/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nscore.h" #include "nsCRTGlue.h" #include "prprf.h" #include "nsStringAPI.h" #include "nsXPCOMStrings.h" #include "nsDebug.h" #include "mozilla/Sprintf.h" #include <stdio.h> // nsAString uint32_t nsAString::BeginReading(const char_type** aBegin, const char_type** aEnd) const { uint32_t len = NS_StringGetData(*this, aBegin); if (aEnd) { *aEnd = *aBegin + len; } return len; } const nsAString::char_type* nsAString::BeginReading() const { const char_type* data; NS_StringGetData(*this, &data); return data; } const nsAString::char_type* nsAString::EndReading() const { const char_type* data; uint32_t len = NS_StringGetData(*this, &data); return data + len; } uint32_t nsAString::BeginWriting(char_type** aBegin, char_type** aEnd, uint32_t aNewSize) { uint32_t len = NS_StringGetMutableData(*this, aNewSize, aBegin); if (aEnd) { *aEnd = *aBegin + len; } return len; } nsAString::char_type* nsAString::BeginWriting(uint32_t aLen) { char_type* data; NS_StringGetMutableData(*this, aLen, &data); return data; } nsAString::char_type* nsAString::EndWriting() { char_type* data; uint32_t len = NS_StringGetMutableData(*this, UINT32_MAX, &data); return data + len; } bool nsAString::SetLength(uint32_t aLen) { char_type* data; NS_StringGetMutableData(*this, aLen, &data); return data != nullptr; } void nsAString::AssignLiteral(const char* aStr) { uint32_t len = strlen(aStr); char16_t* buf = BeginWriting(len); if (!buf) { return; } for (; *aStr; ++aStr, ++buf) { *buf = *aStr; } } void nsAString::AppendLiteral(const char* aASCIIStr) { uint32_t appendLen = strlen(aASCIIStr); uint32_t thisLen = Length(); char16_t* begin; char16_t* end; BeginWriting(&begin, &end, appendLen + thisLen); if (!begin) { return; } for (begin += thisLen; begin < end; ++begin, ++aASCIIStr) { *begin = *aASCIIStr; } } void nsAString::StripChars(const char* aSet) { nsString copy(*this); const char_type* source; const char_type* sourceEnd; copy.BeginReading(&source, &sourceEnd); char_type* dest; BeginWriting(&dest); if (!dest) { return; } char_type* curDest = dest; for (; source < sourceEnd; ++source) { const char* test; for (test = aSet; *test; ++test) { if (*source == char_type(*test)) { break; } } if (!*test) { // not stripped, copy this char *curDest = *source; ++curDest; } } SetLength(curDest - dest); } void nsAString::Trim(const char* aSet, bool aLeading, bool aTrailing) { NS_ASSERTION(aLeading || aTrailing, "Ineffective Trim"); const char16_t* start; const char16_t* end; uint32_t cutLen; if (aLeading) { BeginReading(&start, &end); for (cutLen = 0; start < end; ++start, ++cutLen) { const char* test; for (test = aSet; *test; ++test) { if (*test == *start) { break; } } if (!*test) { break; } } if (cutLen) { NS_StringCutData(*this, 0, cutLen); } } if (aTrailing) { uint32_t len = BeginReading(&start, &end); --end; for (cutLen = 0; end >= start; --end, ++cutLen) { const char* test; for (test = aSet; *test; ++test) { if (*test == *end) { break; } } if (!*test) { break; } } if (cutLen) { NS_StringCutData(*this, len - cutLen, cutLen); } } } int32_t nsAString::DefaultComparator(const char_type* aStrA, const char_type* aStrB, uint32_t aLen) { for (const char_type* end = aStrA + aLen; aStrA < end; ++aStrA, ++aStrB) { if (*aStrA == *aStrB) { continue; } return *aStrA < *aStrB ? -1 : 1; } return 0; } int32_t nsAString::Compare(const char_type* aOther, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* cself; uint32_t selflen = NS_StringGetData(*this, &cself); uint32_t otherlen = NS_strlen(aOther); uint32_t comparelen = selflen <= otherlen ? selflen : otherlen; int32_t result = aComparator(cself, aOther, comparelen); if (result == 0) { if (selflen < otherlen) { return -1; } else if (selflen > otherlen) { return 1; } } return result; } int32_t nsAString::Compare(const