  <title>Test for IME state controling and focus moving for iframes</title>
  <script type="text/javascript"
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
          href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
  <style type="text/css">
    iframe {
      border: none;
      height: 100px;
<body onunload="onUnload();">
<p id="display">
  <!-- Use input[readonly] because it isn't affected by the partial focus
       movement on Mac -->
  <input id="prev" readonly><br>
  <iframe id="iframe_not_editable"
          src="data:text/html,&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;input id='editor'&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;"></iframe><br>

  <!-- Testing IME state and focus movement, the anchor elements cannot get focus -->
  <iframe id="iframe_html"
          src="data:text/html,&lt;html id='editor' contenteditable='true'&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;a href='about:blank'&gt;about:blank;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;"></iframe><br>
  <iframe id="iframe_designMode"
          src="data:text/html,&lt;body id='editor' onload='document.designMode=&quot;on&quot;;'&gt;&lt;a href='about:blank'&gt;about:blank;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/body&gt;"></iframe><br>
  <iframe id="iframe_body"
          src="data:text/html,&lt;body id='editor' contenteditable='true'&gt;&lt;a href='about:blank'&gt;about:blank;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/body&gt;"></iframe><br>
  <iframe id="iframe_p"
          src="data:text/html,&lt;body&gt;&lt;p id='editor' contenteditable='true'&gt;&lt;a href='about:blank'&gt;about:blank;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;"></iframe><br>

  <input id="next" readonly><br>
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">

window.opener.wrappedJSObject.SimpleTest.waitForFocus(runTests, window);

function ok(aCondition, aMessage)
  window.opener.wrappedJSObject.SimpleTest.ok(aCondition, aMessage);

function is(aLeft, aRight, aMessage)
  window.opener.wrappedJSObject.SimpleTest.is(aLeft, aRight, aMessage);

function onUnload()

var gFocusObservingElement = null;
var gBlurObservingElement = null;

function onFocus(aEvent)
  if (aEvent.target != gFocusObservingElement) {
     "focus event is fired on unexpected element");
  gFocusObservingElement.willFocus = false;

function onBlur(aEvent)
  if (aEvent.target != gBlurObservingElement) {
     "blur event is fired on unexpected element");
  gBlurObservingElement.willBlur = false;

function observeFocusBlur(aNextFocusedNode, aWillFireFocusEvent,
                          aNextBlurredNode, aWillFireBlurEvent)
  if (gFocusObservingElement) {
    if (gFocusObservingElement.willFocus) {
      ok(false, "focus event was never fired on " + gFocusObservingElement);
    gFocusObservingElement.removeEventListener("focus", onFocus, true);
    gFocusObservingElement.willFocus = NaN;
    gFocusObservingElement = null;
  if (gBlurObservingElement) {
    if (gBlurObservingElement.willBlur) {
      ok(false, "blur event was never fired on " + gBlurObservingElement);
    gBlurObservingElement.removeEventListener("blur", onBlur, true);
    gBlurObservingElement.willBlur = NaN;
    gBlurObservingElement = null;
  if (aNextFocusedNode) {
    gFocusObservingElement = aNextFocusedNode;
    gFocusObservingElement.willFocus = aWillFireFocusEvent;
    gFocusObservingElement.addEventListener("focus", onFocus, true);
  if (aNextBlurredNode) {
    gBlurObservingElement = aNextBlurredNode;
    gBlurObservingElement.willBlur = aWillFireBlurEvent;
    gBlurObservingElement.addEventListener("blur", onBlur, true);

function runTests()
  var utils =
  var fm =

  var iframe, editor, root, input;
  var prev = document.getElementById("prev");
  var next = document.getElementById("next");
  var html = document.documentElement;

  function resetFocusToInput(aDescription)
    observeFocusBlur(null, false, null, false);
    is(fm.focusedElement, prev,
       "input#prev[readonly] element didn't get focus: " + aDescription);
    is(utils.IMEStatus, utils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED,
       "IME enabled on input#prev[readonly]: " + aDescription);

  function resetFocusToParentHTML(aDescription)
    observeFocusBlur(null, false, null, false);
    is(fm.focusedElement, html,
       "Parent html element didn't get focus: " + aDescription);
    is(utils.IMEStatus, utils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED,
       "IME enabled on parent html element: " + aDescription);

