/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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/* Platform specific code to invoke XPCOM methods on native objects */

#include "xptcprivate.h"

#ifndef WIN32
#error "This code is for Win32 only"

extern "C" void __fastcall
invoke_copy_to_stack(uint32_t* d, uint32_t paramCount, nsXPTCVariant* s)
    for(; paramCount > 0; paramCount--, d++, s++)
            *((void**)d) = s->ptr;
        case nsXPTType::T_I8     : *((int8_t*)  d) = s->val.i8;          break;
        case nsXPTType::T_I16    : *((int16_t*) d) = s->val.i16;         break;
        case nsXPTType::T_I32    : *((int32_t*) d) = s->val.i32;         break;
        case nsXPTType::T_I64    : *((int64_t*) d) = s->val.i64; d++;    break;
        case nsXPTType::T_U8     : *((uint8_t*) d) = s->val.u8;          break;
        case nsXPTType::T_U16    : *((uint16_t*)d) = s->val.u16;         break;
        case nsXPTType::T_U32    : *((uint32_t*)d) = s->val.u32;         break;
        case nsXPTType::T_U64    : *((uint64_t*)d) = s->val.u64; d++;    break;
        case nsXPTType::T_FLOAT  : *((float*)   d) = s->val.f;           break;
        case nsXPTType::T_DOUBLE : *((double*)  d) = s->val.d;   d++;    break;
        case nsXPTType::T_BOOL   : *((bool*)  d) = s->val.b;           break;
        case nsXPTType::T_CHAR   : *((char*)    d) = s->val.c;           break;
        case nsXPTType::T_WCHAR  : *((wchar_t*) d) = s->val.wc;          break;
            // all the others are plain pointer types
            *((void**)d) = s->val.p;