<html style="ime-mode: disabled;"> <head> <title>Test for IME state controling</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="utils.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" /> </head> <body onload="setTimeout(runTests, 0);" style="ime-mode: disabled;"> <script> setTestPluginEnabledState(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED); </script> <div id="display" style="ime-mode: disabled;"> <!-- input elements --> <input type="text" id="text"/><br/> <input type="text" id="text_readonly" readonly="readonly"/><br/> <input type="password" id="password"/><br/> <input type="password" id="password_readonly" readonly="readonly"/><br/> <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox"/><br/> <input type="radio" id="radio"/><br/> <input type="submit" id="submit"/><br/> <input type="reset" id="reset"/><br/> <input type="file" id="file"/><br/> <input type="button" id="ibutton"/><br/> <input type="image" id="image" alt="image"/><br/> <!-- html5 input elements --> <input type="url" id="url"/><br/> <input type="email" id="email"/><br/> <input type="search" id="search"/><br/> <input type="tel" id="tel"/><br/> <input type="number" id="number"/><br/> <!-- form controls --> <button id="button">button</button><br/> <textarea id="textarea">textarea</textarea><br/> <textarea id="textarea_readonly" readonly="readonly">textarea[readonly]</textarea><br/> <select id="select"> <option value="option" selected="selected"/> </select><br/> <select id="select_multiple" multiple="multiple"> <option value="option" selected="selected"/> </select><br/> <isindex id="isindex" prompt="isindex"/><br/> <!-- a element --> <a id="a_href" href="about:blank">a[href]</a><br/> <!-- ime-mode test --> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_auto" style="ime-mode: auto;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_normal" style="ime-mode: normal;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_active" style="ime-mode: active;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_inactive" style="ime-mode: inactive;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_disabled" style="ime-mode: disabled;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_auto_url" style="ime-mode: auto;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_normal_url" style="ime-mode: normal;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_active_url" style="ime-mode: active;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_inactive_url" style="ime-mode: inactive;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_disabled_url" style="ime-mode: disabled;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_auto_email" style="ime-mode: auto;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_normal_email" style="ime-mode: normal;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_active_email" style="ime-mode: active;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_inactive_email" style="ime-mode: inactive;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_disabled_email" style="ime-mode: disabled;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_auto_search" style="ime-mode: auto;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_normal_search" style="ime-mode: normal;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_active_search" style="ime-mode: active;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_inactive_search" style="ime-mode: inactive;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_disabled_search" style="ime-mode: disabled;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_auto_tel" style="ime-mode: auto;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_normal_tel" style="ime-mode: normal;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_active_tel" style="ime-mode: active;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_inactive_tel" style="ime-mode: inactive;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_disabled_tel" style="ime-mode: disabled;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_auto_number" style="ime-mode: auto;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_normal_number" style="ime-mode: normal;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_active_number" style="ime-mode: active;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_inactive_number" style="ime-mode: inactive;"/><br/> <input type="text" id="ime_mode_disabled_number" style="ime-mode: disabled;"/><br/> <input type="password" id="ime_mode_auto_p" style="ime-mode: auto;"/><br/> <input type="password" id="ime_mode_normal_p" style="ime-mode: normal;"/><br/> <input type="password" id="ime_mode_active_p" style="ime-mode: active;"/><br/> <input type="password" id="ime_mode_inactive_p" style="ime-mode: inactive;"/><br/> <input type="password" id="ime_mode_disabled_p" style="ime-mode: disabled;"/><br/> <textarea id="ime_mode_auto_t" style="ime-mode: auto;">textarea</textarea><br/> <textarea id="ime_mode_normal_t" style="ime-mode: normal;">textarea</textarea><br/> <textarea id="ime_mode_active_t" style="ime-mode: active;">textarea</textarea><br/> <textarea id="ime_mode_inactive_t" style="ime-mode: inactive;">textarea</textarea><br/> <textarea id="ime_mode_disabled_t" style="ime-mode: disabled;">textarea</textarea><br/> <!-- plugin --> <object type="application/x-test" id="plugin"></object><br/> <!-- contenteditable editor --> <div id="contenteditableEditor" contenteditable="true"></div> <!-- designMode editor --> <iframe id="designModeEditor" onload="document.getElementById('designModeEditor').contentDocument.designMode = 'on';" src="data:text/html,<html><body></body></html>"></iframe><br/> </div> <div id="content" style="display: none"> </div> <pre id="test"> </pre> <script class="testbody" type="application/javascript"> SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); function hitEventLoop(aFunc, aTimes) { if (--aTimes) { setTimeout(hitEventLoop, 0, aFunc, aTimes); } else { setTimeout(aFunc, 20); } } var gUtils = window. QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowUtils); var gFM = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/focus-manager;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFocusManager); const kIMEEnabledSupported = navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == 0 || navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0 || navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux") == 0; // We support to control IME open state on Windows and Mac actually. However, // we cannot test it on Mac if the current keyboard layout is not CJK. And also // we cannot test it on Win32 if the system didn't be installed IME. So, // currently we should not run the open state testing. const kIMEOpenSupported = false; function runBasicTest(aIsEditable, aInDesignMode, aDescription) { var onIMEFocusBlurHandler = null; var TIPCallback = function(aTIP, aNotification) { switch (aNotification.type) { case "request-to-commit": aTIP.commitComposition(); break; case "request-to-cancel": aTIP.cancelComposition(); break; case "notify-focus": case "notify-blur": if (onIMEFocusBlurHandler) { onIMEFocusBlurHandler(aNotification); } break; } return true; }; var TIP = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/text-input-processor;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITextInputProcessor); if (!TIP.beginInputTransactionForTests(window, TIPCallback)) { ok(false, "runBasicTest(): failed to begin input transaction"); return; } function test(aTest) { function moveFocus(aTest, aFocusEventHandler) { if (aInDesignMode) { if (document.activeElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } } else if (aIsEditable) { document.getElementById("display").focus(); } else if (aTest.expectedEnabled == gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED) { document.getElementById("password").focus(); } else { document.getElementById("text").focus(); } var previousFocusedElement = gFM.focusedElement; var element = document.getElementById(aTest.id); var focusEventTarget = element; var subDocument = null; if (element.contentDocument) { focusEventTarget = element.contentDocument; subDocument = element.contentDocument; element = element.contentDocument.documentElement; } focusEventTarget.addEventListener("focus", aFocusEventHandler, true); onIMEFocusBlurHandler = aFocusEventHandler; element.focus(); focusEventTarget.removeEventListener("focus", aFocusEventHandler, true); onIMEFocusBlurHandler = null; var focusedElement = gFM.focusedElement; if (focusedElement) { var bindingParent = document.getBindingParent(focusedElement); if (bindingParent) { focusedElement = bindingParent; } } if (aTest.focusable) { is(focusedElement, element, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", focus didn't move"); return (element == focusedElement); } is(focusedElement, previousFocusedElement, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", focus moved as unexpected"); return (previousFocusedElement == focusedElement); } function testOpened(aTest, aOpened) { document.getElementById("text").focus(); gUtils.IMEIsOpen = aOpened; if (!moveFocus(aTest)) { return; } var message = aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", wrong opened state"; is(gUtils.IMEIsOpen, aTest.changeOpened ? aTest.expectedOpened : aOpened, message); } // IME Enabled state testing var enabled = gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED; if (kIMEEnabledSupported) { var focusEventCount = 0; var IMEReceivesFocus = 0; var IMEReceivesBlur = 0; var IMEHasFocus = false; function onFocus(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "focus": focusEventCount++; is(gUtils.IMEStatus, aTest.expectedEnabled, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", wrong enabled state at focus event"); break; case "notify-focus": IMEReceivesFocus++; IMEHasFocus = true; is(gUtils.IMEStatus, aTest.expectedEnabled, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME should receive a focus notification after IME state is updated"); break; case "notify-blur": IMEReceivesBlur++; IMEHasFocus = false; var changingStatus = !(aIsEditable && aTest.expectedEnabled == gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED); if (aTest.toDesignModeEditor) { is(gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, aTest.expectedEnabled, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME should receive a blur notification after IME state is updated"); } else if (changingStatus) { isnot(gUtils.IMEStatus, aTest.expectedEnabled, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME should receive a blur notification before IME state is updated"); } else { is(gUtils.IMEStatus, aTest.expectedEnabled, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME should receive a blur notification and its context has expected IME state if the state isn't being changed"); } break; } } if (!moveFocus(aTest, onFocus)) { return; } if (aTest.focusable) { if (!aTest.focusEventNotFired) { ok(focusEventCount > 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", focus event is never fired"); if (aTest.expectedEnabled == gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED || aTest.expectedEnabled == gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD) { ok(IMEReceivesFocus > 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME should receive a focus notification"); if (aInDesignMode && !aTest.toDesignModeEditor) { is(IMEReceivesBlur, 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME shouldn't receive a blur notification in designMode since focus isn't moved from another editor"); } else { ok(IMEReceivesBlur > 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME should receive a blur notification for the previous focused editor"); } ok(IMEHasFocus, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME should have focus right now"); } else { is(IMEReceivesFocus, 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME shouldn't receive a focus notification"); ok(IMEReceivesBlur > 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME should receive a blur notification"); ok(!IMEHasFocus, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME shouldn't have focus right now"); } } else { todo(focusEventCount > 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", focus event should be fired"); } } else { is(IMEReceivesFocus, 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME shouldn't receive a focus notification at testing non-focusable element"); is(IMEReceivesBlur, 0, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", IME shouldn't receive a blur notification at testing non-focusable element"); } enabled = gUtils.IMEStatus; inputtype = gUtils.focusedInputType; is(enabled, aTest.expectedEnabled, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", wrong enabled state"); if (aTest.expectedType && !aInDesignMode) { is(inputtype, aTest.expectedType, aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", wrong input type"); } else if (aInDesignMode) { is(inputtype, "", aDescription + ": " + aTest.description + ", wrong input type") } } if (!kIMEOpenSupported || enabled != gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED || aTest.expectedEnabled != gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED) { return; } // IME Open state testing testOpened(aTest, false); testOpened(aTest, true); } if (kIMEEnabledSupported) { // make sure there is an active element document.getElementById("text").focus(); document.activeElement.blur(); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, aInDesignMode ? gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED : gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, aDescription + ": unexpected enabled state when no element has focus"); } // Form controls