDirection;FFF)Z interact +Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;)V onPlace +Block a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;Z)V remove +Block a (LItem;)LBlock; asBlock +Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;I)V dropExperience +Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntity;)V stepOn +Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntity;F)V fallOn +Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LExplosion;)V wasExploded +Block a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;LEntityLiving;LItemStack;)V postPlace +Block a (Ljava/lang/String;)LBlock; getByName +Block b (I)LIBlockData; getByCombinedId +Block b frictionFactor +Block c blockData +Block e REGISTRY +Block f REGISTRY_ID +Block g ()Z isTileEntity +Block h (LIBlockData;)Z isPowerSource +Block h strength +Block i (LIBlockData;)LEnumPistonReaction; getPushReaction +Block i durability +Block k (LIBlockData;)I getCombinedId +Block k stepSound +Block l material +Block n blockStateList +Block o ()LBlockStateList; getStates +Block o (LIBlockData;)Z isOccluding +Block p ()LIBlockData; getBlockData +Block q name +Block r ()LSoundEffectType; getStepSound +Block r (LIBlockData;)Z isTicking +Block u (LIBlockData;)Z isComplexRedstone +Block$EnumRandomOffset a NONE +Block$EnumRandomOffset b XZ +Block$EnumRandomOffset c XYZ +BlockAnvil a FACING +BlockAttachable D FACE +BlockBanner a ROTATION +BlockBed a PART +BlockBed b OCCUPIED +BlockBed p color +BlockBrewingStand a HAS_BOTTLE +BlockButtonAbstract a POWERED +BlockCactus a AGE +BlockCake a BITES +BlockCarpet b color +BlockCauldron a LEVEL +BlockChest a (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;Z)LITileInventory; getInventory +BlockChest a FACING +BlockChorusFlower a AGE +BlockCobbleWall u UP +BlockCocoa a AGE +BlockCrops b AGE +BlockCrops c (I)LIBlockData; setAge +BlockDaylightDetector a POWER +BlockDiodeAbstract x (LIBlockData;)Z isDiode +BlockDirectional a FACING +BlockDispenser a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V dispense +BlockDispenser a FACING +BlockDispenser b TRIGGERED +BlockDispenser c REGISTRY +BlockDoor a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;Z)V setDoor +BlockDoor a FACING +BlockDoor b OPEN +BlockDoor c HINGE +BlockDoor p POWERED +BlockDoor q HALF +BlockEnderChest a FACING +BlockEnderPortalFrame a FACING +BlockEnderPortalFrame b EYE +BlockFacingHorizontal E FACING +BlockFalling b instaFall +BlockFenceGate a OPEN +BlockFenceGate b POWERED +BlockFenceGate c IN_WALL +BlockFire a AGE +BlockFire b NORTH +BlockFire c EAST +BlockFire p SOUTH +BlockFire q WEST +BlockFire r UPPER +BlockFire t flameChances +BlockFloorSign c ROTATION +BlockFluids a (LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;)V fizz +BlockFluids a LEVEL +BlockFurnace a FACING +BlockFurnace b LIT +BlockHopper a FACING +BlockHopper b ENABLED +BlockJukeBox a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V dropRecord +BlockJukeBox a HAS_RECORD +BlockLadder a FACING +BlockLeaves a DISTANCE +BlockLeaves b PERSISTENT +BlockLever a POWERED +BlockMinecartDetector c SHAPE +BlockMinecartDetector p POWERED +BlockMinecartTrack c SHAPE +BlockNetherWart a AGE +BlockNote a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V play +BlockNote a INSTRUMENT +BlockNote b POWERED +BlockNote c NOTE +BlockPiston b EXTENDED +BlockPiston u sticky +BlockPistonExtension b TYPE +BlockPistonExtension c SHORT +BlockPortal a AXIS +BlockPortal$Shape e ()V createPortal +BlockPortal$Shape f position +BlockPortal$Shape g height +BlockPortal$Shape h width +BlockPosition a ()LBlockPosition; up +BlockPosition a (J)LBlockPosition; fromLong +BlockPosition a (LEnumDirection;)LBlockPosition; shift +BlockPosition a (LEnumDirection;I)LBlockPosition; shift +BlockPosition a ZERO +BlockPosition b ()LBlockPosition; down +BlockPosition b (I)LBlockPosition; up +BlockPosition c ()LBlockPosition; north +BlockPosition c (I)LBlockPosition; down +BlockPosition d ()LBlockPosition; south +BlockPosition d (I)LBlockPosition; north +BlockPosition e ()LBlockPosition; west +BlockPosition e (I)LBlockPosition; south +BlockPosition f ()LBlockPosition; east +BlockPosition f (I)LBlockPosition; west +BlockPosition g ()J asLong +BlockPosition g (I)LBlockPosition; east +BlockPoweredRail c SHAPE +BlockPoweredRail p POWERED +BlockPressurePlateAbstract j (LIBlockData;)I getPower +BlockPressurePlateBinary p POWERED +BlockPressurePlateBinary$EnumMobType a EVERYTHING +BlockPressurePlateBinary$EnumMobType b MOBS +BlockPressurePlateWeighted p POWER +BlockPressurePlateWeighted q weight +BlockPropertyAttachPosition a FLOOR +BlockPropertyAttachPosition b WALL +BlockPropertyAttachPosition c CEILING +BlockPropertyBedPart a HEAD +BlockPropertyBedPart b FOOT +BlockPropertyChestType a SINGLE +BlockPropertyChestType b LEFT +BlockPropertyChestType c RIGHT +BlockPropertyComparatorMode a COMPARE +BlockPropertyComparatorMode b SUBTRACT +BlockPropertyDoorHinge a LEFT +BlockPropertyDoorHinge b RIGHT +BlockPropertyDoubleBlockHalf a UPPER +BlockPropertyDoubleBlockHalf b LOWER +BlockPropertyHalf a TOP +BlockPropertyHalf b BOTTOM +BlockPropertyInstrument a HARP +BlockPropertyInstrument b BASEDRUM +BlockPropertyInstrument c SNARE +BlockPropertyInstrument d HAT +BlockPropertyInstrument e BASS +BlockPropertyInstrument f FLUTE +BlockPropertyInstrument g BELL +BlockPropertyInstrument h GUITAR +BlockPropertyInstrument i CHIME +BlockPropertyInstrument j XYLOPHONE +BlockPropertyPistonType a DEFAULT +BlockPropertyPistonType b STICKY +BlockPropertyRedstoneSide a UP +BlockPropertyRedstoneSide b SIDE +BlockPropertyRedstoneSide c NONE +BlockPropertySlabType a TOP +BlockPropertySlabType b BOTTOM +BlockPropertySlabType c DOUBLE +BlockPropertyStairsShape a STRAIGHT +BlockPropertyStairsShape b INNER_LEFT +BlockPropertyStairsShape c INNER_RIGHT +BlockPropertyStairsShape d OUTER_LEFT +BlockPropertyStairsShape e OUTER_RIGHT +BlockPropertyStructureMode a SAVE +BlockPropertyStructureMode b LOAD +BlockPropertyStructureMode c CORNER +BlockPropertyStructureMode d DATA +BlockPropertyTrackPosition a NORTH_SOUTH +BlockPropertyTrackPosition b EAST_WEST +BlockPropertyTrackPosition c ASCENDING_EAST +BlockPropertyTrackPosition d ASCENDING_WEST +BlockPropertyTrackPosition e ASCENDING_NORTH +BlockPropertyTrackPosition f ASCENDING_SOUTH +BlockPropertyTrackPosition g SOUTH_EAST +BlockPropertyTrackPosition h SOUTH_WEST +BlockPropertyTrackPosition i NORTH_WEST +BlockPropertyTrackPosition j NORTH_EAST +BlockRedstoneComparator a MODE +BlockRedstoneOre a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V playEffect +BlockRedstoneOre b (LIBlockData;LWorld;LBlockPosition;)V interact +BlockRedstoneTorch a LIT +BlockRedstoneWire a (LIBlockAccess;LBlockPosition;I)I getPower +BlockRedstoneWire a NORTH +BlockRedstoneWire b EAST +BlockRedstoneWire c SOUTH +BlockRedstoneWire p WEST +BlockRedstoneWire q POWER +BlockReed a AGE +BlockRepeater a LOCKED +BlockRepeater p DELAY +BlockRotatable a AXIS +BlockSapling a (LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;Ljava/util/Random;)V grow +BlockSapling a STAGE +BlockShulkerBox b color +BlockSkull$Type a SKELETON +BlockSkull$Type b WITHER_SKELETON +BlockSkull$Type c PLAYER +BlockSkull$Type d ZOMBIE +BlockSkull$Type e CREEPER +BlockSkull$Type f DRAGON +BlockSnow a LAYERS +BlockSoil a MOISTURE +BlockStainedGlass a color +BlockStainedGlassPane u color +BlockStairs a FACING +BlockStairs b HALF +BlockStairs c SHAPE +BlockStateBoolean a (Ljava/lang/String;)LBlockStateBoolean; of +BlockStateDirection a (Ljava/lang/String;)LBlockStateDirection; of +BlockStateEnum a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)LBlockStateEnum; of +BlockStateEnum a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;[Ljava/lang/Enum;)LBlockStateEnum; of +BlockStateInteger a (Ljava/lang/String;II)LBlockStateInteger; of +BlockStateList b ()LIBlockDataHolder; getBlockData +BlockStateList c ()Ljava/lang/Object; getBlock +BlockStem a AGE +BlockStem c blockFruit +BlockTall a NORTH +BlockTall b EAST +BlockTall c SOUTH +BlockTall p WEST +BlockTallPlant a HALF +BlockTrapdoor a OPEN +BlockTrapdoor b HALF +BlockTripwire a POWERED +BlockTripwire b ATTACHED +BlockTripwire c DISARMED +BlockTripwire p NORTH +BlockTripwire q EAST +BlockTripwire r SOUTH +BlockTripwire s WEST +BlockTripwireHook a FACING +BlockTripwireHook b POWERED +BlockTripwireHook c ATTACHED +BlockVine a (LEnumDirection;)LBlockStateBoolean; getDirection +BlockVine a UP +BlockVine b NORTH +BlockVine c EAST +BlockVine p SOUTH +BlockVine q WEST +BlockWallSign c FACING +Blocks A WATER +Blocks B BUBBLE_COLUMN +Blocks C LAVA +Blocks D SAND +Blocks E RED_SAND +Blocks F GRAVEL +Blocks G GOLD_ORE +Blocks H IRON_ORE +Blocks I COAL_ORE +Blocks J OAK_LOG +Blocks K SPRUCE_LOG +Blocks L BIRCH_LOG +Blocks M JUNGLE_LOG +Blocks N ACACIA_LOG +Blocks O DARK_OAK_LOG +Blocks P STRIPPED_OAK_LOG +Blocks Q STRIPPED_SPRUCE_LOG +Blocks R STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG +Blocks S STRIPPED_JUNGLE_LOG +Blocks T STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG +Blocks U STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_LOG +Blocks V OAK_WOOD +Blocks W SPRUCE_WOOD +Blocks X BIRCH_WOOD +Blocks Y JUNGLE_WOOD +Blocks Z ACACIA_WOOD +Blocks a (Ljava/lang/String;)LBlock; get +Blocks a AIR +Blocks aA LIGHT_BLUE_BED +Blocks aB YELLOW_BED +Blocks aC LIME_BED +Blocks aD PINK_BED +Blocks aE GRAY_BED +Blocks aF LIGHT_GRAY_BED +Blocks aG CYAN_BED +Blocks aH PURPLE_BED +Blocks aI BLUE_BED +Blocks aJ BROWN_BED +Blocks aK GREEN_BED +Blocks aL RED_BED +Blocks aM BLACK_BED +Blocks aN POWERED_RAIL +Blocks aO DETECTOR_RAIL +Blocks aP STICKY_PISTON +Blocks aQ COBWEB +Blocks aR GRASS +Blocks aS FERN +Blocks aT DEAD_BUSH +Blocks aU SEAGRASS +Blocks aV TALL_SEAGRASS +Blocks aW PISTON +Blocks aX PISTON_HEAD +Blocks aY WHITE_WOOL +Blocks aZ ORANGE_WOOL +Blocks aa DARK_OAK_WOOD +Blocks ab STRIPPED_OAK_WOOD +Blocks ac STRIPPED_SPRUCE_WOOD +Blocks ad STRIPPED_BIRCH_WOOD +Blocks ae STRIPPED_JUNGLE_WOOD +Blocks af STRIPPED_ACACIA_WOOD +Blocks ag STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_WOOD +Blocks ah OAK_LEAVES +Blocks ai SPRUCE_LEAVES +Blocks aj BIRCH_LEAVES +Blocks ak JUNGLE_LEAVES +Blocks al ACACIA_LEAVES +Blocks am DARK_OAK_LEAVES +Blocks an SPONGE +Blocks ao WET_SPONGE +Blocks ap GLASS +Blocks aq LAPIS_ORE +Blocks ar LAPIS_BLOCK +Blocks as DISPENSER +Blocks at SANDSTONE +Blocks au CHISELED_SANDSTONE +Blocks av CUT_SANDSTONE +Blocks aw NOTE_BLOCK +Blocks ax WHITE_BED +Blocks ay ORANGE_BED +Blocks az MAGENTA_BED +Blocks b STONE +Blocks bA RED_MUSHROOM +Blocks bB GOLD_BLOCK +Blocks bC IRON_BLOCK +Blocks bD OAK_SLAB +Blocks bE SPRUCE_SLAB +Blocks bF BIRCH_SLAB +Blocks bG JUNGLE_SLAB +Blocks bH ACACIA_SLAB +Blocks bI DARK_OAK_SLAB +Blocks bJ STONE_SLAB +Blocks bK SANDSTONE_SLAB +Blocks bL PETRIFIED_OAK_SLAB +Blocks bM COBBLESTONE_SLAB +Blocks bN BRICK_SLAB +Blocks bO STONE_BRICK_SLAB +Blocks bP NETHER_BRICK_SLAB +Blocks bQ QUARTZ_SLAB +Blocks bR RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB +Blocks bS PURPUR_SLAB +Blocks bT PRISMARINE_SLAB +Blocks bU PRISMARINE_BRICK_SLAB +Blocks bV DARK_PRISMARINE_SLAB +Blocks bW SMOOTH_STONE +Blocks bX SMOOTH_SANDSTONE +Blocks bY SMOOTH_QUARTZ +Blocks bZ SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE +Blocks ba MAGENTA_WOOL +Blocks bb LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL +Blocks bc YELLOW_WOOL +Blocks bd LIME_WOOL +Blocks be PINK_WOOL +Blocks bf GRAY_WOOL +Blocks bg LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL +Blocks bh CYAN_WOOL +Blocks bi PURPLE_WOOL +Blocks bj BLUE_WOOL +Blocks bk BROWN_WOOL +Blocks bl GREEN_WOOL +Blocks bm RED_WOOL +Blocks bn BLACK_WOOL +Blocks bo MOVING_PISTON +Blocks bp DANDELION +Blocks bq POPPY +Blocks br BLUE_ORCHID +Blocks bs ALLIUM +Blocks bt AZURE_BLUET +Blocks bu RED_TULIP +Blocks bv ORANGE_TULIP +Blocks bw WHITE_TULIP +Blocks bx PINK_TULIP +Blocks by OXEYE_DAISY +Blocks bz BROWN_MUSHROOM +Blocks c GRANITE +Blocks cA RAIL +Blocks cB COBBLESTONE_STAIRS +Blocks cC WALL_SIGN +Blocks cD LEVER +Blocks cE STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks cF IRON_DOOR +Blocks cG OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks cH SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks cI BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks cJ JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks cK ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks cL DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks cM REDSTONE_ORE +Blocks cN REDSTONE_TORCH +Blocks cO REDSTONE_WALL_TORCH +Blocks cP STONE_BUTTON +Blocks cQ SNOW +Blocks cR ICE +Blocks cS SNOW_BLOCK +Blocks cT CACTUS +Blocks cU CLAY +Blocks cV SUGAR_CANE +Blocks cW JUKEBOX +Blocks cX OAK_FENCE +Blocks cY SPRUCE_FENCE +Blocks cZ BIRCH_FENCE +Blocks ca BRICKS +Blocks cb TNT +Blocks cc BOOKSHELF +Blocks cd MOSSY_COBBLESTONE +Blocks ce OBSIDIAN +Blocks cf TORCH +Blocks cg WALL_TORCH +Blocks ch FIRE +Blocks ci SPAWNER +Blocks cj OAK_STAIRS +Blocks ck CHEST +Blocks cl REDSTONE_WIRE +Blocks cm DIAMOND_ORE +Blocks cn DIAMOND_BLOCK +Blocks co CRAFTING_TABLE +Blocks cp WHEAT +Blocks cq FARMLAND +Blocks cr FURNACE +Blocks cs SIGN +Blocks ct OAK_DOOR +Blocks cu SPRUCE_DOOR +Blocks cv BIRCH_DOOR +Blocks cw JUNGLE_DOOR +Blocks cx ACACIA_DOOR +Blocks cy DARK_OAK_DOOR +Blocks cz LADDER +Blocks d POLISHED_GRANITE +Blocks dA CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS +Blocks dB CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS +Blocks dC BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK +Blocks dD RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK +Blocks dE MUSHROOM_STEM +Blocks dF IRON_BARS +Blocks dG GLASS_PANE +Blocks dH MELON +Blocks dI ATTACHED_PUMPKIN_STEM +Blocks dJ ATTACHED_MELON_STEM +Blocks dK PUMPKIN_STEM +Blocks dL MELON_STEM +Blocks dM VINE +Blocks dN OAK_FENCE_GATE +Blocks dO SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE +Blocks dP BIRCH_FENCE_GATE +Blocks dQ JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE +Blocks dR DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE +Blocks dS ACACIA_FENCE_GATE +Blocks dT BRICK_STAIRS +Blocks dU STONE_BRICK_STAIRS +Blocks dV MYCELIUM +Blocks dW LILY_PAD +Blocks dX NETHER_BRICKS +Blocks dY NETHER_BRICK_FENCE +Blocks dZ NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS +Blocks da JUNGLE_FENCE +Blocks db DARK_OAK_FENCE +Blocks dc ACACIA_FENCE +Blocks dd PUMPKIN +Blocks de NETHERRACK +Blocks df SOUL_SAND +Blocks dg GLOWSTONE +Blocks dh NETHER_PORTAL +Blocks di CARVED_PUMPKIN +Blocks dj JACK_O_LANTERN +Blocks dk CAKE +Blocks dl REPEATER +Blocks dm OAK_TRAPDOOR +Blocks dn SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR +Blocks do BIRCH_TRAPDOOR +Blocks dp JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR +Blocks dq ACACIA_TRAPDOOR +Blocks dr DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR +Blocks ds INFESTED_STONE +Blocks dt INFESTED_COBBLESTONE +Blocks du INFESTED_STONE_BRICKS +Blocks dv INFESTED_MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS +Blocks dw INFESTED_CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS +Blocks dx INFESTED_CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS +Blocks dy STONE_BRICKS +Blocks dz MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS +Blocks e DIORITE +Blocks eA POTTED_ALLIUM +Blocks eB POTTED_AZURE_BLUET +Blocks eC POTTED_RED_TULIP +Blocks eD POTTED_ORANGE_TULIP +Blocks eE POTTED_WHITE_TULIP +Blocks eF POTTED_PINK_TULIP +Blocks eG POTTED_OXEYE_DAISY +Blocks eH POTTED_DANDELION +Blocks eI POTTED_OAK_SAPLING +Blocks eJ POTTED_SPRUCE_SAPLING +Blocks eK POTTED_BIRCH_SAPLING +Blocks eL POTTED_JUNGLE_SAPLING +Blocks eM POTTED_ACACIA_SAPLING +Blocks eN POTTED_DARK_OAK_SAPLING +Blocks eO POTTED_RED_MUSHROOM +Blocks eP POTTED_BROWN_MUSHROOM +Blocks eQ POTTED_DEAD_BUSH +Blocks eR POTTED_FERN +Blocks eS POTTED_CACTUS +Blocks eT CARROTS +Blocks eU POTATOES +Blocks eV OAK_BUTTON +Blocks eW SPRUCE_BUTTON +Blocks eX BIRCH_BUTTON +Blocks eY JUNGLE_BUTTON +Blocks eZ ACACIA_BUTTON +Blocks ea NETHER_WART +Blocks eb ENCHANTING_TABLE +Blocks ec BREWING_STAND +Blocks ed CAULDRON +Blocks ee END_PORTAL +Blocks ef END_PORTAL_FRAME +Blocks eg END_STONE +Blocks eh DRAGON_EGG +Blocks ei REDSTONE_LAMP +Blocks ej COCOA +Blocks ek SANDSTONE_STAIRS +Blocks el EMERALD_ORE +Blocks em ENDER_CHEST +Blocks en TRIPWIRE_HOOK +Blocks eo TRIPWIRE +Blocks ep EMERALD_BLOCK +Blocks eq SPRUCE_STAIRS +Blocks er BIRCH_STAIRS +Blocks es JUNGLE_STAIRS +Blocks et COMMAND_BLOCK +Blocks eu BEACON +Blocks ev COBBLESTONE_WALL +Blocks ew MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_WALL +Blocks ex FLOWER_POT +Blocks ey POTTED_POPPY +Blocks ez POTTED_BLUE_ORCHID +Blocks f POLISHED_DIORITE +Blocks fA CHISELED_QUARTZ_BLOCK +Blocks fB QUARTZ_STAIRS +Blocks fC ACTIVATOR_RAIL +Blocks fD DROPPER +Blocks fE WHITE_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fF ORANGE_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fG MAGENTA_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fH LIGHT_BLUE_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fI YELLOW_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fJ LIME_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fK PINK_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fL GRAY_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fM LIGHT_GRAY_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fN CYAN_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fO PURPLE_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fP BLUE_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fQ BROWN_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fR GREEN_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fS RED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fT BLACK_TERRACOTTA +Blocks fU BARRIER +Blocks fV IRON_TRAPDOOR +Blocks fW HAY_BLOCK +Blocks fX WHITE_CARPET +Blocks fY ORANGE_CARPET +Blocks fZ MAGENTA_CARPET +Blocks fa DARK_OAK_BUTTON +Blocks fb SKELETON_WALL_SKULL +Blocks fc SKELETON_SKULL +Blocks fd WITHER_SKELETON_WALL_SKULL +Blocks fe WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL +Blocks ff ZOMBIE_WALL_HEAD +Blocks fg ZOMBIE_HEAD +Blocks fh PLAYER_WALL_HEAD +Blocks fi PLAYER_HEAD +Blocks fj CREEPER_WALL_HEAD +Blocks fk CREEPER_HEAD +Blocks fl DRAGON_WALL_HEAD +Blocks fm DRAGON_HEAD +Blocks fn ANVIL +Blocks fo CHIPPED_ANVIL +Blocks fp DAMAGED_ANVIL +Blocks fq TRAPPED_CHEST +Blocks fr LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks fs HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE +Blocks ft COMPARATOR +Blocks fu DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR +Blocks fv REDSTONE_BLOCK +Blocks fw NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE +Blocks fx HOPPER +Blocks fy QUARTZ_BLOCK +Blocks fz QUARTZ_PILLAR +Blocks g ANDESITE +Blocks gA WHITE_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gB ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gC MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gD LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gE YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gF LIME_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gG PINK_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gH GRAY_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gI LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gJ CYAN_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gK PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gL BLUE_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gM BROWN_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gN GREEN_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gO RED_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gP BLACK_STAINED_GLASS +Blocks gQ WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gR ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gS MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gT LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gU YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gV LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gW PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gX GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gY LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks gZ CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks ga LIGHT_BLUE_CARPET +Blocks gb YELLOW_CARPET +Blocks gc LIME_CARPET +Blocks gd PINK_CARPET +Blocks ge GRAY_CARPET +Blocks gf LIGHT_GRAY_CARPET +Blocks gg CYAN_CARPET +Blocks gh PURPLE_CARPET +Blocks gi BLUE_CARPET +Blocks gj BROWN_CARPET +Blocks gk GREEN_CARPET +Blocks gl RED_CARPET +Blocks gm BLACK_CARPET +Blocks gn TERRACOTTA +Blocks go COAL_BLOCK +Blocks gp PACKED_ICE +Blocks gq BLUE_ICE +Blocks gr ACACIA_STAIRS +Blocks gs DARK_OAK_STAIRS +Blocks gt SLIME_BLOCK +Blocks gu SUNFLOWER +Blocks gv LILAC +Blocks gw ROSE_BUSH +Blocks gx PEONY +Blocks gy TALL_GRASS +Blocks gz LARGE_FERN +Blocks h POLISHED_ANDESITE +Blocks hA GREEN_BANNER +Blocks hB RED_BANNER +Blocks hC BLACK_BANNER +Blocks hD WHITE_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hE ORANGE_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hF MAGENTA_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hG LIGHT_BLUE_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hH YELLOW_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hI LIME_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hJ PINK_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hK GRAY_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hL LIGHT_GRAY_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hM CYAN_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hN PURPLE_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hO BLUE_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hP BROWN_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hQ GREEN_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hR RED_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hS BLACK_WALL_BANNER +Blocks hT RED_SANDSTONE +Blocks hU CHISELED_RED_SANDSTONE +Blocks hV CUT_RED_SANDSTONE +Blocks hW RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS +Blocks hX END_ROD +Blocks hY CHORUS_PLANT +Blocks hZ CHORUS_FLOWER +Blocks ha PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks hb BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks hc BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks hd GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks he RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks hf BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE +Blocks hg PRISMARINE +Blocks hh PRISMARINE_BRICKS +Blocks hi