/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// IWYU pragma: private, include "nsString.h"

 * This is the canonical null-terminated string class.  All subclasses
 * promise null-terminated storage.  Instances of this class allocate
 * strings on the heap.
 *   nsString for wide characters
 *   nsCString for narrow characters
 * This class is also known as nsAFlat[C]String, where "flat" is used
 * to denote a null-terminated string.
class nsTString_CharT : public nsTSubstring_CharT

  typedef nsTString_CharT self_type;


   * constructors

    : substring_type()

  nsTString_CharT(const char_type* aData, size_type aLength = size_type(-1))
    : substring_type()
    Assign(aData, aLength);

#if defined(CharT_is_PRUnichar) && defined(MOZ_USE_CHAR16_WRAPPER)
  nsTString_CharT(char16ptr_t aStr, size_type aLength = size_type(-1))
    : substring_type()
    Assign(static_cast<const char16_t*>(aStr), aLength);

  nsTString_CharT(const self_type& aStr)
    : substring_type()

  MOZ_IMPLICIT nsTString_CharT(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple)
    : substring_type()

  nsTString_CharT(const substring_type& aReadable)
    : substring_type()

  // |operator=| does not inherit, so we must define our own
  self_type& operator=(char_type aChar)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const char_type* aData)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const self_type& aStr)
    return *this;
#if defined(CharT_is_PRUnichar) && defined(MOZ_USE_CHAR16_WRAPPER)
  self_type& operator=(const char16ptr_t aStr)
    Assign(static_cast<const char16_t*>(aStr));
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_type& aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple)
    return *this;

   * returns the null-terminated string

#if defined(CharT_is_PRUnichar) && defined(MOZ_USE_CHAR16_WRAPPER)
  char16ptr_t get() const
  const char_type* get() const
    return mData;

   * returns character at specified index.
   * NOTE: unlike nsTSubstring::CharAt, this function allows you to index
   *       the null terminator character.

  char_type CharAt(index_type aIndex) const
    NS_ASSERTION(aIndex <= mLength, "index exceeds allowable range");
    return mData[aIndex];

  char_type operator[](index_type aIndex) const
    return CharAt(aIndex);


   *  Search for the given substring within this string.
   *  @param   aString is substring to be sought in this
   *  @param   aIgnoreCase selects case sensitivity
   *  @param   aOffset tells us where in this string to start searching
   *  @param   aCount tells us how far from the offset we are to search. Use
   *           -1 to search the whole string.
   *  @return  offset in string, or kNotFound

  int32_t Find(const nsCString& aString, bool aIgnoreCase = false,
               int32_t aOffset = 0, int32_t aCount = -1) const;
  int32_t Find(const char* aString, bool aIgnoreCase = false,
               int32_t aOffset = 0, int32_t aCount = -1) const;

#ifdef CharT_is_PRUnichar
  int32_t Find(const nsAFlatString& aString, int32_t aOffset = 0,
               int32_t aCount = -1) const;
  int32_t Find(const char16_t* aString, int32_t aOffset = 0,
               int32_t aCount = -1) const;
  int32_t Find(char16ptr_t aString, int32_t aOffset = 0,
               int32_t aCount = -1) const
    return Find(static_cast<const char16_t*>(aString), aOffset, aCount);

   * This methods scans the string backwards, looking for the given string
   * @param   aString is substring to be sought in this
   * @param   aIgnoreCase tells us whether or not to do caseless compare
   * @param   aOffset tells us where in this string to start searching.
   *          Use -1 to search from the end of the string.
   * @param   aCount tells us how many iterations to make starting at the
   *          given offset.
   * @return  offset in string, or kNotFound

  int32_t RFind(const nsCString& aString, bool aIgnoreCase = false,
                int32_t aOffset = -1, int32_t aCount = -1) const;
  int32_t RFind(const char* aCString, bool aIgnoreCase = false,
                int32_t aOffset = -1, int32_t aCount = -1) const;

#ifdef CharT_is_PRUnichar
  int32_t RFind(const nsAFlatString& aString, int32_t aOffset = -1,
                int32_t aCount = -1) const;
  int32_t RFind(const char16_t* aString, int32_t aOffset = -1,
                int32_t aCount = -1) const;

