/* vim: se cin sw=2 ts=2 et : */
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 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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#ifndef __mozilla_widget_TaskbarTabPreview_h__
#define __mozilla_widget_TaskbarTabPreview_h__

#include "nsITaskbarTabPreview.h"
#include "TaskbarPreview.h"

namespace mozilla {
namespace widget {

class TaskbarTabPreview : public nsITaskbarTabPreview,
                          public TaskbarPreview
  virtual ~TaskbarTabPreview();

  TaskbarTabPreview(ITaskbarList4 *aTaskbar, nsITaskbarPreviewController *aController, HWND aHWND, nsIDocShell *aShell);


  virtual nsresult ShowActive(bool active);
  virtual HWND &PreviewWindow();
  virtual LRESULT WndProc(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
  static LRESULT CALLBACK GlobalWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

  virtual nsresult UpdateTaskbarProperties();
  virtual nsresult Enable();
  virtual nsresult Disable();
  virtual void DetachFromNSWindow();

  // WindowHook procedure for hooking mWnd
  static bool MainWindowHook(void *aContext,
                               HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg,
                               WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
                               LRESULT *aResult);

  // Bug 520807 - we need to update the proxy window style based on the main
  // window's style to workaround a bug with the way the DWM displays the
  // previews.
  void UpdateProxyWindowStyle();

  nsresult UpdateTitle();
  nsresult UpdateIcon();
  nsresult UpdateNext();

  // Handle to the toplevel proxy window
  HWND                    mProxyWindow;
  nsString                mTitle;
  nsCOMPtr<imgIContainer> mIconImage;
  // Cached Windows icon of mIconImage
  HICON                   mIcon;
  // Preview that follows this preview in the taskbar (left-to-right order)
  nsCOMPtr<nsITaskbarTabPreview> mNext;
  // True if this preview has been registered with the taskbar
  bool                    mRegistered;

} // namespace widget
} // namespace mozilla

#endif /* __mozilla_widget_TaskbarTabPreview_h__ */