/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsString.h"

 * nsTString obsolete API support


#include "nsDependentString.h"
#include "nsDependentSubstring.h"
#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
#include "nsCRT.h"
#include "nsUTF8Utils.h"
#include "prdtoa.h"

/* ***** BEGIN RICKG BLOCK *****
 * NOTE: This section of code was extracted from rickg's bufferRoutines.h file.
 *       For the most part it remains unmodified.  We want to eliminate (or at
 *       least clean up) this code at some point.  If you find the formatting
 *       in this section somewhat inconsistent, don't blame me! ;-)

// avoid STDC's tolower since it may do weird things with non-ASCII bytes
inline char
ascii_tolower(char aChar)
  if (aChar >= 'A' && aChar <= 'Z')
    return aChar + ('a' - 'A');
  return aChar;

//  This set of methods is used to search a buffer looking for a char.

 *  This methods cans the given buffer for the given char
 *  @update  gess 02/17/00
 *  @param   aDest is the buffer to be searched
 *  @param   aDestLength is the size (in char-units, not bytes) of the buffer
 *  @param   anOffset is the start pos to begin searching
 *  @param   aChar is the target character we're looking for
 *  @param   aCount tells us how many characters to iterate through (which may be different than aLength); -1 means use full length.
 *  @return  index of pos if found, else -1 (kNotFound)
static int32_t
FindChar1(const char* aDest,uint32_t aDestLength,int32_t anOffset,const char16_t aChar,int32_t aCount) {

  if(anOffset < 0)

  if(aCount < 0)
    aCount = (int32_t)aDestLength;

  if((aChar < 256) && (0 < aDestLength) && ((uint32_t)anOffset < aDestLength)) {

    //We'll only search if the given aChar is within the normal ascii a range,
    //(Since this string is definitely within the ascii range).

    if(0<aCount) {

      const char* left= aDest+anOffset;
      const char* last= left+aCount;
      const char* max = aDest+aDestLength;
      const char* end = (last<max) ? last : max;

      int32_t theMax = end-left;
      if(0<theMax) {

        unsigned char theChar = (unsigned char) aChar;
        const char* result=(const char*)memchr(left, (int)theChar, theMax);

          return result-aDest;


  return kNotFound;

 *  This methods cans the given buffer for the given char
 *  @update  gess 3/25/98
 *  @param   aDest is the buffer to be searched
 *  @param   aDestLength is the size (in char-units, not bytes) of the buffer
 *  @param   anOffset is the start pos to begin searching
 *  @param   aChar is the target character we're looking for
 *  @param   aCount tells us how many characters to iterate through (which may be different than aLength); -1 means use full length.
 *  @return  index of pos if found, else -1 (kNotFound)
static int32_t
FindChar2(const char16_t* aDest,uint32_t aDestLength,int32_t anOffset,const char16_t aChar,int32_t aCount) {

  if(anOffset < 0)

  if(aCount < 0)
    aCount = (int32_t)aDestLength;

  if((0<aDestLength) && ((uint32_t)anOffset < aDestLength)) {

    if(0<aCount) {

      const char16_t* root = aDest;
      const char16_t* left = root+anOffset;
      const char16_t* last = left+aCount;
      const char16_t* max  = root+aDestLength;
      const char16_t* end  = (last<max) ? last : max;


          return (left-root);


  return kNotFound;

 *  This methods cans the given buffer (in reverse) for the given char
 *  @update  gess 02/17/00
 *  @param   aDest is the buffer to be searched
 *  @param   aDestLength is the size (in char-units, not bytes) of the buffer
 *  @param   anOffset is the start pos to begin searching
 *  @param   aChar is the target character we're looking for
 *  @param   aCount tells us how many characters to iterate through (which may be different than aLength); -1 means use full length.
 *  @return  index of pos if found, else -1 (kNotFound)

static int32_t
RFindChar1(const char* aDest,uint32_t aDestLength,int32_t anOffset,const char16_t aChar,int32_t aCount) {

  if(anOffset < 0)

  if(aCount < 0)
    aCount = int32_t(aDestLength);

  if((aChar<256) && (0 < aDestLength) && ((uint32_t)anOffset < aDestLength)) {

    //We'll only search if the given aChar is within the normal ascii a range,
    //(Since this string is definitely within the ascii range).