   *  Search for given char within this string
   *  @param   aChar is the character to search for
   *  @param   aOffset tells us where in this string to start searching
   *  @param   aCount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
   *           Use -1 to search the whole string.
   *  @return  offset in string, or kNotFound

  // int32_t FindChar( char16_t aChar, int32_t aOffset=0, int32_t aCount=-1 ) const;
  int32_t RFindChar(char16_t aChar, int32_t aOffset = -1,
                    int32_t aCount = -1) const;

   * This method searches this string for the first character found in
   * the given string.
   * @param aString contains set of chars to be found
   * @param aOffset tells us where in this string to start searching
   *        (counting from left)
   * @return offset in string, or kNotFound

  int32_t FindCharInSet(const char* aString, int32_t aOffset = 0) const;
  int32_t FindCharInSet(const self_type& aString, int32_t aOffset = 0) const
    return FindCharInSet(aString.get(), aOffset);

#ifdef CharT_is_PRUnichar
  int32_t FindCharInSet(const char16_t* aString, int32_t aOffset = 0) const;

   * This method searches this string for the last character found in
   * the given string.
   * @param aString contains set of chars to be found
   * @param aOffset tells us where in this string to start searching
   *        (counting from left)
   * @return offset in string, or kNotFound

  int32_t RFindCharInSet(const char_type* aString, int32_t aOffset = -1) const;
  int32_t RFindCharInSet(const self_type& aString, int32_t aOffset = -1) const
    return RFindCharInSet(aString.get(), aOffset);

   * Compares a given string to this string.
   * @param   aString is the string to be compared
   * @param   aIgnoreCase tells us how to treat case
   * @param   aCount tells us how many chars to compare
   * @return  -1,0,1

#ifdef CharT_is_char
  int32_t Compare(const char* aString, bool aIgnoreCase = false,
                  int32_t aCount = -1) const;

   * Equality check between given string and this string.
   * @param   aString is the string to check
   * @param   aIgnoreCase tells us how to treat case
   * @param   aCount tells us how many chars to compare
   * @return  boolean
#ifdef CharT_is_char
  bool EqualsIgnoreCase(const char* aString, int32_t aCount = -1) const
    return Compare(aString, true, aCount) == 0;
  bool EqualsIgnoreCase(const char* aString, int32_t aCount = -1) const;

#endif // !CharT_is_PRUnichar

   * Perform string to double-precision float conversion.
   * @param   aErrorCode will contain error if one occurs
   * @return  double-precision float rep of string value
  double ToDouble(nsresult* aErrorCode) const;

   * Perform string to single-precision float conversion.
   * @param   aErrorCode will contain error if one occurs
   * @return  single-precision float rep of string value
  float ToFloat(nsresult* aErrorCode) const
    return (float)ToDouble(aErrorCode);

   * Perform string to int conversion.
   * @param   aErrorCode will contain error if one occurs
   * @param   aRadix tells us which radix to assume; kAutoDetect tells us to determine the radix for you.
   * @return  int rep of string value, and possible (out) error code
  int32_t ToInteger(nsresult* aErrorCode, uint32_t aRadix = kRadix10) const;

   * Perform string to 64-bit int conversion.
   * @param   aErrorCode will contain error if one occurs
   * @param   aRadix tells us which radix to assume; kAutoDetect tells us to determine the radix for you.
   * @return  64-bit int rep of string value, and possible (out) error code
  int64_t ToInteger64(nsresult* aErrorCode, uint32_t aRadix = kRadix10) const;

