/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"


namespace mozilla {
// Simple C++ getter for nsIXULRuntime::browserTabsRemoteAutostart
// This getter is a temporary function that checks for special
// conditions in which e10s support is not great yet, and should
// therefore be disabled. Bug 1065561 tracks its removal.
bool BrowserTabsRemoteAutostart();


 * Provides information about the XUL runtime.
 * @status UNSTABLE - This interface is not frozen and will probably change in
 *                    future releases. If you need this functionality to be
 *                    stable/frozen, please contact Benjamin Smedberg.

[scriptable, uuid(a1b2e167-b748-42bf-ba85-996ec39062b9)]
interface nsIXULRuntime : nsISupports
   * Whether the application was launched in safe mode.
  readonly attribute boolean inSafeMode;

   * Whether to write console errors to a log file. If a component
   * encounters startup errors that might prevent the app from showing
   * proper UI, it should set this flag to "true".
  attribute boolean logConsoleErrors;

   * A string tag identifying the current operating system. This is taken
   * from the OS_TARGET configure variable. It will always be available.
  readonly attribute AUTF8String OS;

   * A string tag identifying the binary ABI of the current processor and
   * compiler vtable. This is taken from the TARGET_XPCOM_ABI configure
   * variable. It may not be available on all platforms, especially
   * unusual processor or compiler combinations.
   * The result takes the form <processor>-<compilerABI>, for example:
   *   x86-msvc
   *   ppc-gcc3
   * This value should almost always be used in combination with "OS".
   * @throw NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if not available.
  readonly attribute AUTF8String XPCOMABI;

   * A string tag identifying the target widget toolkit in use.
   * This is taken from the MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT configure variable.
  readonly attribute AUTF8String widgetToolkit;

   * The legal values of processType.
  const unsigned long PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0;
  const unsigned long PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN = 1;
  const unsigned long PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT = 2;
  const unsigned long PROCESS_TYPE_IPDLUNITTEST = 3;
  const unsigned long PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN = 4;
  const unsigned long PROCESS_TYPE_GPU = 5;

   * The type of the caller's process.  Returns one of the values above.
  readonly attribute unsigned long processType;

   * The system process ID of the caller's process.
  readonly attribute unsigned long processID;

   * A globally unique and non-recycled ID of the caller's process.
  readonly attribute uint64_t uniqueProcessID;

   * If true, browser tabs may be opened by default in a different process
   * from the main browser UI.
  readonly attribute boolean browserTabsRemoteAutostart;

   * A numeric value indicating whether multiprocess might be blocked.
   * Possible values can be found at nsAppRunner.cpp. A value of 0
   * represents not blocking.
   readonly attribute unsigned long multiprocessBlockPolicy;

   * If true, the accessibility service is running.
  readonly attribute boolean accessibilityEnabled;

   * Indicates whether the current Firefox build is 64-bit.
  readonly attribute boolean is64Bit;

   * Signal the apprunner to invalidate caches on the next restart.
   * This will cause components to be autoregistered and all
   * fastload data to be re-created.
  void invalidateCachesOnRestart();

   * Starts a child process. This method is intented to pre-start a
   * content child process so that when it is actually needed, it is
   * ready to go.
   * @throw NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if not available.
  void ensureContentProcess();

   * Modification time of the profile lock before the profile was locked on
   * this startup. Used to know the last time the profile was used and not
   * closed cleanly. This is set to 0 if there was no existing profile lock.
  readonly attribute PRTime replacedLockTime;

   * Local ID of the minidump generated when the process crashed
   * on the previous run. Can be passed directly to CrashSubmit.submit.
  readonly attribute DOMString lastRunCrashID;

   * True if this is RELEASE_OR_BETA.
  readonly attribute boolean isReleaseOrBeta;

   * True if this build uses official branding (MOZ_OFFICIAL_BRANDING).
  readonly attribute boolean isOfficialBranding;

   * The default update channel (MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL).
  readonly attribute AUTF8String defaultUpdateChannel;

   * The distribution ID for this build (MOZ_DISTRIBUTION_ID).
  readonly attribute AUTF8String distributionID;

   * True if this is an official build (MOZILLA_OFFICIAL).
  readonly attribute boolean isOfficial;

   * True if Windows DLL blocklist initialized correctly. This is
   * primarily for automated testing purposes.
  readonly attribute boolean windowsDLLBlocklistStatus;