/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* Implementation of xptiInterfaceEntry and xptiInterfaceInfo. */ #include "xptiprivate.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "mozilla/XPTInterfaceInfoManager.h" #include "mozilla/PodOperations.h" #include "jsapi.h" using namespace mozilla; /* static */ xptiInterfaceEntry* xptiInterfaceEntry::Create(const char* name, const nsID& iid, XPTInterfaceDescriptor* aDescriptor, xptiTypelibGuts* aTypelib) { int namelen = strlen(name); void* place = XPT_CALLOC8(gXPTIStructArena, sizeof(xptiInterfaceEntry) + namelen); if (!place) { return nullptr; } return new (place) xptiInterfaceEntry(name, namelen, iid, aDescriptor, aTypelib); } xptiInterfaceEntry::xptiInterfaceEntry(const char* name, size_t nameLength, const nsID& iid, XPTInterfaceDescriptor* aDescriptor, xptiTypelibGuts* aTypelib) : mIID(iid) , mDescriptor(aDescriptor) , mTypelib(aTypelib) , mParent(nullptr) , mInfo(nullptr) , mMethodBaseIndex(0) , mConstantBaseIndex(0) , mFlags(0) { memcpy(mName, name, nameLength); SetResolvedState(PARTIALLY_RESOLVED); } bool xptiInterfaceEntry::Resolve() { MutexAutoLock lock(XPTInterfaceInfoManager::GetResolveLock()); return ResolveLocked(); } bool xptiInterfaceEntry::ResolveLocked() { int resolvedState = GetResolveState(); if(resolvedState == FULLY_RESOLVED) return true; if(resolvedState == RESOLVE_FAILED) return false; NS_ASSERTION(GetResolveState() == PARTIALLY_RESOLVED, "bad state!"); // Finish out resolution by finding parent and Resolving it so // we can set the info we get from it. uint16_t parent_index = mDescriptor->parent_interface; if(parent_index) { xptiInterfaceEntry* parent = mTypelib->GetEntryAt(parent_index - 1); if(!parent || !parent->EnsureResolvedLocked()) { SetResolvedState(RESOLVE_FAILED); return false; } mParent = parent; if (parent->GetHasNotXPCOMFlag()) { SetHasNotXPCOMFlag(); } else { for (uint16_t idx = 0; idx < mDescriptor->num_methods; ++idx) { nsXPTMethodInfo* method = reinterpret_cast<nsXPTMethodInfo*>( mDescriptor->method_descriptors + idx); if (method->IsNotXPCOM()) { SetHasNotXPCOMFlag(); break; } } } mMethodBaseIndex = parent->mMethodBaseIndex + parent->mDescriptor->num_methods; mConstantBaseIndex = parent->mConstantBaseIndex + parent->mDescriptor->num_constants; } LOG_RESOLVE(("+ complete resolve of %s\n", mName)); SetResolvedState(FULLY_RESOLVED); return true; } /**************************************************/ // These non-virtual methods handle the delegated nsIInterfaceInfo methods. nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetName(char **name) { // It is not necessary to Resolve because this info is read from manifest. *name = (char*) nsMemory::Clone(mName, strlen(mName)+1); return *name ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetIID(nsIID **iid) { // It is not necessary to Resolve because this info is read from manifest. *iid = (nsIID*) nsMemory::Clone(&mIID, sizeof(nsIID)); return *iid ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::IsScriptable(bool* result) { // It is not necessary to Resolve because this info is read from manifest. *result = GetScriptableFlag(); return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::IsFunction(bool* result) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; *result = XPT_ID_IS_FUNCTION(mDescriptor->flags); return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetMethodCount(uint16_t* count) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; *count = mMethodBaseIndex + mDescriptor->num_methods; return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetConstantCount(uint16_t* count) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if(!count) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; *count = mConstantBaseIndex + mDescriptor->num_constants; return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetMethodInfo(uint16_t index, const nsXPTMethodInfo** info) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if(index < mMethodBaseIndex) return mParent->GetMethodInfo(index, info); if(index >= mMethodBaseIndex + mDescriptor->num_methods) { NS_ERROR("bad param"); *info = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } // else... *info = reinterpret_cast<nsXPTMethodInfo*> (&mDescriptor->method_descriptors[index - mMethodBaseIndex]); return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetMethodInfoForName(const char* methodName, uint16_t *index, const nsXPTMethodInfo** result) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; // This is a slow algorithm, but this is not expected to be called much. for(uint16_t i = 0; i < mDescriptor->num_methods; ++i) { const nsXPTMethodInfo* info; info = reinterpret_cast<nsXPTMethodInfo*> (&mDescriptor-> method_descriptors[i]); if (PL_strcmp(methodName, info->GetName()) == 0) { *index = i + mMethodBaseIndex; *result = info; return NS_OK; } } if(mParent) return mParent->GetMethodInfoForName(methodName, index, result); else { *index = 0; *result = 0; return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetConstant(uint16_t index, JS::MutableHandleValue constant, char** name) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if(index < mConstantBaseIndex) return mParent->GetConstant(index, constant, name); if(index >= mConstantBaseIndex + mDescriptor->num_constants) { NS_PRECONDITION(0, "bad param"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } const auto& c = mDescriptor->const_descriptors[index - mConstantBaseIndex]; AutoJSContext cx; JS::Rooted<JS::Value> v(cx); v.setUndefined(); switch (c.type.prefix.flags) { case nsXPTType::T_I8: { v.setInt32(c.value.i8); break; } case nsXPTType::T_U8: { v.setInt32(c.value.ui8); break; } case nsXPTType::T_I16: { v.setInt32(c.value.i16); break; } case nsXPTType::T_U16: { v.setInt32(c.value.ui16); break; } case nsXPTType::T_I32: { v = JS_NumberValue(c.value.i32); break; } case nsXPTType::T_U32: { v = JS_NumberValue(c.value.ui32); break; } default: { #ifdef DEBUG NS_ERROR("Non-numeric constant found in interface."); #endif } } constant.set(v); *name = ToNewCString(nsDependentCString(c.name)); return NS_OK; } // this is a private helper nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetInterfaceIndexForParam(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo* param, uint16_t* interfaceIndex) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if(methodIndex < mMethodBaseIndex) return mParent->GetInterfaceIndexForParam(methodIndex, param, interfaceIndex); if(methodIndex >= mMethodBaseIndex + mDescriptor->num_methods) { NS_ERROR("bad param"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } const XPTTypeDescriptor *td = ¶m->type; while (XPT_TDP_TAG(td->prefix) == TD_ARRAY) { td = &mDescriptor->additional_types[td->u.array.additional_type]; } if(XPT_TDP_TAG(td->prefix) != TD_INTERFACE_TYPE) { NS_ERROR("not an interface"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } *interfaceIndex = (td->u.iface.iface_hi8 << 8) | td->u.iface.iface_lo8; return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetEntryForParam(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo * param, xptiInterfaceEntry** entry) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if(methodIndex < mMethodBaseIndex) return mParent->GetEntryForParam(methodIndex, param, entry); uint16_t interfaceIndex = 0; nsresult rv = GetInterfaceIndexForParam(methodIndex, param, &interfaceIndex); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } xptiInterfaceEntry* theEntry = mTypelib->GetEntryAt(interfaceIndex - 1); // This can happen if a declared interface is not available at runtime. if(!theEntry) { *entry = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } *entry = theEntry; return NS_OK; } already_AddRefed<ShimInterfaceInfo> xptiInterfaceEntry::GetShimForParam(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo* param) { if(methodIndex < mMethodBaseIndex) { return mParent->GetShimForParam(methodIndex, param); } uint16_t interfaceIndex = 0; nsresult rv = GetInterfaceIndexForParam(methodIndex, param, &interfaceIndex); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nullptr; } const