except text editable elements are "disable" in normal // condition, however, if they are editable, they are "enabled". // XXX Probably there are some bugs: If the form controls editable, they // shouldn't be focusable. const kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement = (aInDesignMode || aIsEditable) ? gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED : gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED; const kEnabledStateOnPasswordField = aInDesignMode ? gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED : gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD; const kEnabledStateOnReadonlyField = aInDesignMode ? gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED : gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED; const kTests = [ { id: "text", description: "input[type=text]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, expectedType: "text" }, { id: "text_readonly", description: "input[type=text][readonly]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnReadonlyField }, { id: "password", description: "input[type=password]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField, expectedType: "password" }, { id: "password_readonly", description: "input[type=password][readonly]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnReadonlyField }, { id: "checkbox", description: "input[type=checkbox]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, focusEventNotFired: aIsEditable && !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "radio", description: "input[type=radio]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, focusEventNotFired: aIsEditable && !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "submit", description: "input[type=submit]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "reset", description: "input[type=reset]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "file", description: "input[type=file]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, focusEventNotFired: aIsEditable && !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "button", description: "input[type=button]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "image", description: "input[type=image]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "url", description: "input[type=url]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, expectedType: "url" }, { id: "email", description: "input[type=email]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, expectedType: "email" }, { id: "search", description: "input[type=search]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, expectedType: "search" }, { id: "tel", description: "input[type=tel]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, expectedType: "tel" }, { id: "number", description: "input[type=number]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, expectedType: "number" }, // form controls { id: "button", description: "button", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "textarea", description: "textarea", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "textarea_readonly", description: "textarea[readonly]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnReadonlyField }, { id: "select", description: "select (dropdown list)", focusable: !aInDesignMode, focusEventNotFired: aIsEditable && !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, { id: "select_multiple", description: "select (list box)", focusable: !aInDesignMode, focusEventNotFired: aIsEditable && !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, // a element { id: "a_href", description: "a[href]", focusable: !aIsEditable && !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnNonEditableElement }, // ime-mode { id: "ime_mode_auto", description: "input[type=text][style=\"ime-mode: auto;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_normal", description: "input[type=text][style=\"ime-mode: normal;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_active", description: "input[type=text][style=\"ime-mode: active;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: true }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive", description: "input[type=text][style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: false }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled", description: "input[type=text][style=\"ime-mode: disabled;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_url", description: "input[type=url][style=\"ime-mode: auto;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_url", description: "input[type=url][style=\"ime-mode: normal;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_active_url", description: "input[type=url][style=\"ime-mode: active;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: true }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_url", description: "input[type=url][style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: false }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_url", description: "input[type=url][style=\"ime-mode: disabled;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_email", description: "input[type=email][style=\"ime-mode: auto;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_email", description: "input[type=email][style=\"ime-mode: normal;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_active_email", description: "input[type=email][style=\"ime-mode: active;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: true }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_email", description: "input[type=email][style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: false }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_email", description: "input[type=email][style=\"ime-mode: disabled;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_search", description: "input[type=search][style=\"ime-mode: auto;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_search", description: "input[type=search][style=\"ime-mode: normal;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_active_search", description: "input[type=search][style=\"ime-mode: active;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: true }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_search", description: "input[type=search][style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: false }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_search", description: "input[type=search][style=\"ime-mode: disabled;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_tel", description: "input[type=tel][style=\"ime-mode: auto;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_tel", description: "input[type=tel][style=\"ime-mode: normal;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_active_tel", description: "input[type=tel][style=\"ime-mode: active;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: true }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_tel", description: "input[type=tel][style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: false }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_tel", description: "input[type=tel][style=\"ime-mode: disabled;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_number", description: "input[type=number][style=\"ime-mode: auto;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_number", description: "input[type=number][style=\"ime-mode: normal;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_active_number", description: "input[type=number][style=\"ime-mode: active;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: true }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_number", description: "input[type=number][style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: false }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_number", description: "input[type=number][style=\"ime-mode: disabled;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_p", description: "input[type=password][style=\"ime-mode: auto;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_p", description: "input[type=password][style=\"ime-mode: normal;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_active_p", description: "input[type=password][style=\"ime-mode: active;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: true }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_p", description: "input[type=password][style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\"]", expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, focusable: !aInDesignMode, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: false }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_p", description: "input[type=password][style=\"ime-mode: disabled;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, { id: "ime_mode_auto", description: "textarea[style=\"ime-mode: auto;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_normal", description: "textarea[style=\"ime-mode: normal;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "ime_mode_active", description: "textarea[style=\"ime-mode: active;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: true }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive", description: "textarea[style=\"ime-mode: inactive;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, changeOpened: true, expectedOpened: false }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled", description: "textarea[style=\"ime-mode: disabled;\"]", focusable: !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: kEnabledStateOnPasswordField }, // HTML editors { id: "contenteditableEditor", description: "div[contenteditable=\"true\"]", focusable: !aIsEditable && !aInDesignMode, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "designModeEditor", description: "designMode editor", focusable: true, toDesignModeEditor: true, expectedEnabled: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, ]; for (var i = 0; i < kTests.length; i++) { test(kTests[i]); } } function runPluginTest() { if (!kIMEEnabledSupported) { return; } if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == 0) { // XXX on mac, currently, this test isn't passed because it doesn't return // IME_STATUS_PLUGIN by its bug. return; } var plugin = document.getElementById("plugin"); document.activeElement.blur(); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, "runPluginTest: unexpected enabled state when no element has focus"); plugin.focus(); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_PLUGIN, "runPluginTest: unexpected enabled state when plugin has focus"); plugin.blur(); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, "runPluginTest: unexpected enabled state when plugin has focus"); plugin.focus(); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_PLUGIN, "runPluginTest: unexpected enabled state when plugin has focus #2"); var parent = plugin.parentNode; parent.removeChild(plugin); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, "runPluginTest: unexpected enabled state when plugin is removed from tree"); document.getElementById("text").focus(); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, "runPluginTest: unexpected enabled state when input[type=text] has focus"); } function runTypeChangingTest() { if (!kIMEEnabledSupported) return; const kInputControls = [ { id: "text", type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description: "[type=\"text\"]" }, { id: "text_readonly", type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, isReadonly: true, description: "[type=\"text\"][readonly]" }, { id: "password", type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, description: "[type=\"password\"]" }, { id: "password_readonly", type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, isReadonly: true, description: "[type=\"password\"][readonly]" }, { id: "checkbox", type: "checkbox", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description: "[type=\"checkbox\"]" }, { id: "radio", type: "radio", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description: "[type=\"radio\"]" }, { id: "submit", type: "submit", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description: "[type=\"submit\"]" }, { id: "reset", type: "reset", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description: "[type=\"reset\"]" }, { id: "file", type: "file", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description: "[type=\"file\"]" }, { id: "ibutton", type: "button", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description: "[type=\"button\"]" }, { id: "image", type: "image", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description: "[type=\"image\"]" }, { id: "url", type: "url", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description: "[type=\"url\"]" }, { id: "email", type: "email", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description: "[type=\"email\"]" }, { id: "search", type: "search", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description: "[type=\"search\"]" }, { id: "tel", type: "tel", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description: "[type=\"tel\"]" }, { id: "number", type: "number", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description: "[type=\"number\"]" }, { id: "ime_mode_auto", type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"text\"][ime-mode: auto;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_normal", type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"text\"][ime-mode: normal;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_active", type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"text\"][ime-mode: active;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive", type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"text\"][ime-mode: inactive;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled", type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"text\"][ime-mode: disabled;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_url", type: "url", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"url\"][ime-mode: auto;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_url", type: "url", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"url\"][ime-mode: normal;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_active_url", type: "url", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"url\"][ime-mode: active;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_url", type: "url", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"url\"][ime-mode: inactive;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_url", type: "url", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"url\"][ime-mode: disabled;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_email", type: "email", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"email\"][ime-mode: auto;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_email", type: "email", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"email\"][ime-mode: normal;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_active_email", type: "email", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"email\"][ime-mode: active;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_email", type: "email", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"email\"][ime-mode: inactive;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_email", type: "email", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"email\"][ime-mode: disabled;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_search", type: "search", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"search\"][ime-mode: auto;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_search", type: "search", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"search\"][ime-mode: normal;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_active_search", type: "search", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"search\"][ime-mode: active;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_search", type: "search", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"search\"][ime-mode: inactive;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_search", type: "search", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"search\"][ime-mode: disabled;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_tel", type: "tel", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"tel\"][ime-mode: auto;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_tel", type: "tel", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"tel\"][ime-mode: normal;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_active_tel", type: "tel", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"tel\"][ime-mode: active;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_tel", type: "tel", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"tel\"][ime-mode: inactive;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_tel", type: "tel", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"tel\"][ime-mode: disabled;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_number", type: "number", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"number\"][ime-mode: auto;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_number", type: "number", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"number\"][ime-mode: normal;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_active_number", type: "number", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"number\"][ime-mode: active;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_number", type: "number", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"number\"][ime-mode: inactive;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_number", type: "number", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"number\"][ime-mode: disabled;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_auto_p", type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"password\"][ime-mode: auto;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_normal_p", type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"password\"][ime-mode: normal;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_active_p", type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"password\"][ime-mode: active;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_inactive_p", type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"password\"][ime-mode: inactive;]" }, { id: "ime_mode_disabled_p", type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, imeMode: true, description: "[type=\"password\"][ime-mode: disabled;]" } ]; const kInputTypes = [ { type: "", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD }, { type: "checkbox", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED }, { type: "radio", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED }, { type: "submit", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED }, { type: "reset", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED }, { type: "file", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED }, { type: "button", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED }, { type: "image", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED }, { type: "url", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { type: "email", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { type: "search", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { type: "tel", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { type: "number", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED } ]; function getExpectedIMEEnabled(aNewType, aInputControl) { if (aNewType.expected == gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED || aInputControl.isReadonly) return gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED; return aInputControl.imeMode ? aInputControl.expected : aNewType.expected; } const kOpenedState = [ true, false ]; for (var i = 0; i < kOpenedState.length; i++) { const kOpened = kOpenedState[i]; for (var j = 0; j < kInputControls.length; j++) { const kInput = kInputControls[j]; var e = document.getElementById(kInput.id); e.focus(); for (var k = 0; k < kInputTypes.length; k++) { const kType = kInputTypes[k]; var typeChangingDescription = "\"" + e.getAttribute("type") + "\" to \"" + kInput.type + "\""; e.setAttribute("type", kInput.type); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, kInput.expected, "type attr changing test (IMEStatus): " + typeChangingDescription + " (" + kInput.description + ")"); is(gUtils.focusedInputType, kInput.type, "type attr changing test (type): " + typeChangingDescription + " (" + kInput.description + ")"); const kTestOpenState = kIMEOpenSupported && gUtils.IMEStatus == gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED && getExpectedIMEEnabled(kType, kInput) == gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED; if (kTestOpenState) { gUtils.IMEIsOpen = kOpened; } typeChangingDescription = "\"" + e.getAttribute("type") + "\" to \"" + kType.type + "\""; if (kType.type != "") e.setAttribute("type", kType.type); else e.removeAttribute("type"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, getExpectedIMEEnabled(kType, kInput), "type attr changing test (IMEStatus): " + typeChangingDescription + " (" + kInput.description + ")"); is(gUtils.focusedInputType, kType.type, "type attr changing test (type): " + typeChangingDescription + " (" + kInput.description + ")"); if (kTestOpenState && gUtils.IMEStatus == gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED) { is(gUtils.IMEIsOpen, kOpened, "type attr changing test (open state is changed): " + typeChangingDescription + " (" + kInput.description + ")"); } } // reset the type to default e.setAttribute("type", kInput.type); } if (!kIMEOpenSupported) break; } } function runReadonlyChangingTest() { if (!kIMEEnabledSupported) return; const kInputControls = [ { id: "text", type: "text", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "password", type: "password", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD }, { id: "url", type: "url", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "email", type: "email", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "search", type: "search", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "tel", type: "tel", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "number", type: "number", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED }, { id: "textarea", type: "textarea", expected: gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED } ]; const kOpenedState = [ true, false ]; for (var i = 0; i < kOpenedState.length; i++) { const kOpened = kOpenedState[i]; for (var j = 0; j < kInputControls.length; j++) { const kInput = kInputControls[j]; var e = document.getElementById(kInput.id); e.focus(); if (kIMEOpenSupported && gUtils.IMEStatus == gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED) { gUtils.IMEIsOpen = kOpened; } e.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, "readonly attr setting test: type=" + kInput.type); e.removeAttribute("readonly"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, kInput.expected, "readonly attr removing test: type=" + kInput.type); if (kIMEOpenSupported && gUtils.IMEStatus == gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED) { is(gUtils.IMEIsOpen, kOpened, "readonly attr removing test (open state is changed): type=" + kInput.type); } } if (!kIMEOpenSupported) break; } } function runComplexContenteditableTests() { if (!kIMEEnabledSupported) { return; } var description = "runReadonlyChangingOnContenteditable: "; var container = document.getElementById("display"); var button = document.getElementById("button"); // the editor has focus directly. container.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); container.focus(); is(gFM.focusedElement, container, description + "The editor doesn't get focus"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description + "IME isn't enabled on HTML editor"); const kReadonly = Components.interfaces.nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorReadonlyMask; var editor = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation). QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell).editor; var flags = editor.flags; editor.flags = flags | kReadonly; is(gFM.focusedElement, container, description + "The editor loses focus by flag change"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description + "IME is still enabled on readonly HTML editor"); editor.flags = flags; is(gFM.focusedElement, container, description + "The editor loses focus by flag change #2"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description + "IME is still disabled, the editor isn't readonly now"); container.removeAttribute("contenteditable"); todo_is(gFM.focusedElement, null, description + "The container still has focus, the editor has been no editable"); todo_is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description + "IME is still enabled on the editor, the editor has been no editable"); // a button which is in the editor has focus button.focus(); is(gFM.focusedElement, button, description + "The button doesn't get focus"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description + "IME is enabled on the button"); container.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); is(gFM.focusedElement, button, description + "The button loses focus, the container is editable now"); todo_is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description + "IME is still disabled on the button, the container is editable now"); editor = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation). QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell).editor; flags = editor.flags; editor.flags = flags | kReadonly; is(gFM.focusedElement, button, description + "The button loses focus by changing editor flags"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description + "IME is still enabled on the button, the container is readonly now"); editor.flags = flags; is(gFM.focusedElement, button, description + "The button loses focus by changing editor flags #2"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description + "IME is still disabled on the button, the container isn't readonly now"); container.removeAttribute("contenteditable"); is(gFM.focusedElement, button, description + "The button loses focus, the container has been no editable"); todo_is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED, description + "IME is still enabled on the button, the container has been no editable"); description = "testOnIndependentEditor: "; function testOnIndependentEditor(aEditor, aEditorDescription) { var isReadonly = aEditor.readOnly; var expectedState = aEditor.readOnly ? gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED : gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED; var unexpectedStateDescription = expectedState != gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED ? "enabled" : "disabled"; aEditor.focus(); is(gFM.focusedElement, aEditor, description + "The " + aEditorDescription + " doesn't get focus"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME is " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on the " + aEditorDescription); container.