   * |Left|, |Mid|, and |Right| are annoying signatures that seem better almost
   * any _other_ way than they are now.  Consider these alternatives
   * aWritable = aReadable.Left(17);   // ...a member function that returns a |Substring|
   * aWritable = Left(aReadable, 17);  // ...a global function that returns a |Substring|
   * Left(aReadable, 17, aWritable);   // ...a global function that does the assignment
   * as opposed to the current signature
   * aReadable.Left(aWritable, 17);    // ...a member function that does the assignment
   * or maybe just stamping them out in favor of |Substring|, they are just duplicate functionality
   * aWritable = Substring(aReadable, 0, 17);

  size_type Mid(self_type& aResult, uint32_t aStartPos, uint32_t aCount) const;

  size_type Left(self_type& aResult, size_type aCount) const
    return Mid(aResult, 0, aCount);

  size_type Right(self_type& aResult, size_type aCount) const
    aCount = XPCOM_MIN(mLength, aCount);
    return Mid(aResult, mLength - aCount, aCount);

   * Set a char inside this string at given index
   * @param aChar is the char you want to write into this string
   * @param anIndex is the ofs where you want to write the given char
   * @return TRUE if successful

  bool SetCharAt(char16_t aChar, uint32_t aIndex);

   *  These methods are used to remove all occurrences of the
   *  characters found in aSet from this string.
   *  @param  aSet -- characters to be cut from this
  void StripChars(const char* aSet);
  bool StripChars(const char* aSet, const fallible_t&);

   *  This method strips whitespace throughout the string.
  void StripWhitespace();
  bool StripWhitespace(const fallible_t&);

   *  swaps occurence of 1 string for another

  void ReplaceChar(char_type aOldChar, char_type aNewChar);
  void ReplaceChar(const char* aSet, char_type aNewChar);
#ifdef CharT_is_PRUnichar
  void ReplaceChar(const char16_t* aSet, char16_t aNewChar);
   * Replace all occurrences of aTarget with aNewValue.
   * The complexity of this function is O(n+m), n being the length of the string
   * and m being the length of aNewValue.
  void ReplaceSubstring(const self_type& aTarget, const self_type& aNewValue);
  void ReplaceSubstring(const char_type* aTarget, const char_type* aNewValue);
  MOZ_MUST_USE bool ReplaceSubstring(const self_type& aTarget,
                                     const self_type& aNewValue,
                                     const fallible_t&);
  MOZ_MUST_USE bool ReplaceSubstring(const char_type* aTarget,
                                     const char_type* aNewValue,
                                     const fallible_t&);

   *  This method trims characters found in aTrimSet from
   *  either end of the underlying string.
   *  @param   aSet -- contains chars to be trimmed from both ends
   *  @param   aEliminateLeading
   *  @param   aEliminateTrailing
   *  @param   aIgnoreQuotes -- if true, causes surrounding quotes to be ignored
   *  @return  this
  void Trim(const char* aSet, bool aEliminateLeading = true,
            bool aEliminateTrailing = true, bool aIgnoreQuotes = false);

   *  This method strips whitespace from string.
   *  You can control whether whitespace is yanked from start and end of
   *  string as well.
   *  @param   aEliminateLeading controls stripping of leading ws
   *  @param   aEliminateTrailing controls stripping of trailing ws
  void CompressWhitespace(bool aEliminateLeading = true,
                          bool aEliminateTrailing = true);

   * assign/append/insert with _LOSSY_ conversion

  void AssignWithConversion(const nsTAString_IncompatibleCharT& aString);
  void AssignWithConversion(const incompatible_char_type* aData,
                            int32_t aLength = -1);


   * Allow this string to be bound to a character buffer
   * until the string is rebound or mutated; the caller
   * must ensure that the buffer outlives the string.
  void Rebind(const char_type* aData, size_type aLength);

   * verify restrictions for dependent strings
  void AssertValidDependentString()
    NS_ASSERTION(mData, "nsTDependentString must wrap a non-NULL buffer");
    NS_ASSERTION(mLength != size_type(-1), "nsTDependentString has bogus length");
    NS_ASSERTION(mData[mLength] == 0,
                 "nsTDependentString must wrap only null-terminated strings. "
                 "You are probably looking for nsTDependentSubstring.");


  nsTString_CharT(uint32_t aFlags)
    : substring_type(aFlags)