  function testTabKey(aForward,
                      aNextFocusedNode, aWillFireFocusEvent,
                      aNextBlurredNode, aWillFireBlurEvent,
                      aIMEShouldBeEnabled, aTestingCaseDescription)
    observeFocusBlur(aNextFocusedNode, aWillFireFocusEvent,
                     aNextBlurredNode, aWillFireBlurEvent);
    synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", { shiftKey: !aForward });
    var description = "Tab key test: ";
    if (!aForward) {
      description = "Shift-" + description;
    description += aTestingCaseDescription + ": ";
    is(fm.focusedElement, aNextFocusedNode,
       description + "didn't move focus as expected");
       aIMEShouldBeEnabled ?
       description + "didn't set IME state as expected");

  function testMouseClick(aNextFocusedNode, aWillFireFocusEvent,
                          aNextBlurredNode, aWillFireBlurEvent,
                          aIMEShouldBeEnabled, aTestingCaseDescription)
    observeFocusBlur(aNextFocusedNode, aWillFireFocusEvent,
                     aNextBlurredNode, aWillFireBlurEvent);
    // We're relying on layout inside the iframe being up to date, so make it so
    synthesizeMouse(iframe, 10, 80, { });
    var description = "Click test: " + aTestingCaseDescription + ": ";
    is(fm.focusedElement, !aWillAllNodeLostFocus ? aNextFocusedNode : null,
       description + "didn't move focus as expected");
       aIMEShouldBeEnabled ?
       description + "didn't set IME state as expected");

  function testOnEditorFlagChange(aDescription, aIsInDesignMode)
    const kReadonly =
    var description = "testOnEditorFlagChange: " + aDescription;
    var htmlEditor =
    var e = aIsInDesignMode ? root : editor;
    is(fm.focusedElement, e,
       description + ": focus() of editor didn't move focus as expected");
    is(utils.IMEStatus, utils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED,
       description + ": IME isn't enabled when the editor gets focus");
    var flags = htmlEditor.flags;
    htmlEditor.flags |= kReadonly;
    is(fm.focusedElement, e,
       description + ": when editor becomes readonly, focus moved unexpectedly");
    is(utils.IMEStatus, utils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED,
       description + ": when editor becomes readonly, IME is still enabled");
    htmlEditor.flags = flags;
    is(fm.focusedElement, e,
       description + ": when editor becomes read-write, focus moved unexpectedly");
    is(utils.IMEStatus, utils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED,
       description + ": when editor becomes read-write, IME is still disabled");

  // hide all iframes
  document.getElementById("iframe_not_editable").style.display = "none";
  document.getElementById("iframe_html").style.display = "none";
  document.getElementById("iframe_designMode").style.display = "none";
  document.getElementById("iframe_body").style.display = "none";
  document.getElementById("iframe_p").style.display = "none";

  // non editable HTML element and input element can get focus.
  iframe = document.getElementById("iframe_not_editable");
  iframe.style.display = "inline";
  editor = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("editor");
  root = iframe.contentDocument.documentElement;
  resetFocusToInput("initializing for iframe_not_editable");

  testTabKey(true, root, false, prev, true,
             false, "input#prev[readonly] -> html");
  testTabKey(true, editor, true, root, false,
             true, "html -> input in the subdoc");
  testTabKey(true, next, true, editor, true,
             false, "input in the subdoc -> input#next[readonly]");
  testTabKey(false, editor, true, next, true,
             true, "input#next[readonly] -> input in the subdoc");
  testTabKey(false, root, false, editor, true,
             false, "input in the subdoc -> html");
  testTabKey(false, prev, true, root, false,
             false, "html -> input#next[readonly]");

  iframe.style.display = "none";

  // HTML element (of course, it's root) must enables IME.
  iframe = document.getElementById("iframe_html");
  iframe.style.display = "inline";
  editor = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("editor");
  root = iframe.contentDocument.documentElement;
  resetFocusToInput("initializing for iframe_html");

  testTabKey(true, editor, true, prev, true,
             true, "input#prev[readonly] -> html[contentediable=true]");
  testTabKey(true, next, true, editor, true,
             false, "html[contentediable=true] -> input#next[readonly]");
  testTabKey(false, editor, true, next, true,
             true, "input#next[readonly] -> html[contentediable=true]");
  testTabKey(false, prev, true, editor, true,
             false, "html[contenteditable=true] -> input[readonly]");

  prev.style.display = "none";
  resetFocusToParentHTML("testing iframe_html");
  testTabKey(true, editor, true, html, false,
             true, "html of parent -> html[contentediable=true]");
  testTabKey(false, html, false, editor, true,
             false, "html[contenteditable=true] -> html of parent");
  prev.style.display = "inline";
  resetFocusToInput("after parent html <-> html[contenteditable=true]");

  testMouseClick(editor, true, false, prev, true, true, "iframe_html");

  testOnEditorFlagChange("html[contentediable=true]", false);

  iframe.style.display = "none";