char* shimName = mTypelib->GetEntryNameAt(interfaceIndex - 1); RefPtr<ShimInterfaceInfo> shim = ShimInterfaceInfo::MaybeConstruct(shimName, nullptr); return shim.forget(); } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetInfoForParam(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo *param, nsIInterfaceInfo** info) { xptiInterfaceEntry* entry; nsresult rv = GetEntryForParam(methodIndex, param, &entry); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { RefPtr<ShimInterfaceInfo> shim = GetShimForParam(methodIndex, param); if (!shim) { return rv; } shim.forget(info); return NS_OK; } *info = entry->InterfaceInfo().take(); return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetIIDForParam(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo* param, nsIID** iid) { xptiInterfaceEntry* entry; nsresult rv = GetEntryForParam(methodIndex, param, &entry); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { RefPtr<ShimInterfaceInfo> shim = GetShimForParam(methodIndex, param); if (!shim) { return rv; } return shim->GetInterfaceIID(iid); } return entry->GetIID(iid); } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetIIDForParamNoAlloc(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo * param, nsIID *iid) { xptiInterfaceEntry* entry; nsresult rv = GetEntryForParam(methodIndex, param, &entry); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { RefPtr<ShimInterfaceInfo> shim = GetShimForParam(methodIndex, param); if (!shim) { return rv; } const nsIID* shimIID; DebugOnly<nsresult> rv2 = shim->GetIIDShared(&shimIID); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv2)); *iid = *shimIID; return NS_OK; } *iid = entry->mIID; return NS_OK; } // this is a private helper nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetTypeInArray(const nsXPTParamInfo* param, uint16_t dimension, const XPTTypeDescriptor** type) { NS_ASSERTION(IsFullyResolved(), "bad state"); const XPTTypeDescriptor *td = ¶m->type; const XPTTypeDescriptor *additional_types = mDescriptor->additional_types; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { if(XPT_TDP_TAG(td->prefix) != TD_ARRAY) { NS_ERROR("bad dimension"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } td = &additional_types[td->u.array.additional_type]; } *type = td; return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetTypeForParam(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo* param, uint16_t dimension, nsXPTType* type) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if(methodIndex < mMethodBaseIndex) return mParent-> GetTypeForParam(methodIndex, param, dimension, type); if(methodIndex >= mMethodBaseIndex + mDescriptor->num_methods) { NS_ERROR("bad index"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } const XPTTypeDescriptor *td; if(dimension) { nsresult rv = GetTypeInArray(param, dimension, &td); if(NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } else td = ¶m->type; *type = nsXPTType(td->prefix); return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetSizeIsArgNumberForParam(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo* param, uint16_t dimension, uint8_t* argnum) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if(methodIndex < mMethodBaseIndex) return mParent-> GetSizeIsArgNumberForParam(methodIndex, param, dimension, argnum); if(methodIndex >= mMethodBaseIndex + mDescriptor->num_methods) { NS_ERROR("bad index"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } const XPTTypeDescriptor *td; if(dimension) { nsresult rv = GetTypeInArray(param, dimension, &td); if(NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } else td = ¶m->type; // verify that this is a type that has size_is switch (XPT_TDP_TAG(td->prefix)) { case TD_ARRAY: *argnum = td->u.array.argnum; break; case TD_PSTRING_SIZE_IS: case TD_PWSTRING_SIZE_IS: *argnum = td->u.pstring_is.argnum; break; default: NS_ERROR("not a size_is"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetInterfaceIsArgNumberForParam(uint16_t methodIndex, const