    if(0 < aCount) {

      const char* rightmost = aDest + anOffset;
      const char* min       = rightmost - aCount + 1;
      const char* leftmost  = (min<aDest) ? aDest: min;

      char theChar=(char)aChar;
      while(leftmost <= rightmost){

        if((*rightmost) == theChar)
          return rightmost - aDest;


  return kNotFound;

 *  This methods cans the given buffer for the given char
 *  @update  gess 3/25/98
 *  @param   aDest is the buffer to be searched
 *  @param   aDestLength is the size (in char-units, not bytes) of the buffer
 *  @param   anOffset is the start pos to begin searching
 *  @param   aChar is the target character we're looking for
 *  @param   aCount tells us how many characters to iterate through (which may be different than aLength); -1 means use full length.
 *  @return  index of pos if found, else -1 (kNotFound)
static int32_t
RFindChar2(const char16_t* aDest,uint32_t aDestLength,int32_t anOffset,const char16_t aChar,int32_t aCount) {

  if(anOffset < 0)

  if(aCount < 0)
    aCount = int32_t(aDestLength);

  if((0 < aDestLength) && ((uint32_t)anOffset < aDestLength)) {

    if(0 < aCount) {

      const char16_t* root      = aDest;
      const char16_t* rightmost = root + anOffset;
      const char16_t* min       = rightmost - aCount + 1;
      const char16_t* leftmost  = (min<root) ? root: min;

      while(leftmost <= rightmost){

        if((*rightmost) == aChar)
          return rightmost - root;


  return kNotFound;

//  This set of methods is used to compare one buffer onto another.  The
//  functions are differentiated by the size of source and dest character
//  sizes.  WARNING: Your destination buffer MUST be big enough to hold all the
//  source bytes.  We don't validate these ranges here (this should be done in
//  higher level routines).

 * This method compares the data in one buffer with another
 * @update	gess 01/04/99
 * @param   aStr1 is the first buffer to be compared
 * @param   aStr2 is the 2nd buffer to be compared
 * @param   aCount is the number of chars to compare
 * @param   aIgnoreCase tells us whether to use a case-sensitive comparison
 * @return  -1,0,1 depending on <,==,>
#ifdef __SUNPRO_CC
#endif /* __SUNPRO_CC */
Compare1To1(const char* aStr1,const char* aStr2,uint32_t aCount,bool aIgnoreCase) {
  int32_t result=0;
    result=int32_t(PL_strncasecmp(aStr1, aStr2, aCount));

  // alien comparisons may return out-of-bound answers
  //  instead of the -1, 0, 1 expected by most clients
  if ( result < -1 )
    result = -1;
  else if ( result > 1 )
    result = 1;
  return result;

 * This method compares the data in one buffer with another
 * @update	gess 01/04/99
 * @param   aStr1 is the first buffer to be compared
 * @param   aStr2 is the 2nd buffer to be compared
 * @param   aCount is the number of chars to compare
 * @param   aIgnoreCase tells us whether to use a case-sensitive comparison
 * @return  -1,0,1 depending on <,==,>
#ifdef __SUNPRO_CC
#endif /* __SUNPRO_CC */
Compare2To2(const char16_t* aStr1,const char16_t* aStr2,uint32_t aCount){
  int32_t result;

  if ( aStr1 && aStr2 )
    result = nsCharTraits<char16_t>::compare(aStr1, aStr2, aCount);

  // The following cases are rare and survivable caller errors.
  //  Two null pointers are equal, but any string, even 0 length
  //  is greater than a null pointer.  It might not really matter,
  //  but we pick something reasonable anyway.
  else if ( !aStr1 && !aStr2 )
    result = 0;
  else if ( aStr1 )
    result = 1;
    result = -1;

  // alien comparisons may give answers outside the -1, 0, 1 expected by callers
  if ( result < -1 )
    result = -1;
  else if ( result > 1 )
    result = 1;
  return result;

 * This method compares the data in one buffer with another
 * @update	gess 01/04/99
 * @param   aStr1 is the first buffer to be compared
 * @param   aStr2 is the 2nd buffer to be compared
 * @param   aCount is the number of chars to compare
 * @param   aIgnoreCase tells us whether to use a case-sensitive comparison
 * @return  -1,0,1 depending on <,==,>
#ifdef __SUNPRO_CC
#endif /* __SUNPRO_CC */
Compare2To1(const char16_t* aStr1,const char* aStr2,uint32_t aCount,bool aIgnoreCase){
  const char16_t* s1 = aStr1;
  const char *s2 = aStr2;

  if (aStr1 && aStr2) {
    if (aCount != 0) {
      do {

        char16_t c1 = *s1++;
        char16_t c2 = char16_t((unsigned char)*s2++);

        if (c1 != c2) {
#ifdef DEBUG
          // we won't warn on c1>=128 (the 2-byte value) because often
          // it is just fine to compare an constant, ascii value (i.e. "body")
          // against some non-ascii value (i.e. a unicode string that
          // was downloaded from a web page)
          if (aIgnoreCase && c2>=128)
            NS_WARNING("got a non-ASCII string, but we can't do an accurate case conversion!");