self_type& aOther, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* cself; const char_type* cother; uint32_t selflen = NS_StringGetData(*this, &cself); uint32_t otherlen = NS_StringGetData(aOther, &cother); uint32_t comparelen = selflen <= otherlen ? selflen : otherlen; int32_t result = aComparator(cself, cother, comparelen); if (result == 0) { if (selflen < otherlen) { return -1; } else if (selflen > otherlen) { return 1; } } return result; } bool nsAString::Equals(const char_type* aOther, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* cself; uint32_t selflen = NS_StringGetData(*this, &cself); uint32_t otherlen = NS_strlen(aOther); if (selflen != otherlen) { return false; } return aComparator(cself, aOther, selflen) == 0; } bool nsAString::Equals(const self_type& aOther, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* cself; const char_type* cother; uint32_t selflen = NS_StringGetData(*this, &cself); uint32_t otherlen = NS_StringGetData(aOther, &cother); if (selflen != otherlen) { return false; } return aComparator(cself, cother, selflen) == 0; } bool nsAString::EqualsLiteral(const char* aASCIIString) const { const char16_t* begin; const char16_t* end; BeginReading(&begin, &end); for (; begin < end; ++begin, ++aASCIIString) { if (!*aASCIIString || !NS_IsAscii(*begin) || (char)*begin != *aASCIIString) { return false; } } return *aASCIIString == '\0'; } bool nsAString::LowerCaseEqualsLiteral(const char* aASCIIString) const { const char16_t* begin; const char16_t* end; BeginReading(&begin, &end); for (; begin < end; ++begin, ++aASCIIString) { if (!*aASCIIString || !NS_IsAscii(*begin) || NS_ToLower((char)*begin) != *aASCIIString) { return false; } } return *aASCIIString == '\0'; } int32_t nsAString::Find(const self_type& aStr, uint32_t aOffset, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* begin; const char_type* end; uint32_t selflen = BeginReading(&begin, &end); if (aOffset > selflen) { return -1; } const char_type* other; uint32_t otherlen = aStr.BeginReading(&other); if (otherlen > selflen - aOffset) { return -1; } // We want to stop searching otherlen characters before the end of the string end -= otherlen; for (const char_type* cur = begin + aOffset; cur <= end; ++cur) { if (!aComparator(cur, other, otherlen)) { return cur - begin; } } return -1; } static bool ns_strnmatch(const char16_t* aStr, const char* aSubstring, uint32_t aLen) { for (; aLen; ++aStr, ++aSubstring, --aLen) { if (!NS_IsAscii(*aStr)) { return false; } if ((char)*aStr != *aSubstring) { return false; } } return true; } static bool ns_strnimatch(const char16_t* aStr, const char* aSubstring, uint32_t aLen) { for (; aLen; ++aStr, ++aSubstring, --aLen) { if (!NS_IsAscii(*aStr)) { return false; } if (NS_ToLower((char)*aStr) != NS_ToLower(*aSubstring)) { return false; } } return true; } int32_t nsAString::Find(const char* aStr, uint32_t aOffset, bool aIgnoreCase) const { bool (*match)(const char16_t*, const char*, uint32_t) = aIgnoreCase ? ns_strnimatch : ns_strnmatch; const char_type* begin; const char_type* end; uint32_t selflen = BeginReading(&begin, &end); if (aOffset > selflen) { return -1; } uint32_t otherlen = strlen(aStr); if (otherlen > selflen - aOffset) { return -1; } // We want to stop searching otherlen characters before the end of the string end -= otherlen; for (const char_type* cur = begin + aOffset; cur <= end; ++cur) { if (match(cur, aStr, otherlen)) { return cur - begin; } } return -1; } int32_t nsAString::RFind(const self_type& aStr, int32_t aOffset, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* begin; const char_type* end; uint32_t selflen = BeginReading(&begin, &end); const char_type* other; uint32_t otherlen = aStr.BeginReading(&other); if (selflen < otherlen) { return -1; } if (aOffset < 0 || uint32_t(aOffset) > (selflen - otherlen)) { end -= otherlen; } else { end = begin + aOffset; } for (const char_type* cur = end; cur >= begin; --cur) { if (!aComparator(cur, other, otherlen)) { return cur - begin; } } return -1; } int32_t nsAString::RFind(const char* aStr, int32_t aOffset, bool aIgnoreCase) const { bool (*match)(const char16_t*, const char*, uint32_t) = aIgnoreCase ? ns_strnimatch : ns_strnmatch; const char_type* begin; const char_type* end; uint32_t selflen = BeginReading(&begin, &end); uint32_t otherlen = strlen(aStr); if (selflen < otherlen) { return -1; } if (aOffset < 0 || uint32_t(aOffset) > (selflen - otherlen)) { end -= otherlen; } else { end = begin + aOffset; } for (const char_type* cur = end; cur >= begin; --cur) { if (match(cur, aStr, otherlen)) { return cur - begin; } } return -1; } int32_t nsAString::FindChar(char_type aChar, uint32_t aOffset) const { const char_type* start; const char_type* end; uint32_t len = BeginReading(&start, &end); if (aOffset > len) { return -1; } const char_type* cur; for (cur = start + aOffset; cur < end; ++cur) { if (*cur == aChar) { return cur - start; } } return -1; } int32_t nsAString::RFindChar(char_type aChar) const { const char16_t* start; const char16_t* end; BeginReading(&start, &end); do { --end; if (*end == aChar) { return end - start; } } while (end >= start); return -1; } void nsAString::AppendInt(int aInt, int32_t aRadix) { const char* fmt; switch (aRadix) { case 8: fmt = "%o"; break; case 10: fmt = "%d"; break; case 16: fmt = "%x"; break; default: NS_ERROR("Unrecognized radix"); fmt = ""; } char buf[20]; int len = SprintfLiteral(buf, fmt, aInt); Append(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(buf, len)); } // Strings #ifndef XPCOM_GLUE_AVOID_NSPR int32_t nsAString::ToInteger(nsresult* aErrorCode, uint32_t aRadix) const { NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 narrow(*this); const char* fmt; switch (aRadix) { case 10: fmt = "%i"; break; case 16: fmt = "%x"; break; default: NS_ERROR("Unrecognized radix!"); *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; return 0; } int32_t result = 0; if (PR_sscanf(narrow.get(), fmt, &result) == 1) { *aErrorCode = NS_OK; } else { *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return result; } int64_t nsAString::ToInteger64(nsresult* aErrorCode, uint32_t aRadix) const { NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 narrow(*this); const char* fmt; switch (aRadix) { case 10: fmt = "%lli"; break; case 16: fmt = "%llx"; break; default: NS_ERROR("Unrecognized radix!"); *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; return 0; } int64_t result = 0; if (PR_sscanf(narrow.get(), fmt, &result) == 1) { *aErrorCode = NS_OK; } else { *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return result; } #endif // XPCOM_GLUE_AVOID_NSPR // nsACString uint32_t nsACString::BeginReading(const char_type** aBegin, const char_type** aEnd) const { uint32_t len = NS_CStringGetData(*this, aBegin); if (aEnd) { *aEnd = *aBegin + len; } return len; } const nsACString::char_type* nsACString::BeginReading() const { const char_type* data; NS_CStringGetData(*this, &data); return data; } const nsACString::char_type* nsACString::EndReading() const { const char_type* data; uint32_t len = NS_CStringGetData(*this, &data); return data + len; } uint32_t nsACString::BeginWriting(char_type** aBegin, char_type** aEnd, uint32_t aNewSize) { uint32_t len = NS_CStringGetMutableData(*this, aNewSize, aBegin); if (aEnd) { *aEnd = *aBegin + len; } return len; } nsACString::char_type* nsACString::BeginWriting(uint32_t aLen) { char_type* data; NS_CStringGetMutableData(*this, aLen, &data); return data; } nsACString::char_type* nsACString::EndWriting() { char_type* data; uint32_t len = NS_CStringGetMutableData(*this, UINT32_MAX, &data); return data + len; } bool nsACString::SetLength(uint32_t aLen) { char_type* data; NS_CStringGetMutableData(*this, aLen, &data); return data != nullptr; } void nsACString::StripChars(const char* aSet) { nsCString copy(*this); const char_type* source; const char_type* sourceEnd; copy.BeginReading(&source, &sourceEnd); char_type* dest; BeginWriting(&dest); if (!dest) { return; } char_type* curDest = dest; for (; source < sourceEnd; ++source) { const char* test; for (test = aSet; *test; ++test) { if (*source == char_type(*test)) { break; } } if (!