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); is(gFM.focusedElement, aEditor, description + "The " + aEditorDescription + " loses focus, the container is editable now"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME becomes " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on the " + aEditorDescription + ", the container is editable now"); editor = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation). QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell).editor; flags = editor.flags; editor.flags = flags | kReadonly; is(gFM.focusedElement, aEditor, description + "The " + aEditorDescription + " loses focus by changing editor flags"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME becomes " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on the " + aEditorDescription + ", the container is readonly now"); editor.flags = flags; is(gFM.focusedElement, aEditor, description + "The " + aEditorDescription + " loses focus by changing editor flags #2"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME becomes " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on the " + aEditorDescription + ", the container isn't readonly now"); container.removeAttribute("contenteditable"); is(gFM.focusedElement, aEditor, description + "The " + aEditorDescription + " loses focus, the container has been no editable"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME becomes " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on the " + aEditorDescription + ", the container has been no editable"); } // a textarea which is in the editor has focus testOnIndependentEditor(document.getElementById("textarea"), "textarea"); // a readonly textarea which is in the editor has focus testOnIndependentEditor(document.getElementById("textarea_readonly"), "textarea[readonly]"); // an input field which is in the editor has focus testOnIndependentEditor(document.getElementById("text"), "input[type=\"text\"]"); // a readonly input field which is in the editor has focus testOnIndependentEditor(document.getElementById("text_readonly"), "input[type=\"text\"][readonly]"); description = "testOnOutsideOfEditor: "; function testOnOutsideOfEditor(aFocusNode, aFocusNodeDescription, aEditor) { if (aFocusNode) { aFocusNode.focus(); is(gFM.focusedElement, aFocusNode, description + "The " + aFocusNodeDescription + " doesn't get focus"); } else { if (document.activeElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } is(gFM.focusedElement, null, description + "Unexpected element has focus"); } var expectedState = aFocusNode ? gUtils.IMEStatus : gUtils.IME_STATUS_DISABLED; var unexpectedStateDescription = expectedState != gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED ? "enabled" : "disabled"; aEditor.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); is(gFM.focusedElement, aFocusNode, description + "The " + aFocusNodeDescription + " loses focus, a HTML editor is editable now"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME becomes " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on the " + aFocusNodeDescription + ", the HTML editor is editable now"); editor = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation). QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell).editor; flags = editor.flags; editor.flags = flags | kReadonly; is(gFM.focusedElement, aFocusNode, description + aFocusNodeDescription + " loses focus by changing HTML editor flags"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME becomes " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on " + aFocusNodeDescription + ", the HTML editor is readonly now"); editor.flags = flags; is(gFM.focusedElement, aFocusNode, description + aFocusNodeDescription + " loses focus by changing HTML editor flags #2"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME becomes " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on " + aFocusNodeDescription + ", the HTML editor isn't readonly now"); container.removeAttribute("contenteditable"); is(gFM.focusedElement, aFocusNode, description + aFocusNodeDescription + " loses focus, the HTML editor has been no editable"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, expectedState, description + "IME becomes " + unexpectedStateDescription + " on " + aFocusNodeDescription + ", the HTML editor has been no editable"); } var div = document.getElementById("contenteditableEditor"); // a textarea which is outside of the editor has focus testOnOutsideOfEditor(document.getElementById("textarea"), "textarea", div); // a readonly textarea which is outside of the editor has focus testOnOutsideOfEditor(document.getElementById("textarea_readonly"), "textarea[readonly]", div); // an input field which is outside of the editor has focus testOnOutsideOfEditor(document.getElementById("text"), "input[type=\"text\"]", div); // a readonly input field which outside of the editor has focus testOnOutsideOfEditor(document.getElementById("text_readonly"), "input[type=\"text\"][readonly]", div); // a readonly input field which outside of the editor has focus testOnOutsideOfEditor(document.getElementById("button"), "button", div); // nobody has focus. testOnOutsideOfEditor(null, "nobody", div); } function runEditorFlagChangeTests() { if (!kIMEEnabledSupported) { return; } var description = "runEditorFlagChangeTests: "; var container = document.getElementById("display"); // Reset selection from previous tests. window.getSelection().collapse(container, 0); // the editor has focus directly. container.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); container.focus(); is(gFM.focusedElement, container, description + "The editor doesn't get focus"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description + "IME isn't enabled on HTML editor"); const kIMEStateChangeFlags = Components.interfaces.nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorPasswordMask | Components.interfaces.nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorReadonlyMask | Components.interfaces.nsIPlaintextEditor.eEditorDisabledMask; var editor = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation). QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell).editor; var editorIMESupport = editor.