          // can't do case conversion on characters out of our range
          if (aIgnoreCase && c1<128 && c2<128) {

            c1 = ascii_tolower(char(c1));
            c2 = ascii_tolower(char(c2));

            if (c1 == c2) continue;

          if (c1 < c2) return -1;
          return 1;
      } while (--aCount);
  return 0;

 * This method compares the data in one buffer with another
 * @update	gess 01/04/99
 * @param   aStr1 is the first buffer to be compared
 * @param   aStr2 is the 2nd buffer to be compared
 * @param   aCount is the number of chars to compare
 * @param   aIgnoreCase tells us whether to use a case-sensitive comparison
 * @return  -1,0,1 depending on <,==,>
inline int32_t
Compare1To2(const char* aStr1,const char16_t* aStr2,uint32_t aCount,bool aIgnoreCase){
  return Compare2To1(aStr2, aStr1, aCount, aIgnoreCase) * -1;

//  This set of methods is used compress char sequences in a buffer...

 * This method compresses duplicate runs of a given char from the given buffer
 * @update	rickg 03.23.2000
 * @param   aString is the buffer to be manipulated
 * @param   aLength is the length of the buffer
 * @param   aSet tells us which chars to compress from given buffer
 * @param   aEliminateLeading tells us whether to strip chars from the start of the buffer
 * @param   aEliminateTrailing tells us whether to strip chars from the start of the buffer
 * @return  the new length of the given buffer
static int32_t
CompressChars1(char* aString,uint32_t aLength,const char* aSet){ 

  char*  from = aString;
  char*  end =  aString + aLength;
  char*  to = from;

  //this code converts /n, /t, /r into normal space ' ';
  //it also compresses runs of whitespace down to a single char...
  if(aSet && aString && (0 < aLength)){
    uint32_t aSetLen=strlen(aSet);

    while (from < end) {
      char theChar = *from++;

      *to++=theChar; //always copy this char...

        while (from < end) {
          theChar = *from++;
            *to++ = theChar;
        } //while
      } //if
    } //if
    *to = 0;
  return to - aString;

 * This method compresses duplicate runs of a given char from the given buffer
 * @update	rickg 03.23.2000
 * @param   aString is the buffer to be manipulated
 * @param   aLength is the length of the buffer
 * @param   aSet tells us which chars to compress from given buffer
 * @param   aEliminateLeading tells us whether to strip chars from the start of the buffer
 * @param   aEliminateTrailing tells us whether to strip chars from the start of the buffer
 * @return  the new length of the given buffer
static int32_t
CompressChars2(char16_t* aString,uint32_t aLength,const char* aSet) {

  char16_t*  from = aString;
  char16_t*  end =  from + aLength;
  char16_t*  to = from;

  //this code converts /n, /t, /r into normal space ' ';
  //it also compresses runs of whitespace down to a single char...
  if(aSet && aString && (0 < aLength)){
    uint32_t aSetLen=strlen(aSet);

    while (from < end) {
      char16_t theChar = *from++;

      *to++=theChar; //always copy this char...

      if((theChar<256) && (kNotFound!=FindChar1(aSet,aSetLen,0,theChar,aSetLen))){
        while (from < end) {
          theChar = *from++;
            *to++ = theChar;
        } //while
      } //if
    } //if
    *to = 0;
  return to - (char16_t*)aString;

 * This method strips chars in a given set from the given buffer
 * @update	gess 01/04/99
 * @param   aString is the buffer to be manipulated
 * @param   aLength is the length of the buffer
 * @param   aSet tells us which chars to compress from given buffer
 * @param   aEliminateLeading tells us whether to strip chars from the start of the buffer
 * @param   aEliminateTrailing tells us whether to strip chars from the start of the buffer
 * @return  the new length of the given buffer
static int32_t
StripChars1(char* aString,uint32_t aLength,const char* aSet) {

  // XXX(darin): this code should defer writing until necessary.

  char*  to   = aString;
  char*  from = aString-1;
  char*  end  = aString + aLength;

  if(aSet && aString && (0 < aLength)){
    uint32_t aSetLen=strlen(aSet);
    while (++from < end) {
      char theChar = *from;
        *to++ = theChar;
    *to = 0;
  return to - (char*)aString;

 * This method strips chars in a given set from the given buffer
 * @update	gess 01/04/99
 * @param   aString is the buffer to be manipulated
 * @param   aLength is the length of the buffer
 * @param   aSet tells us which chars to compress from given buffer
 * @param   aEliminateLeading tells us whether to strip chars from the start of the buffer
 * @param   aEliminateTrailing tells us whether to strip chars from the start of the buffer
 * @return  the new length of the given buffer
static int32_t
StripChars2(char16_t* aString,uint32_t aLength,const char* aSet) {

  // XXX(darin): this code should defer writing until necessary.

  char16_t*  to   = aString;
  char16_t*  from = aString-1;
  char16_t*  end  = to + aLength;

  if(aSet && aString && (0 < aLength)){
    uint32_t aSetLen=strlen(aSet);
    while (++from < end) {
      char16_t theChar = *from;
      //Note the test for ascii range below. If you have a real unicode char,
      //and you're searching for chars in the (given) ascii string, there's no
      //point in doing the real search since it's out of the ascii range.
      if((255<theChar) || (kNotFound==FindChar1(aSet,aSetLen,0,theChar,aSetLen))){
        *to++ = theChar;
    *to = 0;
  return to - (char16_t*)aString;

/* ***** END RICKG BLOCK ***** */

static const char* kWhitespace="\f\t\r\n ";

// This function is used to implement FindCharInSet and friends
template <class CharT>
#ifndef __SUNPRO_CC
#endif /* !__SUNPRO_CC */
GetFindInSetFilter( const CharT* set)
  CharT filter = ~CharT(0); // All bits set
  while (*set) {
    filter &= ~(*set);
  return filter;

// This template class is used by our code to access rickg's buffer routines.
template <class CharT> struct nsBufferRoutines {};

template <>
struct nsBufferRoutines<char>
  int32_t compare( const char* a, const char* b, uint32_t max, bool ic )
    return Compare1To1(a, b, max, ic);

  int32_t compare( const char* a, const char16_t* b, uint32_t max, bool ic )
    return Compare1To2(a, b, max, ic);

  int32_t find_char( const char* s, uint32_t max, int32_t offset, const char16_t c, int32_t count )
    return FindChar1(s, max, offset, c, count);

  int32_t rfind_char( const char* s, uint32_t max, int32_t offset, const char16_t c, int32_t count )
    return RFindChar1(s, max, offset, c, count);

  char get_find_in_set_filter( const char* set )
    return GetFindInSetFilter(set);

  int32_t strip_chars( char* s, uint32_t len, const char* set )
    return StripChars1(s, len, set);

  int32_t compress_chars( char* s, uint32_t len, const char* set )
    return CompressChars1(s, len, set);

template <>
struct nsBufferRoutines<char16_t>
  int32_t compare( const char16_t* a, const char16_t* b, uint32_t max, bool ic )
    NS_ASSERTION(!ic, "no case-insensitive compare here");
    return Compare2To2(a, b, max);

  int32_t compare( const char16_t* a, const char* b, uint32_t max, bool ic )
    return Compare2To1(a, b, max, ic);

  int32_t find_char( const char16_t* s, uint32_t max, int32_t offset, const char16_t c, int32_t count )
    return FindChar2(s, max, offset, c, count);

  int32_t rfind_char( const char16_t* s, uint32_t max, int32_t offset, const char16_t c, int32_t count )
    return RFindChar2(s, max, offset, c, count);

  char16_t get_find_in_set_filter( const char16_t* set )
    return GetFindInSetFilter(set);

  char16_t get_find_in_set_filter( const char* set )
    return (~char16_t(0)^~char(0)) | GetFindInSetFilter(set);

  int32_t strip_chars( char16_t* s, uint32_t max, const char* set )
    return StripChars2(s, max, set);

  int32_t compress_chars( char16_t* s, uint32_t len, const char* set )
    return CompressChars2(s, len, set);


template <class L, class R>
#ifndef __SUNPRO_CC
#endif /* !__SUNPRO_CC */
FindSubstring( const L* big, uint32_t bigLen,
               const R* little, uint32_t littleLen,
               bool ignoreCase )
  if (littleLen > bigLen)
    return kNotFound;