DARK_PRISMARINE +Blocks hj PRISMARINE_STAIRS +Blocks hk PRISMARINE_BRICK_STAIRS +Blocks hl DARK_PRISMARINE_STAIRS +Blocks hm SEA_LANTERN +Blocks hn WHITE_BANNER +Blocks ho ORANGE_BANNER +Blocks hp MAGENTA_BANNER +Blocks hq LIGHT_BLUE_BANNER +Blocks hr YELLOW_BANNER +Blocks hs LIME_BANNER +Blocks ht PINK_BANNER +Blocks hu GRAY_BANNER +Blocks hv LIGHT_GRAY_BANNER +Blocks hw CYAN_BANNER +Blocks hx PURPLE_BANNER +Blocks hy BLUE_BANNER +Blocks hz BROWN_BANNER +Blocks i GRASS_BLOCK +Blocks iA CYAN_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iB PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iC BLUE_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iD BROWN_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iE GREEN_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iF RED_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iG BLACK_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iH WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iI ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iJ MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iK LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iL YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iM LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iN PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iO GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iP LIGHT_GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iQ CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iR PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iS BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iT BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iU GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iV RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iW BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA +Blocks iX WHITE_CONCRETE +Blocks iY ORANGE_CONCRETE +Blocks iZ MAGENTA_CONCRETE +Blocks ia PURPUR_BLOCK +Blocks ib PURPUR_PILLAR +Blocks ic PURPUR_STAIRS +Blocks id END_STONE_BRICKS +Blocks ie BEETROOTS +Blocks if GRASS_PATH +Blocks ig END_GATEWAY +Blocks ih REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK +Blocks ii CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK +Blocks ij FROSTED_ICE +Blocks ik MAGMA_BLOCK +Blocks il NETHER_WART_BLOCK +Blocks im RED_NETHER_BRICKS +Blocks in BONE_BLOCK +Blocks io STRUCTURE_VOID +Blocks ip OBSERVER +Blocks iq SHULKER_BOX +Blocks ir WHITE_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks is ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks it MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iu LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iv YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iw LIME_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks ix PINK_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iy GRAY_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks iz LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX +Blocks j DIRT +Blocks jA GREEN_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jB RED_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jC BLACK_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jD KELP_PLANT +Blocks jE KELP +Blocks jF DRIED_KELP_BLOCK +Blocks jG TURTLE_EGG +Blocks jH VOID_AIR +Blocks jI CAVE_AIR +Blocks jJ DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jK DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jL DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jM DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jN DEAD_HORN_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jO TUBE_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jP BRAIN_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jQ BUBBLE_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jR FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jS HORN_CORAL_BLOCK +Blocks jT TUBE_CORAL +Blocks jU BRAIN_CORAL +Blocks jV BUBBLE_CORAL +Blocks jW FIRE_CORAL +Blocks jX HORN_CORAL +Blocks jY TUBE_CORAL_FAN +Blocks jZ BRAIN_CORAL_FAN +Blocks ja LIGHT_BLUE_CONCRETE +Blocks jb YELLOW_CONCRETE +Blocks jc LIME_CONCRETE +Blocks jd PINK_CONCRETE +Blocks je GRAY_CONCRETE +Blocks jf LIGHT_GRAY_CONCRETE +Blocks jg CYAN_CONCRETE +Blocks jh PURPLE_CONCRETE +Blocks ji BLUE_CONCRETE +Blocks jj BROWN_CONCRETE +Blocks jk GREEN_CONCRETE +Blocks jl RED_CONCRETE +Blocks jm BLACK_CONCRETE +Blocks jn WHITE_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jo ORANGE_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jp MAGENTA_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jq LIGHT_BLUE_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jr YELLOW_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks js LIME_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jt PINK_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks ju GRAY_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jv LIGHT_GRAY_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jw CYAN_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jx PURPLE_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jy BLUE_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks jz BROWN_CONCRETE_POWDER +Blocks k COARSE_DIRT +Blocks ka BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN +Blocks kb FIRE_CORAL_FAN +Blocks kc HORN_CORAL_FAN +Blocks kd SEA_PICKLE +Blocks ke CONDUIT +Blocks kf STRUCTURE_BLOCK +Blocks l PODZOL +Blocks m COBBLESTONE +Blocks n OAK_PLANKS +Blocks o SPRUCE_PLANKS +Blocks p BIRCH_PLANKS +Blocks q JUNGLE_PLANKS +Blocks r ACACIA_PLANKS +Blocks s DARK_OAK_PLANKS +Blocks t OAK_SAPLING +Blocks u SPRUCE_SAPLING +Blocks v BIRCH_SAPLING +Blocks w JUNGLE_SAPLING +Blocks x ACACIA_SAPLING +Blocks y DARK_OAK_SAPLING +Blocks z BEDROCK +BossBattle a title +BossBattle c color +BossBattle d style +BossBattle k ()F getProgress +BossBattle$BarColor a PINK +BossBattle$BarColor b BLUE +BossBattle$BarColor c RED +BossBattle$BarColor d GREEN +BossBattle$BarColor e YELLOW +BossBattle$BarColor f PURPLE +BossBattle$BarColor g WHITE +BossBattle$BarStyle a PROGRESS +BossBattle$BarStyle b NOTCHED_6 +BossBattle$BarStyle c NOTCHED_10 +BossBattle$BarStyle d NOTCHED_12 +BossBattle$BarStyle e NOTCHED_20 +BossBattleServer a (F)V setProgress +BossBattleServer a (LEntityPlayer;)V addPlayer +BossBattleServer a (LPacketPlayOutBoss$Action;)V sendUpdate +BossBattleServer a (Z)LBossBattle; setDarkenSky +BossBattleServer b (LEntityPlayer;)V removePlayer +BossBattleServer b (Z)LBossBattle; setPlayMusic +BossBattleServer c (Z)LBossBattle; setCreateFog +BossBattleServer d (Z)V setVisible +BossBattleServer h ()Ljava/util/Collection; getPlayers +BossBattleServer j visible +CancelledPacketHandleException a INSTANCE +ChatClickable$EnumClickAction a OPEN_URL +ChatClickable$EnumClickAction b OPEN_FILE +ChatClickable$EnumClickAction c RUN_COMMAND +ChatClickable$EnumClickAction d SUGGEST_COMMAND +ChatClickable$EnumClickAction e CHANGE_PAGE +ChatComponentUtils a (LCommandListenerWrapper;LIChatBaseComponent;LEntity;)LIChatBaseComponent; filterForDisplay +ChatHoverable$EnumHoverAction a SHOW_TEXT +ChatHoverable$EnumHoverAction b SHOW_ITEM +ChatHoverable$EnumHoverAction c SHOW_ENTITY +ChatMessageType a CHAT +ChatMessageType b SYSTEM +ChatMessageType c GAME_INFO +ChatModifier a ()LEnumChatFormat; getColor +ChatModifier a (LChatClickable;)LChatModifier; setChatClickable +ChatModifier a (LChatHoverable;)LChatModifier; setChatHoverable +ChatModifier a (LChatModifier;)LChatModifier; setChatModifier +ChatModifier a (LEnumChatFormat;)LChatModifier; setColor +ChatModifier a (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setBold +ChatModifier a (Ljava/lang/String;)LChatModifier; setInsertion +ChatModifier b ()Z isBold +ChatModifier b (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setItalic +ChatModifier c ()Z isItalic +ChatModifier c (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setStrikethrough +ChatModifier d ()Z isStrikethrough +ChatModifier d (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setUnderline +ChatModifier e ()Z isUnderlined +ChatModifier e (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)LChatModifier; setRandom +ChatModifier f ()Z isRandom +ChatModifier m ()LChatModifier; clone +ChestLock b ()Ljava/lang/String; getKey +Chunk B ()Ljava/util/Map; getTileEntities +Chunk C ()[LEntitySlice; getEntitySlices +Chunk a (III)LIBlockData; getBlockData +Chunk a (LEnumSkyBlock;LBlockPosition;)I getBrightness +Chunk b locX +Chunk c locZ +Chunk f sections +Chunk i (LBlockPosition;)LBiomeBase; getBiome +Chunk k world +Chunk l heightMap +Chunk o ()V initLighting +Chunk o tileEntities +Chunk p ()V addEntities +Chunk p entitySlices +Chunk q ()V removeEntities +Chunk r ()V markDirty +Chunk s ()Z isEmpty +Chunk u ()Z isReady +Chunk x lastSaved +Chunk z ()LWorld; getWorld +Chunk$EnumTileEntityState a IMMEDIATE +Chunk$EnumTileEntityState b QUEUED +Chunk$EnumTileEntityState c CHECK +ChunkConverter$Type a BLACKLIST +ChunkConverter$Type b DEFAULT +ChunkConverter$Type c CHEST +ChunkConverter$Type d LEAVES +ChunkConverter$Type e STEM_BLOCK +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction a DOWN +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction b UP +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction c NORTH +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction d SOUTH +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction e WEST +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction f EAST +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$Axis a X +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$Axis b Y +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$Axis c Z +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$AxisDirection a POSITIVE +ChunkConverterPalette$Direction$AxisDirection b NEGATIVE +ChunkCoordIntPair a x +ChunkCoordIntPair b z +ChunkGenerator a ()LGeneratorSettings; getSettings +ChunkGenerator a (LBiomeBase;LStructureGenerator;)Z canSpawnStructure +ChunkGenerator a (LEnumCreatureType;LBlockPosition;)Ljava/util/List; getMobsFor +ChunkGenerator a (LIChunkAccess;)V createChunk +ChunkGenerator a (LRegionLimitedWorldAccess;)V addDecorations +ChunkGenerator a (LRegionLimitedWorldAccess;LWorldGenStage$Features;)V addFeatures +ChunkGenerator a (LStructureGenerator;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; getStructureStartCache +ChunkGenerator a (LWorld;Ljava/lang/String;LBlockPosition;I)LBlockPosition; findNearestMapFeature +ChunkGenerator b ()LWorldChunkManager; getWorldChunkManager +ChunkGenerator b (LBiomeBase;LStructureGenerator;)LWorldGenFeatureConfiguration; getFeatureConfiguration +ChunkGenerator b (LRegionLimitedWorldAccess;)V addMobs +ChunkGenerator b (LStructureGenerator;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; getStructureCache +ChunkGenerator c ()J getSeed +ChunkGenerator d ()I getSpawnHeight +ChunkProviderServer a (LChunk;)V unload +ChunkProviderServer b (II)LChunk; getOrLoadChunkAt +ChunkProviderServer b (LChunk;)V saveChunkNOP +ChunkProviderServer b (LIChunkAccess;)V saveChunk +ChunkProviderServer b unloadQueue +ChunkProviderServer c chunkGenerator +ChunkProviderServer d chunkLoader +ChunkProviderServer e (II)Z isLoaded +ChunkProviderServer e chunks +ChunkProviderServer g (II)LChunk; loadChunkAt +ChunkProviderServer h (II)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture; generateChunk +ChunkProviderServer h world +ChunkRegionLoader a (LChunk;LWorld;LNBTTagCompound;)V saveBody +ChunkRegionLoader a (LNBTTagCompound;LChunk;)V loadEntities +ChunkSection a (III)LIBlockData; getType +ChunkSection a (IIILIBlockData;)V setType +ChunkSection a GLOBAL_PALETTE +ChunkSection b yPos +ChunkSection c ()Z shouldTick +ChunkSection c nonEmptyBlockCount +ChunkSection d tickingBlockCount +ChunkSection e ()I getYPosition +ChunkSection f ()V recalcBlockCounts +ChunkSection f blockIds +ChunkSection g ()LDataPaletteBlock; getBlocks +ChunkSection g emittedLight +ChunkSection h ()LNibbleArray; getEmittedLightArray +ChunkSection h skyLight +ChunkSection i ()LNibbleArray; getSkyLightArray +ChunkStatus a EMPTY +ChunkStatus b BASE +ChunkStatus c CARVED +ChunkStatus d LIQUID_CARVED +ChunkStatus e DECORATED +ChunkStatus f LIGHTED +ChunkStatus g MOBS_SPAWNED +ChunkStatus h FINALIZED +ChunkStatus i FULLCHUNK +ChunkStatus j POSTPROCESSED +ChunkStatus$Type a PROTOCHUNK +ChunkStatus$Type b LEVELCHUNK +CombatTracker a (LDamageSource;FF)V trackDamage +CombatTracker b ()LIChatBaseComponent; getDeathMessage +CommandAdvancement$Action a GRANT +CommandAdvancement$Action b REVOKE +CommandAdvancement$Filter a ONLY +CommandAdvancement$Filter b THROUGH +CommandAdvancement$Filter c FROM +CommandAdvancement$Filter d UNTIL +CommandAdvancement$Filter e EVERYTHING +CommandBlockListenerAbstract a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setCommand +CommandBlockListenerAbstract b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setName +CommandBlockListenerAbstract h ()LCommandListenerWrapper; getWrapper +CommandBlockListenerAbstract k ()Ljava/lang/String; getCommand +CommandBlockListenerAbstract l ()LIChatBaseComponent; getName +CommandClone$Mode a FORCE +CommandClone$Mode b MOVE +CommandClone$Mode c NORMAL +CommandFill$Mode a REPLACE +CommandFill$Mode b OUTLINE +CommandFill$Mode c HOLLOW +CommandFill$Mode d DESTROY +CommandListenerWrapper a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V sendFailureMessage +CommandListenerWrapper a (LIChatBaseComponent;Z)V sendMessage +CommandListenerWrapper b ()LIChatBaseComponent; getScoreboardDisplayName +CommandListenerWrapper b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V sendAdminMessage +CommandListenerWrapper c ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +CommandListenerWrapper c base +CommandListenerWrapper d ()LVec3D; getPosition +CommandListenerWrapper e ()LWorldServer; getWorld +CommandListenerWrapper j ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; getServer +CommandSetBlock$Mode a REPLACE +CommandSetBlock$Mode b OUTLINE +CommandSetBlock$Mode c HOLLOW +CommandSetBlock$Mode d DESTROY +CommandXp$Unit a POINTS +CommandXp$Unit b LEVELS +Container a (I)LSlot; getSlot +Container a (ILItemStack;)V setItem +Container a (LEntityHuman;)Z canUse +Container a (LICrafting;)V addSlotListener +Container a (LIInventory;I)LSlot; getSlot +Container b (LEntityHuman;I)LItemStack; shiftClick +Container b items +Container c slots +Container d windowId +Container e listeners +Container f dragType +ContainerAnvil a levelCost +ContainerAnvil l renameText +ContainerBeacon a beacon +ContainerBrewingStand a brewingStand +ContainerChest a container +ContainerDispenser a items +ContainerEnchantTable a enchantSlots +ContainerEnchantTable g costs +ContainerEnchantTable j world +ContainerEnchantTable k position +ContainerFurnace a furnace +ContainerHopper a hopper +ContainerMerchant a merchant +ContainerPlayer a craftInventory +ContainerPlayer f resultInventory +ContainerPlayer j owner +ContainerWorkbench a craftInventory +ContainerWorkbench f resultInventory +ControllerMove$Operation a WAIT +ControllerMove$Operation b MOVE_TO +ControllerMove$Operation c STRAFE +ControllerMove$Operation d JUMPING +Convertable a (Ljava/lang/String;LIProgressUpdate;)Z convert +Convertable b (Ljava/lang/String;)Z isConvertable +CraftingManager a (LIInventory;LWorld;)LItemStack; craft +CraftingManager d recipes +CriterionProgress d ()Ljava/util/Date; getDate +DamageSource a (LEntityArrow;LEntity;)LDamageSource; arrow +DamageSource a (LEntityFireball;LEntity;)LDamageSource; fireball +DamageSource a (LEntityHuman;)LDamageSource; playerAttack +DamageSource a (LEntityLiving;)LDamageSource; mobAttack +DamageSource a (LExplosion;)LDamageSource; explosion +DamageSource a FIRE +DamageSource b (LEntity;LEntity;)LDamageSource; projectile +DamageSource b LIGHTNING +DamageSource c (LEntityLiving;)LIChatBaseComponent; getLocalizedDeathMessage +DamageSource c BURN +DamageSource d ()Z isExplosion +DamageSource d LAVA +DamageSource e HOT_FLOOR +DamageSource f ()Z ignoresArmor +DamageSource f STUCK +DamageSource g ()F getExhaustionCost +DamageSource g CRAMMING +DamageSource h ()Z ignoresInvulnerability +DamageSource h DROWN +DamageSource i ()Z isStarvation +DamageSource i STARVE +DamageSource j CACTUS +DamageSource k ()LEntity; getEntity +DamageSource k FALL +DamageSource l ()LDamageSource; setIgnoreArmor +DamageSource l FLY_INTO_WALL +DamageSource m OUT_OF_WORLD +DamageSource n GENERIC +DamageSource o ()LDamageSource; setExplosion +DamageSource o MAGIC +DamageSource p WITHER +DamageSource q ANVIL +DamageSource r FALLING_BLOCK +DamageSource s DRAGON_BREATH +DamageSource t ()Z isMagic +DamageSource t FIREWORKS +DamageSource u ()LDamageSource; setMagic +DamageSource u DRYOUT +DamageSource v translationIndex +DataConverterMaterialId a ID_MAPPING +DataConverterSpawnEgg a ID_MAPPING +DataConverterTypes k ITEM_STACK +DataConverterTypes o ENTITY +DataPaletteBlock a (IIILjava/lang/Object;)V setBlock +DataPaletteBlock a (ILjava/lang/Object;)V setBlockIndex +DataWatcher a (LDataWatcherObject;)Ljava/lang/Object; get +DataWatcher a (LDataWatcherObject;Ljava/lang/Object;)V register +DataWatcher b (LDataWatcherObject;Ljava/lang/Object;)V set +DataWatcher c (LDataWatcherObject;Ljava/lang/Object;)V registerObject +DedicatedPlayerList b ()LDedicatedServer; getServer +DedicatedServer a (Ljava/lang/String;LCommandListenerWrapper;)V issueCommand +DedicatedServer h LOGGER +DedicatedServer j serverCommandQueue +DedicatedServer l remoteControlCommandListener +DedicatedServer n propertyManager +DedicatedServer p generateStructures +DimensionManager a ()I getDimensionID +DimensionManager a OVERWORLD +DimensionManager b NETHER +DimensionManager c THE_END +DispenseBehaviorProjectile b ()F getPower +DragonControllerManager a (LDragonControllerPhase;)V setControllerPhase +DragonControllerManager b enderDragon +DragonControllerManager c dragonControllers +DragonControllerManager d currentDragonController +DragonControllerPhase a (I)LDragonControllerPhase; getById +Enchantment a ()I getMaxLevel +Enchantment a (LItemStack;)Z canEnchant +Enchantment b ()Z isTreasure +Enchantment b enchantments +Enchantment c itemTarget +Enchantment e ()I getStartLevel +Enchantment$Rarity a COMMON +Enchantment$Rarity b UNCOMMON +Enchantment$Rarity c RARE +Enchantment$Rarity d VERY_RARE +EnchantmentManager a (LEnchantment;LItemStack;)I getEnchantmentLevel +EnchantmentManager c (LEntityLiving;)I getFireAspectEnchantmentLevel +EnchantmentManager d (LEntityLiving;)I getOxygenEnchantmentLevel +EnchantmentManager e (LItemStack;)Z shouldNotDrop +EnchantmentManager f (LEntityLiving;)I getDigSpeedEnchantmentLevel +EnchantmentProtection$DamageType a ALL +EnchantmentProtection$DamageType b FIRE +EnchantmentProtection$DamageType c FALL +EnchantmentProtection$DamageType d EXPLOSION +EnchantmentProtection$DamageType e PROJECTILE +EnchantmentSlotType a (LItem;)Z canEnchant +EnchantmentSlotType a ALL +EnchantmentSlotType b ARMOR +EnchantmentSlotType c ARMOR_FEET +EnchantmentSlotType d ARMOR_LEGS +EnchantmentSlotType e ARMOR_CHEST +EnchantmentSlotType f ARMOR_HEAD +EnchantmentSlotType g WEAPON +EnchantmentSlotType h DIGGER +EnchantmentSlotType i FISHING_ROD +EnchantmentSlotType j TRIDENT +EnchantmentSlotType k BREAKABLE +EnchantmentSlotType l BOW +EnchantmentSlotType m WEARABLE +Enchantments A LUCK +Enchantments B LURE +Enchantments a PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL +Enchantments b PROTECTION_FIRE +Enchantments c PROTECTION_FALL +Enchantments d PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS +Enchantments e PROTECTION_PROJECTILE +Enchantments f OXYGEN +Enchantments g WATER_WORKER +Enchantments h THORNS +Enchantments i DEPTH_STRIDER +Enchantments l DAMAGE_ALL +Enchantments m DAMAGE_UNDEAD +Enchantments n DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS +Enchantments o KNOCKBACK +Enchantments p FIRE_ASPECT +Enchantments q LOOT_BONUS_MOBS +Enchantments s DIG_SPEED +Enchantments t SILK_TOUCH +Enchantments u DURABILITY +Enchantments v LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS +Enchantments w ARROW_DAMAGE +Enchantments x ARROW_KNOCKBACK +Enchantments y ARROW_FIRE +Enchantments z ARROW_INFINITE +EnderDragonBattle$LoadState a UNKNOWN +EnderDragonBattle$LoadState b NOT_LOADED +EnderDragonBattle$LoadState c LOADED +Entity A onGround +Entity A_ ()LEnumPistonReaction; getPushReaction +Entity B positionChanged +Entity E velocityChanged +Entity G dead +Entity H width +Entity I length +Entity M fallDistance +Entity O ()LIChatBaseComponent; getScoreboardDisplayName +Entity O_ ()Z hasCustomName +Entity Q ()I getId +Entity R ()Ljava/util/Set; getScoreboardTags +Entity R noclip +Entity R_ ()V tick +Entity S ()V killEntity +Entity S_ ()V stopRiding +Entity T ()LDataWatcher; getDataWatcher +Entity T random +Entity U ticksLived +Entity V ()V die +Entity V inWater +Entity Y ()V burnFromLava +Entity Y noDamageTicks +Entity Z ()V extinguish +Entity Z justCreated +Entity a (DDD)V enderTeleportTo +Entity a (DDDFF)V setLocation +Entity a (FF)V setSize +Entity a (LBlockPosition;FF)V setPositionRotation +Entity a (LCrashReportSystemDetails;)V appendEntityCrashDetails +Entity a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity +Entity a (LEntityLightning;)V onLightningStrike +Entity a (LEnumItemSlot;LItemStack;)V setEquipment +Entity a (LEnumMoveType;DDD)V move +Entity a (LWorld;)V spawnIn +Entity a (Ljava/lang/String;)Z addScoreboardTag +Entity aB ()Z isInteractable +Entity aC ()Z isCollidable +Entity aC fireTicks +Entity aE ()Ljava/lang/String; getSaveID +Entity aF ()Z isAlive +Entity aG ()Z inBlock +Entity aI invulnerable +Entity aL ()V ejectPassengers +Entity aT ()Ljava/lang/Iterable; getArmorItems +Entity aV ()Z isBurning +Entity aW ()Z isPassenger +Entity aX ()Z isVehicle +Entity aZ ()Z isSneaking +Entity aa fireProof +Entity ab datawatcher +Entity ac ()V recalcPosition +Entity ad inChunk +Entity ag ()V checkBlockCollisions +Entity ai ()Z isSilent +Entity aj ()Z isNoGravity +Entity ak ()Z playStepSound +Entity al impulse +Entity am ()Z isFireProof +Entity am portalCooldown +Entity an ()Z isInWater +Entity ap dimension +Entity at uniqueID +Entity av glowing +Entity aw passengers +Entity ay boundingBox +Entity b (DDD)V setPosition +Entity b (DDDFF)V setPositionRotation +Entity b (FF)V setYawPitch +Entity b (IZ)V setFlag +Entity b (LDamageSource;)Z isInvulnerable +Entity b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName +Entity b (Ljava/lang/String;)Z removeScoreboardTag +Entity bA ()LEnumDirection; getDirection +Entity bD ()LAxisAlignedBB; getBoundingBox +Entity bF ()F getHeadHeight +Entity bH ()LBlockPosition; getChunkCoordinates +Entity bJ ()LWorld; getWorld +Entity bS ()LEntity; getRootVehicle +Entity bU ()LEntity; getVehicle +Entity bW ()I getMaxFireTicks +Entity bX ()LCommandListenerWrapper; getCommandListener +Entity ba ()Z isSprinting +Entity bd ()Z isInvisible +Entity bg ()I getAirTicks +Entity bj ()F getHeadRotation +Entity bp ()LVec3D; getPortalOffset +Entity bq ()LEnumDirection; getPortalDirection +Entity br ()Z isIgnoreBlockTrigger +Entity bt ()Ljava/util/UUID; getUniqueID +Entity bv ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +Entity by ()Z getCustomNameVisible +Entity c (Z)V setSilent +Entity d (Z)V setNoGravity +Entity e (LNBTTagCompound;)LNBTTagCompound; save +Entity e (Z)V setSneaking +Entity f (Z)V setSprinting +Entity f entityCount +Entity g (I)V setOnFire +Entity h (I)V burn +Entity h id +Entity i (I)Z getFlag +Entity i (LEntity;)V collide +Entity i (Z)V setInvisible +Entity j (F)V setHeadRotation +Entity j (I)V setAirTicks +Entity l (Z)V setInvulnerable +Entity l attachedToPlayer +Entity m (LEntity;)Z startRiding +Entity m (Z)V setCustomNameVisible +Entity m world +Entity n lastX +Entity o lastY +Entity p lastZ +Entity q locX +Entity r locY +Entity s locZ +Entity t motX +Entity u motY +Entity v motZ +Entity w yaw +Entity x pitch +Entity y lastYaw +Entity z lastPitch +EntityAgeable a (I)V setAge +EntityAgeable a (IZ)V setAge +EntityAgeable a (LEntityAgeable;)LEntityAgeable; createChild +EntityAgeable b_ (I)V setAgeRaw +EntityAgeable i ()I getAge +EntityAnimal H ()Z isTypeNotPersistent +EntityAnimal a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity +EntityAnimal a (LEntityAnimal;)Z mate +EntityAnimal b (LEntityHuman;)I getExpValue +EntityAnimal dE ()LEntityPlayer; getBreedCause +EntityAnimal dF ()Z isInLove +EntityAnimal dG ()V resetLove +EntityAreaEffectCloud a (F)V setRadius +EntityAreaEffectCloud a (I)V setColor +EntityAreaEffectCloud a (LEntityLiving;)V setSource +EntityAreaEffectCloud a (LParticleParam;)V setParticle +EntityAreaEffectCloud aA durationOnUse +EntityAreaEffectCloud aB radiusOnUse +EntityAreaEffectCloud aC radiusPerTick +EntityAreaEffectCloud ax waitTime +EntityAreaEffectCloud ay reapplicationDelay +EntityAreaEffectCloud az hasColor +EntityAreaEffectCloud b (F)V setRadiusOnUse +EntityAreaEffectCloud b (I)V setDuration +EntityAreaEffectCloud c (F)V setRadiusPerTick +EntityAreaEffectCloud e (I)V setWaitTime +EntityAreaEffectCloud f ()F getRadius +EntityAreaEffectCloud f potionRegistry +EntityAreaEffectCloud g effects +EntityAreaEffectCloud i ()I getColor +EntityAreaEffectCloud k ()LParticleParam; getParticle +EntityAreaEffectCloud m ()I getDuration +EntityAreaEffectCloud t ()LEntityLiving; getSource +EntityArmorStand a (LVector3f;)V setHeadPose +EntityArmorStand b (LVector3f;)V setBodyPose +EntityArmorStand bJ headPose +EntityArmorStand bK bodyPose +EntityArmorStand bL leftArmPose +EntityArmorStand bM rightArmPose +EntityArmorStand bN leftLegPose +EntityArmorStand bO rightLegPose +EntityArmorStand c (LVector3f;)V setLeftArmPose +EntityArmorStand d (LVector3f;)V setRightArmPose +EntityArmorStand e (LVector3f;)V setLeftLegPose +EntityArmorStand f (LVector3f;)V setRightLegPose +EntityArmorStand l ()Z isSmall +EntityArmorStand n ()Z hasArms +EntityArmorStand o ()Z hasBasePlate +EntityArmorStand p ()Z isMarker +EntityArmorStand p (Z)V setSmall +EntityArmorStand q (Z)V setArms +EntityArmorStand r (Z)V setBasePlate +EntityArmorStand s (Z)V setMarker +EntityArrow a (I)V setKnockbackStrength +EntityArrow a (Z)V setCritical +EntityArrow a inGround +EntityArrow aB damage +EntityArrow aC knockbackStrength +EntityArrow aw tileY +EntityArrow ax tileZ +EntityArrow az despawnCounter +EntityArrow c (D)V setDamage +EntityArrow c fromPlayer +EntityArrow d shake +EntityArrow e shooter +EntityArrow h tileX +EntityArrow k ()LItemStack; getItemStack +EntityArrow l ()D getDamage +EntityArrow n ()Z isCritical +EntityArrow$PickupStatus a DISALLOWED +EntityArrow$PickupStatus b ALLOWED +EntityArrow$PickupStatus c CREATIVE_ONLY +EntityBat a (Z)V setAsleep +EntityBat l ()Z isAsleep +EntityBoat a (F)V setDamage +EntityBoat a (LEntityBoat$EnumBoatType;)V setType +EntityBoat p ()LEntityBoat$EnumBoatType; getType +EntityBoat$EnumBoatType a OAK +EntityBoat$EnumBoatType b SPRUCE +EntityBoat$EnumBoatType c BIRCH +EntityBoat$EnumBoatType d JUNGLE +EntityBoat$EnumBoatType e ACACIA +EntityBoat$EnumBoatType f DARK_OAK +EntityBoat$EnumStatus a IN_WATER +EntityBoat$EnumStatus b UNDER_WATER +EntityBoat$EnumStatus c UNDER_FLOWING_WATER +EntityBoat$EnumStatus d ON_LAND +EntityBoat$EnumStatus e IN_AIR +EntityChicken dy ()Z isChickenJockey +EntityComplexPart a owner +EntityCow a (LEntityAgeable;)LEntityAgeable; createChild +EntityCreeper bD fuseTicks +EntityCreeper bE maxFuseTicks +EntityCreeper bF explosionRadius +EntityCreeper dA ()Z isIgnited +EntityCreeper dC ()Z canCauseHeadDrop +EntityCreeper dD ()V setCausedHeadDrop +EntityCreeper l ()Z isPowered +EntityDamageSource c (LEntityLiving;)LIChatBaseComponent; getLocalizedDeathMessage +EntityDamageSource k ()LEntity; getEntity +EntityDamageSourceIndirect x owner +EntityEnderCrystal a (LBlockPosition;)V setBeamTarget +EntityEnderCrystal a (Z)V setShowingBottom +EntityEnderCrystal f ()LBlockPosition; getBeamTarget +EntityEnderCrystal i ()Z isShowingBottom +EntityEnderDragon a PHASE +EntityEnderDragon bC children +EntityEnderDragon bP currentEnderCrystal +EntityEnderDragon dr ()LDragonControllerManager; getDragonControllerManager +EntityEnderDragon e (LDamageSource;F)Z dealDamage +EntityEnderSignal a targetX +EntityEnderSignal b targetY +EntityEnderSignal c targetZ +EntityEnderSignal d despawnTimer +EntityEnderSignal e shouldDropItem +EntityEnderman b (LIBlockData;)V setCarried +EntityEnderman dA ()LIBlockData; getCarried +EntityEnderman$PathfinderGoalEndermanPickupBlock a enderman +EntityEvokerFangs f ()LEntityLiving; getOwner +EntityExperienceOrb a (I)I getOrbValue +EntityExperienceOrb e value +EntityExperienceOrb f targetPlayer +EntityExperienceOrb g targetTime +EntityFallingBlock a ticksLived +EntityFallingBlock aw fallHurtAmount +EntityFallingBlock b dropItem +EntityFallingBlock c tileEntityData +EntityFallingBlock e block +EntityFallingBlock g hurtEntities +EntityFallingBlock h fallHurtMax +EntityFallingBlock k ()LIBlockData; getBlock +EntityFireball a shooter +EntityFireball b dirX +EntityFireball c dirY +EntityFireball d dirZ +EntityFireworks a FIREWORK_ITEM +EntityFireworks c ticksFlown +EntityFireworks d expectedLifespan +EntityFishingHook a hooked +EntityFishingHook c isInGround +EntityFishingHook e owner +EntityFishingHook$HookState a FLYING +EntityFishingHook$HookState b HOOKED_IN_ENTITY +EntityFishingHook$HookState c BOBBING +EntityGhast dr ()I getPower +EntityGhast$PathfinderGoalGhastAttackTarget b ghast +EntityGuardian bE goalRandomStroll +EntityHanging a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity +EntityHanging a (LEnumDirection;)V setDirection +EntityHanging b blockPosition +EntityHanging c direction +EntityHanging f ()V updateBoundingBox +EntityHanging i ()Z survives +EntityHanging k ()I getWidth +EntityHanging l ()I getHeight +EntityHanging n ()LBlockPosition; getBlockPosition +EntityHorse dy ()I getVariant +EntityHorse t (I)V setVariant +EntityHorseAbstract b (Ljava/util/UUID;)V setOwnerUUID +EntityHorseAbstract bC attributeJumpStrength +EntityHorseAbstract bH inventoryChest +EntityHorseAbstract bJ jumpPower +EntityHorseAbstract bS canSlide +EntityHorseAbstract dJ ()Z isTamed +EntityHorseAbstract dK ()Ljava/util/UUID; getOwnerUUID +EntityHorseAbstract dP ()Z hasReproduced +EntityHorseAbstract dQ ()I getTemper +EntityHorseAbstract dR ()V loadChest +EntityHorseAbstract dT ()D getJumpStrength +EntityHorseAbstract dW ()I getMaxDomestication +EntityHorseAbstract r (I)V setTemper +EntityHorseAbstract u (Z)V setTamed +EntityHorseAbstract z (Z)V setStanding +EntityHorseChestedAbstract dz ()Z isCarryingChest +EntityHorseChestedAbstract t (Z)V setCarryingChest +EntityHuman a (F)V applyExhaustion +EntityHuman a (LEntityHorseAbstract;LIInventory;)V openHorseInventory +EntityHuman a (LIBlockAccess;LBlockPosition;Z)LBlockPosition; getBed +EntityHuman a (LIInventory;)V openContainer +EntityHuman a (LIMerchant;)V openTrade +EntityHuman a (LITileEntityContainer;)V openTileEntity +EntityHuman a (LItemStack;I)V enchantDone +EntityHuman a (LItemStack;Z)LEntityItem; drop +EntityHuman a (LTileEntitySign;)V openSign +EntityHuman b (LBlockPosition;Z)V setRespawnPosition +EntityHuman bB inventory +EntityHuman bC enderChest +EntityHuman bD defaultContainer +EntityHuman bE activeContainer +EntityHuman bF foodData +EntityHuman bQ sleeping +EntityHuman bR bedPosition +EntityHuman bV abilities +EntityHuman bW expLevel +EntityHuman bX expTotal +EntityHuman bY exp +EntityHuman c (I)V levelDown +EntityHuman c (LIBlockData;)Z hasBlock +EntityHuman c (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/UUID; getOfflineUUID +EntityHuman c sleepTicks +EntityHuman cb hookedFish +EntityHuman dA ()LScoreboard; getScoreboard +EntityHuman dD ()LNBTTagCompound; getShoulderEntityLeft +EntityHuman dE ()LNBTTagCompound; getShoulderEntityRight +EntityHuman dH ()LItemCooldown; getCooldownTracker +EntityHuman dJ ()Z isCreativeAndOp +EntityHuman dh ()I getScore +EntityHuman dn ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; getProfile +EntityHuman dp ()Z isDeeplySleeping +EntityHuman dr ()LBlockPosition; getBed +EntityHuman ds ()Z isRespawnForced +EntityHuman du ()I getExpToLevel +EntityHuman dv ()LFoodMetaData; getFoodData +EntityHuman dy ()LInventoryEnderChest; getEnderChest +EntityHuman dz ()V releaseShoulderEntities +EntityHuman e (I)V giveExp +EntityHuman f (LEntity;)V attack +EntityHuman h (LNBTTagCompound;)V setShoulderEntityLeft +EntityHuman i (LNBTTagCompound;)V setShoulderEntityRight +EntityHuman k (DDD)V checkMovement +EntityHuman k (LNBTTagCompound;)V spawnEntityFromShoulder +EntityHuman q (I)V setScore +EntityHuman r ()V updateAbilities +EntityHuman r (I)V addScore +EntityHuman t ()Z isSpectator +EntityHuman w_ ()V closeInventory +EntityHuman$EnumBedResult a OK +EntityHuman$EnumBedResult b NOT_POSSIBLE_HERE +EntityHuman$EnumBedResult c NOT_POSSIBLE_NOW +EntityHuman$EnumBedResult d TOO_FAR_AWAY +EntityHuman$EnumBedResult e OTHER_PROBLEM +EntityHuman$EnumBedResult f NOT_SAFE +EntityHuman$EnumChatVisibility a FULL +EntityHuman$EnumChatVisibility b SYSTEM +EntityHuman$EnumChatVisibility c HIDDEN +EntityIllagerWizard a (LEntityIllagerWizard$Spell;)V setSpell +EntityIllagerWizard dB ()LEntityIllagerWizard$Spell; getSpell +EntityIllagerWizard$Spell a NONE +EntityIllagerWizard$Spell b SUMMON_VEX +EntityIllagerWizard$Spell c FANGS +EntityIllagerWizard$Spell d WOLOLO +EntityIllagerWizard$Spell e DISAPPEAR +EntityIllagerWizard$Spell f BLINDNESS +EntityInsentient B ()V doSpawnEffect +EntityInsentient F ()LItem; getLoot +EntityInsentient H ()Z isTypeNotPersistent +EntityInsentient J ()V mobTick +EntityInsentient N ()Z canSpawn +EntityInsentient a (LDifficultyDamageScaler;LGroupDataEntity;LNBTTagCompound;)LGroupDataEntity; prepare +EntityInsentient a (ZZ)V unleash +EntityInsentient b (LEntity;Z)V setLeashHolder +EntityInsentient b (LEntityHuman;)I getExpValue +EntityInsentient b (ZI)V dropDeathLoot +EntityInsentient bA dropChanceHand +EntityInsentient bB dropChanceArmor +EntityInsentient bF canPickUpLoot +EntityInsentient bG persistent +EntityInsentient bL leashHolder +EntityInsentient bx navigation +EntityInsentient by goalSelector +EntityInsentient bz targetSelector +EntityInsentient c goalTarget +EntityInsentient dk ()Z isPersistent +EntityInsentient dm ()Z isLeashed +EntityInsentient dn ()LEntity; getLeashHolder +EntityInsentient do ()Z isNoAI +EntityInsentient dp ()Z isLeftHanded +EntityInsentient e (LEntityLiving;)V setGoalTarget +EntityInsentient f lookController +EntityInsentient g moveController +EntityInsentient p ()LControllerLook; getControllerLook +EntityInsentient q (Z)V setNoAI +EntityInsentient r ()LControllerMove; getControllerMove +EntityInsentient s ()LControllerJump; getControllerJump +EntityInsentient t ()LNavigationAbstract; getNavigation +EntityInsentient u ()LEntitySenses; getEntitySenses +EntityInsentient v ()LEntityLiving; getGoalTarget +EntityIronGolem dA ()Z isPlayerCreated +EntityIronGolem s (Z)V setPlayerCreated +EntityItem b (LItemStack;)V setItemStack +EntityItem c age +EntityItem d pickupDelay +EntityItem i ()LItemStack; getItemStack +EntityItemFrame a (I)V setRotation +EntityItemFrame a (IZ)V setRotation +EntityItemFrame a (LItemStack;Z)V setItem +EntityItemFrame b (LItemStack;)V setItem +EntityItemFrame o ()LItemStack; getItem +EntityItemFrame p ()I getRotation +EntityLargeFireball e yield +EntityLightning b lifeTicks +EntityLiving D (LEntity;)Z hasLineOfSight +EntityLiving a (LDamageSource;)V die +EntityLiving a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity +EntityLiving a (LEntity;I)V receive +EntityLiving a (LEnumItemSlot;LItemStack;)V setSlot +EntityLiving a (LIAttribute;)LAttributeInstance; getAttributeInstance +EntityLiving a (LMobEffectList;)Z hasEffect +EntityLiving a (ZI)V dropEquipment +EntityLiving aB hurtTicks +EntityLiving aE deathTicks +EntityLiving aL maxNoDamageTicks +EntityLiving aV killer +EntityLiving aW lastDamageByPlayerTime +EntityLiving aY ticksFarFromPlayer +EntityLiving b (LDamageSource;F)F applyArmorModifier +EntityLiving b (LEntityHuman;)I getExpValue +EntityLiving b (LEnumItemSlot;)LItemStack; getEquipment +EntityLiving b (LMobEffectList;)LMobEffect; getEffect +EntityLiving b (ZI)V dropDeathLoot +EntityLiving bA effects +EntityLiving bD updateEffects +EntityLiving bE lastDamager +EntityLiving bF hurtTimestamp +EntityLiving bY ()V initAttributes +EntityLiving bf lastDamage +EntityLiving bt activeItem +EntityLiving by attributeMap +EntityLiving bz combatTracker +EntityLiving c (F)V heal +EntityLiving c (LDamageSource;F)F applyMagicModifier +EntityLiving c (LMobEffect;)Z addEffect +EntityLiving cA ()LItemStack; getItemInMainHand +EntityLiving cB ()LItemStack; getItemInOffHand +EntityLiving cE ()Z isFrozen +EntityLiving cK ()Z isSleeping +EntityLiving cL ()V doTick +EntityLiving cP ()F getAbsorptionHearts +EntityLiving cR ()LEnumMainHand; getMainHand +EntityLiving cS ()Z isHandRaised +EntityLiving cY ()V clearActiveItem +EntityLiving cb ()Z isDropExperience +EntityLiving cc ()Z alwaysGivesExp +EntityLiving cd ()Ljava/util/Random; getRandom +EntityLiving ce ()LEntityLiving; getLastDamager +EntityLiving cj ()V tickPotionEffects +EntityLiving cl ()Z removeAllEffects +EntityLiving cm ()Ljava/util/Collection; getEffects +EntityLiving cp ()F getHealth +EntityLiving cs ()I getArmorStrength +EntityLiving ct ()LCombatTracker; getCombatTracker +EntityLiving cv ()F getMaxHealth +EntityLiving cw ()I getArrowCount +EntityLiving cy ()LAttributeMapBase; getAttributeMap +EntityLiving cz ()LEnumMonsterType; getMonsterType +EntityLiving d (LDamageSource;F)V damageEntity0 +EntityLiving d (LMobEffectList;)Z removeEffect +EntityLiving da ()Z isBlocking +EntityLiving f ()V exitCombat +EntityLiving f (LDamageSource;)Z applyBlockingModifier +EntityLiving f HEALTH +EntityLiving l (F)V setHealth +EntityLiving m (F)V damageArmor +EntityLiving n (F)V damageShield +EntityLiving o (I)V setArrowCount +EntityLiving q (F)V setAbsorptionHearts +EntityLiving v_ ()V enterCombat +EntityLiving y_ ()Z isBaby +EntityLlama eg ()I getStrength +EntityLlama eh ()I getVariant +EntityLlama t (I)V setVariant +EntityLlama u (I)V setStrength +EntityLlamaSpit a shooter +EntityMinecartAbstract A ()I getDisplayBlockOffset +EntityMinecartAbstract a (F)V setDamage +EntityMinecartAbstract b (LIBlockData;)V setDisplayBlock +EntityMinecartAbstract m (I)V setDisplayBlockOffset +EntityMinecartAbstract s ()F getDamage +EntityMinecartAbstract t ()I getType +EntityMinecartAbstract x ()LIBlockData; getDisplayBlock +EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType a RIDEABLE +EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType b CHEST +EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType c FURNACE +EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType d TNT +EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType e SPAWNER +EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType f HOPPER +EntityMinecartAbstract$EnumMinecartType g COMMAND_BLOCK +EntityMinecartCommandBlock a COMMAND +EntityMinecartCommandBlock f ()LCommandBlockListenerAbstract; getCommandBlock +EntityMinecartContainer a items +EntityMinecartHopper D ()Z isEnabled +EntityMinecartHopper n (I)V setCooldown +EntityMinecartHopper o (Z)V setEnabled +EntityMonster a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity +EntityOcelot dH ()I getCatType +EntityOcelot q (I)V setCatType +EntityOwnable C_ ()Ljava/util/UUID; getOwnerUUID +EntityOwnable D_ ()LEntity; getOwner +EntityPainting d art +EntityParrot dI ()I getVariant +EntityParrot q (I)V setVariant +EntityPhantom a (I)V setSize +EntityPhantom dr ()I getSize +EntityPhantom$AttackPhase a CIRCLE +EntityPhantom$AttackPhase b SWOOP +EntityPig dy ()Z hasSaddle +EntityPig s (Z)V setSaddle +EntityPigZombie bC angerLevel +EntityPigZombie bD soundDelay +EntityPigZombie bE hurtBy +EntityPlayer A ()LServerStatisticManager; getStatisticManager +EntityPlayer D ()LEntity; getSpecatorTarget +EntityPlayer G ()LIChatBaseComponent; getPlayerListName +EntityPlayer L ()LAdvancementDataPlayer; getAdvancementData +EntityPlayer a (LContainer;)V updateInventory +EntityPlayer a (LEntityPlayer;Z)V copyFrom +EntityPlayer a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V setResourcePack +EntityPlayer a playerConnection +EntityPlayer b server +EntityPlayer c playerInteractManager +EntityPlayer cE containerCounter +EntityPlayer ce locale +EntityPlayer cf removeQueue +EntityPlayer co lastHealthSent +EntityPlayer cr lastSentExp +EntityPlayer cs invulnerableTicks +EntityPlayer cx worldChangeInvuln +EntityPlayer dK ()Z canPvP +EntityPlayer dL ()V nextContainerCounter +EntityPlayer e (LEntity;)V setSpectatorTarget +EntityPlayer g ping +EntityPlayer h viewingCredits +EntityPlayer i ()V playerTick +EntityPlayer l ()V broadcastCarriedItem +EntityPlayer p ()V triggerHealthUpdate +EntityPlayer s ()LWorldServer; getWorldServer +EntityPlayer u_ ()V syncInventory +EntityPlayer x ()LEntityHuman$EnumChatVisibility; getChatFlags +EntityPlayer z ()V resetIdleTimer +EntityPositionTypes$Surface a ON_GROUND +EntityPositionTypes$Surface b IN_WATER +EntityPotion b (LItemStack;)V setItem +EntityPotion k ()LItemStack; getItem +EntityPotion m ()Z isLingering +EntityProjectile a inGround +EntityProjectile b shake +EntityProjectile c shooter +EntityProjectile e blockX +EntityProjectile f blockY +EntityProjectile g blockZ +EntityProjectile h shooterId +EntityProjectile i ()LEntityLiving; getShooter +EntityPufferFish b (I)V setPuffState +EntityPufferFish dD ()I getPuffState +EntityRabbit dA ()I getRabbitType +EntityRabbit q (I)V setRabbitType +EntitySheep b (LEnumColor;)V setColor +EntitySheep bD container +EntitySheep dy ()LEnumColor; getColor +EntitySheep dz ()Z isSheared +EntitySheep s (Z)V setSheared +EntityShulker bC COLOR +EntityShulkerBullet a shooter +EntityShulkerBullet b target +EntitySilverfish$PathfinderGoalSilverfishWakeOthers a silverfish +EntitySlime F ()LItem; getLoot +EntitySlime a (IZ)V setSize +EntitySlime dx ()I getSize +EntitySnowman a (Z)V setHasPumpkin +EntitySnowman l ()Z hasPumpkin +EntitySpectralArrow f duration +EntitySpider bF ()F getHeadHeight +EntityTNTPrimed a (I)V setFuseTicks +EntityTNTPrimed a FUSE_TICKS +EntityTNTPrimed b source +EntityTNTPrimed f ()LEntityLiving; getSource +EntityTNTPrimed k ()I getFuseTicks +EntityTNTPrimed l ()V explode +EntityTameableAnimal b (Ljava/util/UUID;)V setOwnerUUID +EntityTameableAnimal bE goalSit +EntityTameableAnimal dA ()Z isSitting +EntityTameableAnimal dB ()LEntityLiving; getOwner +EntityTameableAnimal dC ()LPathfinderGoalSit; getGoalSit +EntityTameableAnimal dy ()Z isTamed +EntityTameableAnimal t (Z)V setTamed +EntityTameableAnimal u (Z)V setSitting +EntityTippedArrow aw hasColor +EntityTippedArrow c (I)V setColor +EntityTippedArrow g potionRegistry +EntityTippedArrow h effects +EntityTippedArrow q ()I getColor +EntityTracker a ()V updatePlayers +EntityTracker a (LEntity;)V track +EntityTracker a (LEntity;II)V addEntity +EntityTracker a (LEntity;IIZ)V addEntity +EntityTracker b (LEntity;)V untrackEntity +EntityTracker b (LEntity;LPacket;)V sendPacketToEntity +EntityTracker b (LEntityPlayer;)V untrackPlayer +EntityTracker b world +EntityTracker d trackedEntities +EntityTrackerEntry a (LPacket;)V broadcast +EntityTrackerEntry a (Ljava/util/List;)V track +EntityTrackerEntry b (LEntityPlayer;)V updatePlayer +EntityTrackerEntry b (LPacket;)V broadcastIncludingSelf +EntityTrackerEntry b (Ljava/util/List;)V scanPlayers +EntityTrackerEntry d (LEntityPlayer;)V clear +EntityTrackerEntry d tracker +EntityTrackerEntry h xLoc +EntityTrackerEntry i yLoc +EntityTrackerEntry j zLoc +EntityTrackerEntry k yRot +EntityTrackerEntry l xRot +EntityTrackerEntry m headYaw +EntityTrackerEntry t isMoving +EntityTrackerEntry z trackedPlayers +EntityTropicalFish b (I)V setVariant +EntityTropicalFish dD ()I getVariant +EntityTypes A FIREWORK_ROCKET +EntityTypes B GHAST +EntityTypes C GIANT +EntityTypes D GUARDIAN +EntityTypes E HORSE +EntityTypes F HUSK +EntityTypes G ILLUSIONER +EntityTypes H ITEM +EntityTypes I ITEM_FRAME +EntityTypes J FIREBALL +EntityTypes K LEASH_KNOT +EntityTypes L LLAMA +EntityTypes M LLAMA_SPIT +EntityTypes N MAGMA_CUBE +EntityTypes O MINECART +EntityTypes P CHEST_MINECART +EntityTypes Q COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART +EntityTypes R FURNACE_MINECART +EntityTypes S HOPPER_MINECART +EntityTypes T SPAWNER_MINECART +EntityTypes U TNT_MINECART +EntityTypes V MULE +EntityTypes W MOOSHROOM +EntityTypes X OCELOT +EntityTypes Y PAINTING +EntityTypes Z PARROT +EntityTypes a (LEntityTypes;)LMinecraftKey; getName +EntityTypes a REGISTRY +EntityTypes aA POTION +EntityTypes aB VEX +EntityTypes aC VILLAGER +EntityTypes aD IRON_GOLEM +EntityTypes aE VINDICATOR +EntityTypes aF WITCH +EntityTypes aG WITHER +EntityTypes aH WITHER_SKELETON +EntityTypes aI WITHER_SKULL +EntityTypes aJ WOLF +EntityTypes aK ZOMBIE +EntityTypes aL ZOMBIE_HORSE +EntityTypes aM ZOMBIE_VILLAGER +EntityTypes aN PHANTOM +EntityTypes aO LIGHTNING_BOLT +EntityTypes aP PLAYER +EntityTypes aQ FISHING_BOBBER +EntityTypes aR TRIDENT +EntityTypes aa PIG +EntityTypes ab PUFFERFISH +EntityTypes ac ZOMBIE_PIGMAN +EntityTypes ad POLAR_BEAR +EntityTypes ae TNT +EntityTypes af RABBIT +EntityTypes ag SALMON +EntityTypes ah SHEEP +EntityTypes ai SHULKER +EntityTypes aj