/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;


function INIProcessorFactory() {

INIProcessorFactory.prototype = {
    classID: Components.ID("{6ec5f479-8e13-4403-b6ca-fe4c2dca14fd}"),
    QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIINIParserFactory]),

    createINIParser : function (aINIFile) {
        return new INIProcessor(aINIFile);

}; // end of INIProcessorFactory implementation

const MODE_WRONLY = 0x02;
const MODE_CREATE = 0x08;
const MODE_TRUNCATE = 0x20;

// nsIINIParser implementation
function INIProcessor(aFile) {
    this._iniFile = aFile;
    this._iniData = {};

INIProcessor.prototype = {
    QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIINIParser, Ci.nsIINIParserWriter]),

    __utf8Converter : null, // UCS2 <--> UTF8 string conversion
    get _utf8Converter() {
        if (!this.__utf8Converter) {
            this.__utf8Converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
            this.__utf8Converter.charset = "UTF-8";
        return this.__utf8Converter;

    __utf16leConverter : null, // UCS2 <--> UTF16LE string conversion
    get _utf16leConverter() {
        if (!this.__utf16leConverter) {
            this.__utf16leConverter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
            this.__utf16leConverter.charset = "UTF-16LE";
        return this.__utf16leConverter;

    _utfConverterReset : function() {
        this.__utf8Converter = null;
        this.__utf16leConverter = null;

    _iniFile : null,
    _iniData : null,

     * Reads the INI file and stores the data internally.
    _readFile : function() {
        // If file doesn't exist, there's nothing to do.
        if (!this._iniFile.exists() || 0 == this._iniFile.fileSize)

        let iniParser = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/ini-parser-factory;1"]
        for (let section of XPCOMUtils.IterStringEnumerator(iniParser.getSections())) {
            this._iniData[section] = {};
            for (let key of XPCOMUtils.IterStringEnumerator(iniParser.getKeys(section))) {
                this._iniData[section][key] = iniParser.getString(section, key);

    // nsIINIParser

    getSections : function() {
        let sections = [];
        for (let section in this._iniData)
        return new stringEnumerator(sections);

    getKeys : function(aSection) {
        let keys = [];
        if (aSection in this._iniData)
            for (let key in this._iniData[aSection])
        return new stringEnumerator(keys);

    getString : function(aSection, aKey) {
        if (!(aSection in this._iniData))
            throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
        if (!(aKey in this._iniData[aSection]))
            throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
        return this._iniData[aSection][aKey];

    // nsIINIParserWriter

    setString : function(aSection, aKey, aValue) {
        const isSectionIllegal = /[\0\r\n\[\]]/;
        const isKeyValIllegal  = /[\0\r\n=]/;

        if (isSectionIllegal.test(aSection))
            throw Components.Exception("bad character in section name",
        if (isKeyValIllegal.test(aKey) || isKeyValIllegal.test(aValue))
            throw Components.Exception("bad character in key/value",

        if (!(aSection in this._iniData))
            this._iniData[aSection] = {};

        this._iniData[aSection][aKey] = aValue;

    writeFile : function(aFile, aFlags) {

        let converter;
        function writeLine(data) {
            data += "\n";
            data = converter.ConvertFromUnicode(data);
            data += converter.Finish();
            outputStream.write(data, data.length);

        if (!aFile)
            aFile = this._iniFile;

        let safeStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/safe-file-output-stream;1"].
        safeStream.init(aFile, MODE_WRONLY | MODE_CREATE | MODE_TRUNCATE,
                        0o600, null);

        var outputStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/buffered-output-stream;1"].
        outputStream.init(safeStream, 8192);
        outputStream.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISafeOutputStream); // for .finish()

        if (Ci.nsIINIParserWriter.WRITE_UTF16 == aFlags
         && 'nsIWindowsRegKey' in Ci) {
            outputStream.write("\xFF\xFE", 2);
            converter = this._utf16leConverter;
        } else {
            converter = this._utf8Converter;

        for (let section in this._iniData) {
            writeLine("[" + section + "]");
            for (let key in this._iniData[section]) {
                writeLine(key + "=" + this._iniData[section][key]);


function stringEnumerator(stringArray) {
    this._strings = stringArray;
stringEnumerator.prototype = {
    QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIUTF8StringEnumerator]),

    _strings : null,
    _enumIndex: 0,

    hasMore : function() {
        return (this._enumIndex < this._strings.length);

    getNext : function() {
        return this._strings[this._enumIndex++];

var component = [INIProcessorFactory];
this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory(component);