  int32_t i, max = int32_t(bigLen - littleLen);
  for (i=0; i<=max; ++i, ++big)
    if (nsBufferRoutines<L>::compare(big, little, littleLen, ignoreCase) == 0)
      return i;

  return kNotFound;

template <class L, class R>
#ifndef __SUNPRO_CC
#endif /* !__SUNPRO_CC */
RFindSubstring( const L* big, uint32_t bigLen,
                const R* little, uint32_t littleLen,
                bool ignoreCase )
  if (littleLen > bigLen)
    return kNotFound;

  int32_t i, max = int32_t(bigLen - littleLen);

  const L* iter = big + max;
  for (i=max; iter >= big; --i, --iter)
    if (nsBufferRoutines<L>::compare(iter, little, littleLen, ignoreCase) == 0)
      return i;

  return kNotFound;

template <class CharT, class SetCharT>
#ifndef __SUNPRO_CC
#endif /* !__SUNPRO_CC */
FindCharInSet( const CharT* data, uint32_t dataLen, const SetCharT* set )
  CharT filter = nsBufferRoutines<CharT>::get_find_in_set_filter(set);

  const CharT* end = data + dataLen;
  for (const CharT* iter = data; iter < end; ++iter)
    CharT currentChar = *iter;
    if (currentChar & filter)
      continue; // char is not in filter set; go on with next char.

    // test all chars
    const SetCharT* charInSet = set;
    CharT setChar = CharT(*charInSet);
    while (setChar)
      if (setChar == currentChar)
        return iter - data; // found it!  return index of the found char.

      setChar = CharT(*(++charInSet));
  return kNotFound;

template <class CharT, class SetCharT>
#ifndef __SUNPRO_CC
#endif /* !__SUNPRO_CC */
RFindCharInSet( const CharT* data, uint32_t dataLen, const SetCharT* set )
  CharT filter = nsBufferRoutines<CharT>::get_find_in_set_filter(set);

  for (const CharT* iter = data + dataLen - 1; iter >= data; --iter)
    CharT currentChar = *iter;
    if (currentChar & filter)
      continue; // char is not in filter set; go on with next char.

    // test all chars
    const CharT* charInSet = set;
    CharT setChar = *charInSet;
    while (setChar)
      if (setChar == currentChar)
        return iter - data; // found it!  return index of the found char.

      setChar = *(++charInSet);
  return kNotFound;

 * this method changes the meaning of |offset| and |count|:
 * upon return,
 *   |offset| specifies start of search range
 *   |count| specifies length of search range
static void
Find_ComputeSearchRange( uint32_t bigLen, uint32_t littleLen, int32_t& offset, int32_t& count )
  // |count| specifies how many iterations to make from |offset|

  if (offset < 0)
    offset = 0;
  else if (uint32_t(offset) > bigLen)
    count = 0;

  int32_t maxCount = bigLen - offset;
  if (count < 0 || count > maxCount)
    count = maxCount;
    count += littleLen;
    if (count > maxCount)
      count = maxCount;

 * this method changes the meaning of |offset| and |count|:
 * upon entry,
 *   |offset| specifies the end point from which to search backwards
 *   |count| specifies the number of iterations from |offset|
 * upon return,
 *   |offset| specifies start of search range
 *   |count| specifies length of search range
 *                            + -- littleLen=4 -- +
 *                            :                   :
 *   |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|
 *                            :                                  :
 *                         offset=5                           bigLen=12
 *   if count = 4, then we expect this function to return offset = 2 and
 *   count = 7.
static void
RFind_ComputeSearchRange( uint32_t bigLen, uint32_t littleLen, int32_t& offset, int32_t& count )
  if (littleLen > bigLen)
    offset = 0;
    count = 0;

  if (offset < 0)
    offset = bigLen - littleLen;
  if (count < 0)
    count = offset + 1;

  int32_t start = offset - count + 1;
  if (start < 0)
    start = 0;

  count = offset + littleLen - start;
  offset = start;


// define nsString obsolete methods
#include "string-template-def-unichar.h"
#include "nsTStringObsolete.cpp"
#include "string-template-undef.h"

// define nsCString obsolete methods
#include "string-template-def-char.h"
#include "nsTStringObsolete.cpp"
#include "string-template-undef.h"