SHULKER_BULLET +EntityTypes ak SILVERFISH +EntityTypes al SKELETON +EntityTypes am SKELETON_HORSE +EntityTypes an SLIME +EntityTypes ao SMALL_FIREBALL +EntityTypes ap SNOW_GOLEM +EntityTypes aq SNOWBALL +EntityTypes ar SPECTRAL_ARROW +EntityTypes as SPIDER +EntityTypes at SQUID +EntityTypes au STRAY +EntityTypes av TROPICAL_FISH +EntityTypes aw TURTLE +EntityTypes ax EGG +EntityTypes ay ENDER_PEARL +EntityTypes az EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE +EntityTypes b AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD +EntityTypes c ARMOR_STAND +EntityTypes d ARROW +EntityTypes e BAT +EntityTypes f BLAZE +EntityTypes g BOAT +EntityTypes h CAVE_SPIDER +EntityTypes i CHICKEN +EntityTypes j COD +EntityTypes k COW +EntityTypes l CREEPER +EntityTypes m DONKEY +EntityTypes n DOLPHIN +EntityTypes o DRAGON_FIREBALL +EntityTypes p DROWNED +EntityTypes q ELDER_GUARDIAN +EntityTypes r END_CRYSTAL +EntityTypes s ENDER_DRAGON +EntityTypes t ENDERMAN +EntityTypes u ENDERMITE +EntityTypes v EVOKER_FANGS +EntityTypes w EVOKER +EntityTypes x EXPERIENCE_ORB +EntityTypes y EYE_OF_ENDER +EntityTypes z FALLING_BLOCK +EntityVillager bE profession +EntityVillager bH village +EntityVillager bI tradingPlayer +EntityVillager bJ trades +EntityVillager bN riches +EntityVillager bP careerId +EntityVillager bT inventory +EntityVillager dK ()V populateTrades +EntityVillager dy ()I getProfession +EntityVillager dz ()Z isInLove +EntityVillager e (I)V setProfession +EntityWitherSkull a (Z)V setCharged +EntityWitherSkull l ()Z isCharged +EntityWolf a (LEnumColor;)V setCollarColor +EntityWolf bG DATA_HEALTH +EntityWolf dJ ()Z isAngry +EntityWolf dK ()LEnumColor; getCollarColor +EntityWolf v (Z)V setAngry +EntityZombie a (LDamageSource;F)Z damageEntity +EntityZombie u (Z)V setBaby +EntityZombieVillager a (I)V setProfession +EntityZombieVillager bC conversionTime +EntityZombieVillager dF ()I getProfession +EntityZombieVillager dI ()Z isConverting +EnumAnimation a NONE +EnumAnimation b EAT +EnumAnimation c DRINK +EnumAnimation d BLOCK +EnumAnimation e BOW +EnumAnimation f SPEAR +EnumArmorMaterial a LEATHER +EnumArmorMaterial b CHAIN +EnumArmorMaterial c IRON +EnumArmorMaterial d GOLD +EnumArmorMaterial e DIAMOND +EnumArmorMaterial f TURTLE +EnumAxisCycle a NONE +EnumAxisCycle b FORWARD +EnumAxisCycle c BACKWARD +EnumBannerPatternType A HALF_VERTICAL +EnumBannerPatternType B HALF_HORIZONTAL +EnumBannerPatternType C HALF_VERTICAL_MIRROR +EnumBannerPatternType D HALF_HORIZONTAL_MIRROR +EnumBannerPatternType E BORDER +EnumBannerPatternType F CURLY_BORDER +EnumBannerPatternType G CREEPER +EnumBannerPatternType H GRADIENT +EnumBannerPatternType I GRADIENT_UP +EnumBannerPatternType J BRICKS +EnumBannerPatternType K SKULL +EnumBannerPatternType L FLOWER +EnumBannerPatternType M MOJANG +EnumBannerPatternType a BASE +EnumBannerPatternType b SQUARE_BOTTOM_LEFT +EnumBannerPatternType c SQUARE_BOTTOM_RIGHT +EnumBannerPatternType d SQUARE_TOP_LEFT +EnumBannerPatternType e SQUARE_TOP_RIGHT +EnumBannerPatternType f STRIPE_BOTTOM +EnumBannerPatternType g STRIPE_TOP +EnumBannerPatternType h STRIPE_LEFT +EnumBannerPatternType i STRIPE_RIGHT +EnumBannerPatternType j STRIPE_CENTER +EnumBannerPatternType k STRIPE_MIDDLE +EnumBannerPatternType l STRIPE_DOWNRIGHT +EnumBannerPatternType m STRIPE_DOWNLEFT +EnumBannerPatternType n STRIPE_SMALL +EnumBannerPatternType o CROSS +EnumBannerPatternType p STRAIGHT_CROSS +EnumBannerPatternType q TRIANGLE_BOTTOM +EnumBannerPatternType r TRIANGLE_TOP +EnumBannerPatternType s TRIANGLES_BOTTOM +EnumBannerPatternType t TRIANGLES_TOP +EnumBannerPatternType u DIAGONAL_LEFT +EnumBannerPatternType v DIAGONAL_RIGHT +EnumBannerPatternType w DIAGONAL_LEFT_MIRROR +EnumBannerPatternType x DIAGONAL_RIGHT_MIRROR +EnumBannerPatternType y CIRCLE_MIDDLE +EnumBannerPatternType z RHOMBUS_MIDDLE +EnumBlockFaceShape a SOLID +EnumBlockFaceShape b BOWL +EnumBlockFaceShape c CENTER_SMALL +EnumBlockFaceShape d MIDDLE_POLE_THIN +EnumBlockFaceShape e CENTER +EnumBlockFaceShape f MIDDLE_POLE +EnumBlockFaceShape g CENTER_BIG +EnumBlockFaceShape h MIDDLE_POLE_THICK +EnumBlockFaceShape i UNDEFINED +EnumBlockMirror a NONE +EnumBlockMirror b LEFT_RIGHT +EnumBlockMirror c FRONT_BACK +EnumBlockRotation a NONE +EnumBlockRotation b CLOCKWISE_90 +EnumBlockRotation c CLOCKWISE_180 +EnumBlockRotation d COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90 +EnumChatFormat a BLACK +EnumChatFormat b DARK_BLUE +EnumChatFormat c ()Z isFormat +EnumChatFormat c DARK_GREEN +EnumChatFormat d DARK_AQUA +EnumChatFormat e DARK_RED +EnumChatFormat f DARK_PURPLE +EnumChatFormat g GOLD +EnumChatFormat h GRAY +EnumChatFormat i DARK_GRAY +EnumChatFormat j BLUE +EnumChatFormat k GREEN +EnumChatFormat l AQUA +EnumChatFormat m RED +EnumChatFormat n LIGHT_PURPLE +EnumChatFormat o YELLOW +EnumChatFormat p WHITE +EnumChatFormat q OBFUSCATED +EnumChatFormat r BOLD +EnumChatFormat s STRIKETHROUGH +EnumChatFormat t UNDERLINE +EnumChatFormat u ITALIC +EnumChatFormat v RESET +EnumChatFormat z character +EnumColor a ()I getColorIndex +EnumColor a (I)LEnumColor; fromColorIndex +EnumColor a WHITE +EnumColor b ORANGE +EnumColor c MAGENTA +EnumColor d LIGHT_BLUE +EnumColor e YELLOW +EnumColor f LIME +EnumColor g PINK +EnumColor h GRAY +EnumColor i LIGHT_GRAY +EnumColor j CYAN +EnumColor k PURPLE +EnumColor l BLUE +EnumColor m BROWN +EnumColor n GREEN +EnumColor o RED +EnumColor p BLACK +EnumCreatureType a MONSTER +EnumCreatureType b CREATURE +EnumCreatureType c AMBIENT +EnumCreatureType d WATER_CREATURE +EnumDifficulty a (I)LEnumDifficulty; getById +EnumDifficulty a PEACEFUL +EnumDifficulty b EASY +EnumDifficulty c NORMAL +EnumDifficulty d HARD +EnumDirection a (D)LEnumDirection; fromAngle +EnumDirection a (I)LEnumDirection; fromType1 +EnumDirection a DOWN +EnumDirection b ()I get2DRotationValue +EnumDirection b (I)LEnumDirection; fromType2 +EnumDirection b UP +EnumDirection c NORTH +EnumDirection d ()LEnumDirection; opposite +EnumDirection d SOUTH +EnumDirection e WEST +EnumDirection f EAST +EnumDirection g ()I getAdjacentX +EnumDirection h ()I getAdjacentY +EnumDirection i ()I getAdjacentZ +EnumDirection$EnumAxis a X +EnumDirection$EnumAxis b Y +EnumDirection$EnumAxis c Z +EnumDirection$EnumAxisDirection a POSITIVE +EnumDirection$EnumAxisDirection b NEGATIVE +EnumDirection$EnumDirectionLimit a HORIZONTAL +EnumDirection$EnumDirectionLimit b VERTICAL +EnumDirection8 a NORTH +EnumDirection8 b NORTH_EAST +EnumDirection8 c EAST +EnumDirection8 d SOUTH_EAST +EnumDirection8 e SOUTH +EnumDirection8 f SOUTH_WEST +EnumDirection8 g WEST +EnumDirection8 h NORTH_WEST +EnumDragonRespawn a START +EnumDragonRespawn b PREPARING_TO_SUMMON_PILLARS +EnumDragonRespawn c SUMMONING_PILLARS +EnumDragonRespawn d SUMMONING_DRAGON +EnumDragonRespawn e END +EnumGamemode a ()I getId +EnumGamemode a (I)LEnumGamemode; getById +EnumGamemode a NOT_SET +EnumGamemode b SURVIVAL +EnumGamemode c CREATIVE +EnumGamemode d ADVENTURE +EnumGamemode e ()Z isCreative +EnumGamemode e SPECTATOR +EnumHand a MAIN_HAND +EnumHand b OFF_HAND +EnumHorseArmor a NONE +EnumHorseArmor b IRON +EnumHorseArmor c GOLD +EnumHorseArmor d DIAMOND +EnumInteractionResult a SUCCESS +EnumInteractionResult b PASS +EnumInteractionResult c FAIL +EnumItemRarity a COMMON +EnumItemRarity b UNCOMMON +EnumItemRarity c RARE +EnumItemRarity d EPIC +EnumItemSlot a MAINHAND +EnumItemSlot b OFFHAND +EnumItemSlot c FEET +EnumItemSlot d LEGS +EnumItemSlot e CHEST +EnumItemSlot f HEAD +EnumItemSlot$Function a HAND +EnumItemSlot$Function b ARMOR +EnumMainHand a LEFT +EnumMainHand b RIGHT +EnumMonsterType a UNDEFINED +EnumMonsterType b UNDEAD +EnumMonsterType c ARTHROPOD +EnumMonsterType d ILLAGER +EnumMoveType a SELF +EnumMoveType b PLAYER +EnumMoveType c PISTON +EnumMoveType d SHULKER_BOX +EnumMoveType e SHULKER +EnumPistonReaction a NORMAL +EnumPistonReaction b DESTROY +EnumPistonReaction c BLOCK +EnumPistonReaction d IGNORE +EnumPistonReaction e PUSH_ONLY +EnumProtocol a HANDSHAKING +EnumProtocol b PLAY +EnumProtocol c STATUS +EnumProtocol d LOGIN +EnumProtocolDirection a SERVERBOUND +EnumProtocolDirection b CLIENTBOUND +EnumRenderType a INVISIBLE +EnumRenderType b ENTITYBLOCK_ANIMATED +EnumRenderType c MODEL +EnumResourcePackType a CLIENT_RESOURCES +EnumResourcePackType b SERVER_DATA +EnumResourcePackVersion a TOO_OLD +EnumResourcePackVersion b TOO_NEW +EnumResourcePackVersion c COMPATIBLE +EnumSkyBlock a SKY +EnumSkyBlock b BLOCK +EnumToolMaterial a WOOD +EnumToolMaterial b STONE +EnumToolMaterial c IRON +EnumToolMaterial d DIAMOND +EnumToolMaterial e GOLD +EnumWorldBorderState a GROWING +EnumWorldBorderState b SHRINKING +EnumWorldBorderState c STATIONARY +ExpirableListEntry c ()Ljava/util/Date; getExpires +ExpirableListEntry d ()Ljava/lang/String; getReason +Explosion d ()LEntityLiving; getSource +Explosion d world +Explosion e ()V clearBlocks +Explosion e posX +Explosion f ()Ljava/util/List; getBlocks +Explosion f posY +Explosion g posZ +Explosion h source +Explosion i size +Explosion k blocks +FluidCollisionOption a NEVER +FluidCollisionOption b SOURCE_ONLY +FluidCollisionOption c ALWAYS +FluidTypeFlowing a FALLING +FluidTypeFlowing b LEVEL +FoodMetaData a ()I getFoodLevel +FoodMetaData a (IF)V eat +FoodMetaData a foodLevel +FoodMetaData b saturationLevel +FoodMetaData c exhaustionLevel +FoodMetaData d foodTickTimer +FoodMetaData e ()F getSaturationLevel +FurnaceRecipe a key +FurnaceRecipe b group +FurnaceRecipe c ingredient +FurnaceRecipe d result +FurnaceRecipe e experience +FurnaceRecipe f cookingTime +GameProfileBanList a (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z isBanned +GameProfileSerializer a (LNBTTagCompound;)Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; deserialize +GameProfileSerializer a (LNBTTagCompound;Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)LNBTTagCompound; serialize +GameRules a (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; get +GameRules a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)V set +GameRules b ()Ljava/util/TreeMap; getGameRules +GameRules b (Ljava/lang/String;)Z getBoolean +GameRules f (Ljava/lang/String;)LGameRules$GameRuleValue; get +GameRules$EnumGameRuleType a ANY_VALUE +GameRules$EnumGameRuleType b BOOLEAN_VALUE +GameRules$EnumGameRuleType c NUMERICAL_VALUE +GenLayerCleaner a INSTANCE +GenLayerDeepOcean a INSTANCE +GenLayerDesert a INSTANCE +GenLayerIcePlains a INSTANCE +GenLayerIsland a INSTANCE +GenLayerMushroomIsland a INSTANCE +GenLayerMushroomShore a INSTANCE +GenLayerOcean a INSTANCE +GenLayerOceanEdge a INSTANCE +GenLayerPlains a INSTANCE +GenLayerRegionHills a INSTANCE +GenLayerRiver a INSTANCE +GenLayerRiverMix a INSTANCE +GenLayerSmooth a INSTANCE +GenLayerSpecial$Special1 a INSTANCE +GenLayerSpecial$Special2 a INSTANCE +GenLayerSpecial$Special3 a INSTANCE +GenLayerTopSoil a INSTANCE +GenLayerZoom a NORMAL +GenLayerZoom b FUZZY +GenLayerZoomVoronoi a INSTANCE +GeneratorAccess G ()LIChunkProvider; getChunkProvider +GeneratorAccess a (LBlockPosition;LBlock;)V update +GeneratorAccess a (LParticleParam;DDDDDD)V addParticle +GeneratorAccess ah ()LEnumDifficulty; getDifficulty +GeneratorAccess f ()LWorld; getMinecraftWorld +GeneratorAccess g ()LWorldData; getWorldData +GeneratorAccess h (LBlockPosition;)LDifficultyDamageScaler; getDamageScaler +GeneratorAccess j ()J getSeed +GeneratorAccess n ()LBlockPosition; getSpawn +GeneratorAccess r_ ()LIDataManager; getDataManager +GenericAttributes a maxHealth +GenericAttributes b FOLLOW_RANGE +GenericAttributes d MOVEMENT_SPEED +GenericAttributes f ATTACK_DAMAGE +HeightMap$Type a WORLD_SURFACE_WG +HeightMap$Type b OCEAN_FLOOR_WG +HeightMap$Type c LIGHT_BLOCKING +HeightMap$Type d MOTION_BLOCKING +HeightMap$Type e MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES +HeightMap$Type f OCEAN_FLOOR +HeightMap$Type g WORLD_SURFACE +HeightMap$Use a WORLDGEN +HeightMap$Use b LIVE_WORLD +IAsyncTaskHandler a (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFuture; postToMainThread +IAsyncTaskHandler ax ()Z isMainThread +IAttribute a ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +IAttribute b ()D getDefault +IBlockAccess a_ (LBlockPosition;)LIBlockData; getType +IBlockAccess f (LBlockPosition;)LTileEntity; getTileEntity +IBlockData a (LEntityHuman;LIBlockAccess;LBlockPosition;)F getDamage +IBlockData a (LEnumDirection;LIBlockData;LGeneratorAccess;LBlockPosition;LBlockPosition;)LIBlockData; updateState +IBlockData a (LIWorldReader;LBlockPosition;)Z canPlace +IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;FI)V dropNaturally +IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LBlock;LBlockPosition;)V doPhysics +IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntityHuman;)V attack +IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LEntityHuman;LEnumHand;LEnumDirection;FFF)Z interact +IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;)V onPlace +IBlockData a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;Z)V remove +IBlockData c ()LBlock; getBlock +IBlockData d ()LMaterial; getMaterial +IBlockData f ()Z isAir +IBlockData l ()Z isOccluding +IBlockData m ()Z isPowerSource +IBlockData n ()Z isComplexRedstone +IBlockData o ()LEnumPistonReaction; getPushReaction +IBlockDataHolder a (LIBlockState;Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/lang/Object; set +IBlockDataHolder c (LIBlockState;)Ljava/lang/Comparable; get +IChatBaseComponent a (LChatModifier;)LIChatBaseComponent; setChatModifier +IChatBaseComponent a (LIChatBaseComponent;)LIChatBaseComponent; addSibling +IChatBaseComponent b ()LChatModifier; getChatModifier +IChatBaseComponent d ()Ljava/lang/String; getText +IChunkAccess a (J)V setLastSaved +IChunkAccess c ()[LChunkSection; getSections +IChunkAccess d ()LChunkCoordIntPair; getPos +IChunkAccess g ()[LBiomeBase; getBiomeIndex +IChunkLoader a (II)Z chunkExists +IChunkLoader a (LWorld;LIChunkAccess;)V saveChunk +IChunkProvider a (II)LChunk; getLoadedChunkAt +IChunkProvider c (II)LChunk; getChunkAt +IChunkProvider d ()Z unloadChunks +IChunkProvider f ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +IChunkProvider g ()LChunkGenerator; getChunkGenerator +ICommandListener a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V sendMessage +ICompletionProvider c (I)Z hasPermission +ICrafting a (LContainer;II)V setContainerData +ICrafting a (LContainer;LIInventory;)V setContainerData +IDataManager a (LWorldData;)V saveWorldData +IDataManager a (LWorldData;LNBTTagCompound;)V saveWorldData +IDataManager a (LWorldProvider;)LIChunkLoader; createChunkLoader +IDataManager a (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/File; getDataFile +IDataManager b ()Ljava/io/File; getDirectory +IDataManager c ()V checkSession +IDataManager d ()LWorldData; getWorldData +IDataManager e ()LIPlayerFileData; getPlayerFileData +IDispenseBehavior NOOP NONE +IDragonController i ()LDragonControllerPhase; getControllerPhase +IHopper F ()LWorld; getWorld +IInventory T_ ()I getSize +IInventory a (I)LItemStack; getItem +IInventory a (II)LItemStack; splitStack +IInventory a (ILItemStack;)V setItem +IInventory b (I)LItemStack; splitWithoutUpdate +IInventory b (II)V setProperty +IInventory b (LEntityHuman;)V startOpen +IInventory c (I)I getProperty +IInventory c (LEntityHuman;)V closeContainer +IInventory f ()I getMaxStackSize +IInventory g ()V update +IInventory m ()V clear +IMaterial h ()LItem; getItem +IMerchant M_ ()LEntityHuman; getTrader +IMerchant O ()LIChatBaseComponent; getScoreboardDisplayName +IMerchant a_ (LEntityHuman;)V setTradingPlayer +IMerchant b_ (LEntityHuman;)LMerchantRecipeList; getOffers +IMerchant c ()LWorld; getWorld +IMerchant d ()LBlockPosition; getPosition +IMinecraftServer C ()[Ljava/lang/String; getPlayers +IMinecraftServer E ()Z isDebugging +IMinecraftServer a_ (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; executeRemoteCommand +IMinecraftServer d (Ljava/lang/String;)V info +IMinecraftServer e (Ljava/lang/String;)V warning +IMinecraftServer n ()Ljava/lang/String; getPlugins +IMinecraftServer z ()Ljava/lang/String; getVersion +IMojangStatistics R ()Z getSnooperEnabled +INamable m ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +INamableTileEntity N_ ()LIChatBaseComponent; getDisplayName +INamableTileEntity O ()LIChatBaseComponent; getScoreboardDisplayName +INamableTileEntity O_ ()Z hasCustomName +INamableTileEntity e ()LIChatBaseComponent; getCustomName +IPlayerFileData a (LEntityHuman;)V save +IPlayerFileData b (LEntityHuman;)LNBTTagCompound; load +IPlayerFileData f ()[Ljava/lang/String; getSeenPlayers +IPosition a ()D getX +IPosition b ()D getY +IPosition c ()D getZ +IProjectile c (DDDFF)V shoot +IRecipe a (LIInventory;)LItemStack; craftItem +IRecipe b ()LMinecraftKey; getKey +IScoreboardCriteria a criteria +IScoreboardCriteria c ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +IScoreboardCriteria d ()Z isReadOnly +IScoreboardCriteria$EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay a INTEGER +IScoreboardCriteria$EnumScoreboardHealthDisplay b HEARTS +ISource h ()LWorld; getWorld +ISourceBlock d ()LBlockPosition; getBlockPosition +ISourceBlock g ()LTileEntity; getTileEntity +ITileEntityContainer a (LPlayerInventory;LEntityHuman;)LContainer; createContainer +ITileEntityContainer l ()Ljava/lang/String; getContainerName +ITileInventory V_ ()Z isLocked +ITileInventory a (LChestLock;)V setLock +ITileInventory j ()LChestLock; getLock +IWorldInventory a (ILItemStack;LEnumDirection;)Z canPlaceItemThroughFace +IWorldInventory a (LEnumDirection;)[I getSlotsForFace +IWorldInventory b (ILItemStack;LEnumDirection;)Z canTakeItemThroughFace +IWorldReader C (LBlockPosition;)I getLightLevel +IWorldReader D (LBlockPosition;)Z isLoaded +IWorldReader a (IIIIIIZ)Z isAreaLoaded +IWorldReader a (IIZ)Z isChunkLoaded +IWorldReader a (LBlockPosition;I)I getLightLevel +IWorldReader a (LBlockPosition;IZ)Z areChunksLoaded +IWorldReader a (LBlockPosition;LBlockPosition;Z)Z areChunksLoadedBetween +IWorldReader a (LEntity;D)LEntityHuman; findNearbyPlayer +IWorldReader a (LEntity;LAxisAlignedBB;)Ljava/util/List; getEntities +IWorldReader a (LEnumSkyBlock;LBlockPosition;)I getBrightness +IWorldReader a (LHeightMap$Type;LBlockPosition;)LBlockPosition; getHighestBlockYAt +IWorldReader b (LBlockPosition;LBlockPosition;)Z areChunksLoadedBetween +IWorldReader c (LAxisAlignedBB;)Z containsLiquid +IWorldReader c (LBlockPosition;)Z isEmpty +IWorldReader d ()LWorldBorder; getWorldBorder +IWorldReader d (LBlockPosition;)LBiomeBase; getBiome +IWorldReader d (LEntity;LAxisAlignedBB;)Z getCubes +IWorldReader e (LBlockPosition;I)Z areChunksLoaded +IWorldReader k ()I getSeaLevel +IWorldWriter a (LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;I)Z setTypeAndData +IWorldWriter a (LBlockPosition;Z)Z setAir +IWorldWriter a (LEntity;)Z addEntity +IWorldWriter g (LBlockPosition;)Z setAir +IntHashMap a (I)Ljava/lang/Object; get +InventoryClickType a PICKUP +InventoryClickType b QUICK_MOVE +InventoryClickType c SWAP +InventoryClickType d CLONE +InventoryClickType e THROW +InventoryClickType f QUICK_CRAFT +InventoryClickType g PICKUP_ALL +InventoryCraftResult a items +InventoryCrafting a items +InventoryCrafting d container +InventoryLargeChest b left +InventoryLargeChest c right +InventoryMerchant a merchant +InventoryMerchant b itemsInSlots +InventoryMerchant c player +InventoryMerchant d recipe +InventoryMerchant e selectedIndex +InventoryMerchant j ()LMerchantRecipe; getRecipe +InventorySubcontainer c items +InventorySubcontainer f ()I getMaxStackSize +InventorySubcontainer g ()V update +InventoryUtils a (LWorld;DDDLIInventory;)V dropInventory +InventoryUtils a (LWorld;DDDLItemStack;)V dropItem +InventoryUtils a (LWorld;LBlockPosition;LIInventory;)V dropInventory +InventoryUtils a (LWorld;LEntity;LIInventory;)V dropEntity +IpBanList a (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)Z isBanned +IpBanList b (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)LIpBanEntry; get +Item a ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +Item a (LBlock;)LItem; getItemOf +Item a (LIBlockData;)Z canDestroySpecialBlock +Item a (LItem;)I getId +Item a (LItemStack;LIBlockData;)F getDestroySpeed +Item b (I)LItem; getById +Item f REGISTRY +Item i ()I getMaxStackSize +Item j ()I getMaxDurability +Item k ()Z usesDurability +Item m maxStackSize +Item n durability +Item o craftingResult +Item p name +ItemActionContext a ()LBlockPosition; getClickPosition +ItemActionContext g ()Z isSneaking +ItemActionContext i ()LItemStack; getItemStack +ItemActionContext j ()LEntityHuman; getEntity +ItemActionContext k ()LWorld; getWorld +ItemActionContext l ()LEnumDirection; getClickedFace +ItemBlock d ()LBlock; getBlock +ItemBlockWallable a wallBlock +ItemCooldown a cooldowns +ItemCooldown b currentTick +ItemCooldown$Info c endTick +ItemFireworks$EffectType a SMALL_BALL +ItemFireworks$EffectType b LARGE_BALL +ItemFireworks$EffectType c STAR +ItemFireworks$EffectType d CREEPER +ItemFireworks$EffectType e BURST +ItemFish$EnumFish a COD +ItemFish$EnumFish b SALMON +ItemFish$EnumFish c TROPICAL_FISH +ItemFish$EnumFish d PUFFERFISH +ItemFood e (LItemStack;)I getNutrition +ItemFood f (LItemStack;)F getSaturationModifier +ItemStack C ()I getCount +ItemStack a ()Z isEmpty +ItemStack a (I)LItemStack; cloneAndSubtract +ItemStack a (ILEntityLiving;)V damage +ItemStack a (ILjava/util/Random;LEntityPlayer;)Z isDamaged +ItemStack a (LEnchantment;I)V addEnchantment +ItemStack a (LItemActionContext;)LEnumInteractionResult; placeItem +ItemStack a (LItemStack;)Z doMaterialsMatch +ItemStack a (LItemStack;LItemStack;)Z equals +ItemStack b ()LItem; getItem +ItemStack b (I)V setDamage +ItemStack b (LItemStack;LItemStack;)Z matches +ItemStack b (LNBTTagCompound;)LNBTTagCompound; save +ItemStack c ()I getMaxStackSize +ItemStack c (I)V setRepairCost +ItemStack c (LNBTTagCompound;)V setTag +ItemStack d ()Z isStackable +ItemStack d count +ItemStack e (I)V setCount +ItemStack f (I)V add +ItemStack f item +ItemStack g ()I getDamage +ItemStack g (I)V subtract +ItemStack g tag +ItemStack i ()LItemStack; cloneItemStack +ItemStack m ()Z hasTag +ItemStack n ()LNBTTagCompound; getTag +ItemStack o ()LNBTTagCompound; getOrCreateTag +ItemStack p ()LNBTTagList; getEnchantments +ItemStack q ()LIChatBaseComponent; getName +ItemStack s ()Z hasName +ItemStack v ()Z canEnchant +ItemStack w ()Z hasEnchantments +ItemStack z ()I getRepairCost +ItemWorldMap a (LItemStack;LWorld;)LWorldMap; getSavedMap +Items A DIAMOND_PICKAXE +Items B DIAMOND_AXE +Items C STICK +Items D BOWL +Items E MUSHROOM_STEW +Items F GOLDEN_SWORD +Items G GOLDEN_SHOVEL +Items H GOLDEN_PICKAXE +Items I