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIEditorIMESupport); var flags = editor.flags; // input characters synthesizeCompositionChange( { "composition": { "string": "\u3078\u3093\u3057\u3093", "clauses": [ { "length": 4, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE } ] }, "caret": { "start": 4, "length": 0 } }); editor.flags &= ~kIMEStateChangeFlags; ok(editorIMESupport.composing, description + "#1 IME composition was committed unexpectedly"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description + "#1 IME isn't enabled on HTML editor"); editor.flags |= ~kIMEStateChangeFlags; ok(editorIMESupport.composing, description + "#2 IME composition was committed unexpectedly"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description + "#2 IME isn't enabled on HTML editor"); editor.flags = flags; ok(editorIMESupport.composing, description + "#3 IME composition was committed unexpectedly"); is(gUtils.IMEStatus, gUtils.IME_STATUS_ENABLED, description + "#3 IME isn't enabled on HTML editor"); // cancel the composition synthesizeComposition({ type: "compositioncommit", data: "" }); container.removeAttribute("contenteditable"); } function runEditableSubframeTests() { window.open("window_imestate_iframes.html", "_blank", "width=600,height=600"); } function runTestPasswordFieldOnDialog() { if (!kIMEEnabledSupported) { return; } if (document.activeElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } var dialog; function WindowObserver() { Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService). addObserver(this, "domwindowopened", false); } WindowObserver.prototype = { QueryInterface: function (iid) { if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) { return this; } }, observe: function (subject, topic, data) { if (topic === "domwindowopened") { ok(true, "dialog window is created"); dialog = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow); dialog.addEventListener("load", onPasswordDialogLoad, false); } } }; var observer = new WindowObserver(); var arg1 = new Object(), arg2 = new Object(); Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService). promptPassword(window, "title", "text", arg1, "msg", arg2); ok(true, "password dialog was closed"); Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService). removeObserver(observer, "domwindowopened"); var passwordField; function onPasswordDialogLoad() { ok(true, "onPasswordDialogLoad is called"); dialog.removeEventListener("load", onPasswordDialogLoad, false); passwordField = dialog.document.getElementById("password1Textbox"); passwordField.addEventListener("focus", onPasswordFieldFocus, false); } function onPasswordFieldFocus() { ok(true, "onPasswordFieldFocus is called"); passwordField.removeEventListener("focus", onPasswordFieldFocus, false); var utils = dialog. QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowUtils); is(utils.IMEStatus, utils.IME_STATUS_PASSWORD, "IME isn't disabled on a password field of password dialog"); synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", { }, dialog); } } // Bug 580388 and bug 808287 function runEditorReframeTests(aCallback) { if (document.activeElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } var IMEFocus = 0; var IMEBlur = 0; var IMEHasFocus = false; var TIPCallback = function(aTIP, aNotification) { switch (aNotification.type) { case "request-to-commit": aTIP.commitComposition(); break; case "request-to-cancel": aTIP.cancelComposition(); break; case "notify-focus": IMEFocus++; IMEHasFocus = true; break; case "notify-blur": IMEBlur++; IMEHasFocus = false; break; } return true; }; var TIP = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/text-input-processor;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITextInputProcessor); if (!TIP.beginInputTransactionForTests(window, TIPCallback)) { ok(false, "runEditorReframeTests(): failed to begin input transaction"); return; } var input = document.getElementById("text"); input.focus(); is(IMEFocus, 1, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME should receive a focus notification by a call of <input>.focus()"); is(IMEBlur, 0, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME shouldn't receive a blur notification by a call of <input>.focus()"); ok(IMEHasFocus, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME should have focus because <input>.focus() is called"); IMEFocus = IMEBlur = 0; input.style.overflow = "visible"; var onInput = function (aEvent) { aEvent.target.style.overflow = "hidden"; } input.addEventListener("input", onInput, true); var AKey = new KeyboardEvent("", { key: "a", code: "KeyA", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_A }); TIP.keydown(AKey); TIP.keyup(AKey); hitEventLoop(function () { is(IMEFocus, 0, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME shouldn't receive a focus notification during reframing"); is(IMEBlur, 0, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME shouldn't receive a blur notification during reframing"); ok(IMEHasFocus, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME must have focus even after reframing"); var onFocus = function(aEvent) { // Perform a style change and query during focus to trigger reframing input.style.overflow = "visible"; synthesizeQuerySelectedText(); }; input.addEventListener("focus", onFocus); IMEFocus = IMEBlur = 0; input.blur(); input.focus(); TIP.keydown(AKey); TIP.keyup(AKey); hitEventLoop(function() { is(IMEFocus, 1, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME should receive a focus notification at focus but shouldn't receive it during reframing"); is(IMEBlur, 1, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME should receive a blur notification at blur but shouldn't receive it during reframing"); ok(IMEHasFocus, "runEditorReframeTests(): IME sould have focus after reframing during focus"); input.removeEventListener("input", onInput, true); input.removeEventListener("focus", onFocus); input.style.overflow = "visible"; input.value = ""; TIP = null; hitEventLoop(aCallback, 20); }, 20); }, 20); } function runTests() { if (!kIMEEnabledSupported && !kIMEOpenSupported) return; // test for normal contents. runBasicTest(false, false, "Testing of normal contents"); // test for plugin contents runPluginTest(); var container = document.getElementById("display"); // test for contentEditable="true" container.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); runBasicTest(true, false, "Testing [contentEditable=\"true\"]"); // test for contentEditable="false" container.setAttribute("contenteditable", "false"); runBasicTest(false, false, "Testing [contentEditable=\"false\"]"); // test for removing contentEditable container.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); container.removeAttribute("contenteditable"); runBasicTest(false, false, "Testing after contentEditable to be removed"); // test designMode document.designMode = "on"; runBasicTest(true, true, "Testing designMode=\"on\""); document.designMode = "off"; document.getElementById("text").focus(); runBasicTest(false, false, "Testing designMode=\"off\""); // changing input[type] values // XXX currently, type attribute changing doesn't work fine. bug 559728. // runTypeChangingTest(); // changing readonly attribute runReadonlyChangingTest(); // complex contenteditable editor's tests runComplexContenteditableTests(); // test whether the IME state and composition are not changed unexpectedly runEditorFlagChangeTests(); // test password field on dialog // XXX temporary disable against failure //runTestPasswordFieldOnDialog(); // Asynchronous tests runEditorReframeTests(function () { // This will call onFinish(), so, this test must be the last. runEditableSubframeTests(); }); } function onFinish() { SimpleTest.finish(); } </script> </body> </html>