  // designMode should behave like <html contenteditable="true"></html>
  // but focus/blur events shouldn't be fired on its root element because
  // any elements shouldn't be focused state in designMode.
  iframe = document.getElementById("iframe_designMode");
  iframe.style.display = "inline";
  iframe.contentDocument.designMode = "on";
  editor = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("editor");
  root = iframe.contentDocument.documentElement;
  resetFocusToInput("initializing for iframe_designMode");

  testTabKey(true, root, false, prev, true,
             true, "input#prev[readonly] -> html in designMode");
  testTabKey(true, next, true, root, false,
             false, "html in designMode -> input#next[readonly]");
  testTabKey(false, root, false, next, true,
             true, "input#next[readonly] -> html in designMode");
  testTabKey(false, prev, true, root, false,
             false, "html in designMode -> input#prev[readonly]");

  prev.style.display = "none";
  resetFocusToParentHTML("testing iframe_designMode");
  testTabKey(true, root, false, html, false,
             true, "html of parent -> html in designMode");
  testTabKey(false, html, false, root, false,
             false, "html in designMode -> html of parent");
  prev.style.display = "inline";
  resetFocusToInput("after parent html <-> html in designMode");

  testMouseClick(editor, false, true, prev, true, true, "iframe_designMode");

  testOnEditorFlagChange("html in designMode", true);

  iframe.style.display = "none";

  // When there is no HTML element but the BODY element is editable,
  // the body element should get focus and enables IME.
  iframe = document.getElementById("iframe_body");
  iframe.style.display = "inline";
  editor = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("editor");
  root = iframe.contentDocument.documentElement;
  resetFocusToInput("initializing for iframe_body");

  testTabKey(true, editor, true, prev, true,
             true, "input#prev[readonly] -> body[contentediable=true]");
  testTabKey(true, next, true, editor, true,
             false, "body[contentediable=true] -> input#next[readonly]");
  testTabKey(false, editor, true, next, true,
             true, "input#next[readonly] -> body[contentediable=true]");
  testTabKey(false, prev, true, editor, true,
             false, "body[contenteditable=true] -> input#prev[readonly]");

  prev.style.display = "none";
  resetFocusToParentHTML("testing iframe_body");
  testTabKey(true, editor, true, html, false,
             true, "html of parent -> body[contentediable=true]");
  testTabKey(false, html, false, editor, true,
             false, "body[contenteditable=true] -> html of parent");
  prev.style.display = "inline";
  resetFocusToInput("after parent html <-> body[contenteditable=true]");

  testMouseClick(editor, true, false, prev, true, true, "iframe_body");

  testOnEditorFlagChange("body[contentediable=true]", false);

  iframe.style.display = "none";

  // When HTML/BODY elements are not editable, focus shouldn't be moved to
  // the editable content directly.
  iframe = document.getElementById("iframe_p");
  iframe.style.display = "inline";
  editor = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("editor");
  root = iframe.contentDocument.documentElement;
  resetFocusToInput("initializing for iframe_p");

  testTabKey(true, root, false, prev, true,
             false, "input#prev[readonly] -> html (has p[contenteditable=true])");
  testTabKey(true, editor, true, root, false,
             true, "html (has p[contenteditable=true]) -> p[contentediable=true]");
  testTabKey(true, next, true, editor, true,
             false, "p[contentediable=true] -> input#next[readonly]");
  testTabKey(false, editor, true, next, true,
             true, "input#next[readonly] -> p[contentediable=true]");
  testTabKey(false, root, false, editor, true,
             false, "p[contenteditable=true] -> html (has p[contenteditable=true])");
  testTabKey(false, prev, true, root, false,
             false, "html (has p[contenteditable=true]) -> input#prev[readonly]");
  prev.style.display = "none";

  resetFocusToParentHTML("testing iframe_p");
  testTabKey(true, root, false, html, false,
             false, "html of parent -> html (has p[contentediable=true])");
  testTabKey(false, html, false, root, false,
             false, "html (has p[contentediable=true]) -> html of parent");
  prev.style.display = "inline";
  resetFocusToInput("after parent html <-> html (has p[contentediable=true])");

  testMouseClick(root, false, true, prev, true, false, "iframe_p");

  testOnEditorFlagChange("p[contenteditable=true]", false);

  iframe.style.display = "none";