  // allow subclasses to initialize fields directly
  nsTString_CharT(char_type* aData, size_type aLength, uint32_t aFlags)
    : substring_type(aData, aLength, aFlags)

  struct Segment {
    uint32_t mBegin, mLength;
    Segment(uint32_t aBegin, uint32_t aLength)
      : mBegin(aBegin)
      , mLength(aLength)

class nsTFixedString_CharT : public nsTString_CharT

  typedef nsTFixedString_CharT self_type;
  typedef nsTFixedString_CharT fixed_string_type;


   * @param aData
   *        fixed-size buffer to be used by the string (the contents of
   *        this buffer may be modified by the string)
   * @param aStorageSize
   *        the size of the fixed buffer
   * @param aLength (optional)
   *        the length of the string already contained in the buffer

  nsTFixedString_CharT(char_type* aData, size_type aStorageSize)
    : string_type(aData, uint32_t(char_traits::length(aData)),
                  F_TERMINATED | F_FIXED | F_CLASS_FIXED)
    , mFixedCapacity(aStorageSize - 1)
    , mFixedBuf(aData)

  nsTFixedString_CharT(char_type* aData, size_type aStorageSize,
                       size_type aLength)
    : string_type(aData, aLength, F_TERMINATED | F_FIXED | F_CLASS_FIXED)
    , mFixedCapacity(aStorageSize - 1)
    , mFixedBuf(aData)
    // null-terminate
    mFixedBuf[aLength] = char_type(0);

  // |operator=| does not inherit, so we must define our own
  self_type& operator=(char_type aChar)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const char_type* aData)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_type& aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple)
    return *this;


  friend class nsTSubstring_CharT;

  size_type  mFixedCapacity;
  char_type* mFixedBuf;

 * nsTAutoString_CharT
 * Subclass of nsTString_CharT that adds support for stack-based string
 * allocation.  It is normally not a good idea to use this class on the
 * heap, because it will allocate space which may be wasted if the string
 * it contains is significantly smaller or any larger than 64 characters.
 *   nsAutoString for wide characters
 *   nsAutoCString for narrow characters
class MOZ_NON_MEMMOVABLE nsTAutoString_CharT : public nsTFixedString_CharT

  typedef nsTAutoString_CharT self_type;


   * constructors

    : fixed_string_type(mStorage, kDefaultStorageSize, 0)

  nsTAutoString_CharT(char_type aChar)
    : fixed_string_type(mStorage, kDefaultStorageSize, 0)

  nsTAutoString_CharT(const char_type* aData, size_type aLength = size_type(-1))
    : fixed_string_type(mStorage, kDefaultStorageSize, 0)
    Assign(aData, aLength);

#if defined(CharT_is_PRUnichar) && defined(MOZ_USE_CHAR16_WRAPPER)
  nsTAutoString_CharT(char16ptr_t aData, size_type aLength = size_type(-1))
    : nsTAutoString_CharT(static_cast<const char16_t*>(aData), aLength)

  nsTAutoString_CharT(const self_type& aStr)
    : fixed_string_type(mStorage, kDefaultStorageSize, 0)

  nsTAutoString_CharT(const substring_type& aStr)
    : fixed_string_type(mStorage, kDefaultStorageSize, 0)

  MOZ_IMPLICIT nsTAutoString_CharT(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple)
    : fixed_string_type(mStorage, kDefaultStorageSize, 0)

  // |operator=| does not inherit, so we must define our own
  self_type& operator=(char_type aChar)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const char_type* aData)
    return *this;
#if defined(CharT_is_PRUnichar) && defined(MOZ_USE_CHAR16_WRAPPER)
  self_type& operator=(char16ptr_t aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const self_type& aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_type& aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple)
    return *this;

    kDefaultStorageSize = 64


  char_type mStorage[kDefaultStorageSize];

// nsAutoString stores pointers into itself which are invalidated when an
// nsTArray is resized, so nsTArray must not be instantiated with nsAutoString
// elements!
template<class E> class nsTArrayElementTraits;
class nsTArrayElementTraits<nsTAutoString_CharT>
  template<class A> struct Dont_Instantiate_nsTArray_of;
  template<class A> struct Instead_Use_nsTArray_of;

  static Dont_Instantiate_nsTArray_of<nsTAutoString_CharT>*
  Construct(Instead_Use_nsTArray_of<nsTString_CharT>* aE)
    return 0;
  template<class A>
  static Dont_Instantiate_nsTArray_of<nsTAutoString_CharT>*
  Construct(Instead_Use_nsTArray_of<nsTString_CharT>* aE, const A& aArg)
    return 0;
  static Dont_Instantiate_nsTArray_of<nsTAutoString_CharT>*
  Destruct(Instead_Use_nsTArray_of<nsTString_CharT>* aE)
    return 0;