GOLDEN_AXE +Items J STRING +Items K FEATHER +Items L GUNPOWDER +Items M WOODEN_HOE +Items N STONE_HOE +Items O IRON_HOE +Items P DIAMOND_HOE +Items Q GOLDEN_HOE +Items R WHEAT_SEEDS +Items S WHEAT +Items T BREAD +Items U LEATHER_HELMET +Items V LEATHER_CHESTPLATE +Items W LEATHER_LEGGINGS +Items X LEATHER_BOOTS +Items Y CHAINMAIL_HELMET +Items Z CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE +Items a (Ljava/lang/String;)LItem; get +Items a AIR +Items aA SADDLE +Items aB REDSTONE +Items aC SNOWBALL +Items aD OAK_BOAT +Items aE SPRUCE_BOAT +Items aF BIRCH_BOAT +Items aG JUNGLE_BOAT +Items aH ACACIA_BOAT +Items aI DARK_OAK_BOAT +Items aJ LEATHER +Items aK MILK_BUCKET +Items aL PUFFERFISH_BUCKET +Items aM SALMON_BUCKET +Items aN COD_BUCKET +Items aO TROPICAL_FISH_BUCKET +Items aP BRICK +Items aQ CLAY_BALL +Items aR PAPER +Items aS BOOK +Items aT SLIME_BALL +Items aU CHEST_MINECART +Items aV FURNACE_MINECART +Items aW EGG +Items aX COMPASS +Items aY FISHING_ROD +Items aZ CLOCK +Items aa CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS +Items ab CHAINMAIL_BOOTS +Items ac IRON_HELMET +Items ad IRON_CHESTPLATE +Items ae IRON_LEGGINGS +Items af IRON_BOOTS +Items ag DIAMOND_HELMET +Items ah DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE +Items ai DIAMOND_LEGGINGS +Items aj DIAMOND_BOOTS +Items ak GOLDEN_HELMET +Items al GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE +Items am GOLDEN_LEGGINGS +Items an GOLDEN_BOOTS +Items ao TURTLE_HELMET +Items ap FLINT +Items aq PORKCHOP +Items ar COOKED_PORKCHOP +Items as PAINTING +Items at GOLDEN_APPLE +Items au ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE +Items av SIGN +Items aw BUCKET +Items ax WATER_BUCKET +Items ay LAVA_BUCKET +Items az MINECART +Items b IRON_SHOVEL +Items bA ORANGE_BED +Items bB MAGENTA_BED +Items bC LIGHT_BLUE_BED +Items bD YELLOW_BED +Items bE LIME_BED +Items bF PINK_BED +Items bG GRAY_BED +Items bH LIGHT_GRAY_BED +Items bI CYAN_BED +Items bJ PURPLE_BED +Items bK BLUE_BED +Items bL BROWN_BED +Items bM GREEN_BED +Items bN RED_BED +Items bO BLACK_BED +Items bP COOKIE +Items bQ FILLED_MAP +Items bR SHEARS +Items bS MELON_SLICE +Items bT DRIED_KELP +Items bU PUMPKIN_SEEDS +Items bV MELON_SEEDS +Items bW BEEF +Items bX COOKED_BEEF +Items bY CHICKEN +Items bZ COOKED_CHICKEN +Items ba GLOWSTONE_DUST +Items bb COD +Items bc SALMON +Items bd TROPICAL_FISH +Items be PUFFERFISH +Items bf COOKED_COD +Items bg COOKED_SALMON +Items bh BONE_MEAL +Items bi ORANGE_DYE +Items bj MAGENTA_DYE +Items bk LIGHT_BLUE_DYE +Items bl DANDELION_YELLOW +Items bm LIME_DYE +Items bn PINK_DYE +Items bo GRAY_DYE +Items bp LIGHT_GRAY_DYE +Items bq CYAN_DYE +Items br PURPLE_DYE +Items bs LAPIS_LAZULI +Items bt COCOA_BEANS +Items bu CACTUS_GREEN +Items bv ROSE_RED +Items bw INK_SAC +Items bx BONE +Items by SUGAR +Items bz WHITE_BED +Items c IRON_PICKAXE +Items cA CAVE_SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG +Items cB CHICKEN_SPAWN_EGG +Items cC COD_SPAWN_EGG +Items cD COW_SPAWN_EGG +Items cE CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG +Items cF DOLPHIN_SPAWN_EGG +Items cG DONKEY_SPAWN_EGG +Items cH ELDER_GUARDIAN_SPAWN_EGG +Items cI ENDERMAN_SPAWN_EGG +Items cJ ENDERMITE_SPAWN_EGG +Items cK EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG +Items cL GHAST_SPAWN_EGG +Items cM GUARDIAN_SPAWN_EGG +Items cN HORSE_SPAWN_EGG +Items cO HUSK_SPAWN_EGG +Items cP LLAMA_SPAWN_EGG +Items cQ MAGMA_CUBE_SPAWN_EGG +Items cR MOOSHROOM_SPAWN_EGG +Items cS MULE_SPAWN_EGG +Items cT OCELOT_SPAWN_EGG +Items cU PARROT_SPAWN_EGG +Items cV PIG_SPAWN_EGG +Items cW PHANTOM_SPAWN_EGG +Items cX POLAR_BEAR_SPAWN_EGG +Items cY PUFFERFISH_SPAWN_EGG +Items cZ RABBIT_SPAWN_EGG +Items ca MUTTON +Items cb COOKED_MUTTON +Items cc RABBIT +Items cd COOKED_RABBIT +Items ce RABBIT_STEW +Items cf RABBIT_FOOT +Items cg RABBIT_HIDE +Items ch ROTTEN_FLESH +Items ci ENDER_PEARL +Items cj BLAZE_ROD +Items ck GHAST_TEAR +Items cl GOLD_NUGGET +Items cm NETHER_WART +Items cn POTION +Items co SPLASH_POTION +Items cp LINGERING_POTION +Items cq GLASS_BOTTLE +Items cr DRAGON_BREATH +Items cs SPIDER_EYE +Items ct FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE +Items cu BLAZE_POWDER +Items cv MAGMA_CREAM +Items cw ENDER_EYE +Items cx GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE +Items cy BAT_SPAWN_EGG +Items cz BLAZE_SPAWN_EGG +Items d IRON_AXE +Items dA EMERALD +Items dB ITEM_FRAME +Items dC CARROT +Items dD POTATO +Items dE BAKED_POTATO +Items dF POISONOUS_POTATO +Items dG MAP +Items dH GOLDEN_CARROT +Items dI SKELETON_SKULL +Items dJ WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL +Items dK PLAYER_HEAD +Items dL CREEPER_HEAD +Items dM ZOMBIE_HEAD +Items dN DRAGON_HEAD +Items dO CARROT_ON_A_STICK +Items dP NETHER_STAR +Items dQ PUMPKIN_PIE +Items dR FIREWORK_ROCKET +Items dS FIREWORK_STAR +Items dT ENCHANTED_BOOK +Items dU NETHER_BRICK +Items dV QUARTZ +Items dW TNT_MINECART +Items dX HOPPER_MINECART +Items dY ARMOR_STAND +Items dZ IRON_HORSE_ARMOR +Items da SALMON_SPAWN_EGG +Items db SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG +Items dc SHULKER_SPAWN_EGG +Items dd SILVERFISH_SPAWN_EGG +Items de SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG +Items df SKELETON_HORSE_SPAWN_EGG +Items dg SLIME_SPAWN_EGG +Items dh SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG +Items di SQUID_SPAWN_EGG +Items dj STRAY_SPAWN_EGG +Items dk TROPICAL_FISH_SPAWN_EGG +Items dl TURTLE_SPAWN_EGG +Items dm VEX_SPAWN_EGG +Items dn VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG +Items do VINDICATOR_SPAWN_EGG +Items dp WITCH_SPAWN_EGG +Items dq WITHER_SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG +Items dr WOLF_SPAWN_EGG +Items ds ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG +Items dt ZOMBIE_HORSE_SPAWN_EGG +Items du ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_SPAWN_EGG +Items dv ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG +Items dw EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE +Items dx FIRE_CHARGE +Items dy WRITABLE_BOOK +Items dz WRITTEN_BOOK +Items e FLINT_AND_STEEL +Items eA GRAY_BANNER +Items eB LIGHT_GRAY_BANNER +Items eC CYAN_BANNER +Items eD PURPLE_BANNER +Items eE BLUE_BANNER +Items eF BROWN_BANNER +Items eG GREEN_BANNER +Items eH RED_BANNER +Items eI BLACK_BANNER +Items eJ END_CRYSTAL +Items eK SHIELD +Items eL ELYTRA +Items eM CHORUS_FRUIT +Items eN POPPED_CHORUS_FRUIT +Items eO BEETROOT_SEEDS +Items eP BEETROOT +Items eQ BEETROOT_SOUP +Items eR TOTEM_OF_UNDYING +Items eS SHULKER_SHELL +Items eT IRON_NUGGET +Items eU KNOWLEDGE_BOOK +Items eV SCUTE +Items eW DEBUG_STICK +Items eX TRIDENT +Items eY PHANTOM_MEMBRANE +Items eZ NAUTILUS_SHELL +Items ea GOLDEN_HORSE_ARMOR +Items eb DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR +Items ec LEAD +Items ed NAME_TAG +Items ee COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART +Items ef MUSIC_DISC_13 +Items eg MUSIC_DISC_CAT +Items eh MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS +Items ei MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP +Items ej MUSIC_DISC_FAR +Items ek MUSIC_DISC_MALL +Items el MUSIC_DISC_MELLOHI +Items em MUSIC_DISC_STAL +Items en MUSIC_DISC_STRAD +Items eo MUSIC_DISC_WARD +Items ep MUSIC_DISC_11 +Items eq MUSIC_DISC_WAIT +Items er PRISMARINE_SHARD +Items es PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS +Items et WHITE_BANNER +Items eu ORANGE_BANNER +Items ev MAGENTA_BANNER +Items ew LIGHT_BLUE_BANNER +Items ex YELLOW_BANNER +Items ey LIME_BANNER +Items ez PINK_BANNER +Items f APPLE +Items fa HEART_OF_THE_SEA +Items g BOW +Items h ARROW +Items i SPECTRAL_ARROW +Items j TIPPED_ARROW +Items k COAL +Items l CHARCOAL +Items m DIAMOND +Items n IRON_INGOT +Items o GOLD_INGOT +Items p IRON_SWORD +Items q WOODEN_SWORD +Items r WOODEN_SHOVEL +Items s WOODEN_PICKAXE +Items t WOODEN_AXE +Items u STONE_SWORD +Items v STONE_SHOVEL +Items w STONE_PICKAXE +Items x STONE_AXE +Items y DIAMOND_SWORD +Items z DIAMOND_SHOVEL +JsonList a ()[Ljava/lang/String; getEntries +JsonList a (LJsonListEntry;)V add +JsonList b ()Z isEnabled +JsonList b (Ljava/lang/Object;)LJsonListEntry; get +JsonList c (Ljava/lang/Object;)V remove +JsonList d ()Z isEmpty +JsonList f ()V save +JsonList g ()V load +JsonListEntry f ()Z hasExpired +JsonListEntry g ()Ljava/lang/Object; getKey +LayerIsland a INSTANCE +LoginListener a networkManager +LoginListener b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V disconnect +LoginListener d random +LoginListener f server +LoginListener k loginKey +LoginListener$EnumProtocolState a HELLO +LoginListener$EnumProtocolState b KEY +LoginListener$EnumProtocolState c AUTHENTICATING +LoginListener$EnumProtocolState d NEGOTIATING +LoginListener$EnumProtocolState e READY_TO_ACCEPT +LoginListener$EnumProtocolState f DELAY_ACCEPT +LoginListener$EnumProtocolState g ACCEPTED +LootTableInfo$EntityTarget a THIS +LootTableInfo$EntityTarget b KILLER +LootTableInfo$EntityTarget c KILLER_PLAYER +MapIcon a ()B getType +MapIcon a type +MapIcon b x +MapIcon c ()B getX +MapIcon c y +MapIcon d ()B getY +MapIcon d rotation +MapIcon e ()B getRotation +MapIcon$Type A RED_X +MapIcon$Type a PLAYER +MapIcon$Type b FRAME +MapIcon$Type c RED_MARKER +MapIcon$Type d BLUE_MARKER +MapIcon$Type e TARGET_X +MapIcon$Type f TARGET_POINT +MapIcon$Type g PLAYER_OFF_MAP +MapIcon$Type h PLAYER_OFF_LIMITS +MapIcon$Type i MANSION +MapIcon$Type j MONUMENT +MapIcon$Type k BANNER_WHITE +MapIcon$Type l BANNER_ORANGE +MapIcon$Type m BANNER_MAGENTA +MapIcon$Type n BANNER_LIGHT_BLUE +MapIcon$Type o BANNER_YELLOW +MapIcon$Type p BANNER_LIME +MapIcon$Type q BANNER_PINK +MapIcon$Type r BANNER_GRAY +MapIcon$Type s BANNER_LIGHT_GRAY +MapIcon$Type t BANNER_CYAN +MapIcon$Type u BANNER_PURPLE +MapIcon$Type v BANNER_BLUE +MapIcon$Type w BANNER_BROWN +MapIcon$Type x BANNER_GREEN +MapIcon$Type y BANNER_RED +MapIcon$Type z BANNER_BLACK +Material A SHATTERABLE +Material B ICE +Material C CACTUS +Material D STONE +Material E ORE +Material F SNOW_BLOCK +Material G HEAVY +Material H BANNER +Material I PISTON +Material J CORAL +Material K PUMPKIN +Material L DRAGON_EGG +Material M CAKE +Material Q canBurn +Material a ()Z isLiquid +Material a AIR +Material b ()Z isBuildable +Material c ()Z isSolid +Material c PORTAL +Material d ()Z isBurnable +Material d WOOL +Material e ()Z isReplaceable +Material e PLANT +Material g ()Z isAlwaysDestroyable +Material g REPLACEABLE_PLANT +Material h ()LEnumPistonReaction; getPushReaction +Material i WATER +Material k LAVA +Material l PACKED_ICE +Material m FIRE +Material n ORIENTABLE +Material o WEB +Material p BUILDABLE_GLASS +Material q CLAY +Material r EARTH +Material s GRASS +Material t SNOW_LAYER +Material u SAND +Material v SPONGE +Material w WOOD +Material x CLOTH +Material y TNT +Material z LEAVES +MaterialMapColor ab rgb +MathHelper a (D)F sqrt +MathHelper a (F)F sin +MathHelper a (III)I clamp +MathHelper a (Ljava/util/Random;II)I nextInt +MathHelper b (F)F cos +MathHelper c (D)I floor +MerchantRecipe a ()LItemStack; getBuyItem1 +MerchantRecipe a buyingItem1 +MerchantRecipe b ()LItemStack; getBuyItem2 +MerchantRecipe b buyingItem2 +MerchantRecipe c ()Z hasSecondItem +MerchantRecipe c sellingItem +MerchantRecipe d ()LItemStack; getBuyItem3 +MerchantRecipe d uses +MerchantRecipe e maxUses +MerchantRecipe f rewardExp +MerchantRecipe g ()V increaseUses +MinecraftEncryption a (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/security/Key;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher; a +MinecraftEncryption a (ILjava/security/Key;)Ljavax/crypto/Cipher; a +MinecraftEncryption a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/security/PublicKey;Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey;)[B a +MinecraftEncryption a (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;[B)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey; a +MinecraftKey a ()Ljava/lang/String; getKey +MobEffect a ()LMobEffectList; getMobEffect +MobEffect a (LEntityLiving;)Z tick +MobEffect b ()I getDuration +MobEffect c ()I getAmplifier +MobEffect c duration +MobEffect d ()Z isAmbient +MobEffect d amplification +MobEffect e ()Z isShowParticles +MobEffect e splash +MobEffect f ambient +MobEffectList a ()Z isInstant +MobEffectList a (I)LMobEffectList; fromId +MobEffectList a (LEntity;LEntity;LEntityLiving;ID)V applyInstantEffect +MobEffectList a (LEntityLiving;I)V tick +MobEffectList a (LMobEffectList;)I getId +MobEffectList a (Ljava/lang/String;)LMobEffectList; getByName +MobEffectList b REGISTRY +MobEffectList g durationModifier +MobEffectList i ()I getColor +MobEffects A UNLUCK +MobEffects B SLOW_FALLING +MobEffects C CONDUIT_POWER +MobEffects D DOLPHINS_GRACE +MobEffects a FASTER_MOVEMENT +MobEffects b SLOWER_MOVEMENT +MobEffects c FASTER_DIG +MobEffects d SLOWER_DIG +MobEffects e INCREASE_DAMAGE +MobEffects f HEAL +MobEffects g HARM +MobEffects h JUMP +MobEffects i CONFUSION +MobEffects j REGENERATION +MobEffects k RESISTANCE +MobEffects l FIRE_RESISTANCE +MobEffects m WATER_BREATHING +MobEffects n INVISIBILITY +MobEffects o BLINDNESS +MobEffects p NIGHT_VISION +MobEffects q HUNGER +MobEffects r WEAKNESS +MobEffects s POISON +MobEffects t WITHER +MobEffects u HEALTH_BOOST +MobEffects v ABSORBTION +MobEffects w SATURATION +MobEffects x GLOWING +MobEffects y LEVITATION +MobEffects z LUCK +MobSpawnerAbstract a (LEntityTypes;)V setMobName +MobSpawnerAbstract b spawnDelay +MobSpawnerAbstract c mobs +MobSpawnerAbstract d spawnData +MobSpawnerAbstract g ()LMinecraftKey; getMobName +MobSpawnerAbstract g minSpawnDelay +MobSpawnerAbstract h maxSpawnDelay +MobSpawnerAbstract i spawnCount +MobSpawnerAbstract k maxNearbyEntities +MobSpawnerAbstract l requiredPlayerRange +MobSpawnerAbstract m spawnRange +MojangsonParser a (Ljava/lang/String;)LNBTTagCompound; parse +MovingObjectPosition a type +MovingObjectPosition b direction +MovingObjectPosition c pos +MovingObjectPosition d entity +MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType a MISS +MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType b BLOCK +MovingObjectPosition$EnumMovingObjectType c ENTITY +NBTBase a ()B getTypeId +NBTBase a (B)LNBTBase; createTag +NBTBase a (Ljava/io/DataInput;ILNBTReadLimiter;)V load +NBTBase a (Ljava/io/DataOutput;)V write +NBTBase b ()LNBTBase; clone +NBTBase isEmpty ()Z isEmpty +NBTList b (ILNBTBase;)LNBTBase; set +NBTList d (I)LNBTBase; get +NBTNumber h ()D asDouble +NBTTagByte f data +NBTTagByteArray f data +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;B)V setByte +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;D)V setDouble +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;F)V setFloat +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;J)V setLong +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;LNBTBase;)V set +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V setString +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;S)V setShort +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V setBoolean +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V setByteArray +NBTTagCompound a (Ljava/lang/String;[I)V setIntArray +NBTTagCompound b (Ljava/lang/String;I)V setInt +NBTTagCompound c ()Ljava/util/Set; getKeys +NBTTagCompound c (Ljava/lang/String;)LNBTBase; get +NBTTagCompound c (Ljava/lang/String;I)Z hasKeyOfType +NBTTagCompound d (Ljava/lang/String;I)LNBTTagList; getList +NBTTagCompound e (Ljava/lang/String;)Z hasKey +NBTTagCompound f ()LNBTTagCompound; clone +NBTTagCompound f (Ljava/lang/String;)B getByte +NBTTagCompound g (Ljava/lang/String;)S getShort +NBTTagCompound h (Ljava/lang/String;)I getInt +NBTTagCompound h map +NBTTagCompound i (Ljava/lang/String;)J getLong +NBTTagCompound j (Ljava/lang/String;)F getFloat +NBTTagCompound k (Ljava/lang/String;)D getDouble +NBTTagCompound l (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; getString +NBTTagCompound m (Ljava/lang/String;)[B getByteArray +NBTTagCompound n (Ljava/lang/String;)[I getIntArray +NBTTagCompound p (Ljava/lang/String;)LNBTTagCompound; getCompound +NBTTagCompound q (Ljava/lang/String;)Z getBoolean +NBTTagCompound r (Ljava/lang/String;)V remove +NBTTagDouble f data +NBTTagFloat f data +NBTTagInt f data +NBTTagIntArray f data +NBTTagList a (I)LNBTBase; remove +NBTTagList a (LNBTBase;)Z add +NBTTagList e (I)LNBTTagCompound; getCompound +NBTTagList g list +NBTTagList h type +NBTTagList m (I)Ljava/lang/String; getString +NBTTagList size ()I size +NBTTagLong f data +NBTTagShort f data +NBTTagString f data +NetworkManager a (I)V setCompressionLevel +NetworkManager a (LEnumProtocol;)V setProtocol +NetworkManager a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V close +NetworkManager a (LPacket;)V sendPacket +NetworkManager a (LPacket;Lio/netty/util/concurrent/GenericFutureListener;)V sendPacket +NetworkManager a (LPacketListener;)V setPacketListener +NetworkManager b ()Ljava/net/SocketAddress; getSocketAddress +NetworkManager c ()Z isLocal +NetworkManager g ()Z isConnected +NetworkManager k ()V stopReading +NetworkManager k channel +NetworkManager l ()V handleDisconnection +NibbleArray a ()[B asBytes +PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol b hostname +PacketHandshakingInSetProtocol c port +PacketLoginInEncryptionBegin a (Ljava/security/PrivateKey;)Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey; a +PacketPlayInAbilities c ()Z isFlying +PacketPlayInAdvancements$Status a OPENED_TAB +PacketPlayInAdvancements$Status b CLOSED_SCREEN +PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType a START_DESTROY_BLOCK +PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType b ABORT_DESTROY_BLOCK +PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType c STOP_DESTROY_BLOCK +PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType d DROP_ALL_ITEMS +PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType e DROP_ITEM +PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType f RELEASE_USE_ITEM +PacketPlayInBlockDig$EnumPlayerDigType g SWAP_HELD_ITEMS +PacketPlayInClientCommand$EnumClientCommand a PERFORM_RESPAWN +PacketPlayInClientCommand$EnumClientCommand b REQUEST_STATS +PacketPlayInCloseWindow a id +PacketPlayInCustomPayload b tag +PacketPlayInCustomPayload c data +PacketPlayInEntityAction b animation +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction a START_SNEAKING +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction b STOP_SNEAKING +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction c STOP_SLEEPING +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction d START_SPRINTING +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction e STOP_SPRINTING +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction f START_RIDING_JUMP +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction g STOP_RIDING_JUMP +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction h OPEN_INVENTORY +PacketPlayInEntityAction$EnumPlayerAction i START_FALL_FLYING +PacketPlayInFlying a x +PacketPlayInFlying b y +PacketPlayInFlying c z +PacketPlayInFlying d yaw +PacketPlayInFlying e pitch +PacketPlayInFlying g hasPos +PacketPlayInFlying h hasLook +PacketPlayInHeldItemSlot a itemInHandIndex +PacketPlayInRecipeDisplayed$Status a SHOWN +PacketPlayInRecipeDisplayed$Status b SETTINGS +PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus a status +PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus$EnumResourcePackStatus a SUCCESSFULLY_LOADED +PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus$EnumResourcePackStatus b DECLINED +PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus$EnumResourcePackStatus c FAILED_DOWNLOAD +PacketPlayInResourcePackStatus$EnumResourcePackStatus d ACCEPTED +PacketPlayInSetCreativeSlot a slot +PacketPlayInSetCreativeSlot c ()LItemStack; getItemStack +PacketPlayInSettings g ()LEnumMainHand; getMainHand +PacketPlayInUseEntity b action +PacketPlayInUseEntity$EnumEntityUseAction a INTERACT +PacketPlayInUseEntity$EnumEntityUseAction b ATTACK +PacketPlayInUseEntity$EnumEntityUseAction c INTERACT_AT +PacketPlayInVehicleMove b ()D getX +PacketPlayInVehicleMove c ()D getY +PacketPlayInVehicleMove d ()D getZ +PacketPlayInVehicleMove e ()F getYaw +PacketPlayInVehicleMove f ()F getPitch +PacketPlayInWindowClick b slot +PacketPlayInWindowClick c button +PacketPlayInWindowClick e item +PacketPlayInWindowClick f shift +PacketPlayOutBlockChange b block +PacketPlayOutBoss$Action a ADD +PacketPlayOutBoss$Action b REMOVE +PacketPlayOutBoss$Action c UPDATE_PCT +PacketPlayOutBoss$Action d UPDATE_NAME +PacketPlayOutBoss$Action e UPDATE_STYLE +PacketPlayOutBoss$Action f UPDATE_PROPERTIES +PacketPlayOutCombatEvent$EnumCombatEventType a ENTER_COMBAT +PacketPlayOutCombatEvent$EnumCombatEventType b END_COMBAT +PacketPlayOutCombatEvent$EnumCombatEventType c ENTITY_DIED +PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction a ADD_PLAYER +PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction b UPDATE_GAME_MODE +PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction c UPDATE_LATENCY +PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction d UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAME +PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$EnumPlayerInfoAction e REMOVE_PLAYER +PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags a X +PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags b Y +PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags c Z +PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags d Y_ROT +PacketPlayOutPosition$EnumPlayerTeleportFlags e X_ROT +PacketPlayOutRecipes$Action a INIT +PacketPlayOutRecipes$Action b ADD +PacketPlayOutRecipes$Action c REMOVE +PacketPlayOutSpawnPosition a position +PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction a TITLE +PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction b SUBTITLE +PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction c ACTIONBAR +PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction d TIMES +PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction e CLEAR +PacketPlayOutTitle$EnumTitleAction f RESET +PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction a SET_SIZE +PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction b LERP_SIZE +PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction c SET_CENTER +PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction d INITIALIZE +PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction e SET_WARNING_TIME +PacketPlayOutWorldBorder$EnumWorldBorderAction f SET_WARNING_BLOCKS +PacketStatusListener b minecraftServer +PacketStatusListener c networkManager +Particle a REGISTRY +PathMode a LAND +PathMode b WATER +PathMode c AIR +PathType a BLOCKED +PathType b OPEN +PathType c WALKABLE +PathType d TRAPDOOR +PathType e FENCE +PathType f LAVA +PathType g WATER +PathType h WATER_BORDER +PathType i RAIL +PathType j DANGER_FIRE +PathType k DAMAGE_FIRE +PathType l DANGER_CACTUS +PathType m DAMAGE_CACTUS +PathType n DANGER_OTHER +PathType o DAMAGE_OTHER +PathType p DOOR_OPEN +PathType q DOOR_WOOD_CLOSED +PathType r DOOR_IRON_CLOSED +PathType s BREACH +PathfinderGoalBoat a GO_TO_BOAT +PathfinderGoalBoat b GO_IN_BOAT_DIRECTION +PathfinderGoalBreed a animal +PathfinderGoalBreed c partner +PathfinderGoalRandomStroll b (I)V setTimeBetweenMovement +PathfinderGoalSit a (Z)V setSitting +PathfinderGoalSit a entity +PathfinderGoalSit b willSit +PathfinderGoalTame a entity +PathfinderGoalTempt h target +PersistentBase a id +PersistentBase e ()Ljava/lang/String; getId +PersistentCollection a (Ljava/util/function/Function;Ljava/lang/String;)LPersistentBase; get +PersistentVillage a ()V tick +PersistentVillage a (LBlockPosition;I)LVillage; getClosestVillage +PersistentVillage a world +PersistentVillage b ()Ljava/util/List; getVillages +PersistentVillage d villages +PersistentVillage e time +PistonExtendsChecker c ()Ljava/util/List; getMovedBlocks +PistonExtendsChecker d ()Ljava/util/List; getBrokenBlocks +PlayerAbilities a isInvulnerable +PlayerAbilities b isFlying +PlayerAbilities c canFly +PlayerAbilities d canInstantlyBuild +PlayerAbilities e mayBuild +PlayerAbilities f flySpeed +PlayerAbilities g walkSpeed +PlayerChunk b playerChunkMap +PlayerChunk c (LEntityPlayer;)V sendChunk +PlayerChunk d location +PlayerChunk e dirtyBlocks +PlayerChunk f chunk +PlayerChunk g dirtyCount +PlayerChunk j done +PlayerChunkMap a ()LWorldServer; getWorld +PlayerChunkMap a (LBlockPosition;)V flagDirty +PlayerChunkMap a (LEntityPlayer;)V addPlayer +PlayerChunkMap b (I)I getFurthestViewableBlock +PlayerChunkMap b (II)LPlayerChunk; getChunk +PlayerChunkMap b (LEntityPlayer;)V removePlayer +PlayerChunkMap c ()V flush +PlayerChunkMap c (LEntityPlayer;)V movePlayer +PlayerChunkMap c world +PlayerChunkMap d managedPlayers +PlayerConnection F receivedMovePackets +PlayerConnection G processedMovePackets +PlayerConnection a (LPacket;)V sendPacket +PlayerConnection a networkManager +PlayerConnection b ()V syncPosition +PlayerConnection b (LIChatBaseComponent;)V disconnect +PlayerConnection b player +PlayerConnection c (Ljava/lang/String;)V handleCommand +PlayerConnection c LOGGER +PlayerConnection d minecraftServer +PlayerConnection i chatThrottle +PlayerConnection y teleportPos +PlayerConnection z teleportAwait +PlayerConnectionUtils a (LPacket;LPacketListener;LIAsyncTaskHandler;)V ensureMainThread +PlayerInteractManager a (LEnumGamemode;)V setGameMode +PlayerInteractManager a world +PlayerInteractManager b ()LEnumGamemode; +PlayerInteractManager b ()LEnumGamemode; getGameMode +PlayerInteractManager b (LBlockPosition;)Z breakBlock +PlayerInteractManager b player +PlayerInteractManager c gamemode +PlayerInteractManager d ()Z isCreative +PlayerInteractManager e lastDigTick +PlayerInteractManager g currentTick +PlayerInventory a items +PlayerInventory b armor +PlayerInventory c extraSlots +PlayerInventory d (LItemStack;)I firstPartial +PlayerInventory d itemInHandIndex +PlayerInventory e (LItemStack;)Z pickup +PlayerInventory e player +PlayerInventory g (LItemStack;)V setCarried +PlayerInventory g carried +PlayerInventory i ()LItemStack; getItemInHand +PlayerInventory j ()I getHotbarSize +PlayerInventory k ()I getFirstEmptySlotIndex +PlayerInventory s ()LItemStack; getCarried +PlayerList a ()V reloadWhitelist +PlayerList a (LEntity;ILWorldServer;LWorldServer;)V changeWorld +PlayerList a (LEntityHuman;)LServerStatisticManager; getStatisticManager +PlayerList a (LEntityHuman;DDDDILPacket;)V sendPacketNearby +PlayerList a (LEntityPlayer;IZ)LEntityPlayer; moveToWorld +PlayerList a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V sendMessage +PlayerList a (LIChatBaseComponent;Z)V sendMessage +PlayerList a (LPacket;)V sendAll +PlayerList a (LScoreboardServer;LEntityPlayer;)V sendScoreboard +PlayerList a (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V addOp +PlayerList a (Ljava/lang/String;)LEntityPlayer; getPlayer +PlayerList a (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)LIChatBaseComponent; attemptLogin +PlayerList a (Z)V setHasWhitelist +PlayerList a ([LWorldServer;)V setPlayerFileData +PlayerList b (LEntityPlayer;)V savePlayerFile +PlayerList b (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V removeOp +PlayerList c ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; getServer +PlayerList c (LEntityPlayer;)V onPlayerJoin +PlayerList e ()V tick +PlayerList e (LEntityPlayer;)V disconnect +PlayerList e (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z isWhitelisted +PlayerList e maxPlayers +PlayerList g (LEntityPlayer;)V updateClient +PlayerList g (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)LEntityPlayer; processLogin +PlayerList h ()LGameProfileBanList; getProfileBans +PlayerList h (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z isOp +PlayerList h server +PlayerList i ()LIpBanList; getIPBans +PlayerList i players +PlayerList j ()V savePlayers +PlayerList k ()LWhiteList; getWhitelist +PlayerList l ()[Ljava/lang/String; getWhitelisted +PlayerList m ()LOpList; getOPs +PlayerList m operators +PlayerList n whitelist +PlayerList o ()I getPlayerCount +PlayerList p ()I getMaxPlayers +PlayerList q ()[Ljava/lang/String; getSeenPlayers +PlayerList q playerFileData +PlayerList r ()Z getHasWhitelist +PlayerList r hasWhitelist +PlayerList w ()V reload +PortalTravelAgent b world +PotionUtil a (LItemStack;)Ljava/util/List; getEffects +Potions a EMPTY +PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;I)I getInt +PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;J)J getLong +PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V setProperty +PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; getString +PropertyManager a (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z getBoolean +PropertyManager b ()V savePropertiesFile +PropertyManager b properties +PropertyManager c file +RecipeItemStack d choices +RecipeItemStack f ()V buildChoices +RegionFile e (II)I getOffset +RegionFileCache f (Ljava/io/File;II)Z chunkExists +RegistryBlockID a (I)Ljava/lang/Object; fromId +RegistryBlockID a (Ljava/lang/Object;)I getId +RegistryID a (I)Ljava/lang/Object; fromId +RegistryID a (Ljava/lang/Object;)I getId +RegistryMaterials a (I)Ljava/lang/Object; getId +RegistryMaterials c (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; get +RegistrySimple c ()Ljava/util/Set; keySet +RegistrySimple c (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; get +RemoteControlCommandListener d ()V clearMessages +RemoteControlCommandListener e ()Ljava/lang/String; getMessages +RemoteStatusListener$RemoteStatusChallenge b time +RemoteStatusListener$RemoteStatusChallenge c token +RemoteStatusListener$RemoteStatusChallenge d identity +ResourcePackLoader$Position a TOP +ResourcePackLoader$Position b BOTTOM +ResourcePackSourceFolder b file +Scoreboard a (I)LScoreboardObjective; getObjectiveForSlot +Scoreboard a (ILScoreboardObjective;)V setDisplaySlot +Scoreboard a (LIScoreboardCriteria;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V getObjectivesForCriteria +Scoreboard a (LScoreboardObjective;)V handleObjectiveAdded +Scoreboard a (LScoreboardScore;)V handleScoreChanged +Scoreboard a (LScoreboardTeam;)V handleTeamAdded +Scoreboard a (Ljava/lang/String;)V handlePlayerRemoved +Scoreboard a (Ljava/lang/String;LIScoreboardCriteria;Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardObjective; registerObjective +Scoreboard a (Ljava/lang/String;LScoreboardTeam;)Z addPlayerToTeam +Scoreboard a objectivesByName +Scoreboard b (I)Ljava/lang/String; getSlotName +Scoreboard b (LScoreboardObjective;)V handleObjectiveChanged +Scoreboard b (LScoreboardTeam;)V handleTeamChanged +Scoreboard b (Ljava/lang/String;LScoreboardTeam;)V removePlayerFromTeam +Scoreboard b objectivesByCriteria +Scoreboard c ()Ljava/util/Collection; getObjectives +Scoreboard c (LScoreboardObjective;)V handleObjectiveRemoved +Scoreboard c (LScoreboardTeam;)V handleTeamRemoved +Scoreboard c (Ljava/lang/String;LScoreboardObjective;)LScoreboardScore; getPlayerScoreForObjective +Scoreboard c playerScores +Scoreboard d (LScoreboardTeam;)V removeTeam +Scoreboard d (Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardObjective; getObjective +Scoreboard d (Ljava/lang/String;LScoreboardObjective;)V resetPlayerScores +Scoreboard d displaySlots +Scoreboard e ()Ljava/util/Collection; getPlayers +Scoreboard e (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Map; getPlayerObjectives +Scoreboard e teamsByName +Scoreboard f (Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardTeam; getTeam +Scoreboard f teamsByPlayer +Scoreboard g ()Ljava/util/Collection; getTeams +Scoreboard g (Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardTeam; createTeam +Scoreboard h (Ljava/lang/String;)Z removePlayerFromTeam +Scoreboard i (LScoreboardObjective;)Ljava/util/Collection; getScoresForObjective +Scoreboard i (Ljava/lang/String;)LScoreboardTeam; getPlayerTeam +Scoreboard j (LScoreboardObjective;)V unregisterObjective +Scoreboard j (Ljava/lang/String;)I getSlotForName +ScoreboardObjective a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setDisplayName +ScoreboardObjective b ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +ScoreboardObjective c ()LIScoreboardCriteria; getCriteria +ScoreboardObjective d ()Ljava/lang/String; getDisplayName +ScoreboardObjective d displayName +ScoreboardScore a ()V incrementScore +ScoreboardScore a (I)V addScore +ScoreboardScore b ()I getScore +ScoreboardScore c (I)V setScore +ScoreboardScore d ()LScoreboardObjective; getObjective +ScoreboardScore d playerName +ScoreboardScore e ()Ljava/lang/String; getPlayerName +ScoreboardScore e score +ScoreboardServer d (LScoreboardObjective;)Ljava/util/List; getScoreboardScorePacketsForObjective +ScoreboardServer$Action a CHANGE +ScoreboardServer$Action b REMOVE +ScoreboardTeam a (LEnumChatFormat;)V setColor +ScoreboardTeam a (LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility;)V setNameTagVisibility +ScoreboardTeam a (LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush;)V setCollisionRule +ScoreboardTeam a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setDisplayName +ScoreboardTeam a (Z)V setAllowFriendlyFire +ScoreboardTeam b (LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility;)V setDeathMessageVisibility +ScoreboardTeam b (Z)V setCanSeeFriendlyInvisibles +ScoreboardTeam c ()Ljava/lang/String; getDisplayName +ScoreboardTeam i ()Z canSeeFriendlyInvisibles +ScoreboardTeam j ()LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility; getNameTagVisibility +ScoreboardTeam m ()I packOptionData +ScoreboardTeamBase a (LScoreboardTeamBase;)Z isAlly +ScoreboardTeamBase b ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +ScoreboardTeamBase c (LIChatBaseComponent;)LIChatBaseComponent; getFormattedName +ScoreboardTeamBase g ()Ljava/util/Collection; getPlayerNameSet +ScoreboardTeamBase h ()Z allowFriendlyFire +ScoreboardTeamBase k ()LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility; getDeathMessageVisibility +ScoreboardTeamBase l ()LScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush; getCollisionRule +ScoreboardTeamBase n ()LEnumChatFormat; getColor +ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility a ALWAYS +ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility b NEVER +ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility c HIDE_FOR_OTHER_TEAMS +ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumNameTagVisibility d HIDE_FOR_OWN_TEAM +ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush a ALWAYS +ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush b NEVER +ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush c PUSH_OTHER_TEAMS +ScoreboardTeamBase$EnumTeamPush d PUSH_OWN_TEAM +ServerCommand a command +ServerCommand b source +ServerPing a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setMOTD +ServerPing a (LServerPing$ServerData;)V setServerInfo +ServerPing a (LServerPing$ServerPingPlayerSample;)V setPlayerSample +ServerPing a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setFavicon +ServerPing c ()LServerPing$ServerData; getServerData +ServerPing$ServerData b ()I getProtocolVersion +ShapeDetector$ShapeDetectorCollection b ()LEnumDirection; getFacing +ShapeDetectorBlock d ()LBlockPosition; getPosition +ShapedRecipes a width +ShapedRecipes b height +ShapedRecipes c items +ShapedRecipes d result +ShapelessRecipes c result +ShapelessRecipes d ingredients +SharedConstants a (C)Z isAllowedChatCharacter +SharedConstants c allowedCharacters +Slot a ()I getMaxStackSize +Slot a (LEntityHuman;)Z isAllowed +Slot a (LItemStack;)Z isAllowed +Slot a index +Slot b (LItemStack;)I getMaxStackSize +Slot d ()LItemStack; getItem +Slot d (LItemStack;)V set +Slot d inventory +Slot e ()Z hasItem +Slot e rawSlotIndex +SoundCategory a MASTER +SoundCategory b MUSIC +SoundCategory c RECORDS +SoundCategory d WEATHER +SoundCategory e BLOCKS +SoundCategory f HOSTILE +SoundCategory g NEUTRAL +SoundCategory h PLAYERS +SoundCategory i AMBIENT +SoundCategory j VOICE +SoundEffects A ENTITY_ARMOR_STAND_PLACE +SoundEffects B ENTITY_ARROW_HIT +SoundEffects C ENTITY_ARROW_HIT_PLAYER +SoundEffects D ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT +SoundEffects E ITEM_AXE_STRIP +SoundEffects F ENTITY_BAT_AMBIENT +SoundEffects G ENTITY_BAT_DEATH +SoundEffects H ENTITY_BAT_HURT +SoundEffects I ENTITY_BAT_LOOP +SoundEffects J ENTITY_BAT_TAKEOFF +SoundEffects K BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE +SoundEffects L BLOCK_BEACON_AMBIENT +SoundEffects M BLOCK_BEACON_DEACTIVATE +SoundEffects N BLOCK_BEACON_POWER_SELECT +SoundEffects O ENTITY_BLAZE_AMBIENT +SoundEffects P ENTITY_BLAZE_BURN +SoundEffects Q ENTITY_BLAZE_DEATH +SoundEffects R ENTITY_BLAZE_HURT +SoundEffects S ENTITY_BLAZE_SHOOT +SoundEffects T ENTITY_BOAT_PADDLE_LAND +SoundEffects U ENTITY_BOAT_PADDLE_WATER +SoundEffects V ENTITY_FISHING_BOBBER_RETRIEVE +SoundEffects W ENTITY_FISHING_BOBBER_SPLASH +SoundEffects X ENTITY_FISHING_BOBBER_THROW +SoundEffects Y ITEM_BOTTLE_EMPTY +SoundEffects Z ITEM_BOTTLE_FILL +SoundEffects a AMBIENT_CAVE +SoundEffects aA ENTITY_CHICKEN_STEP +SoundEffects aB BLOCK_CHORUS_FLOWER_DEATH +SoundEffects aC BLOCK_CHORUS_FLOWER_GROW +SoundEffects aD ITEM_CHORUS_FRUIT_TELEPORT +SoundEffects aE BLOCK_WOOL_BREAK +SoundEffects aF BLOCK_WOOL_FALL +SoundEffects aG BLOCK_WOOL_HIT +SoundEffects aH BLOCK_WOOL_PLACE +SoundEffects aI BLOCK_WOOL_STEP +SoundEffects aJ ENTITY_COD_AMBIENT +SoundEffects aK ENTITY_COD_DEATH +SoundEffects aL ENTITY_COD_FLOP +SoundEffects aM ENTITY_COD_HURT +SoundEffects aN BLOCK_COMPARATOR_CLICK +SoundEffects aO BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE +SoundEffects aP BLOCK_CONDUIT_AMBIENT +SoundEffects aQ BLOCK_CONDUIT_AMBIENT_SHORT +SoundEffects aR BLOCK_CONDUIT_ATTACK_TARGET +SoundEffects aS BLOCK_CONDUIT_DEACTIVATE +SoundEffects aT ENTITY_COW_AMBIENT +SoundEffects aU ENTITY_COW_DEATH +SoundEffects aV ENTITY_COW_HURT +SoundEffects aW ENTITY_COW_MILK +SoundEffects aX ENTITY_COW_STEP +SoundEffects aY ENTITY_CREEPER_DEATH +SoundEffects aZ ENTITY_CREEPER_HURT +SoundEffects aa ITEM_BOTTLE_FILL_DRAGONBREATH +SoundEffects ab BLOCK_BREWING_STAND_BREW +SoundEffects ac BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_BUBBLE_POP +SoundEffects ad BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_UPWARDS_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ae BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_UPWARDS_INSIDE +SoundEffects af BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_WHIRLPOOL_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ag BLOCK_BUBBLE_COLUMN_WHIRLPOOL_INSIDE +SoundEffects ah ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY +SoundEffects ai ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY_FISH +SoundEffects aj ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY_LAVA +SoundEffects ak ITEM_BUCKET_FILL +SoundEffects al ITEM_BUCKET_FILL_FISH +SoundEffects am ITEM_BUCKET_FILL_LAVA +SoundEffects an ENTITY_CAT_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ao ENTITY_CAT_DEATH +SoundEffects ap ENTITY_CAT_HISS +SoundEffects aq ENTITY_CAT_HURT +SoundEffects ar ENTITY_CAT_PURR +SoundEffects as ENTITY_CAT_PURREOW +SoundEffects at BLOCK_CHEST_CLOSE +SoundEffects au BLOCK_CHEST_LOCKED +SoundEffects av BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +SoundEffects aw ENTITY_CHICKEN_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ax ENTITY_CHICKEN_DEATH +SoundEffects ay ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG +SoundEffects az ENTITY_CHICKEN_HURT +SoundEffects b AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_ENTER +SoundEffects bA ENTITY_DROWNED_STEP +SoundEffects bB ENTITY_DROWNED_SWIM +SoundEffects bC ENTITY_EGG_THROW +SoundEffects bD ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT +SoundEffects bE ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT_LAND +SoundEffects bF ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE +SoundEffects bG ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_DEATH +SoundEffects bH ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_DEATH_LAND +SoundEffects bI ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_FLOP +SoundEffects bJ ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_HURT +SoundEffects bK ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_HURT_LAND +SoundEffects bL ITEM_ELYTRA_FLYING +SoundEffects bM BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE +SoundEffects bN BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST_CLOSE +SoundEffects bO BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST_OPEN +SoundEffects bP ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_AMBIENT +SoundEffects bQ ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_DEATH +SoundEffects bR ENTITY_DRAGON_FIREBALL_EXPLODE +SoundEffects bS ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_FLAP +SoundEffects bT ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_GROWL +SoundEffects bU ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_HURT +SoundEffects bV ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_SHOOT +SoundEffects bW ENTITY_ENDER_EYE_DEATH +SoundEffects bX ENTITY_ENDER_EYE_LAUNCH +SoundEffects bY ENTITY_ENDERMAN_AMBIENT +SoundEffects bZ ENTITY_ENDERMAN_DEATH +SoundEffects ba ENTITY_CREEPER_PRIMED +SoundEffects bb BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE +SoundEffects bc BLOCK_DISPENSER_FAIL +SoundEffects bd BLOCK_DISPENSER_LAUNCH +SoundEffects be ENTITY_DOLPHIN_AMBIENT +SoundEffects bf ENTITY_DOLPHIN_AMBIENT_WATER +SoundEffects bg ENTITY_DOLPHIN_ATTACK +SoundEffects bh ENTITY_DOLPHIN_DEATH +SoundEffects bi ENTITY_DOLPHIN_EAT +SoundEffects bj ENTITY_DOLPHIN_HURT +SoundEffects bk ENTITY_DOLPHIN_JUMP +SoundEffects bl ENTITY_DOLPHIN_PLAY +SoundEffects bm ENTITY_DOLPHIN_SPLASH +SoundEffects bn ENTITY_DOLPHIN_SWIM +SoundEffects bo ENTITY_DONKEY_AMBIENT +SoundEffects bp ENTITY_DONKEY_ANGRY +SoundEffects bq ENTITY_DONKEY_CHEST +SoundEffects br ENTITY_DONKEY_DEATH +SoundEffects bs ENTITY_DONKEY_HURT +SoundEffects bt ENTITY_DROWNED_AMBIENT +SoundEffects bu ENTITY_DROWNED_AMBIENT_WATER +SoundEffects bv ENTITY_DROWNED_DEATH +SoundEffects bw ENTITY_DROWNED_DEATH_WATER +SoundEffects bx ENTITY_DROWNED_HURT +SoundEffects by ENTITY_DROWNED_HURT_WATER +SoundEffects bz ENTITY_DROWNED_SHOOT +SoundEffects c AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_EXIT +SoundEffects cA ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST_FAR +SoundEffects cB ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LARGE_BLAST +SoundEffects cC ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LARGE_BLAST_FAR +SoundEffects cD ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LAUNCH +SoundEffects cE ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_SHOOT +SoundEffects cF ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_TWINKLE +SoundEffects cG ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_TWINKLE_FAR +SoundEffects cH BLOCK_FIRE_AMBIENT +SoundEffects cI BLOCK_FIRE_EXTINGUISH +SoundEffects cJ ENTITY_FISH_SWIM +SoundEffects cK ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE +SoundEffects cL BLOCK_FURNACE_FIRE_CRACKLE +SoundEffects cM ENTITY_GENERIC_BIG_FALL +SoundEffects cN ENTITY_GENERIC_BURN +SoundEffects cO ENTITY_GENERIC_DEATH +SoundEffects cP ENTITY_GENERIC_DRINK +SoundEffects cQ ENTITY_GENERIC_EAT +SoundEffects cR ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE +SoundEffects cS ENTITY_GENERIC_EXTINGUISH_FIRE +SoundEffects cT ENTITY_GENERIC_HURT +SoundEffects cU ENTITY_GENERIC_SMALL_FALL +SoundEffects cV ENTITY_GENERIC_SPLASH +SoundEffects cW ENTITY_GENERIC_SWIM +SoundEffects cX ENTITY_GHAST_AMBIENT +SoundEffects cY ENTITY_GHAST_DEATH +SoundEffects cZ ENTITY_GHAST_HURT +SoundEffects ca ENTITY_ENDERMAN_HURT +SoundEffects cb ENTITY_ENDERMAN_SCREAM +SoundEffects cc ENTITY_ENDERMAN_STARE +SoundEffects cd ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT +SoundEffects ce ENTITY_ENDERMITE_AMBIENT +SoundEffects cf ENTITY_ENDERMITE_DEATH +SoundEffects cg ENTITY_ENDERMITE_HURT +SoundEffects ch ENTITY_ENDERMITE_STEP +SoundEffects ci ENTITY_ENDER_PEARL_THROW +SoundEffects cj BLOCK_END_GATEWAY_SPAWN +SoundEffects ck BLOCK_END_PORTAL_FRAME_FILL +SoundEffects cl BLOCK_END_PORTAL_SPAWN +SoundEffects cm ENTITY_EVOKER_AMBIENT +SoundEffects cn ENTITY_EVOKER_CAST_SPELL +SoundEffects co ENTITY_EVOKER_DEATH +SoundEffects cp ENTITY_EVOKER_FANGS_ATTACK +SoundEffects cq ENTITY_EVOKER_HURT +SoundEffects cr ENTITY_EVOKER_PREPARE_ATTACK +SoundEffects cs ENTITY_EVOKER_PREPARE_SUMMON +SoundEffects ct ENTITY_EVOKER_PREPARE_WOLOLO +SoundEffects cu ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE_THROW +SoundEffects cv ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +SoundEffects cw BLOCK_FENCE_GATE_CLOSE +SoundEffects cx BLOCK_FENCE_GATE_OPEN +SoundEffects cy ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE +SoundEffects cz ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST +SoundEffects d AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_LOOP +SoundEffects dA BLOCK_GRAVEL_PLACE +SoundEffects dB BLOCK_GRAVEL_STEP +SoundEffects dC ENTITY_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT +SoundEffects dD