*test) { // not stripped, copy this char *curDest = *source; ++curDest; } } SetLength(curDest - dest); } void nsACString::Trim(const char* aSet, bool aLeading, bool aTrailing) { NS_ASSERTION(aLeading || aTrailing, "Ineffective Trim"); const char* start; const char* end; uint32_t cutLen; if (aLeading) { BeginReading(&start, &end); for (cutLen = 0; start < end; ++start, ++cutLen) { const char* test; for (test = aSet; *test; ++test) { if (*test == *start) { break; } } if (!*test) { break; } } if (cutLen) { NS_CStringCutData(*this, 0, cutLen); } } if (aTrailing) { uint32_t len = BeginReading(&start, &end); --end; for (cutLen = 0; end >= start; --end, ++cutLen) { const char* test; for (test = aSet; *test; ++test) { if (*test == *end) { break; } } if (!*test) { break; } } if (cutLen) { NS_CStringCutData(*this, len - cutLen, cutLen); } } } int32_t nsACString::DefaultComparator(const char_type* aStrA, const char_type* aStrB, uint32_t aLen) { return memcmp(aStrA, aStrB, aLen); } int32_t nsACString::Compare(const char_type* aOther, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* cself; uint32_t selflen = NS_CStringGetData(*this, &cself); uint32_t otherlen = strlen(aOther); uint32_t comparelen = selflen <= otherlen ? selflen : otherlen; int32_t result = aComparator(cself, aOther, comparelen); if (result == 0) { if (selflen < otherlen) { return -1; } else if (selflen > otherlen) { return 1; } } return result; } int32_t nsACString::Compare(const self_type& aOther, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* cself; const char_type* cother; uint32_t selflen = NS_CStringGetData(*this, &cself); uint32_t otherlen = NS_CStringGetData(aOther, &cother); uint32_t comparelen = selflen <= otherlen ? selflen : otherlen; int32_t result = aComparator(cself, cother, comparelen); if (result == 0) { if (selflen < otherlen) { return -1; } else if (selflen > otherlen) { return 1; } } return result; } bool nsACString::Equals(const char_type* aOther, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* cself; uint32_t selflen = NS_CStringGetData(*this, &cself); uint32_t otherlen = strlen(aOther); if (selflen != otherlen) { return false; } return aComparator(cself, aOther, selflen) == 0; } bool nsACString::Equals(const self_type& aOther, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* cself; const char_type* cother; uint32_t selflen = NS_CStringGetData(*this, &cself); uint32_t otherlen = NS_CStringGetData(aOther, &cother); if (selflen != otherlen) { return false; } return aComparator(cself, cother, selflen) == 0; } int32_t nsACString::Find(const self_type& aStr, uint32_t aOffset, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* begin; const char_type* end; uint32_t selflen = BeginReading(&begin, &end); if (aOffset > selflen) { return -1; } const char_type* other; uint32_t otherlen = aStr.BeginReading(&other); if (otherlen > selflen - aOffset) { return -1; } // We want to stop searching otherlen characters before the end of the string end -= otherlen; for (const char_type* cur = begin + aOffset; cur <= end; ++cur) { if (!aComparator(cur, other, otherlen)) { return cur - begin; } } return -1; } int32_t nsACString::Find(const char_type* aStr, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { return Find(aStr, strlen(aStr), aComparator); } int32_t nsACString::Find(const char_type* aStr, uint32_t aLen, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* begin; const char_type* end; uint32_t selflen = BeginReading(&begin, &end); if (aLen == 0) { NS_WARNING("Searching for zero-length string."); return -1; } if (aLen > selflen) { return -1; } // We want to stop searching otherlen characters before the end of the string end -= aLen; for (const char_type* cur = begin; cur <= end; ++cur) { if (!aComparator(cur, aStr, aLen)) { return cur - begin; } } return -1; } int32_t nsACString::RFind(const self_type& aStr, int32_t aOffset, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* begin; const char_type* end; uint32_t selflen = BeginReading(&begin, &end); const char_type* other; uint32_t otherlen = aStr.BeginReading(&other); if (selflen < otherlen) { return -1; } if (aOffset < 0 || uint32_t(aOffset) > (selflen - otherlen)) { end -= otherlen; } else { end = begin + aOffset; } for (const char_type* cur = end; cur >= begin; --cur) { if (!aComparator(cur, other, otherlen)) { return cur - begin; } } return -1; } int32_t nsACString::RFind(const char_type* aStr, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { return RFind(aStr, strlen(aStr), aComparator); } int32_t nsACString::RFind(const char_type* aStr, int32_t aLen, ComparatorFunc aComparator) const { const char_type* begin; const char_type* end; uint32_t selflen = BeginReading(&begin, &end); if (aLen <= 0) { NS_WARNING("Searching for zero-length string."); return -1; } if (uint32_t(aLen) > selflen) { return -1; } // We want to start searching otherlen characters before the end of the string end -= aLen; for (const char_type* cur = end; cur >= begin; --cur) { if (!aComparator(cur, aStr, aLen)) { return cur - begin; } } return -1; } int32_t nsACString::FindChar(char_type aChar, uint32_t aOffset) const { const char_type* start; const char_type* end; uint32_t len = BeginReading(&start, &end); if (aOffset > len) { return -1; } const char_type* cur; for (cur = start + aOffset; cur < end; ++cur) { if (*cur == aChar) { return cur - start; } } return -1; } int32_t nsACString::RFindChar(char_type aChar) const { const char* start; const char* end; BeginReading(&start, &end); for (; end >= start; --end) { if (*end == aChar) { return end - start; } } return -1; } void nsACString::AppendInt(int aInt, int32_t aRadix) { const char* fmt; switch (aRadix) { case 8: fmt = "%o"; break; case 10: fmt = "%d"; break; case 16: fmt = "%x"; break; default: NS_ERROR("Unrecognized radix"); fmt = ""; } char buf[20]; int len = SprintfLiteral(buf, fmt, aInt); Append(buf, len); } #ifndef XPCOM_GLUE_AVOID_NSPR int32_t nsACString::ToInteger(nsresult* aErrorCode, uint32_t aRadix) const { const char* fmt; switch (aRadix) { case 10: fmt = "%i"; break; case 16: fmt = "%x"; break; default: NS_ERROR("Unrecognized radix!"); *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; return 0; } int32_t result = 0; if (PR_sscanf(nsCString(*this).get(), fmt, &result) == 1) { *aErrorCode = NS_OK; } else { *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return result; } int64_t nsACString::ToInteger64(nsresult* aErrorCode, uint32_t aRadix) const { const char* fmt; switch (aRadix) { case 10: fmt = "%lli"; break; case 16: fmt = "%llx"; break; default: NS_ERROR("Unrecognized radix!"); *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; return 0; } int64_t result = 0; if (PR_sscanf(nsCString(*this).get(), fmt, &result) == 1) { *aErrorCode = NS_OK; } else { *aErrorCode = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return result; } #endif // XPCOM_GLUE_AVOID_NSPR // Substrings nsDependentSubstring::nsDependentSubstring(const abstract_string_type& aStr, uint32_t aStartPos) { const char16_t* data; uint32_t len = NS_StringGetData(aStr, &data); if (aStartPos > len) { aStartPos = len; } NS_StringContainerInit2(*this, data + aStartPos, len - aStartPos, NS_STRING_CONTAINER_INIT_DEPEND | NS_STRING_CONTAINER_INIT_SUBSTRING); } nsDependentSubstring::nsDependentSubstring(const abstract_string_type& aStr, uint32_t aStartPos, uint32_t aLength) { const char16_t* data; uint32_t len = NS_StringGetData(aStr, &data); if (aStartPos > len) { aStartPos = len; } if (aStartPos + aLength > len) { aLength = len - aStartPos; } NS_StringContainerInit2(*this, data + aStartPos, aLength, NS_STRING_CONTAINER_INIT_DEPEND | NS_STRING_CONTAINER_INIT_SUBSTRING); } nsDependentCSubstring::nsDependentCSubstring(const abstract_string_type& aStr, uint32_t aStartPos) { const char* data; uint32_t len = NS_CStringGetData(aStr, &data); if (aStartPos > len) { aStartPos = len; } NS_CStringContainerInit2(*this, data + aStartPos, len - aStartPos, NS_CSTRING_CONTAINER_INIT_DEPEND | NS_CSTRING_CONTAINER_INIT_SUBSTRING); } nsDependentCSubstring::nsDependentCSubstring(const abstract_string_type& aStr, uint32_t aStartPos, uint32_t aLength) { const char* data; uint32_t len = NS_CStringGetData(aStr, &data); if (aStartPos > len) { aStartPos = len; } if (aStartPos + aLength > len) { aLength = len - aStartPos; } NS_CStringContainerInit2(*this, data + aStartPos, aLength, NS_CSTRING_CONTAINER_INIT_DEPEND | NS_CSTRING_CONTAINER_INIT_SUBSTRING); } // Utils char* ToNewUTF8String(const nsAString& aSource) { nsCString temp; CopyUTF16toUTF8(aSource, temp); return NS_CStringCloneData(temp); } void CompressWhitespace(nsAString& aString) { char16_t* start; uint32_t len = NS_StringGetMutableData(aString, UINT32_MAX, &start); char16_t* end = start + len; char16_t* from = start; char16_t* to = start; // Skip any leading whitespace while (from < end && NS_IsAsciiWhitespace(*from)) { from++; } while (from < end) { char16_t theChar = *from++; if (NS_IsAsciiWhitespace(theChar)) { // We found a whitespace char, so skip over any more while (from < end && NS_IsAsciiWhitespace(*from)) { from++; } // Turn all whitespace into spaces theChar = ' '; } *to++ = theChar; } // Drop any trailing space if (to > start && to[-1] == ' ') { to--; } // Re-terminate the string *to = '\0'; // Set the new length aString.SetLength(to - start); } uint32_t ToLowerCase(nsACString& aStr) { char* begin; char* end; uint32_t len = aStr.BeginWriting(&begin, &end); for (; begin < end; ++begin) { *begin = NS_ToLower(*begin); } return len; } uint32_t ToUpperCase(nsACString& aStr) { char* begin; char* end; uint32_t len = aStr.BeginWriting(&begin, &end); for (; begin < end; ++begin) { *begin = NS_ToUpper(*begin); } return len; } uint32_t ToLowerCase(const nsACString& aSrc, nsACString& aDest) { const char* begin; const char* end; uint32_t len = aSrc.BeginReading(&begin, &end); char* dest; NS_CStringGetMutableData(aDest, len, &dest); for (; begin < end; ++begin, ++dest) { *dest = NS_ToLower(*begin); } return len; } uint32_t ToUpperCase(const nsACString& aSrc, nsACString& aDest) { const char* begin; const char* end; uint32_t len = aSrc.BeginReading(&begin, &end); char* dest; NS_CStringGetMutableData(aDest, len, &dest); for (; begin < end; ++begin, ++dest) { *dest = NS_ToUpper(*begin); } return len; } int32_t CaseInsensitiveCompare(const char* aStrA, const char* aStrB, uint32_t aLen) { for (const char* aend = aStrA + aLen; aStrA < aend; ++aStrA, ++aStrB) { char la = NS_ToLower(*aStrA); char lb = NS_ToLower(*aStrB); if (la == lb) { continue; } return la < lb ? -1 : 1; } return 0; } bool ParseString(const nsACString& aSource, char aDelimiter, nsTArray<nsCString>& aArray) { int32_t start = 0; int32_t end = aSource.Length(); uint32_t oldLength = aArray.Length(); for (;;) { int32_t delimiter = aSource.FindChar(aDelimiter, start); if (delimiter < 0) { delimiter = end; } if (delimiter != start) { if (!aArray.AppendElement(Substring(aSource, start, delimiter - start))) { aArray.RemoveElementsAt(oldLength, aArray.Length() - oldLength); return false; } } if (delimiter == end) { break; } start = ++delimiter; if (start == end) { break; } } return true; }