 * nsTXPIDLString extends nsTString such that:
 *   (1) mData can be null
 *   (2) objects of this type can be automatically cast to |const CharT*|
 *   (3) getter_Copies method is supported to adopt data allocated with
 *       moz_xmalloc, such as "out string" parameters in XPIDL.
 *   nsXPIDLString for wide characters
 *   nsXPIDLCString for narrow characters
class nsTXPIDLString_CharT : public nsTString_CharT

  typedef nsTXPIDLString_CharT self_type;


    : string_type(char_traits::sEmptyBuffer, 0, F_TERMINATED | F_VOIDED)

  // copy-constructor required to avoid default
  nsTXPIDLString_CharT(const self_type& aStr)
    : string_type(char_traits::sEmptyBuffer, 0, F_TERMINATED | F_VOIDED)

  // return nullptr if we are voided
#if defined(CharT_is_PRUnichar) && defined(MOZ_USE_CHAR16_WRAPPER)
  char16ptr_t get() const
  const char_type* get() const
    return (mFlags & F_VOIDED) ? nullptr : mData;

  // this case operator is the reason why this class cannot just be a
  // typedef for nsTString
  operator const char_type*() const
    return get();

  // need this to diambiguous operator[int]
  char_type operator[](int32_t aIndex) const
    return CharAt(index_type(aIndex));

  // |operator=| does not inherit, so we must define our own
  self_type& operator=(char_type aChar)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const char_type* aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const self_type& aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_type& aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple)
    return *this;

 * getter_Copies support for use with raw string out params:
 *    NS_IMETHOD GetBlah(char**);
 *    void some_function()
 *    {
 *      nsXPIDLCString blah;
 *      GetBlah(getter_Copies(blah));
 *      // ...
 *    }
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS nsTGetterCopies_CharT
  typedef CharT char_type;

  explicit nsTGetterCopies_CharT(nsTSubstring_CharT& aStr)
    : mString(aStr)
    , mData(nullptr)

    mString.Adopt(mData); // OK if mData is null

  operator char_type**()
    return &mData;

  nsTSubstring_CharT& mString;
  char_type* mData;

inline nsTGetterCopies_CharT
getter_Copies(nsTSubstring_CharT& aString)
  return nsTGetterCopies_CharT(aString);

 * nsTAdoptingString extends nsTXPIDLString such that:
 * (1) Adopt given string on construction or assignment, i.e. take
 * the value of what's given, and make what's given forget its
 * value. Note that this class violates constness in a few
 * places. Be careful!
class nsTAdoptingString_CharT : public nsTXPIDLString_CharT

  typedef nsTAdoptingString_CharT self_type;


  explicit nsTAdoptingString_CharT()
  explicit nsTAdoptingString_CharT(char_type* aStr,
                                   size_type aLength = size_type(-1))
    Adopt(aStr, aLength);

  // copy-constructor required to adopt on copy. Note that this
  // will violate the constness of |aStr| in the operator=()
  // call. |aStr| will be truncated as a side-effect of this
  // constructor.
  nsTAdoptingString_CharT(const self_type& aStr)
    *this = aStr;

  // |operator=| does not inherit, so we must define our own
  self_type& operator=(const substring_type& aStr)
    return *this;
  self_type& operator=(const substring_tuple_type& aTuple)
    return *this;

  // Adopt(), if possible, when assigning to a self_type&. Note
  // that this violates the constness of aStr, aStr is always
  // truncated when this operator is called.
  self_type& operator=(const self_type& aStr);

  self_type& operator=(const char_type* aData) = delete;
  self_type& operator=(char_type* aData) = delete;