/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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/* The long avoided variant support for xpcom. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIDataType : nsISupports
    // These MUST match the declarations in xpt_struct.h. 
    // Otherwise the world is likely to explode.   
                                                   // From xpt_struct.h ...
    const uint16_t VTYPE_INT8                =  0; // TD_INT8              = 0,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_INT16               =  1; // TD_INT16             = 1,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_INT32               =  2; // TD_INT32             = 2,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_INT64               =  3; // TD_INT64             = 3,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_UINT8               =  4; // TD_UINT8             = 4,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_UINT16              =  5; // TD_UINT16            = 5,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_UINT32              =  6; // TD_UINT32            = 6,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_UINT64              =  7; // TD_UINT64            = 7,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_FLOAT               =  8; // TD_FLOAT             = 8, 
    const uint16_t VTYPE_DOUBLE              =  9; // TD_DOUBLE            = 9,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_BOOL                = 10; // TD_BOOL              = 10,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_CHAR                = 11; // TD_CHAR              = 11,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_WCHAR               = 12; // TD_WCHAR             = 12,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_VOID                = 13; // TD_VOID              = 13,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_ID                  = 14; // TD_PNSIID            = 14,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_DOMSTRING           = 15; // TD_DOMSTRING         = 15,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_CHAR_STR            = 16; // TD_PSTRING           = 16,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_WCHAR_STR           = 17; // TD_PWSTRING          = 17,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_INTERFACE           = 18; // TD_INTERFACE_TYPE    = 18,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_INTERFACE_IS        = 19; // TD_INTERFACE_IS_TYPE = 19,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_ARRAY               = 20; // TD_ARRAY             = 20,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_STRING_SIZE_IS      = 21; // TD_PSTRING_SIZE_IS   = 21,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_WSTRING_SIZE_IS     = 22; // TD_PWSTRING_SIZE_IS  = 22,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_UTF8STRING          = 23; // TD_UTF8STRING        = 23,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_CSTRING             = 24; // TD_CSTRING           = 24,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_ASTRING             = 25; // TD_ASTRING           = 25,
    const uint16_t VTYPE_EMPTY_ARRAY         = 254;
    const uint16_t VTYPE_EMPTY               = 255;

 * XPConnect has magic to transparently convert between nsIVariant and JS types.
 * We mark the interface [scriptable] so that JS can use methods
 * that refer to this interface. But we mark all the methods and attributes
 * [noscript] since any nsIVariant object will be automatically converted to a
 * JS type anyway.

[scriptable, uuid(81e4c2de-acac-4ad6-901a-b5fb1b851a0d)]
interface nsIVariant : nsISupports
    [noscript] readonly attribute uint16_t     dataType;

    [noscript] uint8_t      getAsInt8();
    [noscript] int16_t      getAsInt16();
    [noscript] int32_t      getAsInt32();
    [noscript] int64_t      getAsInt64();
    [noscript] uint8_t      getAsUint8();
    [noscript] uint16_t     getAsUint16();
    [noscript] uint32_t     getAsUint32();
    [noscript] uint64_t     getAsUint64();
    [noscript] float        getAsFloat();
    [noscript] double       getAsDouble();
    [noscript] boolean      getAsBool();
    [noscript] char         getAsChar();
    [noscript] wchar        getAsWChar();
    [notxpcom] nsresult     getAsID(out nsID retval);
    [noscript] AString      getAsAString();
    [noscript] DOMString    getAsDOMString();
    [noscript] ACString     getAsACString();
    [noscript] AUTF8String  getAsAUTF8String();
    [noscript] string       getAsString();
    [noscript] wstring      getAsWString();
    [noscript] nsISupports  getAsISupports();
    [noscript] jsval        getAsJSVal();

    [noscript] void getAsInterface(out nsIIDPtr iid, 
                                   [iid_is(iid), retval] out nsQIResult iface);

    [notxpcom] nsresult getAsArray(out uint16_t type, out nsIID iid,
                                   out uint32_t count, out voidPtr ptr);

    [noscript] void getAsStringWithSize(out uint32_t size, 
                                        [size_is(size), retval] out string str);
    [noscript] void getAsWStringWithSize(out uint32_t size, 
                                         [size_is(size), retval] out wstring str);

 * An object that implements nsIVariant may or may NOT also implement this
 * nsIWritableVariant.
 * If the 'writable' attribute is false then attempts to call any of the 'set'
 * methods can be expected to fail. Setting the 'writable' attribute may or
 * may not succeed.

[scriptable, uuid(5586a590-8c82-11d5-90f3-0010a4e73d9a)]
interface nsIWritableVariant : nsIVariant
    attribute boolean writable;

    void setAsInt8(in uint8_t aValue);
    void setAsInt16(in int16_t aValue);
    void setAsInt32(in int32_t aValue);
    void setAsInt64(in int64_t aValue);
    void setAsUint8(in uint8_t aValue);
    void setAsUint16(in uint16_t aValue);
    void setAsUint32(in uint32_t aValue);
    void setAsUint64(in uint64_t aValue);
    void setAsFloat(in float aValue);
    void setAsDouble(in double aValue);
    void setAsBool(in boolean aValue);
    void setAsChar(in char aValue);
    void setAsWChar(in wchar aValue);
    void setAsID(in nsIDRef aValue);
    void setAsAString(in AString aValue);
    void setAsDOMString(in DOMString aValue);
    void setAsACString(in ACString aValue);
    void setAsAUTF8String(in AUTF8String aValue);
    void setAsString(in string aValue);
    void setAsWString(in wstring aValue);
    void setAsISupports(in nsISupports aValue);

    void setAsInterface(in nsIIDRef iid, 
                        [iid_is(iid)] in nsQIResult iface);

    [noscript] void setAsArray(in uint16_t type, in nsIIDPtr iid,
                               in uint32_t count, in voidPtr ptr);

    void setAsStringWithSize(in uint32_t size, 
                             [size_is(size)] in string str);
    void setAsWStringWithSize(in uint32_t size, 
                              [size_is(size)] in wstring str);

    void setAsVoid();
    void setAsEmpty();
    void setAsEmptyArray();

    void setFromVariant(in nsIVariant aValue);

// The contractID for the generic implementation built in to xpcom.
#define NS_VARIANT_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/variant;1"