ENTITY_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT_LAND +SoundEffects dE ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK +SoundEffects dF ENTITY_GUARDIAN_DEATH +SoundEffects dG ENTITY_GUARDIAN_DEATH_LAND +SoundEffects dH ENTITY_GUARDIAN_FLOP +SoundEffects dI ENTITY_GUARDIAN_HURT +SoundEffects dJ ENTITY_GUARDIAN_HURT_LAND +SoundEffects dK ITEM_HOE_TILL +SoundEffects dL ENTITY_HORSE_AMBIENT +SoundEffects dM ENTITY_HORSE_ANGRY +SoundEffects dN ENTITY_HORSE_ARMOR +SoundEffects dO ENTITY_HORSE_BREATHE +SoundEffects dP ENTITY_HORSE_DEATH +SoundEffects dQ ENTITY_HORSE_EAT +SoundEffects dR ENTITY_HORSE_GALLOP +SoundEffects dS ENTITY_HORSE_HURT +SoundEffects dT ENTITY_HORSE_JUMP +SoundEffects dU ENTITY_HORSE_LAND +SoundEffects dV ENTITY_HORSE_SADDLE +SoundEffects dW ENTITY_HORSE_STEP +SoundEffects dX ENTITY_HORSE_STEP_WOOD +SoundEffects dY ENTITY_HOSTILE_BIG_FALL +SoundEffects dZ ENTITY_HOSTILE_DEATH +SoundEffects da ENTITY_GHAST_SCREAM +SoundEffects db ENTITY_GHAST_SHOOT +SoundEffects dc ENTITY_GHAST_WARN +SoundEffects dd BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK +SoundEffects de BLOCK_GLASS_FALL +SoundEffects df BLOCK_GLASS_HIT +SoundEffects dg BLOCK_GLASS_PLACE +SoundEffects dh BLOCK_GLASS_STEP +SoundEffects di BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK +SoundEffects dj BLOCK_GRASS_FALL +SoundEffects dk BLOCK_GRASS_HIT +SoundEffects dl BLOCK_GRASS_PLACE +SoundEffects dm BLOCK_GRASS_STEP +SoundEffects dn BLOCK_WET_GRASS_BREAK +SoundEffects do BLOCK_WET_GRASS_FALL +SoundEffects dp BLOCK_WET_GRASS_HIT +SoundEffects dq BLOCK_WET_GRASS_PLACE +SoundEffects dr BLOCK_WET_GRASS_STEP +SoundEffects ds BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_BREAK +SoundEffects dt BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_FALL +SoundEffects du BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_HIT +SoundEffects dv BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_PLACE +SoundEffects dw BLOCK_CORAL_BLOCK_STEP +SoundEffects dx BLOCK_GRAVEL_BREAK +SoundEffects dy BLOCK_GRAVEL_FALL +SoundEffects dz BLOCK_GRAVEL_HIT +SoundEffects e AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_LOOP_ADDITIONS +SoundEffects eA ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_PLACE +SoundEffects eB ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_REMOVE_ITEM +SoundEffects eC ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_ROTATE_ITEM +SoundEffects eD ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK +SoundEffects eE ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP +SoundEffects eF BLOCK_LADDER_BREAK +SoundEffects eG BLOCK_LADDER_FALL +SoundEffects eH BLOCK_LADDER_HIT +SoundEffects eI BLOCK_LADDER_PLACE +SoundEffects eJ BLOCK_LADDER_STEP +SoundEffects eK BLOCK_LAVA_AMBIENT +SoundEffects eL BLOCK_LAVA_EXTINGUISH +SoundEffects eM BLOCK_LAVA_POP +SoundEffects eN ENTITY_LEASH_KNOT_BREAK +SoundEffects eO ENTITY_LEASH_KNOT_PLACE +SoundEffects eP BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +SoundEffects eQ ENTITY_LIGHTNING_BOLT_IMPACT +SoundEffects eR ENTITY_LIGHTNING_BOLT_THUNDER +SoundEffects eS ENTITY_LINGERING_POTION_THROW +SoundEffects eT ENTITY_LLAMA_AMBIENT +SoundEffects eU ENTITY_LLAMA_ANGRY +SoundEffects eV ENTITY_LLAMA_CHEST +SoundEffects eW ENTITY_LLAMA_DEATH +SoundEffects eX ENTITY_LLAMA_EAT +SoundEffects eY ENTITY_LLAMA_HURT +SoundEffects eZ ENTITY_LLAMA_SPIT +SoundEffects ea ENTITY_HOSTILE_HURT +SoundEffects eb ENTITY_HOSTILE_SMALL_FALL +SoundEffects ec ENTITY_HOSTILE_SPLASH +SoundEffects ed ENTITY_HOSTILE_SWIM +SoundEffects ee ENTITY_HUSK_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ef ENTITY_HUSK_CONVERTED_TO_ZOMBIE +SoundEffects eg ENTITY_HUSK_DEATH +SoundEffects eh ENTITY_HUSK_HURT +SoundEffects ei ENTITY_HUSK_STEP +SoundEffects ej ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ek ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_CAST_SPELL +SoundEffects el ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_DEATH +SoundEffects em ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_HURT +SoundEffects en ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_MIRROR_MOVE +SoundEffects eo ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_PREPARE_BLINDNESS +SoundEffects ep ENTITY_ILLUSIONER_PREPARE_MIRROR +SoundEffects eq BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_CLOSE +SoundEffects er BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_OPEN +SoundEffects es ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_ATTACK +SoundEffects et ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_DEATH +SoundEffects eu ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_HURT +SoundEffects ev ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_STEP +SoundEffects ew BLOCK_IRON_TRAPDOOR_CLOSE +SoundEffects ex BLOCK_IRON_TRAPDOOR_OPEN +SoundEffects ey ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_ADD_ITEM +SoundEffects ez ENTITY_ITEM_FRAME_BREAK +SoundEffects f AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_LOOP_ADDITIONS_RARE +SoundEffects fA MUSIC_NETHER +SoundEffects fB MUSIC_UNDER_WATER +SoundEffects fC BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASEDRUM +SoundEffects fD BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +SoundEffects fE BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BELL +SoundEffects fF BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_CHIME +SoundEffects fG BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_FLUTE +SoundEffects fH BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_GUITAR +SoundEffects fI BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP +SoundEffects fJ BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HAT +SoundEffects fK BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING +SoundEffects fL BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_SNARE +SoundEffects fM BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_XYLOPHONE +SoundEffects fN ENTITY_PAINTING_BREAK +SoundEffects fO ENTITY_PAINTING_PLACE +SoundEffects fP ENTITY_PARROT_AMBIENT +SoundEffects fQ ENTITY_PARROT_DEATH +SoundEffects fR ENTITY_PARROT_EAT +SoundEffects fS ENTITY_PARROT_FLY +SoundEffects fT ENTITY_PARROT_HURT +SoundEffects fU ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_BLAZE +SoundEffects fV ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_CREEPER +SoundEffects fW ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_DROWNED +SoundEffects fX ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ELDER_GUARDIAN +SoundEffects fY ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ENDER_DRAGON +SoundEffects fZ ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ENDERMAN +SoundEffects fa ENTITY_LLAMA_STEP +SoundEffects fb ENTITY_LLAMA_SWAG +SoundEffects fc ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_DEATH +SoundEffects fd ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_HURT +SoundEffects fe ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_JUMP +SoundEffects ff ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_SQUISH +SoundEffects fg BLOCK_METAL_BREAK +SoundEffects fh BLOCK_METAL_FALL +SoundEffects fi BLOCK_METAL_HIT +SoundEffects fj BLOCK_METAL_PLACE +SoundEffects fk BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_OFF +SoundEffects fl BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON +SoundEffects fm BLOCK_METAL_STEP +SoundEffects fn ENTITY_MINECART_INSIDE +SoundEffects fo ENTITY_MINECART_RIDING +SoundEffects fp ENTITY_MOOSHROOM_SHEAR +SoundEffects fq ENTITY_MULE_AMBIENT +SoundEffects fr ENTITY_MULE_CHEST +SoundEffects fs ENTITY_MULE_DEATH +SoundEffects ft ENTITY_MULE_HURT +SoundEffects fu MUSIC_CREATIVE +SoundEffects fv MUSIC_CREDITS +SoundEffects fw MUSIC_DRAGON +SoundEffects fx MUSIC_END +SoundEffects fy MUSIC_GAME +SoundEffects fz MUSIC_MENU +SoundEffects g AMBIENT_UNDERWATER_LOOP_ADDITIONS_ULTRA_RARE +SoundEffects gA ENTITY_PHANTOM_DEATH +SoundEffects gB ENTITY_PHANTOM_FLAP +SoundEffects gC ENTITY_PHANTOM_HURT +SoundEffects gD ENTITY_PHANTOM_SWOOP +SoundEffects gE ENTITY_PIG_AMBIENT +SoundEffects gF ENTITY_PIG_DEATH +SoundEffects gG ENTITY_PIG_HURT +SoundEffects gH ENTITY_PIG_SADDLE +SoundEffects gI ENTITY_PIG_STEP +SoundEffects gJ BLOCK_PISTON_CONTRACT +SoundEffects gK BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND +SoundEffects gL ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_CRIT +SoundEffects gM ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_KNOCKBACK +SoundEffects gN ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_NODAMAGE +SoundEffects gO ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_STRONG +SoundEffects gP ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_SWEEP +SoundEffects gQ ENTITY_PLAYER_ATTACK_WEAK +SoundEffects gR ENTITY_PLAYER_BIG_FALL +SoundEffects gS ENTITY_PLAYER_BREATH +SoundEffects gT ENTITY_PLAYER_BURP +SoundEffects gU ENTITY_PLAYER_DEATH +SoundEffects gV ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT +SoundEffects gW ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_DROWN +SoundEffects gX ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE +SoundEffects gY ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP +SoundEffects gZ ENTITY_PLAYER_SMALL_FALL +SoundEffects ga ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ENDERMITE +SoundEffects gb ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_EVOKER +SoundEffects gc ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_GHAST +SoundEffects gd ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_HUSK +SoundEffects ge ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ILLUSIONER +SoundEffects gf ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_MAGMA_CUBE +SoundEffects gg ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_PHANTOM +SoundEffects gh ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_POLAR_BEAR +SoundEffects gi ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SHULKER +SoundEffects gj ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SILVERFISH +SoundEffects gk ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SKELETON +SoundEffects gl ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SLIME +SoundEffects gm ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_SPIDER +SoundEffects gn ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_STRAY +SoundEffects go ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_VEX +SoundEffects gp ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_VINDICATOR +SoundEffects gq ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_WITCH +SoundEffects gr ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_WITHER +SoundEffects gs ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_WITHER_SKELETON +SoundEffects gt ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_WOLF +SoundEffects gu ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ZOMBIE +SoundEffects gv ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN +SoundEffects gw ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER +SoundEffects gx ENTITY_PARROT_STEP +SoundEffects gy ENTITY_PHANTOM_AMBIENT +SoundEffects gz ENTITY_PHANTOM_BITE +SoundEffects h BLOCK_ANVIL_BREAK +SoundEffects hA MUSIC_DISC_13 +SoundEffects hB MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS +SoundEffects hC MUSIC_DISC_CAT +SoundEffects hD MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP +SoundEffects hE MUSIC_DISC_FAR +SoundEffects hF MUSIC_DISC_MALL +SoundEffects hG MUSIC_DISC_MELLOHI +SoundEffects hH MUSIC_DISC_STAL +SoundEffects hI MUSIC_DISC_STRAD +SoundEffects hJ MUSIC_DISC_WAIT +SoundEffects hK MUSIC_DISC_WARD +SoundEffects hL BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT +SoundEffects hM ENTITY_SALMON_AMBIENT +SoundEffects hN ENTITY_SALMON_DEATH +SoundEffects hO ENTITY_SALMON_FLOP +SoundEffects hP ENTITY_SALMON_HURT +SoundEffects hQ BLOCK_SAND_BREAK +SoundEffects hR BLOCK_SAND_FALL +SoundEffects hS BLOCK_SAND_HIT +SoundEffects hT BLOCK_SAND_PLACE +SoundEffects hU BLOCK_SAND_STEP +SoundEffects hV ENTITY_SHEEP_AMBIENT +SoundEffects hW ENTITY_SHEEP_DEATH +SoundEffects hX ENTITY_SHEEP_HURT +SoundEffects hY ENTITY_SHEEP_SHEAR +SoundEffects hZ ENTITY_SHEEP_STEP +SoundEffects ha ENTITY_PLAYER_SPLASH +SoundEffects hb ENTITY_PLAYER_SPLASH_HIGH_SPEED +SoundEffects hc ENTITY_PLAYER_SWIM +SoundEffects hd ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_AMBIENT +SoundEffects he ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_AMBIENT_BABY +SoundEffects hf ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_DEATH +SoundEffects hg ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_HURT +SoundEffects hh ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_STEP +SoundEffects hi ENTITY_POLAR_BEAR_WARNING +SoundEffects hj BLOCK_PORTAL_AMBIENT +SoundEffects hk BLOCK_PORTAL_TRAVEL +SoundEffects hl BLOCK_PORTAL_TRIGGER +SoundEffects hm ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_AMBIENT +SoundEffects hn ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_BLOW_OUT +SoundEffects ho ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_BLOW_UP +SoundEffects hp ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_DEATH +SoundEffects hq ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_FLOP +SoundEffects hr ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_HURT +SoundEffects hs ENTITY_PUFFER_FISH_STING +SoundEffects ht BLOCK_PUMPKIN_CARVE +SoundEffects hu ENTITY_RABBIT_AMBIENT +SoundEffects hv ENTITY_RABBIT_ATTACK +SoundEffects hw ENTITY_RABBIT_DEATH +SoundEffects hx ENTITY_RABBIT_HURT +SoundEffects hy ENTITY_RABBIT_JUMP +SoundEffects hz MUSIC_DISC_11 +SoundEffects i BLOCK_ANVIL_DESTROY +SoundEffects iA ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_GALLOP_WATER +SoundEffects iB ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_JUMP_WATER +SoundEffects iC ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_STEP_WATER +SoundEffects iD ENTITY_SKELETON_HURT +SoundEffects iE ENTITY_SKELETON_SHOOT +SoundEffects iF ENTITY_SKELETON_STEP +SoundEffects iG ENTITY_SLIME_ATTACK +SoundEffects iH ENTITY_SLIME_DEATH +SoundEffects iI ENTITY_SLIME_HURT +SoundEffects iJ ENTITY_SLIME_JUMP +SoundEffects iK ENTITY_SLIME_SQUISH +SoundEffects iL BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_BREAK +SoundEffects iM BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_FALL +SoundEffects iN BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_HIT +SoundEffects iO BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_PLACE +SoundEffects iP BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_STEP +SoundEffects iQ ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_DEATH_SMALL +SoundEffects iR ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_HURT_SMALL +SoundEffects iS ENTITY_MAGMA_CUBE_SQUISH_SMALL +SoundEffects iT ENTITY_SLIME_DEATH_SMALL +SoundEffects iU ENTITY_SLIME_HURT_SMALL +SoundEffects iV ENTITY_SLIME_JUMP_SMALL +SoundEffects iW ENTITY_SLIME_SQUISH_SMALL +SoundEffects iX ENTITY_SNOWBALL_THROW +SoundEffects iY BLOCK_SNOW_BREAK +SoundEffects iZ BLOCK_SNOW_FALL +SoundEffects ia ITEM_SHIELD_BLOCK +SoundEffects ib ITEM_SHIELD_BREAK +SoundEffects ic ITEM_SHOVEL_FLATTEN +SoundEffects id ENTITY_SHULKER_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ie BLOCK_SHULKER_BOX_CLOSE +SoundEffects if BLOCK_SHULKER_BOX_OPEN +SoundEffects ig ENTITY_SHULKER_BULLET_HIT +SoundEffects ih ENTITY_SHULKER_BULLET_HURT +SoundEffects ii ENTITY_SHULKER_CLOSE +SoundEffects ij ENTITY_SHULKER_DEATH +SoundEffects ik ENTITY_SHULKER_HURT +SoundEffects il ENTITY_SHULKER_HURT_CLOSED +SoundEffects im ENTITY_SHULKER_OPEN +SoundEffects in ENTITY_SHULKER_SHOOT +SoundEffects io ENTITY_SHULKER_TELEPORT +SoundEffects ip ENTITY_SILVERFISH_AMBIENT +SoundEffects iq ENTITY_SILVERFISH_DEATH +SoundEffects ir ENTITY_SILVERFISH_HURT +SoundEffects is ENTITY_SILVERFISH_STEP +SoundEffects it ENTITY_SKELETON_AMBIENT +SoundEffects iu ENTITY_SKELETON_DEATH +SoundEffects iv ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_AMBIENT +SoundEffects iw ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_DEATH +SoundEffects ix ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_HURT +SoundEffects iy ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_SWIM +SoundEffects iz ENTITY_SKELETON_HORSE_AMBIENT_WATER +SoundEffects j BLOCK_ANVIL_FALL +SoundEffects jA ENTITY_STRAY_AMBIENT +SoundEffects jB ENTITY_STRAY_DEATH +SoundEffects jC ENTITY_STRAY_HURT +SoundEffects jD ENTITY_STRAY_STEP +SoundEffects jE ENCHANT_THORNS_HIT +SoundEffects jF ENTITY_TNT_PRIMED +SoundEffects jG ITEM_TOTEM_USE +SoundEffects jH ITEM_TRIDENT_HIT +SoundEffects jI ITEM_TRIDENT_HIT_GROUND +SoundEffects jJ ITEM_TRIDENT_RETURN +SoundEffects jK ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_1 +SoundEffects jL ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_2 +SoundEffects jM ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_3 +SoundEffects jN ITEM_TRIDENT_THROW +SoundEffects jO ITEM_TRIDENT_THUNDER +SoundEffects jP BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_ATTACH +SoundEffects jQ BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_CLICK_OFF +SoundEffects jR BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_CLICK_ON +SoundEffects jS BLOCK_TRIPWIRE_DETACH +SoundEffects jT ENTITY_TROPICAL_FISH_AMBIENT +SoundEffects jU ENTITY_TROPICAL_FISH_DEATH +SoundEffects jV ENTITY_TROPICAL_FISH_FLOP +SoundEffects jW ENTITY_TROPICAL_FISH_HURT +SoundEffects jX ENTITY_TURTLE_AMBIENT_LAND +SoundEffects jY ENTITY_TURTLE_DEATH +SoundEffects jZ ENTITY_TURTLE_DEATH_BABY +SoundEffects ja ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_AMBIENT +SoundEffects jb ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_DEATH +SoundEffects jc ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_HURT +SoundEffects jd ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_SHOOT +SoundEffects je BLOCK_SNOW_HIT +SoundEffects jf BLOCK_SNOW_PLACE +SoundEffects jg BLOCK_SNOW_STEP +SoundEffects jh ENTITY_SPIDER_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ji ENTITY_SPIDER_DEATH +SoundEffects jj ENTITY_SPIDER_HURT +SoundEffects jk ENTITY_SPIDER_STEP +SoundEffects jl ENTITY_SPLASH_POTION_BREAK +SoundEffects jm ENTITY_SPLASH_POTION_THROW +SoundEffects jn ENTITY_SQUID_AMBIENT +SoundEffects jo ENTITY_SQUID_DEATH +SoundEffects jp ENTITY_SQUID_HURT +SoundEffects jq ENTITY_SQUID_SQUIRT +SoundEffects jr BLOCK_STONE_BREAK +SoundEffects js BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON_CLICK_OFF +SoundEffects jt BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON_CLICK_ON +SoundEffects ju BLOCK_STONE_FALL +SoundEffects jv BLOCK_STONE_HIT +SoundEffects jw BLOCK_STONE_PLACE +SoundEffects jx BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_OFF +SoundEffects jy BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON +SoundEffects jz BLOCK_STONE_STEP +SoundEffects k BLOCK_ANVIL_HIT +SoundEffects kA BLOCK_LILY_PAD_PLACE +SoundEffects kB BLOCK_WATER_AMBIENT +SoundEffects kC WEATHER_RAIN +SoundEffects kD WEATHER_RAIN_ABOVE +SoundEffects kE ENTITY_WITCH_AMBIENT +SoundEffects kF ENTITY_WITCH_DEATH +SoundEffects kG ENTITY_WITCH_DRINK +SoundEffects kH ENTITY_WITCH_HURT +SoundEffects kI ENTITY_WITCH_THROW +SoundEffects kJ ENTITY_WITHER_AMBIENT +SoundEffects kK ENTITY_WITHER_BREAK_BLOCK +SoundEffects kL ENTITY_WITHER_DEATH +SoundEffects kM ENTITY_WITHER_HURT +SoundEffects kN ENTITY_WITHER_SHOOT +SoundEffects kO ENTITY_WITHER_SKELETON_AMBIENT +SoundEffects kP ENTITY_WITHER_SKELETON_DEATH +SoundEffects kQ ENTITY_WITHER_SKELETON_HURT +SoundEffects kR ENTITY_WITHER_SKELETON_STEP +SoundEffects kS ENTITY_WITHER_SPAWN +SoundEffects kT ENTITY_WOLF_AMBIENT +SoundEffects kU ENTITY_WOLF_DEATH +SoundEffects kV ENTITY_WOLF_GROWL +SoundEffects kW ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL +SoundEffects kX ENTITY_WOLF_HURT +SoundEffects kY ENTITY_WOLF_PANT +SoundEffects kZ ENTITY_WOLF_SHAKE +SoundEffects ka ENTITY_TURTLE_EGG_BREAK +SoundEffects kb ENTITY_TURTLE_EGG_CRACK +SoundEffects kc ENTITY_TURTLE_EGG_HATCH +SoundEffects kd ENTITY_TURTLE_HURT +SoundEffects ke ENTITY_TURTLE_HURT_BABY +SoundEffects kf ENTITY_TURTLE_LAY_EGG +SoundEffects kg ENTITY_TURTLE_SHAMBLE +SoundEffects kh ENTITY_TURTLE_SHAMBLE_BABY +SoundEffects ki ENTITY_TURTLE_SWIM +SoundEffects kj UI_BUTTON_CLICK +SoundEffects kk UI_TOAST_CHALLENGE_COMPLETE +SoundEffects kl UI_TOAST_IN +SoundEffects km UI_TOAST_OUT +SoundEffects kn ENTITY_VEX_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ko ENTITY_VEX_CHARGE +SoundEffects kp ENTITY_VEX_DEATH +SoundEffects kq ENTITY_VEX_HURT +SoundEffects kr ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ks ENTITY_VILLAGER_DEATH +SoundEffects kt ENTITY_VILLAGER_HURT +SoundEffects ku ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO +SoundEffects kv ENTITY_VILLAGER_TRADE +SoundEffects kw ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES +SoundEffects kx ENTITY_VINDICATOR_AMBIENT +SoundEffects ky ENTITY_VINDICATOR_DEATH +SoundEffects kz ENTITY_VINDICATOR_HURT +SoundEffects l BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND +SoundEffects lA ENTITY_ZOMBIE_INFECT +SoundEffects lB ENTITY_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_AMBIENT +SoundEffects lC ENTITY_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_ANGRY +SoundEffects lD ENTITY_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_DEATH +SoundEffects lE ENTITY_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_HURT +SoundEffects lF ENTITY_ZOMBIE_STEP +SoundEffects lG ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_AMBIENT +SoundEffects lH ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED +SoundEffects lI ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE +SoundEffects lJ ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_DEATH +SoundEffects lK ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_HURT +SoundEffects lL ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_STEP +SoundEffects la ENTITY_WOLF_STEP +SoundEffects lb ENTITY_WOLF_WHINE +SoundEffects lc BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR_CLOSE +SoundEffects ld BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR_OPEN +SoundEffects le BLOCK_WOODEN_TRAPDOOR_CLOSE +SoundEffects lf BLOCK_WOODEN_TRAPDOOR_OPEN +SoundEffects lg BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK +SoundEffects lh BLOCK_WOODEN_BUTTON_CLICK_OFF +SoundEffects li BLOCK_WOODEN_BUTTON_CLICK_ON +SoundEffects lj BLOCK_WOOD_FALL +SoundEffects lk BLOCK_WOOD_HIT +SoundEffects ll BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE +SoundEffects lm BLOCK_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_OFF +SoundEffects ln BLOCK_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON +SoundEffects lo BLOCK_WOOD_STEP +SoundEffects lp ENTITY_ZOMBIE_AMBIENT +SoundEffects lq ENTITY_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_WOODEN_DOOR +SoundEffects lr ENTITY_ZOMBIE_ATTACK_IRON_DOOR +SoundEffects ls ENTITY_ZOMBIE_BREAK_WOODEN_DOOR +SoundEffects lt ENTITY_ZOMBIE_CONVERTED_TO_DROWNED +SoundEffects lu ENTITY_ZOMBIE_DEATH +SoundEffects lv ENTITY_ZOMBIE_DESTROY_EGG +SoundEffects lw ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HORSE_AMBIENT +SoundEffects lx ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HORSE_DEATH +SoundEffects ly ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HORSE_HURT +SoundEffects lz ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HURT +SoundEffects m BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE +SoundEffects n BLOCK_ANVIL_STEP +SoundEffects o BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +SoundEffects p ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_CHAIN +SoundEffects q ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +SoundEffects r ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_ELYTRA +SoundEffects s ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_GENERIC +SoundEffects t ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_GOLD +SoundEffects u ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_IRON +SoundEffects v ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_LEATHER +SoundEffects w ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_TURTLE +SoundEffects x ENTITY_ARMOR_STAND_BREAK +SoundEffects y ENTITY_ARMOR_STAND_FALL +SoundEffects z ENTITY_ARMOR_STAND_HIT +SpawnerCreature a (LWorld;II)LBlockPosition; getRandomPosition +StatisticList A HORSE_ONE_CM +StatisticList B AVIATE_ONE_CM +StatisticList C SWIM_ONE_CM +StatisticList D JUMP +StatisticList E DROP +StatisticList F DAMAGE_DEALT +StatisticList G DAMAGE_TAKEN +StatisticList H DEATHS +StatisticList I MOB_KILLS +StatisticList J ANIMALS_BRED +StatisticList K PLAYER_KILLS +StatisticList L FISH_CAUGHT +StatisticList M TALKED_TO_VILLAGER +StatisticList N TRADED_WITH_VILLAGER +StatisticList O EAT_CAKE_SLICE +StatisticList P FILL_CAULDRON +StatisticList Q USE_CAULDRON +StatisticList R CLEAN_ARMOR +StatisticList S CLEAN_BANNER +StatisticList T INTERACT_WITH_BREWINGSTAND +StatisticList U INTERACT_WITH_BEACON +StatisticList V INSPECT_DROPPER +StatisticList W INSPECT_HOPPER +StatisticList X INSPECT_DISPENSER +StatisticList Y PLAY_NOTEBLOCK +StatisticList Z TUNE_NOTEBLOCK +StatisticList a REGISTRY +StatisticList aa POT_FLOWER +StatisticList ab TRIGGER_TRAPPED_CHEST +StatisticList ac OPEN_ENDERCHEST +StatisticList ad ENCHANT_ITEM +StatisticList ae PLAY_RECORD +StatisticList af INTERACT_WITH_FURNACE +StatisticList ag INTERACT_WITH_CRAFTING_TABLE +StatisticList ah OPEN_CHEST +StatisticList ai SLEEP_IN_BED +StatisticList aj OPEN_SHULKER_BOX +StatisticList ak REGISTRY_CUSTOM +StatisticList b BLOCK_MINED +StatisticList c ITEM_CRAFTED +StatisticList d ITEM_USED +StatisticList e ITEM_BROKEN +StatisticList f ITEM_PICKED_UP +StatisticList g ITEM_DROPPED +StatisticList h ENTITY_KILLED +StatisticList i ENTITY_KILLED_BY +StatisticList j CUSTOM +StatisticList k LEAVE_GAME +StatisticList l PLAY_ONE_MINUTE +StatisticList m TIME_SINCE_DEATH +StatisticList o SNEAK_TIME +StatisticList p WALK_ONE_CM +StatisticList q CROUCH_ONE_CM +StatisticList r SPRINT_ONE_CM +StatisticList s WALK_ON_WATER_ONE_CM +StatisticList t FALL_ONE_CM +StatisticList u CLIMB_ONE_CM +StatisticList v FLY_ONE_CM +StatisticList w WALK_UNDER_WATER_ONE_CM +StatisticList x MINECART_ONE_CM +StatisticList y BOAT_ONE_CM +StatisticList z PIG_ONE_CM +StatisticManager a (LEntityHuman;LStatistic;I)V setStatistic +StatisticManager a (LStatistic;)I getStatisticValue +StructureGenerator a (LWorld;LChunkGenerator;LBlockPosition;I)LBlockPosition; getNearestGeneratedFeature +SystemUtils$OS a LINUX +SystemUtils$OS b SOLARIS +SystemUtils$OS c WINDOWS +SystemUtils$OS d OSX +SystemUtils$OS e UNKNOWN +Tag a (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z isTagged +TextureType a SOLID +TextureType b CUTOUT_MIPPED +TextureType c CUTOUT +TextureType d TRANSLUCENT +TickListPriority a EXTREMELY_HIGH +TickListPriority b VERY_HIGH +TickListPriority c HIGH +TickListPriority d NORMAL +TickListPriority e LOW +TickListPriority f VERY_LOW +TickListPriority g EXTREMELY_LOW +TickListServer d nextTickListHash +TickListServer e nextTickList +TileEntity A ()V invalidateBlockCache +TileEntity B ()Z isFilteredNBT +TileEntity F ()LWorld; getWorld +TileEntity Y_ ()LPacketPlayOutTileEntityData; getUpdatePacket +TileEntity a (LBlockPosition;)V setPosition +TileEntity a (LNBTTagCompound;)LNBTTagCompound; save +TileEntity a (LWorld;)V setWorld +TileEntity b (LNBTTagCompound;)V load +TileEntity c (LNBTTagCompound;)LTileEntity; create +TileEntity c_ world +TileEntity d_ position +TileEntity g ()V update +TileEntity v ()LBlockPosition; getPosition +TileEntity w ()LIBlockData; getBlock +TileEntityBanner e color +TileEntityBanner f patterns +TileEntityBeacon a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName +TileEntityBeacon k levels +TileEntityBeacon l primaryEffect +TileEntityBeacon m secondaryEffect +TileEntityBeacon n inventorySlot +TileEntityBed a color +TileEntityBrewingStand a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName +TileEntityBrewingStand g items +TileEntityBrewingStand h brewTime +TileEntityBrewingStand l fuelLevel +TileEntityChest j items +TileEntityCommand c ()LCommandBlockListenerAbstract; getCommandBlock +TileEntityCommand$Type a SEQUENCE +TileEntityCommand$Type b AUTO +TileEntityCommand$Type c REDSTONE +TileEntityDispenser a (LItemStack;)I addItem +TileEntityDispenser e items +TileEntityDispenser l ()Ljava/lang/String; getContainerName +TileEntityEnchantTable a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName +TileEntityEndGateway g exitPortal +TileEntityEndGateway h exactTeleport +TileEntityFurnace a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName +TileEntityFurnace a (LItemStack;)Z isFuel +TileEntityFurnace b (LIRecipe;)Z canBurn +TileEntityFurnace b (LItemStack;)I fuelTime +TileEntityFurnace c (LIRecipe;)V burn +TileEntityFurnace g items +TileEntityFurnace h burnTime +TileEntityFurnace i ticksForCurrentFuel +TileEntityFurnace j cookTime +TileEntityFurnace k cookTimeTotal +TileEntityFurnace r ()Z isBurning +TileEntityHopper a (LIInventory;LIInventory;LItemStack;LEnumDirection;)LItemStack; addItem +TileEntityHopper d (I)V setCooldown +TileEntityHopper e items +TileEntityJukeBox a (LItemStack;)V setRecord +TileEntityJukeBox c ()LItemStack; getRecord +TileEntityLootable a (LIChatBaseComponent;)V setCustomName +TileEntityMobSpawner c ()LMobSpawnerAbstract; getSpawner +TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase a CLOSED +TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase b OPENING +TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase c OPENED +TileEntityShulkerBox$AnimationPhase d CLOSING +TileEntitySign a lines +TileEntitySign f isEditable +TileEntitySkull a (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V setGameProfile +TileEntitySkull c ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; getGameProfile +TileEntitySkull d ()Z shouldDrop +TileEntitySkull g drop +TileEntityStructure a (LBlockPropertyStructureMode;)V setUsageMode +TileEntityStructure a (LEntityLiving;)V setAuthor +TileEntityStructure a (Ljava/lang/String;)V setStructureName +TileEntityStructure a structureName +TileEntityStructure c ()Ljava/lang/String; getStructureName +TileEntityStructure e author +TileEntityStructure f metadata +TileEntityStructure g relativePosition +TileEntityStructure h size +TileEntityStructure i mirror +TileEntityStructure j rotation +TileEntityStructure k ()LBlockPropertyStructureMode; getUsageMode +TileEntityStructure k usageMode +TileEntityStructure l ignoreEntities +TileEntityStructure m powered +TileEntityStructure n showAir +TileEntityStructure o showBoundingBox +TileEntityStructure p integrity +TileEntityStructure q seed +TileEntityStructure$UpdateType a UPDATE_DATA +TileEntityStructure$UpdateType b SAVE_AREA +TileEntityStructure$UpdateType c LOAD_AREA +TileEntityStructure$UpdateType d SCAN_AREA +TileEntityTypes z CONDUIT +UserCache a (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; getProfile +Vec3D b (DDD)LVec3D; add +Vec3D b x +Vec3D c y +Vec3D d z +Vec3D g (LVec3D;)D distanceSquared +Vector3f a x +Vector3f b ()F getX +Vector3f b y +Vector3f c ()F getY +Vector3f c z +Vector3f d ()F getZ +WeightedRandomEnchant b enchantment +WeightedRandomEnchant c level +WhiteList a (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Z isWhitelisted +World A villages +World B methodProfiler +World C isClientSide +World D allowMonsters +World E allowAnimals +World F ()LScoreboard; getScoreboard +World T ()V checkSession +World U ()J getTime +World V ()J getDayTime +World W ()LGameRules; getGameRules +World Y ()Z isRaining +World Z ()I getHeight +World a (DDDD)Z isPlayerNearby +World a (I)LEntity; getEntity +World a (LBlockPosition;LBlock;II)V playBlockAction +World a (LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;)Z setTypeUpdate +World a (LBlockPosition;LIBlockData;LIBlockData;I)V notify +World a (LBlockPosition;LTileEntity;)V setTileEntity +World a (LEntity;B)V broadcastEntityEffect +World a (LEntity;DDDFZ)LExplosion; explode +World a (LEntity;DDDFZZ)LExplosion; createExplosion +World a (LEntity;LAxisAlignedBB;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List; getEntities +World a (LEntity;LDamageSource;DDDFZZ)LExplosion; createExplosion +World a (LEntity;Z)V entityJoinedWorld +World a (LEntityHuman;LBlockPosition;LEnumDirection;)Z douseFire +World a (LIWorldAccess;)V addIWorldAccess +World a (LVec3D;LVec3D;)LMovingObjectPosition; rayTrace +World a (LVec3D;LVec3D;LFluidCollisionOption;)LMovingObjectPosition; rayTrace +World a (LVec3D;LVec3D;LFluidCollisionOption;ZZ)LMovingObjectPosition; rayTrace +World a (ZZ)V setSpawnFlags +World b (ILBlockPosition;I)V triggerEffect +World b (J)V setDayTime +World b (LBlockPosition;LBlock;)V applyPhysics +World b (LBlockPosition;LEnumDirection;)Z isBlockFacePowered +World c (LBlockPosition;LBlock;)V updateAdjacentComparators +World c (LBlockPosition;LEnumDirection;)I getBlockFacePower +World d (II)LChunk; getChunkAt +World d (LEntity;)Z strikeLightning +World d tileEntityListUnload +World e (LEntity;)V kill +World f (LEntity;)V removeEntity +World f entityList +World g (LBlockPosition;)Z setAir +World h tileEntityList +World i tileEntityListTick +World i_ ()V doTick +World j (LBlockPosition;)Z isValidLocation +World j players +World k_ ()V everyoneSleeping +World l (LBlockPosition;)LChunk; getChunkAtWorldCoords +World l entitiesById +World o_ ()V tickEntities +World s (LBlockPosition;)I getBlockPower +World s random +World t (LBlockPosition;)Z isBlockIndirectlyPowered +World t worldProvider +World w (LBlockPosition;)Z isRainingAt +World w chunkProvider +World x dataManager +World y ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; getMinecraftServer +World y worldData +World z worldMaps +WorldBorder a ()LEnumWorldBorderState; getState +WorldBorder a (D)V setSize +WorldBorder a (DDJ)V transitionSizeBetween +WorldBorder a (LChunkCoordIntPair;)Z isInBounds +WorldBorder b (D)V setDamageBuffer +WorldBorder b (I)V setWarningTime +WorldBorder c (D)V setDamageAmount +WorldBorder c (DD)V setCenter +WorldBorder c (I)V setWarningDistance +WorldBorder f ()D getCenterX +WorldBorder g ()D getCenterZ +WorldBorder h ()D getSize +WorldBorder m ()D getDamageBuffer +WorldBorder n ()D getDamageAmount +WorldBorder p ()I getWarningTime +WorldBorder q ()I getWarningDistance +WorldChunkManager a (IIII)[LBiomeBase; getBiomes +WorldChunkManager a (LBlockPosition;LBiomeBase;)LBiomeBase; getBiome +WorldChunkManager b (IIII)[LBiomeBase; getBiomeBlock +WorldData A ()LNBTTagCompound; getGeneratorOptions +WorldData a ()J getSeed +WorldData a (J)V setTime +WorldData a (LBlockPosition;)V setSpawn +WorldData a (LEnumDifficulty;)V setDifficulty +WorldData a (LEnumGamemode;)V setGameType +WorldData a (Z)V setThundering +WorldData b (J)V setDayTime +WorldData b (Z)V setStorm +WorldData e ()J getTime +WorldData e (I)V setThunderDuration +WorldData f ()J getDayTime +WorldData f (I)V setWeatherDuration +WorldData j ()Ljava/lang/String; getName +WorldData m ()Z isThundering +WorldData n ()I getThunderDuration +WorldData o ()Z hasStorm +WorldData p ()I getWeatherDuration +WorldData q ()LEnumGamemode; getGameType +WorldData r ()Z shouldGenerateMapFeatures +WorldData s ()Z isHardcore +WorldData t ()LWorldType; getType +WorldData t levelName +WorldData x ()LEnumDifficulty; getDifficulty +WorldData y ()Z isDifficultyLocked +WorldGenFeatureOceanRuin$Temperature a WARM +WorldGenFeatureOceanRuin$Temperature b COLD +WorldGenMineshaft$Type a NORMAL +WorldGenMineshaft$Type b MESA +WorldGenStage$Decoration a RAW_GENERATION +WorldGenStage$Decoration b LOCAL_MODIFICATIONS +WorldGenStage$Decoration c UNDERGROUND_STRUCTURES +WorldGenStage$Decoration d SURFACE_STRUCTURES +WorldGenStage$Decoration e UNDERGROUND_ORES +WorldGenStage$Decoration f UNDERGROUND_DECORATION +WorldGenStage$Decoration g VEGETAL_DECORATION +WorldGenStage$Decoration h TOP_LAYER_MODIFICATION +WorldGenStage$Features a AIR +WorldGenStage$Features b LIQUID +WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType a OPENING +WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType b WOOD_DOOR +WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType c GRATES +WorldGenStrongholdPieces$WorldGenStrongholdPiece$WorldGenStrongholdDoorType d IRON_DOOR +WorldGenVillagePieces$Material a OAK +WorldGenVillagePieces$Material b SANDSTONE +WorldGenVillagePieces$Material c ACACIA +WorldGenVillagePieces$Material d SPRUCE +WorldGenerator a (LGeneratorAccess;LChunkGenerator;Ljava/util/Random;LBlockPosition;LWorldGenFeatureConfiguration;)Z generate +WorldManager b world +WorldMap a (II)V flagDirty +WorldMap a centerX +WorldMap b centerZ +WorldMap c map +WorldMap d track +WorldMap e unlimitedTracking +WorldMap f scale +WorldMap g colors +WorldMap i decorations +WorldMap$WorldMapHumanTracker a trackee +WorldMap$WorldMapHumanTracker c worldMap +WorldNBTStorage c baseDir +WorldNBTStorage d playerDir +WorldNBTStorage e dataDir +WorldNBTStorage f sessionId +WorldProvider f ()Z isNether +WorldProvider j ()LWorldBorder; getWorldBorder +WorldProvider n ()LChunkGenerator; getChunkGenerator +WorldProvider q ()LDimensionManager; getDimensionManager +WorldServer A ()LPlayerChunkMap; getPlayerChunkMap +WorldServer B ()LPortalTravelAgent; getTravelAgent +WorldServer G server +WorldServer H tracker +WorldServer I manager +WorldServer J entitiesByUUID +WorldServer L emptyTime +WorldServer M portalTravelAgent +WorldServer N spawnerCreature +WorldServer O nextTickListBlock +WorldServer P nextTickListFluid +WorldServer a (Ljava/util/UUID;)LEntity; getEntity +WorldServer a (ZLIProgressUpdate;)V save +WorldServer aj ()Z getSpawnNPCs +WorldServer ak ()Z getSpawnAnimals +WorldServer b savingDisabled +WorldServer c siegeManager +WorldServer i ()Z everyoneDeeplySleeping +WorldServer s ()LBlockPosition; getDimensionSpawn +WorldServer t ()V flushSave +WorldServer u ()LChunkProviderServer; getChunkProviderServer +WorldServer z ()LEntityTracker; getTracker +WorldSettings a (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)LWorldSettings; setGeneratorSettings +WorldType a ()Ljava/lang/String; name +WorldType a (Ljava/lang/String;)LWorldType; getType +WorldType a types +WorldType b NORMAL +WorldType c FLAT +WorldType d ()I getVersion +WorldType d LARGE_BIOMES +WorldType e AMPLIFIED +WorldType f CUSTOMIZED +WorldType h DEBUG_ALL_BLOCK_STATES +WorldType i NORMAL_1_1 +WorldType k name +WorldType l version +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer A spawnAnimals +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer B spawnNPCs +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer C ()[Ljava/lang/String; getPlayers +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer C pvpMode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer D allowFlight +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer E ()Z isDebugging +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer E motd +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer L demoMode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer M ()Z getSpawnMonsters +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer O ()LConvertable; getConvertable +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer P ()Ljava/lang/String; getResourcePack +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer Q ()Ljava/lang/String; getResourcePackHash +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer R ()Z getSnooperEnabled +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer T ()Z getOnlineMode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer V ()Z getSpawnAnimals +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer W ()Z getSpawnNPCs +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer Y ()Z getPVP +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer Z ()Z getAllowFlight +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer Z serverThread +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer a (I)LWorldServer; getWorldServer +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer a (LEnumGamemode;)V setGamemode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer a (Z)V saveChunks +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aC ()LAdvancementDataWorld; getAdvancementData +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aE ()V reload +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aF ()LIReloadableResourceManager; getResourceManager +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aG ()LResourcePackRepository; getResourcePackRepository +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aK ()LCommandDispatcher; getCommandDispatcher +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aL ()LCommandListenerWrapper; getServerCommandListener +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aM ()LCraftingManager; getCraftingManager +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aN ()LTagRegistry; getTagRegistry +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aO ()LScoreboardServer; getScoreboard +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aU ()Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; getLogger +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer a_ (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V setResourcePack +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aa ()Z getEnableCommandBlock +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ab ()Ljava/lang/String; getMotd +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ac ()I getMaxBuildHeight +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ad ()Z isStopped +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ad resourcePackRepository +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ae ()LPlayerList; getPlayerList +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ae resourcePackFolder +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer af commandDispatcher +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ag ()LServerConnection; getServerConnection +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer an ()I getSpawnProtection +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer ao ()Z getForceGamemode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer aq ()I getIdleTimeout +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer as ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfileRepository; getGameProfileRepository +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer at ()LUserCache; getUserCache +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer au ()LServerPing; getServerPing +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer b (I)V setPort +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer b methodProfiler +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer c worldServer +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer d ()Z init +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer d (I)V setIdleTimeout +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer d (Ljava/lang/String;)V info +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer d (Z)V setOnlineMode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer e (Ljava/lang/String;)V warning +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer f (Z)V setSpawnAnimals +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer g ()Z getGenerateStructures +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer g (Z)V setSpawnNPCs +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer h ()LEnumGamemode; getGamemode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer h (Z)V setPVP +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer h LOGGER +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer h_ ()V stop +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer i ()LEnumDifficulty; getDifficulty +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer i (Ljava/lang/String;)V setWorld +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer i (Z)V setAllowFlight +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer i convertable +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer j ()Z isHardcore +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer j (Z)V setForceGamemode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer k (Ljava/lang/String;)V setMotd +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer k universe +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer o ()Ljava/lang/String; getServerIp +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer p ()Z isRunning +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer p dataConverterManager +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer q ()V safeShutdown +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer q serverIp +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer t isRunning +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer u isStopped +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer v ticks +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer x ()Z getAllowNether +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer y onlineMode +net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer z ()Ljava/lang/String; getVersion -- cgit v1.2.3