nsXPTParamInfo* param, uint8_t* argnum) { if(!EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if(methodIndex < mMethodBaseIndex) return mParent-> GetInterfaceIsArgNumberForParam(methodIndex, param, argnum); if(methodIndex >= mMethodBaseIndex + mDescriptor->num_methods) { NS_ERROR("bad index"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } const XPTTypeDescriptor *td = ¶m->type; while (XPT_TDP_TAG(td->prefix) == TD_ARRAY) { td = &mDescriptor->additional_types[td->u.array.additional_type]; } if(XPT_TDP_TAG(td->prefix) != TD_INTERFACE_IS_TYPE) { NS_ERROR("not an iid_is"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } *argnum = td->u.interface_is.argnum; return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::IsIID(const nsIID * iid, bool *_retval) { // It is not necessary to Resolve because this info is read from manifest. *_retval = mIID.Equals(*iid); return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetNameShared(const char **name) { // It is not necessary to Resolve because this info is read from manifest. *name = mName; return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::GetIIDShared(const nsIID * *iid) { // It is not necessary to Resolve because this info is read from manifest. *iid = &mIID; return NS_OK; } nsresult xptiInterfaceEntry::HasAncestor(const nsIID * iid, bool *_retval) { *_retval = false; for(xptiInterfaceEntry* current = this; current; current = current->mParent) { if(current->mIID.Equals(*iid)) { *_retval = true; break; } if(!current->EnsureResolved()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } return NS_OK; } /***************************************************/ already_AddRefed<xptiInterfaceInfo> xptiInterfaceEntry::InterfaceInfo() { #ifdef DEBUG XPTInterfaceInfoManager::GetSingleton()->mWorkingSet.mTableReentrantMonitor. AssertCurrentThreadIn(); #endif if(!mInfo) { mInfo = new xptiInterfaceInfo(this); } RefPtr<xptiInterfaceInfo> info = mInfo; return info.forget(); } void xptiInterfaceEntry::LockedInvalidateInterfaceInfo() { if(mInfo) { mInfo->Invalidate(); mInfo = nullptr; } } bool xptiInterfaceInfo::BuildParent() { mozilla::ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(XPTInterfaceInfoManager::GetSingleton()-> mWorkingSet.mTableReentrantMonitor); NS_ASSERTION(mEntry && mEntry->IsFullyResolved() && !mParent && mEntry->Parent(), "bad BuildParent call"); mParent = mEntry->Parent()->InterfaceInfo(); return true; } /***************************************************************************/ NS_IMPL_QUERY_INTERFACE(xptiInterfaceInfo, nsIInterfaceInfo) xptiInterfaceInfo::xptiInterfaceInfo(xptiInterfaceEntry* entry) : mEntry(entry) { } xptiInterfaceInfo::~xptiInterfaceInfo() { NS_ASSERTION(!mEntry, "bad state in dtor"); } void xptiInterfaceInfo::Invalidate() { mParent = nullptr; mEntry = nullptr; } MozExternalRefCountType xptiInterfaceInfo::AddRef(void) { nsrefcnt cnt = ++mRefCnt; NS_LOG_ADDREF(this, cnt, "xptiInterfaceInfo", sizeof(*this)); return cnt; } MozExternalRefCountType xptiInterfaceInfo::Release(void) { xptiInterfaceEntry* entry = mEntry; nsrefcnt cnt = --mRefCnt; NS_LOG_RELEASE(this, cnt, "xptiInterfaceInfo"); if(!cnt) { mozilla::ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(XPTInterfaceInfoManager:: GetSingleton()->mWorkingSet. mTableReentrantMonitor); // If InterfaceInfo added and *released* a reference before we // acquired the monitor then 'this' might already be dead. In that // case we would not want to try to access any instance data. We // would want to bail immediately. If 'this' is already dead then the // entry will no longer have a pointer to 'this'. So, we can protect // ourselves from danger without more aggressive locking. if(entry && !entry->InterfaceInfoEquals(this)) return 0; // If InterfaceInfo added a reference before we acquired the monitor // then we want to bail out of here without destorying the object. if(mRefCnt) return 1; if(mEntry) { mEntry->LockedInterfaceInfoDeathNotification(); mEntry = nullptr; } delete this; return 0; } return cnt; } /***************************************************************************/