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<window title="Mozilla Bug 343416"

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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=343416">Mozilla Bug 343416</a>
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/** Test for Bug 343416 **/

// Observer:
var idleObserver =
    QueryInterface: function _qi(iid)
        if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) ||
            return this;
        throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
    observe: function _observe(subject, topic, data)
        if (topic != "idle")
        var diff = Math.abs(data - newIdleSeconds * 1000);

//        ok (diff < 5000, "The idle time should have increased by roughly 6 seconds, " +
//                         "as that's when we told this listener to fire.");
//        if (diff >= 5000)
//            alert(data + "  " + newIdleSeconds);

        // Attempt to get to the nsIIdleService        
        var subjectOK = false;
        try {
            var idleService = subject.QueryInterface(nsIIdleService);
            subjectOK = true;
        catch (ex)
        ok(subjectOK, "The subject of the notification should be the " +

        // Attempt to remove ourselves.
        var removedObserver = false;
        try {
            idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, newIdleSeconds);
            removedObserver = true;
        catch (ex)
        ok(removedObserver, "We should be able to remove our observer here.");
        finishedListenerOK = true;
        if (finishedTimeoutOK)

const nsIIdleService = Components.interfaces.nsIIdleService;
const nsIISCID = "@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1";
var idleService = null;
    idleService = Components.classes[nsIISCID].getService(nsIIdleService);
catch (ex)

ok(idleService, "nsIIdleService should exist and be implemented on all tier 1 platforms.");

var idleTime = null;
var gotIdleTime = false;
    idleTime = idleService.idleTime;
    gotIdleTime = true;
catch (ex)

ok (gotIdleTime, "Getting the idle time should not fail " +
                 "in normal circumstances on any tier 1 platform.");

// Now we set up a timeout to sanity-test the idleTime after 5 seconds
setTimeout(testIdleTime, 5000);
var startTimeStamp = Date.now();

// Now we add the listener:
var newIdleSeconds = Math.floor(idleTime / 1000) + 6;
var addedObserver = false;
    idleService.addIdleObserver(idleObserver, newIdleSeconds);
    addedObserver = true;
catch (ex)

ok(addedObserver, "The nsIIdleService should allow us to add an observer.");

addedObserver = false;
    idleService.addIdleObserver(idleObserver, newIdleSeconds);
    addedObserver = true;
catch (ex)

ok(addedObserver, "The nsIIdleService should allow us to add the same observer again.");

var removedObserver = false;
    idleService.removeIdleObserver(idleObserver, newIdleSeconds);
    removedObserver = true;
catch (ex)

ok(removedObserver, "The nsIIdleService should allow us to remove the observer just once.");

function testIdleTime()
    var gotIdleTime = false
        var newIdleTime = idleService.idleTime;
    gotIdleTime = true
    catch (ex)
    ok(gotIdleTime, "Getting the idle time should not fail " +
                    "in normal circumstances on any tier 1 platform.");
    // Get the time difference, remove the approx. 5 seconds that we've waited,
    // should be very close to 0 left.
    var timeDiff = Math.abs((newIdleTime - idleTime) -
                            (Date.now() - startTimeStamp));

    var timePassed = Date.now() - startTimeStamp;
    var idleTimeDiff = newIdleTime - idleTime;
    // 1.5 second leniency.
    ok(timeDiff < 1500, "The idle time should have increased by roughly the " +
                        "amount of time it took for the timeout to fire. " +
                        "You didn't touch the mouse or keyboard during the " +
                        "test did you?");
    finishedTimeoutOK = true;

// make sure we still exit when the listener and/or setTimeout don't fire:
var testBailout = setTimeout(finishThisTest, 12000);
var finishedTimeoutOK = false, finishedListenerOK = false;
function finishThisTest()
    ok(finishedTimeoutOK, "We set a timeout and it should have fired by now.");
    ok(finishedListenerOK, "We added a listener and it should have been called by now.");
    if (!finishedListenerOK)
        var removedListener = false;
            idleService.removeIdleObserver(idleObserver, newIdleSeconds);
            removedListener = true;
        catch (ex)
        ok(removedListener, "We added a listener and we should be able to remove it.");
    // Done:

