/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_FileUtils_h #define mozilla_FileUtils_h #include "nscore.h" // nullptr #if defined(XP_UNIX) # include <unistd.h> #elif defined(XP_WIN) # include <io.h> #endif #include "prio.h" #include "mozilla/Scoped.h" #include "nsIFile.h" #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> namespace mozilla { #if defined(XP_WIN) typedef void* filedesc_t; typedef const wchar_t* pathstr_t; #else typedef int filedesc_t; typedef const char* pathstr_t; #endif /** * ScopedCloseFD is a RAII wrapper for POSIX file descriptors * * Instances |close()| their fds when they go out of scope. */ struct ScopedCloseFDTraits { typedef int type; static type empty() { return -1; } static void release(type aFd) { if (aFd != -1) { while (close(aFd) == -1 && errno == EINTR) { } } } }; typedef Scoped<ScopedCloseFDTraits> ScopedClose; #if !defined(XPCOM_GLUE) /** * AutoFDClose is a RAII wrapper for PRFileDesc. * * Instances |PR_Close| their fds when they go out of scope. **/ struct ScopedClosePRFDTraits { typedef PRFileDesc* type; static type empty() { return nullptr; } static void release(type aFd) { if (aFd) { PR_Close(aFd); } } }; typedef Scoped<ScopedClosePRFDTraits> AutoFDClose; /* RAII wrapper for FILE descriptors */ struct ScopedCloseFileTraits { typedef FILE* type; static type empty() { return nullptr; } static void release(type aFile) { if (aFile) { fclose(aFile); } } }; typedef Scoped<ScopedCloseFileTraits> ScopedCloseFile; /** * Fallocate efficiently and continuously allocates files via fallocate-type APIs. * This is useful for avoiding fragmentation. * On sucess the file be padded with zeros to grow to aLength. * * @param aFD file descriptor. * @param aLength length of file to grow to. * @return true on success. */ bool fallocate(PRFileDesc* aFD, int64_t aLength); /** * Use readahead to preload shared libraries into the file cache before loading. * WARNING: This function should not be used without a telemetry field trial * demonstrating a clear performance improvement! * * @param aFile nsIFile representing path to shared library */ void ReadAheadLib(nsIFile* aFile); /** * Use readahead to preload a file into the file cache before reading. * WARNING: This function should not be used without a telemetry field trial * demonstrating a clear performance improvement! * * @param aFile nsIFile representing path to shared library * @param aOffset Offset into the file to begin preloading * @param aCount Number of bytes to preload (SIZE_MAX implies file size) * @param aOutFd Pointer to file descriptor. If specified, ReadAheadFile will * return its internal, opened file descriptor instead of closing it. */ void ReadAheadFile(nsIFile* aFile, const size_t aOffset = 0, const size_t aCount = SIZE_MAX, filedesc_t* aOutFd = nullptr); #endif // !defined(XPCOM_GLUE) /** * Use readahead to preload shared libraries into the file cache before loading. * WARNING: This function should not be used without a telemetry field trial * demonstrating a clear performance improvement! * * @param aFilePath path to shared library */ void ReadAheadLib(pathstr_t aFilePath); /** * Use readahead to preload a file into the file cache before loading. * WARNING: This function should not be used without a telemetry field trial * demonstrating a clear performance improvement! * * @param aFilePath path to shared library * @param aOffset Offset into the file to begin preloading * @param aCount Number of bytes to preload (SIZE_MAX implies file size) * @param aOutFd Pointer to file descriptor. If specified, ReadAheadFile will * return its internal, opened file descriptor instead of closing it. */ void ReadAheadFile(pathstr_t aFilePath, const size_t aOffset = 0, const size_t aCount = SIZE_MAX, filedesc_t* aOutFd = nullptr); /** * Use readahead to preload a file into the file cache before reading. * When this function exits, the file pointer is guaranteed to be in the same * position it was in before this function was called. * WARNING: This function should not be used without a telemetry field trial * demonstrating a clear performance improvement! * * @param aFd file descriptor opened for read access * (on Windows, file must be opened with FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN) * @param aOffset Offset into the file to begin preloading * @param aCount Number of bytes to preload (SIZE_MAX implies file size) */ void ReadAhead(filedesc_t aFd, const size_t aOffset = 0, const size_t aCount = SIZE_MAX); #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK) || defined(XP_UNIX) #define MOZ_TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(exp) (__extension__({ \ typeof (exp) _rc; \ do { \ _rc = (exp); \ } while (_rc == -1 && errno == EINTR); \ _rc; \ })) #endif /* Define ReadSysFile() and WriteSysFile() only on GONK to avoid unnecessary * libxul bloat. Also define it in debug builds, so that unit tests for it can * be written and run in non-GONK builds. */ #if (defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK) || defined(DEBUG)) && defined(XP_UNIX) #ifndef ReadSysFile_PRESENT #define ReadSysFile_PRESENT #endif /* ReadSysFile_PRESENT */ #ifndef WriteSysFile_PRESENT #define WriteSysFile_PRESENT #endif /* WriteSysFile_PRESENT */ /** * Read the contents of a file. * This function is intended for reading a single-lined text files from * /sys/. If the file ends with a newline ('\n') then it will be discarded. * The output buffer will always be '\0'-terminated on successful completion. * If aBufSize == 0, then this function will return true if the file exists * and is readable (it will not attempt to read anything from it). * On failure the contents of aBuf after this call will be undefined and the * value of the global variable errno will be set accordingly. * @return true on success, notice that less than requested bytes could have * been read if the file was smaller */ bool ReadSysFile(const char* aFilename, char* aBuf, size_t aBufSize); /** * Parse the contents of a file, assuming it contains a decimal integer. * @return true on success */ bool ReadSysFile(const char* aFilename, int* aVal); /** * Parse the contents of a file, assuming it contains a boolean value * (either 0 or 1). * @return true on success */ bool ReadSysFile(const char* aFilename, bool* aVal); bool WriteSysFile(const char* aFilename, const char* aBuf); #endif /* (MOZ_WIDGET_GONK || DEBUG) && XP_UNIX */ } // namespace mozilla #endif