// specialized methods:

nsString::Find( const nsAFlatString& aString, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aCount ) const
  // this method changes the meaning of aOffset and aCount:
  Find_ComputeSearchRange(mLength, aString.Length(), aOffset, aCount);

  int32_t result = FindSubstring(mData + aOffset, aCount, static_cast<const char16_t*>(aString.get()), aString.Length(), false);
  if (result != kNotFound)
    result += aOffset;
  return result;

nsString::Find( const char16_t* aString, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aCount ) const
  return Find(nsDependentString(aString), aOffset, aCount);

nsString::RFind( const nsAFlatString& aString, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aCount ) const
  // this method changes the meaning of aOffset and aCount:
  RFind_ComputeSearchRange(mLength, aString.Length(), aOffset, aCount);

  int32_t result = RFindSubstring(mData + aOffset, aCount, static_cast<const char16_t*>(aString.get()), aString.Length(), false);
  if (result != kNotFound)
    result += aOffset;
  return result;

nsString::RFind( const char16_t* aString, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aCount ) const
  return RFind(nsDependentString(aString), aOffset, aCount);

nsString::FindCharInSet( const char16_t* aSet, int32_t aOffset ) const
  if (aOffset < 0)
    aOffset = 0;
  else if (aOffset >= int32_t(mLength))
    return kNotFound;

  int32_t result = ::FindCharInSet(mData + aOffset, mLength - aOffset, aSet);
  if (result != kNotFound)
    result += aOffset;
  return result;

nsString::ReplaceChar( const char16_t* aSet, char16_t aNewChar )
  if (!EnsureMutable()) // XXX do this lazily?

  char16_t* data = mData;
  uint32_t lenRemaining = mLength;

  while (lenRemaining)
    int32_t i = ::FindCharInSet(data, lenRemaining, aSet);
    if (i == kNotFound)

    data[i++] = aNewChar;
    data += i;
    lenRemaining -= i;

 * nsTString::Compare,CompareWithConversion,etc.

nsCString::Compare( const char* aString, bool aIgnoreCase, int32_t aCount ) const
  uint32_t strLen = char_traits::length(aString);

  int32_t maxCount = int32_t(XPCOM_MIN(mLength, strLen));

  int32_t compareCount;
  if (aCount < 0 || aCount > maxCount)
    compareCount = maxCount;
    compareCount = aCount;

  int32_t result =
    nsBufferRoutines<char>::compare(mData, aString, compareCount, aIgnoreCase);

  if (result == 0 &&
      (aCount < 0 || strLen < uint32_t(aCount) || mLength < uint32_t(aCount)))
    // Since the caller didn't give us a length to test, or strings shorter
    // than aCount, and compareCount characters matched, we have to assume
    // that the longer string is greater.

    if (mLength != strLen)
      result = (mLength < strLen) ? -1 : 1;
  return result;

nsString::EqualsIgnoreCase( const char* aString, int32_t aCount ) const
  uint32_t strLen = nsCharTraits<char>::length(aString);

  int32_t maxCount = int32_t(XPCOM_MIN(mLength, strLen));

  int32_t compareCount;
  if (aCount < 0 || aCount > maxCount)
    compareCount = maxCount;
    compareCount = aCount;

  int32_t result =
    nsBufferRoutines<char16_t>::compare(mData, aString, compareCount, true);

  if (result == 0 &&
      (aCount < 0 || strLen < uint32_t(aCount) || mLength < uint32_t(aCount)))
    // Since the caller didn't give us a length to test, or strings shorter
    // than aCount, and compareCount characters matched, we have to assume
    // that the longer string is greater.

    if (mLength != strLen)
      result = 1; // Arbitrarily using any number != 0
  return result == 0;

 * nsTString::ToDouble

nsCString::ToDouble(nsresult* aErrorCode) const
  double res = 0.0;
  if (mLength > 0)
    char *conv_stopped;
    const char *str = mData;
    // Use PR_strtod, not strtod, since we don't want locale involved.
    res = PR_strtod(str, &conv_stopped);
    if (conv_stopped == str+mLength)
      *aErrorCode = NS_OK;
    else // Not all the string was scanned
      *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE;
    // The string was too short (0 characters)
  return res;

nsString::ToDouble(nsresult* aErrorCode) const
  return NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(*this).ToDouble(aErrorCode);

 * nsTString::AssignWithConversion

nsCString::AssignWithConversion( const nsAString& aData )
  LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(aData, *this);

nsString::AssignWithConversion( const nsACString& aData )
  CopyASCIItoUTF16(aData, *this);