/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs_h___
#define nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs_h___

// Defines property names for directories available from standard nsIDirectoryServiceProviders.
// These keys are not guaranteed to exist because the nsIDirectoryServiceProviders which
// provide them are optional.
// Keys whose definition ends in "DIR" or "FILE" return a single nsIFile (or subclass).
// Keys whose definition ends in "LIST" return an nsISimpleEnumerator which enumerates a
// list of file objects.
// System and XPCOM level properties are defined in nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Files and directories which exist on a per-product basis
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


#define NS_APP_DEFAULTS_50_DIR                  "DefRt"         // The root dir of all defaults dirs
#define NS_APP_PREF_DEFAULTS_50_DIR             "PrfDef"
#define NS_APP_USER_PROFILES_ROOT_DIR           "DefProfRt"     // The dir where user profile dirs live.
#define NS_APP_USER_PROFILES_LOCAL_ROOT_DIR     "DefProfLRt"  // The dir where user profile temp dirs live.

#define NS_APP_RES_DIR                          "ARes"
#define NS_APP_CHROME_DIR                       "AChrom"
#define NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR                      "APlugns"       // Deprecated - use NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR_LIST
#define NS_APP_SEARCH_DIR                       "SrchPlugns"

#define NS_APP_CHROME_DIR_LIST                  "AChromDL"
#define NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR_LIST                 "APluginsDL"
#define NS_APP_SEARCH_DIR_LIST                  "SrchPluginsDL"

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Files and directories which exist on a per-profile basis
// These locations are typically provided by the profile mgr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// In a shared profile environment, prefixing a profile-relative
// key with NS_SHARED returns a location that is shared by
// other users of the profile. Without this prefix, the consumer
// has exclusive access to this location.

#define NS_SHARED                               "SHARED"

#define NS_APP_PREFS_50_DIR                     "PrefD"         // Directory which contains user prefs       
#define NS_APP_PREFS_50_FILE                    "PrefF"
#define NS_APP_PREFS_DEFAULTS_DIR_LIST          "PrefDL"
#define NS_EXT_PREFS_DEFAULTS_DIR_LIST          "ExtPrefDL"
#define NS_APP_PREFS_OVERRIDE_DIR               "PrefDOverride" // Directory for per-profile defaults

#define NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR              "ProfD"
#define NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_LOCAL_50_DIR        "ProfLD"

#define NS_APP_USER_CHROME_DIR                  "UChrm"
#define NS_APP_USER_SEARCH_DIR                  "UsrSrchPlugns"

#define NS_APP_LOCALSTORE_50_FILE               "LclSt"
#define NS_APP_USER_PANELS_50_FILE              "UPnls"
#define NS_APP_USER_MIMETYPES_50_FILE           "UMimTyp"
#define NS_APP_CACHE_PARENT_DIR                 "cachePDir"

#define NS_APP_DOWNLOADS_50_FILE                "DLoads"

#define NS_APP_SEARCH_50_FILE                   "SrchF"

#define NS_APP_INSTALL_CLEANUP_DIR              "XPIClnupD"  //location of xpicleanup.dat xpicleanup.exe 

#define NS_APP_INDEXEDDB_PARENT_DIR             "indexedDBPDir"

#define NS_APP_PERMISSION_PARENT_DIR            "permissionDBPDir"

#if (defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX)
// NS_APP_CONTENT_PROCESS_TEMP_DIR refers to a directory that is read and
// write accessible from a sandboxed content process. The key may be used in
// either process, but the directory is intended to be used for short-lived
// files that need to be saved to the filesystem by the content process and
// don't need to survive browser restarts. The directory is reset on startup.
// The key is only valid when MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX is defined. When
// MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX is defined, the directory the key refers to differs
// depending on whether or not content sandboxing is enabled.
// When MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX is defined and sandboxing is enabled (versus
// manually disabled via prefs), the content process replaces NS_OS_TEMP_DIR
// with NS_APP_CONTENT_PROCESS_TEMP_DIR so that legacy code in content
// attempting to write to NS_OS_TEMP_DIR will write to
// defined but sandboxing is disabled, NS_APP_CONTENT_PROCESS_TEMP_DIR
// falls back to NS_OS_TEMP_DIR in both content and chrome processes.
// New code should avoid writing to the filesystem from the content process
// and should instead proxy through the parent process whenever possible.
// At present, all sandboxed content processes use the same directory for
// NS_APP_CONTENT_PROCESS_TEMP_DIR, but that should not be relied upon.
#define NS_APP_CONTENT_PROCESS_TEMP_DIR         "ContentTmpD"
#endif // (defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)) && defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX)

#endif // nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs_h___